Read Comp
Read Comp
Read Comp
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Subject Page
Course Objectives ……………………………………… 5
Introduction ……………………………………………..7
Unit One: Fake News …………………………………... 15
Unit Two: Recognizing Fake News ……………………. 27
Unit Three: Media Framing ……………………………..43
Unit Four: Framing Theory ……………………………..55
Unit Five: Extended Reasoning …………………………71
Unit Six: Reading Scientific texts ………………………105
Practice Extra Critical Reading ……………………… 131
Answer Key ……………………………………………. 142
4 Critical Reading
Critical Reading 5
Course Objectives
This level of reading goes a step further from levels one and
two. By the end of this course students will be able to:
This level of reading goes a step further from levels one and
two. While in the first two levels you were introduced to reading
skills such as skimming and scanning at this level we move to
looking closely at texts and analysing them.
In this course you will be introduced to reading passages not
simply for the purpose of comprehension, but in order to think
critically about what you read. You will be able to do this through
learning how to discuss both form and content. Becoming
competent in doing this will help you to develop your basic skills
of translation. You are not simply absorbing the information;
instead, you are interpreting, categorizing, questioning, and
weighing the value of that information in order for you to be
able to provide the best translation.
Critical reading means that a reader applies certain skills and
poses questions, that result in enhanced clarity and comprehension.
There is more involved, both in effort and understanding, in a critical
reading than in a mere "skimming" of the text. A critical reading gets
at to the depth of the text and not only interpret its surface meaning
but goes deeper to interpret the text and subtexts. When reading
critically you analyse and infer meanings to uncover any hidden
messages and clarify the intention of the writer.
Critical reading does not only depend on your English language
capacity but it challenges your critical skills as you challenge texts
and read in between the lines. As a critical reader you read a text
with an open mind paying attention to how the writer develops
8 Critical Reading
In this course you will learn the skills of critical reading and
be given tips on how to enhance these skills. Plenty of
opportunities will be provided for practice. Different texts on a
variety of topics in a variety of genres such as web blogs,
newspaper articles, scientific research and literature will be used
to help you read critically.
Steps in critical Reading:
✓ Scanning and Remembering
(what you know about the subject)
✓ Creating connections
(between what you are reading and other works/theoretical
✓ Questioning
(what is being said, context, date, author’s positionality,
audience, quality of data/evidence, validity of argument, bias)
✓ Concluding
(what the author wants you to think, whether the argument
stacks up, and whether you agree)
How do you follow these steps: Remember the five Rs
Read: read slowly and reread if you don’t get the full picture.
Use a dictionary if you can’t guess the meaning of a
word from its context.
Record – any important information. Keep a reading journal
Reduce – to key words and phrases
Reflect – how your ideas fit in with the new information
Review – write main points, summarise argument
12 Critical Reading
Reading Journal:
A "reading journal" is used and is helpful for recording
observations and questions. Reading journals help you process
your experience with reading texts and focus on what is
significant to you.
After reading a text you write a journal entry based on your
reading. Consider your general impressions and move toward
more specific observations and analysis.
Here are 20 prompts written by Pat Thomson is Professor of
Education in the School of Education, The University of
Nottingham, UK
• What’s the first thing you remember about this text? Write
a sentence.
• What was something that puzzled you about it? Write a
• Was there something you disagreed with? What? Why?
Write a sentence.
• Was there something that linked to your work? What?
How? Write a sentence.
• Did the text give you an idea? Write a sentence.
• What was the most memorable thing about the text? Write
a sentence.
• How are you going to work with the text? Write a
• What did the text make you think about? Write a sentence.
• What do you need to read more about now? Why? Write a
Critical Reading 13
• Who would you really like to read this text? Why? What
would reading it make them say/see/do? Write a sentence.
• What question would you like to ask the author? Write a
• What do you most admire about the writing? Write a
• How does this writing differ from other things you’ve
read? Write a sentence.
• What would you have to do to make your writing more like
this? Write a sentence.
• What are you afraid might stop you being able to write this
well? Write a sentence.
• How does the text the compare with what you already
know? Write a sentence.
• What would you say to the writer if you could meet them?
Write a sentence.
• What other text immediately came to mind when you read
this text? Write a sentence.
Of course you don’t need to answer all the questions nor
answer the exact questions these are just prompts to help you start
a reading journal.
14 Critical Reading
Critical Reading 15
Unit One
Fake News
By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
Fake news
Fake news is
✓ Stories that aren't true. These are deliberately invented
stories designed to make people believe something false, to
buy a certain product, or to visit a certain website.
Nobody likes being deceived. Finding out that you misplaced trust in
something, or someone, can make you feel foolish. Or perhaps like
you’ve been taken advantage of. This applies to relationships,
friendships, business deals, purchases, and basically every other
interaction we experience. That’s why you’d probably to do some
investigation before jumping right in.
For example you want to know that a company isn’t going to scam you.
And you’ll do some digging to
establish the facts. But what about
the news we read? What about
stories we hear? Do we commit to
the same level of research? Are our
reactions the same when we’re
tricked by a hoax story, or an entirely
made up report?
The rise of fake news in recent years suggests that’s simply not the case.
Surprisingly, it’s the elders of society that are the least cautious. A
recent study found that those aged 65 or over are eight times more
(2) Adapted from Living in the Fake News Era | CyberGhost Privacy Hub
CyberGhost Privacy Hub.html
18 Critical Reading
likely(3) to share bogus news. And that’s even with the study
controlling for both ideology and education level. So much for the
wisdom of age, then.
Still, it’s easy enough for anyone to fall for a deceitful scoop on social
media. No matter their age. We’ve probably all seen it. A friend or
family member shares something, and then there’s a comment: “This
never happened.” Or, “This is from 2012.”
Fake news has been around for a while. The person posting the piece
hadn’t taken the time to check all the details. Maybe they didn’t read it
at all. Sometimes a headline alone is enough to provoke a share. With
big profits to be had and deepfake videos becoming more convincing(4),
it certainly seems like our factchecking skills will continue to be tested
in the coming years.
What does fake news look like? How can you identify it? And what can
you do about it? Here’s a few tips to help you navigate what can be a
deceptive digital landscape.
But defining fake news is not always so simple. False information can
spread very easily, and it’s not always intentional. Journalists, for
example, may only know part of a story and report on what they know.
It’s important to publish quickly in the digital media industry, to get
ahead of competitors and be seen as the original source for the news in
question. And later, further information can prove these original stories
to be wrong, or at least not entirely correct. News can also get
published without the journalist even knowing the story is false.
Sources can check out, and people can swear their testimony is true,
only for disputes to arise down the line.
Think how many times have you shared fake news? Be honest we all
20 Critical Reading
The underlined words are words that are usually associated
with fake news. Look them up in the or the internet and use them
in a sentence of your own.
1. Scam
2. Hoax
3. Scoop
4. Deepfake
5. Doctored
Critical Reading 21
Evidence is given by
• Reference citation. That is referring to research and citing it
• Stating facts that has already been proven right
Journal entry:
When I read this article I found it
It made me feel
26 Critical Reading
Critical Reading 27
Unit Two
Recognizing Fake News
By the end of the unit, students will be able to:
• Distinguish between fake news and real news
• Identify ways fake news is created
• Use critical tools to verify news
But then Alice has a troubling thought. What if the story wasn't true?
What if she just shared a "fake news" story? After all, she didn't check
the source, and it was from a website she'd never heard of before.
If she has been a victim of fake news, and then added to the rumour
mill herself, how will people ever trust her again?
Fortunately, there's lots you can do to avoid making the same mistake
as Alice. In this article, we explore how you can separate fake news
from the truth.
To confuse matters further, there are also people who claim that
factually accurate stories are fake news, just because they don't agree
with them or find them uncomfortable.
Fake news is nothing new. But, what is new is how easy it's become to
share information – both true and false – on a massive scale.
The trouble is, most people don't check the source of the material that
they view online before they share it, which can lead to fake news
spreading quickly or even "going viral."
At the same time, it's become harder to identify the source of news
stories, particularly on the internet, which can make it difficult to assess
their accuracy.
