Back Pain Info
Back Pain Info
Back Pain Info
More than 70 per cent of back problems begin during routine daily activities. Accidents and other forms of trauma account for only 30 per cent of back problems.
Back pain has many causes and takes many forms. A few of these causes are described below: Postural Stress poor posture stresses your spine. The soft tissue becomes overstretched, muscles tire and joints and nerves are put under pressure. Muscle Strains minor back muscle strains quickly improve on their own, but more severe strains will need physiotherapy treatment to relieve pain and promote healing. Disc Injuries discs are the shock absorbers of the spine and are anchored to the vertebrae, above and below, so they cannot slip out of place. The disc has a soft (jelly-like) interior that can bulge (prolapse), herniate or even rupture in response to such mechanical stresses as lifting or twisting. Although the majority of disc problems are a result of an injury, discs wear down and thin with age leading to degenerative disc disease. Arthritis vertebral joints can be affected by degenerative arthritis, causing inflammation within the joint and the growth of bony spurs on the edges of the vertebrae. The pain may be limited to the back or it can radiate to the lower abdomen, groin, leg or foot. The distance the pain travels can be an indicator of the seriousness of the injury. Symptoms such as pins and needles, numbness or a burning feeling in the leg or foot region that accompany the pain pathway are also an indication of severity and should not be left untreated. These symptoms may be a result of damage to the sciatic nerve, which travels from the low back down the back of the leg to the foot, enervating most of the leg muscles and bringing sensation to the leg.
On average, 90 percent of people with acute lower back pain will recover within four weeks.
This information sheet is part of the CPA's S.M.A.R.T. approach to your mobility (focusing on Stretching, Moving, Adding it up, Reducing Strain and Talking to a physiotherapist). The information provided is intended for general use and is not meant to substitute for the professional, personal assessment your physiotherapist offers.
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Cette fiche de renseignements fait partie du programme de lACP cinq points pour assurer votre libert de mouvement (1. tirez-vous; 2. Bougez; 3. Additionnez les minutes; 4. Rduisez la fatigue; 5. Consultez un physiothrapeute). Ces renseignements sont fournis titre gnral seulement et ne prtendent pas remplacer lvaluation professionnelle, personnalise offerte par votre physiothrapeute.
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