Cwts Reviewer Midterm

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Chapter 1 - Background of the National The National Service Training Program (NSTP) is a

Service Training Program (NSTP) mandated program on the curricula of all

baccalaureate degree and in at least two (2) year
technical-vocational or associate courses in all
state universities and colleges (SUC’s), private
higher and technical-vocational education
institutions. All incoming male and female students,
starting school year (SY) 2002-2003, are required to
complete one (1) NSTP component of their choice
as a requirement for graduation in compliance with
Section 4 of the Republic Act 9163, otherwise
known as the National Service.

Training Program Act of 2001 and Section 4, Rule III

The preamble serves as an introduction to our 1987
of the Implementing Rules and Regulations. This law
Philippine Constitution. It is stated that we, Filipino
started in all colleges and universities in 2002.
people, must live morally upright and value our
existence as one family under God in order to The NSTP Act of 2001 or Republic Act 9163 was
develop and uphold a just and humane society. conceptualized by the former Commission on
Higher Education (CHED) Chairman now the
The Republic Act No. 7077
President of the University of the East, Ester A.
This act is known as the “Citizen Armed Forces of the Garcia, and has been signed into law by former
Philippines Reservist Act” which aims to organize, President Gloria-Macapagal-Arroyo in response to
train, develop and maintain a support unit to the the public clamor for the reform in the Reserve
Armed Forces of the Philippines to help protect our Officer’s Training Corps ( ROTC).
country and citizens in the event of war, invasion or
The NSTP LAW is geared towards enhancing civic
rebellion; assist in relief and rescue during disaster or
consciousness and defense preparedness in the
calamities, in socioeconomic development and in
youth by developing in them the ethics of service
the operation and maintenance of essential
and patriotism while undergoing training in any of
government or private utilities in the furtherance of
its three (3) program components, especially
overall mission.
designed to develop the youth’s active
Pursuant to this act, graduates of Reserve Officer’s participation and contribution to the general
Training Corps (ROTC) component shall form part of welfare.
the Citizen Armed Force subject to Department of
Program Components of the NSTP
National Defense (DND) requirements; whereas,
graduates of the the non- ROTC components ( The students are free to choose the program they
Civic Welfare Training Service or CWTS) and Literacy want to enroll in. These three (3) components are as
Training Service (LTS) shall belong to the National follows:
1. The Reserve Officer’s Training Corps (ROTC)
Reserve Corps (NSRC) and could be tapped by the
State for literacy and civic welfare activities in times - was designed to provide military training to tertiary
of calamities. level students in order to motivate, train, organize
and mobilize them for national defense
The Republic Act No. 9163 preparedness.
Otherwise known as the NSTP Act of 2001, also 2. The Literacy Training Service (LTS)
states that the prime duty of the government is to
serve and protect its citizens who, in turn, shall also - serves to train the students to teach literacy and
protect and defend the State for their security; and numeracy skills to school children, out-of-school
to fulfill this, the government may require each youths and other segments of society in need of
citizen to render personal, military or civil service. these services.

The National Service Training Program or NSTP 3. The Civic Welfare Training Service
- Designs activities that will contribute to the general 1. Provision of National and Universal Rights for the
welfare and betterment of life for the community as Citizens
well as enhancing its facilities and improving the
- This shall cover the various rights and privileges of
health condition of the community. This can be
the Filipinos as provided for by the
done by focusing on providing the members of the
community basic skills on health, environmental Articles III and IV, the Bill of Rights and Citizenship,
sanitation, entrepreneurship, safety, recreation and respectively, of the 1987 Constitution of the
enhancing the moral values of the constituents. Republic of the Philippines.
Chapter 2 - Citizenship Training 2. Performance/ Delivery of Duties of a Citizen
Development of Citizens - Duties expected from every Filipino are contained
in the following laws:
Citizens are inhabitants of a city or town, or natives
or naturalized members of a state or nation who a. The National Service Law
owe allegiance to its government and are entitled b. Citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines
to its protection and privileges. Like in the Reservist Act
Philippines, inhabitants of any area in the country c. The Flag and Heraldic Code of the
who are residing since birth or have been Philippines
naturalized by virtue of conversion of nationality are
called Filipino citizens. 3. Development and Formation of Desired National
Article 14, Section 1- Citizenship of the 1987
Constitution of the Republic of the Philippines - The desired values, qualities and kind of citizens
provides criteria in becoming a Filipino citizens as that a country desires to produce are also vividly
follows: expressed in the various laws of the land such as:

