FCS BCSseries LR
FCS BCSseries LR
FCS BCSseries LR
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
All FCS series have Single Width, Single Inlet Centrifugal impellers
with Forward Curved blades. The FCS range is from 250 up to 1000 mm
of wheel diameter.
BCS Series
All BCS series have Single Width, Single Inlet Centrifugal impellers
with Backward Inclined blades. The BCS range is from 250 up to 1250
mm of wheel diameter.
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
The FCS and BCS ranges of SWSI fans, with FCS and BCS fans are available in four
forward and backward inclined blades, are a Arrangement 3 versions, R, K and K1, and in
modular development of the well-known FCS two Arrangement 1 versions, T and T1, with
and BCS ranges of DWDI fans. the following size ranges:
The two series share for a same nominal K1 315 1000 315 1000
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
Construction Specification
All the scrolls are made with hot dip galvanized steel
EN 10142. No electrical spot welding is used as
the scroll back is joined to the side plates with the
Pittsbourgh lock forming system. This prevents any
oxidation starting from the welding spots.
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
Side Frames
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
Fan Orientation
Performance Specifications
Air Performance
Dynamic pressure and outlet air velocity, as power and power used by the bearings. In
shown on the scales below each diagram,are most cases, bearing power is small and often
calculated in accordance with the said negligible when compared to impeller power,
standards, using the total outlet area for but becomes relatively more important with
calculations. decreasing fan size and speed, and may be
significant at the lower end of the size range.
“Free-outlet” Operation
Drive losses are not calculated. Fan
When operating in installation type “A”, with mechanical input power is a function of flow
free inlet and free outlet, the available static rate and speed, but doesn’t change between
pressure of the fan, PSA’ is lower than when installation types A (with free inlet and free
the fan is used with ducted outlet, and can be outlet) and B (with free inlet and ducted
satisfactorily calculated subtracting, from the outlet).
total pressure in the catalogue, an increased
dynamic pressure, calculated by multiplying Efficiency
conventional dynamic pressure by a factor Kd
shown below. Efficiency values shown on the diagrams are
total impeller efficiency, with the fan operating
with installation type B ( ηrB according to
ISO 5801 symbols), without considering
Kd - FCS Kd - BCS bearing power losses, drive losses and,
of course, motor power losses. Impeller
2.18 1.81
efficiency actually is, for a given fan size, a
function also of fan speed or, alternatively,
of the Reynolds number Re. Experimental
This dynamic pressure increase represents
measurements have shown, anyway, that
the effect of the airflow contraction produced
within the fan speed range shown in the
by the cut-off plate and the absence of an
catalogue, the actual efficiency variation of
outlet duct, which would act as a diffuser,
FCS and BCS impellers is well within the
allowing at least partial conversion of the
allowed tolerances. Consequently, this small
excess of dynamic pressure into static
change was not represented in the catalogue.
Fan efficiency referenced to shaft power, with
installation type B, ηaB (including bearing
Fan Power
power consumption), can be calculated with
the following formula:
Power curves shown on fan performance
diagrams show impeller absorbed power, Wr.
Vertical scales to the right of each diagram
show the power consumption of the fan ηaB = ηrB.
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
Fan static efficiency is efficiency calculated using only fan static pressure (rather than total
pressure) to calculate the useful power. As such, it is more representative of the actual fan
energy efficiency when it is used with installation type A, without a duct connected to the fan
outlet. The fan static efficiency, referred to shaft power, with installation type A, ηsaA’ can be
calculated with the following formula:
Wr P Wr .
ηSaA = ηrB . . SA = ηrB . . ( PFB - Kd PdB )
( Wr + Wb ) PFB ( Wr + Wb ) PFB
pFB is the fan total pressure with installation type B (as shown in performance diagrams)
pSA is the fan static pressure with installation type A
Kd is the coefficient for calculation of fan static pressure with installation type A
pdB is the fan conventional dynamic pressure with installation type B
The noise ratings of FCS and BCS fans are calculated starting from sound power level
measurements made in Conexa standard (inlet side measurements). The Sound Power Level
ratings shown on the fan performance diagrams are in decibels, referred to 10-12 watts,
calculated per AMCA Standard 301-90. Values shown are inlet Lwmi(A) sound power levels
for installation type B: free inlet, ducted outlet. Ratings do not include the effect of duct end
From the A-weighted Lw value on the inlet side, a corresponding Sound Pressure Level (Lp(A)) in
a theoretical acoustic environment can be estimated:
These sound pressure level values have been calculated for purely idealised acoustic
environments and should be used for comparative purposes only, as they have little relationship
with the sound pressure level which can be measured in a real environment. The user should
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
remember that the sound power level of a fan, as installed in practice, could be significantly
higher than that measured in laboratory conditions.
