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Jubilee Magazine

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Rt. Rev. Gerevasio Nkalanga Rt. Rev. Barnabas Halem’Imana Rt. Rev. Bishop Robert Gay Bishop Callist Rubaramira
1966 - 1969 (R.I.P) 1969 - 1994 (R.I.P) 1994 - 2003 (R.I.P) 2003 ....

Theme: “Called to Re-awaken our catholic identity
and commitment as we celebrate 50 years
of existence of Kabale Diocese”
Years Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
1966 — 2016
Merciful like the Father

.... a place for reflection ....

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Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Merciful like the Father


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Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


God our loving father, we thank you for the gift of Kabale Diocese and her committed leadership: the clergy,
religious and laity. In a special way, we thank you for the gifts of faith, hope and love that we have continued to
enjoy in these fifty years of existence as a Diocese.

We now ask you, oh Lord, to bless all the agents of evangelization. Bless our parents, the children, the youth
and all the people of God in this Diocese. Let your Holy Spirit continue to grant us your grace to live according
to the resolve of the Diocesan Synod of “Re-awakening our Catholic Identity and Commitment” May the Blessed
Virgin Mary, Mother of the Good Shepherd and our Mother, and the Holy Uganda Martyrs, our role models in faith,
intercede for us.

We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ your son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God forever and ever. Amen

ER Prayers of the Faithful for the

PRAYER OF THE Golden Jubilee Celebrations



For the Church… in Lukiga

Let us pray for the Church leaders: the Pope, Bishops,
Priests, the religious and Catechists, that they continue
Lord Jesus Christ,
the work of evangelization which Christ Himself started on
You have taught us to be merciful like the heavenly Father, earth with joy.
and have told us that whoever sees you sees Him. Lord hear us…
Show us your face and we will be saved.
Your loving gaze freed Zachaeus and Matthew from being For our Country Uganda

enslaved by money; the adulteress and Magdalene from Let us pray for our Country Uganda that all men and

seeking happiness only in created things; made Peter weep women entrusted with her leadership may foster peace,
after his betrayal, and assured Paradise to the repentant thief. unity and reconciliation. Lord hear us…

Let us hear, as if addressed to each one of us, the words that R

ME For the needy and suffering… in Lukiga
you spoke to the Samaritan woman: “If you knew the gift of
Let us pray for all people who are in need and are
God!” suffering, that the good Lord may help them in their needs
You are the visible face of the invisible Father, of the God who and that all people of God may find joy in supporting
them. Lord hear us…
manifests his power above all by forgiveness and mercy: let the
Church be your visible face in the world, its Lord risen and glorified.
For families
You willed that your ministers would also be clothed in Let us pray for members in families, that the Lord God may
weakness in order that they may feel compassion for those help them to understand their roles and obligations and
in ignorance and error: let everyone who approaches them that they may find joy in supporting each other. Lord hear
feel sought after, loved, and forgiven by God. us…

Send your Spirit and consecrate every one of us with its For all Christians in Kabale Diocese… in Lukiga
anointing, so that the Jubilee of Mercy may be a year of grace Let us pray for all Christ’s Faithful in this Diocese, that they
from the Lord, and your Church, with renewed enthusiasm, may continue to recount their love of Christ and that they
may bring good news to the poor, proclaim liberty to captives may find joy in belonging to the family of Christ. Lord hear
and the oppressed, and restore sight to the blind. us…

We ask this of you, Lord Jesus, through the intercession For the dead
of Mary, Mother of Mercy; you who live and reign with the Let us pray for all the faithful departed. We pray especially
Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. for our shepherds. Bishops Gervasio Nkalanga, Barnabas
Halem’Imana, Robert Mary Gay, all priests, the religious
Amen. and all the faithful, that they may rest in eternal peace.
Lord hear us…

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Rev. Fr. Lucian Twinamatsiko Sr. Immaculate Princess Kyarisiima (O.L.G.C) Mr. Fereci Twinomugisha
Chief Editor/Chairman Publicity Comittee Asst. Chairperson & Layout Editor Publicity Coordinator KKRA

of our Diocese. Look at the Education

field, health facilities, our families, so-
cial economic status, projects name
it… There is a lot of progress.

We are grateful to all who have been

our shepherds since the founding
of this Diocese: Bishops Gervasius
Nkalanga (Bukoba TZ), Barnabas
R. Harem’Imana, Robert Mary Gay
Missionaries of Africa, and Callistus
Rubaramira. We thank God for their
achievements and developments they
have contributed to our Diocese.

Our gratitude goes also to the clergy,

the religious and the laity who have
dedicated their lives to strengthen our
commitment and love for our Diocese.
Rev. Fr. Leopold Mubangizi, Rev. Fr. Luciano Twinamasiko, Gloria Katembeka, Sr. Schola Kyobutungi We are privileged to have this celebra-
(D.O.L.F), Turinawe Alex and Rev. Fr. Ignatius Arinaitwe tion in the Year of Mercy which invites
us to be “merciful like the father”.

e are very privileged to ignorance, arrogance, becoming more
celebrate 50 years of superficial ,pride, name it… but we are Lastly, we thank all the various writers
existence of Kabale as a encouraged to re-energize ourselves and the entire Publicity committee,
Diocese this year, July 31, 2016. The and help others to get aboard with our the designers and printers, the adver-
theme for this celebration is, “Called identity and commitment. (Cfr Synod tisers and the proof readers, and all
to Re-Awaken our Catholic Identity 2014). those who have contributed all within
and Commitment as we celebrate 50 their means to make this day what
years of existence of Kabale Diocese”. it is. May we keep re-awakened and
It is the time for each one of us to committed in order to continue shar-
David McNally once stated that thank God for the birth of our Diocese ing the gifts of faith, hope and love
“Commitment is the enemy of 50 years ago and to appreciate the (1Cor. 13.13) even for more years to
resistance, for it is a serious promise to selfless service and achievements of come.
press on, to get up, no matter how many our elders who worked tirelessly to be
times you are knocked down”. We may what we are today as a Diocese. We We wish you fruitful and memorable
have relaxed from our commitments have evidence of these achievements celebrations.
as Catholics due to various reasons; compared to the days before the birth
secularism, technology, laziness,

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

H. E. Emmanuel Cardinal Wamala

wish to salute and congratulate my Christ. Its adults, its youths and
brother Bishop Callist Rubaramira, its children reminds us of that
wenzori Vicariate was erected the Clergy, Religious and the Lay Faith which drove the believers in
in 1934 and was entrusted to Faithful of Kabale. In the line of the early Church to cling to Christ
the Missionaries of Africa led by succession, Bishop Callist follows to the point of giving up their lives
Bishop Francis Lacoursiere. One two able leaders and men of God: for him.
could consider the Vicariate as the Bishop Placidus Nkalanga, who
Holy Rwenzori Empire. It covered founded the Diocese and Bishop Under its dynamic and far-sighted
the whole of the then Kingdom Barnabas Halem’Imana and Bishop leaders, the church in Kabale has
of Ankole, Bunyoro, Toro and the Robert Mary Gay. We remember taken a lead in several programmes
Republic of Kigezi. Through the them with gratitude. in the area of education, social and
years I was a student at Katigondo, economical development.
every year Bishop Lacoursiere, During this period of fifty years, the
on his way to Hoima, used to church in Kabale has grown in all The Kabale Spirit coupled with the
stop at Katigondo for a night. aspects of its life: the number of passion for Christ has enabled
He would meet his students and believers increases every year; so God’s Family of Kabale to be ‘light
the community before continuing does the number of vocations to of the world and salt of the earth’ for
with his journey to Bukuumi via priestly and religious life. All this now and will continue to be so for
Mubende. positive growth points to the good future generations.
and healthy Christian life which
The erection of Kabale Diocese flourished in the families of the Congratulations and long live Kabale
followed two other dioceses which mountain people. Diocese.
had been carved out of that empire
which by then had become Mbarara One special characteristic of
Diocese. Kabale Family of God is its vitality
and vibrancy. It is a church which
On this occasion as Kabale Diocese at all levels exhibits passion for
celebrates its Golden Jubilee, I

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


To His Lordship Bishop Callist Rubaramira,

Bishop of the Diocese of Kabale,
the Clergy, Consecrated Men and Women,
and the Lay Faithful,
Peace be with you.

As the Diocese of Kabale has reached the milestone of celebrating its Fiftieth Anniversary, I have the privilege
to write to you in the name of His Holiness Pope Francis.

As we rejoice in the Lord’s Providence for establishing the Diocese, we rejoice in the Jubilee Year of Mercy and
thank our loving God for the visible sign of his loving tenderness that the Diocese, its People and Institutions, are
called to be.

God’s mercy guides us by his Word of Truth and keeps us on the “narrow path” (see Matt. 7:13-14) that leads to
life through the preaching and witness of the People of God. As we thank God for this Fiftieth Jubilee, may His
mercy help us be aware of the constant effort needed to nourish the Diocese and its mission, particularly through
its “Domestic Churches”, its Catholic Families. We praise God that strong and Christ-centered families have
been the “living stones” (see 1 Pet. 2, 14-15) of the Diocese from the beginning. They have likewise always been
the support of the selfless labor of catechists since the beginning and will be indispensable for the years to come.
They have furthermore sustained the efforts of so many generous and heroic Catholics, who, in a great variety of
ways and with much generosity, have contributed to the Diocese for these past fifty years.

We know, however, that the Christian family today suffers violence from powerful influences coming both from
outside Uganda and from within. Do not cease to pray the Holy Spirit for the wisdom and courage to correct
worldly “traditions” of recent origin that endanger marriage in Christ, leaving couples indebted for years or even
unable to embrace it. In this Jubilee Year of Mercy, we do well to ponder Mark 7, 8-9 and the Holy Father’s
Apostolic Exhortation on marriage and family, The Joy of Love, which is a gift to the church in this Jubilee Year
of Mercy.

The strong faith of courageous Christian families is the best way to maintain our Catholic identity and not be
blown about by many harmful winds (see Matt, 7,25) that want to reduce our faith to what “feels good” and is
socially acceptable, but that make us “enemies of the cross of Christ” (Phil. 3,18). Remain built on Christ and
the solid foundation of communion with the Successor of Peter (see Matt. 16,18) and his profession of faith.
Dear Catholics of Kabale, be “eager to maintain the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph.4,3) with your
Bishop in prayer and love. Heed the call of Pope Francis to become a Church of true Missionary Disciples (see
The Joy of the Gospel, nn.119-121), carrying the Gospel of mercy to all who need to experience it whether they
are close or far.

With these intentions in mind and heart, the Holy Father, Pope Francis, bestows on all the members of the Church
in Kabale his Apostolic Blessing as pledge of God’s grace to accompany you into the next fifty years of your
sacred mission.

Kampala, July 31st, 2016

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Message from the Chairman

Uganda Episcopal Conference

of age we pray and encourage you continue to prosper and
that you become a local Church which is self propagating,
self ministering and self supporting.

As you celebrate the Golden Jubilee Anniversary, we would

like you to be enlightened by the messages the Holy Father
gave us when he visited Uganda. Among other things, he
invited us to be, like the Uganda Martyrs, agents of Christian
witness by our lives and activities. The Holy Father called
upon us to be mindful of the poor, the sick and the elderly.
We hope that God’s grace continues to be bestowed upon
your Church so that we can truly be His witnesses. The
youth are indeed invited to play a part by turning challenges
into opportunities of self discovery and growth for their
own and the community.

We are celebrating this day during the Jubilee Year of Mercy

when our faith and ways of living need to recognize the
infinite mercy of God. Cognisant of God’s mercy, we are
invited to do acts of spiritual and corporal mercy outside
and within our families. In a special way, we are grateful to

C ongratulations to you for the 50th Anniversary of the

foundation of your diocese. We give thanks to God the
your hospitality to the refugees and your efforts to live in
peace with your neighbours

Almighty for the good work your diocese has done towards The recent Exhortation- Amoris Laetitia (The Joy of Love) of
the expansion of His Kingdom. the Holy Father needs to be a reminder of good family life.
Indeed God has called us into His love and we have to share
We are equally grateful to God for the founding Bishops it with others.
Gervase Nkalanga and Barnabas Halem’Imana. We
also appreciate the contributions made towards the Our country has just completed the elections of the
development of Kabale Diocese by Bishop Emeritus President and Parliament as well as the local governments.
Robert Gay and Bishop Callistus Rubaramira. We cannot We pray that peace is a gift for our country and in a special
of course forget the contributions of the Missionaries of way for you who are celebrating your Golden Jubilee
Africa, the clergy, religious and catechists; both living and Anniversary. May we all have a deep love for our country
deceased who have in one way or another enabled the and put our Motto before all our activities. ‘For God and My
Church to serve the people of Kabale. The Missionaries and Country’ should not be mere words but a reality in all ways.
the first Christians have surely to be commended for their
perseverance and dedication towards planting the seed of I commend you to our Blessed Mother who continues to be
faith in the area. a model for your faith and the Martyrs as your intercessors.

Yours devotedly in His service,

Today, is indeed, a special day and in the biblical sense a †John B. Odama
time to mark your seeing Abraham (Jn.8:57). At fifty years Archbishop of Gulu and Chairman of UEC

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Message from

Bishop of Kabale Diocese

We join together as a Diocese to celebrate our Diocesan In celebrating this Golden Jubilee, we are offered an
Golden Jubilee. Allow me to welcome cordially each and opportune moment to thank God and to reflect on our lives
every one for this memorable celebration. I also want to as a family of Kabale Diocese. We are invited to reflect on
congratulate every one of the clergy, the Religious, and all our commitment and actual involvement in continuing to
the Faithful of this Diocese for this wonderful achievement build God’s Kingdom within us and among His People. We
that God has favoured us with. are still celebrating the theme of our Diocesan Synod of
`Re-Awakening Our Catholic Identity and Commitment`. I
As we celebrate this Jubilee, we are most grateful to the do invite each and every one of us to continue to play our
founders of this Diocese for their most appreciated efforts various roles and have this theme lived and implemented
and initiatives in founding and building this Diocese. We for the continued growth of the Church in Our Diocese. The
must be grateful to the priests, religious, and the laity Holy Father has offered us the Gift of celebrating the Year
that have contributed greatly to growth of this Diocese in of God’s Mercy. The Holy Door of God’s Mercy remains
so many aspects. We admire and are very grateful to the open for us all to reach out to Christ’s Mercy. Let us guide,
various Religious Congregations that have contributed so accompany, and support each other in benefiting from
much to the growth of the faith in this Diocese. God has this Boundless Mercy of God. The Holy Father has also
favoured and blessed us abundantly in so many ways in given us the wonderful Post Synodal Exhortation on “the
terms of vocations to priesthood, religious life, and family Joy of Love” an invitation on how to live the gift of love
life and we must be grateful for this as well. in our families. Let us join the recommendations of this
Exhortation together with the invitations that were offered
Allow me in a special way to express my humble admiration to us by our own synod on the “Family Life and Ministry” so
and express my deep gratitude to my predecessors: Rt. Rev. that both may help and guide us to firmly build our families.
Gervase Nkalanga, Rt. Rev. Barnabas Halem`Imana, Rt. Rev.
Robert Mary Gay, of happy memory that God chose to call May Christ continue to empower us with the Holy Spirit and
to Himself within a period of seven months before we came may Mary, Our Mother, continue to intercede for us all.
to the Diocesan celebration of this Golden Jubilee. May
I request each and every one of us to pray for them in a I wish you all peaceful, happy, and fruitful celebrations.
special way as we celebrate this Jubilee. They did contribute
immensely to who and what we are today as a Diocese. +Callist Rubaramira
Bishop of Kabale
Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Merciful like the Father

The Chairman

Central Organizing Committee

themselves”, said Eleanor Roosevelt. to the corporal and spiritual works of
We applaud the diocesan leadership mercy.
for being great leaders and thank
them for having inspired the It is my great honor also to thank
Christians of Kabale Diocese to have the members of the Central
confidence in themselves as exhibited Organizing Committee and all the
in their commitment to self-reliance, Sub-committees, the Parishes and
self-ministering and self-propagating. Kigezi-Kampala Catholic Residents
May God bless and reward the entire Association (KKCRA), the Diocesan
Catholic community of Kabale Diocese! Institutions, Pastoral Commissions
And may all of us always aspire to and the Choir, the Government and
inspire before we expire. As Thomas civil leaders, Organizations and all the
Huxley said “The rung of a ladder was people of good will for your generous
never meant to rest upon but only to contributions towards the success of
After Jesus had commissioned his hold one’s foot long enough to enable these celebrations. May God bless you
disciples to continue his mission, he one lift the other somewhat higher.” abundantly!
promised that he would be with them Therefore let the achievements we
till the end of the age. (Mat.28:19- have had in these fifty years not be a Once again, our guests, friends and
20) We thank and praise the Triune source of complacence but rather an well wishers, a hearty welcome to
Godhead for His paternal blessings and opportunity for us to propel our other you all! And for the Christians of
protection, continued presence and foot higher in our bid to fulfill Christ’s Kabale Diocese, I congratulate you on
guidance that we have continued to mission. this Golden Jubilee and I urge you to
enjoy in the fifty years of our existence faithfully preserve this faith that we
as a diocese. To Him be highest glory Kabale Diocese is not only celebrating received as an inheritance from our
and praise forever! It is therefore its Golden Jubilee but also in the ancestors in faith but also as a loan
my esteemed privilege and pleasure thick of implementation of its third from future generations to whom we
on behalf of the Central Organizing Diocesan Synod whose theme is “Re- have the duty to hand it over. May
Committee to welcome you all to awakening our Catholic Identity and the Merciful Lord, forgive what we
Kabale Diocese and to thank you for Commitment.” To my mind, this is not have been, sanctify what we are, and
honoring us with your presence as we sheer coincidence but God’s design and order what we shall be, as we give and
join together in exultant praise and providence to avail us an opportunity resign ourselves wholly to His will.
thanksgiving to God for this Golden to critically evaluate our performance Long live Kabale Diocese!!
Jubilee. You are most welcome! as individual Christians and as a
diocese vis-à-vis Christ’s mission, so I wish you all God’s blessings and
John C. Maxwell said “A leader is one that we correct our past mistakes wonderful celebrations!
who knows the way, goes the way, and and set the mark higher for better
quality service delivery. At the same Fr. Bruno Sserunkuuma Byomuhangi
shows the way.” Where we are as a
Diocese in all aspects of life is a result time, we join the universal Church
Pastoral Co-ordinator and Chairman
of good exemplary leadership. I wish in celebrating the Extra-ordinary
of the Central Organizing Committee,
to commend the diocesan leadership Jubilee Year of Mercy, whose motto
Kabale Diocese.
in your respective capacities: the is “Merciful like the Father.”Definitely,
Clergy, Religious and Laity, both past as individuals and as a community,
and present, upon having known the God has been merciful to us in various
way, gone the way and shown the ways in these fifty years. Let us then
way throughout this period. Indeed celebrate these events meaningfully
“A good leader inspires people to have by re-awakening our Catholic Identity
confidence in the leader, a great leader and Commitment and in gratitude to
inspires people to have confidence in the Merciful Father, commit ourselves

