Architecture +design (Conservation in India)

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• I
Ghats of
Mathura and
Rajat Ray

,? he ghat area or the main land-water interface has sive array of structures that have become architectural assets

T always been a strong and significant

settlement morphology, deriving from
a complex
spiritual interpretation of the ghat system itself, wherein

in their own right. But through the passage of time, even as
the interface continues to play its traditional role in the lives
of the people, constant use and maintenance neglect are
destroying not just the architecture, but the charecter of the
physical transition from }an d to water is symbolically
associatedw1th the passage from life to death3 or an eternal entire interface.
life thereafter. It is this central idea that converts the interface The INTACH projects for the Mathura and Vrindavan
into a sacred or holy entity, a place of worship, a stage for Ghats in the cultural area of Brajbhumi attempt to repair and
celebration or ritual activity, generating incessant physical restore the physical attributes of the ghats, but more signific-
intervention on the interface. In several important riparian antly, attempt,to revitalize the symbolic and sacred link
towns the complex cycle of activities and interventions at the between the river and the town "so that the ghats can play a
of Braj culture."
ghats, have given rise to an extremely beautiful and impres- 1 niininfegnl l role lb the regeneration
- - - -- - -
~ - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
would be 164.0m as proposed , in the
he ghats of Mathura and Vrindavan were laid to trap the flow of sewage into the INT ACH report.

display exquisite examples of the
land-wate r interface design in the
l riparian towns of India. The holy
river. After functioning for 15 years, these
systems were severely affected by the floods
of 1978.
In the early eighties, the Depa_rtment
The recomme ndations to develop and
remedy the problems of the ghats have
always _r~mained _at the level of g~neral pol-
region of Brajbhum i through which flows icy dec1s1ons , owing to the enormity of
the sacred river, Yamuna, has a 2,500 year of Tourism asked the National Institute of issues involved. While it is felt that certain
long history of developm ent. The cultural S\Pesign (who appointed Kulbhushan Jain inputs such as the use of heavy machinery
towns of Mathura and ~consult ant) to prepare a tourism oriented
history of the present and substanti al manpowe r to control pollu-
Vrindava n, however, are the result of ~ developm ent plan to conserve the !radi- . tion of the river and check waste disposal

develo~ments that began during the middl~ tional and historical aspects of BraJbhum on the river edge ar~ necessary for restoring
of the sixteenth century, when the Bhakti ~ The plan identified the generic features environm ental quality. a number of other
movement or the neo-Vaish navite cult t h i t Brajbhum i related to the Krishna cult , and
,() issues related to river front conservation
~ thrived during the rule of the Mughal conceptually suggested the developm ent and developm ent were thrown up in the
~ emperor, Akbar, re-emphasized this regi and conservation of such elements as the course of studies conducte d by INTACH
~ · as the Janmbhu mi and Leela Kshetra of vans, sarovars and ghats. Detailed attention not the least of which were those that recdg-
~ Krishna and converted it into a major centre was, however, limited to examples o_f infras- nized the more esoteric implications of the
for pilgrimage and hermitage for Vai- tructure and environmental developm ent r interface in the daily lives of the
shnavas from all over the country. schemes along the Braj Chaurasi Kos Yatra, However , only a detailed analysis
The longest of the several parikramas, the longest of all the parikramas defining could bring out a complex
of specific areas
or the circumambulation routes, link up a the region , with a special emphasis on the essentially need
of range of local issues that
number of sacred settlemen ts, groves, water preservation of inherent natural features intervent ion. It was with this in mind that
tanks and ghats to define the extent of the the region.
In 1986, INTACH commissioned a the Vishram Ghat in the Sati Burj area in
holy land. Mathura and Vrindava n are the
in Mathura, and the Keshi and Pandawala
two largest and most importan t settlements detailed study of the Vishram Ghat area
Ghats in Vrindava n were adopted for
in the chain with a highly developed system Mathura and the Keshi Ghat zone in Vrin- detailed study.
of ghats forming integral parts of the old davan with a view to initiate tangible, action
oriented programmes to help restore the A long rigorous process of physical sur-
town cores. vey and an involved understanding of the
river edge character and utility of the area.
Meanwhile, a decision .had been taken actual users' psychology have gone into the
Current Developments preparati on of these two projects briefly
m from
Mathura and Vrindavan were first identified to construct barrages downstrea here .
Mathura near Gokul and Agra in order to described
as a twin centre urban developm ent area
during the late sixties. Recognizing the contain water in controlled ponds, appa-
to the
ghats as intrinsic to the towns, a Draft Mas- rently to augment water supply Revitalization of Vishram
prepared and a Developm ent, towns. While in the process of studying the
ter Plan was
Authority created to look after the area. Vishram Ghat area, the INT ACH team Ghat, Sati Burj Area in
Since the beginning of this century, the realized that by retaining the proposed
water level of the river Yamuna in this belt 166.0m water level by means of the Gokul Mathura
in Mathura
has been falling rapidly, causing a shift away Barrage, the entire ghat stretch
from the existing river edge, specially
Vrindavan. In 1958, the Irrigation
be submerge

