Multimedia and Its Applications

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UNIT -I Lesson 1 Int roduct ion t o Mult imedia

Nureen Auny

Mult imedia Syst ems

hafsa fat ima


Manish Joon
TECHNOLOGY ISSN (O) :- 2349-3585


Mrs.A.Pavithra1, Mr.M.Aathilingam2, Mr.S.Murukanantha Prakash3
Assistant Professor,2Student, 3Student, Department of UG Computer Science,SreeSaraswathiThyagaraja College, Pollachi, India

ABSTRACT:Multimedia is the field concerned with the  Audio

computer controlled integration of text, graphics, drawings,  Video
still and moving images (Video), animation, audio, and any  Animation
other media where every type of information can be  Interactivity
signified, stored, communicated and handled digitally. Multimedia may be generally separated into linear and non-
Multimedia can be recorded and played, displayed, linear groups. Direct active content developments without any
interacted with or accessed by information satisfied navigation control for the watcher such as a cinema
processing devices, such as high-tech and automated devices, presentation. Non-linear content suggestions user interactivity
but can also be part of a live presentation. Multimedia to control progress as used with a computer game or used in
devices are electronic media strategies used to store and self-paced computer created exercise. Non-linear content is
involvement multimedia content. Multimedia is notable from also known as hypermedia content. Multimedia presentations
diverse media in fine art; for model, by containing audio it can be live or noted. A recorded presentation may permit
has a broader scope. In the early years of multimedia the interactivity via a steering system. A live multimedia
term "rich media" was identical with collaborating presentation may allow interactivity via interaction with the
multimedia, and "hypermedia" was an application of presenter or performer.
multimedia. In this paper we discussed about the different 2. ELEMENTS OF MULTIMEDIA
elements of multimedia along with its applications, features, 2.1. Text
advantages and disadvantages so on. Whether or not they have used a computer, most people are
Keywords: Audio, Video, Animation, Text, graphics, Motion familiar with text. Text is the foundation for word processing
Video programs and is still the fundamental information used in
1. INTRODUCTION many multimedia programs. In fact, many multimedia
Multimedia has developed an unavoidable fragment of any applications are based on the conversion of a book to a
performance. It has originate a diversity of presentations right computerized form. This change gives the user instant access
from entertaining to education. The development of internet to the text and lets him or her display pop-up windows, which
has also enlarged the request for multimedia content. give meanings of certain words. Multimedia applications also
Multimedia is the media that uses numerous forms of enable the user to instantly display information related to a
information contented and information processing (e.g. text, certain topic that is being viewed. Most powerfully, the
audio, graphics, animation, and video interactivity) to inform computerized form of a book allows the user to look up
or entertain the user. Multimedia also mentions to the use of information quickly (without referring to the index or table of
electronic media to store and knowledge multimedia content. contents).The Windows operating environment gives the user
Multimedia is alike to traditional varied media in fine art, but an almost infinite range of expressing text. As a multimedia
with a broader opportunity. The term “rich media” is equal for programmer, you can choose what font to display text in, how
interactive multimedia. big (or small) it should be, and what color it should be
Multimedia elements displayed in .By displaying text in more than one format ,the
 Text message a multimedia application is trying to portray can be
 Graphics made more understandable. One type of application, which