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


the jubilee should be in the fiftieth put in practice: “Re-awakening our
year (verse 10). The celebration Catholic Identity and Commitment”.
is not only to be liturgical and In this way, the time following the
feasting. It basically involves social Golden Jubilee holds the challenge
and moral justice by proclaiming of growth into full maturity, the
liberty and justice to those in debt- maturity of being configured to
slavery. Thus the children of Israel, Christ, anchored in faith, hope and
who were freed from slavery in Charity (Ephesians 4:11-16).
Egypt (Africa), were not to have
any of them remaining slaves Kabale Diocese is blessed with
due to debts incurred especially easily complementing cultures as
from money lenders and the like. was made manifest when we led
This release of debts was also to the Uganda Martyrs celebrations
ensure that there would not be very on 3rd June 2009. Our liturgical
poor people among God’s people dances linked us to Rwanda,
(Deuteronomy 15:1-5). Tanzania, Congo and the rest of
Uganda. Yet, it also lies in the
On the 17th of April 2016, Kabale Life is usually short for most heart of the Great Lakes Region
Diocese became 50 years old. It people. Very few, especially where tribal conflicts have resulted
is, indeed, right and fitting that we Ugandans, live to reach 50 years. in tension, refugee problems and
celebrate our growing to maturity Internationally, a lifetime is fixed at even death. Chriatian maturity for
as an institution, following in the 25 years so that life imprisonment us may mean saying a clear “No”
footsteps of many dioceses that is 25 years or less. For this reason, to the temptation of tribalism in its
were born from the teaching and the first jubilee is half of 25 years, different forms and consequences:
work of Jesus Christ that came the Silver Jubilee while the next is name calling, injustice and the
to us from the Apostles. Our the Golden Jubilee. The Church like (Matthew 5:21-25). Let our
evangelizers were sent from Rome, also celebrates Holy Years every religious, politics and daily life be
and thus Kabale Diocese can be 25 years. ruled by Christian love and justice,
traced back from the teaching of not simply as our traditions and
Saint(s) Peter (and Paul). Now Kabale Diocese celebrates social trends have handed them
the Golden Jubilee of existence. on to us, but as Christ wants it
What does is it mean to celebrate This year is ours to celebrate (Matthew 5:20).
a jubilee? The Bible gives us one liturgically and to feast as we
form of jubilee, of 50 years. This is shall do at different levels until the Let me wish all of you a blessed
based on the basic reckoning of time climax on 31st July 2016. But this Golden Jubilee 2016! May the
in form of 7 days in a week that we is only one aspect. We are also youth and children, families and
see in Genesis 1:1ff. The seventh called to reach out pastorally to schools, parishes and convents,
day, the Sabbath, is blessed for those in public and personal sin, to offices and workshops and people
(worship and) rest (Genesis 2:2- those in unwed relationships and of all walks of life be blessed to
30). Every seventh year was to the needy in every respect. This make Christ known and loved by all
declared a Sabbath (sabbatical is indeed the “year of acceptance the people in Kabale Diocese (the
year) for the Lord (Leviticus 25:2- from the Lord” (Luke 4:18-19). Greater Kigezi)!
8). Even the land was to be given
a rest from cultivation. This may It is providential that our Golden By: Msgr. Silverio Twinomugisha
give us the meaning of taking off a Jubilee is in the Extra-ordinary
Jubilee Year of Mercy. This Vicar General, Kabale Diocese
sabbatical year.
underlines the pastoral and
The Jubilee Year was calculated spiritual dimensions of our Jubilee.
as seven weeks of years (seven It also calls on us to take up our
times seven years) which would Christian calling seriously and
give 49 years (Leviticus 25:8). So make sure that our Synod theme is

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Message by

The Rt. Hon. Dr. Ruhakana Rugunda,

Prime Minister

Rt. Hon. Ruhakana Rugunda with Bishop Callist Rubaramira at Uganda Martyrs University - Kabale Campus Fundraising Ceremony recently

I join you all in celebrating fifty years of Kabale

Diocese. I congratulate you on not only reaching
current Bishop, Rt.Rev. Callist Rubaramira and his
team for the innovation and dynamism they have
this milestone, but for flourishing. In the past injected in the Diocese.
fifty years since it was founded in April1966,  
Kabale Diocese has made, and continues to make, These Jubilee celebrations give us an opportunity
tremendous contributions in providing spiritual, to look back and appreciate the grace of God in
social and economic well-being to many people. keeping Kabale diocese truly united, and to take
  stock of the tasks that lie ahead, which we should
We salute you for the impressive services you address together.
provide in education, health, water and sanitation,  
livelihoods and in many other areas. What you We ask the Lord, the good shepherd, to continue
are doing in this Diocese, is a welcome addition strengthening Kabale Diocese for many more
to Government programmes. years to come.
We pay tribute to the many leaders and elders Happy celebrations!
of this Diocese—past and present, who have  
steered the people over the years to register the Ruhakana Rugunda (Dr)
many achievements we all see everywhere we Prime Minister of the Republic of Uganda
go across the breadth and width of the Diocese.
In particular, we applaud the leadership of the

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


there is many years hard work in front who has in one way or another
to you, but you should know that the contributed and benefited from this
hard work is worth it when it comes to diocese. On behalf of Christians of
the final result as St Paul reminds us Kabale diocese I appreciate the role
that we must run the Race to the end. of the church on reaching out to
individuals and families with different
This jubilee celebrations should programs in health, education and
therefore, give us an opportunity to livelihood initiatives through modern
look back and appreciate the grace agriculture. Kabale diocese has
of God in keeping Kabale diocese recoded great success in transforming
truly united midst challenges of new individuals into useful citizens and
generation. Thiscelebration should at the same time putting in place
also remind all of us to count the sustainable benchmarks to address
blessings God has bestowed upon the underlying courses of poverty in Kigezi
I would like to take this opportunity on church resulting into the growth, both sub region.
behalf of the laity of Kabale Diocese spiritually and numerically.50 years
to congratulate the Bishop of Kabale is a milestone where we have a lot Well done to everyone for taking
Diocese and the entire Christians more to document in terms of best models lead of different departments. Your
especially the Catholic community for practice, successes and lessons learnt. leadership has already helped so many
this great celebrations of God’s favor, We have had trials and tribulations and now you have the opportunity to
blessings and love upon the people of as well and as result some members help so many more in the remaining
Kigezi and the world as whole in the could not remain on board. We thank years. May the almighty God bless you
last 50years. God for having kept this diocese and abundantly in your various ministries.
its members steadfast and we pray for Am very pleased to say the future of
We thank God for the gift the clergy our Brothers and Sisters who could not this Diocese is equally going to be
and all that have worked tirelessly by remain on board for God’s blessing tremendous with God’s Grace.
taking necessary bold steps to lead in their different endevours wherever
they be Nicodemus Odo Tumukwasibwe
us this far. It is great to see your Chairman of the Laity
willingness to help others, especially
those who are less well off than the Am honored to be a member of this this
majority. I know that you realize that diocese and am as happy as everyone


DEPARTMENT (UCED) sends cordial
congratulations to KLE Diocese
UCED’s holistic and quality endeavors are in pursuit of a contribution to the realization of Uganda Catholic
Secretariat (UCS) Strategic Objective of promoting human development through both community and formal
education from Pre-primary to Tertiary/University levels in the 19 Dioceses across the country.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Merciful like the Father

Message from the Chairman

Kigezi Kampala Residents Association (KKRA)
become of age and our Diocese should In August 2014, we celebrated the 3rd Synod
be distingusihed from others due to its for our Diocese. Our theme for the Synod
maturity - more than 100 years of receicing is “Re-awakening our Catholic Identity
the Catholic faith and 50 years of existence and Commitment in Kabale Diocese”. The
as a Diocese. cause for celebration could not fit best than
the time we are re-awakening our Catholic
identity. Although it is easy to see what
It is a great Jubilee given the many blessings
to celebrate in form of achievements, we
God has given us and the innumerable
need also to examine how we practice our
benefits the Church has brought to the
faith as Catholics in Kabale Diocese and
people of this region during the past fifty
beyond. This is a Diocese that is 50 years
years. We surely need not be reminded
old. For instance, are we supporting our
of what the Church has done through
Church to grow and become self-reliant
establishment of schools, dispensaries,
or we expect our Church to depend on
socio-economic development projects
outside financial assistance for running its
and spiritual nourishment. So the joy
Dear friends, affairs. Let this be one of our reflections
and celebration of this great jubilee is for
as we celebrate 50 years of existence as
all of us with our Bishop, Rt. Rev. Callist
Again, I join you on another historical a Diocese. One of the ways to help us
occasion for the people of Kabale Diocese become self-reliant financially is to raise
when we celebrate 50 years of existence our economic conditions as a people. As
as a Diocese. Happy Golden Jubilee We should never forget to recognize with we work and produce the food which we
celebrations to you all. This celebration gratitude the work of the missionaries, both need to feed our families, let us continue
is for all of us, joining our Bishop with the men and women, who came at different to think about poverty alleviation through
clergy, the religious, the laity and indeed all stages to bring us the Good News of income generating projects.
people of God in Kabale Diocese. Like all Jesus Christ, especially our brothers from
other anniversaries, 50 years of existence Buganda. We cannot forget, also, to thank Wishing you all happy and fruitful Centenary
as a Diocese is an indcation of our maturity the gallant sons and daughters of Kabale, Celebrations
and progression, not only in the number priests, religious men and women, and the
of years but in the way we do things as a lay faithful, who are still carrying on the Narcis Tumushabe Rwangoga
Diocese. In 2013, we celebrated 100 years light of faith lit and handed on to us by the Chairman, Kigezi – Kampala Residents
of the coming of the Catholic faith in Kigezi, missionaries. Association (KKRA)
which was in 1911. This means we have


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School motto: The future is in our hands
School vision: Formation of an all round woman
School Mission: We provide high quality and integrated secondary education
Core Values: God fearing, Discipline, Unity, Hard work

“Find us in Kisoro district, within and below Mutolere Parish”

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Diocesan Priests Merciful like the Father

Fr. Kanyonza Vincent Fr. Bakeihahwenki Andrew Fr. Ntahorutaba John Baptist Fr. Ndamira Francis Fr. Lazarus Kabasharira Fr. Banyenzaki Aloysius
06. 12. 1959 16. 07. 1967 05. 04. 1970 12. 04. 1970 17. 05. 1970 13. 12. 1970

Fr. Begumisa Narcisio Fr. Kigambiroha George Fr. Mugarura George William Bp. Rubaramira Callist Fr. Birungi George Fr. Gaetano Batanyenda
12. 12. 1974 11. 05. 1975 11. 05. 1975 18. 05. 1975 15. 08. 1975 15. 08. 1976

Fr. Bakanshobeza Izidoro Fr. Tibategyeza Apollinarius Fr. Kamari J. M. Vianney Fr. Bazirakye Wenceslaus Fr. Kahiigi Augustine Fr. Bagumisiriza Narcisio
28. 11. 1976 05. 12. 1976 12. 12. 1976 19. 12. 1976 30. 04. 1978 23. 04. 1978

Fr. Mutabazi Charles Fr. Babigumira Daniel Fr. Byarugaba Narcisio Fr. Bagarimu Vincent Fr. Munyakigezi Paul Fr. Kalyerengyeza John Baptist
07. 05. 1978 07. 05. 1978 09. 9 .1979 16. 09. 1979 23. 09. 1979 13. 04. 1980

Fr. Ndyanabangi Januario Fr. Bansikiza Constante Fr. Fokushaba Paulino Fr. Bazimenyera John Fr. Nkurunziza Deusdedit Fr. Twinomugisha Silverio
04. 05. 1980 11. 05. 1980 18. 05. 1980 25. 05. 1980 25. 05. 1980 31. 05. 1981

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Diocesan Priests Merciful like the Father

Fr. Bunimba Felix Fr. Tumwesigye John Fr. Tumwekwase Callist Fr. Ndyanabo Frederick Fr. Bitariho James Fr. Havug’Imana Francis
11. 10. 1981 31. 05. 1981 19. 07. 1998 24. 07. 1983 27. 07. 1983 28. 10. 1984

Fr. Basigagabo Pius Fr. Mbonigaba J. M. Vianney Fr. Nturanabo Adron Fr. Sebatwale Joseph Fr. Katunguka Gratian Fr. Byaruhanga David
23. 12. 1984 23. 06. 1985 20. 10. 1985 06. 04. 1986 13. 07. 1986 20.07.1986

Fr. Rujumika Ananias Fr. Tumushabe Sulpicius Fr. Ndyomugabe Balthazar Fr. Bangi Venansius Fr. Tibugyemwa Remigius Fr. Mbishinz’Imana Zeno
13. 07. 1986 27. 07. 1986 27. 06. 1987 12. 07. 1987 19. 07. 1987 24. 07. 1988

Fr. Byarugaba Alfred Fr. Katarikawe Adrian Fr. Ensehurire Balthazar Fr. Byaruhanga K. Frederick Fr. Turyamureeba Louis Fr. Muhabuzi Damian
02. 10. 1988 02. 07. 1989 16. 07. 1989 23. 07. 1989 23. 07. 1989 15. 07. 1990

Fr. Arinaitwe Luciano Fr. Kiwanuka Deogratias Fr. Mpora Pastor Fr. Rutebemberwa Elizeus Fr. Mubangizi Lubein Fr. Safari Peter Celestine
22. 07. 1990 23. 06. 1991 04. 08. 1991 04. 08. 1991 02. 08. 1992 01. 08. 1993

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Diocesan Priests Merciful like the Father

Fr. Ngabirano Maximiano Fr. Niyonzima Anatoli Fr. Begumanya Joseph Fr. Byomuhangi Bruno Fr. Twesigomwe Fr. Byomuhangi Deusdedit
15. 08. 1993 22. 08. 1993 10. 07. 1994 Sserunkuma Mwongyera Martin 11. 08. 1996
20. 08. 1995 28. 07. 1996

Fr. Lwanga Charles Fr. Tumwebaze Gervase Fr. Bikorwomuhangi Fr. Musaby’Imana Vincent Fr. Safari Emmanuel Fr. Mubangizi Evarist
11. 08. 1996 18. 08. 1996 Celestine 01. 09. 1996 01. 09. 1996 08. 09. 1996
25. 08. 1996

Fr. Rutinaki Frederick Fr. Habarurema Fulgence Fr. Busingye Christopher Fr. Odeda Eugene Felix Fr. Mugisha Deogratias Fr. Barisigara Boniface
06. 07. 1997 13. 07. 1997 20. 07. 1997 27. 07. 1997 Hillary 17. 08. 1997
10. 08. 1997

Fr. Katatika Boniface Fr. Nsengiyumva John Fr. Atukunda Nazario Fr. Turyatoranwa Julius Fr. Byaruhanga Vincent Fr. Tibemanya Ireneus
24. 08. 1997 19. 07. 1998 26. 07. 1998 26. 07. 1998 30. 08. 1998 27. 09. 1998

Fr. Bemera Anthony Fr. Kiiza Lucas Justus Fr. Karugaba Silverino Fr. Nikwenseri Birusya Abeli Fr. Kibuuka Banyenzaki Fr. Rugambwa Prosper
06. 09. 1998 18. 07. 1999 16. 07. 2000 14. 07. 2002 Ambrose 17. 07. 2006
27. 07. 2003

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Diocesan Priests Merciful like the Father

Fr. Byaruhanga Vianney Fr. Agaba Herbert Fr. Birungi Fred Fr. Musinguzi Deusdedit Fr. Arinaitwe IgnatiusFr. Mubangizi Leopold
03. 09. 2006 05. 08. 2007 29. 07. 2007 05. 08. 2007 17. 08. 2008 30. 08. 2008

Fr. Kwehangana Mathias Fr. Mbabazi Alphonse Fr. Kasigeire Elias Fr. Tumukwasiibwe Fr. Ndagijimana Silver Fr. Byarugaba Charles
07. 09. 2008 14. 09. 2008 26. 07. 2009 Emmanuel 15. 08. 2009 07. 08. 2010
01. 08. 2009

Fr. Batima Thomas Fr. Magara Dennis Fr. Musinguzi Godius Fr. Byomuhangi Adrian Fr. Tumukurate Andrew Fr. Mugisha Ambrose
14. 08. 2010 28. 08. 2010 04. 09. 2010 11. 09. 2010 21. 10. 2010 25. 09. 2010

Fr. Barekye Henry Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Fr. Magara Cleophas Fr. Nomugisha Januario Fr. Tweyongyere Deus
Fr. Byamukama Marius
02. 10. 2010 11. 12. 2010 18. 12. 2010 20. 08. 2011 03. 09. 2011
27. 08. 2011

Fr. Tumuheise Prosper Fr. Mugisha Fortunatus Fr. Natugasha Fortunate Fr. Ntegerej’imana Vian Fr. Mwesigwa Nicholas Fr. Sunday John Vianney
01. 09. 2012 13.07. 2013 13.07.2013 20.07.2013 27.07.2013 27.07.2013