The level
town of
T long
he compact built form of the old core
of Mathura city has a two kilometre
river front. The basic edge is defined
Institute of Roorkee undertook feasibility
n of deliberati ons. The ideal level however , by an almost continuous stairscape running
studies to bring water back to the Vrindava
ghats, but the proposals were rejected on Previous page Map in traditional style showing the Chau- along the river. The ghats are individually
ac.count of cost inefficiency. Meanwhile, the rasi Kos Parikrama identified by subtle changes in the align-
load on the settlements increased and the An old photograph of the 1920s shows the _ce111ra/ court of ment of steps, transverse elements of
shortage of sanitary infrastruc ture became Vishram Ghat (below left) , and a recent photograph demarcat ion, and variations in the
acute, causing further degeneration around (below right) depicts the same area encroached upon superstru cture including burjes, chattris,
the ghats. In 1963, partial sewage systems by unchecked building activity shrines and changing rooms. A row of build-

62 ARCH ITECTURE + DESIGN No~ - D~c 1989

ing facades, averaging three storeys, create
Throughout the calender year, about thirty-
the backdrop for the ghats. In the southern
six fairs and festivals bring a large number
half of the linear stretch between the built
of pilgrims and visitors to this spot, the peak
edge of the town and the ghats, runs a very seasons being during Janmashtami and
active, narrow but motorable street. The Holi.
intricate architectural details on the facade
A unique built structure, the Vishram
of the buildings on one flank, the steps, Ghat is characterized by three distinct but
burjes, chhatris on the other, with trees and interconnected zones which highlight three
ancient temples in the middle of the road, important facets of a ghat:
\ _ colourful° shops for pilgrims on the town side
and framed views of the river on the ghat The Civic Zone The southern entry area to
side make this street an 'urban designers the Vishram Ghat overlaps the civic func-
delight'. The northern half of the Mathura 's tions within the town. It is like a public
~I ,~ghat stretch is rather inactive and is cur-
plaza where several activities overlap or ter-
"4,J rently being severely misused. Here, the minate . Formed by an abrupt widening of
~ building edge comes closer to the ghats,
the motorable street coming from the south,
~ leaving space only for occasional pedestrian
this flat area is qualified by the tall, slender
I.'. movement, as for example, while complet- structure of Sati Burj at the street level. The
,:i ing a parikrama. Discharge of sewage and steps leading to the river are used here more
l" coloured water from the sari dyeing indus- by commuters plying the river and children
'{J tries, and the dumping of building debris on playing on the silt rather than by bathers.
the banks have degenerated this area. The The Ritual Zone The central court of the Vis-
high mound with the ruins of Kans Kita hram Ghat is defined by the characteristic
complements the abandoned appearance of tiwari(raised plinth structure with an arcade The contemplative zone
this stretch. around it, having no rooms, though some-
In between these two stretches, times a small chhatri on top) structures on
situated at the lowest point along the river three sides with steps leading to the river on
front is the focal point of all ghat activities, the fourth. A small shrine dedicated to
the holy Vishram Ghat. It is said that Krishna and Balaram in the centre of the
Krishna and Balaram, after killing King court facing the river is fronted by a succes-
Kansa, dragged his body down to this area sion of five arches. Access to this is through
for the performance of his last rites, and three narrow links, of which one comes
then sat down to rest and contemplate. from the Sati Burj plaza. This courtyard is

