JSW Steel Limited
JSW Steel Limited
JSW Steel Limited
Heat No. Coil No. Nominal Size (MM) Min 0.020 80 25.00
A496579 2865540000 2.000 X 1245.0 X Coil 22.370 0.0630 0.30 0.010 0.012 0.013 0.050 0.0031 266 368 80 34.00 Pass
This is to certify that the above mentioned product produced & supplied by JSW Steel Limited do not contain any radio active element higher than
the natural level and it confirms to Standard Rolling, Dimensional & Weight tolerences. The product or packing material does not contain any
hazardous substances as per RoHS norms.
Delivery ID : 712056114 Legends: Chemistry = Laddle Sample analysis; 1Mpa= 1N/mm2 ; T x W x L = Thickness x Width x Length
YS= Yield Strength ; UTS = Ultimate Tensile Strength, %EL= %ge Elongation on standard gauge length
Invoice No. : 7104755910