Aristotle declared that a ethical/virtuous person is someone who has ideal character
traits. According to Aristotle, virtues are character dispositions or personality traits. By practicing
being honest, brave, just, generous, and so on, a person develops an honorable and moral character.
An example of this is our public servants and government officials. The primary complicating factor is
the leader’s position as a public servant. Government employees and administrators are entrusted
with public resources. Proper ethical behavior dictates that all public sector workers, and particularly
leaders, act in a way that best serves the interests of the public. An article written by Sonia Haq notes
that the path to this goal is not always clear cut. “Public servants have to exercise administrative
discretion while performing their duties. Public trust in the government depends on the manner
through which these duties are carried out,” she explains. “Therefore, it is crucial to maintain ethical
standards in the implementation of government functions, [and] leadership can have a considerable
effect on the enhancement of overall ethics in the public service.”
2. Which Habit are inimical to your ethical Growth? Any paln to curb this/hese bad habit?
The habit that hinders me in my ethical growth is tardiness. There are times that I arrived
late to the mass celebration, and my rector approaches me about how distracting am I, especially to
other churchgoers, and how unethical it is. As a result, my tardiness brings inconvenience to people
around me, or in some situations, it even causes huge trouble. Tardiness affects my academic
achievement in school as a student. Just this semester, I was so sad to see my midterm grades which
are low because of my tardiness. Unless facing emergencies, I should avoid being tardy at all times to
ensure that all plans run smoothly. Banish my "just-in-time" mentality. I sometimes tend to embrace
the entrenched belief that it doesn't make sense to do anything until it absolutely must be done. To
eliminate this just-in-time mentality, I should start doing things early even waking up early in the
morning so as not to get late for mass. Schedule my time. Each morning, using the new time
estimates I created when I relearned how to tell time, I must make a schedule of my daily activities
with start and end times next to each item. Having a written plan helps me to see tangibly what I have
time to do. I need to bear in mind that delay in time leads to more unimaginable consequences.
2. Cicero once said… and he who does not obey it (referring to natural law) lies himself and does
violence to the very nature of man. Reflect on an instance where you disobeyed the natural law.
Did you do violence to yourself? How?
Natural law is a theory in ethics and philosophy that says that human beings possess intrinsic values
that govern their reasoning and behavior. There are a lot of example of natural law and one of it is the
Natural Law in Philosophy and Religion. For St. Thomas Aquinas (1224/25–1274 CE), natural law and
religion were inextricably connected. He believed that natural law "participates" in the divine
"eternal" law. Aquinas thought eternal law to be that rational plan by which all creation is ordered,
and natural law is the way that human beings participate in the eternal law. He further posited that
the fundamental principle of natural law is that we should do good and avoid evil. The Catechism of
the Catholic Church describes it in the following way: "The natural law expresses the original moral
sense which enables man to discern by reason the good and the evil, the truth and the lie: 'The
natural law is written and engraved in the soul of each and every man, because it is human reason
ordaining him to do good and forbidding him to sin. One of the instances that I disobeyed the natural
law is when I engaged in a sexual intercourse at this young age. I know that I committed the sin of
flesh and has disobeyed the law of heaven. To this day my conscience still haunts me and I am
suffering from depression and anxiety and reach the point that I hurt my self by cutting my wrist,
locking myself in my room, and skipping my meals. With the help of religious person, I’m gradually
healing from what I’m suffering of and praying that God would pardon my sin.