Triptico Técnico Quickbelts - Ing

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quickbelts is a new
generation of belts whose
assembly system does not
require connecting rods.

With just one click, your

quickbelts’ parts fit together
without any extra fastening, so
that the assembly is much
faster and easier.

Given its particular geometry,

the belt developes a slight
lifting during the transfer. This
makes easier the take off of
the product.

In addition, its structure

without holes, allows an
excellent cleaning.


The quickbelts modular conveyor belts are

manufactured with heating plastics forming
an interlaced structure injection pieces in an
advanced design whose configuration makes
them ideal support for food transport and
industrial product.

Pitch Thickness Open area No rods Autodespegue Belt width
50 mm 16 mm 0% Multiple of 40 mm

quickbelts are manufactured in a new polymer

material which provides the best possible performance for a
wide range of applications.

Standar material Temperature Colour Food

of the belt (ºC) available contact

PQ 1 a 100 ºC Blue

Good tribological properties. Very high hydrolysis resistance.

Wear, abrasion and friction resistance, and low-noise Dimensional and properties’ maintenance stability
level. in humid and hot enviroments.

Excellent chemical resistance. Dimensional stability.

Resistance to chemical agents such as hydrocarbons, Minimum elongation with heavy loads.
acids, etc.
Nº of teeth Pitch Bore for square Hub
Z diameter shaft width

8 130,6 mm 40 mm 40 mm
8 130,6 mm 1.5” 40 mm
10 162 mm 40 mm 40 mm
10 162 mm 1.5” 40 mm
10 162 mm 60 mm 40 mm
10 162 mm 2.5” 40 mm

* Inches (”) 1.5” = 1 - 1/2”

2.5” = 2 - 1/2”



Sprockets for rounded shaft

We have plastic sprockets for round shaft with and without
keyway. We also have sprockets to be used with motor
drum in applications needing a special cleaning or in
conveyors in which it is not possible to place the motor in
the outside due to problems of space or safety.


These rings are placed at every side of the central sprocket
to fasten it to the shaft in order to avoid any lateral move-
ments of the belt.
They are fixed by means of a set screw stuffed in the ring
itself. One sprocket, duly fixed with 2 retaining rings, should
be put in the centre. Then you should place the same quan-
tity of sprockets at every side of the central one but without
any fixing, as they will absorb the possible belt expansions
and contractions.
The same procedure should be carried out in both shafts.


High range working temperature.
To square shaft of 40 mm, 1 1/2" 60 mm ó 2 1/2”


The CLU Eurobelt retainer rings guarantee the fastening of
the central sprocket on both drive and idle shafts.
The belt can expand or contract due to the temperature.
The drive system of modular belts requires the central
sprocket not to move axially both in the drive and the idle
shafts. The rest of sprockets can slide freely on the shaft
adapting to the possible changes of the belt, so that the
correct position of the teeth is guaranteed.

Working temperature: +60ºC / -40ºC
To square shaft of 40 mm or 1 1/2"

Fast and easy installation

1. Direct installation without dismantling the 2. Easy placing on the shaft by opening the 3. Reliable closing of the ring by means of a
shaft ring. screw and nut at a low cost.
Accessories Dimensions Materials
To make the fastening and the support of the belt, EURO-
BELT has designed two types of hold-down profiles with 40 x 20 x 2.000
Profiles in L
different geometries, but with the same uses and services. 35 x 12 x 2.000
These profiles, with a low coefficient of friction, are placed Polyethylene
20 x 30 x 2.000
between the belt and the structure of the conveyor, Profiles in U
20 x 14 x 2.000
reducing the wear of the surfaces in contact, which contri-
butes to prolong the life of the belt. Profiles in L Profiles in U

EUROBELT offers all the hold-down profiles in special

polyethylenes with very good sliding properties and an
excellent resistance to impact.

The flat wearstrips are fastened by means of flatheaded
plastic screws, which contributes to obtain a smooth surfa- Dimensions Materials

ce free of any possibility of hooking.

The dimensions of those screws are: M 6 x 25 mm. Polyethylene
6 x 32 x 500
Due to their dovetail design, they can adapt to possible
longitudinal contractions and expansions of the belt.
The wearstrips arrangement is an important factor in the
life span of a conveyor belt. It should be chosen the most 6 500

suitable configuration according to the transport needs. To

calculate the quantity of supports, the weight of the product

to be conveyed should be taken into account.