Sall Burt: Most prominent structure on the ghal Ka"luhar Ghat: This ghat is neither used for any holy Vlahram Ghat Court: Central and mosl active area, Partkrama Zero Point: Malked by a yellow stone, this
stretch, buift .i 1570 tr, Raja Bhagwandas m his ntual nor for bathing . but only lor burning Kansa's accessible from five d ifferent directions, is end of the ghat has a rocrn with the extreme end hav·
mother's marory. The present structure 1n a state of effigy once a year. Owing 10 suategic location, the approached from river through a series of five arches. ing an octagonal profile. Presently d1lap1dated and
. disrepair and under d isputed ownership . large silted area in front acts as a tf!tty and children's Residential use to be restricted though no physical used as a catUe sheet Intended to create a better
play artfa. changes suggested. access by clearing the terrace over lhe octagonal butJ
and adding steps to Slreogtnen links w,th the rivef .

' #<"
shrine · ·-· ·


To Bengah Ghat

llunlclpal TClillat:: Incongruous cement concrete and RlvwYamuna: Very gentle llow in this strelch encour- Tlw■ri 1: Rectangular ptatlorm on a high plinth used Veranda: Orig inally i~tended to include changing
bnck structure, built over the old viewing platform and - ages maximum boating and bathing. Bui qualily ol the for riluals and observing ghar activities. The pariluama rooms. it is accessible lrcwi, the nver and street. Wilh
Kanskhar Nulla. Cuts of! river view and blocks the water is greatly alfecled by !he indiscriminate dis- path cuts through the structure on the river side. the proposed t 64m waler level, the plinth will be sub-
chhatri Location to be shifted charge ol sewage, chemical dyes. garbage and dead
mer-ged by 30 cm of water .
boches. Localion ol dhobi ghats also adds to pollution




the focus of all ritual and pilgrim activity on

the ghats. The architecture is ~ev~id of any
strong classical order but the intncate
decorative elements and ' app1·1cat1on
· of bold
colours creates a rich folk character•
The Contemplative Zone Connecting t~e
passive stretch of the Mathura ghats 1_n the
north is the linear extension of the Vtshram
Ghat ~n the upstream side. Act!vities _from
the central court spill over to this sect1o_n
during peak festival periods. At other times
the area 1s marked by a peaceful atmos-
phere. A simple chhatri,a sacred tree,_a row
of changing rooms, and terraces housing.
small shrines flank the narrow path running
along the river. From here one can enJOY
the river view undisturbed while still at the
Vishram Ghat.
From the Sati Burj plaza to the end of
the contemplative zone on the western end,
the ghats may be identified as a single
entity. Nearly all the structures built on the
river edge which now accommodate some
form of religious or other activity (sleeping,
exercising, making of bhang etc.,) were at
one time built as memorials to individuals.
Sati Burj . A 15m high, 4 sroreyed, 3.5m x 3.5m square The dilapidated downstream end of Vishram Ghat
structure. The lowest floor is a solid base 4.2m x 4.2m The Action Plan
square. Winding staircase goes up around the inner core. River Level The lowest level includes the
The entire strueture is clad with decorative red sandstone
The action plan is a combination of specific
panels in 5 sections in ekvation. proposals for atmost each and every ele- steps and the lower portions of the struc-
ment of the whole area. For this purpose tures which open ori to the steps (and are
the stretch is divided into three horizontal mainly used as changing rooms and small
levels: shrines), and also the burjes and the spurs

