SigmaZinc 100

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4 pages July 2006

Revision of November 2005

DESCRIPTION two component polyamide curing zinc primer

PRINCIPAL CHARACTERISTICS – designed as a system primer for various paint systems

– good corrosion prevention properties
– quick drying, can be overcoated after a short interval
– the subsequent coat must be unsaponifiable
– LT version is available if temperature is lower than 5°C


BASIC DATA AT 20°C (1 g/cm³ = 8.25 lb/US gal; 1 m²/l = 40.7 ft²/US gal)
(data for mixed product)
Mass density 2.0 g/cm³
Volume solids 58 ± 2%
VOC (supplied) max. 210 g/kg (Directive 1999/13/EC, SED)
max. 420 g/l (approx. 3.5 lb/gal)
Recommended dry film 35 - 75 µm, dfts of more than 75 µm are not recommended underneath
thickness thick, rigid epoxy system
Theoretical spreading rate 16.6 m²/l for 35 µm
Touch dry after 20 min. at 20°C *
Overcoating interval min. 7 hours *
max. several months
Full cure after 7 days *
(data for components)
Shelf life (cool and dry place) at least 12 months
* see additional data

RECOMMENDED – steel; blast cleaned to ISO-Sa2½

SUBSTRATE CONDITIONS – substrate temperature should be above 5°C and at least 3°C above dew

INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE mixing ratio by volume: base to hardener 78 : 22

– the temperature of the mixed base and hardener should preferably be
above 15°C, otherwise extra solvent may be required to obtain
application viscosity
– too much solvent results in reduced sag resistance and slower cure
– thinner should be added after mixing the components
Induction time none
Pot life 24 hours at 20°C *
* see additional data

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July 2006

Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 20%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice approx. 0.43 - 0.48 mm (= 0.017 - 0.019 in)
Nozzle pressure 15 MPa (= approx. 150 bar; 2130 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 20%, depending on required thickness and application conditions
Nozzle orifice 1.8 - 2.2 mm
Nozzle pressure 0.3 - 0.6 MPa (= approx. 3 - 6 bar; 43 - 85 p.s.i.)

Recommended thinner Sigma thinner 91-92
Volume of thinner 0 - 5%
Application by brush may show brush marking, due to the thixatropic nature of the paint
and is most suitable to small areas, tight angle areas or for stripe coating or touch up.
Application by roller will leave roller marking and is suitable for minimum dft requirements
A roller suitable for epoxy application only must be used.

CLEANING SOLVENT Sigma thinner 90-53

SAFETY PRECAUTIONS for paint and recommended thinners see safety sheets 1430, 1431 and
relevant material safety data sheets
this is a solvent based paint and care should be taken to avoid inhalation of
spray mist or vapour as well as contact between the wet paint and exposed
skin or eyes

ADDITIONAL DATA Film thickness and spreading rate

theoretical 11.6 8.9 7.7
spreading rate m²/l
dft in µm 50 65 75

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Overcoating table at 35 - 75 µm dft

substrate 10°C 20°C 30°C 40°C
minimum 10 hours 7 hours 4 hours 3 hours
maximum several months when free from zinc salts and
interval contamination
maximum 14 days in clean conditions
– zinc rich primers can form zinc salts on the surface; preferably they
should not be weathered for long periods before overcoating
– an interval of several months can be allowed under clean interior
exposure conditions
– in clean exterior conditions, a maximum interval of 14 days can be
tolerated, but in industrial or marine conditions this interval should be
reduced to the practical minimum
– when a long overcoating interval is required, it is recommended to
overcoat SigmaZinc 100 within two days with SigmaCover 522
– before overcoating visible surface contamination must be removed by
high pressure water cleaning, sweep blasting or mechanical cleaning

Curing table
substrate touch dry dry to handle full cure
10°C 1.5 hour 6 hours 21 days
15°C 1 hour 4 hours 14 days
20°C 30 min. 2.5 hours 8 days
30°C 20 min. 1.5 hour 6 days
40°C 10 min. 1 hour 4 days
– SigmaZinc 100 can be applied at temperatures between 5°C and 10°C,
but the curing rate will be very low
– for such applications alternative zinc rich primers are recommended:
SigmaZinc 19, SigmaZinc 158 and SigmaZinc 160 for systems exposed
to atmospheric conditions, SigmaGuard 750 for systems exposed to
immersed conditions
– adequate ventilation must be maintained during application and curing
(please refer to sheet 1433 and 1434)

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Pot life (at application viscosity)

10°C 30 hours
20°C 24 hours
30°C 10 hours
35°C 6 hours

Worldwide availability Whilst it is always the aim of SigmaKalon Marine & Protective Coatings to
supply the same product on a worldwide basis, slight modification of the
product is sometimes necessary to comply with local or national rules/
Under these circumstances an alternative product data sheet is used.

REFERENCES Explanation to product data sheets see information sheet 1411

Safety indications see information sheet 1430
Safety in confined spaces and health safety
Explosion hazard - toxic hazard see information sheet 1431
Safe working in confined spaces see information sheet 1433
Directives for ventilation practice see information sheet 1434

The information in this data sheet is based upon laboratory tests we believe to be accurate and is intended for guidance
only. All recommendations or suggestions relating to the use of the Sigma Coatings products made by SigmaKalon Marine
& Protective Coatings, whether in technical documentation, or in response to a specific enquiry, or otherwise, are based
on data which to the best of our knowledge are reliable. The products and information are designed for users having the
requisite knowledge and industrial skills and it is the end-user's responsibility to determine the suitability of the product
for its intended use.
SigmaKalon Marine & Protective Coatings has no control over either the quality or condition of the substrate, or the many
factors affecting the use and application of the product. SigmaKalon Marine & Protective Coatings does therefore not
accept any liability arising from loss, injury or damage resulting from such use or the contents of this data sheet (unless
there are written agreements stating otherwise).
The data contained herein are liable to modification as a result of practical experience and continous product development.
This data sheet replaces and annuls all previous issues and it is therefore the user's responsibility to ensure that this sheet
is current prior to using the product.

The English text of this document shall prevail over any translation thereof.

PDS 6820

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