Design of Keys Cotter & Knuckle Joints
Design of Keys Cotter & Knuckle Joints
Design of Keys Cotter & Knuckle Joints
Lecture Notes - 47
A key is a piece of mild steel inserted between the shaft and hub or boss of the pulley to
connect these together in order to prevent relative motion between them. It is always inserted
parallel to the axis of the shaft. Keys are used as temporary fastenings and are subjected to
considerable crushing and shearing stresses. A keyway is a slot or recess in a shaft and hub of
the pulley to accommodate a key.
Types of Keys
The following types of keys are important from the subject point of view :
1. Sunk keys, 2. Saddle keys, 3. Tangent keys, 4. Round keys, and 5. Splines.
Sunk Keys
The sunk keys are provided half in the keyway of the shaft and half in the keyway of the hub
or boss of the pulley. The sunk keys are of the following types :
1. Rectangular sunk key. A rectangula
rectangular sunk key is shown in Fig.. The usual proportions of
this key are :
Width of key, w = d / 4 ; and thickness of key, t = 2w / 3 = d / 6
where d = Diameter of the shaft or diameter of the hole in the hub.
The key has taper 1 in 100 on the top side only.
Sometimes, keys are made integral with the shaft which fits in
the keyways broached in the hub. Such shafts are known as
splined shafts as shown in Fig. These shafts usually have four,
six, ten or sixteen splines. The splined shafts are relatively
stronger than shafts having a single keyway.
Stresses in Keys:
Forces acting on a Sunk Key
When a key is used in transmitting torque from a shaft to a rotor or hub, the foll
following two
types of forces act on the key:
1. Forces (F1)
1) due to fit of the key in its keyway, as in a tight fitting straight key or in a
tapered key driven in place. These forces produce compressive stresses in the key which are
difficult to determine in magnitude.
2. Forces (F)) due to the torque transmitted by the shaft. These forces produce shearing and
compressive (or crushing) stresses in the key.
The forces acting on a key for a clockwise torque being transmitted from a shaft to a hub are
shown in Fig.
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In designing a key, forces due to fit of the key are neglected and it is assumed that the
distribution of forces along the length of key is uniform.
Considering crushing of the key, the tangential crushing force acting at the circumference of
the shaft,
F = Area resisting crushing × Crushing stress
The permissible crushing stress for the usual key material is at least twice the permissible
shearing stress. Therefore from the above equation, we have w = t. In other words, a square
key is equally strong in shearing and crushing.
In order to find the length of the key to transmit full power of the shaft, the shearing
strength of the key is equal to the torsional shear strength of the shaft. We know that the
shearing strength of key,
When the key material is same as that of the shaft, then τ = τ1. So, l = 1.571 d.
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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Cottered Joints:
A cotter is a flat wedge shaped piece of rectangular cross-section
section and its width is tapered
(either on one side or both sides) from one end to another for an easy adjustment. The taper
varies from 1 in 48 to 1 in 24 and it may be increased up to 1 in 8, if a locking device is
provided. The locking device may be a taper pin or a set screw used on the lower end of the
cotter. The cotter is usually made of mild steel or wrought iron. A cotter joint is a temporary
fastening and is used to connect rigidly two co-axial
co rods or bars which are subjected to axial
tensile or compressive forces. It is usually used in connecting a piston rod to the crosshead of
a reciprocating steam engine, a piston rod and its extension as a tail or pump rod, strap end of
connecting rod etc.
Types of Cotter Joints
Following are the three commonly used cotter joints to connect two rods by a cotter:
1. Socket and spigot cotter joint, 2. Sleeve and cotter joint, and 3. Gib and cotter joint.
Socket and Spigot Cotterr Joint
In a socket and spigot cotter joint, one end of the rods (say A)) is provided with a socket type
of end as shown in Fig., and the other end of the other rod (say B)) is inserted into a socket.
The end of the rod which goes into a socket is also called
calle spigot. A rectangular hole is made
in the socket and spigot. A cotter is then driven tightly through a hole in order to make the
temporary connection between the two rods. The load is usually acting axially, but it changes
its direction and hence the cotter
cotter joint must be designed to carry both the tensile and
compressive loads. The compressive load is taken up by the collar on the spigot.
From this equation, the diameter of spigot or inside diameter of socket ((d2) may be
determined. In actual practice, the thickness of cotter is usually taken as d2 / 4.
3. Failure of the rod or cotter in crushing
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From this equation, the induced crushing stress may be checked.
4. Failure of the socket in tension across the slot
From this equation, the distance from the end of the slot to the end of the rod ((a) may be
9. Failure of spigot collar in crushing
From this equation, the diameter of the spigot collar ((d3) may be obtained.
10. Failure of the spigot collar in shearing
From this equation, the thickness of spigot collar (t1) may be obtained.
11. Failure of cotter in bending
The maximum bending moment occurs at the centre of the cotter and is given by
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This bending stress induced in the cotter should be less than the allowable bending stress of
the cotter.
12. The length of cotter (l)) in taken as 4 d.
13. The taper in cotter should not exceed 1 in 24. In case the greater taper is required, then a
locking device must be provided.
14. The draw of cotter is generally taken as 2 to 3 mm.
Notes: 1. when all the parts of the joint are made of steel, the following proportions in terms
of diameter of the rod (d)) are generally adopted:
d1 = 1.75 d , d2 = 1.21 d , d3 = 1.5 d , d4 = 2.4 d , a = c = 0.75 d , b = 1.3 d, l = 4 d , t = 0.31 d
,t1 = 0.45 d , e = 1.2 d.