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many people use every day, is the Windows Help Engine. This the form of musical notes. MIDI music can be shaped with a
application is a text-based information viewer that makes sequencer.
accessing information related to a certain topic easy. 2.3. Static Graphics images:
2.2 Audio Sound: When you imagine graphics images you believably think of
The combination of audio sound into a multimedia application "still" images-that is, images such as those in a photograph or
can offer the user with information not likely finished any drawing. There is no occurrence in these kind of picture. Still
other technique of announcement .Some types of information graphics images are an all important portion of multimedia
can't be taken efficiently without using sound. It is closely because humans are modality adjusted. As the old Chinese
impossible, for instance, to provide a precise word-based saying goes, "A picture is worth a thousand words."Windows
explanation of the bear of a heart or the sound of the ocean. is also a sense modality environment. This kind displaying
Audio sound can also strengthen the users considerate of graphics images easier than it would be in a DOS-based
information obtainable in another type of media. For example, environment. Static graphics images have a certain concept of
a description might define what is being seen in an animation formats and can be created in a number of various ways. Just
clip. This can enhance the understanding of what the as you can see an limitless number of photographs or pictures,
application is all about and lead to better comprehension. the types of static graphics images that you can include in a
Experts in learning have found that presenting information multimedia application are almost unlimited.
using more than one sense aids in later retaining of the 2.4. Animation
information. Most importantly, it can also make the Animation mention to moving graphics images. The
information more interesting to the user. Audio sound is happening of somebody giving CPR makes it much easier to
available in several different formats. Today, maybe the learn internal organ revitalization, rather than just screening a
greatest collective type of audio is red book audio. This is the static picture. Just as a static graphics image is a all-powerful
normal prerequisite used to mention to customer audio form of human action, such is the case with animation.
compacted discs. It is an worldwide standard and is formally Animation is particularly useful for enlarge concepts that
recognized as IEC 908.This description is called red book affect movement. Such thought as playing a guitar or hitting a
audio meanwhile of the color of the cover of the publication golf ball are hard to exemplify using a single photograph, or
that defines its formats. Red book audio sound can also be even a ordination of photographs ,and equal more difficult to
used in multimedia applications, and it forms the basis of the explicate using text. Animation form it easier to portray these
highest quality sound available. Another audio sound format is characteristic of your multimedia application.
the Windows wave file, which can be played only on PCs 2.5. Full-Motion Video
running the Windows operating environment. A wave file Full-motion video, such as the images depicted in a television,
contains the actual digital data used to play back the sound as can add even more than to a multimedia application. Although
well as a header that provides supplementary information full-motion video may sound similar an perfect way to add a
about the determination and playback rate. Wave files can powerful message to a multimedia application, it is nowhere
store any sort of sound that can be verified by a microphone. near the quality you would anticipate after watching
The last type of audio sound that may be used is known as the television. Full-motion video is still in its occurrence stages on
Musical Instrument Digital Interface or MIDI for short. The PCs, and it is constricted in resolution and size. Even with
MIDI format is actually a specification invented by musical precocious methods of data compression, full-motion video
instrument manufacturers. Rather than being a digitized form can suck up hard disk space faster than waterfalls when
of the sound, the MIDI specification is actually a set of poured out of a bucket.
messages that describes what musical note is being played. 3. USES AND APPLICATIONS OF MULTIMEDIA:
The MIDI requirement cannot accumulation whatever but in 3.1 Multimedia in Education:

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Multimedia combining respective media in a one evidently it The business application of multimedia includes, product
has more beginning of information. So it is extended used in demos, instant messaging. One the excellent applications are
the field of education and training. Even in conventional voice and live conferencing. A multimedia can make a
method we use audio visual for imparting education, where audience come live. It is widely used in programs. Such a
charts, models etc. were used. Now days the classroom program can be used by a mechanic and peoples. There are a
demand is not limited to that accepted method instead it needs number of easy to use authoring programs and tools that can
audio and visual media. The multimedia incorporate all of even let workers to create their own program. There are a
them in one system. For the use of multimedia as an education number of applications available that slow to run more
assistance the PC integrated a high quality display. This all has smoothly and effectively.
advance the improvement of a wide scope of computer based 3.5Multimedia in Games:
training. The software package named computer aided One of the most exciting applications of multimedia is games.
direction is accessible that supply a friendly interactive acting Now days the live internet pay to play gaming with multiple
of learning. players has become popular. Actually the first application of
3.2Multimedia in Training: multimedia system was in the field of entertainment and that
There diverse systems and intelligent tutoring systems too in the video game industry. The integrated audio and video
accessible to train the students in numerous areas opening effects make various types of games more entertaining.
from the mathematics of a original abrupt to a difficult Generally most of the video games need joystick play.
surgical process for a medical student. As there sufficient 3.6 Creative industries:
audio clips added these tutorials and an action can be seen Creative industries use multimedia for a variety of purposes
from all orientation and repetition so evidently as far as ranging from fine arts, to entertainment, to commercial art, to
practical skills is obsessed it gives a lot of far that. These journalism, to media and software services provided for any of
packages are just like expert systems and are fully equipped the industries listed below. An individual multimedia designer
with decision making utility-grade to impact training after may cover the spectrum throughout their career. Request for
judging the competence of a student in the several field. These their skills range from technical, to analytical, to creative.
tutorials incorporate enough number of videos sequences 3.7 Language communication:
clarify. With the spread and development of the English language
3.3 Science and Technology: around the world, it has become an important way of
Multimedia had a broad application in the field of science and communicating between different people and cultures.
technology. Whether it is an industry or the case of sciences Multimedia Technology creates a platform where language
all are benefited by its use. The multimedia application and can be taught. The traditional form of teaching English as a
beneficial for researchers as well as over the world. The Second Language (ESL) in classrooms have drastically
multimedia system is competent of transferring audio, and changed with the prevalence of technology, making easier for
clips in addition to the regular text. It is even capable of students to obtain language learning skills. Multimedia
sending message and formatted multimedia documents. At the motivates students to learn more languages through audio,
same time the multimedia also helps in live which is a live visual and animation support. It also helps create English
interaction through audio messages and it is only possible with contexts since an important aspect of learning a language is
the multimedia. It reduces the time and cost can be arranged at developing their grammar, vocabulary and knowledge of
any moment even in emergencies. It is adequate for pragmatics and genres. In addition, cultural connections in
communication and meetings. At the same time the terms of forms, contexts, meanings and ideologies have to be
multimedia is sufficiency useful services based on images. constructed. By improving thought patterns, multimedia
3.4 Multimedia in Business: develops students’ communicative competence by improving

