NIM : 20251345
Class : Inter
Major : Environmental Engineering
1. -Qualitative Research
As the name implies, a qualitative research approach is an approach that focuses
on quality. The purpose of quality here is to understand deeply about a
phenomenon that occurs to be investigated for its truth. Therefore, qualitative
research usually uses in-depth analysis techniques. The technique is meant to
explore the problem in detail on a case by case basis.
The purpose of qualitative research is, of course, to understand in depth a problem
in order to be able to provide suggestions that are in accordance with the results of
the research.
- Quantitative Method
The quantitative method approach is research where the data is more numerical or
numeric in nature. The numbers meant in this case are not just for mathematics,
but the intention is to examine problems that can be measured by numbers. This
quantitative research is used to examine a population or sample that aims to prove
a hypothesis set in the study. Because the data obtained is in the form of numbers,
the data analysis used will be statistical.
- Combined Method
This method is useful when both quantitative and qualitative methods are
combined into one and are often called mixed methods. Joint research is the stage
of data collection, data analysis, with a combination of sequential methods,
namely quantitative and qualitative methods or vice versa. These two methods are
used to conclude research questions.
If further concluded, quantitative research methods focus more on numerical data
with certain instruments or measuring devices, while qualitative methods aim to
describe analytical data in a narrative manner. Unlike the quantitative and
qualitative methods, combined is a method used to combine qualitative and
quantitative research.
Arranged by :
La Ode Munajad
Chapter 1
1.1 Background
Seeing these problems, it can be concluded that the solid waste problem in
Indonesia is in a red light status. It takes a lot of alternative processing to solve
this problem, because just hoarding garbage is not enough, plus the ever-
increasing population also affects the amount of waste that people produce each
year. In addition, the habits and social activities of the Indonesian people who like
to throw garbage out of place also exacerbate the situation. This makes Indonesia
need renewable innovations in waste processing that are more populist and can
change people's perceptions of waste.
Literature Review
The increase in population and the rapid rate of industrial growth will
have an impact on the amount of waste produced, including plastic
waste, paper, packaging products containing B3 (Dangerous Toxic
Materials). The amount and type of waste really depends on the
lifestyle and the type of material we consume, the more the economy in
the household increases, the more the amount of waste produced varies.
In addition to these conditions, we still find waste generation or
disposal in rivers that have a negative impact on the environment which
in turn disrupts human health.
Since 2014, Olivier and Febriadi have started to develop this platform.
The two of them started when there was a Start Up Weekend event in
Hubud, a co-working space in Ubud.
The initial idea, according to Febri, was that they wanted to provide
information for school children on how to collect waste that could
generate money. Along the way, the idea changed for something bigger.
Not only information for school children but also general citizens who
deal with waste every day.
In mid-2015, they started developing Gringgo. The end result they want
to get is a platform where users can get information on the types of
waste and the monetary value behind it, locations for waste disposal or
collection, and request garbage pick-up services.