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Diocesan Priests Merciful like the Father

Fr. Naturinda Innocent Fr. Young Innocent Buregyeya Fr. Twinamatsiko Lucian Fr. Niwahereza Christopher Fr. Nsasibwe Anthony Fr. Christmas P. Austen
03.08.2013 09.08.2014 01.08.2015 08.08.2015 16.08.2015 22.08.2015


Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Deac. Charles M Deac. Cyiza G Deac. Devis K Deac. Tophil O Z. Deac. Aurelius M Z. Deac. Fidel N
11. 12. 2010 11. 12. 2010


Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Fr. Abenayezu Gerald Fr. Abenayezu Gerald
11. 12. 2010 11. 12. 2010 11. 12. 2010 11. 12. 2010 11. 12. 2010 11. 12. 2010

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


DEATH 01/07/1988 Fr.Samuel Lima A.J. Sudan
JANUARY 09/07/2000 Fr.Emiliano Ahurwendeire Rwanyena
02/01/2009 Fr. Tumwesigye Apollo Rubanda AUGUST
03/01/2009 Fr. Tumwine J. William Buhara 03/08/1999 Fr.Innocent Harer’Imana Kinanira
15/01/2010 Fr. Kakurungu Athanasius Nyakibale 06/08/1996 Fr.Angelo Rukeratabaro Mutolere
26/01/2000 Fr. Bakandusya Simeo Muko 08/08/1996 Fr.Dismas Mugyenga Rushoroza
FEBRUARY Gebenbach –
08/08/2005 Fr.George Schindler
03/02/2004 Fr.Polycarp Ahurweindeire Rubanda Germany
21/02/1995 Fr.Alphounce Kabatereine Kitanga 12/08/1977 Fr. Narcisio Kangakeizi
25/02/1995 Fr.Peter Rukasi Mutolere 30/08/1995 Fr.Andrew Birinda Mutolere
02/03/2003 Fr.Kamugisha Evarist A.J. Maziba 01/09/2002 Fr.Bernard Bazirake Bukinda
25/03/1996 Fr.Pontius Ziriheihi A.J. Rubanda 05/09/1996 Fr.Joseph Asiimwe A.J. Rubanda
APRIL 11/09/1990 Fr.Kenneth Katuramu
03/04/1994 Fr.Fidelis Mugarura A.J. OCTOBER
05/04/2003 Fr.Patrick Ruceceeka Rubanda 13/10/1995 Fr.John Vianney Ruzindana Mutolere
11/04/2002 Fr. John Didas Barisigara Kitanga 17/10/1997 Fr. Jerome Ntirubabarira Mutolere
03/04/1994 Fr.Valence Bahungirehe 29/10/2000 Fr.Pancras Bataringaya Buhara
MAY 30/10/1978 Fr.Jerome Babikidde Masaka
Fr. Augustine Kanyonyozi NOVEMBER
A.J 07/11/2002 Fr.Simon Peter Jaribu Rushoroza
Fr.Fortunate Karwemera Fr.Crescent Bagazonzya
07/05/2000 Bukinda 10/11/2001
A.J. A.J.
15/05/1997 Fr.John Bagamuhunda Makiro 17/11/1997 Fr.Levocatus Ndyabakwata Buhara
Rushoroza/Xt Deacon Peregrino
25/05/2000 Fr.John William Kajoogyi 20/11/1981
the King Magambo
Rushoroza/Xt 24/11/1990 Fr.Placid Zihereirehe A.J.
26/05/1994 Fr.Pius Tibanyendera
30/05/2002 Fr.Gervase Ntegyereize Rubanda 12/12/2007 Fr Kobusheshe Polycarp Nyakibale
JUNE 13/12/1996 Fr.Narcisio K. Byarugaba Kitanga
Rushoroza/ Xt 15/12/1991 Fr.Stephen Bihunyira Kambuga
07/06/2006 Fr.Francis M. Bahikirwe
the King Xt the King,
19/12/2005 Fr.Bakeine Francis
20/06/1992 Fr.Joseph Rwampigi Rushoroza Kabale
23/06/2007 Fr.Francis Tirwomwe Butogota 31/12/2001 Fr.Andrew Karwemera Nyakishenyi

Bp Callist incensing the body of Late Bp Barnabas in Rushoroza C athedral on 6/1/2016 Bp Callist & Fr. Louis with their siblings on the burial of their dear Mother, at their home in Fort Portal

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

1. Bishop Callistus Rubaramira 61. Mr. Sebastian Kashaka - Christ The King K’le
2. Fr. Dr. Vincent Kanyonza - Rushoroza 62. Mr. Silvester Rukaraama - Rutooma
3. Fr. Prof. Victor Zinkuratire – Blessed Sacrament 63. Mr. Deogratias Kanyamihigo - Rushoroza
4. Msgr. Dr. Francis Ndamira - Makiro 64. Mr. Panthaleo Babinaga - KItanga
5. Msgr. Lazarus Kabasharira - Rubanda
6. Fr. John Baptist Ntahorutaba Aflika - Rubuguri THE DIOCESE ALSO RECOGNISES THE FOLLOWING
7. Fr. Paulino Tomaino - Comboni Missionaries WHO HAVE ALREADY PASSED ON
8. Fr. Joseph Ambrose - Comboni Missionaries
9. Sr. Pacifica Umuyiru - Benebikira Sisters 1. Bishop Gervasio Placidus Nkalanga
10. Sr. Inviolate Baganizi - O. L. G. C 2. Bishop Barnabas Halem’Imana
11. Sr. Sophie Asiimwe - M. S. M. M. C 3. Bishop Robert Marie Gay
12. Sr. Constancia Kikabahenda - M. S. M. M. C 4. Fr. Narcisio Kangakeizi - Rushoroza
13. Sr. Theresa Kizito - D. O .L. F 5. Fr. Peter Rukasi - Mutolere
14. Sr. Melenia Tugumisirize – C.S.H.J 6. Fr. Augustine Kanyonyozi – A.J
15. Br. Clement Barugahare - Banakalori Brothers 7. Fr. Jerome Babikidde - Kakore
16. Sir. Adrian Sibo - Mutolere 8. Fr. Samuel Lima – A.J
17. Dr. Pius Ruhemurana - Christ The King K’le 9. Fr. George Schindler – M.A
18. Dr. Damian Ndagij’Imana - Mutolere 10. Fr. Athanasius Kakurungu - Nyakibale
19. Mr. Silvester Mabweijano - Rushoroza 11. Fr. Pius Tibanyendera - Kakore
20. Mrs. Theresa Mbire - Rushoroza 12. Fr. Gervase Ntegyereize - Rubanda
21. Mrs. Regina Kamugisha - Christ The King K’le 13. Fr. Louis Kobusheshe - Christ The King K’le
22. Mrs. Specioze Kwesigaho - Bukinda 14. Sr. Veleria Tibwita – C.S.H.J
23. Mrs. Alice Birungi Baruga - Nyarushanje 15. Sr. Germina Tumwegyerize – C.S.H.J
24. Mrs. Julia Buregyeya - Nyamwegabira 16. Sr. Maria Bernardo Nyanduru – O.L.G.C
25. Mrs. Bridget Rwengabo - Makiro 17. Sr. Maria Andrea Mbafundizeki - O.L.G.C
26. Mrs. Juliana Munderi - Mutolere 18. Sr. Maria Zacharia Bakure - O.L.G.C
27. Mrs. Winnie Karunganwa - Christ The King Ruk 19. Sr. Anatolia Tibahotorwa – D.O.L.F
28. Mrs. Catherine Rutagwera - Bukinda 20. Br. Paschal Banegurengaro – Banakalori Brothers
29. Mrs. Beatrice Kataama - Muko 21. Sir. Paul Ngorogoza - Bukinda
30. Mr. Pius Katabazi - Rubanda 22. Sir. Matthew Bitamba - Makiro
31. Mr. Emmanuel Rugyendo - Rushoroza 23. Mr. Silverio Rwakitonera - Rutooma
32. Mr. Barnabas Kabalisa - Bukinda 24. Mr. Pius Kyaruhama - Rushoroza
33. Mr. Augustine Bwiragura - Bukinda 25. Mr. Festo Kiheka - Rushoroza
34. Mr. Yakobo Mwangi-Muko 26. Mr. Anselm Ntegamahe - Rushoroza
35. Mr. Narcisio Birori - Kishanje 27. Mr. Zachary Babukiika - Buhara
36. Mr. Anthony Kabigabwa -Kamwezi 28. Mrs. Anastazia Banyanzekera - Christ The King K’le
37. Mr. Theodoro Karuhize -Maziba 29. Mr. Albert Mbanoha - Rushoroza
38. Mr. Gabriel Tumwesigire - Maziba 30. Mr. Colnerio Rukuba - Rushoroza
39. Mr. Augustine Kacence - Kitanga 31. Mr. Gabriel Bitarabeho - Rushoroza
40. Mr. John Katororo -Nyarushanje 32. Mr. Gabriel Turikyaroki - Buhara
41. Mr. Luka Kabumba - Nyarushanje 33. Mr. Stephen Karemire - Buhara
42. Mr. Athanasius Rutaro -Christ The King Ruk 34. Mr. Victor Tibahakana - Christ The King K’le
43. Mr. Joseph Kakasozi - Rutooma 35. Mrs. Modesta Nyamihanda - Christ The King K’le
44. Mr. Richard Birinyanga - Rwengiri 36. Mr. Stephen Ngyegyema - Christ The King K’le
45. Mr. Deusdedit Karibeita - Rwamagaya 37. Mr. Thomas Ndangizi -Rubanda
46. Mr. Dominico Baryaremwaki - Makiro 38. Mr. Amato Kahemura - Rubanda
47. Mr. Pancrasio Bazaare - Makiro 39. Mr. David Barisigara - Kakore
48. Mr. Arichard Babusherekana -Kambuga 40. Mr. Luka Beebwa - Kakore
49. Mr. Urbano Bitwayiki-Karambi 41. Mr. Deogratias Banyenzaki - Muko
50. Mr. John Bavuga- Mutolere 42. Mr. Tarcisio Keijarubi - Kamwezi
51. Mr. Zachary Zirarushya- Mutolere 43. Mr. Paul Kangwagye - Nyakishenyi
52. Hon. Tress Buchanayandi- St Peter’s Gisoro 44. Mr. Karoli Bakesigaki - Christ The King Ruk
53. Mr. Joseph Rwarinda- St Peter’s Gisoro 45. Mr. Eugene Owakukiroru - Ndama
54. Mr. Paul Manirakiza - Sooko 46. Mr. Thomas Zimbeihire - Nyamirama
55. Mr. Thomas Kanyamihigo - Sooko 47. Mr. Luciano Tindibakira - Butogota
56. Mr. Serapio Bagorogoza- Rubuguri 48. Mr. Iganatius Mbahita -Nyamwegabira
57. Mr. Aloysius Bakesigaki - Rubuguri 49. Mr. Elias Rusatsi - Kinanira
58. Dr. Peter Ngategize - Rushoroza 50. Mr. John William Kangangye - Rwanyena
59. Mr. Paschal Rwakahanda - Rushoroza 51. Mr. Michael Bafiire - Rwanyena
60. Mr. Amos K. Ruhumuliza - Mutolere 52. Mr. Telesphoro Tibaryebwa - Rushoroza

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Plot 37, Mutanda Road near UMEME Offices
P. Box 01, Kisoro, Tel: 0702-454399, 039360091
E-mail: harerboniface@yahoo.com

Mr Boniface Harera ( Proprietor)

Kindly Service Station

Kisoro - Kabale Road, Opposite/adjuscent to Centenary Bank
P.O. Box 01, Kisoro, Tel: 0702-454399, 0393960091
E-mail: harerboniface@yahoo.com

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Immaculate Heart



P.O. Box 52 Rukungiri - Uganda 0486-42160

Staff houses Students on a study tour

Dormitories Dormitories

“The sky is the Limit”

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Merciful like the Father

Mission :To invest in education 
for a better life

St Maria Goretti N/Preparatory School Rushoroza congratulates the Bishop and the 
entire Catholic Community Kabale Diocese on celebrating 50 years of existence as a 
Diocese. We are proud to be associated to this Great Diocese. Long live Bishop Calist 
Rubaramira, Long live Kabale Diocese. 

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

DIOCESE 1966-2016
and was buried on Tuesday 29th December

At the time of election by the Consulters

above, Fr. Barnabas was the Secretary
General to the Uganda Episcopal
Conference. Bishop Ogez had earlier on
sent him for further studies in Canon Law in
Rome. On return from studies, he was sent
to serve at Uganda Catholic Secretariat,
and two years later, he became the first
Ugandan Diocesan priest to hold the post
of Secretary General to the Episcopal

On 29th May 1969, then Fr. Barnabas R.

Halem’Imana was announced by Rome as
the residential Bishop of Kabale. He was
ordained on 1st August 1969 by Pope Paul
VI, at Kololo grounds during his historical
visits to Uganda.

On 24th August 1969, Bishop Barnabas

This article is intended to give the reader was opened in 1923, Nyakibale opened was installed as Bishop of Kabale Diocese
some major insights in the 50 years’ on 19th October 1929, Mutolere, opened by Archbishop of Kampala Emmanuel
existence of Kabale Diocese on 5th November 1929, Kitanga 1935, K.Nsubuga. His motto was Pastor Bonus
Makiro 1944, Rubanda 1949, Bukinda (Good Shepherd). He retired on 15th July
On 1st February 1966 the long awaited 1959, Nyakishenyi 1962, Nyarushanje 1994 and died on Sunday 3rd January 2016.
for announcement came from Rome, that 1963, Rwanyena 1963 and Kinanira 1964. He was buried on Wednesday 6th January
Kabale was now a Diocese. It was curved In his three years of Administration of the 2016 in Rushoroza Cathedral.
out of then Mbarara Diocese. It covered Diocese, Bishop Gervasio added three
one district known as Kigezi, which is now parishes: Buhara 1967, Rwengiri 1967, The following were some of the major visible
four districts: Kabale, Rukungiri, Kisoro and Nyamwegabira 1967. achievements:
He began steps of transferring St. Paul’s 1. He opened the following 13 Parishes:
The announcement was received with great Seminary from the present day premises of Kakore 1970, Muko 1971, Kambuga 1980,
excitement as efforts to seek and prepare St Mary’s College Rushoroza, to its present Butogota 1982, Christ the King, Kabale
for the Diocese had been underway for location. He did his work until 4thApril 1969 1983, Rutooma 1984, Ndama 1984,
some time. At the time of announcement when then Fr. Barnabas R. Halem’Imana Sooko 1986, Maziba 1989, Rubuguri 1989,
of the Diocese, there were only 9 Diocesan was elected Vicar Capitular by the body Rwamagaya 1991, Kamwezi 1993, Gisoro
Priests: Fr.Narcisio Kangakeizi, the 1st priest of the Diocesan Consultors, as Bishop 1994.
from Kigezi, Fr. Peter Rukasi, Fr. Athanasius Gervase had been recalled back to take
Kakurungu, Fr. Barnabas Halem’Imana, care of Bukoba Diocese, after the transfer 2. He initiated the construction and
Fr. Vincent Kanyonza, Fr. Augustine of Cardinal Laurent Rugambwa to Der es completion of the following major
Kanyonyozi, Fr. Pius Tibanyendera, Fr Salam. He died on 23rd December 2015 constructions, or purchased and reshaped
Andrew Karwemera and Fr. Polycarp

Rome announced that Rt. Rev. Gervasio

Nkalanga who was the Auxiliary Bishop of
Bukoba Diocese (Tanzania) was to be the
Apostolic Administrator of the new Diocese.
He was installed on 17th April 1966. As
the Diocese celebrates 50 years, it has
produced 251 priests of whom 185 are
diocesan, and 66 are missionary priests
in the Missionaries of Africa, Comboni
Missionaries, Apostles of Jesus and one in
the Jesuits. Of the total number of priests,
52 have already passed on.

At the time of erection of the Diocese, there

were only 11 Parishes: Rushoroza, which King Ceasar Mulenga,Bp Callist, Hon. Buchanayandi, Dr. Ngategize cutting a cake on BAAF Ceremony at Gisiro Parish July, 2015.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

promote them”

In January 1991, the Annual Pastoral Council

met as usual to examine and evaluate the
pastoral situation of the Diocese in light of
previous Pastoral Councils, and now the
two synods. Unfortunately due to a numbers
of factors within and outside the Diocese,
not much had been accomplished, and
that marked the end of the Annual Pastoral

4. On social-economic development of
the Diocese. There is no doubt that many
Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary schools
have come up in the last 50 years. At the
time of creation of the Diocese, there was
only one Catholic Secondary School;
Mutolere Secondary School, and one
The Clergy pose for a photograph at the end of Mass of centenary Celebrations of Catholic Faith in Kabale Diocese Minor Seminary, St Paul’s Seminary,
Rushoroza. The Diocese has now two
more Minor Seminaries; St. Adrian’s
them accordingly: Bishops House, greater role of the laity in participation in the Seminary, Rubanda, St. Charles Lwanga,
Administration Office building with running of the Diocese. Of the participants, Nyakibale, and one Minor Seminary of
residences, completed the re-location of 3 were Bishops, 41 priests, 8 sisters 1 Apostles of Jesus, Bukinda. There are 316
St. Paul’s Seminary to its present location, brother, and 104 laity, total 157 participants. Primary Schools, 66 Secondary Schools, 8
St Adrian’s Seminary, Rubanda, Centenary The final document of that synod, as it Vocational Schools/ Technical/ Homecraft,
Bank, Kadio Motel, Rubaga House etc came from the Bishop was called Kabale 2 Nursing Training Schools; Mutolere and
Synod Statutes and A Five Year Pastoral Nyakibale , and now the growing Uganda
3. Setting up administrative structures Plan. From thereon, every year in January, Martyrs University, Kabale Campus.
of the Diocese: In 1984 the first Synod of a Diocesan Pastoral Council used to take
the Diocese took place in January 8th- 21st place to examine, evaluate and plan on On the medical level, there were only two
1984, under the theme: RECONCILIATION diocesan level major pastoral matters that hospitals; Mutolere and Nyakibale and one
AND PROGRESS OF THE CHURCH affect the Diocese. Dispensary, at Rushoroza. The Diocese
IN KABALE DIOCESE In an effort to has still two hospitals and 24 Health Units of
streamline and strengthen the administration From 9th to 18th January 1990 the Diocese various grades. In 1997 a Health Insurance
of the Diocese, different regular meetings held a second synod to examine and Scheme begun at the above two hospitals,
and organs of administration were set up evaluate the Diocese as whole, since and by now it has spread to 15 Health Units.
with their terms of reference: the Synod, the last synod, and also look ahead to
an annual Pastoral Council, Diocesan where God was leading the Diocese. There had been serious efforts from the time
Pastoral Commissions, Parish Councils, The theme of the second synod was: of Bishop Gervase to teach the people of
etc. The following were either streamlined PROMOTE EFFECTIVE CHRISTIAN this Diocese into a culture of saving money
or set up as Commissions: Vocations, LEADERSHIP FOR INTERGRAL HUMAN and giving out loans. This lead to the growth
Liturgy and Catechesis, Education, DEVELOPMENT. The author of this article of thrift and loan groups that operated many
Lay Apostolate, Human Development, was an active member of the preparatory times, at Church premises. In 1985 when
Social Communications, Liturgical Music, committee of the second synod, also during the Uganda Episcopal Conference begun
Medical Services and Social-Economic the sessions of the synod, and thereafter. Centenary Rural Development Trust which
Development. That Synod marked a Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala opened the is now Centenary Bank, Kabale Diocese
fundamental growth in the life of the synod, and one of the key massages I recall was the first in the whole country to open a
Diocese. It marked the beginning of the he gave us was “identify leaders and branch in 1986 in the present building.

