Ijatcse 176932020
Ijatcse 176932020
Ijatcse 176932020
Article in International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering · June 2020
DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/176932020
0 3,291
1 author:
Palash Dusane
All content following this page was uploaded by Palash Dusane on 10 August 2020.
Cyberattacks are one of the biggest threats to the Computer Richard Clarke (Former White House counterterrorism
World. Security researchers and professionals are expert) shares his concerns about the cyber war in his book
continuously making various efforts to prevent such attacks. named “Cyber War: The Next Threat to National Security
Most of the times these attacks come from outside, but and What to do about it.” In this book, he mentioned that the
sometimes it can be an insider attack too. Insider attack can U.S. is very vulnerable to this type of attack because its
be more lethal, as the malicious person will have authorized infrastructure is much dependent on computer networks in
system access. Logic Bomb is one of such examples of an comparison with other countries. He showed concern that the
insider attack. A successfully triggered logic bomb can cause malicious code developers could trigger logic bombs,
system failure, auto-deletion of hard drives, manipulation of shutting down the banking and various other systems [3].
data, etc. Logic Bombs are generally hidden or embedded in
genuine code where they stay dormant until their conditions One such cyberattack occurred in South Korea on 2013-3-20
are not satisfied, this makes them very hard to detect. This 14:00:00 local time, a logic bomb in the code erased the hard
malware is normally programmed by a developer of the drives of banks and media companies. It triggered on specific
software. The attackers usually exploit software development time-date and started wiping all data from machines. At least
lifecycle to insert a logic bomb. Such type of hidden malicious two broadcasting companies and three banks were attacked
code in the system software can be a serious threat to their IT on that day. This attack prevented South Koreans from
infrastructure. As the world is now moving toward smart and making ATM transactions as the attack put some ATMs out
digital cities, all the IoT and Automated systems should be of operation. According to security researchers, the malicious
protected from such attack. This paper involves the study of code also included a module to connect remote Linux
an insider logic bomb attack, its preventive measures, machines for deleting their master boot record.
proposed code-level detection system and detailed steps for
recovery. Time Bomb is a type of logic bomb. It is programmed to get
executed at a specific time and date. It will stay inactive until
Key words: Code-Level Detection System, Insider Attack, its specific condition is met. Execution of a time bomb will
Logic Bomb, Malware. result in destructive effects on system and network. Time
bomb like “Friday the 13th” activates on a specified day and
1. INTRODUCTION deletes all the files from infected computers [4].
Cyberattacks are performed by both outsider and insider It is very hard to detect a logic bomb in the testing phase.
entities. In a comparison of both; insider attack can be more Functional testing cannot detect such malicious code, as the
dangerous because of the malicious person having authorized tester is unlikely to supply values which will trigger the
access to system and network. One such effective insider bomb. Static analysis tools are unable to detect these bombs,
attack is a Logic bomb attack. as they are aimed at finding programming mistakes like
failure to validate a user input or failing to protect against a
A logic bomb is a piece of malicious code that lies dormant buffer overflow. Requirements-based testing also fails to
and hidden within a legitimate software until a condition is detect the bomb, as a tester is unlikely to enter values required
satisfied to trigger its payload. This malware is normally to trigger them. Logic bombs cannot be detected by dynamic
embedded by developers into genuine software [1]. A logic tools either, because their execution may not result in runtime
bomb has a flaw that it only works for a software for which it errors, which is usually detected by dynamic analysis [5].
has been designed, it doesn’t replicate on other applications
[2]. Presence of Logic bomb in system poses great risks to its Antivirus based on anomaly detection may not detect logic
bomb as it will not cause events which are externally
Palash Sandip Dusane et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3662 – 3665
In July 2019, a former contractor of Siemens pleaded guilty 4. PROPOSED DETECTION SYSTEM
for planting malicious code in spreadsheets that crashes the
software every few years. He created those custom As we have seen so far, the detection of a logic bomb is very
difficult, but what if we try to find its existence in the
spreadsheets in 2002 for various projects of Siemens in
development phase itself. One of the prevention steps
related to the power generation industry.
mentioned is to monitor the critical code, but the major
problem faced by the code reviewer is to scan the whole
For so many years when the logic bomb went off, he was project at once. It’s an intensive, time-consuming and
called and paid to fix the issue, where he used to just fix the erroneous process. The proposed system will simplify the
clock for the next attack. However, in May 2016 when he code review process by detecting probable logic bomb on
went on vacation, he had to give his administrative password code-level. It will scan the program and find keywords that
to Siemens employee to solve the issue. The Siemens may lead to a logic bomb attack. Thousands of lines of code
employee found that logic bomb while checking the will be filtered out into few lines of code categorized with risk
spreadsheets. The former contractor is now facing up to 10 factor High, Medium and Low. According to the final report
years of jail time along with a fine of up to $ 250,000 [7]. generated by the system, the code reviewer will be able to
focus on high-risk code. Block diagram of the proposed
3. PREVENTION AGAINST LOGIC BOMBS detection system is shown below in figure 2.
Palash Sandip Dusane et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3662 – 3665
Palash Sandip Dusane et al., International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, 9(3), May – June 2020, 3662 – 3665
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