It consists of placing the wearstrips in a parallel and The wearstrips are placed throughout the length and breadth
continuous way along the conveyor structure. of the conveyor, as shown in the picture above.
It is preferable to position them so that the joints do not The possible wear that might occur will be even all over the
coincide. belt, since it is resting on the wearstrips lengthwise and bread-
This is probably the simplest and most economical thwise.
configuration although, depending on the load to be trans- With this angle-shaped layout the cleaning and the removal of
ported, uneven wears can arise on the back surface of the wastes are easy.
belt. It is advisable for applications bearing heavy loads or for high
It is not advisable for applications with a very heavy load. speeds.

Its modular configura-

tion allows you to
configure the belt to
suit your needs. On an
easy and fast way.

To make the union

between the rows of
modules, these are
provided with an articu-
lated linker system
without rod.
The modules, of
different sizes, will be
mounted alternately to
give greater consisten-
cy to the belt.

To take into account

Use a flat surface. It is not necessary to use tools You must wear safety gloves Contact our technical service


C Máx.

>400 200 ÷ 300

Nº of 0 A B C [A] Distance between the sliding surface of

teeth Pitch Max. Max.
the belt snthe centre of the shaft.

8 104,5 43 45 105 [B] Distance between the vertical of the

shaft and the begining of the sliding
10 129,4 56 55
13 167,1 75 70 165
[C] Distance between the sliding surface of
13D 167,1 75 70 the belt and the support of the return way.
16 205 94 80 205

20 255,7 120 90 255



To calculate the necessary minimum quantity Belt nominal Minimum quantity Minimum quantity of
width (mm) of sprockets wearstrips
of sprockets for the drive shaft as well as for
per shaft
Transport way Return way
the idle one, the next formula has been used:
40 160 1 2 2
200 440 3 2 2
BELT WIDTH (mm) 480 760 5 3 2
150 mm 800 1.040 7 5 3
1.080 1.360 9 6 4
1.400 1.560 11 7 5
This amount must always be odd.
To calculate the quantity of supports, the
weight of the product to be transported must
be taken into account.
The distance between supports should not
exceed 230mm in the transport way or
300mm in the return way.
Our modular belts, Quickbelts, are designed to guarantee a One of the most important characteristics of the system of
fast and efficient cleaning. plastic modular bands is its low maintenance.
Internal cleaning of modules: By rotating the band on the With a minimum maintenance preventive expense, the belt
sprockets, the joinings between their modules are opened, can operate without interruption, until wear of the material
allowing the input of the water jet at pressure. itself because of the friction with the fixed parts of the conve-
Our exclusive design with crossing channels allows the yor it is convenient to decide on its replacement to avoid
pressure water jet to walk all the return width of the belt, unscheduled stops.
ejecting all particles of retained products. In the event of an accident (hitch or breakage), your repair will
To clean the space between sprockets the jet of water under only need a few minutes, for the replacement of the damaged
pressure passes through the lateral holes of the same. modules and no special tools of any kind are necessary.
Finally, with the pressure sweep of the water jet, we will
proceed to remove the particles adhered to the surface of the

EUROBELT elements are guaranteed for a period of one year from the date of Eurobelt offers its customers different communication channels, through
shipment with respect to the repair or substitution of any component whose which they can solve all their doubts related to our solutions in modular belts,
materials or manufacture is defective, provided it is demonstrated that the as well as access to our recommendations when designing a complete
work has been done under normal conditions of use. internal transport system.
No other expressed or implicit guarantee is given, unless it were set down in To the already traditional channels of communication, telephone, fax and
writing and approved by the manufacturer. email we have also incorporated the WhatsApp Channel and the Eurobelt
EUROBELT elements are manufactured with plastic materials. Consequently, AR Catalogue app, not forgetting our website,, in whose
their direct exposure to fire or to higher temperatures than those indicated can Client Area you can download numerous documentation, diagrams and
produce their deflagration together with the emission of toxic fumes. technical data of all our products.
Any use of the EUROBELT products has to observe the regulations and rules
prevailing and the user is the only responsible to make observe these
regulations when incorporating those products into any machine.
The data included here are of informative nature. Their applicability to the
design of any installation is not guaranteed.
The manufacturer does not assume any responsibility for the repercussions
derived from the use of his products, whether it is based or not on the informa-
tion herein.
Great resistance.
Very limited


delivery time.

Thanks to the new modular

belt generation, with
just one click you
could assembly Easy to clean.

the belt

Quick and easy

to assemble.


More cost-effective.

Stock reduction.
(single parts)




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