Book 2

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name year platform

pong 1972 arcade


arcade, atari 8-bit family atri

space invaders 2600

 Arcade game, Microsoft

pac man 1980 Windows, Android,

donkey kong 1981 arcade game

game boy, nintendo

entertainment system
tetris 1984 playstaion

mario 64 1996 nintendo 64

ff VII 1997 plastation platform

POKEMON R AND B 1998 gameboy

mario kark wii 2008 nintendo wii

xbox 360 and 1 and eries

x/s , playstation 3, 4, 5 and
GTA V 2013 pc

how is story told if there if there is one

puplisher keep attention

replayability, player vs
atari player

atari, nintendo, saga, level based more diffecult

activision basic plot with no cut sences or dialogue the further you go along
compeate with other
people to get the highest
nintendo, atari, sony basic plot with no cutsences or dialogue score

nintendo atari ocean more of a plot understand why your charter inrudcuted a story line and
softwear is doling what they are doing one of the first platformers

nintendo, microsoft,
playstudios spectrum
holobyte vanguard works easy and convinance

level become more diffucult

which forces the player to
started to add cutsences and text for more time into the game so
nintendo dialogue to portray the story they can beat it

great story line to help keep

the player interested to see
square, sony interactive cut sences and text dialogue how it would end
nintendo, the pokemon want to beat the game by
company cut sence and text dialogue catching them all

could play with friend or

nindendo online with random people

lots of content to do such as

the story mode or online
voice acting and cut sence and phone calls with friend and complete
rockstar games thought out the game missions together

what awards did it

how it make a player feel get/noninated for did it create or do someting new

The feeling of wanting to

win against the other player

feeling excited and

accomplishment when
beating a stage or getting a
new high score
exciting and a sence of
pride after beating other best commerical arcade created the maze chase genre and first
people scores game and best video game video game with power ups

computer and video games

exciting and a sence of called it the most started a new genre called at first donkey
pride after beating other momentous game of that kong-type which was later renamed
people scores year platformer

best entertainment
software, best orginal
game, best strategy
programe and
bestconsumer softerware

1997 - best game, best

concole game, best use of
innovative technology, best
a sence of happiness when home entertainment
you complete a level that product/game Kids it help people to take note of how 3D
you might have been stuck choices award (1997, 1998, platformers can be made and change how
on 1999) games are made in the future

game of the year 1997 best

role plying game 1997,
frustation after being readers choices of best in 2002 gamespot ranked FF VII as the
unable to beat a boss then game on any platform, most second most influential since 1989 label it
the sence of accomplment hype game, best ending and as the first rpg to suprass rather than copy
after beating it best print ad movie like story telling
oustanding achivment in
charters or story
development and was
nonimated for console role-
playing game of the year
sngery when your unable to and outstading the game became so popular thata tv
defeat a pokemon or deat a achievement in interactive show and trading card game were made
gym leader design which has nether been done before

kids choice awards for

favorate videogame -2010
entertainment merchants
association -2008 mario kart wii is one of the most
IGN best online multiplayer recasnisabale kart karts games and
competitive when going and best racing/driving introduces bikes to the game which has
against friends or random game 2008 been said to be the biggest improvement
people online to the game.

VGX award for best

soundtrack - 2013 BAFTA
game award for british
game -2014 british academy
game award for multiplayer
-2014, VGX award for most
anticipated game - 2012,
enjoyment and fun when VGX award for game of the
playing with friends online year -2013, the gae award
and a sence of for best remaster - 2014, one of the biggest unique change to the
accomplishment when british academy games GTA seires is the addison to the story
completing a misson in the award for game mode was the introduction of multiple
story mode devlopment protaganist
did it have an impact on how gaming
is seen

The structure of the original Pong

cabinets meant that players could
play with either their left or right
hand which is big because it meant
that large amount of diferent people
who was able to play this game

set a pavway for the golden era of

arcade video games because it was an
inspiration to other arcade games
introduce player character and a
power up system along with a cut

one of first platformer and introduce

a story line. This game was also very
important for nintendo

mario 64 was was one of the first 3D

open world game where you can also
show the how a 3D can be made and
still be a good game

the game revolutionzed gaming with

the 3d modeles and having rendered
background with cut snece change
the way stories are told
this game created a highly replayble
game when your trying to catch all
151 pokemon and building teams to
play against other player or trainers

This game has some of the most

important impact in recent gaming by
showing that gaming is not just for
kids and can have a more mature

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