a. Those who are citizens of the Philippines at a. Flag and Heraldic Code of the Philippines
the time of the adoption of this constitution; (RA 8491). The National Motto which is
b. Those whose fathers or mothers are citizens MAKA-DIYOS, MAKATAO, MAKAKALIKASAN
of the Philippines; AT MAKABANSA.
c. Those born before January 17, 1973, of b. CHED Memorandum Order (CMO) No. 26
Filipino mothers, who elect Philippine series of 2005. The good citizenship values as
citizenship upon reaching the age of indicated in the National Motto of RA 8491
maturity; and are also suggested in the Program of
d. Those who are naturalized in accordance Instruction on Values Formation of the CMO
with the law. No. 26 series of 2005.

Components of Citizenship Training and 4. Development of Citizens Sense of Volunteerism

Development - Republic Act No. 9418, otherwise known as the
The underlying elements of citizenship shall include “Volunteer Ac of 2007”, provides ways and
the following: practices to strengthen and inculcate the essence
of volunteerism.
I. Provision of National and Universal Rights
and Privileges of the Citizens Values Formation and Development
II. Performance/Delivery of Duties of a Citizen 1. What is/are Values?
III. Development and Formation of Desired
National Values Values can be defined as broad preferences
IV. Development of Citizens Sense of concerning appropriate courses of action or
Volunteerism outcomes. Values reflect a person’s sense of
choice-what he or she wants or “ought” to be.
Here are the specific discussions under the Values tend to influence attitudes and behavior.
aforementioned elements:
How are Values being Developed or Learned?

According to Morris Massey, values are formed frequently in large doses over a long period
during three significant periods: of time. The human body becomes used to
the presence of the drug.
 Imprint Period- from birth to 7 years of age
 Modeling Period- from 8-14 years
b. Psychological Dependence - the state or
 Socialization Period- from 15-21 years
behavior that the drug abuser is convinced
Values can be learned or developed through: in his mind that he needs the drug. It is more
of a mental or emotional need. This kind of
 Modeling dependence is known as drug habituation
 Communication of attitudes or psychological dependence. Examples of
 Unstated but implied attitudes drugs that produce this kind of dependence
 Religion are hallucinogens and nicotine.
Culture Phases of Drug Dependence
- is a social system that shares a set of common 1. Experimentation Phase - new user
values, in which such values permit social experiments with or tries a drug for the first
expectations and collective understanding of the time.
good, beautiful, constructive etc. 2. Occasional or Social Use - some teenagers,
assured by their drug-using friends that the
Cultural Values
unpleasant effects are normal and would
- are the modes of conduct of a group or society. pass away, decide to continue using drugs.
3. Regular Use - in this stage, he actively seeks
Behavioral Values the drugs of abuse of his choice. He tries to
- are the inner personal responses or incentives, make sure that he has a ready supply of the
which prompt a person to act in a certain way drug or that he can readily obtain it.
4. Drug Dependence -in this stage, he no longer
Chapter 3 - Drug Abuse and Its Prevention just takes the drug every now and then but
uses them day-by-day. The drug has
Lesson 1 - Basic Concept in Drug Dependence
become a major part of his life.
Drug Dependence
Signs and Symptoms:
It is the ultimate disastrous consequence of drug
A. Subtle Symptoms
abuse. The World Health Organization (WHO)
defines drug dependence as a state, psychic or  Secrecy
also sometimes physical, resulting from the  Increasing Isolation
interaction between living organism and a drug,  Change in friends
and characterized by behavioral and other  Change in dress and appearance
responses that always include a compulsive desire  Change in interest or activities
or need to use the drug on a continuous basis in  A drop in grades
order to experience its effects and/or avoid the  Change in behavior
discomfort of its absence.
B. Not So-Subtle Symptoms
Simply stated, drug dependence is the situation or
condition a person finds himself in which he uses or  Periods of deep depression
abuses a drug to the point that the drug becomes  Increased, unexplained absenteeism
the main focus of his life.  Money problems
 Extreme loss or gain of weight
Two (2) Types of Drug Dependence  Expulsion from school
 Physically hurting younger brothers and/ or
a. Physical Dependence - certain
psychoactive drugs-alcohol, heroin and
 Rebellious or offensive behavior
cocaine, to mention a few cause a change
 Appearance of new, usually older friends
in the body chemistry when taken
 Acting queerly
 Long periods of time in the bathroom School:
 Avoiding the issue of drug when asked
1. The absence of a basic drug education on
about it.
the proper use of drugs in the school.
C. Sure-Fire Indicators 2. Some schools are not giving the right basic
drug education to the students.
 Possession of drugs and drug paraphernalia
3. Teachers have not been well-trained or have
in his room or belongings.
not acquired the necessary teaching
 Needle marks on the arms.
 Spending time with known drug users
4. Teachers are not aware of personal conflicts
 Defending teen use of drugs
of their students.
 Mention of suicide or an attempt of suicide
5. Teachers are not sensitive to the needs of their
 Arrest due to alcohol or drug-related
6. Teachers are oftentimes concerned only with
 Possession of unusually large sum of money
the academic achievement of the child while
 Repeatedly having bloodshot eyes
their personality growth is neglected.
 Dilated or pinpoint eye pupils.
 Puffy or droopy eyelids that partially hang Community:
over the iris.
1. Drugs are easily available in the community.
Classification of Dangerous Drugs: 2. Increasing number of pushers in the
community poses a grave threat
As contained in the manual of the Comprehensive
3. No sports or recreational facilities are
Drugs Act of 2002, the following are the
available in the community
classification of the dangerous acts:
4. No vocational or skills training for out-of-school
a. Marijuana youth is being offered to keep them gainfully
b. Inhalants occupied.
c. Stimulants
d. Depressants
e. Hallucinogens Over sensationalization of news stories on illegal
f. Narcotics drugs and drug abuse by the media.