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their capacity to understand the language. One of the studies, 4.4 Video player
carried out by Izquierdo, Simard and Pulido, presented the Upload videos and display them in a professional player or
correlation between “Multimedia Instruction (MI) and embed videos directly from video sharing websites such as
learners’ second language (L2)” and its effects on learning
behavior. Their findings based on Gardner’s theory of the
“socio-educational model of learner motivation and attitudes”,
the study shows that there is easier access to language learning
materials as well as increased motivation with MI along with
the use of Computer-Assisted Language Learning. 4.5 Embedded documents
3.8 Medicine: Embed already existing documents from or other
In medicine, doctors can get trained by looking at a virtual document sharing websites directly into your website for easy
surgery or they can simulate how the human body is affected viewing.
by diseases spread by viruses and bacteria and then develop Example: Invisible Alligators – Children’s book by Hayes
techniques to prevent it. Multimedia applications such as Roberts
virtual surgeries also help doctors to get practical training. 5. MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS:
4. FEATURES OF MULTIMEDIA: A Multimedia Application is an application which uses a
4.1 Photo gallery: multiple media foundations e.g. text, graphics, images,
Show your photos arranged in a nice-looking grid format. sound/audio, animation and/or video. Multimedia conference
Example: covers the certain tools functional in multimedia systems and
key multimedia applications. It encompasses of Audio, video
dispensation, Virtual reality and 3-D imaging, Virtual reality
and 3-D imaging, Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence.
Multimedia Applications is the conception of exciting and
innovative multimedia systems that connect information
modified to the user in a non-linear communicating format.
Multimedia conference deliberates the basic and novel
4.2 Slideshows:
features of multimedia document handling, programming,
Combine your pictures with music and animate them in a
security, human computer interfaces, and multimedia
application facilities.
• Audio, video processing
• Education and training
• Multimedia analysis and Internet
• Artificial Intelligence
• Virtual reality and 3-D imaging
• Wireless, Mobile Computing
• Animation and Graphics
4.3 Audio player:
• Visual Communication
Add music, podcasts, or other audio files to your website.
Example: Audio Player
6.1 CD-ROM
A Compact Disc or CD is an optical disc used to store digital