Mechanical vibrations at the rotation frequencies of the fan and of the driving motor, and at the
internal vibration frequencies of the same motor, can easily radiate noise which is not actually
produced by the fan, usually with narrow peaks at well-defined frequencies. The mechanical
reaction of the fan structure to induced vibrations is highly influenced by the stiffness of the base
frame holding together fan and motor.
Air leakage through the connections, or turbulence produced by guards, diffuser grids or
transition pieces can also significantly change the broadband noise spectrum, particularly at
high frequency. As a final note, the actual amplitude of the blade passing frequency peak can
be changed by many decibels as an effect of the acoustic resonance properties of the duct or
plenum connected to the fan.
In most cases, the broadband noise level increase, produced by a reasonable reallife installation,
is kept within 2 dBW. Much more difficult may be the prediction of the noise increase produced
by mechanical vibrations, as this depends on the mechanical characteristics of many other
components (base frame, motor, pulleys and so on), and of the blade passing frequency tone,
which depends on the acoustic properties of the duct system.
The performance diagram of FCS and BCS fans is divided into three areas by two red lines,
parallel to the constant efficiency lines. The two red lines separate the normal operating area
of the fan (in the middle), from the stall region (top-left area) and from the low-pressure region
(bottom-right area). An appropriate selection of the fan size gives an operating point within the
normal operation area of the fan, and, ideally, on or slightly right of the best efficiency line of the fan.
A fan size selection producing an operating point in the low-pressure area of the diagram should
preferably be avoided, because of both the low efficiency and the larger uncertainty of the fan
performance (see also DIN 24166 on this subject). To rectify such a selection, a larger fan size
should be used, or a forward curved FCS fan should be substituted to a similarly sized BCS
backward inclined one.
A fan size selection with the operating point in the stall region should be carefully avoided;
any fan operating under these conditions operates with low efficiency, generates a fluctuating
pressure and a high noise level in the lower frequency octaves, which may give little contribution
to the A-weighted total noise level, but will be highly annoying. Such a fan choice can be easily
rectified, by selecting a smaller and faster-turning fan size or, quite often and more simply, by
switching from a forward curved FCS fan to a backward inclined BCS. The performance curves of
the FCS and BCS fans have been extended outside of the normal operation range to assist with
troubleshooting at system start-up time, but fan performance in these conditions is subject to
increased uncertainty, also because of the mutual interference with the air system connected to
the fan.
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
R Version
The R version is fitted with reinforcing rectangular side frames, made of cold-formed galvanised
steel, bolted to the two side plates. They give better strength and stiffness to the fan structure and
allow mounting of the fan with orientation 0°, 90°, 180° or 270°. While standard fans are delivered
with both inlet and outlet flanges, for installation in 180° orientation, the fan should be preferably
requested without outlet flange. This Arrangement 3 version is available up to the size 630.
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades
K Version
This Arrangement 3 version is available from the size 250 up to 1000 and is stiffened through the
application of reinforced side frames, made with hot rolled steel sections, welded, coated with
alchidic-melamminic paint, and bolted on the scroll side plates. As an option, the frames can be
protected with hot-dip galvanising. Versions with side frames can be mounted in 0°, 90°, 180°
or 270° orientations. While standard fans are delivered with both inlet and outlet flanges, when
the fan must be used in 180° orientation, it should be preferably requested without outlet flange.
All the sizes are fitted with cast iron, single piece pillow-block bearings, which provide better
stiffness and can be periodically relubricated.
FCS & BCS Series
Single Inlet Centrifugal Fans with Forward and Backward Inclined Blades