Lesson 2 - Primary Causes and Contributory Factors Contributory Factors to Drug Abuse
to Drug Abuse
Biological Factors:
Primary Causes of Drug Abuse
1. Some individual health conditions such as
Family: fatigue, chronic cough, insomnia, physical
distress and mental disorders are usually
1. Escape from strict and domineering parents.
relieved with the use of drugs. The improper
2. Parents lack of communication with
use of drugs will then lead to drug abuse.
2. With the use of certain drug, the body works
3. Parents are frequently quarreling in their
actively; but with the continued improper
use of such drug, it will result in physical
4. Over protective parents.
5. Neglected children.
6. Parents are busy in their work and have no Psychological Factors:
time for the children.
1. Low Self-Esteem and Poor Self-Image. This
7. Children prefer to be with their peer group
easily contributes to drug abuse.
(barkada) because they feel nobody wants
2. Need for acceptance or belongingness. To
them at home.
some people, using drugs provided by their
friend and using them together are ways of
winning friends acceptance and of

compensating for having no one associate - A sudden event, such as an accident or a natural
with. catastrophe, that causes great damage or loss of
3. Feeling for more freedom and autonomy. life. It can be caused by natural, man-made and
Drug users feel that their freedom and technological hazards, as well as various factors
independence are very much suppressed. that influence the exposure and vulnerability of a
They want to be free in their decisions. To community.
prohibit them is to make them do it.
Effects of disaster:
4. Escape from reality. The drug user simply
wants to get away from reality.  loss of life
5. Mental Problem. Illegal drugs use has been  injury or other health impacts
associated with a variety of psychiatric  property damage
problems such as depression and anxiety. It is  loss of livelihoods and services
viewed as an expression of personality  social and economic disruption
deficiency or symptoms of psychotic  environmental damage
6. Attention getting. Using drugs is a way to get Types of Disasters:
the attention of either their parents or loved
1. Natural Disasters – can cause great damage
ones, thus, to become the center of
on the environment, property, wildlife and
attraction in the family.
human health
Parental Negligence:

1. Over domineering parents Earthquake – a sudden movement of rock materials

2. Lack of parental concern and closeness. beneath the Earth's surface that causes a weak to
3. Parental permissiveness. violent shaking of the ground.
4. Rejection by the parents
Types of Earthquake
5. Abuse by the parents
6. Family instability and disorganization. 1. Tectonic Earthquake
7. Harsh physical punishment 2. Volcanic Earthquake
8. Childhood stress and trauma.
Ways in measuring earthquake
Sociological Factors:
1. Magnitude
1. Availability of the over-the-counter drugs. 2. Intensity
2. Influence of media.
3. Impact of affluent lifestyle and high Tsunamis – a massive ocean wave that is usually
unemployment problem, caused by a submarine earthquake, a landslide, or
4. Effect of increased travel and exposure to a volcanic eruption.
different cultures and societal values. Types of tsunami
5. Modeling by parents or key influences who
are drug users. - Local tsunami
6. Social pressures exerted by peer groups. - Far field or distant tsunami
7. Collapse of religious values.
Natural signs of an approaching tsunami
8. Feeling of powerlessness.
9. Lower value on academic achievement. 1. A felt earthquake
10. Corruption of public officials, especially police 2. unusual sea level change
elements. 3. Rumbling sound of approaching waves

Chapter 4 - Disaster Management

Landslides – are caused by disturbances in a slope's
Lesson 1 – Disaster natural stability. It is the gravity-driven mass
Disaster movement of rock, soil, and debris down a slope.
The movement may range from very slow to rapid.

They can occur as a result of heavy rains, droughts, 2. Human-Made Disaster – have an element of
earthquakes, or volcanic eruptions. human intent, negligence, or error involving a
failure of a man-made system, as opposed to
Typhoons – is another name for a cyclone, which is
natural disasters resulting from natural hazards.
a large storm that forms in the world's warm,
tropical ocean waters. Typhoons are storms that
rotate or spin around a center called an eye and Air Pollution - The presence of unwanted
occur in the western and northern Pacific Ocean. gases/particles in the atmosphere. Man-made
factors, such as factories or cars, may cause the
Types of typhoon
gasses to be emitted. It has a significant impact
on air quality, making it dangerous to breathe
and, in some cases, extremely toxic.

Water Pollution - another sort of pollution in which

undesirable creatures are abundant in the water.
The dumping of waste items at the depths of rivers
and lakes has also contributed to water

Floods – occurs when water overflows onto Red Tide – Chemicals from farms, industry,
normally dry land. This can occur as a result of a sewage treatment facilities, and other sources
variety of factors, including heavy rain, a breached can dissolve in groundwater. This water, known as
dam, rapid melting of snow or ice, or even a poorly runoff, ultimately makes its way into the ocean,
designed beaver dam. where it can encourage algae to bloom quicker,
resulting in red tides.
Common types of flood
Industrial Accidents (Oil spill) - any accident that
occurs during the course of employment and
causes injury. Industrial accidents are frequently
avoided, but both employees and management
must be aware of adequate safety practices.
When an industrial disaster occurs, it can have
serious and frequently long-term consequences.
Drought – a long period of dryness in the natural
Oil Spill - is a distinct mass of oil that floats on the
climatic cycle that can occur anywhere on the
surface of bodies of water and is moved by the
planet. It is a slow-onset disaster caused by a lack
wind, currents, and tides
of precipitation, which results in a water shortage.
Fire - When a source of fire, such as a candle
Different ways that drought can be defined
flame, cigarette, electric spark, or any other
source of heat, comes into contact with
combustible material, fire occurs.

Civil Disturbance - any occurrence that disrupts a

community and necessitates involvement to
ensure public safety. Demonstrations, riots, strikes,
public nuisances, and criminal activity are some
Volcanic Eruptions – happens when magma is examples.
discharged from a volcano. Volcanic eruptions can
be fairly peaceful and effusive, or they might be War - a disaster caused by leadership's failure to
explosive. Effusive eruptions produce lava flows, manage disagreements constructively, and it
whereas explosive eruptions produce ash and frequently brings out the worst in opponents via
pyroclastic density currents. the objective of destroying each other.

