Experion Turbomachinery Hydro Turbine

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Process Solution

Application Note

Experion PKS Turbomachinery Control Solution

Hydroelectric Turbine Control

protection. This high-speed processing of all the
on-board I/O is unlike our standard Series C I/O.
Since 2002 Honeywell has been providing Turbomachinery
The SPM has a mix of analog inputs and outputs,
controls to our customers on the Experion® PKS platform. Since
digital inputs and outputs, and speed probe inputs.
those early days, Experion® has evolved from a control platform
The SPM module includes (4) speed / pulse inputs,
not only meeting the day to day demands of the refining, process,
(8) analog inputs, (1) analog output, (8) digital
pulp & paper, and the oil & gas industries but by providing
inputs, and (5) digital outputs. The on-board (4)
customers with an alternative to those proprietary OEM and
speed inputs can use both active and / or passive
purpose built Black Box turbine and compressor control
probes. This module also performs a 2oo3 voting
logic of the speed inputs to protect the turbine from an over-
From the beginning of Experion® PKS Turbomachinery Control speed event while the additional inputs and outputs are for
Solution, it was designed and built to meet the demands of equipment monitoring and interlocking. Wire terminations are
Turbomachinery equipment. Today Experion® PKS made on the Input / Output Termination Assembly (IOTA) which
Turbomachinery Control Solution controls not only hydroelectric can handle redundant SPM modules for increased control
turbines, utility grade gas and steam turbines but also gas and availability and safety.
steam turbine-driven mechanical loads such as centrifugal
compressor trains. Not only is Experion® controlling the Servo Valve Positioning Module
turbines, but it is also handling all turbine, generator, and Experion® Servo Valve Positioning Module (SVPM), like the
compressor auxiliaries as well as the balance of plant controls in SPM has high speed processing of the on-board I/O. This I/O
a single easy to use and maintainable system. Some systems includes (2) analog inputs, (2) digital inputs, (2)
are even controlling turbines remotely from a central location. analog outputs, and (2) Linear or Rotational
Turbomachinery Control Solution Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT/RVDT)
Experion® Turbomachinery Control Solution (TCS) has the inputs. Signals from the valve positioning
dedicated controller and specialized I/O to handle the specialized LVDT/RVDT inputs and the servo valve outputs can
field devices found on turbines such as speed probes, valve be connected directly to the SVPM without the need
feedback from rotational or linear differential transformers, and for any signal conditioners thus eliminating a point
outputs to servo valves. This specialized I/O has signal of failure. The SVPM
conditioning requirements only found on Turbomachinery on-board PID allows
equipment. With Experion® PKS Series C I/O, SPM and Servo precise positioning of the turbine
Valve Positioning Modules, these signals can be brought directly valves which in turn allows precise
into the control system without the need for signal converts and speed control of the turbine. Wire
additional excitation power supplies. terminations are made on the
Input /Output Termination
Assembly (IOTA) which can
Experion® SPM (Speed Protection or Surge Prevention Module)
handle redundant SVPM modules
performs two different functions dependent upon its use for
for increase control availability and
Turbomachinery control. SPM performs protection of the turbine
via the speed inputs which are then voted upon for over-speed
Hydroelectric Turbine Control 2

