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Indian Steel Industry: Current Business Trends and HR Interventions

Article  in  Indian Journal of Science and Technology · August 2016

DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/98661

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2 authors, including:

Vasantha Shanmugam
Vels University


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ISSN (Print) : 0974-6846
Indian Journal of Science and Technology, Vol 9(32), DOI: 10.17485/ijst/2016/v9i32/98661, August 2016 ISSN (Online) : 0974-5645

Indian Steel Industry: Current Business Trends and

HR Interventions
S. Vasantha* and M. R. Rath
School of Management Studies, Vels University, Chennai - 600117, Tamil Nadu, India; vasantha.sms@velsuniv.ac.in,

Background Objective: A typical matured and labour intensive manufacturing industry like Indian steel Industry is on a
transformation path for improving operational efficiency and creating value for the customer through leveraging its major
strength i.e. Human Resource. The objective is to identify the HR interventions required at this juncture keeping in view
the key business drivers. Methods/Statistical Analysis: Indian Steel Industry today is at a cross road. Global market and
free trade agreements with other steel producing Nations, unbelievable pace of change in technology have impacted the
Industry as never before. At this juncture it is imperative first to identify and analyze the Key Business Drivers and Current
Business Trends. Based on the above two parameters as well as Strength and weakness of the industry, HR Challenges
for the Industry can be identified. The HR challenges can lead to focused HR interventions required for the Industry to
have competitive advantage in Global Market. Findings: Since the future and nature of work in the Industry is under
rapid transformation, Indian Steel organization have to realize that the traditional approach of HR interventions so far
being implemented in the Industry are loosing their relevance .The HR challenges being faced by the Industry is different
than the challenges in the past and hence have to be approached through new set of HR interventions. Application /
Improvement: In this paper, a systematic approach has been attempted to identify HR Interventions required today by the
Indian Steel Industry through focus on Key Business Drivers, Current Business Trends, SWOT analysis of the Industry, HR
Challenges and HR levers.

Keywords: Business Trend, HR Levers, HR Interventions, Key Business Drivers

1.  Introduction • The Secondary majors – Consisting of the Ispat group,

Jindal Group, ESSAR. They use a mix a technologies
The Indian steel industry is essentially divided in to two with much lesser degree of backward integration. All
major product groups – the Long Product (Reinforcement of these are mainly in the Flat product group.
bars, Structural, Wire rods and Rails) and the Flat Products • The mini steel plants using the electric arc or ­induction
(HR Coil, CR coil, Plates, Galvanized coils/Sheets). The furnaces with low level of forward integration into
technology required in the flat product is more advanced rolling mills.
and more capital intensive than the long products which • The rolling mills – No backward integration into steel
are low technology products. making. Essentially they buy semi finished steels and
The present competitors in the Indian Steel industry roll them.
may be put into for major strategic groups
In the secondary sector there are some small players
• The Integrated Steel Plants or the Main producers – which combine (c) and (d) and are hence relatively more
These are fully integrated units of SAIL, TISCO and ­integrated. Both the (c) and (d) group players are primar-
RINL. While SAIL is in both long and flat products, ily in long products. Groups (a) and (b) consisting of 7-8
TISCO is primarily a flat product based company players account for 65-70% of total domestic capacity and
while RINL is a 100% long product plant. nearly 90% of the Flat Steel products. The balance 30-35%

