Summer Internship and Project Report On
Summer Internship and Project Report On
Summer Internship and Project Report On
In partial fulfilment of Summer Internship for the award of the degree
Electrical Engineering
JULY, 2015
Any accomplishment requires effort of many people and this work is not different. This
satisfaction drives for accomplishment would be with acknowledging the effort of persons behind
I am also thankful to Mr S. Paul, HOD, Department of Electrical Engineering in our college for
giving me an opportunity for the Summer Internship on ERLDC, Kolkata under POSOCO.
Thanks are also due to all the engineers of the ERLDC, Kolkata for helping me in providing
enough information on Indian Power System and its operation & protection related information.
Lastly I would like to thank my friends along with whom I completed my training and without
whose help this project would remain incomplete.
A student gets theoretical knowledge from classroom and gets practical knowledge from industrial
training or internship. When these two aspects of theoretical knowledge and practical experience
together then a student is fully equipped to secure his best.
In conducting the internship in an organisation, students get exposed and have knowledge of real
situation in the work field and gains experience from them. The object of the internship is to
provide an opportunity to experience the practical aspect of technology in any organization. It
provides a chance to get the feel of the organization and its function.
Electrical energy is very important. Both the historical and the present-day civilization of mankind
are closely interwoven with energy, and there is no reason to doubt but that in the future our
existence will be more are more dependent upon the energy. Electricity energy occupies the top
position in the energy hierarchy. It finds innumerable uses in home, industry, agriculture and even
in transport. Besides its use for domestic, commercial and industrial purposes it is required for
increasing defence and agricultural production.
The power sector in India has undergone significant progress after Independence. When
India became independent in 1947, the country had a power generating capacity of 1,362 MW.
Hydro power and coal based thermal power have been the main sources of generating electricity.
Generation and distribution of electrical power was carried out primarily by private utility
companies. Notable amongst them and still in existence is Calcutta Electric. Power was available
only in a few urban centres; rural areas and villages did not have electricity. After 1947, all new
power generation, transmission and distribution in the rural sector and the urban centres (which
was not served by private utilities) came under the purview of State and Central government
agencies. State Electricity Boards (SEBs) were formed in all the states. Nuclear power
development is at slower pace, which was introduced, in late sixties. The concept of operating
power systems on a regional basis crossing the political boundaries of states was introduced in
the early sixties. In spite of the overall development that has taken place, the power supply
industry has been under constant pressure to bridge the gap between supply and demand.
From, the Fifth Plan onwards i.e. 1974-79, the Government of India got itself involved in a
big way in the generation and bulk transmission of power to supplement the efforts at the State
level and took upon itself the responsibility of setting up large power projects to develop the coal
and hydroelectric resources in the country as a supplementary effort in meeting the country’s
power requirements. The National thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) and National Hydro-
electric Power Corporation (NHPC) were set up for these purposes in 1975. North-Eastern
Electric Power Corporation (NEEPCO) was set up in 1976 to implement the regional power
projects in the North-East. Subsequently two more power generation corporations were set up in
1988 viz. Tehri Hydro Development Corporation (THDC) and Nathpa Jhakri Power Corporation
(NJPC). To construct, operate and maintain the inter-State and interregional transmission
systems the National Power Transmission Corporation (NPTC) was set up in 1989. The
corporation was renamed as POWER GRID in 1992.
GOI has promulgated Electricity Regulatory Commission Act, 1998 for setting up of
Independent Regulatory bodies both at the Central level and at the State level viz. The Central
Electricity Regulatory Commission (CERC) and the State Electricity Regulatory Commission
(SERCs) at the Central and the State levels respectively. The main function of the CERC are to
regulate the tariff of generating companies owned or controlled by the Central Government, to
regulate the tariff of generating companies, other than those owned or controlled by the Central
Government, if such generating companies enter into or otherwise have a composite scheme for
generation and sale of electricity in more than one State to regulate the inter-state transmission of
energy including tariff of the transmission utilities, to regulate inter-state bulk sale of power and
to aid & advise the Central Government in formulation of tariff policy. The CERC has been
constituted on 24.7.1998.
The Electricity Laws (Amendment) Act, 1998 provides for creation of Central and State
Transmission utilities. The function of the Central Transmission Utility shall be to undertake
transmission of energy through inter-state transmission system and discharge all functions of
planning and coordination relating to inter-state transmission system with State Transmission
Utilities, Central Government, State Governments, generating companies etc. Power Grid
Corporation of India Limited will be Central Transmission Utility.
Total 2,72,687
Oil 1,200 .4
Total 2,72,687
Plant Load Factor (PLF):
Fig: 1
Evolution of National Grid:
Grid management on regional basis started in sixties.
Initially, State grids were inter-connected to form regional grid and India was
demarcated into 5 regions namely Northern, Eastern, Western, North Eastern and
Southern region.
In October 1991 North Eastern and Eastern grids were connected.
In March 2003 WR and ER-NER were interconnected .
August 2006 North and East grids were interconnected thereby 4 regional grids
Northern, Eastern, Western and North Eastern grids are synchronously connected
forming central grid operating at one frequency.
On 31st December 2013, Southern Region was connected to Central Grid in
Synchronous mode with the commissioning of 765kV Raichur-Solapur
Transmission line thereby achieving 'ONE NATION'-'ONE GRID'-'ONE
Fig: 2
Formation of POSOCO:
Central Government through Ministry of Power in exercise of the power conferred by
sub-section (3) of Sect 26 and sub-section (2) of Section 27 of the Electricity Act, 2003, by
notification date September 27, 2010 in the Gazette of India notified that the Power System
Operation Corporation Ltd (POSOCO), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Power Grid
Corporation of India Limited (a Government Company) shall operate National Load Despatch
Centre and the five Regional Load Despatch Centres, with effect from October 1, 2010.
To make load despatch centres financially self-reliant and autonomous, the Pradhan
committee recommended independent and sustainable revenue streams. The move to separate the
two functions is in keeping with the provisions of the Electricity Act, 2003, which seeks to
separate commercial interests from load management functions. The Pradhan committee had
recommended setting up a separate representative board structure overseeing the functions of the
five regional load despatch centres (RLDCs) run by PGCIL—the northern, eastern, north-
eastern, western and southern regions at that time.
POSOCO is a wholly owned subsidiary of Power Grid Corporation of India Limited. It was
formed in March 2010 to handle the power management functions of PGCIL. It is responsible to
ensure the integrated operation of the Grid in a reliable, efficient and secure manner. It consists
of 5 Regional Load Despatch Centres and a National Load Despatch Centre. The subsidiary may
eventually be made a separate company, leaving the parent firm with only the task of setting up
transmission links. The load despatch functions, earlier handled by PGCIL, will now come up to
Mission of POSOCO:
Ensure Integrated Operation of Regional and National Power Systems to facilitate transfer of
electric power within and across the regions and trans-national exchange of power with
Reliability, Security and Economy.
Departments of POSOCO:
1. Regulatory Affairs:
Electricity Act 2003
Transmission Notification
Grid Standards
Metering Standards
ABT order
Open Access Regulations
UI Regulations etc.
2. Market Operations:
Scheduling Procedures for
o Bilateral STOA
o Collective STOA
Functions & Activities of Power Exchange
Daily Collective Transactions Procedure
6. SCADA/IT & Establishment:
Basic SCADA/EMS setup
EMS applications
o Display Updation
o Modelling of New Sub-stations, SLDs & Transmission Lines
o Handling Problems regarding Link Outages
POSOCO have One National Load Dispatch Centre (NLDC) and five Regional Load Dispatch
Centre (RLDC), those are
Fig: 3
In compliance to the IEGC (Indian Electricity Grid Code) this internal Operating Procedure for
Eastern Region is developed in consultation with the regional constituents of Eastern Region.