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data, initially established for storing digital audio. The CD, anything) the letters stood for. Usage in the present day varies,
accessible on the market since late 1982, remains the typical with “DVD”, “Digital Video Disc”, and “Digital Versatile
playback medium for marketable audio recordings to the Disc” all being common.
current day, however it has lost ground in recent years to MP3 6.3 About Flash Drives
players. An audio CD consists of one or more stereo tracks A USB flash drive is a data storage device that includes flash
stored using 16-bit PCM coding at a selection rate of 44.1 memory with an integrated Universal Serial Bus (USB)
kHz. Standard CDs have a diameter of 120 mm and can taking interface. USB flash drives are typically removable and
hold about 80 minutes of audio. There are also 80 mm discs, rewritable, and physically much smaller than a floppy disk.
sometimes used for CD singles, which hold approximately 20 Most weigh less than 30 g. As of January 2012 drives of 1
minutes of audio. The technology was later adapted for use as terabytes (TB) are available. and storage capacities as large as
a data storage device, known as a CD-ROM, and to include 2 terabytes are planned, with steady improvements in size and
record once and re-writable media (CD-R and CD-RW price per capacity expected. Some allow up to 100,000
respectively). CD-ROMs and CD-Rs stay widely used write/erase cycles (depending on the exact type of memory
practical application in the computer industry as of 2007. The chip used) and 10 years shelf storage time. USB flash drives
CD and its extensions have been extremely successful: in are often used for the same purposes for which floppy disks or
2004, the worldwide sales of CD audio, CD-ROM, and CD-R CD-ROMs were used. They are smaller, faster, have
reached about 30 billion discs. By 2007, 200 billion CDs had thousands of times more capacity, and are more durable and
been sold global. reliable because they have no moving parts. Until
6.2 DVD approximately 2005, most desktop and laptop computers were
DVD (also known as “Digital Versatile Disc” or “Digital supplied with floppy disk drives, but floppy disk drives have
Video Disc”) is a best-selling optical disc storage media been abandoned in favor of USB ports. USB flash drives use
format. Its primary uses are video and data storage. Most the USB mass storage standard, supported natively by modern
DVDs are of the identical dimensions as compact discs (CDs) operating systems such as Linux, Mac OS X, Windows, and
but store more than 6 times the data. Variant of the term DVD other Unix-like systems, as well as many BIOS boot ROMs.
often depict the way data is stored on the discs: DVD-ROM USB drives with USB 2.0 support can store more data and
has data which can only be read and not written, DVD-R can transfer faster than much larger optical disc drives like CD-
be written once and then functions as a DVD-ROM, and RW or DVD-RW drives and can be read by many other
DVD-RAM or DVD-RW holds data that can be re-written systems such as the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, DVD players
multiple times. DVD-Video and DVD-Audio discs and in some upcoming mobile smart phones.
respectively mention to decently formatted and organized
video and audio contented. Another types of DVD discs, 6.4 About Internet
consider those with video content, may be referred to as DVD- The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer
Data discs. The term “DVD” is commonly misused to refer to networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP)
high density optical disc formats in general, such as Blu-ray to serve billions of users worldwide. It is a network of
and HD DVD.“DVD” was originally used as an initialism for networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic,
the unofficial term “digital video disc”. It was reported in business, and government networks, of local to global scope,
1995, at the time of the specification finalization, that the that are linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and
letters officially stood for “digital versatile disc” (due to non- optical networking technologies. The Internet carries an
video applications), however, the text of the press release extensive range of information resources and services, such as
announcing the specification finalization only refers to the the inter-linked hypertext documents of the World Wide Web
technology as “DVD”, making no mention of what (if (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email.

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7. ADVANTAGES OF MULTIMEDIA There is a wide variety of gadget models which arouses

Creativity: incompatibilities of media formats.
It brings more life to discussions. Fragile:
Variety: The device used for multimedia must be used with attention;
It caters all types of learners. vulnerability to moisture or other elements could cause costly,
Cost-effective: reparable damage which would require another purchase of a
Multimedia mostly requires only a one-time purchase of device.
devices and software, which can be used unlimited times 9. CONCLUSION:
thereafter. There are two ways we can think through with multimedia.
Evaluation: The first is to think about multimedia through definitions,
It offers ideal learning assessment tools which are also histories, examples, and theoretical problems. The second way
entertaining for the students. is to use multimedia to deliberation and to communicate
Realistic Approach: thought. The domain study of multimedia system is a
It provides approaches which make learning more realistic. "thinking-about" that is typically communicated through
Wide Variety of Support: academic locale like textbooks, articles, and lectures.
Multiple media formats are available for use, with different "Thinking-with" is the occupation of multimedia that has its
models being able to create multimedia. own traditions of linguistic unit, forms of organization, tools,
Trendy: and outcomes. To think-with multimedia is to use multimedia
The current trend of culture leans toward technology, and a to research ideas and to communicate them. In a field like
great number of resources are being made available for multimedia, where what we think about is so new, it is
different media formats. important to think-with. Scholars of multimedia should take
8. DISADVANTAGES OF MULTIMEDIA seriously the challenge of creating multimedia as a way of
Accessibility: thinking about multimedia and attempt to create exemplary
Multimedia definite quantity electricity to be operated, which works of multimedia in the cognitive content of the
may not be accessible in some rural areas or may not be humanities.
systematically acquirable due to deficit and intermission. References:
Distracting:  “A survey on Chromecasat digital device” Journal of
Multimedia may take away the focusing from the lesson due Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (ISSN :
to its attention-grabbing formats. 2349-5162) Published in Volume 5 Issue 10 , October-
Costly: 2018.
Production of multimedia is more costly than others because it  Wikipedia:Link:
is made up of more than one medium.. Production of  digitalhumanities,Link:
multimedia requires an electronic device, which may be nion/view?docId=blackwell/9781405103213/9781405103
relatively expensive. Multimedia requires electricity to run, 213.xml&
which adds to the cost of its use. 3213_brand .
Time Consuming:  Advances in intelligent and soft computing in multimedia
Creating multimedia requires more time. by Ngic-thanhnguyen.
Requires Mastery :  Multimedia Applications by KlaraNahrstedt and Ralf
Multimedia requires consistent and long practice to master, Steinmetz.
which may take a lot of time and energy from the user.  Multimedia and web technology by reetasahoo and
Limited Support/Compatibility: ganansahoo.

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