Note: you can find each car's number in the lower right corner ofthe card
@ Remove Scott and Umezaki Character boards from the game.
@ Remove the TC08 and TC10 cards from the SIS-TER Mainframe deck.
@ Remove the SC2 and SC3 cards from the Ship's Cat deck.
@ Remove the S06 card from the Secret Objective deck,
BS RR Coy a Ore Or Ler
Ce URC aCe
@ Shuffle the remaining SIS-TER Mainframe deck (10 cards) and put it next to
Oe Sn oe ces
@ Put the remaining Ship’s Cat deck (8 cards) next to the game board face-up.
@ Shuffle the remaining Secret Objective deck (7 cards) and put it next to the board.
@ Shuffle the remaining Terror deck (28 cards) next to the game board face-down.
@ Shuffle the 3 Stowaway cards and place them next to the game board face-down.
@ Choose one Character Board and put it next to the game board with the 3-4 player
Se CUCU rece Cee t ae eu hues ent acta nce
[ROR CSC eer cinC a a iene Cac te Grecia}
@® Place the Ship's Cat disc in the Food Locker chamber on A-Deck.
@ Place the Lifeform Board next to the game board and put the Lifeform Hostility
See Cu ae eee Ree aCe cur)
Activated Survival slots (they won't be used in this game mode).
Cen CIC ste Rice cn cee
ee erTee Cn
pyc Ly
Before you start the game, draw one Secret Objective
card from the Secret Objective deck. You must satisfy the
See ec
Pee eee ee
Oa Ue es
Expansion you are always required to use the Docking Clamps
track on the Remora game board even If you completed this
OTE eee ee
instruction on a Crisis card (just slide the token one space
‘along the Docking Clamps track).
ST eh eee ce
Pee Cee een
eae so ae Ue Ca ae ad
Oe Cee eu aT
Dee UO eee ean
and it ignores any tokens placed in the chambers.
POR es OR eRe ete
‘executing the card text - upon completion the played card
‘The Cat stays in play until all the cards from the Ships Cat
deck are discarded (used) or the Cat has been acquired by
the Player during the Player's activity phase (the Cat's disc
is then removed from the board and placed on the matching
ee EG eeu)
Remember : the Ship's Cat car't be picked up by the Player
ORR a Meee
De eee eRe ceca
Expert skill if you use him)
eee Cae eS ery
SA ad Beecren serine!
Starting from round one the Player may use some help,
of the SIS-TER Mainframe. To do so, during the Step 3
ee CU aan nd
Sea eae
(ignoring any other icons on the card) and draw
Cee eae os
See eee ee a
‘a normal Crew cards. They can be played anytime during
Noe ae Cg
if you play the ‘Activating Security Bulkhead Door at any
time during the game).
eee cre ee et
from the SIS-TER Mainframe deck has been discarded
SOU ce aCeaU REY
ae eS eed
the Hostility Token enters the space with a
If you have met all the requirements and moved to the Remora, immediately draw one Stowaway card.
If the time range on the card match the actual time range on the self-destruct timer, add 1 Stowaway token to
the Remora. Additionally if the revealed card says 2-1 minutes and this is matching the actual time on the self-destruct
timer, you now have additional combat zone box to fight during the Shuttle Conflict (featuring the three combat icons).
ea ee coe cs
Oe ea ere cae ees ag
that Step. Both Skills are one-use-only actions and once used
slide the token from the inactive space to the activated space
Remember: in order to use the Survival Skill (with the hand icon)
you must first spend one Survival token ¥ from your personal
BranaoN }
Sere eee
@ Hostitity Track
Da ORR Tag
Pe ce
pre eer ecient
(these won't be used in this game variant).
Starting from round one, each time the Lifeform moves on the Motion Tracker you must move the Hostility Tracker
token down the Hostility Track on the Lifeform Board. Each time the Hostility Tracker token enters the space with
Ses Cte
@ So ee a ee nC I Dee a aU ee)
move (and another Hostility Tracker token move) and possibility of drawing another Terror card, which you also
must resolve immediately after resolving the first Terror card.
(>) Draw a Card - the Player must draw one Crew card and add it to the Player's hand (discard any surplus cards
in hand).
® CE ee ee I eu ieee Roe CO
CS a ee ee
Peers a
Example: when the Shuttle Conflict begins and the Hostility Tracker token is on the 5 Attack icon space
(or 1 or 2 spaces higher) you must add 5 Hostility tokens from the token supply into the additional combat zone.
eee Ce cd eee ck ee)
en ee ee ce ey
Tracker token only 1 space down the track (so, ifthe Lifeform moves 2 or 3 spaces you still move the Hostility
Tracker token only 1 space). You don't advance or move back the Hostility Tracker token if the Lifeform moves back.
In the very rare situation if the Hostility Tracker token reach the last space on the tracker and you must move it again,
start again from the 4P space.Cee ee Ce
text must be ignored, some must be executed slightly different in order to work in this solo variant.
See Ue ert ea ea
Bare in mind the following changes to the card's instructions and the icons
SO ea Rn an eau Co
~ Any text saying ‘may’ should be read as ‘must
~ If there is a choice, you must pick one option. If both options are impossible to execute, discard that Terror card
The cards should be executed as follow (the above rules also apply:
SCR RCO ane eee ee Cee)
SC eu
ity Tracker one space (only one option).
TCT - The Player must advance the Lifeform one space on the Motion Tracker (this may not move the Lifeform into
fit ean)
TCIO - No changes but - extending the stowaway window by +/- one minute (it works for your disadvantage when
Pee et}
TeI9 - The Player must place a /A\. in the chamber with the Player (or an adjacent chamber If there is one /A\
Eee ecu
SC eae aoe ed
Sree een
RecK eeu Cee
ce eC Coa Ca UC a
‘CAI - Advance the Cocoon Tracker (only one option).
SS Tae Ly
C1 - Discard this card at any time to prevent the Lifeform from one move on the Motion Tracker.
C2 - Discard this card at any time to prevent the Lifeform from one move on the Motion Tracker.
C7 - Move the Alien Lifeform one space back on the Motion Tracker and increase the alien's hostility by two.
a0) a ee
Ce ee
Soe ee arr ncn
Cree eee ee
Sie ee ee ee ee eee es
Oe eee ee nd ete Ee cee nee ee
Se eee Se ee ee Oo eee