Eastern Region Grid system comprises of the states of Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, West Bengal
and Sikkim and has an operating area of 4,25,423 sq km, which is about 13% of the total area of
the country. Damodar Valley Corporation (DVC) established under sub-section (1) of Section 3
of the Damodar Valley Corporation Act, 1948 in eastern region is an integrated utility similar to
STU/SEB encompassing part of the states of West Bengal and Jharkhand and has its own
generation, transmission and distribution facilities in its identified command area. Eastern
Region is strategically located and has interconnections with all the other regions as well as with
neighbouring countries like Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal.
The internal operating procedure as prepared by ERLDC is to clearly specify the roles of each
player in the grid i.e., Central Sector Generating and Transmission Utilities, State Utilities,
Independent Power Producers, Traders, System Operators and other agencies operating in the
power market to facilitate grid operation in efficient, secure, reliable and economic manner.
Functions of ERLDC:
Facilitates: Integrated operation for improved quality, Security and Reliability of Power
Supply on Regional Basis
Provides: Avenues for Intra-Regional and Inter Regional Exchanges
Telemeters: Live Data from Major Generating Plants and Sub-stations
Co-ordinates: Drawal Schedule from for all ISGS constituents
Persuades: Constituents to Match Drawal Schedule
Issues: Clearance for outage of Elements for Maintenance Work
Supplies: Management Information about Performance of Grid Operation
Supports: Constituents in Power System Studies
Monitors: Generation of C.S. Power Stations and Power Flow in Major Lines and Tie
Endeavours: To Maintain Network Security
Processes: Special Energy Meter Readings for Bulk Power Energy Settlement
Implements: IEGC and Regulatory Directives
Overview of Eastern Region:
Eastern regional grid is an electrical system comprising of 4,25,000 Sq. KM . It
comprises six constituents namely:
1. BSEB (Bihar State Electricity Board)
2. SEB (Jharkhand State Electricity Board)
3. GRIDCO (Grid Corporation of Orissa)
4. DVC (Damodar Valley Corporation)
5. WBSEB (West Bengal State Electricity Board)
Effective Generating Capacity of utilities as on 31.01.15 is 32,734 MW.
Daily average (Apr-14 to Jan-15) Energy Consumption: approximately 330 MU.
Average (Apr-14 to Jan-15) inter-regional export from ER: 57 MU per day.
Maximum regional demand met was 17649 MW on 22/10/14.
Power Map of Eastern Region:
Fig: 5
The Operating procedure of the Eastern Region system contains the following
Frequency Management
Voltage Management
Outage Planning
Switching Coordination
Periodic Reporting and Event Information
Network Security and Congestion Management
Scheduling and Despatch
SCADA/EMS System Operation
Synchrophasor Initiative
Metering & Settlement System
Frequency Standard:
IEGC has mandated that all Regional entities shall make all possible efforts to ensure
that the grid frequency always remains within the 49.9-50.05 Hz band, Frequency is the most
important indicator of the quality of supply and is the global parameter in the grid i.e. it is same
throughout an inter -connected power system. Since frequency is a function of the load-
generation balance, it is subject to variation on a continuous basis as either of the two viz.
generation or load may vary from time to time. Whenever, the frequency approaches upper/lower
limits of the above range, advance action needs to be initiated in order to arrest further rise/fall in
frequency; as it takes some time for remedial measures to give desired result.
In case the frequency is high (above 50.05Hz) and is in increasing trend then the
following actions may be initiated:
1. ERLDC shall check whether the high frequency condition is due to the heavy under-drawal
by any entity within the region or by neighbouring regions. In the latter case, the matter
has to be brought to the notice of the concerned region as well as NLDC for necessary
remedial action
2. ERLDC shall advise the regional entities within ER to lift load shedding if any.
3. However, before taking up with other regions / NLDC, ERLDC would check the
possibility of any backing down of the reservoir based hydro stations within state system.
4. ERLDC before advising any generation reduction at the hydro stations, in consultation
with concerned SLDC, would check back whether such reduction would cause any
adverse change in voltage levels or network loading in the ISTS. Similarly, the concerned
SLDC would also assess the impact on its intra-state network. In case any problem is
envisaged due to such generation reduction, the same shall be avoided.
5. Explore the possibility of running of Purulia Pump storage hydro units in pump mode, in
consultation with SLDC, West Bengal.
6. Advise/remind the states to back down costly generation as per merit order by taking
adequate support from SCADA.
7. If any ISGS (other than must run) is generating more than their schedule, advise the ISGS
to reduce the over injection.
8. The Hydro stations of Bhutan power system exporting power to India are not covered
commercially under ABT mechanism. Backing down advice on account of high
frequency conditions may be issued to stations at Tala, Chukha and Kiruchu of Bhutan
system only after all possible remedial measures are exhausted. However, in case the
stations are noticed generating extra with respect to schedule issued , ERLDC shall
attempt revising the generation schedule with due revision of constituents drawal
10. In case any regional entity is under-drawing, ERLDC may advice concerned SLDC for
considering surrendering of its share from ISGS, based on merit order.
11. If the frequency is still high, and action from underdrawing beneficiaries is not
forthcoming, ERLDC shall suo-motto reduce the generation schedule of ISGS with
corresponding downward revision of schedule of the concerned beneficiary
12. Backing down of the spilling hydro units or the run-off-the-river units for short duration
may also be considered if all other options are exhausted.
If the frequency is less than 49.9 Hz. and has a decreasing trend, the following
actions may be taken:
1. ERLDC shall check whether the low frequency condition is due to the heavy over-drawal
by regional entities or by the neighbouring regions. In the event of overdrawal by
neighbouring regions, matter may be brought to the notice of NLDC through written
messages with a copy/ies to the RLDC of the over drawing region(s).
2. If any unit of Purulia Pump storage is operating in pump mode and if the concerned
beneficiary is over drawing, ERLDC shall advise the concerned SLDC for discontinuing
the pump operation.
3. ERLDC may advise all regional entities / control areas, through their respective SLDCs
to maximize their internal generation viz. hydro, thermal, IPP etc. in case margins are
4. Deviation Settlement Mechanism and related matters Regulations, 2014. already lays
down appropriate financial and legal penalties for under-generation / over-drawal at low
frequency. Nevertheless, if any ISGS is under-generating, it may be reminded to generate
as per schedule. If such generation increase is not possible due to any technical
constraints, the concerned ISGS may be advised to reduce its Declared Capability.
ERLDC would then correspondingly reduce the drawal schedules of all concerned
beneficiaries (including outside regions) and advise them to maintain their net exchanges
as per their respective revised schedules.
5. The Actual receipt from the Hydro stations from Bhutan may be closely monitored under
low frequency conditions. In case such receipt is less than the schedule, because of some
technical reasons like low inflow etc., ERLDC may suo motto revise the generation
schedule downwards with corresponding downward revision of drawal schedules of the
respective constituents who have share on such stations. Such downward revision shall be
duly informed to the concerned beneficiaries with an advise to curtail their drawal from
the grid.
6. If the frequency is less than 49.9Hz. and has a falling trend, remind the SLDC(s) of
overdrawing regional entity /entities telephonically to maintain frequency by picking up
internal generation/ curtailing overdrawal. The estimation of over-drawal has to be done
corresponding to nominal frequency (50.0 Hz) after applying requisite frequency bias
correction on the exchange at the prevailing off-nominal frequency.
7. If the frequency is less than 49.9 Hz and it may appear that practically no control area is
as such overdrawing, a general message may be issued to all regional entities requesting
to estimate their respective actual net exchanges at 50.0 Hz (after applying necessary
frequency correction factor on the existing interchange) and improve internal generation/
shed loads wherever the estimated actual drawal corresponding to 50.0 Hz exceeds the
net scheduled drawal.