Taper of cotter = 1 in 25, and draw of cotter = 2 to 3 mm.
2. If the rod and cotter are made of steel or wrought iron, then τ = 0.8 σt and σc = 2 σt may be
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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Design and draw a cotter joint to support a load varying from 30 kN in compression to 30 kN
in tension. The material used is carbon steel for which the following allowable stresses may
be used. The load is applied statically. Tensile stress = compressive stress = 50 MPa ; shear
stress = 35 MPa and crushing stress = 90 MPa.
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Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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Sleeve and Cotter Joint
Sometimes, a sleeve andd cotter joint as shown in Fig., is used to connect two round rods or
bars. In this type of joint, a sleeve or muff is used over the two rods and then two cotters (one
on each rod end) are inserted in the holes provided for them in the sleeve and rods. The taper
of cotter is usually 1 in 24. It may be noted that the taper sides of the two cotters should face
each other as shown in Fig. The clearance is so adjusted that when the cotters are driven in,
the two rods come closer to each other thus making the joint tight.
The various proportions for the sleeve and cotter joint in terms of the diameter of rod (d
( ) are
as follows :
Outside diameter of sleeve,
d1 = 2.5 d
Diameter of enlarged end of rod,
d2 = Insidee diameter of sleeve = 1.25 d
Length of sleeve, L=8d
Thickness of cotter, t = d2/4
2/4 or 0.31 d
Width of cotter, b = 1.25 d
Length of cotter, l=4d
Distance of the rod end (a)) from the beginning to the cotter hole (inside the sleeve end) =
Distance of the rod end (c)) from its end to the cotter hole = 1.25 d
From this equation, the diameter of enlarged end of the rod (d2) may be obtained. The
thickness of cotter is usually taken as d2 / 4.
3. Failure of the rod or cotter in crushing
From this equation, the outside diameter of sleeve (d1) may be obtained.
5. Failure of cotter in shear
1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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Design a sleeve and cotter joint to resist a tensile load of 60 kN. All parts of the joint are
made of the same material with the
t following allowable stresses: σt = 60 MPa ; τ = 70 MPa ;
and σc = 125 MPa.
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1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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Gib and Cotter Joint
This joint is generally used
use to connect two rods of square or rectangular section. To
make the joint; one end of the rod is formed into a U-fork,
U fork, into which, the end of the other
rod fits-in. When a cotter is driven-in,
driven the friction between the cotter and straps of the U
causes the straps open. This is prevented by the use of a gib.
A gib is also a wedge shaped piece of rectangular cross-section
cross section with two rectangular
projections, called lugs. One side of the gib is tapered and thee other straight. The tapered side
of the gib bears against the tapered side of the cotter such that the outer edges of the cotter
and gib as a unit are parallel. This facilitates making of slots with parallel edges, unlike the
tapered edges in case of ordinary
inary cotter joint. The gib also provides larger surface for the
cotter to slide on. For making the joint, the gib is placed in position first, and then the cotter is
If the rod and strap are made of the same material, and for equality of strength, h=2t3
3.. Tension failure of the strap, across the thinnest part (Fig.2)
F = 2l1hτ
8.. Shear failure of the strap end. It is under double shear (Fig.5).
F = 4 l2 t3τ
9.. Shear failure of the cotter and gib. It is under double shear.
The following proportions for the widths of the cotter and gib may be followed:
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Width of the cotter =0.45 B
Width of the gib = 0.55 B
The above equations may be solved, keeping in mind about the various relations and
proportions suggested.
Design a cotter joint to connect piston rod to the crosshead of a double acting steam engine.
The diameter of the cylinder is 300 mm and the steam pressure is 1 N/mm2. The allowable
stresses for the material of cotter and piston rod are as follows: σt = 50 MPa ; τ = 40 MPa ;
and σc = 84 MPa
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1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.
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The following figure shows a knuckle joint with the size parameters and proportions
indicated. In general, the rods connected by this joint are subjected to tensile loads, although
if the rods are guided, they may support compressive loads as well.
Let F. = tensile load to be resisted by the joint
d = diameter of the rods
d1 = diameter of the knuckle pin
D = outside diameter of the eye
A =thickness of the fork
B =thickness of the eye
Obviously, if the rods are made of the same material, the parameters, A and B are related as,
d 2
2. Tension failure of the eye (fig.1)
F = (D-d1) B σt
3. Tension failure of the fork (fig.2)
F= 2 (D - d1) A σt
4. Shear failure of the eye (Fig.3)
F = (D-d1) B τ
5. Shear failure of the fork (Fig.4)
F = 2 (D-d1) A τ
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6. Shear failure of the pin. It is under double shear.
F 2x d x
7. Crushing between the pin and eye (fig.1)
F = d1 B σ c
8. Crushing between the pin and fork (fig.2)
F = 2 d1 A σc
For size parameters, not covered by the above design equations; proportions as indicated in
the figure may be followed.
Design a knuckle joint to transmit 150 kN. The design stresses may be taken as 75 MPa in
tension, 60 MPa in shear and 150 MPa in compression.
Design of Machine Members-I Unit-8
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1. Machine Design - V.Bandari .
2. Machine Design – R.S. Khurmi
3. Design Data hand Book - S MD Jalaludin.