*Author for correspondence

Indian Steel Industry: Current Business Trends and HR Interventions

of the market is in the (c) and (d) groups. These players • Globalised market and barrier free trade
occupy approx. 70% of the long product market. These part • Unbelievable Pace of change of Information
of the industry are characterized by very high level of frag- ­technology
mentation with more that a 1000 players in the market1. • Intellectual capital increasingly assuming greater
2.  Objectives • Corporate social responsibility
• Outsourcing
The Indian Steel Industry today is going through a difficult • Network economy i.e. intricate weaves of all stake-
phase where materials from other Major steel producing holders
nations like China are being dumped into the country. • Demographic composition in workforce
Apart from threat from other substitutes like Aluminum, • Efficient supply chain
economic recession in other nations has started signifi-
cantly affected the Indian Industry. The objective is to
4.  Current Business Trends
identify the HR interventions required at this juncture
through a systematic approach. The above critical drivers have set a business trend based
As shown in Figure 1, the approach for fulfilling the on which all the steel manufactures are getting remodeled
objective will be primary initiated by identifying some of and reoriented. A typical matured and labor intensive
the critical drivers that is significantly affecting the steel basic industry like steel is on a transformation path for
industry and have set the current business trend based improving operational efficiency, optimization of cost
on which all the steel manufactures are getting remod- and creating value for the customer through leveraging
eled and reoriented. These business trends along with technology and human resource. Some of the trends seen
strength, weakness, opportunity and threat being faced in the industry are as below:
by the industry which can be derived through a SWOT
analysis can facilitate identification of challenges emerg- • E-Business through dedicated market place. Reducing
ing from the HR point of view to maintain high level of transaction cost and time to market through online
employee motivation. Analysis of the identified HR chal- sales and purchase and delivery and increasing
­operating efficiency down the line.
lenges can lead to HR levers for the steel company (i.e.) to
• Forging close links to key customers through value
gain sustainable competitive advantage and interventions
added processing and exemplary services. In the pro-
required from HR point of view for the steel organiza-
cess of developing new products and applications, the
tions for overall improvement.
steel industry is building Relationships with customers
and eventually, Partnerships in procurement, product
3.  Key Business Drivers innovation and development and marketing.
• Steel customers increasingly demanding total
A cursory glance is imperative for focusing on some of Solutions and co-development skills from their Steel
the critical drivers that is significantly affecting the steel suppliers. The increased value-added Processing they
industry. The drivers those can be considered critical may demand must be delivered by Steel manufacturers
be categorized as below: with ­significantly shorter Lead times and with greater
technical support.
• The boundaries between distributor and Processor and
between purchasing and processing are dissolving,
while major players occupy a larger share in certain
parts of the value chain.
• The customer is increasingly out sourcing ­activities
and hence may not only expect the product, but
the complete functionality and complete solutions.
The steel manufacturers are in need to acquire these
Figure 1.  Thematic diagram of the approach. ­competencies, which may not be available internally.

2 Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
S. Vasantha and M. R. Rath

• Ethical and responsible business: Market transparency ­ nished products, high cost of capital and social cost, low
and responsibility towards all stake holders including ­productivity level, inadequate distribution networks con-
society and environment. tinues to be the weakness of the industry.
The major threats the industry has to deal with are
The business challenges/opportunities the steel organiza- poor R&D and traditional technology, substitution threat
tions are facing today varies from various factors like to by Aluminum and plastic, recession in major steel produc-
have a less labor intensive Slimmer Organization, hand- ing countries like China and Japan resulting in dumping
ing higher volume of sales, vast technological changes, of material in India. However, the low per capital con-
marketing of value-added products and services mindset summation of steel in the country at 59 kg per annum
of employees, talent and excellence commanding high compared to world average of 217 kg per annum provides
price in the market, changed marketing structure with a great growth opportunity for the industry. Unexplored
spread in the Rural Sector and in the remote corner of rural market, positive growth in certain segments like
the country, a more demanding customer and new set of automobile, ship building, consumer durables, roads and
regulations for ethical and responsible business, alloca- bridges, real estate are opportunities for the domestic
tion of iron ore mines, mineral taxation etc2. industry to grow.

5.  Indian Steel Industry 6.  HR Challenges

The Indian steel industry has entered into a new In the above scenario the challenges emerging from the
­development stage from 2007-08 riding high on the resur- HR point of view are to maintain high level of motiva-
gent economy and rising demand for steel. Rapid rise in tion through providing learning opportunity, constant
production has resulted in India becoming the 3rd largest updating of skills and stronger understanding of business
producer of crude steel in 2015. Whereas the industry has dynamics, having a Global Mindset, Need for creating
been blessed with a number of inherent advantages, at the and sustaining excellence in every sphere and inculcat-
same time also faces some crucial constraints. The SWOT ing a constant need for bench marking with the best in
analysis of the Indian Steel industry is shown at Figure 2. the world. Steel organizations today have to take a stock
Availability of quality iron ore and processed inputs like of their talent profile and devise methods to map and
sponge iron, skilled manpower with low wage level are bridge the gaps with the desired for taking care of the
the major strength where as high cost of power/energy, challenges.
poor infrastructure for movement of raw ­materials/ Attitudes and aspirations of today’s employees are
far different. Today’s worker in steel plants are better
educated, more efficient, ambitious and Desirous of self
fulfillment through good performance. Therefore the
challenges for managers have to focus on updating and
integrating their goals with the Organizational objectives
and bring about synergy between individuals and team
efforts towards Organizations excellence.
Every organization has to nurture the two Market-
based assets i.e. relational and intellectual. Relational
market-based assets are those that reflect bonds between a
company and its customers and/or channel members and
which evolve with a period of time. The important aspect
from HR prospective is to nurture the other market based
asset i.e. intellectual market-based asset which is the
detailed knowledge that company employees possess con-
cerning their customers’ needs, tastes and preferences. In
the difficult times, it is the essential for the organization to
Figure 2.  SWOT analysis of Indian Steel Industry. have strategy to centre on its people. Organizations which

Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 3
Indian Steel Industry: Current Business Trends and HR Interventions

understand the relationship between people and profit are - Competence Mapping
the ones which ultimately win in the long run3. - Psychometric Test, Assessment/
Development centre
- Counseling
7.  HR Levers Performance pressure
- Stress mgt
- Change Management
Keeping in view the degree of dynamism and challenges - Work – life balance
in steel industry in Indian Business environment, the fol- - Time management
lowing may be considered as decidedly powerful levers - Retailing
Change in Customer
for the steel company (i.e.) to gain sustainable competi- profile
- e-marketing
tive advantage - Dealership
Training of extended Channels Development
• Creating Leaders across levels and Nurturing Talent. workforce Customers training
Cultural integration
• Creating a Culture of Innovation and Creativity.
M and A Synergy
• Ways of creating positive mindset for business growth Team Building
on a continuous basis. - e- Learning
• Looking at issues from business rather than functional Talent retention - Growth thro’ professional updation
perspective. - Regular feedback mechanism
Innovation and - Forum for creative expression
• Global benchmarking of systems.
creativity - Problem solving together
• Best practices across companies “beyond Steel”. Time management
• Synergy amongst diverse human resources. Execution excellence Resouse management
Project management
- Membership of professional Bodies
8. HR Interventions Networking /alliances
- Participation in seminars/ workshop
Knowledge Community of Practice
It may not be out of place to mention that during the management Research Project study
difficult times, when organizations resort to various IT for strategic
- Professional updation of IT Group
cost control measures to improve their bottom line, the benefit
first casualty is usually HR interventions and training. Exposure to management Concept
Foreign Training
However, training and HR interventions have immense
Global Mindset - Looking to the future
business value and one of the major tools for improving - Learning Orientation
its bottom line4. Keeping in view the influencing factors - Listening to external experts
on business and human resource aspiration, some of the Team working skill
HR interventions which seem to be imperative to miti- Synergy Out Bound Learning
gate the challenges for a labor intensive industry like steel Role appreciation
Leadership Development
in Indian context are listed below in a tabular format for
Thinking skill
simplistic representation: i.e. ability to learn, cross discipline
thinking, critical thinking, ability to
connect ideas
Influencing Business Leadership
HR Interventions - Decision making skill in contemporarily
Factors operative environment
- Awareness on Business intelligence - General Management
- IT- Network mgt/security and audit - Business strategy
High competitive
- Resource management - Commercial acumen
- Project management Recruitment / On Boarding ,Mentoring and coaching
- Business Intelligence Induction Knowledge sharing, on the job training
Learning from each other (Skill and Knowledge)
Learning from global leaders Domain expertise
Bench Marking
International exposure Statuary laws (Labor, welfare, environment,
exposure to industry’s best organization women, Stake holder’s right etc.)
Corporate Governance

4 Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology
S. Vasantha and M. R. Rath

Value and ethics the same strategy as competitors if strategically adoptable

CSR by the organization.
Organizational Values
Special programme for women employees Superior competency and superior resources are
Programme for physically challenged
fundamental for having competitive advantage. At the
Sharing of knowledge
New setup/Wider
Learning from each other
present scenario, while procurement of tangible resources
network is comparatively easier through various available sources
Personality Self development for funding, global accessibility, what is more critical is to
development Interpersonal skill have a competent and dedicated workforce for execution
Employee Behavioral/attitudinal/motivational of strategy. HR interventions play a far more critical role
engagement5 interventions
today in the context of steel industry which is already on
Systems and
procedure System s Audit a radical transformation path.
Awareness campaign
participation 10.  References
Frontline Supervisory development
1. Rural Market Survey. Available from: http://jpcindiansteel.
development Basic Skill enhancement
Stake holder Channel partners, customers group
nic.in Indian Steel Industry: Key reform for a bright future.
prospective interventions National Council for Applied Economic Research; 2015 Sep
24. p.1-12.
2. Pfeffer J. The Human Equation: Building Profits by Putting
People First. Harvard Business Review Press; 1998.
9.  Conclusion 3. Kirkpatric J, Kirkpatric W. Training on Trial: How
Workplace Learning must Reinvent Itself to Remain
In an intensely competitive scenario, advantage can result Relevant. American Management Association; 2010.
either from Implementing a value-creating superior strat- 4. Evangeline ET, Ragavan VP. Organisational culture and
egy not simultaneously being employed by current or motivation as instigator for employee engagement. Indian
prospective competitors or through superior execution of Journal of Science and Technology. 2016 Jan; 9(2):1-4.

Vol 9 (32) | August 2016 | www.indjst.org Indian Journal of Science and Technology 5

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