8. ERLDC may further examine the latest status of thermal units under outage (forced) and
find out when the units are expected to be on bar and take up for expediting the same.
9. As a long term measure, It may be examined that whether a planned maintenance of any
unit can be postponed without much affecting the AMP of other units.
10. Notwithstanding the above as per clauses 6.4.12 of IEGC, ERLDC may direct the
SLDCs/ISGS/ other regional entities to increase/decrease their drawal/generation in case
of contingencies e.g. overloading of lines/transformers, abnormal voltages, threat to
system security. Such directions shall immediately be acted upon. In case the situation
does not call for very urgent action, and ERLDC has some time for analysis, it will be
checked whether the situation has arisen due to deviations from schedules. These shall be
got terminated first, through appropriate measure like opening of feeders , if considered
necessary by SLDC/ERLDC, before an action, which would affect the scheduled supplies
to the long term, medium term customers or short term customers is initiated in
accordance with Central Electricity Regulatory Commission (Grant of Connectivity,
Long-term Access and Medium-term Open Access in Inter-State Transmission and
Related matters) Regulations, 2009 and Central Electricity Regulatory Commission
(Open Access in Inter-State Transmission) Regulations, 2008.
continues for at least 15 minutes
In compliance to the IEGC (Indian Electricity Grid Code) all regional constituents
shall make all possible efforts to ensure that the grid voltage always remains within the following
operating range
Eastern Region Grid has a very good spatial distribution of generation rendering a better voltage
profile across 400 kV and 220kV network. However, in some pockets of system where radial loads
are fed, occasional low voltage is experienced. Posts commissioning of Tala Transmission system
exhaustive 400kV networks have been laid. This part of the network is essentially used to evacuate
the hydro power from Bhutan system, generation of Teesta-V HPS and surplus hydro power of
North Eastern Grid during monsoon. Normally the 400kV system usually operates within the
prescribed voltage limit as specified in the IEGC. 400kV stations at Jeypore occasionally
experience low or high voltages due to the low fault MVA of these stations. As the HVDC station
Gajuwaka is also connected to Jeypore having low fault MVA, any power flow change associated
with switching of filter banks operation render at times wide fluctuations in voltage at 400kV level.
AVRs of Generators:
As per the IEGC, all generating units shall keep their Automatic Voltage Regulators
(AVRs) in operation and power system stabilizers (PSS) in AVRs be appropriately tuned.
In order to improve the overall voltage profile, the generators shall run in a manner so
as to have counter balancing action corresponding to low/high backbone grid voltage and to bring
it towards the nominal value. In order to achieve the same, all generators shall generate reactive
power during low voltage conditions and absorb reactive power during high voltage conditions as
per the capability limit of the respecting generating units. The online tap changers (OLTC) on the
generator transformer wherever possible should also be used to achieve this. Off load tap changes
should be used to take care of the seasonal variations in the voltage profile.
Following corrective measures in order of priority shall be taken by ERLDC for ISTS
system and regional entities and by SLDC for state entities in the event of voltage going beyond
the operating limits as stipulated in IEGC.
High Voltage:
In the event of high voltage (e.g. 400 kV voltage going beyond 415 kV and having a rising
trend) following specific steps would be taken by the respective grid substation/generating station
at their own, with intimation to ERLDC, unless specifically mentioned by ERLDC/SLDCs. Before
taking any voltage control action the reason for high voltage as observed /reported be carefully
studied The network adjoining to the substation/s experiencing high voltage be also carefully
studied and areas/substations /generating stations be identified where voltage control measures
need to be taken in the following order of priority
3. Optimization of the filter banks at HVDC terminal (provided high voltage is being
experienced in the vicinity of the terminal).
4. The Generating units on bar at the stations in proximity to high voltage areas, absorb
reactive power within the limits of their capability curves.
5. Check the possibility of changing the transformer Tap if one side of ICT is witnessing High
voltage while other side is having low voltage.
7. ERLDC/SLDCs shall consider opening one circuit of lightly loaded multi circuit lines
around the area /substation where high voltage is reported, ensuring security of the balance
network. In case it becomes essential to switch out one of the circuits of inter-regional lines
to mitigate high voltage at one or more inter-regional sub-stations, due consent would be
obtained from the concerned neighbouring RLDC (s) and NLDC.
1. Close the lines which were opened to control high voltage after obtaining due
permission from ERLDC/SLDCs.
5. Check the possibility of changing the transformer Tap if one side of ICT is
witnessing Low voltage while other side is having High voltage
6. All generating units on bar shall generate reactive power up to the limits of their
respective capability curves.
8. Check possibility of altering HVDC power flow settings on HVDC terminals so that
loading on parallel EHV network goes down resulting in rise in voltage.
In the event of persistent low voltage conditions, some of the line reactors are to
be selected on the basis of line length, grid conditions, network topology etc., which can be
switched off in order to improve the system voltage profile.
460 450
440 430
420 410
MAX 390
380 MAX
340 350
440 MAX
420 MIN
Fig: 6
In reference to the IEGC, this section sets out the procedure for preparation of outage
schedule for generating units and transmission elements of the region in a coordinated and
optimal manner keeping in view the regional system operating conditions and maintaining load
generation balance in the system. Adequate security margins shall be ensured while preparation
of the generation and transmission outage programme. ERPC secretariat shall be responsible for
preparation of the annual outage plan in advance for the financial year and be reviewed on
monthly basis.
To formulate a coordinated outage programme of transmission lines and generating units
for the regional grid considering all the available regional resources and taking into account
transmission constraints as well as other requirements.
To minimise surplus or deficit, if any, in the requirement of power and energy and help to
operate system within the grid standards.
To optimise the transmission outages of the elements of the Eastern Regional grid that
should not affect adversely the regional grid operation but take into account the generation
outage schedules, outage of SEB/STU systems thereby maintaining security standards.
1. For the purpose of Load Generation Balance (LGB)/ Outage planning process, OCC
(Operation Coordination Sub Committee) of ERPC shall, in general, be the forum for
reviewing and deciding the outage planning.
2. It shall be the responsibility of the ERPC secretariat to analyse the outage programmes
proposed by various agencies and, prepare a draft annual outage schedule for finalization
of the annual outage plan for the following financial year by 30th November of each year.
3. All SLDCs/STUs, CTU, ISGS, IPPs, shall provide RPC Secretariat their proposed outage
programmes in writing for the next financial year by 31st October of each year. These shall
contain identification of each generating unit/ transmission line/ICT, the preferred date for
each outage and its duration and where there is flexibility, the earliest start date and latest
finishing date.
4. Each load serving control area shall be responsible to match its demand with the
anticipated availability from its own plant(s) and availability from ISGS / other purchase
/ sale contracts. The SLDC/STUs along with the proposed outage programme, therefore,
shall also furnish details of the anticipated load generation balance report (LGBR) to
ERPC secretariat in order to facilitate preparation of the annual outage plan.
5. ERPC Secretariat after receiving the outage programme will study the following :-
a. Total power and energy availability (for peak and off-peak condition).
b. Month wise availability and requirement.
c. In case of both surplus and deficit, proper staggering of generation outage to
reduce/ eliminate the deficit.
d. In case of only deficit efforts to be taken to even out high and low deficit by
staggering of generation outage.
e. The anticipated programme for bilateral transaction under STOA or otherwise by
state beneficiaries.
6. ERPC Secretariat shall then come out with a draft load generation balance report (LGBR)
and draft outage programme for the next financial year by 31st December of each year for
the Regional grid taking into account the available resources in an optimal manner and to
maintain security standards. This will be done after carrying out necessary system studies
and, if necessary, the outage programmes shall be rescheduled. Adequate balance between
generation and load requirement shall be ensured while finalising outage programmes.