This has led to a flood of fake news. In fact, one study (7) found that
more than 25 percent of Americans visited a fake news website in a six-
week period during the 2016 U.S. presidential election.
But, not all fake news stories are found online. Co-workers who gossip
by the water cooler and print publications that fail to check their facts,
for example, are also guilty of spreading misinformation, even if
30 Critical Reading
The Impact of Fake News in the Workplace
For example, some people might start to believe that they no longer
need facts to back up their arguments. Others start to mistrust
information all together. They stop listening to industry news or
reports, and disengage entirely, slowing their professional growth and
development. Ultimately, this can damage an organization's learning
Critical Reading 31
There are two expressions in this part that you may not know
- stopped in her tracks
- reputational damage
What do they mean?
One of the main reasons fake news is such a big issue is that it is often
believable, which means it's easy to get caught out. Many fake news
stories are also written to create "shock" value.
This means it's essential that you keep your emotional response to such
stories in check. Instead, approach what you see and hear rationally
and critically.
If you come across a story from a source that you've never heard of
before, do some digging! Find out a bit more about the publisher – is it
a professional and well-known news agency or is it someone's personal
Check whether the story has been picked up by other well-known news
publishers. Stories from organizations like Reuters, CNN and the BBC,
will have been checked and verified beforehand. If the information you
have isn't from a well-known source like these, there's a chance that it
could be fake.
Does the evidence prove that something definitely happened? Or, have
the facts been "twisted" to back up a particular viewpoint?
Modern editing software has made it easy for people to create fake
images that look professional and real. In fact, research shows that
only half of us can tell when images are fake.
Critical Reading 35
However, there are some warning signs you can look out for. Strange
shadows on the image, for example, or jagged edges around a figure. If
you still have doubts, you can use tools such as Google Reverse Image
Search(9) to check whether the image has been altered or used in the
wrong context.
For example, it's unlikely that your favorite designer brand is giving
away a million free dresses to people who turn up to its stores. Equally,
just because your colleague believes that two married co-workers are
having an affair, doesn't mean it's true.
Study Tip:
Some stories that you'll encounter will sound "wrong," but won't
necessarily be fake news. They could be intentional satire, for example,
or something that comes from a humorous website, like The Onion or
The Daily Mash, for example.
If these tips suggest that the information that you have is fake, or if you
have any doubts about it, avoid sharing it with others. Doing so could
lead to rumours spreading and may harm your professional credibility.
36 Critical Reading
3. Evidence is important to give any information reliability. Go
back to the previous passage and list the evidence the author
4. Is the picture used doctored or real? Why?
Critical Reading 39
Time to do research.
But there’s one surprising ingredient that has seen a surge in sales after
a recent study found it helps improve memory: rosemary.
According to high street health food chain Holland & Barrett, sales of
the herb have increased by 187 per cent compared to the same time last
The demand has been so high that they’ve even had to order in extra
A spokesperson for Holland & Barrett said that after the research was
published: “We saw a sharp rise in customer demand. As the exam
season continues, we have increased provision in store to meet
40 Critical Reading
Over 2,500 dogs are already enjoying a better life at Dog Island.
Separated from the anxieties of urban life, dogs on Dog Island are
healthy dogs who live a natural, healthy and happy life, free from the
stress and hardship associated with daily life among humans.
They live with almost limitless space, and tens of thousands of rabbits,
rodents, fish and other natural prey. Surrounded by thousands of other
dogs, this is the only place for them to be truly social and create healthy
The concept of Dog Island is very new. There is a lot of concern over
the behavioral patterns that emerge on the island. We have a talented
set of Dogologists working on the island. What is happening is very
exciting! The dogs are behaving in ways that are surprising many
people. We have trained lead dogs that train the other dogs, but really,
naturally, they are creating a very beautiful society. The discoveries
that are being made are being made daily. This is exciting new
Critical Reading 41
Journal entry:
1. One thing I have learnt from this unit is
2. Does this unit connect with something else that you’ve read?
3. What do you need to read more about now? Why?
42 Critical Reading
Critical Reading 43
Unit Three
Media Framing
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• Identify a writer’s slant and tone.
• Recognize the use of language to manipulate opinion.
• Spot the framing of news reports.
Analyse this:
Looting: stealing
Residents: live there, inhabitants
Critical Reading 45
1. What is the difference between the two pictures?
2. What is the difference in the writer’s description?
3. What is the difference between “looting” and “finding”?
4. Why does the writer refer to the people in the second picture as
5. How is this different from “a young man” ?
What does it tell us about the writer?
Liberal 2 متحرر
Emotional عاطفى
Conservetive متحفظ
Reactionary رجعى
Neutral حيادى
46 Critical Reading
Study Tip
Choice of vocabulary can affect the slant of a text. Emotional
vocabulary is used to direct a reader’s inclination
Read the following two articles and compare:
But before you read lets look at these words find the following
words in the article and deceide if its negative or positive . The first
one is done for you
Critical Reading 47
48 Critical Reading
Though words may have the exact meaning, they might have different
connotations which conveys the slant/attitude or tone.
Here is a list of words that have the same donation but have different
Negative Positive
1 House Home
2 Stingy Economical
3 Pushy Assertive
4 skinny Slim
5 Cheap Affordable
6 Stench Scent
7 Nosy Curious
50 Critical Reading
I. Select the right word according to the context:
1. She has been travelling for so long and was looking forward to
going (home/to the house)
2. He wanted his wife to be (stingy/economical)
3. She would never give up, she is very (pushy/assertive)
4. She has lost so much weight and looks terribly (skinny/slim)
5. The present they got us is insulting it looks really
6. The house has been closed for a long time and has this
(stench/scent) in the air.
7. My neighbour is so (nosy/curious) she interferes in all of my
II. The following 3 sentences describe the same situation, yet they
are different Mark as positive. Negative or neutral
Sit in the sunshine and smile. Bask in the
brilliant rays. Discover your giggle.
Sit in the hot sun and smirk. Recline in
the glaring rays. Hunt for that snicker.
Sit in the warm sun and grin. Relax in the
warm rays. Look for a chuckle.
Identifying Tone:
The tone of the article, essay, story, poem, novel, screenplay, or any
other written work can be described in many ways. The author's tone
can be witty, dreary, warm, playful, outraged, neutral, polished, wistful,
Critical Reading 51
reserved, and on and on. Basically, if there's an attitude out there, an
author can write with it.
A- satirical
B- angry
C- sad
D- depressing
Study Tip
Three keys to determining tone
• Context and writer
• Word Choice
• Go With Your Gut
When reading critically you engage in noticing what the authors are
saying and how they are saying it. There are infinite ways to express
tone try to match the definitions with the adjectives that can be used to
describe tone. Look up the definitions of the words in a dictionary
before you match
52 Critical Reading
Match each definition with the correct term.
2. Often you feel you’ve done nothing when you’ve actually done a
lot. That’s because what you did do seemed beneath notice—it was
so small that it didn’t “count.” But it did—just as each stitch counts
toward a finished dress, each brick or nail toward a house you can
live in, each mistake toward knowing how to do things right.
Journal entry:
▪ What was something that puzzled you ?
Unit Four
Framing Theory
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
✓ Identify different framing techniques
✓ Deconstruct frames
✓ Evaluate argument
Various issues can influence how frames are created; not least
overarching ideologies in societies or what is often considered
‘common sense’. Likewise issues such as the race, class and gender of
journalists, editors, owners and audiences can influence framing.
Finally the production of news or how news is constructed is of
importance. News makers often depend on institutional sources such as
police, courts and politicians to supply stories which can both influence
agenda and how a story is defined
Find the meaning of these expressions. You can use
1. Agenda setting
2. Gatekeeping
3. Inherently ideological act
4. overarching ideology
Study tip
One way of understanding words and expressions we do not
understand is by breaking the word or expression up. Or just type
the expressions on google and you will find their meaning.
Critical Reading 57
Kinds of Frames:
One example of Framing is the drugs issue; there are numerous ways
this issue can be framed.
1: The law and order frame – here the key issue is that drug addicts
or junkies are criminals putting our communities and children at risk.