across the steps. An augmentation of the
stairscape is proposed to match the raised
level of water. The design of the platforms
conforms to the characteristics of each iden-
:,,~( -:•.:,~t Stone structure lo be restored to its original character.
ti~ed zone. The extension proposed recog-
I ·~-. The terrace IO'Nards the river to be cleaned and made nizes the need for hard as well as soft silt
accessible from the plaza. A new pavilion proposed surfaces to accommodate large crowds as
across Iha restored pavilion to mark the zero pain! of
the psrikrams path. well as day to day use.
Street Level The surface of the central court
and ground floors of all the tiwari structures
. 164.0m are _to be preserved in good shape; surface
drams are to be covered with stone slabs.
161.7m The Sati Burj plaza is to be opened out
towards the river, removing the awkwardly
located existing toilet block which is to be
replaced with a new structure. The starting
P~int of the parikrama is to be redesigned
with proper links towards the river.
Upper Let-el The first floor of all structures
is to be cleared of recent incongruous
This space 10 be maintained after neooasary rastor a•
tlon and curing of unauthorized additions. No new
masonry additions to regain (he transpa-
structure or structural additions, Including bkxlung at rency of the chhatris aod pavilions. All dam-
arc hes to be allowed Aeslhetic a ritualistic element1
o1smaller scakt, may be pem1itted aher cauMul
ages and loss of stone work are to be
scrutiny. Commercial or resldenliel ac livilies 10 be ~epaired and restored, including the paint-
!ng of disfigured facades and an archaeolog·
ical restoration of Sati Burj .

1_64 Om l- ;:.r"-- Implementation

The major content of the proposal rests on
th e consolidation of the steps and building
(Febr~ary 1 of new extensions. This is awaiting clear-
ance from the authorities who may eventu-
SECTION THROUGH THE VISHRAM GHAT AREA ally take up the execution of the scheme, f
64 ARCHITECTURE + DESIGN No, - Dtc 1989 INTACH was keen to initiate a part
The Conceptual Base
The conceptual base on which the aotion plan has been prepared 4. That the inherent aesthetic balance in the built-form and
is that: spaces within the action area with the purely monumental vertical
1. The existing characteristics of the area which are the result of element of Sati Burj and the intense, symbolically charged spatial
centuries of continuous usage and growth must be maintained by: qualities of Vishram Ghat space should be maintained by ensur-
ing that the proposed elements do not have a challenging public
a) Retaining the rich mix of building-use and activity in the
area since the coming together of the symbolic and the func-
tional, the Sacred and the Profane is integral to the nature of 5. That Kanskhar Ghat which is symbolically unholy (by virtue of
the organic Indian environment. its association with Kansa) has the potential for developing civic
b) Restoring the structures and elements which have histori- and economic functions.only and should remain mutually exclu-
cally provided the back-up for major activities in the area. sive _in physical form vis-a-vis Vishram Ghat, to reinforce the
c) Restoring the elements and uses which have symbolic and implicit contrast between good and evil, material and spiritual.
associational value in the area. 6. That the present use of Sati Burj plaza as a gathering place can
d) Ensuring that the proposals in the form of built-up addi- be enhanced by opening it up to the river and expanding its size
tions and alterations do not contravene the nodes tradition- at -street level with improved urban furniture.
ally generated in the three action area zones .
7. That the present movement networks in the action area are
e) Ensuring that the new additions made to historic spaces satisfactory, while the parikrama path which symbolically knits
are discernible from the old existing elements while main- the three zones in the action area needs to be re-emphasized at its
taining a stylistic blend and physical harmony in design. zero point (beginning/end of the parikrama cycle).
f) Removing and relocating within existing activity zones
elements .which have come· to play a negative role in the 8. That the socio-economic networks in the action area have
environment. some distortions which require to be ironed out while providing a
g) Locating new elements in traditionally acceptible voc- general economic boost to the area as well as the rest of Mathura
abulary to enhance the territorial definition and identity of Ghats, through the multiplier effect implicit in the action plan
symbolically existing syntax. 9. That the legal status of the disputed structures in the area need
to be clarified to ensure future maintenance of these structures
2. That the land-river interface should be salvaged when the and that the action area requires to be recognized as a legal
water level goes up to 164m level, in terms of its traditional usage entity to enable the enforcement of development controls.
of both ritualistic and functional activities.
10. That the intervention inputs have to be self-sustaining in
3. That the inadequa~ies in the existing infrastructural ·fa~il!t!es nature and should be generative of local upkeep mechanisms to
need to be made good to provide better support for the act1V1t1es ensure continuity in time with only the minimum regulatory func-
and prevent direct pollution of Yamunaji. tions imposed from outside the action area.