7. The final outage plan along with the Load Generation Balance report(LGBR) shall be
prepared in consultation with NLDC and RLDC and intimated to NLDC, Users, STUs,
CTU, other generating stations connected to ISTS and the RLDC for implementation latest
by 31st January of each year as mutually decided in ERPC forum.
8. Shutdown planning of any element affecting the power transfer to Bangladesh will be done
in coordination with NLDC.
9. The above annual outage plan shall be reviewed by ERPC Secretariat on quarterly and
monthly basis in coordination with all parties concerned, and adjustments made wherever
found to be necessary.
Fig: 7
In line with Regulation of the Central Electricity Authority (Grid Standards) regulations 2010, no
entity shall introduce an element in the ISTS of Eastern Grid without the concurrence of ERLDC
in the form of an operation code. In case a new power system element in Eastern Regional grid is
likely to be connected with the Inter-State Transmission System or is to be energized for the first
time, from the ISTS, the applicant User/STU/CTU/licensee shall send a separate request in
advance along (at least one week) with the confirmation of the following:
• Interface meter installed and tested by downloading data and forwarding it to ERLDC
In line with regulation of the IEGC no part of the Eastern Regional grid shall be deliberately
isolated from the rest of the National/Regional grid except under an emergency conditions in which
such isolation would prevent a total grid collapse and would enable early restoration of power
supply or safety of human life; when serious damage to a costly equipment is imminent and such
isolation would prevent it; when such isolation is specifically instructed by ERLDC.
Important elements of the regional grid, which have a bearing on the network security, is
compiled and issued by ERLDC as a separate document. The regional entities, users, STU, CTU,
licensee shall obtain ‘operation code’ from ERLDC before carrying out any switching operation
on any of the important elements of the Northern Regional grid. Shut down of any 400 kV bus at
substation needs approval of ERLDC.
Timely and accurate reporting and exchange of information plays an important role in
grid operation. This assumes more importance during an occurrence/ a disturbance or in crisis.
Timely and accurate information flow under such conditions would help operators in making an
informed decision and reduces uncertainty. Here we describes the event information and
reporting procedure in writing to all Regional entities, ERPC Secretariat/ERLDC/SLDC in
accordance with the clause of IEGC. This section we describes the different periodic reports to
be prepared by RLDC to be sent to all entities of the region and ERPC Secretariat.
Event Information:
2. Any tripping of an element under the list of important elements of regional grid, whether
manual or automatic, shall be intimated by the control centre of the regional entity to
ERLDC in a reasonable time say within 10 minutes of the incident. Along with the tripping
intimation, the reasons for tripping (to the extent known) and the likely time of restoration
shall also be intimated. Such information can be on telephone, fax or e-mail.
3. Any operation planned to be carried by a regional entity which may have an impact on the
regional grid or on any of the important element, shall be reported by the concerned SLDC
to ERLDC in advance.
4. Any operation planned to be carried out on the instructions of ERLDC which may have an
impact on the system of a regional entity shall be reported by ERLDC to the concerned
SLDC in advance.
5. The intimation and the exact time of revival of any element under the category of important
events will be furnished to ERLDC as early as possible.
The Indian power grid is one synchronous grid viz “NEWS” Grid comprising of
Northern, Eastern, North Eastern, Western region and Southern Region grid. With formation of
the NEWS Grid, there has been sea change in the operational philosophy in system operation
that has already yielded various benefits like peak/off peak demand management through
diversity of time, surplus/deficit management due to seasonal resource variations, demand
forecast errors, weather variations besides increased economic transactions, improvement in
overall system security due to increased stability margin and a higher stiffness to the tune of
4500-5000 MW/Hz. Eastern Region is strategically located with synchronised interconnections
with all the other regions of the NEW Grid besides having synchronous integrated operation with
Bhutan Power system. Eastern Grid is also connected to Southern Region through two no HVDC
interconnections having a total capacity of 3500MW capacity. The large number of synchronous
interconnections of Eastern Region with other regions/neighbouring country like Bhutan and
Nepal in radial mode however has also resulted in evolution of contingencies of critical nature
under different despatch/demand scenarios.
Transfer Capability:
While a Transmission system is built, inherent design margins are kept in order to
take care of reliability and security issues, future generation growth, ROW issues, cost
optimisation etc. The interregional interconnections as have been planned and over the years had
also taken care of such margins. However, since power flow takes place as per the laws of
physics and with more and more AC interconnections between Areas/Regions the transfer
between two or more regions gets restricted because of factors like generation despatch
conditions, loop flows between regions, upstream or down stream network limitations, voltage
and angular differences between critical buses etc. Thus the Total transfer capability between
areas is equal to or less than the aggregated design capacity of interconnection/s and therefore
need to be assessed through power system studies well in advance considering the load /
generation balance forecast to a fair degree of accuracy.
“Total Transfer Capability (TTC)” means the amount of electric power that can
be transferred reliably over the inter-control area transmission system under a given set of
operating conditions considering the effect of occurrence of the worst credible contingency.
“Transmission Reliability Margin (TRM)” means the amount of margin kept in
the total transfer capability necessary to ensure that the interconnected transmission network is
secure under a reasonable range of uncertainties in.
“Available Transfer Capability (ATC)” means the transfer capability of the inter-
control area transmission system available for scheduling commercial transactions (through long
term access, medium term open access and short term open access) in a specific direction, taking
into account the network security. Mathematically ATC is the Total Transfer Capability less
Transmission Reliability Margin.
Fig: 8
It is therefore imperative that the exchanges between regions are contained to a level of
ATC and in no case exceed the TTC between the regions. All the regional entities of Eastern
Region and / or neighbouring region(s) will adhere to their levels of net interchanges as advised
by ERLDC whenever such breach in TTC level among the regions takes place to ensure the grid
security irrespective of frequency and schedule.
The detailed procedure for assessment of TTC, monitoring and invoking congestion
conditions in real-time, application of Congestion Charge and Congestion Charge accounting and
settlement shall be as per the regulation / procedure issued / approved by CERC
Defence Mechanism:
Despite utmost caution exercised during operational planning and implementing all the
above steps to improve the network security and reliability, the possibility of a contingent
situation cannot be totally ruled out. It calls for suitable defence mechanism to be available in the
system to take care of such contingencies. Following are the minimum schemes which should be
operational in Eastern Region to ensure safe and secure grid operation.
This procedure is applicable to ERLDC and other RLDCs, all the thermal and hydro inter-
State generating stations (ISGSs) on which beneficiary constituents have shares, the beneficiary
constituents of Eastern Region and any regional entity. For the purpose of implementation of the
schedules for import of power from Hydro stations in Bhutan, this procedure shall also be
applicable to the hydro stations of Bhutan.
The Regional grids shall be operated as power pools (with decentralized scheduling and
dispatch), in which the States shall have operational autonomy, and SLDCs shall have the total
responsibility for
(i) Scheduling /dispatching their own generation (including generation of their embedded
(ii) Regulating the demand of their customers,
(iii) Scheduling their drawal from the ISGS (within their share in the respective plant’s expected
(iv)Arranging any bilateral interchanges,
(v) Regulating their net drawal from the regional grid.
