Activity Creative Witing

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1.Doing the sociopolitical reading entails asking some of these questions: What is the relationship
between the characters or speaker in the text and their society? In Daguio's story, what group do the
characters belong to?

 "The Wedding Dance" by Amador Daguio is a powerhouse of raw emotion for such a short
story. As the reader is drawn into the story of love and cultural reality, it jars with our
contemporary view of the world. It is a story of Lumnay and Awiyao, who as members of a tribe
in Cordillera.

2. Does the text explicitly address issues of gender, race, or class? How does the story we have just
read resolve these issues?

 The text explicitly address issues of gender, race, or class. As described in the story, Awiyao and
Lumnay are couple and living together. But Lumnay can’t grant a child, then her husband
Awiyao needs to marry another woman just to perform their culture and belief. It addresses
gender because Lumnay’s being a woman is ignored by them because she is infertile. It also
addresses class, as mentioned that Lumnay is good at planting beans, so that she once became
a farmer. And they think that farmers are low.

3.Who has power? Who does not? What is the reason for this setup?

 In my opinion, the more powerful here are the elders who are the forerunners of these
cultures, and traditions. However, those who does not have the power are the lovers, Awiyao
and Lumnay. Their love is broken and separated just because of obedience to law and tradition.
The author made this set up because such cultures and beliefs still exist today. Which is
inevitable and stuck. Such as marrying younger or otherwise arranged marriages.

4.How does the story reflect the nation?  What does this say about the country and its inhabitants?

 The story reflects the nation because these crazy cultures and beliefs do not do anything good
to the people but they repealed their freedom and will. There is nothing wrong with following
traditions and beliefs but we must apply it and give importance to every freedom of a person to
do what they want.

5.What about traditions and customs/ Are the characters part of any ethnic group? Do they belong to
one race? Does the story uphold these customs and traditions or questions them? In Daguio's story,
this is the central conflict. What specific customs are Lumnay and Awiyao forced to follow?

 In the cordillera region, different tribes or ethnic groups are present. Like the ifugao, kankana-
ey, and igorot where their beliefs and traditions are also different. I think, they belong to
different race because Lumnay came from another different mountain where the race was also
different. The story supports these customs, because they believe that men should have
children where their ability can be inherited, but in Lumnay's case, she could not give offspring
to Awiyao, so Awiyao had to get married again to follow their beliefs. And that is why the two
was forced to follow their customs or beliefs.

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