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SCP 034

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Item #: SCP-034

Object Class: Euclid

Special Containment Procedures:

SCP-034 is to be kept in a secure
room with access granted only to
Level 4 personnel. SCP-034 itself
will be kept in a locked case that is under twenty four (24) hour
surveillance. When not in lab conditions, SCP-034's protective sheath
cannot be removed under any circumstances. Any personnel in contact with
SCP-034 must be placed under a twenty four (24) hour observation period
until their identities can be confirmed.

Description: SCP-034 is a primitive knife constructed out of pure

obsidian. Tests reveal that SCP-034 is approximately one thousand (1000)
years old. Despite its crude method of construction and age, SCP-034 is
still incredibly sharp and requires no maintenance at all. Expert
analysis hypothesizes that SCP-034 may be of South American origin, and
that it was used in Native American rituals. Several accounts from
Spanish conquistadores exploring the █████████ region support this
hypothesis, with detailed writings on how █████ priests would flay their
victims alive with similar knives and wear their skin as a tribute to
their gods.

SCP-034 has the ability to allow its bearer to take on the appearance of
another individual. If SCP-034 is used to cut a piece of flesh from a
living individual, and that piece of flesh is placed against the skin of
another individual, the second individual would take on not only the
appearance, but all of the physical characteristics of the first
individual. Testing has shown that the minimum amount of skin required
can be as little as one square centimeter. However, testing has also
revealed that the amount of time the facade lasts is directly
proportional the amount of flesh used. The ratio of time the facade lasts
to flesh used has been measured at approximately one hour for every
square centimeter used. Once the time limit has passed, the affected
individual will revert to his original form.

Analysis of SCP-034's ability shows that its method of mimicking another

individual is nearly flawless. Not only does SCP-034 change physical
appearance, but actual physical attributes as well. This includes height,
weight, muscle mass, bone density, hair growth, eyesight, strength,
physical medical conditions, and even DNA. The subject still retains
their original personality and memories. Even though the process is
nearly instantaneous, taking only a few seconds, human test subjects have
described the the transformation process as extremely painful. Subjects
also may suffer psychological trauma depending on the extent of their
physical transformation. Side effects are especially serious if the
subject takes on the appearance of a person with differing gender or with
wildly different physical attributes.

However, in order to function properly, the individuals who have their

flesh cut off by SCP-034 must still be biologically alive to maintain the
facade. Should the individual whose identity has been stolen expire, the
effect immediately wears off. Further details may be found in Lab Report
034A. Also, SCP-034 only appears to work on human subjects. Cross species
experiments with SCP-034 have resulted in [DATA EXPUNGED ]

SCP-034 came into Foundation possession when an imposter disguised as Dr.

███████ attempted to infiltrate Site ██. The impostor was apprehended
when authorities discovered the real Dr. ███████ tied up in his home with
a large portion of his right arm skinned. Further details may be found in
Post Interrogation Report 2211.

Lab Report-034A: We've decided to test several scenarios dealing with

the limits of SCP-034's capabilities.

● Test 1: Sample taken from deceased human cadaver and applied to

subject D-452. No effect.
● Test 2: Sample taken from D-532 and applied to D-452. D-452
successfully mimicks D-532's appearance. Upon termination of D-532,
D-452 immediately reverts back to original form.
● Test 3: Sample taken from a brain-dead medical patient and applied
to subject D-452. D-452 successfully mimicks the patient's
appearance and manages to maintain the facade.
● Test 4: Sample taken from a terminally ill medical patient and
applied to subject D-452. D-452 successfully mimcks the patient's
appearance as well as the patient's illness. Both the terminally ill
patient and D-452 expire at the same the time, after which D-452
reverts back to original form.
● Test 5: [DATA EXPUNGED ]

Post Interrogation Report 2211:

As per standard operating procedure, we first attempted to interrogate

the prisoner via non-violent and non-invasive means. However, when such
methods proved ineffective, we began to implement conventional torture
and interrogation techniques. While partially successful, we deemed it
necessary to use SCP-███, SCP-███, SCP-███, and SCP-███. We managed to
learn the following facts:
● The prisoner had extensive knowledge on the existence of the
Foundation and its inner workings.
● The prisoner had extensive knowledge on other SCP-related agencies
and groups.
● The prisoner was not acting under any official capacity from any
government agency.
● The prisoner obtained SCP-034 and instructions on its operation from
an unknown benefactor.
● The prisoner was given very specific instructions to infiltrate
Site-██ and maintain his position until further notice.
● The prisoner had enough samples of Dr. ███████ to stay within Site-
██ for ██ days.

Regrettably, the prisoner did not survive interrogation. -Agent ██████

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