The system of each State shall be treated and operated as a notional control area. The
algebraic summation of scheduled drawal from ISGS , long-term access , medium term and short-
term open access arrangements shall provide the drawal schedule of each State, and this shall be
determined in advance on daily basis. The regional entities shall regulate their generation and / or
consumers’ loads so as to maintain their actual drawal from the regional grid close to the above
schedule. The regional entities, through their SLDCs shall always endeavour to restrict their net
drawal from the grid within their respective schedules, whenever the system frequency is below
49.8 Hz or the loading of any important transmission element is beyond the acceptable limit. Below
49.7 Hz, regional entities shall carry out requisite load shedding to ensure that there is no
The introduction of the scheduling and despatch mechanism as mandated in IEGC, has
further evolved the framework for developing other power markets such as Short term open access
transactions and collective transactions that can fit in with the scheduling and despatch procedures
as mandated in IEGC. Further CERC has also issued regulation on Short Term and and Collective
transactions and procedure for short term and collective transactions have been duly issued by
CTU and approved by CERC. Therefore procedure as issued by CTU on Short term and Collective
may be referred separately as a part of this procedure. In order to understand the procedure and
bring in more clarity the scheduling and despatch procedure has been prepared in the form of flow
chart as described below:
The entire activities are broadly divided into three parts namely
(iii)Implementation of Final schedules
The broad guidelines to be followed for scheduling ISGSs under such conditions are as follows:
Fuel shortage would be declared by the generating stations on a day ahead basis
only and status cannot be changed during the day of operation even if fuel supply
status changes, except in case of unit tripping.
The concerned plant shall declare its energy capability (MWh), maximum ex-bus
generation (MW) and minimum possible ex-bus generation (MW) that can be
Utilities may requisition based on their requirements either as average MW in all time blocks or
different MW in different time blocks up to the entitled maximum MW remaining within the
total energy entitlement for the day. The default would be average MW during all blocks for
those beneficiaries whose time-block wise requisition is not received by RLDC.
In case of subsequent upward revision of entitlement, same methodology as followed in
case of upward revision of entitlement will be followed.
For those constituents, who have given less requisition from any ISGS earlier and due to
subsequent downward revision of entitlement from same ISGS which is less than the requisition
(specially when unit trips), schedule from that ISGS will be restricted to entitlement for that
constituent and validity of earlier requisition of that constituent will expire. In case of subsequent
upward revision of entitlement from same ISGS (specially when unit returns), ERLDC will
schedule full entitlement from that ISGS to the same constituent.
In the power system operation there are two different type of operation or transaction between
the power buyer and power seller. Those are
1. Bilateral Transaction:
Long Term Access (LTA) for up to 25 years power purchase agreement.
Medium Term Open Access (MTOA) for 3 months to 3 years agreement.
Short Term Open Access (STOA) for Intraday to 3 months power purchase
2. Collective Transaction: This is done through Power Exchange (PX) of the Day Ahead
1. Constituent/Generator would only furnish to ERLDC the mutually agreed schedules by 17:00
Hrs for the next day. Endorsement of the concerned SLDC/RLDC (when one of party is from
outside region) will be required.
2. ERLDC would incorporate the schedules and release the schedule for next day by 18:00 hrs.
3. SLDCs/Generators can inform of any mutually agreed changes duly endorsed by concerned
SLDC/RLDC (when one of party is from outside region) by 22:00 hrs. of previous day to
5. Revision of the schedule during course of the day would be permitted, depending upon
intimation of the revised mutually agreed schedules duly endorsed by concerned SLDC/RLDC
(when one of party is from outside region) to ERLDC. The concerned SLDCs/RLDCs (when
one of party is from outside region) may also give standing instructions to ERLDC in advance
to accommodate all day ahead requisition/revision on the day of operation, on behalf of
constituents under their jurisdiction so that schedule furnished by other
constituent/s/generator/s will be construed as mutually agreed schedule and will be revised
6. In case of tripping of unit of Generating station/s having LTA, schedule will be revised with
intimation to concerned SLDCs/RLDCs. The revised schedules shall become effective from
the 4th time block, counting the time block in which the forced outage is declared and revision
sought in MW quantum from the generator to be the first one.
7. Revised schedules for other revision shall become effective from the 4th time block, counting
the time block in which revised mutually agreed schedule duly endorsed by concerned
SLDC/RLDC(when one of party is from outside region)has been received by ERLDC to be
the first one.
Scheduling Procedure:
Fig: 9
The coal based thermal capacity is concentrated in eastern part while hydro capacity
is concentrated in south and extreme northern part of India. The electricity is transported from
these concentrations to loads via transmission systems comprising of 765 KV, 400 KV, 220 KV,
132 KV AC network and HVDC system 500KV. Operation of such complicated and vast system
requires a central coordination and information system. For this a Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition (SCADA) System have been installed jointly by Power Grid, a Central Transmission
Utility (CTU) and state electricity board, the agencies responsible for electricity management in
Hierarchical Structure:
Hierarchy at National Level:
SCADA system is hierarchical in nature having two distinct hierarchies - one at national level
other at regional level. At national level, SCADA/EMS system of all five RLDCs report to
NLDC. Data from each RLDC is transmitted to NLDC in real time on dedicated communication
lines. The national level hierarchical arrangement is shown in figure.
Fig: 10
Hierarchy at Regional Level:
At regional level RLDC acts as apex body and coordinates the all inter-state activities of
SCADA/EMS systems of SLDCs of a region. SCADA systems of all Sub-LDCs of a state
reports to the SLDC of that state. The hierarchy at regional level is shown in figure.
Fig: 11
Function of SCADA:
The list of major functions of the SCADA system are summarized below:-
1. Analog:-
Active Power (MW)
Reactive Power (MVAR)
Voltage (KV)
Frequency (HZ)
2. Digital :-
Circuit breaker status
Isolator status
Protection contracts.
Remote Terminal Units:
Location of RTUs:
All 400KV Sub-Station.
Type of RTUs:
1. Critical RTU: All the RTUs which are located at following stations
Fig: 12
Fig: 13
The existing SCADA/EMS provides only the steady state view of the power system. These
systems take a minute to deliver a snap shot of a system whose characteristic are changing very
fast. In contrast to the conventional SCADA system where RTUs are used to acquire voltage,
current and frequency, Wide Area Monitoring system acquire current, voltage (both magnitude
and phase angle) and frequency measurement by phasor measurement and are also time
synchronised via Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver to a time resolution of 1 micro sec.
so that Real Time Dynamic State Measurements/Monitoring of System across the widely spread
grid is possible. The wide area measurement facilitates better, faster analyses of grid conditions,
which in turn provide operators with more time and more options to preserve system stability. It
also represents a quantum leap in the quality of data on which everyday operational decisions are
based. This will help in maintaining grid safety and security and will be a step towards intelligent
and self-healing grid. Deployment of this technology in Indian Power System has been
envisaged in the Report of Working Group on Power for 11th Plan, Government of India as well
as in National Electricity Policy.
The Synchrophasor initiatives in India started with the implementation of a very simple
project consisting of 4 PMUs and 1 PDC along with data historian and operator console in May
2010 in Northern Region. Subsequently, other pilot projects were taken up in different regions.
Later on these all projects were integrated at National level by providing a PDC at National level
in National Load Despatch Center located at Delhi.
Phasor and Synchrophasor Technology:
A phasor is a complex number that represents both the magnitude and phase angle of
the sine waves found in AC system as shown in figure.
Fig: 15 (Phasor representing magnitude & phase angle of sine wave of voltage or current)
Phasor measurements that occur at the same time are called "Synchrophasor" and can be
measured precisely by the Phasor measurement units (PMUs). PMU measurements are taken at
high speed typically 25 or 50 samples per second – compared to one every 4 to 10 seconds using
conventional technology. Each measurement is time-stamped according to a common time
reference. Time stamping allows phasors at different locations to be time-aligned (or
synchronized) thus providing a comprehensive view of the entire grid at central location.