the scheme. Considering the importance of

the Sati Burj plaza, river and· street level
proposals in the civic zone were identified
as priority areas. The project is expected to
begin once the river level subsides after the
peak season of festivals is over , with the
cooperation of the users and local bodies.
The extension of the plaza is related to
the raised level of water. The steps in a
semi-hexagonal formation are to be built
over the old Kanskhar nullah area leaving
provision for a rain water overflow line built
into it. The steps hold a silt bed connecting
the plaza level.
A new toilet block is designed with
improved facilities and a separate lane for
children. Old structures exposed after
removing the present block of toilets, and
new urban furniture should add to the civic
character of the plaza area. While incor-
porating essential contemporary materials
for construction, the steps and claddings on
the new block, with a chhatri and new seats,
are detailed out in stone in continuity with
· The area in from of the Sari Burj is a popular activity area. The proposed platform around the tree trunk and the spirit of the surroundings, but in a subtle
two restored chhatris can be used as resting plac_es. new design.


~~~~--= ==::~---
Soll IUII , -.
• 11111 .,.. 10 be opened up 10 1h11
,_ wt,ent • boa! JellY 1s proposed. The ad 11rUc11n be
lkh• Ghil- A ,,..,, toilet Pf0PONd wi111 beCler IIICililioo lr1d
t,loCk bUlft up1treMT1 In 1h11 Kon com,911ed Into on open - lolmo wi111 a lang drain Pl lr1d
defflOllthed and • ":ldren • n..- llretch,,.. _ , llreel and 1h11 rtver.
added reaturel· For . 1~ tiles. accessible trom 1h11 chflaJrl 10 be renovated to a,,;er drinking -
oqualtlng p l a t t ~ beSideS 1h11 existing one. The ~ , be Ulled tor - Ing.
111 10
A,_ allOP bur) with 8 , _ p11ttorm ond !WO
lacllitleS. The ,estO<ed .





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Keshi and Pandawala point the ghat edge takes a sharp bend con- sions of courtyard houses, they front the
vexly to the river to dissolve ultimately into street on one side, while on the other, are
Ghats, Vrindavan an unbuilt natural river edge, while the river structured to address the river. At the lower
leaves the ghats again to take a larger bend. level the edge is made pukka by a range of
To Mathura The river front has a distinct visual steps leading down to the water and allow-
coherence resulting from the predominant ing a common public passage to cut across.
\(. us~ o~ red or pink sandstone, steps and
bmldmg facades with abundance of details
The upper level of the buildings almost
tf~/. in the vocabulary of Jat architecture. From
the river, the skyline behind the modest
overhangs the pedestrian path below. Large
rooms behind richly decorated walls are
;~\ : well placed with windows and jharokas.
\ .\ \ scale of buildings is punctuated by the tall
-~ \ ~ 'm /::1 shikharas of the Madan Mohan Temple and The Problems
the Jugal Kishore Temple. Pandawala and The stone steps are laid on a peculiar type
t Keshi Ghats are, however , the most elegant of well foundation in masonry on two con-
\ it~:£~~::;~~ structures, and in combination with the tinuous stretches of a total length of about a
~l~ ~
iJ \~ - .
.,; . ----.._
- ~---
spire of the Jugal Kishore Mandir at the
bend of the town edge they form the most
hundred metres. Eight burjes in four pairs
RiYer'Y81TMla--....._ 2 PANDAWALA GHAT
rise up from the steps as stout vertical fea-
--...--- --...._ , "-- ~ 3 JUGAL KISHOR MANDIA beautiful component of the Vrindavan tures on the continuous horizontals of the
--.... 125 0 250m Ghats. The shift in river bed, a degenera- steps. Changing rooms for bathers are
MAP OF VRINDAVAN ir7 tion of activities, a lack of maintenance and created across the steps behind the burjes.
consequent deterioration of the structures The top of the burj forms an open sit-out to
are the main'problems of the ghat tiere. The enjoy the river view. As a consequence of