On 15th July 1994 Bishop Barnabas

retired and Rev. Fr. Robert M. Gay of
the Missionaries of Africa was appointed
Apostolic Administrator of the Diocese.

His mission was to restore unity in the

Diocese that had suffered grievously
disunity. On 22nd January 1996, he was
appointed residential Bishop of Kabale, and
on 9th March 1996, he was ordained Bishop.
He retired on 8th June 2003. His motto was
“Ut Unum Sint” (May They Be One)

During his very difficult work to accomplish

his mission, he opened one Parish;
Kishanje in 1998. When he would be asked
about opening more parishes, his answer
was; “let the mother first be healed, then
King Ceasar Mulenga,Bp Callist, Hon. Buchanayandi, Dr. Ngategize cutting a cake on BAAF Ceremony at Gisiro Parish July, 2015. the she will produce a healthy child”.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father
4. Leading Uganda Martyrs celebrations
at Namugongo in 2009: The diocese was
tasked to lead 3rd June Uganda Martyrs
celebrations at Namugongo. This was
the first time for the Diocese to undertake
this responsibility. The preparations
and celebrations were successfully held
within the Diocese and at Namugongo.
That celebration marked the beginning
of foot-pilgrims from Kabale Diocese to
Namugongo. The foot pilgrimage began
with 13 members, and since that time the
number has been growing to 229 who were
flagged off at Rushoroza Cathedral this
year on Saturday 21st May and reached
Namugongo on 31st May 2016.

5. Convocation of the 3rd Diocesan Synod,

which took place from 18th – 29th August
Butogota Parish Women offertory procession
2014. A study of the pastoral life in each
Parish in the Diocese, led to a conclusion
When a certain stability had been achieved 1. Five more Parishes have been opened:
that a synod was needed. The following
in the Diocese, he convoked a Pastoral Christ the King Rukungiri 2006, Nyamirama
Council in 1997, with the theme: “THE 2011,
Karambi 2013, Rutenga 2015 and Gatete DIOCESE” was chosen as appropriate to
2015. The total number of Parishes is now address the pastoral issues in the Diocese.
papers were presented, discussed and
33 from 11 when the Diocese was born in Within less than two months, the Bishop
resolutions made on the family, education
1966. had studied the recommendations from the
and economic development. He promoted
synod, and on 4th October 2014, he issued
and encouraged the revival of Kigezi-
2. Continuation of major renovation of the 3rd Synod Decrees. An implementation
Kampala Residents Association (KKRA) by
the Cathedral which meant removing the Committee chaired by the Vicar General,
appointing then Fr. Siliverio Twionomugisha
old tiles and putting new modern sheets, Msgr. Silverio Twinomugisha who was
as its first Chaplain.
renovation of the Bishop’s house and its also the Chairperson of the Organizing
He initiated the renovation of the Cathedral extension, construction of the second office Committee of the synod is now monitoring
that has been going on since then. He block to meet the need more office space, and following the implementation of the 3rd
began St. Charles Lwanga Minor Seminary reconstruction and expansion of Rushoroza Synod Decrees.
at Kambuga Parish, which was later Pastoral Centre, as well as developing
Rushoroza dispensary into Rushoroza It is a fact that since the birth of the Diocese
transferred to Nyakibale. He will ever be
Health Centre IV with a view to develop it 50 years ago, thousands if not millions
remembered by Kabale Diocese as the
into a hospital. have been baptized, confirmed as well as
“peacemaker” (Mt 5:7).
receiving other Sacraments. What has been
After 9 years of sacrificial service to Kabale 3. Convocation of the 8th Pastoral Council, put in the above article was to give the
Diocese, on 15th March 2003, Roma which took place from 27th – 31st August reader a taste of the grace of God working in
announced the appointment of then Fr. 2007. The theme was: GRASSROOT the last 50 years in Kabale Diocese, through
Callist Rubaramira as Bishop of Kabale. STRATEGIC EVANGELIZATION. Among Bishops Gervase Nkalanga, Barnabas
He had been serving the Diocese as the the achievements that came from that Halem’Imana, Robert Mary Gay and Callist
Financial Administrator. He was ordained Pastoral Council was the establishment in Rubaramira together with the Clergy, the
and installed as the 4th Bishop of Kabale the Diocese the Family life Ministry and the Religious, Catechists and the rest of the
on Pentecost, 8th June 2003. His motto is promotion and strengthening of Eucharistic laity of Kabale Diocese, and the rest of the
“Father May Your Kingdom Come”. Adoration on Thursdays from 8:00am to Church that has contributed to who we are
4:00pm at Parish level, and from 7:00am to at 50 years as a Diocese.
The following are some of the major visible 9:00am at Eucharistic Centres.
achievements since he took the office: Written by Rev. Fr. David Byaruhanga

Some of the Diocesan Catechists procession on Palm Sunday this year at the Diocesan Headquarters Diocesan Eucharistic Congress, August, 2015

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

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The management of Cephas Inn wishes to congratute Kabale Diocese upon 50 blessed years
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Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Interaction with


Mzee Mabwaijano is one of the old Qn. What was your role as a grown old and can’t remember
people who saw the beginnings School Supervisor? the name. But.. What I remember
of Kabale Diocese and has lived is that at that time, there were
to witness its Golden Jubilee. He Ans. (Confidently) My role was Missionaries of Africa commonly
was born in 1931 at muyumbu, to monitor all Catholic Founded known as White Fathers.
Kyanamira in the then Kigezi Schools, their performance and
District. He is now 85 years. He progress and to ensure that Qn. How do you feel, seeing
was an Educationist and supported Catholic Values in those schools Kabale Diocese being born and
the Diocese. were exhibited. now celebrating 50 years?

It is a bright morning and Mzee Qn. What were the challenges at Ans. Hahahaha ( He laughs) I am
Sylivester is happy to meet that time? very happy, very happy indeed and
unknown people in his home. I thank God that He has kept me
Ans. Aaah! Accessibility to those alive. Many new things have come
“Good morning Mzee” the schools was very difficult due
Publicity Committee members (Sr. up, for instance; the construction
to lack of roads and some areas of the Cathedral, many Schools
Schola and Tr. Gloria) greeted him had no roads at all, so no road
and he exchanged with a smile! being founded, and many parishes
transportation but to walk there formed. All in all, services were
“Good morning my Children. which was tiresome. brought nearer.
Welcome home!!” Qn. Where was your office? We thanked Mzee for being so
“Thanks” We replied. And the Ans. Ok! It was located in kind to us, for the warm welcome,
interaction went on at his veranda. Rushoroza near the old church, for his simplicity and the joy he
now the current Priests’ house expressed of being a catholic. We
Qn. Where were you in Uganda shook his hands and he told us to
when the Diocese was starting? of Rushoroza Parish. And I was
accountable to the Apostolic go to him again in case we needed
Ans. (Laughs) where was I .... ? Administrator Gervasio Nkalanga more information. Thanks to all
(Seems to remember) Oooh Yah! from Bukoba - Tanzania. Who later elders who have contributed to
I was then a School Supervisor became the First Bishop of Kabale what we are as a Diocese.
after I had left Butobere College in Diocese. It is wonderful to celebrate the
1961. A school Supervisor in Kigezi Golden Jubilee.
Region which is now, Rukungiri, Qn. Who was the Parish Priest by
Kisoro, Kanungu and Kabale which then?
is now Kabale Diocese. Ans. (Laughs) My Children, I have

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Hon. Paula Turyahikayo congratulates the

Catholic Community of Kabale Diocese upon
Celebrating the Golden Jubilee.

Member of Parliament
Rubabo County

We ply the Mbarara - Kampala route with modern fleet of Buses. We excercise perfect care for our passengers and
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Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

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MMC Sisters

Sisters Holy Family Little Sisters of St. Joseph - Ndama

Sisters Holy Family Consolers of the Sacred Heart - Rubanda

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Daughters of our Lady of Fatima - Rushoroza Daughters of our Lady of Fatima - Rushoroza

Daughters of Mary (Banabikira) - Nyakibale Daughters of Mary (Benebikira) - Nyakibale

Daughters of our Lady of Fatima - Rushoroza Daughters of our Lady of Fatima - Rushoroza

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


St. Geralds Secondary School is a mixed Day and Boarding school,

under USE programme
P.O. Box 74, Rukungiri
Kabale Diocese
Tel: 0772-551814, Golden Jubilee
0486 442040 . Celebrations
Merciful like the Father


Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Seminaries in Kabale Diocese

The Rectors and staff congratulate the Bishop, priests, religious and all Catholic
community on 50 years of existence of Kabale diocese. May almighty God
continue blessing the church in Kabale with many vocations.
“I will go! Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8)
Fr.Charles Byarugaba
St. Charles Lwanga seminary- Nyakibale, Rukungiri

A lady of fifty years is not young

according to our African culture and
if she is unmarried, she becomes a
talk of a day whenever her age mates
are busy enjoying leisure activities.
With fifty years down the road, Kabale
diocese has not been a laughing
stock in the entire public because
of enormous spiritual and temporal
goods she has rendered to the people
St. Paul’s - Bukinda, Seminary School in Kigezi region.

Few meters behind the magnificent

cathedral church, happily rests
in peace a prominent catechist
Mr. Amos Ruhumuliza
Diocesan Education Secretary and missionary Mzee Yowana
Kitegana who demonstrated a deep
commitment and sacrificed his life to
impart faith in Kabale diocese. If I had all necessary opportunities, I
would use DNA to know how much fuel, with tax exemption, Mzee
Yowana Kitegana used in his Limousine to leave Buganda to Kigezi to
plant seeds of faith in Kabale diocese. He left Buganda to die in Kigezi,
not because the land was fertile but intentionally wanted to make a
difference in the lives of Bakiga. He did this through self determination
and sacrifice. My biggest question is, do we still have such people in
Kabale diocese ready to make such a sacrifice? Are you among them?

St. Charles Lwanga seminary- Nyakibale, Rukungiri If our two beloved patriarchs – Bishop Gervase Placidius Nkalanga and
Barnarbas Halem’Imana would stand again on this cathedral church,
which common parental piece of advice would they give the faithful in
this diocese? , I intend to think they would say, “Promote and re-awaken
the spirit of self - reliance in your homes”.

Often times, realities are told that a boat in the ocean capsizes due
to strong waves, and survival of human life is minimal. The church in
Kabale has had a taste of such waves, but it has not been shattered by
big storms and winds because she stands on a firm foundation which
Jesus had affirmed Peter to be the Rock and upon that Rock, that his
church shall stand. What a blessing!!!.

According to general survey, it is reported nationwide that the Roman

Catholic diocese of New York is effectively closing dozens of churches
because the number of priests as well as nuns has declined and above
all, financial ramifications of the clergy with legal costs have caused
economic problems for some dioceses. My biggest worry upon hearing
St. Adrian’s - Rubanda, Seminary School
that sad situation, are we safe in Kabale diocese?. We are lucky, God
still holds His hand upon us with many vocations to priesthood and
religious life, but I fear one day we may find ourselves in that situation.

Let us learn from the mottoes given to us by our beloved

Bishop Barnabas Halem’Imana “I am a good shepherd”
Bishop Robert Gay : “May they be one”
Bishop Callist Rubaramira: “May your kingdom come”

May we ask the good shepherd therefore, to bring us together

as one family so that His kingdom comes in Kabale diocese
for the next fifty years. This will be done if everyone is ready
to sacrifice and give common answer to God’s call,” I will go
St. Adrian’s - Rubanda, Seminary School send me”

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


CONTACT ADDRESS : Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus
P.O. BOX 884 Kabale-Uganda.
Email: martyrskabale@yahoo.com Website: www.umukc.ac.ug
Mob: 0772 480021, 0777 119261, 0772 877817

Management, Staff, and Students of Uganda Martyrs PROGRAMS AND FEES STRUCTURE 2016/2017
University Kabale Campus heartily congratulate
his Lordship Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, the bishop DURATION
of Kabale diocese, all the pastoral agents and the
faithful on this golden jubilee celebrations since the
foundation of the diocese. We thank the diocese for
the various programs realized toward the holistic
development of the Diocese in the last 50 years of 3) BACHELOR OF ETHICS AND DEVELOPMENT STUDIES 3 Years 550,000=
In particular we are grateful to the Bishop and his 1) DIPLOMA IN BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 2 Years 429,000=
collaborators for having spearheaded education as 2) DIPLOMA IN SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY 2 Years 429,000=
an important means to realize holistic development. 3) DIPLOMA IN HEALTH PROMOTION AND EDUCATION 2 Years 429,000=
Thank you for bringing closer to the people the much 4) DIPLOMA IN EDUCATION PRIMARY (DISTANCE LEARNING) 2 Years 425,000=
longed for university education that completes the
other efforts already enjoyed at primary, secondary
and higher educational institutions of the diocese.
An appeal goes to all the faithful to utilize and C: CERTIFICATES
support this university as their own and for their own 1) CERTIFICATE IN AGRICULTURE 2 Years 275,000=
advantage. 2) CERTIFICATE IN CARPENTRY AND JOINERY 2 Years 275,000=
Uganda Martyrs University Kabale Campus (UMUKC)
is a catholic founded University. It started on 1st 5) CERTIFICATE IN RECORDS AND INFORMATION MANAGEMENT 1 Year 275,000=
October 2012. It is a branch of Uganda Martyrs 6) CERTIFICATE IN MEDICAL RECORDS MANAGEMENT 1 Year 275,000=
University which was founded by the Uganda
Episcopal Conference in 1993.
Kabale campus will offer a hands-on science based 10) CERTIFICATE IN SECRETARIAL STUDIES AND OFFICE MGT 1 Year 275,000=
Polytechnic University education as a step toward
solving the problem of youth unemployment as well
as participating in the quest for modernization and E: OTHER CHARGES ENTRY REQUIREMENTS:
industrialization of our country Uganda. A) Certificate Programmes: A candidate must have
Registration (Per Year) 50,000/=
obtained Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E)
LOCATION: Research Development (Per with at least 3 credits obtained at the same sitting.
The campus is located 2 km from Kabale town along 50,000/=
Year) B) Diploma Programmes: A candidate must have
Kabale – Katuna road. It is situated on a 35 acre
piece of land along Kabale-Katuna high way with a Students Guild Fee (Per Year) 20,000/= obtained the Uganda Certificate of Education
conducive environment for learning. Identity Card (once) 30,000/= (U.C.E) with at least 5 passes, and Uganda
Sports and Games (Per Year) 10,000/= Advanced Certificate of Education (U.A.C.E) with
VISION: 1 Principle Pass and 2 subsidiary passes obtained
A university that is nationally and internationally Medical Fee (Per Year) 30,000/=
recognized for excellence in teaching, learning,
at the same sitting, or a Certificate in the relevant
research, advancement of knowledge and community Foundation Body (Per Year) 10,000/= field obtained from a recognised and registered
engagement. NCHE (Per Year) 20,000/= institution.
University T-Shirt (Once) 20,000/= C) Bachelors Degree Programmes: The
MISSION: undergraduate programmes of Uganda Martyrs
Derived from a Christian understanding of a person, Examination (Per Semester) 50,000/=
we are committed to developing an integral person by
University shall be accessed through the following
providing high quality education within a conducive Development (Per Semester) 50,000/= entry requirements:
environment in order to produce professionals of Library (Per Semester) 20,000/= i) Direct Entry: A candidate must have obtained
varying academic competencies with critical and the Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E)
creative abilities who will contribute positively to the Computer Laboratory (Per
30,000/= with six credits of which one credit must be in
nation and the world at large, while observing values Semester)
of service and respect.
English, and at least two (2) principal passes
Field Work Practice (CMRM) 50,000/=
in the relevant subjects at A’ Level (UACE)
OBJECTIVES: School Practice 150,000/= obtained at one sitting.
1. To provide theoretical, technical, and practical ii) Diploma Entry: A candidate must have
skills to university graduates to facilitate and obtained a diploma (at credit / distinction
enhance their employability.
2. To create a platform where the students can work
level) in the relevant field from a recognized
towards accessing the skills required to get into institution.
Industry and Innovative skills for self employment iii) Mature Age Entry: A candidate must be 25
and establishing private companies. years and above and must have been out of
3. To bridge the gap between industry and school for at least three years prior to his/her
educational institutions.
4. To produce graduates who are technically
application. A candidate must have obtained
specialized and ethically skilled to participate in a Uganda Certificate of Education (U.C.E) or
the development and transformation of the nation its equivalent and must successfully pass the
and entire world. mature entry examination.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Various COMMISSIONS AND Departments

in Kabale Diocese

Some of the heads of Commissions and their staff

Pastoral Department

Rev. Fr. Bruno S. Byomuhangi Members of Catholic Carismatic Renewal - Gisoro Parish
Diocesan Pastoral Coordinator

Eucharistic Congress at the Diocesan Headquarters Procession of the Legion of Mary - Rushoroza

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

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Family Ministry

amily Ministry Apostolate gained its
autonomous status in 2008 to effect
the resolutions of the 8th Kabale
Diocesan Pastoral Council which was
held in August 2007.
• Emphasizing that a family being a basic
unit of the church and society, the
members resolved that evangelizing
the family is the priority of all pastoral
activities in the Diocese.
• That recognizing the role that women
play in the evangelization, the family
should be catechized in order to
rediscover the dignity of a woman in
the church and society.
Currently, the family ministry office has
a coordinator and one trained counselor
that runs the day to day operations of the Bp Callist, Fr. Safari with married couples on Holy Family Sunday at Rushoroza
office. The office has been engaged in
counseling services individuals including OBJECTIVES OF THE FAMILY MINISTRY ACTIVITIES
pre marital counseling, refresher courses To train couples and individuals in Marriage weekends.
and seminars for couples and individuals parishes in order to reach out to Psychosocial Support Counseling
as a way of renewing their commitment. others.(Capacity building) and management.
In furtherance of the above, and in To train a Diocesan Family Team
an effort to strengthen the office, the CANA programme
diocese declared Holy Family Fund where To instill in the children Christian Conflict resolution
all Diocesan Collections are forwarded to values through religious education
formation by revisiting family values. Guidance and Counseling
the office to support activities and daily
To enable the youth get prepared Natural family planning
running of the office.
to make choices in life (Marriage Marriage preparation (Pre-marital
VISION preparation ) counseling)
To cultivate, develop and maintain To carry out some courses that Reaching out to families (Family
warmth, spiritual values and emotional target behavior change that address visitations)
health in marital relationship. human issues, cultural issues and Visiting parishes
MISSION: Campaign Domestic Violence
To establish Family Desk on
“To empower, renew and strengthen Parenting
Deanery and Parish levels.
Christian and human values in families”
To strengthen and reawaken the SCC
as a base of a family.