Drug pushers must be stopped and petty crime or even crime waves are
caused by junkies feeding their habit. Moreover addicts shooting up on
streets is unsightly, immoral and bad for tourism. Local Politicians or
the Minister of Justice may be questioned on why something isn’t done;
victims of crime may be interviewed or businesses who are in areas
frequented by addicts. Likewise police may be questioned on what they
are doing to curb the criminal activities.
2: Drug misuse as a health issue: Here the key framing is the health of
the drug user and issues of health in wider society. Here a Health
Minister might be interviewed to discuss funding for treatment centres,
various health professionals or experts may be interviewed on issues
such as treatment or controversies about types of treatment.
3: Drug misuse as a social problem: Here drug misuse may be framed
as a social issue connected with class, race and dysfunctional society.
Here the question of which areas are worst affected by drug use and
associated crimes might be discussed alongside issues such as
unemployment and social deprivation.
4: Recreational Drugs should be legal: In this less common frame
recreational drugs are seen as a normal part of society and issues such
as addiction and social problems are downplayed or compared with
already legal drugs such as alcohol or cigarettes. The cost of ‘the war
and drugs’ and the issue of the criminalisation of dealers are often an
issue here and policies of ‘harm reduction’ may be emphasised.
Framing Theory
The basis of framing theory is that the media focuses attention on
certain events and then places them within a field of meaning. Framing
is an important topic since it can have a big influence and therefore the
concept of framing expanded to organizations as well.
58 Critical Reading
Framing theory suggests that how something is presented to the
audience (called “the frame”) influences the choices people make about
how to process that information. Frames are abstractions that work to
organize or structure message meaning. The most common use of
frames is in terms of the frame the news or media place on the
information they convey. They are thought to influence the perception
of the news by the audience, in this way it could be construed as a form
of second level agenda-setting – they not only tell the audience what to
think about (agenda-setting theory), but also how to think about that
issue (second level agenda setting, framing theory).
The theory was first put forth by Goffman, under the title of Frame
Analysis (link to PDF of article). He put forth that people interpret what
is going on around their world through their primary framework. This
framework is regarded as primary as it is taken for granted by the user.
Its usefulness as a framework does not depend on other frameworks.
.يا واخد القرد على ماله يروح المال ويقعد القرد على حاله
If you marry a monkey (i.e. someone ugly) for his money, the
money will go away and the monkey will stay the same (as ugly as
ever). (Don't marry for money.)
Critical Reading 61
62 Critical Reading
Your Turn:
Read the article from El Ahram Newspaper and Deconstruct the
Ahram Online - Recovery in tourism
Samia Fakhry, Thursday 10 Oct 2019
Samia Fakhry looks at the reasons behind this year’s recovery in Egypt’s
tourism sector
Recently released figures from the Central Bank of Egypt (CBE) show a
revival in tourism revenues during the 2018-19 fiscal year to reach $12.6
billion, 29 per cent higher than the receipts realised during the previous fiscal
Tourist arrivals have increased by 30 per cent so far into the year as compared
to the same period in 2018, according to statements by Hossam Al-Shaer,
head of the Egyptian Travel Agencies Association.
Boasting of the recovery of the sector, Minister of Tourism Rania Al-Mashat
said it had been the fruit of hard labour and continuous effort by workers and
partners in the tourism sector at home and overseas to meet the goals set out
in the reform programme to develop the sector.
The programme was launched in November 2018 in the framework of policies
to achieve sustainable tourism development and raise the competitiveness of
the sector and stay abreast of international trends. The larger goal is “to
employ at least one member of every Egyptian family in the tourism sector
and related activities”.
The programme is published on the ministry’s website in Arabic and English,
and the first follow-up report was issued in September. This meant that
everyone could monitor the measures being taken, Al-Mashat said.
Several international reports on tourism, counting for 15 per cent of Egypt’s
GDP, have also noted efforts to revive the sector.
Egypt had the fourth-largest growth rate in terms of tourism performance,
according to the 2019 World Economic Forum Travel and Tourism
Competitiveness Report published in September. It also jumped from 60th to
fifth place in tourism marketing and promotion strategies, and came top in
Africa in a report published by the US-based Bloom Consulting.
The efforts include improving the skills of the sector’s workforce through
training 9,600 people by the end of December this year. So far, 7,093 people
have been trained in health and food safety, processing and preparing food,
food and beverages, first aid, back office and front office duties and cooking.
Some 1,500 owners of animals and horse-drawn buggies have been trained in
taking care of their animals properly.
Critical Reading 63
Now answer the following Questions:
1. What assumptions are in the articles?
2. Who are the sources? List all the sources
During an interview with Daily News Egypt, Shalaby said that the
current occupancy ranges between 25% and 30%, all of which are last
minute bookings from the Ukrainian,German, and Italian markets.
The hotel management companies are forced to either accept and pay
these prices or to close the doors of the hotel, which will result in
greater losses.
64 Critical Reading
What are the nationalities of tourists coming to the region
About 60% of them are Ukrainians, which is the largest proportion of
tourists. Germans represent 20%, Italians 10%, and the remaining
percentage are tourists from other nationalities.
Is there Arab tourism in the region, especially since you have made
efforts to attract Arabs to the region during the recent period?
I am sorry to say that these efforts failed, and there is no Arabic tourism
to the region. I
was hoping to increase the flow of the region not only from Europe, but
also from the Arab region, especially as there are new segments of
youth in the Gulf countries that are looking for relaxation on beaches.
Why did those attempts fail as mentioned?
There is no real support from the Ministry of Tourism for the region or
cooperation between the ministry and the private sector. Unfortunately,
we hoped there would be flights between Lebanon, Jordan, Saudi
Arabia, Tunisia, and Morocco. The obstacles include the price of the
trip which could reach $64,000, and some countries have restrictions in
granting visas to its citizens coming to Egypt.
What about investments in the region during the recent period?
There are no recent investments in the region from where investors
come in. Many are hoping to repay old loans that they have received
from banks.
In order to have new investments in a region there has to be touristic
demand, and currently there is no demand in this region. It is not
limited to new investments, but extends to the cessation of any new
hotel extensions.
Writers do not only use frames to convince you but also the text usually
has an argument that the writer wants to convince you of.
Use of logic….
1. Mona is a girl
Girls are nice
Mona is nice
2. If X = Y , then 2Y = 2X
Identify the Reasons: Why do they think you should believe them?
These are claims that support the conclusion---as their name suggests,
they give you reason to believe it. Without them, there is no argument-
--just a claim. It is the evidence or logical conclusion.
1. Contrary to popular opinion, from a scientific point of
view it is very unlikely that extra-terrestrial intelligent
life exists in our galaxy. This is so, for the following
reasons: The Sun is a star that is about 4.6 billion years
old. The Earth was formed with the Sun, and intelligent
life took at least this long to evolve on Earth. In
assessing another star's chances for having planets with
intelligent life, the star must be at least as old as the
Sun. However, roughly half the stars in our galaxy are
younger than the Sun. If intelligence takes 4 to 5 billion
years to develop, these young stars cannot have
intelligent life around them yet. We should also keep in
mind that at least half the stars in our galaxy are part of
binary star systems, and life bearing planets could not
survive the monstrous gravitational forces of binary
systems. Only a very small percentage of stars in our
galaxy are suitable for planets with intelligent life.
68 Critical Reading
Conclusion: Contrary to popular opinion, from a
scientific point of view it is very unlikely that extra-
terrestrial intelligent life exists in our galaxy.
Key phrase in bold above. "This is so" tells us the first statement is the
conclusion, and "the follow reasons" tells us the rest is supporting
Identify the Conclusion and the Reasons these arguments
What are they trying to convince you?
Why do they think you should believe them?
1. One should wear heavy clothes because it is winter and the
weather forecast indicates there will be rain.
2. The Interpretation of Dreams was Freud’s very first book, so
the ideas in it don’t represent his mature thought.
3. Since Lyme’s Disease is transmitted by ticks, it’s kind of
risky to wear shorts when you walk in high grass.