W bile Mathura formed the administ-

rative and political centre of the reg-
ion, the Bhakti movement converted the
solution to these lies again in large-scale
interventions, but each individual structure
also needs urgent attention. The possibility
its change in course the river now hits the
twin structure of steps tangentially. At its
downstream corner the steps end abruptly
hillocks and groves of Vrindavan into the of bringing back water to the entire ghat and owing to the absence of any support,
capital of the Krishna cult. Identified as the front being remote, the Keshi and Pan- erosion in the foundation has caused the
abode of Krishna, the area attracted people dawala twin ghats, were taken up as the whole stairscape to sink at the corner. A
from all over the country. The most striking starting point for a detailed investigation. large crack indicates the dislocation of the
components of urban structure here are the step structures. Two burjes at the down-
temples which identify the main points in The Ghats stream end are.heavily tilted out of plumb.
the town; the ashrams, dharamshalas and Gopinath Bazar Street, winding down from If the situation continues, the whole ghat
residences merely occupying the gaps in the central area of Vrindavan town allows front may collapse into the river.
between. The one sharp edge of the settle- one vehicular and pedestrian access to the The other problem is created by the
ment is formed by the riverside with its river front at Keshi Ghat downstream. The abrupt end of the staircase while going
impressive array of ghat structures. other access is the town parikrama route down to the water. During the dry season
The ghat edge of Vrindavan is almost from upstream which squeezes its.way water is inaccessible as it falls by almost 2
three kilometres long and convexly bent though the ghat structures in the form of a metres. During high flood the bather is una-
towards the river, forming a large area. A pedestrian path. Associated with the killing ware of the abrupt end, hidden from view
change in the river bed of the Yamuna, has, of Keshi Rakshas by Krishna, the area has a by the water. These factors discourage an
over the years, rendered almost the entire small temple of Yamunaji which invokes the active use of the ghats. A lack of mainte-
stretch of the ghats unsuitable ft>r water spirit of the incident, related to death and nance and protection has also caused dam-
related activities. Once an active continuous the river. Raja Randhir Singh of Bharatpur ages in the superstructure.
interface of land and water, the ghat edge built a haveli here (1790-1810) for his wife A detailed survey of the ghats identifies
has become a huge silt bed in which a shal- Laxmi Rani. The adjoining building was the structural damages that cause tilts in the
low, narrow stream flows some distance built by one Ram Prasad Choudhri of Var- steps and shifts in alignment of the burjes.
away, touching the built structures only anasi. The steps and burjes of Keshi Ghat An exhaustive inventory of minor defects
between Chir Ghat and Keshi Ghat. Ear- and Pandawala Ghat are actually integral was made to list areas where intervention is
lier, this might have been a major entry area parts of these two buildings, which are required. These w~re put under six
to the town. examples of 'spiritual pleasure houses' in categories: (1) structural defects, (2) minor
On the upstream side, near the Madan the Jat style of architecture. Elaborate ver- cracks , (3) growth of saplings and trees,
Mohan Temple, the water is furthest
removed from the ghats. Permanent
deposits of silt engulf the old steps and
burjes to the extent that beyond the old ghat
lin_e one can see a large agricultural expanse
before the water comes to view.
Further downstream, the silt bed gets
narrower and the old edge is used as the
backyard of the town, loaded with garbage
and drainage. The Chir Ghat and Kaliya