Msgr Silverio, Fr. Bruno and Fr. Birungi with religious and married couples at the launch of Domestic Violence
Model couple: Parents of Msgr Ndamira - Makiro Campaign - Christ the King Parish, Kabale

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

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Kabale Diocese Orphans And

Vulnerable Children (KDOVC)

The KDOVC project is under the direction of an oversight

committee which supervises the management and the
performance of the office, beneficially children, families
and their communities/parishes. The office has a team
headed by the director.

We thank God for the 50 years of existence of Kabale


Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Youth and Children Ministry

To promote the spiritual aspect of
life, Christians’ values and virtues
especially personal prayer life which
helps the children and youth to discern
well in making the decisions that affect
their lives.

Equip the children and youths with

knowledge in human development
and Life Coping skills which enable
them to deal and cope positively with
their challenging stage of growth and
other challenges of life as well as the
challenges of our modern world.

Impart the children and youths with

the culture of saving, the knowledge
and skills in business planning,
Children and Youth Ministry Team
project management and economic

development in creating personal
ouths are a special treasure for VISION OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH or collective wealth through income
the Church and the Society. MINISTRY generating activities so as to improve
Since time immemorial, they are To have youths who are mature and their standard of living.
the leaders of today and parents of balanced in all aspects of life. (Be
tomorrow. They form a big part of it Spiritual, psychological, intellectual, Provide the children and youths with
the population. Since the creation economical and political, social and leadership and management skills
of Kabale Diocese, the youth were cultural, pastoral and physical). thus having good parents, leaders
being cared for spiritually in Young and managers in the families, Church
Lay Apostolate Movements and MISSION and society at large. More than
Associations. Through relevant programs, workshops, ever, to have self leadership and self
courses, conferences and spiritual management skills.
Youths have searching minds and they retreats, the youths ministry offers a
need support as well as guidance and holistic formation that challenges and OUR GUIDING OR CORE VALUES
orientation. Therefore, the Church is empowers the children and youths to Love and prayer, mercy and
concerned with their holistic welfare. be true responsible Christians who are compassion, trust and confidentiality,
As a result, in 1980, Bishop Barnabas able to participate in their own growth hard work and creativity, respect
Halem’Imana appointed the first and maturity as well as the life of the and dignity, integrity and hospitality,
Diocesan youths chaplain to journey Church and Society.   forgiveness and reconciliation, unity in
with the youth. diversity, efficiency and effectiveness.

Since then, many people have

participated in the youth ministry.
The present team is standing on the
shoulders of those who have been
there before them. The team is grateful
to them for the work done.

After the Diocesan Synod of 2014, the

Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira deemed
it necessary to appoint a team that
handles the apostolate for children
and youths.

The ministry deals with children and

youths in different categories: rural and
urban, male and female in schools and
out of schools, literate and illiterate,
married and unmarried, employed and

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Centre, parish, Deanery, District and conflict management by settling cases
he Catholic Justice and Peace Diocesan levels. out of courts between conflicting parties,
Commission was founded in Uganda by counseling and reconciling people and
(d) To empower people with knowledge couples who seek assistance in the office
the Episcopal Conference in 1979 but it
and skills so that they are able to of Justice and peace when their human
was officially established in 1986.
challenge and stand against all rights are violated.
Like all other Catholic Justice and peace forms of social evil in the Diocese.
Commission around the World, it was In response to the degree on ecumenism
(e) To prevent conflicts from developing and degree on relationship with other
established in Uganda in response to an
into war and violence by promoting religions, the Uganda Episcopal
appeal made in 1969 by Pope Paul VI to
peaceful resolutions and Conference has established two fully
all Episcopal conference to take concrete
management of conflicts. fledged departments for ecumenism
action towards people’s development
by establishing Justice and Peace and inter-religions dialogue and peace
(f) To network and collaborate with
Commission in every Diocese in the among the people of different religions
others like mind partners in
entire World. in Uganda. The Catholic Church is an
promoting of peace, human rights
active member of Uganda Joint Christian
good governance and democracy
The overall aim of the Commission was Council (UJCC) whose purpose is to
in Uganda, Africa and the World at
to promote development of a just and promote peaceful co-existence and
peaceful Ugandan society. collaboration among the Christians in
The Justice and peace Commission was Uganda. Kabale Diocese is also an
The main objectives of the commission active member of UJCC and the office of
instituted in Kabale Diocese in order
were; Justice and peace Commission and Inter-
to implement the above mentioned
objectives for the well being of the people. religions Dialogue and is also in charge
(a) To promote the formation of social
The commission aims at protecting and of matters which concern Ecumenical
conscience and awareness around
promoting the values of justice and Joint Action Committee (EJAC) which is
the challenges involved in working
peace, human rights and dignity, good an extended arm of UJCC at the District
for justice and peace in communities
governance, democracy, reconciliation and level of Greater Kigezi.
within Uganda based on Holy
Scriptures, Catholic social teaching and solidarity of God’s people in both
On behalf of the members of Justice
and societal needs. church and state when these values are
and Peace Commission and on my
glossily ignored or undermined. The
own behalf, I call upon all the people of
(b) To collect information on specific commissions which has its members in
good will to continue working for Justice
acts of injustice and violation of the five district which make up kabala
and Peace in order to build a fair and
human rights in Uganda and submit Diocese prepare programmes for the
just society for the common good-in
the findings to the Bishop and other parishes according to their priorities
matters of socio-economic and political
interested stakeholders like the bearing in mind key thematic; areas which
Uganda Human rights Commission, are identified at the Diocesan Level.
Inspectorate of Government and the May God bless our Bishop, the people of
Police. The Justice and peace Commission has
Kabale Diocese and our beloved country
played its role by participating in civic
Uganda as we celebrate Golden-of our
(c) To empower the Christians in the and voter education, election monitoring
existence as a Diocese.
Diocese to take up responsibility of programmes of radio shows on gospel
promoting Justice and peace at both preaching, domestic violence, gender
small Christian Community, Hiika, based violence, peaceful resolutions and

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Hon. Henry Musasizi

congratutes Kabale Diocese upon 50 blessed years of
ministry. During these 50 years, you have significantly
used God to impact lives around Kigezi region and
Uganda at large. The church of God is truly blessed by
your work. Your legacy of ministry and compassion will
long grace the Kigezi community.
Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Merciful like the Father

Education Department
San Giovanni 1984 Mixed

St. Peter’s Nyarushanje 1984 Mixed

St. Agatha Kakore 1987 Girls

St. Maria Goretti 1989 Mixed
St. Jerome Ndama 1989 Mixed

Minor Seminaries:
Seminary Started
St. Paul’s Seminary 1959 (as
Rushoroza Junior) Ms. Dinnah Sanyu
Bukinda Apostles Seminary 1973 Office Secretary
Mr. Amos Ruhumuliza
St. Adrian’s Seminary
Diocesan Education Secretary 1982 Hon. Zakaria Babukika (RIP)
Before the” birth”: St. Charles Lwanga Seminary 2004 Mr. Silvester Mabweijano
Before the “birth “of Kabale Diocese- which was Rukungiri
Fr. John Lacoursiece
to cover the entire Kigezi District, there existed
Current Status: Schools
one and only one Catholic Founded Senior Fr. Vincent Kanyonza
Secondary School in the whole district (much Government Grant
Private Fr. Andrew Kahinda (RIP)
later to be divided into 4 districts that make up Aided
Fr. Aloysius Banyenzaki
the Diocese). The school was St. Paul’s Mutolere 311 Primary Schools 105 Church Schools
Senior Secondary School in Bufumbira County Fr. Dan Babigumira
later to become Kisoro district. This school 12 Primary Schools Fr. George Kigambiroha
was started in 1965 and opened by the Bishop 31 Secondary 35 Secondary Mr. John Bakeiha
of Mbarara Diocese, Rt. Rev. Ogez. Its first Schools Schools
Headteacher was Rev. Fr. John ODonhue. Fr. Francis Muntu (RIP)
01 Technical Institute 03 Technical Schools
Fr. Adron Nturanabo
It was started from what had been St. Paul’s Junior 01 School for the
Seminary which had been shifted to Rushoroza. Sr. Veneranda Tibikimpenda
Deaf at Nyakibale 04 Minor Seminaries
The Junior Seminary had been established in Lower p/s Fr. Felix Odeda.
1959 at Mutolere under the leadership of Rev. Fr.
02 Nursing School Vision:
George Shindler.
Holistic education for integral development of a
The “birth”: 01 University. Human Person.
Kabale Diocese was born on 17 April 1966 with
Enrolment: Mission:
a burning thirst for education, among other
To provide quality and balanced education for
priorities Religion Pupils Students the people of God under our care for integral
The first and the second born: Catholics 88416 16345 development of a person.
St. Mary’s College Rushoroza was the first “born” Non-Catholics 25617 8264 Objectives:
senior secondary school of Kabale Diocese-
started in 1967 with late Michael Kajura as the Total 114033 24609 Strive for discipline and academic
Headteacher. excellence
Catholics % 77.5% 66.4%
Continue sensitization of parents towards
Immaculate Heart Girls Senior secondary school Staffing/ Teachers: their role and responsibility in educating
Nyakibale was the second “born” – started
Primary Secondary their children.
in 1969 under the leadership of twin sisters
Religion Promote character formation, self-discipline
Magdrene and Louise. Schools Schools
and integrity in our schools.
Expansion of Secondary education: Catholics 2231 590
Ensure schools remain places of Godliness
TheDiocese founded the following secondary Non-Catholics 1212 229 and good upbringing of children through
schools between 1966 and 1990:
Total 3443 819 spiritual guidance and religion values
School Started Gender Enhance scientific, technical and cultural
Catholic % 64.7% 72.0%
St. Mary’s College education for development of skills.
1967 Mixed
Rushoroza Performance: Encourage our teachers to go for further
Immaculate Heart Girls Some of our schools such as Immaculate Heart,
1969 Girls studies and get equipped with leadership
Nyakibale St. Mary’s College Rushoroza, St. Paul’s Seminary skills to head our schools.
St. Barnaba Karujanga 1980 Mixed and St. Charles Lwanga Seminary continue to
Provide education for the disabled, the
appear among the top schools in the country.
St. Gertrude Mutolere 1981 Girls disadvantaged and the girl-child.
Many others are also doing well, usually in the
top 200 among 2813 secondry schools that sit Lobbying for equality, fairness and justice
St. Geralds Nyakibale 1981 Mixed for UNEB O’ and A’ level Examinations the whole in our institutions.
St. Aloysius Girls Kitanga 1981 Girls coutry. Happy Birth Day- Kabale Diocese.
Congratulations on attainment of 50 years
St. Paul’s S.S. Bukinda 1982 Mixed of age!
The following former Diocesan Education
Bishop Comboni College 1982 Mixed Secretaries laid a firm foundation on which we Ruhumuliza Amos K
are building in Diocesan Education Department: Diocesan Education Secretary
St. Francis Kyanamira 1983 Mixed Kabale Diocese

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Rev. Deacon Mugabi Charles Kishanje Theology Year 4 - USA
Rev. Deacon Keinamura Davis Rushoroza Theology Year 4
Rev. Deacon Ndagijimana Fidel Mutolere Theology Year 4
Rev. Deacon Cyiza Godfrey Mutolere Theology Year 4
Rev. Deacon Maguru Aurelius Kishanje Theology Year 4
Rev. Deacon Owembabazi Tophil Rubanda Theology Year 4
Rev. Byomuhangi Fisher Kakore Theology Year 3
Rev. Maniragaba Deusdedit Rwanyena Theology Year 3
Rev. Twijukye Jeremiah Kakore Theology Year 3
Rev. Turyahabwa Prosper Nyarushanje Theology Year 3
Rev. Niwagaba Nestorio Bukinda Theology Year 3
Rev. Tukamushaba Benjamin Rubanda Theology Year 2
Rev. Munyandamusa Augustine Gatete Theology Year 2
Rev. Ankunda Vincent Kambuga Theology Year 2
Rev. Tumushime Augustine Sooko Theology Year 2 - Rome
Rev. Mugabe Cleophas Muko Theology Year 1
Rev. Maniragaba Garasi Kinanira Theology Year 1
Rev. Struggle Victor Makiro Theology Year 1
Rev. Atuhe Nicholas Kakore Theology Year 1
Rev. Turanyomwe Martin Rubanda Theology Year 1
Rev. Atuheire Conrad Maziba Theology Year 1
Rev. Birungi Kenneth Kakore Theology Year 1
Rev. Mubangizi Benedict Rushoroza Theology Year 1 Plot 593, Kabale , Kabale - Mbarara Road
Rev. Mugumya Placid Nyarushanje Theology Year 1-Rome P. O. BOX 593, KABALE
Rev. Mwebembezi Garasius Muko Pastoral Spiritual Year Tel: 0772 575898, 0706 533054
Rev. Tumwejunise Zephrino
Rev. Bigabwomwe Prosper
Christ the King-
Pastoral Spiritual Year
Pastoral Spiritual Year
Accomodation, Bar & Restaurant Pool table,
Rev. Tumukurate Achiles
Rubanda Pastoral Spiritual Year
Outside Catering
Rev. Tubiheruhanga Tallent Rwanyena Pastoral Spiritual Year
Rev. Mubangizi Nicodemus Rubanda Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Ndyomugyenyi Micheal
Rev. Tindimwebwa Zaverio
Rev. Magara James
Philosophy Year 3
Philosophy Year 3
Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Niwagaba Deus Rwanyena Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Nsabimana Jeremius Kinanira Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Niwamanya Austin Rushoroza Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Musekura Anthony Kinanaira Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Atuyambe Paul Rubanda Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Abeine Pastori Kambuga Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Monday Brian Muko Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Ankunda Julius Rutooma Philosophy Year 3
Rev. Ndinumukiza Ambrose Kinanira Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Turinawe Isaac Rwengiri Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Muhumuza Alexander Muko Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Bigiromuhangi Felix Muko Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Nkwasibwe Bruno Kakore Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Musabyimana Clement Kinanira Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Nkamwesiga Celestine Rubanda Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Agaba Nelson Nyakishenyi Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Bamwenzaki Paul Nyakibale Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Musinguzi Gerald Kishanje Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Ankunda Emmanuel Rutooma Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Nkurunziza Martin Kinanira Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Kwitonda Ponsiano Gisoro Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Uwimana Innocent Kinanira Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Mubangizi Chrispino Makiro Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Niwagaba Brian Muko Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Niwamumpeire Ronald Rubanda Philosophy Year 2
Rev. Niyonzima Bruno Kinanira Philosophy Year 1 Plot 35, Kabale Kabale - Mbarara Road
Rev. Akampurira Methodius Rubanda Philosophy Year 1 Tel: 0772 618 388, 0700 708 535 |
Rev. Harerimana Walter Mutolere Philosophy Year 1 E-mail:hotelhomeagainltd@gmail.com
Rev. Uwiringiyimana Deusdedit
Rev. Twongyeirwe Obadiah
Philosophy Year 1
Philosophy Year 1
Accomodation, Bar, Sauna, & Steam
Rev. Shabaruhanga Paulino Rubanda Philosophy Year 1 Bath, Outside Catering
Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Merciful like the Father



Promoting Micro enterprises for Efficient Poverty Eradication
Beneficiary selection criteria
Active rural women or men organized in groups but individually running
an activity or project that generates income to the household. Groups
may be registered or if not, encouraged to register with the Government.

Our noble cause is to extend our services to these people and try to
graduate them to borrowing from other bigger financial institutions
through our partnerships.