Analyse This:
Rise in gas prices people are looking for other options. Gas has
become too expensive, so a lot of people can’t even afford to drive to
work anymore. Hybrid cars maybe the solution for the problem since
they minimize the use of gas. Also the use of hybrid cars will
improve the environment. It has been proven that the gas emission of
hybrid cars is much less than that of regular cars. If every litre
of gasoline contains 9 kilograms of carbon dioxide, then a hybrid car
will emit 23.1 kilograms of carbon dioxide every 161 kilometres,
while a conventional car will emit 34 kilograms. If you multiply
those numbers With over the lifetime of a vehicle, hybrids more than
make up for efficient use of energy, but it also reduces air pollution.
Logic ( reason)
Journal entry:
One thing I have learnt from this unit is
Does this unit connect with something else that you’ve read?
What do you need to read more about now? Why?
70 Critical Reading
Critical Reading 71
Unit Five
Extended Reasoning
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• Distinguish between simple comprehension questions and
extended reasoning
• Make inferences from a given text
• Critically compare two texts
• Extended Reasoning test your ability to synthesize and analyze
information by relating various parts of the reading passage to
each other or by recognizing how one part relates to the
overall passage.
Making Inferences
You got to the university this morning and you couldn't find a book.
You were reading it over while having breakfast, so you probably
a) left it on your kitchen table.
b) Didn’t buy the book
c) Gave it to your friend
The right answer is (a) you are making an inference based upon the fact
that you know you were reading the book at home.
Critical Reading 73
Your Turn
Now try this one on your own:
The young woman walked a bit hesitantly towards the famous cozy
Italian restaurant. She did not believe the excuse her parents gave her
for having to meet her at the restaurant instead of at their house. To
make matters worse, she was a bit grumpy because she was still
catching up on the sleep that she lost during exam time. She noticed
some cars that looked familiar in the parking lot. As soon as she walked
through the door, she heard, "Surprise!"
▪ What do you think is the surprise?
▪ How did you guess?
The text says: She did not believe the excuse her parents gave her.
I know: Sometimes if people play practical jokes, others don't believe
everything they say. Maybe her parents played practical jokes.
The text says: She was a bit grumpy because she was still catching up on the
sleep that she lost during exam time.
I know: I know exams are usually given in school, so she is probably in high
school or college.
The text says: She noticed some cars that looked familiar in the parking lot.
As soon as she walked through the door, she heard, "Surprise!"
I know: If the cars are familiar, that means people she knows are in the
restaurant. This makes me change my inference. If her parents wanted to meet
her at the restaurant, and other people she knows are there, maybe it's a
surprise party.
Passage 1
licensed under CC BY-
Sugar pinecones are cylindrical, slightly tapered at the end and rounded
at the base. Found one today nearly twenty-four inches long and six in
diameter, the scales being open. The average length of full grown cones
on trees favourably situated is nearly eighteen inches.
Passage 2
Before you read
Greenhouse effect: The greenhouse effect is the process by which
radiation from a planet's atmosphere warms the planet's surface to a
temperature above what it would be without this atmosphere.
The notion that certain gases could warm the planet is not new. In 1896
Svante Arrhenius, a Swedish chemist, resolved the long-standing
question of how the earth’s atmosphere could maintain the planet’s
relatively warm temperature when the oxygen and nitrogen that make up
99 percent of the atmosphere do not absorb any of the heat escaping as
infrared radiation from the earth’s surface into space. He discovered that
even the small amounts of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere could
absorb large amounts of heat. Furthermore, he reasoned that the burning
of coal, oil, and natural gas could eventually release enough carbon
78 Critical Reading
dioxide to warm the earth. Hansen and most other climatologists agree
that enough greenhouse gases have accumulated in the atmosphere to
make Arrhenius’s prediction come true. Burning fossil fuels is not the
only problem; a fifth of our emissions of carbon dioxide now come from
clearing and burning forests. Scientists are also tracking a host of other
greenhouse gases that emanate from a variety of human activities; the
warming effect of methane, chlorofluorocarbons, and nitrous oxide
combined equals that of carbon dioxide.
If the reality of global warming were put on trial, each side would have
trouble making its case. Jim Hansen’s side could not prove beyond a
reasonable doubt that carbon dioxide and the other greenhouse gases
have warmed the planet. But neither could John Sununu’s side prove
beyond a reasonable doubt that the warming expected from greenhouse
gases has not occurred.
Passage 3
Why should one suppose that a culture like Europe’s, steeped as it was
in the ardour of wealth, the habit of violence, and the pride of
intolerance, dispirited and adrift after a century and more of disease and
famine and death beyond experience, would be able to come upon new
societies in a fertile world, innocent and defenceless, and not displace
and subdue, if necessary destroy, them? Why should one suppose such
a culture would pause there to observe, to learn, to borrow the wisdom
and the ways of a foreign, heathen people, half naked
and befeathered, ignorant of cities and kings and metal and laws, and
unschooled in all that the Ancients held virtuous? Was not Europe in its
groping era of discovery in the fifteenth century in fact in search of
salvation, as its morbid sonnets said, or of that regeneration which new
lands and new peoples and of course new riches would be presumed to
provide? And there was salvation there, in the New World, though it
was not of a kind the Europeans then understood. They thought first
that exploitation was salvation, and they went at that with a vengeance,
and found new foods and medicines and treasures, but that proved not
to be; that colonization and settlement was salvation, and they peopled
both continents with conquerors, and it was not that either. The
salvation there, had the Europeans known where and how to look for it,
82 Critical Reading
was obviously in the integrative tribal ways, the nurturant
communitarian values, the rich interplay with nature that made up the
Indian cultures — as it made up, for thatmatter, the cultures of ancient
peoples everywhere, not excluding Europe. It was there especially in
the Indian consciousness, in what Calvin Martin has termed “the
biological outlook on life,” in which patterns and concepts and the
large teleological constructs of culture are not human-cantered but
come from the sense of being at one with nature, biocentric, ecocentric.
However one may cast it, an opportunity there certainly was once, a
chance for the people of Europe to find a new anchorage in a new
country, in what they dimly realized was the land of Paradise, and thus
find finally the way to redeem the world. But all they ever found was
half a world of nature’s treasures and nature’s peoples that could be
taken, and they took them, never knowing, never learning the true
regenerative power there, and that opportunity was lost. Theirs was
indeed a conquest of Paradise, but as is inevitable with any war against
the world of nature, those who win will have lost — once again lost,
and this time perhaps forever.
2. In the Passage, the phrase “unschooled in all that the Ancients held
virtuous” is used to
I. reflect the European view of the American natives.
II. reveal a significant foundation of European culture in the period.
Critical Reading 83
III. give a reason for the European contempt for the native
A. III only
B. I and II only
C. I and III only
D. II and III only
E. I, II, and III
Your Turn
Now let’s practice before we move on
Critical Reading 85
(a) "... reflecting efficiencies in electric-power use by industries and
(b) "... raising hopes that economic growth can coexist with reduced
resource "
(c) "... which together with increased natural gas production may hasten
the era of 'energy independence' for the United States."
(d)"... posing a scary challenge for the nation's utilities."
This story is an example as of the power of the "frame" the writer and
editor choose to place around the daily increase of information. The
right answer is B since it states that this gives “hopes that economic
Because it is presented in the corporate-news section of the Wall Street
Journal, this is presented as good news.
In other publications, or even in another section, exactly the same
information could have been a bad news. It all depends on the framing
which can present contradictory phenomena as all true at the same
1. What is the source of the text?
2. Where is it published?
3. Who is the intended audience?
4. What is the author's purpose?
5. What is the general frame?
• For comparisons you may look for the type or form of text for
example, it could be an article, blog or letter.
• The purpose it is written for or the audience it is addressing is
another way to compare. Some texts are written just to
inform or advice while others persuade and entertain.
• The focus and attention to detail required in reading a
compare and contrast text helps individual to organize and
retain information and develop better writing expressions
Critical Reading 87
T he debate on hemp(13)
Amira Asad
October 7, 2013
This April, hemp advocates rejoiced as Kentucky’s hemp bill became a
law after more than 70 years of prohibition. Once the leading hemp
growing state, Indiana’s neighbour has one boot in the field as a
number of states move forward toward legalizing the crop. Despite
their recent victory, the legality of growing the crop is still stirring up
heated debates six months later.
