Third Year Sample
Third Year Sample
Third Year Sample
Child Health Nursing………………………………..…..02
Medical Surgical Nursing …………………………..….18
Mental Health Nursing …………………………………34
Nursing Research and Statistics………… …………...51
Child Health Nursing
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Short Essays
Short Notes
Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary… 15
Nursing care of neonates and caring a… 12
Concepts of Childcare and Preventive… 11
Cardiovascular and Hematological… 10
The Healthy child 5
Nutritional needs and care of children… 5
Child health emergencies and… 4
Respiratory disorders and Infections 3
Endocrine and orthopedic disorders 2
Neurological infections and disorders 1
Genetic disorders 1
Communicable diseases 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
2 Nightingale’s Nutshell
Child Health Nursing
Differentiate between
Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Disorders 12
Cardiovascular and Hematological disorders 11
Respiratory disorders and Infections 9
Neurological infections and disorders 8
Genetic disorders 6
Nursing care of neonates and caring a… 5
The Healthy child 4
Nutritional needs and care of children with… 4
Concepts of Childcare and Preventive Paediatrics 4
Endocrine and orthopedic disorders 3
Child health emergencies and management of… 2
Common Disorders of skin eye and ear 1
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14
Answer Briefly
Genetic disorders 1
Nightingale’s Nutshell 3
Child Health Nursing
Short Notes
Differentiate between
1. Define growth and development. Discuss the principles and the factors
affecting growth & development. (2+6+7=15) (October 2013)
2. Define infancy. Enumerate the growth and development during infancy.
Discuss nurses role in the prevention of accidents during infancy (2+6+7=15)
(October 2014)
4 Nightingale’s Nutshell
Child Health Nursing
Short Notes
Differentiate between
Nightingale’s Nutshell 5
Child Health Nursing
Short Notes
Differentiate between
1. Child should be given exclusive breast feed for six months. (September
2. Exclusive breast feeding should be given for 6 months (April 2018)
3. Oral rehydration solution is administered for a child with diarrhoea (May
4. Oral rehydration solution is recommended for a child with diarrhoea. (October
5. Salt should be restricted in the initial phase of PEM (April 2018)
6. Weaning should be started after 6 months of age. (April 2019)
6 Nightingale’s Nutshell