Services offered/activities
• Entrepreneurship training
• Business Coaching and Identification
• Advisory services in savings mobilization
• Micro credit services
Part of Promic office set up at the head office
Impact of the programme in Kabale Diocese
• Better living conditions as a result of increased income from micro
Introduction enterprises ranging from agriculture, hand crafts, brick making and
PROMIC is an abbreviation for “Promoting Micro enterprises for Efficient hotel management.
Poverty Eradication. • A savings culture has been imparted among the 126 women groups
Background and in the communities of Kabale Diocese. Below is a group of
PROMIC UGANDA was started in 2002 in Uganda and 2003 in Kabale Kitoohwa sharing out household items after accumulating savings
Diocese with the purpose of promoting micro enterprises for small within their group.
and micro entrepreneurs. PROMIC UGANDA is in partnership with • The attitude towards work has positively changed in the rural
Foundation Open-Hand Swisshand of Switzerland.The programme communities. Below,members of the group participate in the group
also aims at enabling less privileged women to access Micro-financial activity.(Vegetable growing)
services for economic development. It encourages women to participate • Increased participation in social and economic programs of the
actively in developmental programmes in Uganda, and to promote Government and church.
a culture of savings with an intention of improving and expanding
household economic standards of living.
Promoting Micro enterprises for Efficient Poverty reduction
To use promic resources for poverty reduction by empowering rural
active individuals willing to improve their micro enterprise so as to
increase income, promote a culture of saving and self- help, there by
attain a better quality of life.
Objectives of the programme
The major objective of PROMIC is;
To reduce poverty by enabling individual poor people, especially women,
to carry out Micro-Enterprises through:
• Entrepreneurship training,
• Provision of micro credit services,
• Investment consulting
• Promotion of a culture of saving

P. O. BOX 219, Kabale; Telephone: 0392949167.

E-mail: promicugkabaleregion@yahoo.com

Prepared by:
Ekinkuhaire Frances
Promic staffs interact with beneficiaries during loan application Diocesan Promic Coordinator

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

The religious men and women working in Currently the diocese has a sufficient 4. Brothers of Christian Instruction since 1967
Kabale Diocese, heartily congratulate his team of indigenous clergy and has many – 1973; 1999 to date.
Lordship Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira, the religious men and women serving within the 5. Consolers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
bishop of Kabale diocese, all the pastoral diocese and beyond. Motivated by Christ’s founded in 1968
agents and the faithful on this golden passion for humanity, the religious men and
6. Apostles of Jesus Missionaries since 1973
jubilee celebrations since the foundation women strive to follow Christ passionately
of the diocese. We are grateful to God and share his passion for humanity in their 7. Missionary Sisters of Mary Mother of the
who in his wisdom inspired the foundation different charisms. In Kabale diocese, they Church since 1977
of the diocese. We remember with filial exhibit their passion for Christ and for 8. Daughters of Mary and Joseph since 1981
gratitude the late Emeritus bishops Rt. Rev. humanity in the pastoral areas of health, 9. Evangelizing Sisters of Mary since 1984 –
Bishop Gervase Nkaranga and Rt. Rev. education, social services, communication, 1988; 2014 to date.
Bishop Barnabas Halem’Imana for the good Family ministry, Youth Apostolate, and in
10. Medical Mission Sisters since 1987.
foundation laid for the diocese. direct pastoral work in parishes. We are
grateful to the Diocesan authorities who 11. Brothers of St. Joseph since 1989
We cannot forget, Emeritus Rt. Rev. invited us to participate in the pastoral 12. Holy Family Sisters since 1999
Bishop Robert Mary Gay for his valuable activities of the diocese. We pledge 13. Little Daughters of St. Joseph since 2006.
contributions in his term of office. We continued collaboration in this vineyard of
14. Spiritan Fathers (Holy Ghost Fathers) since
thank the diocese for the various programs the Lord in the various pastoral activities we
realized toward the holistic development are engaged in. Let us keep united in Christ
of the Diocese in the last 50 years of and always strive to deepen our faith and 15. Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus since
existence. We are also grateful to the first identity, all for the glory of God. 2015
missionaries, religious men and women,
lay catechists and other pastoral agents The following are the religious institutes Long Live Rt. Rev. Bishop Callist
who first spread the catholic faith in our working in Kabale Diocese. Rubaramira. Long Live Kabale Diocese.
diocese. 1. Good Counsel of Mbarara since 1947
By Fr. Dr. Beinomugisha Abel (Episcopal
2. Daughters of Our Lady of Fatima founded in Vicar for Religious – Kabale Diocese.)
The church in Kabale diocese has been
blessed with many vocations to the
priesthood and religious missionary life. 3. Benebikira Sisters – Rwanda since 1963



astoral centre is the Kabale Diocesan project. It is avenue of meetings, courses,
retreats, parties it also offers accommodation and catering services to everyone.
We reach out to every guest with hospitality, every Guest is special to us and our
eye contact communicates great care. The above mentioned activities done in the centre
have made the centre shine and desirable to many. The prices for the services offered are
friendly. In fact our mission is “To love and care for the people who come to the Centre” Long
live Kabale Diocese as we celebrate 50 years, Long live the Pastoral Centre, Long live our
Bishop who supports us always. All for the greater Glory of God
Sr. Bea

Sr. Bea the Incharge with the young Stars who make the centre shine

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Caritas Kabale diocese is a social services and Kabale Diocese through love, solidarity and i. Create evidence based awareness on the
development department of Kabale diocese reconciliation.” impact of violence on child safety, well-
which started in 1984 to co-ordinate all being and development
socio-economic development activities in the Mission of Caritas Kabale diocese ii. Strengthen family care for the children by
four districts of Kabale, Kisoro, Kanungu and Working with others to make an improvement trying hard to prevent family separation
Rukungiri that make up Kabale diocese. Its in the livelihoods of people focusing on the and placing street children into family
overall mandate is to enhance social welfare poor, vulnerable and marginalized through based care
and economic development of the poor, promotion of their participation. iii. Safety in schools, by creating a safe
marginalized and the disadvantaged in the learning environment that promotes
four districts of Kabale diocese. Guiding principles learner retention. This is done through
a) Non-Partisan support strategic and on-going engagement with
CARITAS-Kabale diocese works through b) Participation of target groups stakeholders
partnership with other like-minded c) Partnership iv. Raise awareness about the dangers of
development agencies and government for d) Sustainability engaging children in hazardous work
the improvement of the livelihood of the local e) Transparency and promote their withdrawal and
people in need regardless of race, religion f ) Orientation to the poor, disadvantaged reintegration into the community
or sex. CARITAS-Kabale diocese is strongly and marginalized v. Support Uganda’s national child
committed to implementing theA Biblical protection system to effectively prevent
preferential option for the poor and focuses Core values and respond to abuse, violence,
its efforts on generating maximum pro-poor a) Respect for human dignity and exploitation and neglect against children.
outcomes and impacts. fundamental rights This will be done by improving access to
Our development partners include; Caritas b) Poverty, gender and diversity focus coordinated and multi sector services for
Japan, MISEREOR-Germany, MIVA OneMen- c) Sustainable results (institutionally and victims and their families (health, justice,
Netherlands, Peace Corps-USA and Embassy environmentally) education and social services)
of Netherlands through International Fertilizer d) Integrity and transparency: We shall do vi. Support community groups to monitor
Development Center in major activities our work with honesty, and transparency and protect children at risk of neglect,
focused mainly on; and accept responsibility for our work sexual exploitation and other forms of
a) Improved cash and food crop agronomy abuse.
with particular focus on Irish Potato, PROGRAMMES OF CARITAS –KABALE In this way, Caritas Kabale diocese advocates
climbing beans and Perennial food crops- DIOCESE for reduced gender based violence in schools,
Cassava and yams Currently the CARITAS-Kabale Diocese reduced child marriages, reduced corporal
b) Integrated livestock and crop farming implements its activities under four interrelated punishments, increased girl child retention in
systems for ecological stability development programmes namely; schools and increased transition of children
c) Agro-forestry and climate change resilient 1.Development Coordination that to family based care in the programme target
agriculture with emphasis on effects harmonizes and oversees all the programmes areas.
mitigation and adaptation to ensure that activities and networks stay true
d) Improved gender relations for equitable to the vision, mission and values of Caritas 4.Women Promotion Programme that
family development Kabale. operates in Kabale, Rukungiri and Kanungu
e) Seed security production and storage 2.Sustainable Agriculture Programme districts and aims at enhancing the role of
systems (SAP) that operates in selected sub-counties women in development through providing
f ) Budget Advocacy, budget and in Kabale and Rukungiri districts and aims at them with appropriate capacity building
expenditure tracking for public funds improving and sustaining farmers’ food and services and technologies like water jars and
g) Village level savings and credit facilities to income security through provision of advisory improved fuel saving stoves and Functional
enable farmer families mobilize resources services and inputs for selected traditional Adult Literacy (FAL).
for commercialization of their farms food and cash crops and livestock.
h) Support to orphans and other vulnerable 3. Orphans and Vulnerable Children
children Programme that operates in all the four
i) Health and sanitation to mitigate districts that make up Kabale Diocese and
skyrocketing health costs that have been supports orphans and vulnerable children to
draining farmer family budgets access basic needs of life especially education,
j) Rain Water harvesting technologies for psychosocial support and career guidance to
domestic use and farmyard gardening selected OVC to enable them develop into
useful citizens in the future and enhancing
Location of Caritas Kabale diocese and sustaining OVC and caregivers’ wellbeing
Caritas Kabale diocese offices are physically in the diocese.
located on Sowman Road, Plot 37/38, Central
Division, Kabale municipality. Postal Address is Under this programme, various interventions
P.O.Box 156 Kabale. are taken to reduce risks of abuse, exploitation,
violence and neglect of children including but
Vision of Caritas Kabale Diocese not limited to the following;
“Improved livelihoods for all families in

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

In line with Christ’s mission on earth ( Jn 10:10) climate change effects.

“ I have come so that they may have life, and Caritas promotes the use of energy saving
may have it abundantly”, we support OVC stoves at household level, that is, the Rocket
and this is also in tandem with the Ugandan Lorena stoves. This is in a bid to reduce on
constitution of 1995 Article 17 (1c) as a duty the rate of tree cutting since wood is saved
of citizens to protect children and vulnerable and also improve the health of women and
persons against any form of abuse, harassment children since smoke is reduced in the kitchens
or ill-treatment and article 34 which clearly thus protecting mothers and children from
stipulates the rights of children . respiratory complications

Caritas Kabale diocese targets households that 6. Health and sanitation

have orphans and other vulnerable children Training people on personal hygiene,
with characteristics as; Children living alone household health and sanitation  through
or in institutions, in a poor psychological state, promotion of use of sanitation structures
in an unstable environment due to conflict, such as latrines, bath shelters, dish/sanitation
abuse or migration, orphaned or otherwise racks, kitchens and animal shelters. We
vulnerable and the children the community construct ferrocement tanks and Tarpaulin
agrees are in need for any other reason and walled underground tanks for the vulnerable
households with such characteristics as ; households that fetch water from distant
Households headed by a single or widowed sources of at least 1/2km.
person, a very sick adult , a woman , an elderly
Improving production and productivity through proper agronomic practices
person , which include orphans or other 7. Proper Nutrition
vulnerable children In ensuring good nutrition, we support
people with grafted Avocado seedlings,
The 2014 population census data show that Cabbage seeds, Spinarch, Carrot and promote
MAJOR ACTIVITIES ½ of the Ugandan population of 34.9 million the planting of local vegetables through
Major activities have focused mainly on; consists of children under the age of 15, promotion of Kitchen gardens.
1. Food security & livelihoods improvement while 17.1 million children (more than 56%)
​Our food security and livelihood interventions are younger than 18. Such a large population 8. Domestic Violence
target vulnerable households characterized by of children has numerous implications for Caritas promotes platforms for civic action,
little land(less than 1 acre), little/no livestock, resource allocation and service provision in advocacy and participation in the elimination
no formal employment, widow/child headed terms of health, education and other social of all forms of domestic violence especially
households, high levels of food insecurity, services. Thus improving the well being and against women and children. Caritas trains
low sanitation levels etc. Caritas focuses on the future of Uganda children is very critical at groups in human rights and children rights so
empowering families with long term skills to this stage. that people can access justice.
increase food production including modern
farming and agronomic practices. Households The situation of children in Uganda is very 9. Disaster Risk Reduction
learn post harvest handling methods to enable bleak. 70% of Uganda’s children do not Caritas facilitates people to adopt
them store food for future consumption complete primary education. Only 12% of environmentally sustainable economic
especially during periods of scarcity. those who make it to secondary school actually activities that preserve the ecosystem by
finish. 20% of females and 13% of males over supplying them with tree seedlings. For example
2. Savings and Lending systems the age of 5 have never received any formal Caritas Kabale diocese Supplied clothes, food
In order to improve access to finance for these education. Uganda cannot achieve vision stuffs, hoes, spades, Pick Axes to Kyokyezo
vulnerable households, they are supported 2040 with a vast majority of its population parish in Nyamweru sub county-Kabale district
to manage their finances through financial uneducated. Children need to survive long when people were hit by serious landslides.
literacy and entrepreneurship education enough to enter school and remain healthy
programs under the SILC model. Caritas to learn and contribute productively to 10. Lobbying and advocacy
supports each of the groups with a starter society. Education not only improves learning Caritas believes in community empowerment
capital of one million shillings for promotion outcomes for especially girl children, it such that the local communities can advocate
of IGAs in addition to SILC (Savings and improves indicators of well being for entire for their rights and demand for their services.
Internal Lending Communities). This amount is households, reduces HIV/AIDS incidence. Areas of advocacy engaged in with these
deposited to each of the group’s account in the Caritas engages TASO Rukungiri through their households include participation in National
Local SACCO in an effort to link them to financial Music dance and drama in HIV sensitization so budget for increased funding to Agriculture,
services providers in addition to their SILC. as to reduce stigma and discrimination against fighting counterfeits especially agro inputs on
persons living with HIV, voluntary testing the market. As a result of advocacy activities
3. Livestock support and counseling and provision of free medical Village Budget Advocacy groups (VBDGs)
This is aimed at increasing the biological services. Caritas works with children orphaned have been formed in Nyamweru sub county to
and economical productivity of animals. We by HIV/AIDS and their families to strengthen follow up the disbursements from the central
train these households in proper practices their ability to cope and thrive. governments to establish whether the money
of animals husbandry especially proper 5. Environmental conservation and disbursed reaches intended beneficiaries
housing,feeding,disease identication and protection especially the NAADS money.
management and provide the vulnerable Caritas promotes the technologies that are
households with goats and chickenon geared towards protecting the environment
revolving system. These households are able to ,soil erosion reduction technologies such
have manure for soil fertility replenishment,sell as construction water retention trenches (
eggs and chicken for income and all Fanya chini,Juu),planting of grasses and trees
the associated benefits of animals. especially Grivellea and calliandra species
for agroforestry, use of organic manure all of
4. Support to Orphans and other vulnerable which are aimed at mitigating and adapting to

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Bishop Callist Rubaramira invests in mindset change towards

household income improvement for the people of Kabale diocese
invest, to respond to an unexpected emergency
and to consume or purchase an item for which
they now do not have enough money. However
it is very wise to first understand the amount of
your loan payment, including principal, interest
and fees, the sources of income and/or savings
you have to make those payments and that your
investment from the loan generates a return
which is high enough to cover the total cost of
credit and to make a profit.

The power of the mind is very important for

development of the physical being. The inner
person controls the outside person. If the
inner person is not changed towards poverty
eradication, the outer person remains poor.
When the inner person sleeps, the outer cannot
move towards poverty eradication. Values, beliefs,
attitudes, feelings, thoughts also determine and
control the behavior of the person in his clear
The Bishop’s Office in collaboration with the Social thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to
manifestation and what you can achieve in life.
Services and Development/Caritas department happiness and success. 
You are poor because of your thoughts. Thus you
launched a campaign against poverty in Kabale
can change your life for better when the thoughts
diocese in an approach of mindset change. Fatalism as a negative mindset must be done
are oriented towards success.
This was through a workshop on mindset away with if prosperity is to be achieved: the
change that took place at St. Paul’s seminary thinking that the poverty situation was pre-
Every Christian leader should always lead
from 19th to 22nd May 2016. The workshop was determined by inheritance or supernatural
according to the vision of Christ. Follow Jesus
opened by the Bishop of Kabale Diocese Rt. powers is negative. God can never wish his people
Rev. Callist Rubaramira on 19th May 2016. The to live sad lives. God loves his people; ask and you
workshop was attended by six representatives will receive, knock and the door will be open, seek John 20:21: So Jesus said to them again, “Peace
from the 33 parishes of Kabale Diocese. The six and you will always find (Mat: 7:7). be with you. Just as the Father has sent me, I
people included parish priests, chairpersons also send you.” In John: 10:10: Jesus says the thief
parish councils, head catechists, chairperson Dependency is another negative mindset
comes only to steal and kill23 and destroy; I have
development, women and youth leaders. The in people; A thinking that the solution to your
come so that they may have life, and may have
theme of the three-day workshop was: Increasing problems comes from outside or other people e.g
it abundantly. As a Latin adage goes “Nemo dat
household income for the people of Kabale politicians, government, church, donors etc: The
quod non habet” (You cannot give what you
diocese; it was the 4th gathering of that nature Bakiga have a saying that “Akaheeru keija enjura
don’t have). A Christian must first live life in full
to look for means and ways of sensitizing people yasya”. There is thus need for Caritas Kabale to
and comfortably economically, politically, socially,
to change minds from subsistence farming to empower people to stand on their own to avoid
,spiritually and physically in order to give life in
commercial oriented farming and enterprise dependency syndrome. Help them to change
full to others as instructed by Jesus . Therefore
based in order to increase personal income for their minds towards self reliance.
fighting poverty is a role for every Catholic.
better health, education and general livelihood
Indiscipline: lack of self control; especially
improvement. The Bible says in Rom 12:2 Do not be conformed3
wasting money on liabilities than assets: some
to this present world,4 but be transformed by the
An effective mindset is one that makes the best people work hard and get money but spend
renewing of your mind, so that you may test and
use of available resources –time, energy and it recklessly without saving. The fear of saving
approve5 what is the will of God – what is good
efforts – and uses them to create positive change.  money has kept many Ugandans under abject
and well-pleasing and perfect. Therefore it is
It’s not about trying to do everything and be poverty. While people want to borrow money,
not God’s will that people should be poor. Time
everything; it’s making the very best of what is they still have a culture of failure to save. For
utilization and management is very important for
available while enjoying the process of living. The those who are salaried, when funds are disbursed
prosperity. Stop wasting time rumour mongering
workshop was rooted on the premise that once to their account, all the money is withdrawn.
with other people. Use the free time to work for
ones mindset changes, everything on the outside People with periodic income should inculcate in
income generation. There are many opportunities
gradually changes along with it. Facilitated by a themselves the saving culture in order to reduce
that lie unutilized. Where there is a will there is
variety of high profile men and women including the current poverty levels.“The only difference
a way. Catholics should stop complaining about
Prof. Peter Kasenene, Dr Peter Ngategize ,Mr between a sole salary earner and a poor man
their present life situation, what other people
Gerevase Ndyanabo, Ben Masiko Bahuga, Mr is just one month”. There is thus a need to have
have said or done their past, their surroundings,
Martial Magirigi, Mr Andrew Kagwa Ssekate, Ms financial discipline, self control if one is to prosper.
or even the weather. When you complain, you
Alice Birungi Baruga, participants learnt a lot transform yourself into a victim.  When you
It is very important to make a savings plan, be a
including but not limited to the following; proactively take positive action, on the other
smart spender (distinguish between necessary
hand, you are in power.  Therefore Catholics must
It is very important to put much emphasis and needs and wishful wants), create a budget to
change their situation by taking action.
focus on the positives than the negatives. It’s achieve investment goals (money in/money out),
when you will derive your joy and satisfaction keep track of money in/money out and keep
“In your mind you can go anywhere you
from the present moments. It is very vital to records of your financial transactions.
imagine, and where your mind consistently
resist the negativity from fogging your vision goes, the rest of your life will gradually follow”.
Fear is also a negative mindset; Fear to take
and dominating your present experience
loans from banks. Fear to start new businesses,
because negative thoughts can never make Author: Karusya Frank
fear to take risks, is a big problem to many people
one a prosperous person. Believing in negative
especially Catholics. People need borrow so as to Caritas Kabale diocese