So how legal, or illegal, is the crop?
On a federal level, hemp has been illegal in all states since the mid-
1930s. There has been no distinction between hemp and its sister crop
marijuana since the Controlled Substance Act of 1970. Both of these
factors create a blurry line about where hemp stands today in pro-hemp
states and how a legal pathway can be paved for farmers who wish to
cultivate the crop.
88 Critical Reading
Hemp advocates are trying to revive a cash crop that was once used for
products ranging from paper to clothing. Hemp champions expect the
crop to boost the economy and open a number of new agricultural job
However, a 25-page study about the economic probability of industrial
hemp, recently conducted at University of Kentucky, stated that
production of the crop isn’t likely to create thousands of jobs
immediately. Nor will it be a profitable option for all farmers living
across the state of Kentucky.
A major concern for legalizing hemp among cops is the near identical
look of hemp and marijuana, which could lead to marijuana growers
hiding their crops within hemp fields.
Another leading fear about hemp reappearing on the market is an
increase of drug use and drug related crime.
“You have to suspect that the push for its cultivation is driven more by
those looking for the legalization of the use of marijuana and other
illegal drugs than by those looking for fiber or healthy fats,” Douglas
Darnowski, professor of biology, said. “There are plenty of other fibers
which are more useful for many purposes than hemp is, and there are
more nutritious seeds, like chia.”
Darnowski said despite all the benefits to hemp cultivation, there is still
one major prohibitor stopping the cultivation.
“There is a connection to the suppression of the cultivation of hemp
and given the amount of drug use plaguing the country and this area in
particular, it may, unfortunately still be a good idea.” He said.
Critical Reading 89
Answer the following questions
The Hemp Farming Lobby: The hemp farmers would like the fibre
hemp plant to be legal so that they can grow it. They want to show how
useful it is for making paper and other products, and they would like
people to understand the difference between the marijuana plant and
the fibre hemp plant.
Study Tip
Critical reading is the ability to evaluate the credibility of a piece of
writing. All writers have a purpose when they write, and usually, a
writer will choose or emphasize facts and details which support his or
her purpose, and ignore facts which don't. As a good reader, you need
to be aware of this.
92 Critical Reading
Prereading Vocabulary
An ecosystem (n)
‘The rainforests are the oldest, most productive and most complex
ecosystems on Earth.’
Pulp (n)
‘Forest fires destroy more forests than are used for making pulp and
Is pulp (a) a type of forest fire or (b) a type of material made from
Hemp (n)
‘Farmers can grow hemp quickly and it is not likely to fall to disease.’
1. "The rainforests are quite simply the richest, oldest, most productive
and most complex ecosystems on Earth."
b) the environmentalists
WHY: __________________________________________
Critical Reading 93
2. "Some have calculated that if Britain converted the entire pulp and
paper production in Britain to hemp, it would be necessary to
plant hemp over 22% of the country."
c) the environmentalists
4. "Each year, forest fires destroy more forests than are used for
making pulp and paper."
a) the environmentalists
94 Critical Reading
5. "Decriminalizing cannabis could result in a greater use of the drug
by British people, therefore increasing the health and safety risks
associated with it."
d) the environmentalists
7. "67% of the fiber used to make British pulp and paper comes from
recovered paper that used to be disposed of in landfills."
a) the environmentalists
Critical Reading 95
8. "Hemp is about business and the environment. Marijuana is a moral
question about the government's control of the drugs that people
consume. These two questions have nothing in common but the
shape of the leaf, therefore we have to separate the issues."
9. "In the Brixton Riots of 1981, police attacked and injured hundreds
of innocent peaceful marijuana smokers."
10. "Wood cutting and production is still the biggest employer and the
biggest contributor to tax revenue in some parts of the country."
96 Critical Reading
Study Tip
Comparing and contrasting related readings: Exploring likenesses and
differences between texts to understand them better. Many of the
authors we read are concerned with the same issues or questions, but
approach how to discuss them in different ways. In order to compare
and contrast you need to start by identifying the main argument made
by each text and the main evidence used to support the arguments.
What is the tone the author uses? (e.g., formal, informal, critical, objective)
How does the author’s use of language and tone support the audience,
purpose, and argument? (e.g., specialized terminology, simple word
choice, words with emotional connotations)
What influences do these differences have on the way the text reads, or
the way in which you as the reader makes sense of the text?
Passage 1
I am a Jane Austenite, and, therefore, slightly imbecile about Jane
Austen. My fatuous expression and airs of personal immunity—how ill
they set on the face, say, of a Stevensonian. But Jane Austen is so
different. One’s favorite author! One reads and re-reads, the mouth
open and the mind closed. Shut up in measureless content, one greets
her by the name of most kind hostess, while criticism slumbers. The
Jane Austenite possesses none of the brightness he ascribes to his idol.
Like all regular churchgoers, he scarcely notices what is being said.
Passage 2
Jane Austen never suffered fools gladly, nor should we. Her letters and
novels are filled with sharp, cutting comments—zingers, remarks that
startle, even shock, the unwary reader. At the ball there “was a scarcity of
Men in general, & a still greater scarcity of any that were good for much.”
Zing! Who, reading that caustic comment, can ever again think of Austen
as Gentle Jane? As Natalie Tyler says, “She is the one person whose
insights about yourself you would most fear because you realize that her
perceptions are penetrating, perspicacious, and piercingly accurate.”
Your conclusion
Critical Reading 99
Now let’s compare two news articles about nuclear power:
Article 1
Carbon emissions are the main cause of the greenhouse effect that is
producing global warming. Carbon-containing gases released by the
burning of fuels are remaining in the atmosphere and trapping heat.
Over time, they have caused average global temperatures to rise,
putting the planet at risk.
Nuclear power now accounts for more than 60 percent of the United
States' zero-carbon electricity and a new generation of technologically
advanced reactors is on the horizon.
Nuclear power has endured because it has proved reliable, effective and
affordable. The basic facts are not in dispute among energy policymakers.
The 439 reactors now operating around the world are meeting the
annual electrical needs of more than a billion people. Almost 70
reactors are under construction, including five in the United States.
Another 159 are on order or planned.
European energy experts say the results would be dramatic if the world
were to build nuclear reactors at the same rate as the French and
Swedish have. Electricity from coal and natural gas could be replaced
in 25 to 34 years.
Nuclear power is the only way to achieve both those goals at the same
The 2015 Paris climate agreement set a remarkable goal. It calls for all
countries to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases substantially. Most
of these emissions come from the burning of fossil fuels — coal, oil
and natural gas— and the message could not be clearer: We need to
change the way we generate and use energy, and do so quickly.
The question now is what additional policy actions will most help in
meeting — or preferably exceeding — the target for emission
reductions. Perhaps the most realistic approach is to increase the use of
low-energy or no-carbon energy sources, among them nuclear power
and renewable energy. Renewable energy sources, also called
renewables, include such things as wind power and solar power.
China has embraced this approach. It plans to double its nuclear power
capacity, and has 24 new plants now under construction. However,
China also is investing heavily in wind and solar power, as it has been
for years.
Should the U.S. do the same? Yes, but only in part. Currently, our 99
nuclear reactors generate about 19 percent of electrical output, yet only
account for about 8 percent of total energy consumption. The lion’s
share of the energy we use, about 81 percent, comes from fossil fuels.
Critical Reading 103
Nuclear power will have an important role to play, but it is unlikely to
replace much fossil fuel use. It is still too expensive and too risky.
are good reasons for these trends. One is cost. The nuclear plants under
construction in the United States, the first after more than three
decades, are expected to cost $8 billion to $9 billion each, possibly
more. It is also very expensive to safely shut down plants, which
eventually becomes necessary.
These very high costs make it difficult for the private utilities that
provide our electricity to increase nuclear power generation. They see
more promise and lower costs in natural gas-powered plants or in
turning to renewables.
waste disposal method. There is also always the chance of the kind of
disaster that occurred when Japan's Fukushima plant leaked radiation-
contaminated water, poisoning the surrounding area.
Both writers use the example of China, however they use it differently.
What do you think? Should we use more nuclear power?