A typical PMU installation as a part of wide area monitoring system (WAMS) network
consists of phasor measurement units (PMUs) dispersly placed throughout the electricity grid at
strategic locations in order to cover the diverse footprint of the grid. A Phasor Data Concentrator
(PDC) at central location collects the information from PMUs and provides alert and alarm for
emergency situations as well as facilitates development of different types of analytics for smooth
operation of grid on real time basis. The PMU data is also transmit to Supervisory Control and
Data Acquisition (SCADA) system after time aligning the same. The WAMS technology
requires high bandwidth communication network for rapid data transfer matching the frequency
of sampling of the PMU data.
PMUs installed for provide time stamped synchronized measurements to Phasor Data
Concentrators (PDCs) installed at Control Center at a reporting rate of 10, 25 and 50
frames/second. Most of the PMUs installed at EHV substations are reporting in IEEE C37.118-
2005 protocol combination of either One/Two sets of Voltage or one/two sets of Current signals.
Phasor Data Concentrators (PDC):
The Phasor Data Concentrators receives data from various PMUs, aligns the received
data and forwards the aggregated data to real time applications.
Location of PMUs in Eastern Region:
Regional Load Despatch Centres are responsible for scheduling and measuring power
within and across the regions. Measurement of electric energy is being carried out by interface
meters called Special Energy Meters (SEMs) installed at the peripheries of states and regions
according to Metering regulation notified by CEA. POWERGRID being Central Transmission
Utility (CTU) is responsible for installation of SEMs throughout the region and Eastern Regional
Load Despatch Centre is responsible for collection and processing the metered data.
Fig: 20
Metering and Data Collection:
o As per IEGC, the CTU shall install Special Energy Meters on all inter connections
between the regional entities and other identified points for recording of actual net
MWh inter-changes, average frequency on 15-minute time block and MVARh
drawls under low/high voltage conditions.
o All concerned entities having SEMs installed in their premises shall fully cooperate
and extend necessary assistance by taking weekly meter reading and transmitting
them to ERLDC in time.
o All concerned entities having SEMs shall also carry out necessary time
adjustments in the meter as per the procedure already in vogue/advice of.
Data Processing:
o As mentioned in IEGC guideline all the energy meter data would reach ERLDC
by every Tuesday afternoon via email. The CTU/STU, ISGSs and regional entities
shall be responsible for sending of data of sending of data to ERLDC. ERLDC
would carry out data validation and in case of any problem, request any entity to
send the data again. Each entity would therefore have necessary backup of data at
their local PC level.
o The computation of the net injection of each ISGS and actual net drawl of each
beneficiary shall be carried out in line with IEGC based on the above meter readings
received at ERLDC. The preparation and issue of REA to the constituents shall be
done by ERPC Secretariat on the basis of meter data and implemented schedule
forwarded by ERLDC.
o Data related to the reactive energy exchange between two STU systems and
between STU and ISTS points would also be forwarded by ERLDC for preparation
of reactive energy accounts and communication to all constituent and ERLDC by
ERPC Secretariat.
o The final schedule implemented by ERLDC shall be open to all regional entities
for checking / verification for a period of five days and mistakes/omissions if any
would be rectified.
Energy Accounting:
ERPC Secretariat would process the information provided by ERLDC and other
utilities to determine the following energy accounts:
In case of utilities outside Eastern regions are having shares on ISGSs, ERLDC shall be
furnishing consolidated schedule drawal at the concerned regional boundary/ies only.
Weekly Deviation charges shall be settled as per deviation calculation for each 15
minute block. The deviation charges payable/receivable shall be calculated with respect to
deviation Pool. The Pool Account shall be maintained by ERLDC. The deviation account as
prepared by ERPC Secretariat shall have the following components
Since the hydro stations within Bhutan System is not covered under deviation
settlement mechanism, the accounting for drawal from these stations shall be as per the Monthly
energy account as per the agreed principles. However, deviations of injections from these
stations shall be accounted for and duly apportioning the deviations amongst its beneficiaries.
The VARh account as prepared by ERPC Secretariat shall have two distinct
The VARh account for low VARh drawal and High VARh injection between STU and
ISTSs shall be maintained by ERLDC. Any payment to be made from VARh account shall be
discussed beforehand in ERPC forum.
In line with IEGC guideline, from the date of issue of weekly deviation account and
Reactive Energy Charge Account by ERPC Secretariat, within 10-days, the concerned regional
entity shall pay on priority the indicated amount into regional deviation, Reactive Energy and
Congestion charges accounts operated by ERLDC. The agencies that have to receive the money
from pool accounts would then be paid within 2 working days. These pool accounts are to be
reconciled once in periodic intervals (i.e. quarterly).
An Industrial training has allowed the student to get an exposure for the practical implementation
to theoretical fundamentals, which would be of great use in coming future. It gives large
spectrum to utilize the theoretical knowledge and to put it into practice.
From this Internship I get a very good experiment about Power System Operation Corporation
Limited’s (POSOCO) operation as well as over view of Indian Power System. I will like to
conclude that POSOCO as well as Eastern Regional Load Dispatch Centre (ERLDC) has
provided us with the following opportunity:
S. Banerjee
July, 2015
I hereby declare the project work titled Islanding of Power Systems which is being submitted to
the Eastern Regional Load Dispatch Centre (ERLDC), Kolkata for the completion of summer
internship program is a bona fide report of the work carried out by me. The material contained in
this project report is an outcome of my effort and that no part has been plagiarized without
I am overwhelmed in all humbleness and gratefulness to acknowledge our respect to all those
who have helped us to put our ideas on the assigned work, well above the level of simplicity and
into something concrete.
I am grateful to our mentors Mr Manoj Kumar Thakur and Mr Saurav Sahay for providing me
motivation and guidance during the entire project. Their valuable suggestions and comments have
made it possible for me to complete this project. Also in the process, I learnt a lot other technical
and non-technical things from them.
Finally I also like to thank all other friends working in projects under Mr S. Banerjee for helping
me at small problems as well as critical junctures.
Abnormal condition in a power system generally leads to a fall in system frequency, and it leads
to system blackout in an extreme condition. This project presents a technique to develop an auto
load shedding and islanding scheme for a power system to prevent blackout and to stabilize the
system under any abnormal condition.
In this project, load shedding is done calculating the rate at which the system frequency is
varying during an abnormal condition. The rate of change of frequency (rocof) technique
proposes the sequence and conditions of the applications of different load shedding schemes and
islanding strategies. It is developed based on the international current practices. It is designed,
and an auto load-shedding and islanding scheme is developed which is quick and is highly
helpful in obtaining system stability when compared to existing load shedding scheme
(traditional scheme).
The electrical load on a system at any given point of time in conjunction with the on line
generating capacity determines the system frequency. If the load is well within the on line
generating capacity of the system, then the frequency can be maintained at 50 Hz. Similarly if
the actual generation is less than the load, then the frequency drops and settles below 50 Hz. The
type of loads and their distribution in the power system also determine the operational behaviour
of the power system.
In any power system, the transmission network is designed to be adequate for normal load flows
and also for certain reasonable contingencies. However, when there is a major disturbance with
considerable loss of network/generating capacity, the remaining network may not be in a
position to cater to the load and generation. This may result in overloading and cascade tripping
of the remaining network following the disturbance.
In order to protect the power system integrity during system disturbances certain system
protection measures have to be adopted. Some of the important system protection measures that
are adopted are:
Load Shedding Scheme:
The principle of automatic under frequency load shedding scheme is that by relieving definite
quantum of load at different frequencies attempt is made to arrest the downward drift of the
system frequency from reaching the point where the thermal machines are set to trip by their
protection. However, when the system is subjected to a disturbance of severity beyond the
protection capacity of the scheme, the system frequency may reach the thermal unit trip setting.
This would result in the tripping of all the thermal units in the system where such trip protection
is provided. In most of the Indian power systems, which are predominantly thermal, such a
situation would result in total system collapse.