Poverty - a situation in which a family's Frequent and infrequent disasters - depend on the
fundamental necessities, such as food, housing, probability of occurrence and the return period of
clothes, and education, are not fulfilled. a given hazard and its impacts. The impact of
frequent disasters could be cumulative, or become
Bomb Threats - a threat to explode an explosive
chronic for a community or a society.
or incendiary device in order to inflict property
damage, death, or injury, regardless of whether Catastrophe (collapse) – A specific type of disaster
such a device exists. – one that is extremely large and is outside the
coping ability of a community.
Accidents - something bad that happens that is
not expected or intended and that often Key Concepts that can be Helpful
damages something or injures someone.
1. Risk. The probability that a disaster will occur.
Types of accident
2. Hazard. The specific nature of a threat.
1. Transports - an incident directly caused by the
3. Vulnerability. The inability to withstand, protect
driving of a motor car or motor vehicle, a
oneself or recover rapidly from a potentially
railway train or a tram.
damaging event.
2. Nuclear - An accident taking place in any
nuclear facility of the nuclear fuel cycle 4. Prevention. Measures designed to avert a
including the nuclear reactor, or in a facility potential hazard.
using radioactive sources, leading to a large-
scale release of radioactivity in the 5. Preparedness. Measures that ensure an effective
environment. disaster response.
3. Biological - occurs with an accidental or
6. Mitigation. Measures that reduce the harmful
intentional (bioterrorism) release of a
effects of a disaster.
biological agent.
7. Response. Actions taken in the aftermath of a
3. Categories of Severity disaster to assist victims and to rehabilitate society.

Accident (individual) - An unfortunate incident that

occurs unexpectedly and unintentionally that
causes severe injury, loss, or harm. Determined by Lesson 2 - Disaster Situation in the Philippines and
the severity of the damage to the most severely Assessment Reporting on Preparedness
injured individual. Situations in the Philippines
Emergency (limited) - an urgent, unexpected, and There are contributing factors that make disaster
usually dangerous situation that poses an happens and cause severe damages to lives and
immediate risk to health, life, property, or properties. These are as follows:
environment and requires immediate action.
1. Poverty and Marginalization
Disaster (widespread) - a serious problem occurring - Poverty is about not having enough money
over a short or long period of time that causes to meet basic needs including food,
widespread human, material, economic or clothing and shelter.
environmental loss which exceeds the ability of the - Marginalization occurs when a person or
affected community or society to cope using its groups of people are less able to do things
own resources. or access basic services or opportunities.
Small-scale disaster - a type of disaster only Malnutrition - refers to deficiencies, excesses or
affecting local communities which require imbalances in a person’s intake of energy and/or
assistance beyond the affected community. nutrients. (WHO, 2020)
Large-scale disaster - a type of disaster affecting a Poor Health - a condition of the body that makes
society which requires national or international an individual susceptible to illnesses.