Critical Reading 105
Unit Six
Reading Scientific texts
in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood”
By the end of this unit, you will be able to:
• Recognize the style of scientific writing
• Understand how facts and ideas are connected
• Read scientific texts critically
106 Critical Reading
Pre Reading:
How do you think is reading news articles different from reading
scientific texts?
Study Tip
Reading scientific texts requires more than understanding the meanings
of words. It needs you to be able to identify the format, argument or
hypothesis and investigate the evidence.
I. Identifying format/structure:
Five common types of structure used in scientific texts are:
• Generalization: the extension or clarification of main ideas
through explanations or examples
• Enumeration: listing of facts
• Sequence: a connecting series of events or steps
• Classification: grouping items into classes
• Comparison / contrast: examining the relationships between
two or more things
Identify the type of structure used in these examples:
1. There are two different hypotheses for the origin of the earth: the
nebular hypothesis and the comet-produced hypothesis. The
nebular hypothesis maintains ... In contrast, the comet-produced
hypothesis states ... The first hypothesis assumes ... The latter
hypothesis asserts ...
II. Evidence
To read critically you need to look at evidence. The following
questions relate to the evidence the writer uses.
110 Critical Reading
• Summarize. As you reach the end of a section of interest, ask
yourself if you could explain it to someone else. If yes, great! If
no, give it another read.
• Ask yourself questions throughout the paper. This is the
“critical” component of critical reading. Is evidence well-
supported? Presented clearly? What are the study’s broader
• Read the paper a second or third time, highlighting key points.
Check these points with your summaries and the author’s
abstract. Does your interpretation of the paper match theirs?
• Use a marking system. This is a note-taking/making scheme
that you use consistently to mark-up or take notes on the paper
that you are reading. It may include written notes in the paper’s
margin, short summaries at the end of sections,
stars/arrows/circles/numbers at key passages, color-coded
highlights, or Post-Its that designate main ideas, confusing
sentences, evidence, unfamiliar words, etc.
Habits of Critical Readers
Effective habits, both of mind and of practice, are crucial to developing
critical reading skills. A simple routine that works for you can make all
the difference.
Critical Reading 111
Scientific Articles
The following texts are simplified scientific articles read and answer
the questions:
Paul Newman, Lawrence Coy, Steven Pawson and Leslie Lait (NASA)
Associate editor:
Rebecca Paulsen Edwards
112 Critical Reading
Glossary of Terms
1. Stratosphere: the layer of the earth's atmosphere above the
troposphere, extending to about 50 km above the earth's surface
(the lower boundary of the mesosphere).
2. Quasi-biennial oscillation (QBO) − slow change (28 months)
in wind direction from east to west and back that occurs high in
the atmosphere above the tropics
3. Easterlies − winds that blow from the east
4. Westerlies − winds that blow from the west
5. Radiosondes − weather instruments that take data as they rise
through the atmosphere on weather balloons.
6. Stratosphere – the layer of the atmosphere above the
troposphere (which is closest to where we live) that exists
between 10-30 miles above the earth’s surface.
7. Pressure Level – An altitude in the atmosphere defined by
units of atmospheric pressure rather than height in units of
distance. The atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude, so a
higher pressure level is lower in the atmosphere and a lower
pressure level is higher in the atmosphere.
8. El Nino – An area of warmer than average water in the Eastern
Equatorial Pacific Ocean.
9. Subtropical Jet – A fast moving current of air located in the
stratosphere which blows from west to east in the midlatitudes
Have you ever noticed that the clouds above you are moving very fast,
even though you don’t feel any wind where you are standing on the
ground? That’s because wind blows at different speeds and directions
at different altitudes in the atmosphere. The quasi-biennial oscillation is
a slow change in wind direction from eastward to westward that occurs
high in the atmosphere above the tropics (the latitudes close to the
equator). Over about a two-year period, the wind direction switches
from westward to eastward, then back again starting from the middle of
the stratosphere, then working its way down. Or at least that’s how it
usually works! This past winter, we noticed a curious change in this
normal downward progression of the quasi-biennial oscillation. Instead
of the eastward blowing winds slowly moving down through the
atmosphere, the westward blowing winds suddenly started moving
upward! This has never been observed before!
Critical Reading 113
The quasi-biennial oscillation, or QBO for short, is an alternating
pattern of easterlies (winds that blow from the east) and the westerlies
(winds that blow from the west) high in the stratosphere (the
atmospheric layer between 10 and 30 miles altitude) over the equator. It
is an important and well-understood climate feature that has been
observed and studied by scientists for more than sixty years. The
change from easterlies to westerlies (and vice versa) starts at the top of
the stratosphere and then works its way down towards the surface. This
past winter, we noticed something strange in the data — instead of the
easterlies forming at the top of the atmosphere and progressing down
like they usually do, they were blocked by an area of westerlies that
began moving upward in the atmosphere, rather than slowing down and
switching direction.
We used two data types for this
study. First, we investigated this
unusual QBO using data from
radiosondes. Radiosondes are
instruments mounted on weather
balloons that measure winds,
temperature, pressure, and altitude
as they rise through the atmosphere
(Fig. 1). The radiosonde record for
equatorial stratospheric winds
began in 1953! There aren’t many
Earth processes for which we have
such long-term data!
The analysis began with understanding how the QBO has behaved in
the past. We used averaged radiosonde data from 1953 to the present
114 Critical Reading
from three stations located close to the equator: Canton Island, Maldive
Islands, and Singapore.
The QBO exhibits a very regular pattern of wind shifts over most of the
radiosonde data (Figure 2). Twenty-six complete oscillations occurred
during the 1953 to present period. The QBO wind shift can be observed
beginning at the top of the graph (at 10 hPa) and then moving to lower
altitudes with time.
The average length of the cycle was 27.6 months. The westerly phase
was slightly longer than the easterly phase in the lower stratosphere
(An average of about 12 months for the easterly phase and 15.3 months
for the westerly phase).
Near the end of the graph, we can see that something has interrupted
the normal transition from westerlies to easterlies during the QBO in
the winter of 2015-2016.
We identified three unusual features in the data.
1. An area of westerly winds seem to have formed at the 20 hPa
level and migrated upwards around New Year’s day 2016. This
altered the downward progression of the transition to easterlies.
2. An area of easterlies developed in the lower stratosphere, at the
30-70 hPa level, disconnected from the higher altitude easterlies.
3. It appears that the unusual westerly winds prevented the easterly
winds from propagating down through the stratosphere.
Critical Reading 115
To make sure that what we were seeing was not caused by an
instrument error, we examined multiple other sources of data from all
over the world. All of those datasets, as well as the reanalysis data,
show the same thing. Something unusual happened to the QBO in the
winter of 2015-2016.
Because the QBO is such an important feature of the stratospheric
wind, it is important that scientists understand what caused the change
we saw in the winter of 2015-2016. Our weather models depend on the
regular variation in equatorial winds the QBO has historically provided.
If that pattern has changed, we will have to update our meteorological
models and our understanding of the way our climate works. We will
continue to explore the relationships between the QBO and El Nino,
climate change, and the midlatitude pressure waves.
From the radiosonde and reanalysis data, we identified several things
that were out of the ordinary in the atmosphere around the time of the
change in the QBO.
First, the anomalous easterlies formed at an unusual location in relation
to the westerlies.
Second, the region near the boundary between the troposphere and
stratosphere (around 100 hPa), which is usually calm, had strong
westerlies that year. Lower in the atmosphere, the troposphere had
unusually strong easterlies because of the 2015-2016 El Nino
Nothing like the 2015-2016 QBO has ever happened before in our
record. The normal westerly phase lasts for about 15 months, but in
2015-16 switched to a easterly phase after only six months (at 40 hPa).
The previous shortest westerly phase was ten months. Also, no other
QBO westerly-to-easterly transition has ever occurred in January
We are not certain what caused this change in the QBO, but we did
observe some clues in the structure of the temperature and winds. A band
of strong winds at 40 hPa, called the subtropical jet, stretched from the
northern midlatitudes to the equator for an extended period. This may
have allowed large-scale waves in the pressure pattern over the northern
hemisphere to add additional easterly momentum to the equatorial winds
116 Critical Reading
at 40 hPa (22 km). Finally, the tropical troposphere was much warmer
than the long-term average while the stratosphere was colder. These
temperature anomalies were the result of the strong El Nino and also
some climate change effects.