System Islanding:
In order to provide a further layer of system protection, following major system disturbance a
scheme called islanding scheme has been developed. This protection is really a system protection
of last resort. This scheme pre supposes that the integrity of the system cannot be maintained in
spite of the automatic load shedding, for every possible emergency. Instead of allowing the
system to disintegrate by the tripping of generators and transmission lines as the disturbance
develops, the islanding scheme itself sectionalises the whole system into sustainable small
systems each consisting of a group of generating stations and a group of load that can be
supplied by these generating stations. In effect each group becomes a sustainable island and
hence the name islanding scheme.
System islanding is often considered as the final stage of power system defense plans. The goal
is to preserve stable areas of the faulted power systems. The islanding scheme plays an important
role in the power system restoration phase as it can make the power system restoration less
complex and reduce the overall restoration time. The basis for islanding is not standard but rather
depends upon the nature of the utility. Even though the formation of islands is dominated by
geographical proximity of the synchronous generators to maintain generation-load balance, there
are some factors which can assist in designing a better islanding scheme. These factors are the
type and location of the fault and the dynamic performance of every island on the system against
the fault.
A fast islanding detection tool can help power dispatchers monitor and control power system
operations. For the islanding detection Frequency Monitoring Network (FNET) is a low cost and
quickly deployable Wide-Area Phasor Measurement System (WAPMS) at the distribution level.
The Frequency Disturbance Recorder (FDR) in FNET is actually a single-phase Phasor
Measurement Unit (PMU) in the sense that it measures the voltage phase angle, amplitude, and
frequency from a single-phase voltage source.
All control areas should endeavor to operationalize under frequency based load shedding
scheme as the first line of defense. Only when this defense mechanism fails and
frequency continues to fall further, formation of islands should be initiated.
The probability of survival of islands will be realistic only when all the generating units
are on free governor or on restricted governor mode of operation in accordance with
provisions of Indian Electricity Grid Code.
Islanding scheme should be a two-tier scheme. At frequency level of say 47.9 Hz, trigger
for formation of islands comprising of more than one generating stations along with pre-
identified load should be initiated. However, if frequency continues to fall further to say
to 47.7 Hz, possibilities of forming smaller islands with pre-identified loads should be
Islands should be created in such a manner that possibility of generation exceeding load
is more.
In case of hydro generators, islanding should be considered keeping peak generation in
mind. This is because, in low hydro season, generation may be practically nil during off-
peak hours and hence forming of island may not be feasible.
As the load-generation balance in pre-identified islands may change due to seasonality of
load, there would be need to review the scheme on seasonal basis. Such review would
also capture network changes taking place in the interim period.
As far as possible, major hospitals and other essential loads should be incorporated in the
islands. However, if this is not possible due to some reasons, efforts should be made to
extend supply from these islands to essential loads on priority basis.
Generation-rich Island:
Generators may be tripped by the operator or ultimately by protection devices to shift the
state closer to its nominal equilibrium point.
Load-rich Island:
This is more crucial
A frequency drop of around 1.5-2 Hz can trigger the under-frequency generator
protection and thus trip the generator.
This leads to a larger generation-load mismatch and in the worst case, after a sequence of
outages, to a secondary collapse.
Appropriate load shedding schemes are essential for the load-rich areas.
Balancing generation & load
Load-Generation Balance:
If load and generation is balanced than no problem is occurred. But in practical case this
is not occurred.
After islanding many parameters like frequency, voltage, power quality etc. are varies.
During a transient condition, it is difficult to determine frequency (and even its rate of
decline) from individual measurements locations because of the inter-area oscillations.
The local and inter-modal oscillations following large disturbances can cause f and df/dt
at different relays to measure quantities different from the actual underlying system f and
Using ∆f and ∆f/t settings, which are averaged over an appropriate time interval, gives
values closer to the real system frequency and its rate of change, and is less influenced by
other oscillations.
Voltage during Islanded Mode:
During the Islanded mode the inertia of the system is small so the voltage may be rise or
fall depending upon the type of loads (inductive load).
Any sort of perturbation in the output is closely related to power quality. Therefore, small
variation in the output parameters causes the degradation in the power quality for which
the implementation of additional function is needed. Large active power variation causes
poor power quality such as voltage flicker and grid instability.
• Allowing normal frequency variations within expanded limits will require the
coordination of primary control and scheduled reserves with generator load set points; for
example under-frequency generation trip (UFGT), over-frequency generation trips
(OFGT), or over-frequency generator shedding (OFGS), and other frequency controlled
protection devices.
• The emergency control schemes and protection devices dynamics for severe conditions
are usually represented using incremented/decremented step behaviour
• For a fixed UFLS scheme, the function of PUFLS in the time domain could be
considered as a sum of the incremental step functions of Pju(t−tj).
• Therefore, for L load shedding steps:
Where ∆Pj and tj denote the incremental amount of load shed and time instant of the jth
load shedding step, respectively. Similarly, to formulate the ∆POFGT, ∆PUFGT, and other
emergency control schemes, appropriate step functions can be used.
This disturbance started at 17:04 P.M. EST on Monday, January 6, 1992. It caused the loss of
335 MW of customer load in downtown Washington, D.C., supplied by the Potomac
River Generating Station. A shunt reactor switching device at Blue Plains Substation
malfunctioned and created an external arc which blown down to an adjacent 230 kV
transmission circuit and caused short circuits. This made both of the two 230 kV underground
transmission circuits to trip thus disconnecting the Potomac River Generating Station and its
PEPCO load to the rest of the PEPCO transmission system. “An incorrect frequency reading in
the control room at the Potomac River Generating Station led the power plant personnel to
respond incorrectly while trying to balance generation and load to restore 60 Hz operation. This
resulted in an under frequency condition, which caused shutdown of the generating station and
loss of the load that it was serving”. The disturbance resulted in the interruption of service to
approximately18,000 customers in Washington, D.C. and it took three hours to the load. The
incorrect operation was partially due to the misleading of the non-well-designed alarm system.
“Since over-frequency and under-frequency conditions cause the same alarm in the generating
station control room, the power plant personnel did not differentiate the over-frequency
indication from the under-frequency condition.”
North Island consisted of Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, British Columbia,
Utah, Colorado, Western South Dakota, Western Nebraska, and Northern Nevada. PacifiCorp
lost about 450 MW of customer demand, interrupting service to 154,000 customers in portions of
southern and central Oregon, and northern California.
Northern California Island. Frequency within the Island dropped to 58.3 Hz eight minutes into
the disturbance. The under frequency load shedding program within this island removed all ten
blocks of customer demand, representing about 50% of the Northern California demand. The
Northern California Island lost 7,937 MW of generation and 11,602 MW of demand (about 2.9
million customers). Connections to southern California were restored at 1847 when the Midway
– Vincent No.1 and No.3 lines were returned to service. The Midway –Vincent No.2 line was
returned to service at 1848. By 2154, 91% of the PG&E customers had electric service restored;
all customers had electric service restored by 0100 on August 11.
Southern Island consisted of Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Southern Nevada,
Northern Baja, California Mexico, and El Paso, Texas. Generation totaling 13,497 MW was
removed from service, along with 15,820 MW of customer demand (about 4.2 million
customers). The frequency in the Southern Island remained below 60 Hz for over an hour. As the
frequency in the island began to recover and several key units in the island returned to service,
system demand restoration began at 1657. The frequency returned to normal at 1655. By 2142,
all the demand shed in the Southern Island was restored.
Alberta Island. At 1544, about five minutes after the Northern Island separated from the rest of
WSCC, the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority (BCHA) to Alberta interconnections
(138 kV and 500 kV) opened, separating the Alberta system from the North Island. At the time
of the separation, the Interconnection was supplying 1,230 MW to Alberta. Frequency in the
Alberta Island dipped to 59.0 Hz. In this island, 146 MW of generation was removed from
service and 968 MW of demand was shed by under frequency load shedding, affecting 192,000
customers. Alberta resynchronized with British Columbia at 1629. Electric service was restored
to all customers by 1739.