Mardan Ghat, amongst the holiest of the
Vrindavan ghats, are located here. Cutting
across the silt bed and sand, the Yamuna
touches the graceful Pandawala Ghat and KESHI GHAT PANDAWALA GHAT

Keshi Ghat ( a back flow canal goes back

upto Chir Ghat). This is the place where · Drawing showing the structural defects in Keshi Ghat resulting from the collapse of its old foundations
water reaches the built steps. After this
,o. CONSE RVATI ON• INDIA a; " .. q

The Keshi and Pandawala Ghats

The Pandawala ghat stair1cape ends abruptly, molcing it

dangerous for bather1 when covered by water and mo/cing
the water inaccessible in the dry season.
View of proposed exrension or rh~ juncrion of Keshi and Pondowola GhOls



A large crack resulting in the dislocation of a burj

A typical ghat facade stripped of its decorative panels

(4) missing and broken elements (5) surface

disfiguration, and (6) encroachments and
incongruous additions.
This information ~as documented at
two levels: (a) the river level , which covers
theilower areas of steps and burjes , and (b)
the parikrama path level which includes the
pedestrian path , the top of burjes and the
ground floor of the have/is that are integral
components of the public domain of the
built form .

The proposals encourage active and con- DETAIL OF BURJ
tinuous use of the ghat by restoring them in
the following manner:
- Dislocated structures are proposed to
be restored to their original position; the
existing foundation to be consolidated
by filling in the gaps and by repairing all River Yamuna
defects before they magnify. The steps 1 0 Sm
are also to be extended and supple- LJ
mented with a row of boulder pitching SECTION TliROUGH PANDAWALA GHAT
to reach the river bed gradually, and to
prevent further erosion blocking the The INTACH projects have been able Londhe, Arunav Dasgupta, Vijay .Matange, Nitin Kul-
river current. to create one significant impact in bringing ktimi; Alok Kumar, N Devi Prasad, Sanjib Chatterju.
- All superstructure defects are to be down the level of water to be retained by Particular thanks art due to G 8 Patnaik (District Magis-
removed by putting all the damaged ele- the Gokul Barrage, thus saving the ghats trate) and Dintsh Chaturvedi (The Nazul Clerk).
ments back to original shape using the from being submerged. The genesis of these The core team for Vrindavan included K T Ravindran
same materials. projects and the outcome so far strongly (Coordinator) , Anuradha Joshi, Rajat Ray and Kiran
Kalamdani, supported by Shashank Chakradeo, L 8
- Public ownership is to be established and affirm that there is a need to rejuvenate the Chandrashtkhar, Anjali Bodhani, Robin Matharu and
all possibilities of privatization of the system of patronage our traditional cultures Dilip Btdarkar (Consultant) . Special thanks art due to
public domain to be controlled. once enjoyed. With the restoration and Shri Gyan Singh (Mathura Vrindavan Development r,,.
- On a larger scale, water quantity and introduction of compatible uses , the river Authority) and Shri Sevak Sharan (loca/iconvenor for the
flow in the river is to be controlled and edge , the ghats and the related structures Brajbh11mi Chapter, /NTACH) .
the water edge to be maintained and could play a new and more integral role in For both projects, old photographs of the ghats art cre-
protected from vandalism. the regeneration of Braj culture . ❖ dited to Mukut and Vinod Sharma of Mathura. The
remaining blw and colour photographs to K T Ravin-
The proposed interventions at Keshi dran , Raje11dar Singh and An11radha Joshi.
and Pandawala Ghats are aimed at retaining The core team for Mathura included K T Ravindran The reports for both projects have also been translated
the sacred link between the Yamuna River (Coordinator) , G Shankar Narayan, H V Jyoti, Rajat into Hindi.
8nd Yrindavan town. Ray and Kira11 Kalamdani, supported by Vasanthi

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