Because the QBO is such an important feature of the stratospheric
wind, it is important that scientists understand what caused the change
we saw in the winter of 2015-2016. Our weather models depend on the
regular variation in equatorial winds the QBO has historically provided.
If that pattern has changed, we will have to update our meteorological
models and our understanding of the way our climate works. We will
continue to explore the relationships between the QBO and El Nino,
climate change, and the midlatitude pressure waves.
Newman, P. A, L. Coy, S. Pawson, and L. R. Lait. The anomalous change in
the QBO in 2015-2016. Geophysical Research Letters, 43,
Baldwin, M. P., et al (2001), The quasi-biennial oscillation, Rev. Geophysics,
39 179-229,
“NASA: A Strange Thing Happened in the Stratosphere”
1. What is the structure of this article?
2. Is the methodology valid?
3. Are the limitations clear?
4. Are the results consistent with the objectives?
5. Is evidence well-supported? Presented clearly?
6. What are the study’s broader implications?
Critical Reading 117
7. Where would you find this article published?
8. Who are the audience for this article?
Glossary of term:
Adsorbent – the substance that the contaminant ions stick to. For
example, ZIOS is the adsorbent for copper ions.
Adsorption – the process that occurs when ions or molecules of one
substance stick to the surface of another substance.
Contaminant – a substance that pollutes or makes another substance
impure. For example, copper is a water contaminant.
Crystalline – a description of a substance that has the form of a crystal
or is made of crystals.
Desorption – the process when a substance is released from the
adsorbent’s surface.
Hydrogen bond – a weak bond that forms between molecules when
one has a positive charge (of a proton) and the other has a negative
charge. The attraction between the positive and negative charges holds
the molecules together.
Ions – atoms that have a positive or a negative charge because they
have lost or gained electrons.
pH – a scale used to measure if a solution is an acid, base, or neutral.
Remediate – to clean up pollution from soil, groundwater, or surface
Supramolecular structure – a large structure that forms when many
molecules bond together.
Toxic heavy metals – metals with a high density that are dangerous to
human health. Examples include copper, mercury, and arsenic.
Critical Reading 119
Guess which part of the article:
A. Abstract
B. Introduction
C. Methods
D. Results
E. Discussion
F. Conclusion
A. Abstract
B. Introduction
C. Methods
D. Results
E. Discussion
F. Conclusion
A. Abstract
B. Introduction
C. Methods
D. Results
E. Discussion
F. Conclusion
Critical Reading 121
4. Our results show three important findings about our new
material, ZIOS.
1. ZIOS can reduce the amount of copper in the water up to 50
times faster than other adsorbents, such as ZIF-8.
2. ZIOS can also remove iron and nickel from water. When it
removes these ions, it still removes copper as effectively as it
did when only copper was present.
3. ZIOS works to only remove copper in acidic environments
because the copper levels went down to similar levels at low
pH, whereas the levels of other metals remained the same.
Our next step is to investigate if ZIOS is reusable. We already know
that when ZIOS is in water, it expands. During this expansion, the
water molecules temporarily become part of the structure of ZIOS.
When dried, ZIOS contracts back to its original size. Now we want to
see if we can desorb, or remove, copper from ZIOS, and then reuse it
to adsorb more copper. The desorbed copper can then be used in other
industries. In this way, ZIOS can act as a vehicle to carry copper from
water to other environments
A. Abstract
B. Introduction
C. Methods
D. Results
E. Discussion
F. Conclusion
6. Metals are a part of our everyday life. Your body needs metals,
such as sodium, potassium, and calcium, to function and to keep
you healthy. Yet some metals can be dangerous. We call these
metals toxic heavy metals. Why? We call them heavy because
they have high densities. We call them toxic because they are
harmful to human health. Copper is one of the most widely used
heavy metals. Copper is a metal that our bodies need in small
amounts, but it becomes toxic at high levels. Many rivers and
streams contain copper because many industries use this metal.
Scientists consider a waterbody polluted with copper when the
levels are too high. To protect human health and the
environment, scientists need to remediate (clean up) the copper.
Copper remediation is difficult. Current processes are
expensive. They do not always do a good job of removing traces
of copper without also removing other metals from the water at
the same time.
A. Abstract
B. Introduction
C. Methods
D. Results
E. Discussion
F. Conclusion
After you check your answers in the answer key, answer the
following questions
1- Why is access to clean water so important?
2- Why is copper considered a toxic heavy metal?
3- How do we know that ZIOS remediates copper pollution in water?
4- How do we know that ZIOS works better than other current
Critical Reading 123
5- The following are the references for the above article, check the
references and make sure that the sources are accurate:
Thirst Project
charity: water
Encyclopedia Entries
The following is another article about water. However, this is not a
presentation of scientific research but is an encyclopedia entry. Read
this encyclopaedia entry and compare with above article
The sun, which drives the water cycle, heats water in oceans and seas.
Water evaporates as water vapor into the air. Some ice and snow
sublimates directly into water vapor. Evapotranspiration is water
transpired from plants and evaporated from the soil. The water
molecule H2O has smaller molecular mass than the major components
of the atmosphere, nitrogen and oxygen, N2 and O2, hence is less
dense. Due to the significant difference in density, buoyancy drives
humid air higher. As altitude increases, air pressure decreases and the
temperature drops (see Gas laws). The lower temperature causes water
vapor to condense into tiny liquid water droplets which are heavier than
the air, and fall unless supported by an updraft. A huge concentration of
these droplets over a large space up in the atmosphere become visible
as cloud. Some condensation is near ground level, and called fog.
Journal entry:
▪ One thing I have learnt from this unit is
▪ Does this unit connect with something else that you’ve read?
▪ ______________________________________________________
▪ What do you need to read more about now? Why?
Extra Critical Reading
132 Critical Reading (Practices)
Critical Reading (Practices) 133
2. Why did many people not believe 'The Washington Post' and 'The
New York Times' when they denounced the pizzeria story?
A. They checked the facts and found that the articles were
B. They didn’t trust anybody.
C. They thought the newspapers had a political agenda.
D. They thought the newspapers had not researched the story
carefully enough.
3. Which reason for the difficulty of controlling fake news stories is not
given in the article?
A. Many people don’t read the mainstream media.
Critical Reading (Practices) 135
B. Online media platforms don't check stories before publishing
C. People are sceptical of the mainstream media.
D. Fake news posters can easily switch to other websites and
platforms if caught.
4. Which type of motivation for the creation of fake news is not given?
A. It’s a way of making money from people who pay to read the
B. It’s a way of commenting on current affairs.
C. It’s a way of attacking your political opponents.
D. It’s a form of entertainment.
5. How does the author feel about stopping fake news spreading?
A. cautiously optimistic
B. doubtful
C. positive
D. pessimistic
136 Critical Reading (Practices)
Extra activities: Writer Purpose
1. Tofu is a product that is becoming very popular as a low-calorie,
cholesterol-free meat substitute. Formerly it was found exclusively
in Oriental markets and health food stores, but today tofu can be
purchased in most supermarket produce departments. This white,
cheese like substance is made from the condensed milk of
soybeans. It is extremely high in protein and low in sodium. Tofu is
almost tasteless by itself, but it can be easily mixed into sauces and
soups; it can even be made to imitate scrambled eggs.
The author’s primary purpose is to
a. evaluate Oriental cooking.
b. persuade you to eat low-cholesterol foods.
c. describe tofu.
d. to compare tofu with meat.
3. I will try to give the reader of this article some idea of the real
nature of Gothic architecture, not just of Venice, but of universal
Gothic. One of the most interesting parts of our study will be to find
out how far Venetian architecture went in achieving the perfect type
of Gothic, and how far it fell short of it.