Inadequate basic services: water, sanitation, of 15 million people much more vulnerable to
drainage, light and education. enormous floods. (Macaraig, 2012)
b. Civil War - a violent conflict between a state
Unemployment and low wages
and one or more organized non-state actors
2. Resource Depletion - the exhaustion of raw in the state's territory.
materials within a region. Resources are commonly
2. Natural Forces
divided between renewable resources and non-
renewable resources. Use of either of these forms of a. Typhoons (more than 20 per year) -
resources beyond their rate of replacement is According to DRRMC, the Philippines is visited
considered to be resource depletion. by an average of 20 typhoons every year,
with five having the potential to be
Forest Denudation - the procedure of leaching,
destructive ones.
erosion, reducing, and stripping of the mainland.
b. Drought - PAGASA defines drought as "three
This is because of the removal of material starting
consecutive months of way below normal
from areas that are higher to the areas that are
rainfall (60-percent reduction from average)
lower, such as lakes, rivers, valleys, seas, and more
or five consecutive months of below-normal
that have an everlasting filling of the lowlands.
rainfall condition (21- to 60-percent reduction
Soil Erosion - the movement of the topsoil, which is from average).
the upper-most layer of the ground, from one spot c. Torrential Rain with flooding - The Philippine’s
to another. geographical structure, being an
archipelago, increases the potentials of
Genetic Erosion - Loss of genetic diversity (genetic storm formation that produces heavy rains
erosion), including the loss of individual genes or and eventually lead to flash floods.
particular combinations of genes, and loss of d. Earthquakes - The Philippines lies along the
varieties and crops occur rapidly in crops mainly Pacific Ring of Fire, which causes the country
because of replacement of traditional landraces to have frequent seismic and volcanic
by modern, high-yielding cultivars, natural activity. Many earthquakes of smaller
catastrophes, and large-scale destruction and magnitude occur very regularly due to the
modification of natural habitats harboring wild meeting of major tectonic plates in the
species. region.
e. Volcano terrain - The Philippines sits on a
Marine Pollution - a combination of chemicals and
unique tectonic setting ideal to volcanism
trash, the majority of which originates on land that is
and earthquake activity. Volcanic terrain is
washed or blown into the ocean.
built by the slow accumulation of erupted
Agrochemicals - biological compounds that are lava.
applied to fields to boost the nutrient content of the
Assessment/ Reporting on Preparedness
soil or crops. They boost agricultural growth by
eradicating pests that wreak havoc. They are used As a response to the occurrence of natural and
in horticulture, dairy farming, poultry farming, crop human-made disasters, there is a need to learn how
switching, commercial planting, and other farming to assess and report the disaster situations.
The need for preparedness in damage assessment
Air and Water Pollution and reporting involves:
Due to these factors, it can lead to the following: 1. Knowledge of pre-disaster situation - to reduce
the potential for human, material or
1. Human-made disaster
environmental losses caused by hazards and to
a. Flood - Damaged watersheds, massive ensure that these losses are minimized when the
squatter colonies living in danger zones and disaster actually strikes.
the neglect of drainage systems are some of
Here in the Philippines, we have Republic Act No.
the factors that have made the chaotic city
10121 or "The Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (PDRRM) Act of 2010. It
acknowledges the importance of adopting a 5. Established format of reporting
disaster risk reduction and management approach
6. Established confirmation/ verification procedures
that is holistic, comprehensive, integrated, and
- This is to verify the completion or non-completion
proactive in lessening the socioeconomic and
of the activities in each of the priority area and the
environmental impacts of disasters including
suitability of the method. These are the information
climate change, and promote the involvement
or data required to assess the progress against the
and participation of all sectors and all stakeholders
concerned, at all levels, especially the local
community (Section 2, RA No. 10121). 7. Established Authority to releasing reports - The
National Disaster Risk Reduction and Management
Council (NDRRMC) is the agency in the Philippines
tasked with preparing for and responding to natural
calamities. It also uses strategies to mitigate the
impact of disasters and increase the resiliency of
the national government and local government
(LGUs) in the face of disasters.

National Agencies involved

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and

Seismology (PHIVOLCS) is a service institute of the
Department of Science and Technology (DOST) that
is principally mandated to mitigate disasters that
2. Capability to assess: may arise from volcanic eruptions, earthquakes,
tsunami and other related geotectonic
a. Medical/nutritional situation - providing health phenomena.
services during emergencies as necessary,
and organizes reaction teams in hospitals, Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and
clinics and sanitary and other health Astronomical Services Administration (PAGASA) is
institutions the National Meteorological and Hydrological
b. Agricultural situation - undertakes surveys in Services (NMHS) agency of the Philippines
disaster areas to determine the extent of mandated to provide protection against natural
damage of agricultural crops, livestock and calamities and to insure the safety, well-being and
fisheries and renders technical assistance to economic security of all the people, and for the
disaster victims whose crops or livestock have promotion of national progress by undertaking
been destroyed scientific and technological services in
c. Infrastructure situation - restores destroyed meteorology, hydrology, climatology, astronomy
communication and transportation facilities and other geophysical sciences.
such as railroads and vertical structures, and
organizes emergency transport services from
the national down to the barangay level
d. Structural stability - promoting earthquake-
resistant buildings, public facilities,
infrastructures and lifelines; strengthening
institutional capacity for implementing
preparedness and mitigation measures; and
establishing emergency transportation system
e. Relief Operation Capabilities - extends relief
assistance and social services to the victims as

3. Established lines of communication

4. Established data collection points


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