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Message from
Congratulatory remarks to
The KKR SACCO Limited
On behalf of the Cooperators, Executive board,
Supervisory committee and Management of the
Kigezi Kampala Residents Savings and Credit
Cooperative Society (KKR SACCO) Limited, I
take the opportunity to heartily congratulate the
leadership, catholic community and friends of From Rushoroza Health Centre IV
Kabale Diocese upon completing 50 years since
the establishment of Kabale Diocese. The KKR
SACCO congratulates Bishop Callist Rubaramira
and his leadership team as well as the previous
Bishop leaders of the Diocese (Bishop Festus
Nkalanga (RIP), Bishop Barnabas Halem’Imana
(RIP) and Bishop Robert Mary Gay) for leading the
Diocese through this journey. The celebration
Prof. Peter Atekyereza
of this Diocesan Golden Jubilee is yet another
Chairman, Board of Directors
important landmark in the responsible spiritual,
socio-cultural and economic cum political
transformation of Kigezi. Like Winston Churchill said, “the price of greatness
is responsibility”. Every leader from family level, through the Akataagi, Ehiika,
Sub-Parish, Parish to the Diocesan levels as well as international (in Vatican)
level must always be conscious of the consequences of his/her actions
because as Mahatma Gandhi also said, “It is wrong and immoral to seek to
escape the consequences of one’s acts”. It is the Diocesan action decisions and
the consequences thereof that have successfully brought us this far. Staff, Rushoroza Health Cente IV
The membership of KKR SACCO includes individuals, institutions and
associations of Catholics from Kabale Diocese and/or resident in greater
The Health Unit Management and Staff of Rushoroza Health Centre wish to
Kampala (Entebbe, Jinja, Kampala and Wakiso). We thank the Kigezi Kampala congratulate you on your Golden Jubilee. Fifty years is a long journey indeed
Catholic Residents Association (KKRA) for their foresighted leadership in but a journey of Faith enriched with experiences of the unending Love and
establishing the KKR SACCO in 2005. We also applaud the KKR SACCO faithfulness of God to his people and this is worth celebrating!
leadership over the last 10 years in which it has registered a lot of success
(see Table 1). Our excitement as a Health centre for this Golden Jubilee stems from the
relationship we share with Kabale Diocese by which we were born.We
Table 1: KKR SACCO Performance from 2013 to 2015
are indebted to the Missionaries of Africa who, prompted by Malaria and
2013 2014 2015
Performance Indicator UGX UGX ↑% UGX ↑% other diseases of the time, started sharing some of the medicines they had
1. Total Fund 755,120,671 910,044,203 20.5 1,091,458,302 19.9 brought for themselves with the Christians. Eventually people got to know
2. Share capital 192,290,000 204,680,000 6.4 210,877,866 3.0
3. Loan Portfolio: Principal 427,197,902 594,508,849 39.2 941,028,335 58.3
that there was medicine and came in big numbers for Health care. A small
Outstanding room was set aside where health care services were delivered with special
4. Net Operating Profit 125,873,569 118,045,995 .2) 156,160,832 32.3 attention to women and children. Overwhelmed by the numbers that
5. Membership (numbers) 284 313 10.2 334 6.7
needed Health care, an idea of expanding the Health Centre was conceived
For the last two financial years, cooperating members have equitably and this idea was implemented and gave birth to Rushoroza Dispensary. As
received their cash dividends of 25% of the share capital in accordance
with the law. The beneficiary cooperators include Kabale Diocese, Makiro
years went by, Rushoroza Dispensary became Rushoroza Health Centre and
Parish, Kamubuga Parish, Rugyeyo sub-Parish, Kagaashe Hiika, St. Theresa was moved to Mukirwa Village along Katuna road where we are situated
of Calcutta Secondary School in Nyamwegabira Parish and individual now.
Rushoroza Health Centre has grown from its humble beginnings and has
At its 10th Annual General Meeting held on 27th May 2016, the KKR SACCO been accredited by UCMB and is registered by Uganda Medical and Dental
elected the new board of Directors as indicated in Table 2 to steer it in the
Practitioners. We have 19 medical 11 non-medical staff members making a
next two years.
total of 30. We have an inpatient and Out-patient departments, Medical and
Table 2: New and Old Members of the Board of Directors of KKR SACCO Surgical ward, MCH department and a Surgical Theatre where a number
Board of Directors Position Previous Members (2014-2016) New Members (2016-2018) of major and minor surgical procedures are carried out. The Health Centre
1. Chairperson Mr. Dennis Kamugene Prof. Peter Atekyereza
2. Vice Chairperson Mrs. Margaret Tumushabe Mrs. Margaret Tumushabe
has a laboratory with up-to-date equipment like a CBC machine and a
3. General Secretary Mr. Francis Twesigye Mr. Andrew Abaho Chemistry Analyzer among others capable of carrying out a number of
4. Treasurer Mr. Ambrose Promise Mr. Ambrose Promise tests. The Health Centre has expanded her wings of service delivery to the
5. Committee Member Prof. Peter Atekyereza Dr. Raphael Arinaitwe
6. Committee Member Mr. Andrew Abaho Ms. Christine Musimenta Community through immunization, Maternal/Child Health care and School
7. Committee Member Ms. Christine Musimenta Mr. Stanslaus Niwamanya Health Programs. Thus, as a medical team we join the Catholic Community
8. Committee Member Mr. Stanslaus Niwamanya Mrs. Fosca T. Baryomunsi of Kabale Diocese in living the Synod theme of “Re-awakening Our Catholic
9. Committee Member Mr. Josephat Byamukama Mr. Brian Masiko
Identity…” by showing compassion to all especially to the sick, offering
KKR SACCO is ably managed by Ms. Immaculate Nayebare assisted by them hope and quality care. We are privileged to have the Eucharist every
Mr. Micheal Musinguzi and supervised by the three-person Supervisory Wednesday and Sunday which nourishes our Faith and strengthens our
Committee (SUPCO) of Mr. Augustine Bwiragura, Mr. Chris Kanyima and Ms.
zeal to serve with Love.
Glory Kakuru. In addition, the 10th Annual General Meeting (AGM) passed
important resolutions which include reduction of the lending interest rate We are aware that we are standing on the shoulders of so many
from 4% to 3% per month effective June 2016. This is intended to make loan
accessible to more members of our community so that they can improve
stakeholders who served this Health Centre diligently to make it what it is
their life (like Jesus said “I have come that you may have life and have it in full” today. To these, we give special thanks. We are very grateful for the support
in John 10:10). from the Diocese which has continued to nurture us.The diocese, together
with our collaboration with the Local government strengthen us and give
Therefore, as we celebrate the 50 years of Kabale Diocese, we pray to God
for more favour and blessings and strengthening of the leadership of Diocese us hope that we shall continue to grow and offer quality care to all people
and its development arms to support the Catholic Community in and friends especially the poor and marginalized of our society.
of Kabale Diocese to receive holistic empowerment reflected in holistic
development. It is then that we can bear fruit and practically show love for To those who wish to join us in developing Rushoroza Health Centre, you
each other by which we shall be known to be Christians (John 13:35). For are most welcome.
those interested in joining or using the services of KKR SACCO, Contact e-mail
address: atekyereza@chuss.mak.ac.ug. Wishing you Joyful celebrations.

Once again, Congratulations to the Bishop and Christians of Kabale Diocese on this “We Treat and God Heals”
Golden Jubilee.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Margaret, Priscilla, Pius, Peter, Gerald, Mujurizi

“To keep the body in good health is a duty... otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong
and clear. It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of Gold and Silver. If only you could be re-
sponsible for your own health and that of your neighbor, I know you will get a better one”.

Departmental Profile
Kabale Diocese is made up of several departments including
the Health department. This department, like any other diocesan 1. To coordinate health services in the region in collaboration with
department is governed by the Diocesan Health Board and under all Diocesan health facilities and other stakeholders for efficient
the Diocesan health co-ordinator, is responsible for co-ordination and effective service delivery.
of quality heath service delivery in the Diocese. The co-ordination 2. To consolidate services through strengthening the existing Di-
office performs technical activities for health service delivery in the ocesan health facilities.
Diocese as well as carrying out day to day operations for the office. 
3. To promote Professionalism, quality and care through training
Kabale Diocese owns and runs a total of 26 Healthcare facilities (2 of personnel to provide quality medical care.
hospitals and 24 lower level health units) as private-not-for-profit in-
4. To enable equitable sustainability where all people in the com-
stitutions. This accounts for 12% of the total health facility inventory
munity have access to quality health care services.
in the region and therefore a significant contribution of the Catholic
Church to the health service delivery efforts in the region. 5. To support integration and cooperation where a sound working
relationship with the Governmental institutions and with other
These faith-based health facilities provide comprehensive package health care providers is of paramount importance and will be
of services consistent with the Uganda national Minimum Health pursued.
care package—including preventive, promotive, curative, rehabili-
tative and to a limited degree palliative care services. The health Health Departmental Staff;
facilities are key complementary service points to the Government
health services. Name Position Held
Sr.Priscilla Birungi Katembeka Diocesan Health Coordinator.
Similarly the Health Department runs a community based health
Mr.Nahabwe Pius Kalanzi Diocesan Community Health
insurance scheme that aims at increasing access to quality health
Insurance Coordinator.
care for the vulnerable and underserved communities in the region.
Mr. Bwenye Brian Financial Administrator.
VISION Mr. Mujurizi Gerald Accountant.
A healthy and reconciled life for all individuals, their families and Mr Mugambe Gerald Social Worker
Mr. Ibingira Peter Driver
In faithfulness to the Mission of Christ, we provide Professional
and Sustainable Health Services; through partnership to enable the
population lives their lives to the full.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Hon. Wilfred Nuwagaba

congratutes Kabale Diocese upon 50 blessed years of
ministry. During these 50 years, you have significantly
used God to impact lives around Kigezi region and
Uganda at large. The church of God is truly blessed by
your work. Your legacy of ministry and compassion will
long grace the Kigezi community.
Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
St. Francis Hospital Mutolere
Merciful like the Father

Specialised surgery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Emergency Department
Pediatrics & Child health
Internal Medicine
Platinum Health Care
The Bishop presided the Nursing graduation Ceremony

Merciful like the Father


“Heal the sick” Matt. 10:8
Phone: +256 382271102 | E-mail: nyaki@ucmb.co.ug | www.nyakibalehospital.com

Internal Medicine
Platinum Health Care
Specialised surgery
Obstetrics & Gynecology
Emergency Department
Pediatrics & Child health
You deserve the best, and we have it!
VISION We offer both Specialized and General healthcare, the poor whom it exists to serve;
A healthy and reconciled life for all individuals, and annually attend to 14,536 Out-patients, o Inadequate funding. 25% of our income comes
their families and Communities 7,456 Admissions, 1,679 Deliveries, 832 caesarian from un-predictable donations from people
sections and 1330 major operations. of good will. Without donations, the cost of
MISSION healthcare would become unaffordable for our
In faithfulness to the Mission of Christ, we provide Being a District referral Hospital, it employs a patients.
Professional and Sustainable Health Services to Specialist Surgeon and a Specialist Obstetrician in o Insufficient Staff Housing. Over 40 of our
enable the population live their lives to the full order to boost the quality of services and to reduce Clinical and Nursing staff reside outside the
the burden of referring patients to the far-away Hospital due to shortage of housing.
Background Public Regional referral Hospital in Kabale. o Inadequate Surgical ward space. The surgical
Karoli Lwanga Hospital-Nyakibale is a 169 bed- ward has a bed capacity of only 20, yet the bed
capacity Hospital located in South-Western Last year the Hospital emerged as the safest occupancy rate is 97%.
Uganda, 7 hours from Kampala Capital City. Hospital for delivering a live baby among all o Lack of a proper XRAY Unit. Our XRAY services
General Hospitals in the country with a Fresh Still are offered from an improvised space which
It was founded in 1963 by the Franciscan Sisters of Birth rate of only 1 in 720 deliveries (Annual Health doesn’t meet minimum radio-safety standards.
Breda (Netherlands) till 1991 when it was handed Sector Performance Report 2014/15).
over to the Catholic Diocese of Kabale. Contacts
Funding For further information about the Hospital,
Over the last 52 years it has evolved from a small The Hospital derives most of its funding from user please contact the following officials:
Community Dispensary into a large District Referral fees which are contributed by the patients. The
Hospital serving not only Rukungiri District but also services however are heavily subsidized in order MEDICAL SUPERINTENDENT
the neighbouring 3 Districts. to render them affordable to our poor patients Dr Luyimbaazi Julius
because this is our core mission. luyimbaazi3@gmail.com +256-702274583
Services These subsidies are mostly provided by Donors and
The Hospital serves a region with a population of the Government of Uganda. HOSPITAL ADMINISTRATOR
over 320,000 people, 86% of whom are rural and Mr. Turyamureeba Claudio
peasantry. Majority are very poor, living on less Challenges claudturya@yahoo.com +256-772443572
than 1 Dollar a day, and therefore unable to finance The Hospital however encounters the following
their healthcare. major challenges in offering quality healthcare to

Specialised & General Health care

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
55 55
Merciful like the Father


Certificate in Nursing
Certificate in Midwifery
Diploma nursing extension


Phone: +256 382271102 | E-mail: nyaki@ucmb.co.ug | www.nyakibalehospital.com

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
56 56
Merciful like the Father


‘The centre of excellence and holistic transformation’
College vision: That the college graduates exemplify by their lives, the skills, the leadership competence and the
Christian values in their communities
Mission: To be a model college providing quality education that ennobles leadership according to the Christian tradition
Core Values: Fear of God with awe, Discipline, Hard work, Team work and Excellency
Theme 2016: Smart hard work with passion mindful of our background
School Motto: Pro Vita Discimus

The family of Bishop Comboni College

Kambuga congratulates the Rt. Rev.
Callist Rubaramira the Bishop of
About Bishop Comboni College Kambuga
Bishop Comboni College Kambuga is a Mixed Boarding Catholic Kabale Diocese, the clergy, the religious,
founded secondary school located in Kambuga Town Council
Kanungu District, Diocese of Kabale. The school was founded by the Christians and all people of God of
Father Paolino Tomaino in 1982.
The College is currently under the management of the Brothers of Kabale Diocese upon reaching fifty years
Christian Instruction since 1999.
of existence and committed service.
Bishop Comboni College Kambuga has continued to excel in this Long live Kabale Diocese.
field with a growing number of candidates scoring first grade
at O-level and three principle passes at A-level. Majority of our
students have managed to join both public and private universities We are committed to furthering the education needs of learners in
and other tertiary institutions. Those who slip along the way have our hands to fulfill their dreams.
also used the skills acquired at the college to live a responsible and
holistic life. Below is a summary of O and A – level result for the Co-curricular activities
last three years. Games played at school include netball, volley ball foot ball and a
number of indoor games. We have a variety of clubs such as Drama,
O’ level results 2013-2015 Debating, Writers, Patriotism, Rotaract, legionaries of Mary and Red
Cross among to mention a few.
Year(s) Div I Div II Div III Total
2013 29 41 24 94 Facilities at school
2014 25 63 28 116 We have a well stocked library, two modern computer laboratories,
2015 20 49 16 85 and four science laboratories to cater for biology, chemistry, physics
and agriculture.
A’ level results 2013-2015
It also has a main hall, four private reading rooms and an art gallery,
Year(s) 2PP+ 1PP Total a stand by generator, a stock farm, a play ground and volley ball
2015 81 10 91 court, a well maintained private water source with a pump and the
2014 78 14 92 College has excellent hostels for both girls and boys.
2013 56 03 59

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


needs in atimely manner.
Evangelization through both words and deeds as faithful
disciples of Jesus Christ, the perfect communicators in
promoting the pursuit and defence of truth with transparency
and honest, and service with competence and dedication.

We hope to start small and grow big, walking hand in hand

with the advancement in technology in disseminating Church
related information needed for public interest.
Changing people’s attitude towards the media as though
doing a watchdog role, to genuinely perceiving it as the voice
of the Church that fight for people’s freedom of expression.