Critical Reading (Practices) 137
The author’s purpose is to
Unfazed, Dale held and played it upside down and backwards (a feat
that later strongly influenced Jimi Hendrix). The test proved too much
for Fender’s equipment. Dale loved the guitar, but blew out the
amplifier that came with it. It had worked well for most other
musicians, who at that time were playing country and blues. Rock
didn’t exist, and no one played the guitar as fiercely as Dale. Fender
improved the amplifier, and Dale blew it out again. Before Fender
came up with a winner, legend has it that Dale blew up between 40 and
60 amplifiers. Finally, Fender created a special amp just for Dale,
known as the “Showman.” It had more than 100 watts of power. The
two men then made an agreement that Dale would “road test”
prototypes of Fender’s new amplification equipment before they
would be manufactured for the general public. But they still had
problems with the speakers—every speaker Dale used it with blew up
(some even caught fire) because of the intense power of his volume
coupled with a staccato playing style.
1. In line 25, the word prototype most nearly means
a. an original model.
b. a Fender guitar.
c. an amplifier-speaker combination.
d. a computerized amplifier.
e. top of the line equipment.
“What monsters these devilfish are, what vitality our Creator has given
them, what vigour in their movements!” So Jules Verne wrote,
conjuring up the attack of the giant squid. Despite Verne’s stirring
words, members of genus Architeuthis (Greek for “chief” squid) have
shown little vitality on surfacing; commonly they have been found dead
or dying, caught in trawlers’ nets or washed ashore. Marine biologists
have long dreamed of observing these reputedly lethargic creatures of
the deep in their native habitat. Now a team of Japanese scientists has
managed to film a giant squid aggressively attacking its prey at a depth
of 3,000 feet. The race to film the giant squid is over.
Answer Key
1. “cement his status in history”
- cement verb [T] (MAKE STRONGER)
- status noun (RESPECT) the amount of respect, admiration,
or importance given to a person, organization, or object
Make his importance in history stronger
2. “accident in his pants”
Wet his pants like children/babies do
Comprehension questions
What is fake news?
• Stories that aren't true. These are deliberately invented stories
designed to make people believe something false, to buy a
certain product, or to visit a certain website. It can also be
Stories that have some truth, but aren't 100 percent accurate.
Critical Reading (Practices) 143
• What are the types of fake news?
Articles, pictures, videos, audio clips; basically anything can be
manipulated to achieve a desired effect
How does fake news spread?
Journalists, reporting stories without checking their sources.
People liking and sharing on social media
Writer’s purpose:
What is the writer’s purpose for writing?
Inform readers about fake news
Who is the audience for this writing?
General public
Does the writer take a clear stand on this issue?
Yes he wants people to be more careful when sharing to avoid
sharing fake news.
Does the writer seem to assume readers will agree with his/her
Yes. The use of the personalization of the final statements “Think
how many times have you shared fake news? Be honest we all
have!” assumes that author and reader are in the same position.
144 Critical Reading (Practices)
Unit 2: Recognizing Fake News
“stopped in her tracks”: to suddenly stop moving or doing something
“reputational damage” the harm of someone's or
something's reputation (= the opinion that other people have about them
or it)
Test Your Knowledge
"New Species of Deadly Spider Kills Five in U.S." Fake
"Firefighters Forced to Buy More Expensive Data Package During
Wildfire." Real
"President Trump's Personal Lawyer Tweets that Hillary Clinton
Will Get 'Free Room and Board' in Prison." Real
"John McCain Photographed Alongside Osama Bin Laden." Fake
Fake News Matrix
Decide why the above is fake. Tick the box or boxes
Situation satire or
misleading imposter fabricated False Manipulated
content content content context content
1. √ √
2 √ √ √ √
3 √ √
4 √ √
5 √ √ √
Critical Reading (Practices) 145
Unit 3: Media Framing
Liberal 2 متحرر
Emotional 2 عاطفى
Conservetive 1 متحفظ
Reactionary 1 رجعى
Neutral - حيادى
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. b
Critical Reading (Practices) 147
Unit 4: Framing Theory
Expressions: find the meaning of these expressions. You can use
1. Agenda setting: Priority setting /intention /importance
2. Gatekeeping: the activity of controlling, and usually limiting,
general access to something.
3. Inherently ideological act :فعل أيديولوجي بطبيعته
4. overarching ideology: all-embracing
conclusion reason
1. Wear heavy clothes It is winter
2. The Interpretation of Freud’s first book
Dreams is not as good
3. Don’t wear shorts when You can get Lyme’s Disease is
you walk in high grass. transmitted by ticks
Analyse This:
Purpose Convince/perused
Argument Hybrid cars are better cars
Logic ( reason) 1. Minimize use of gas
2. Improve the environment
Support Facts and figures
“If every litre of gasoline contains 9
kilograms of carbon dioxide, then a hybrid
car will emit 23.1 kilograms of carbon
dioxide every 161 kilometres, while a
conventional car will emit 34 kilograms”
150 Critical Reading (Practices)
Unit 5: Extended Reasoning
Passage 1
1. D
2. E
3. E
4. A
5. B
6. B
7. B
8. D
Passage 2
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. D
5. A
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. E
Passage 3
1. E
2. E
3. B
4. A
5. B
Critical Reading (Practices) 151
1.What is the source of the text?
Wall Street Journal
2.Where is it published?
3.Who is the intended audience?
People interested in corporate news and business
4.What is the author's purpose?
Give people hope and encourage them to use more
5.What is the general frame?
Good news
T he debate on hemp
B. a newspaper
C. General public
B. Inform
A. Objective
B the environmentalists as they are concerned with saving the
A is the most likely answer because the forestry industry would try
to point out that growing hemp is more expensive than growing
Critical Reading (Practices) 153
B is the most likely answer because the hemp farming lobby would
point out that hemp is very easy to grow.
A is the most likely answer because the environmentalists would
point out that there are more problems with the forestry industry
than advantages.
C is the most likely answer because the British government would
want to support their decision to keep marijuana illegal.
D is the most likely answer because the marijuana legalization
lobby would like to show that there is no good reason for
marijuana being illegal.
A is the most likely answer because the environmentalists would
point out that paper is mainly produced from sources other than
the forestry industry.
A is the most likely answer because the hemp farming lobby would
want to separate their industry from the illegal use of marijuana.
A is the most likely answer because the marijuana legalization
lobby would like to emphasize that marijuana smokers are
peaceful and innocent.
Comparison Both passages relate to English author Jane
Austen and her readers.
154 Critical Reading (Practices)
Nuclear Power
Article 1:
What is the argument of this article?
Nuclear Power is the best source of energy as it is it has has proved
reliable, effective and affordable
How does the writer support his argument?
Facts and figures:
The average capacity factor has steadily gone up. In 2014, it was at
90 percent for the approximately 100 operating U.S. reactors
The average capacity factor in 1998 was 80 percent, compared to
only 66 percent in 1990.
In France, nuclear power supplies 75 percent of the electricity,
The 439 reactors now operating around the world are meeting the
annual electrical needs of more than a billion people.
Almost 70 reactors are under construction, including five in the
United States. Another 159 are on order or planned
the French and Swedish example
Expert opinion:
energy expert Eileen Claussen
European energy experts say the results would be dramatic if the
world were to build nuclear reactors at the same rate as
Is the author an expert? He is a professor of economics
Probably he is representing the view of business
Critical Reading (Practices) 155
Article 2:
Use renewable energy as it is cheaper and more reliable
Facts and Figures
- Nuclear power now accounts for more than 60 percent of the
United States' zero-carbon electricity
- The average capacity factor in 1998 was 80 percent, compared to
only 66 percent in 1990.
- The United States set itself a modest goal: cutting emissions by
26 percent to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025.
- Example of China and Japan
- 99 nuclear reactors generate about 19 percent of electrical output,
yet only account for about 8 percent of total energy consumption.
- about 81 percent, comes from fossil fuels.
- are expected to cost $8 billion to $9 billion each, possibly more.
Professor of political science and public and environmental affairs
Both writers use the example of China, however they use it
differently. How?
Article 1 : a negative example
Article 2 : a positive example
156 Critical Reading (Practices)
2. Generalization
3. Sequencing
4. Enumeration
5. Classification
Reference citation Brown and Flavin
Heavy metal pollution: How can we make water safe to drink?
Extra activities:
Writer Purpose
1.C 2. D 3. C 4. B
Giant Squid
1. (E)
2. (A)