1) CHPC (Bhutan) - One machine (84 MW) along with Thimpu Load gets island with opening
of bus coupler breaker
2) CESC - The entire system gets islanded at Kasba (the synchronizing point)
6) Bhushan Power & Steel (CPP in Orissa system)
A) Condition – I : All three units are on bar and having generation of 250 MW load (Ex-bus)
(U #1: 75 MW; U # 2: 75 MW and U # 3 100 MW).
df/dt “AND“
Inst. Tripping through
(Time delay shall depend upon under voltage (u/v) trip setting of Aux. board of HT drives of the
[ It is considered that under voltage upto 80% of nominal system voltage reaches at least with
time delay of 1.0 sec (ref.:- recording of voltage drop on 31.7.2012) U/V setting at CTPS being
set at 1.5 sec]. Therefore, U/F relay setting has to be operative within (1.0 + 1.5) Sec. = 2.5 Sec
to obviate tripping of unit auxiliary drives before islanding sets in].
3) Relay details with contact configuration to be finalised after finalisation of detail of this
At CTPS-A, generation of 250 MW (Ex-bus) is considered to be more or less full load operation
and a connected load of (100 + 15) MW =115 MW
(100 MW load would be catered by 2 nos.132/33 KV PTRs and 15 MW being 132 KV Rajabera
Rly feeder)
Under the given situation, all three generators with generation of 250 MW and
corresponding load of 115 MW will give rise to frequency up to f = 51.35 HZ ≈51.4Hz
(within 10% over-speed range of Turbine).
[250MW corresponds to 5%
5% droop
47.5 50 52.5
Frequency (Hz)
Here also, CTPS U # 1, 2 & 3 are GE turbo-generator with 5% drop characteristics is considered.
Now, at 51.4 HZ frequency, generation reduction may be resorted to reduce frequency which is
easier than increasing load.
Therefore, during occurrence of grid disturbance if generator at CTPS is less than 250 MW and
upto around 115MW, the final frequency will be within 51.4Hz to 50 Hz, which may be
considered to be safe.
5) Isolation of Outgoing line, ATRs etc. through U/F relay 86AA/86 A are as follows:
ii) DTPS L # 60 & 61
iii) Purulia L # 58 & 59
iv) BSL line # 53, 54 & 57
v) Gola line # 10 & 11
vi) All four Putki lines # 35, 36, 64 & 65.
6) Outgoing feeders with load (mixed with domestic + small industries) to be in service are as
i) 2 Nos. PTRs of 80MVA each (CD – 90 MVA, actual load = 110 MVA (off peak) and 125
MVA (peak).
ii) 132 KV, 2 No. feeders – Rajabera Rly feeders = (CD – 16 MVA) actual load = 14/15 MW
7) Excursion of frequency on isolation: Generation being 250 MW (Ex-bus) and load being 115
MW and operating system frequency would be 51.4 Hz (as stated above).
The situation will further improve if we consider station Aux. load and colony load of around
15/20MW being fed through 3 Nos. Reserve/Station Transformer.
Therefore, connected load under isolation comes to around 130/135 and operating frequency
would be around 51.15 HZ.
PT switching
df/dt U/F
Relay Relay
(The Relay ‘7UM64’ of Siemens make is suitable for the above scheme)
Tata Power, Haldia Islanding Scheme
Tata Power start their thermal power plant at Haldia, West Bengal to joint venture with CESE
The plant have two 45 MW unit and one 30MW unit.
Islanding Scheme:
When frequency is 47.7 Hz, then the following ckts will be made off through under frequency
relay with time delay 500 m.secs
1. 132 KV breaker of HPL ckt at Old Haldia & Direct New Haldia ckt at Old Haldia S/S.
3. 132 KV breaker of Tamluk D/C and Rohit Ferro Alloy fdr. At NIZ S/S.
After tripping of the above ckts, the load configuration will be as follow:
After isolation, Tata Power Haldia will be subjected to varying load from 84 MW (Max.)
to 38 MW (Min.) depending upon t and the time of isolation. So, to survive in such
situation T Haldia should take sufficient necessary controlling measure units for load
generation balance.
Regarding installation of under frequency relays at diff Tata Power should interact with
Transmission wing and testing wing of WBSETCL.
All costs should be borne by Tata Power, Haldia for implementation of the isolation
CESC System Islanding Scheme
About CESC:
CESC generates and distributes electricity over a licensed area of 567 sq. kms across the
twin cities of Kolkata and Howrah serving around 2.7 million consumers.
The peak demand is about 2042 MW, the annual energy sold is in excess of 8500 MU
and the T&D losses are below 12%.
Balance power to meet system demand is imported primarily from the networks of
WBSETCL, PGCIL and also from other agencies through bilateral contracts and power
The major voltage levels being used range from 220 kV through 132 kV, 33 kV, 11kV &
6 kV and MVAC.
System Islanding SPS:
CESC transmission system is connected to the outside network via WBSETCL and
PGCIL network. CESC system can be synchronized at 6 nos. locations (depending on
system requirement).
At 5 locations the synchronizing voltage is 132kV and at 1 location the same is 220kV.
However for ease of operation and maintenance, CESC keeps the synchronizing point at
1 location.
Any fault/disturbances occurring outside CESC network at 132/220kV level, the splitting
scheme gets activated immediately and depending on the fault criticality/system
condition, the CESC system gets isolated from the grid by tripping selected circuit
breakers through operation of split relay.
Fig: Logics Diagram of System Islanding SPC
OR To trip strategic
Via OF based
WBSETCL Over Load Trip:
These 4 nos. of power-transformers are the main source of 132 kV bus at that end.
Another path is that if any of those power-transformers is overloaded for a certain time,
then after the expiry of the set time delay CESC can shed required amount of load at 33
Fig: Over Load Scheme- II
CESC system got islanded at 12:32 hrs. following import failure at Kasba point causing
shutdown of E/C S/S, KRS 33 kV SIE Bd, Jad. S/S T3 sec, EMSS 33 KV Main bus, PRS 33
KV M-2 & Res Bus and Pr. St GIS 33 KV Res Bus. Kasba import commenced at 12:38 hrs
restoring part & essential supply. CESC system was synchronized at Howrah point at
12:41 hrs. All supply was restored at 12:48 hrs. Finally CESC system was synchronized at
Kasba point at 14:03 hrs.
Sequence of Event:
1. Fault occurred on B-ph at 12:32 PM.
2. Fault current was around 0.92 kA for all WBSETCL circuits.
3. The fault current disappeared after 60 ms from fault inception point and after that 3 ph
currents were 599 A for all WBSETCL circuits. At that time Ph-N voltage was 42.9
4. This caused operation of Split Logic path-1 after t1 ms from fault inception point.
Switchyard Operation:
1. Sequence- I
2. Sequence- II
3. Sequence- III
4. Sequence- IV
5. Sequence- V
6. Sequence- VI
7. Sequence- VII
8. Sequence- VIII
SCADA Data Analysis:
Abnormal condition in a power system created through fault or sudden load addition/withdrawn
or forced capacity outages or all at a time generates a huge loss to the utility as well as to the
consumers. The loss reaches to an extreme if the abnormal condition leads to a system blackout.
Islanding Scheme is use to prevent this blackout.
In this project we discuss about importance of islanding and behaviour of an Islanded Power
Station or Sub-Station. We also discuss about international experience and practices of islanding.
Now many Islanding Schemes available in Eastern Region as well as India. In this way we can
prevent blackout in our Indian Grid.