(megawatts) are factors to be considered during load control

Hydroelectric Turbine Generator Control
operation. These three control loops are available as trim control
Hydroelectric Turbine Generator Control is one of several
to the overall turbine fuel flow demand and may be placed in and
applications available on the Experion PKS Turbomachinery
out of service by the operator. The system is on load control after
Control Solution platform. Whether your unit is an impulse or
the generator breaker is closed (after synchronization), with initial
reaction turbine, Experion can handle the application. From
load pickup set between 2% to 10%.
Kaplan to Francis turbines, Experion can handle the closed-loop
control of the wicket gates servo valves while reading gate Automatic Turbine Startup and Shutdown Sequences
position via the RVDT. Both the servo valve output and valve
The automatic startup sequence is developed to roll the turbine
position (RVDT) is brought in on the SVPM. The SPM serves
from barring speed to synchronization with minimum or no
several functions from monitoring of turbine speed and protection
operator intervention. The startup sequence takes care of
functions to performing 2oo3 voting logic protection.
minimum acceleration requirements to avoid critical speeds and
Experion PKS is a totally integrated hydroelectric turbine control other safety criteria during turbine rolling. Similarly the automatic
solution in a single easy to use, easy to maintain system. shutdown sequence is developed for safe coasting down of the
Operators can readily access the information they need via turbine after tripping/shutdown. These sequences can be run in
Experion displays without the distraction of multiple control automatic, semiautomatic or operator guided mode. Customized
systems. graphics are provided to support proper operation and monitoring
of these sequences.
Turbine Control Features
Turbo-Generator Synchronization
Honeywell’s Turbomachinery Control Solution addresses two
Experion’s Turbomachinery Control Solution provides for either
broad functional categories: turbine regulation and turbine
manual or automatic synchronization of the unit.
protection. In addition to the standard requirement of fuel control
and electronic over-speed protection, the following functionalities Manual Synchronization - The operator increments or
are included: decrements the turbine speed and generator voltage from the
operator work station or from hardwired backup controls and
 Speed and load control mode of operation
decides when to manually close the generator breaker.
 Automatic turbine startup and shutdown sequence
Auto Synchronization – Optionally, separate auto
 Turbine stress evaluator synchronization can be provided, which monitors turbine speed,

 Online testing of valves and trip devices line frequency and line voltage, and adjusts turbine speed and
generator exciter voltage and decides when to issue the signal to
 Load sharing and unit islanding operation close the generator breaker.
 Frequency correction for generated load

 Automatic synchronization

Turbine Regulation Overview

The system offers turbine speed control varying from barring

speed to synchronization to prevent the turbine from over-
speeding. Three speed probes are provided for speed
measurement and the median signal is used for control
purposes. The speed input module is also equipped to monitor
speed probe conditions and generate alarms.

Provisions are also made to accept unit load set points from
automatic load dispatch centers. Another feature that can be
programmed in the system is frequency correction to the
generated load in order to respond to an over/under frequency
condition of the grid. Frequency and power production
Hydroelectric Turbine Control 3

Operator Stations and Local Operator Panel (LCP)

The Experion PKS Turbomachinery Control Solution facilitates
Operational view to the process is an absolute must. With the complete and seamless integration of turbine and/or
Experion® that view can come in a variety of configurations from generator control functions and eliminates the need for
Console Stations, FlexStations, and simple push buttons and proprietary “black box” solutions. The control performance and
indicators on a Local Control Panel (LCP). cost and efficiency improvements enabled by Experion result in
enhanced Return on Investment for your operation.
Graphics on these stations can present a variety of information to
the operator. From controller faceplates to trending of the
process variables and gate position, all are available via

Sample Operator Graphics Sample Operator Graphics

Honeywell’s Experion PKS Turbomachinery Control Solution
benefits customer by providing a totally integrated turbine and
balance of plant controls solution on a single control system
platform. Benefits include:

 Integrated Turbine / Generator Control

 Automatic Turbine Start-up and Shut Down
 Better Coordination of various plant subsystems
 Common hardware / software platforms
 Common pool of maintenance spares
 Common engineering, diagnostic, and documentation
 Common operator interface for the entire plant
 Ease of operation and training
 Effective and consolidated data reporting and archiving
 Online Testing of valves and trip devices
 Over-speed Protection
Hydroelectric Turbine Control 4

For More Information

Learn more about how Honeywell’s Solutions visit
our website www.honeywellprocess.com or
your Honeywell account manager.
Honeywell Process Solutions
1250 West Sam Houston Parkway South
Houston, TX 77042
Honeywell House, Arlington Business Park
Bracknell, Berkshire, England RG12 1EB
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Shanghai, China 20051
www.honeywellprocess.com AP-14-02-ENG
Sept. 2014
© 2014 Honeywell International Inc.

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