22-Steps For Building Resilience
22-Steps For Building Resilience
22-Steps For Building Resilience
Develop a more positive world Notice what you say to yourself in an unfamiliar situation
view and self concept
Find specific opportunities during challenges you face
Maintain a focused sense of Explore your value system and identify your personal sense of
purpose for long-term goals direction on which you can rely to make choices
and priorities
Set new priorities when faced with the disruption of change
Use Flexible thinking to Switch sides when discussing a topic about which you feel
explore multiple approaches strongly
for addressing uncertainty.
Rather than assuming your first answer is the solution,
suspend judgment if you are in the middle of a change
Use Organized, structured Learn to quickly sort information and find patterns in new
approaches when managing situations
Use a planner or planning software to keep to-do lists, track
plans, commitments, and next steps for each change initiative