Major Activities of this Department:

- Print Media
Background - Electronic Media
This office has been in existence since 2001 albeit with - Doing Public Relations
limited scope and activity. In 2001, the Kabale diocese social - Photojournalism
communications office arose out of interest of one priest who ............. and all each entails using multimedia approach.
using the available meagre resources developed two issues
of the diocesan newsletter entitled ‘Kabale Diocese Bulletin.’
Although these bulletins were in English and limited copies,
the audience had shown a good level of interest in them.
Unfortunately this priest died shortly after producing the
second volume of the bulletin. The social communications
office thereafter went into a ‘slumber’ as it had been built
solely on the late priest’s and he died before grooming any
other person to carry on with his duties.

Recently, however, Kabale diocese has realized that it is

important to put in a place a mechanism that would promote
quick flow of accurate Catholic Church information from the
higher authorities to the faithful and back. This has especially
been deemed essential with the realization that the emerging
religious sects are disseminating distorted information about
the Catholic Church and faith to mislead the Catholic faithfuls.
This realization has resulted into the need to revitalize the
Diocesan Communications office in order to ensure that the
Kabale Diocese use all available media including electronic
and print media to provide and receive information from
the faithfuls. In October 2009, the Bishop of Kabale Diocese;
His Lordship, CallistRubaramira, appointed Sr. Immaculate
Princess Kyarisiima as director of this new office under the
Diocesan finance department. The new director has already
started work. In consultation with the different stakeholders
in the diocese she has come up with the following to guide
the development of the office

The voice of the church
An effective and efficient communications department that P

responds to all people’s holistic development information

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father
Electronic Media
-To provide information of the day today newsworthy
elements through the Diocesan website, newsletters,
magazines, radio and television for effective communication.

-To seek variety of media channels and revive the traditional

media, which is slowly dying, like storytelling, use of
drama,theatre, and dance, and find for better ways of bringing
it to the people in a way that is meaningful, attractive and

-To encourage freedom of expression by providing room for

Radio Maria (U)

people’s views, opinions, suggestions, among the rest, and in
so doing making communication a two-way process.

-To educate the public within their respective age groups

Kabale Sub Station

about their ‘defined’ need son their attempt to improving
their standards of living and development in general,
through making various presentations in different organized

-To train correspondents through various courses and

workshops especially those with much interest in different
“A Christian Voice in your home”
departments such as priests, catechists, Christians movement
leaders, among others.

-To carry out social Responsibility inform of services not only

to the community around but also those requirements can
easily be ‘identified.

-To work in collaboration with the external publics, namely;

Government, financial institutions, competitors(other media
houses),critics, other public Relations officers, media clients,
the community around, to mention but a few.

P.O. Box 56 Kabale

Tune in @ 100.8 Mhtz

Telephone: 0784 054710
E-mail: princess.olgc@gmail.com

Diocesan Printing Unit Diocesan Public Address System

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Get to know more about Radio Maria

Kabale; Rev. Fr. Leopold Mubangizi
on the 6th day of July 2015. The chief
role of the Director of Radio Maria at
the Sub-station is PROGRAMMING the
Radio. It is only after the completion
of the Studios at Rushoroza Hill that we
shall be able to broadcast in our local
languages here in Kabale diocese. Radio
Maria being a non-profit making radio,
we encourage the listeners to always
support our programs in monetary terms
and volunteering to run some of the
The owners of Radio Maria are the
Christians who have the responsibility of
supporting their workers in the Radio in
order to maintain and sustain the radio.

Our mission is to become a “Christian

voice” in the homes of all people who
will listen to Radio Maria, especially the

adio Maria Uganda is not different FM) have been opened. The new ones marginalized and the downcast through
from the rest of other radio Maria being established are; Kabale (100.8 its religious and human promotion
stations around the world and it FM) and Moroto 105.5FM. May the Lord program.
is under one Umbrella of World Family God bless the World Family Association The Radio aims at bringing the Gospel
Association; the sole controller of all for the very good work it does for the of Christ to all the people wherever they
radio Maria stations in the World. development of Radio Maria. may be and in whatever state of human
life. Hence, to have a modern tool of the
Radio Maria Uganda was first established In several meetings, Sr. Immaculate New evangelization as demanded by the
in Mbarara Archdiocese as a parish radio Kyarisima and Fr. Marius Byamukama Church of the Third Millennium ( Duc in
by Fr. John Bashobora in 1996. However, always presented the greater need for altum ) is of paramount importance to
later on, Fr. John Scalabrini began its Radio Maria programs in Kabale diocese Kabale diocese.
extension program country wide and on broadcast in our local languages
1st May 2001, Radio Maria Uganda began (Runyankole - Rukiga and Rufumbira) The identity of Radio Maria is LOVE
to operate in Kampala archdiocese, at which was granted. Later the Vicar FOR THE MOTHER OF GOD; this is the
Mutungo-Luzira as Headquarters, with General who is at the same time the SOUL of RADIO MARIA. The desire to
branches in Mbarara (105.4 FM), Mbale Chairman for the Social Communications help the Handmaid of the Lord in the
(101.8 FM, Gulu (105.7 FM), Fort Portal Commission had to work hard to acquire work of saving souls lies at the origin of
(104.6 FM). The world Family Association the Frequency Modulation (100.8 Radio Maria and is the source from which
has done tremendous work worldwide FM) from UCC. The Transmitter was springs ever new energy.
in promoting Radio Maria. Over the established at Kihumuro Hill where we
years, Radio Maria Uganda as one of the connect with the National programs
beneficiaries of World Family Association of Radio Maria Uganda in Kampala at Mary Mother of God Pray for us.
has undergone successful extension. Mutungo. The Bishop of Kabale diocese, Rev. Fr. Leopold Mubangizi , Director of
More branches in Nebbi (90.5 FM), Hoima Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira appointed Radio Maria Uganda Kabale.
(90.7 FM), Masaka (94.0 FM) and Lira (91.2 the first Director of Radio Maria Uganda

Diocesan Public Address System

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father



Dear Young Friends, you, first of all, to pray for this gift to We are like that child. Life presents us
grow within you, and for the grace to with many dirty puddles. But we don’t
I am happy to be here and to share become messengers of hope. There have to overcome all those problems
these moments with you. I greet are so many people around us who and hurdles on our own. God is there
my brother bishops and the civil experience deep anxiety and even to take our hand, if only we call on him.
authorities present, and I thank Bishop despair. Jesus lifts these clouds, if we
Paul Ssemogerere for his words of allow him to. What I am saying is that all of us
welcome. The testimonies of Winnie have to be like that little child, even
and Emmanuel confirm my impression the Pope! For it is only when we are
I would also like to share with you
that the Church in Uganda is alive with small and humble that we are not
a few thoughts about some of the
young people who want a better future. afraid to call out to our Father. If you
obstacles which you may encounter on
Today, if you will allow me, I want to have experienced his help, you know
our journey of hope. All of you want a
confirm you in your faith, encourage what I am speaking about. We need to
better future, employment, health and
you in your love, and in a special way, learn to put our hope in him, knowing
prosperity. This is good. You want to
strengthen you in your hope. that he is always there for us. He gives
share your gifts, your aspirations and
Christian hope is not simply optimism; your enthusiasm with others, for the us confidence and courage. But – and
it is much more. It is rooted in the new good of the nation and of the Church. this is important – it would be wrong
life we have received in Jesus Christ. This too is very good. But when you not to share this beautiful experience
Saint Paul tells us that hope will not see poverty, when you experience lack with others. It would be wrong for us
disappoint us, because God’s love was of opportunity, when you experience not to become messengers of hope for
poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit failure in your lives, sometimes a others.
at our baptism (cf. Rom 5:5). This hope feeling of despair can grow. You can be
enables us to trust in Christ’s promises, tempted to lose hope.
to trust in the power of his love, his
forgiveness, his friendship. That love Have you ever seen a little child who
opens the door to new life. Whenever stops in front of a dirty puddle on the
you experience a problem, a setback, path ahead of him? A puddle he cannot
a failure, you must anchor your heart leap over or go around? He may try
in that love, for it has the power to turn but then he stumbles and gets soaked.
death into life and to banish every evil. Then, after many attempts, he calls
out to his father, who takes his hand
So this afternoon I would invite and swings him over to the other side.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


P.O. Box 963, Kabale

MOTTO: “The Summit”

The school bus The school bus

Practical lessons

Patriotic club

• The academic Performance is very good.

• More often Science workshops facilitated by experts from our Lady’s Catholic College are held.
• The Chairperson Board of Governors Msgr. Silverio Twinomugisha is hard working and supportive.
• All the stake holders are supportive.
• Once you join St. Paul’s S.S Bukinda you will never regret.

Ruhangasiimwe John Bosco

Head Teacher

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Plot 45, Main street, Kisoro Municipality | P.O. Box 220 Kisoro
Tel: 0772 492731, 0702 4927310 | 0776 297579, 0702 338927
E-mail: nzabapaul1986@gmail.com



I. S

C H.

Located along Kisoro - Bunagana Rd, Nyamagana ward, Central Division, Kisoro Municipality.
Tel: 0782 055569
W & SE R V E

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


a free assent to the whole truth that God has a wonderful way to grow in knowledge of
revealed. As personal adherence to God and God and the faith. Spending time reading
assent to his truth, Christian faith differs from our and meditating on God’s Word every day is
faith in any human person. It is right and just an excellent way to grow in faith.
to entrust oneself wholly to God and to believe
• Praying is another way of growing our faith.
absolutely what he says.
Prayer is communication with God. Prayer
Furthermore, Faith is a free gift that God makes actually puts us in intimate communion
to man. Therefore, we can’t afford to lose this with the Creator of all that is. That Creator
priceless gift. To live, grow and persevere in the also happens to be our Father. He loves us
faith until the end, we must nourish it with the so much and he wants to spend time with
word of God; we must beg the Lord to increase us.
our faith; it must be working through charity and
Catholicism is a vibrant force in Ugandan life; • Reading and prayer are not enough. They
rooted in the faith of our Church.
and Catholics comprise the highest percentage are necessary, but they are not enough.
of the population in Uganda. The Catholic Church Faith is absolutely essential for our salvation. Hence, reading and prayer need to lead to
plays an important role in Ugandan life not only How many times do we hear Jesus say in the love, which could be called “faith in action”.
for the large number of adherents, but also as gospels, “Go in peace, your faith has saved / The fruit of faith is love and the fruit of love
a provider of educational and health services. healed you?” Therefore, faith is essential, but how is service. There is a beautiful saying of
However, the Catholic Church has confronted do we get faith? Faith is a gift freely given by Mother Teresa of Calcutta that highlights
and continues to confront the 21st Century with God. Typically, we receive the gift of faith in the this truth: “The fruit of silence is prayer, the
challenges globally. sacrament of baptism. So to keep faith and grow fruit of prayer is faith, the fruit of faith is
in faith, we need to sincerely and consistently love, the fruit of love is service, the fruit of
The challenges currently facing the Catholic
beg the Lord to increase our faith and exercise service is peace.” – Blessed Mother Teresa
Church especially in the West include a massive
our faith as well. of Calcutta.
drop off in membership; shortage of priests;
introduction of comprehensive sex education in How do we renew and grow our faith? We need to be committed to ensure that our chil-
schools; homosexuality demands; and irregular As we celebrate the 50 years of existence of dren are formed within the Catholic Faith. As pa-
attendance of church service on Sundays. The Kabale Diocese, we must renew and strongly rishioners of Christ the Servant, now is the time
younger generations have mostly lost contact; grow our faith so that we remain relevant. There for each of us to reflect on the ethos of our com-
hence, today’s regulars are largely older people. is need for the Catholic Church to identify its core munity life and the future of our Diocese. When
vision and values, and rearticulate that vision we as a community share in the responsibility,
Meaning of Faith
and those values so they make sense in this each according to the means God has given,
Renewing our faith could be a major strategy to
socio-cultural turbulent environment. then new life will flourish abundantly.
strengthen our Catholicism in this 21st century.
• In his letter, Pope Benedict reminded “Long Live Kabale Diocese, Long Live the Cath-
Of course we can’t earn it. We can’t buy it. We
us that “The ‘door of faith’ (Acts14:27) is olic Community”.
can’t make ourselves grow in it. We can only do
always open for us, ushering us into the
things that dispose us to receive the gift of Faith Dr. Peter K. Turyakira:
life of communion with God and offering
from God. Lecturer- Mak; an Expert and Consultant
entry into his Church”.
Faith is first of all a personal devotion of man in Business Management; Member, KKRA.
to God. At the same time, and inseparably, it is • Knowledge is very important. You can’t love pturyakira@gmail.com
what you don’t know. Therefore, reading is

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Tel: 0772-563184, 0706-348584, 0773-923708
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Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
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Merciful like the Father

Nyakibare Deanary Rubanda Deanary

Mutorele Deanary Bukinda Deanary

Makiro Deanary Kitanga Deanary

Rushoroza Deanary

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Hon. Ndamira Catheline Atwakiire congratulates the Catholic community of Kabale Diocese upon the Golden
celebration of existence as a suffragan diocese. I would like to thank God for the great Shepherds we have had as a
diocese: Rt. Rev. Gervase Nkalanga, Rt. Rev. Barnabas Halem’Imana, Rt. Rev. Robert Mary Gay – all who
have died and Rt. Rev. Callist Rubaramira for shepherding the flock. May the Lord reward the departed bishops
with eternal life and grant the serving Ordinary the graces of His Holy Spirit and protection as he continues the
work of shepherding the flock entrusted to his care.
The Priests, Religious and all agents of evangelization, thank you for preserving, teaching and spreading the
Mysteries of our Faith as handed down from the apostolic times. May the Holy Spirit, the Principal agent of
evangelization impel everyone in Kabale Diocese to witness to Christ so that the face of God is daily revealed in our
words, actions and life. This will enable us use the Light of our Faith to light-up the darkness of the world in our
families, places of work, businesses and everywhere we go; preserving and re-awakening our Catholic identity. Let
this Golden jubilee celebration and the year of Mercy be an opportunity to stir up into flame our faith (2Tim 1:6).
May Mary- the Mother of the Church and St. Joseph intercede for our faith to grow so that we all with humility
contribute positively towards the integral growth and development of our diocese.
“Father, may your Kingdom come”
Long live Kabale Diocese!
Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations
Merciful like the Father


P.O. Box 135, Kabale
Tel: 0772 263 696, 0772 355 556, 0775 571 234

The Community of St. Mary’s College Rushoroza, with

boundless pleasure, sends a thousand cheers to Bishop Callistus
Rubaramira, all the Reverend Fathers, the Reverend Sisters,
the Reverend Brothers, the Seminarians, the Catechists and
all the Laity of Kabale Diocese on the occasion of celebrating
50 years of Evangelical, Apostolic, Pastoral and Ecumenical
edification in Kabale Diocese.
Happy Golden Jubilee to all and sundry!

Mission: To foster Integrity, wisdom, and physical fitnes for the service of God and Humanity
Vision: To become an exemplary institution that delivers holistic training and nurtures students
into citizens suitable for the global community of tommorrrow
School motto: Unitate omnia vincit

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

Order of Mass



Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

1.NIYEGURIYE NYAGASANI (Jean Pierre Rushigajiki)
Response 1: Niyeguriye Nyagasani nitaby’ijwi rye,
Ubutumw’ampa nzabusohoza,
(Iteka mwemerere amfat’ukuboko ) x2
1. Nzibanira nawe, Mana y’urukundo wow’umpa gutsinda,
Wow’umpimbaraga ahonyuze hose nkakuber’umuhamya.
2. Koko warankunze wampaye kumenya ko-ur’Imana nyakuri,
Komez’umbe hafi nkwamamaze hose munvugo no mungiro.
3. Uhoraho Mana wantway’umutima muby’umbwira byose,
Iby’unsaba byose n’inyigisho zawe ninzira y’umukiro.
4. Ubukristu nyabwo koko n’urugamba rudusab’intwaro,
Nzagumana nawe ngabo y’ubuzima ndakwihaye wese.
5. Nzakurata Mwami nzaririmb’ubuntu ungirir’iteka,
Nzamamaza hose ubutumw’uzampa nzakuber’umuhamya.
6. Sinzagir’ubwoba ndikumwe n’Imana Rutare negamiye,
Mumakuba yose niy’izanyobora niyo nkesh’umu kiro.
7. Nzajya nterw’ishema nokuvuga hose ko nameny’Imana,
Nzaharanira kub’umunyu w’isi n’urumuri rw’isi.

Response 2: Ntusubiz’inyuma abakwemera,

nanjye ndanje, nanjye ndaje.


1. To God be the Glory, great things he has done!
So loved He the world that he gave us His son
Who yielded his life in atonement for sin,
And opened the life’s gate that all may go in.

Praise the lord, praise the Lord

Let the earth hear His voice;
Praise the Lord, praise the lord
Let the people rejoice.
O come to the Father through Jesus the Son
And give Him the glory; great things He has done.

2. O perfect redemption, the purchase of blood

To every believer the promise of God
The vilest offender who truly believes
That moment from Jesus, a pardon receives.

3. Great things he has taught us, great things he has done

And great our rejoicing through Jesus the son,
But purer and higher and greater will be
Our wonder, our worship, when Jesus we see.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

2. DUSHIMIR’IMANA ( Mpayimana Theodoze)

Ref 1: Dushimir’imana x 2 Ibyo yadukoreye, ibyo yaduhaye

Twishimire Yubile; Yubile, Yubile, Yubile nziza
Iman’ irakarama.
1. Ubuzima waduhaye Dawe turabugushimiye
Urukundo wadukunze Dawe turarugushimiye.+ Ref 2

Ref 2: Reka tugushimire Dawe, Reka tugushimire warakoze

Ur’umubyeyi w’impuhwe, Twiyemeje kugukorera, Imisi yose Yukukubaho kwacu.

2. Kiliziya waduhaye Dawe turayigushimiye

Abayobozi wayihaye Dawe turabagushimiye
3. Ingabire waduhaye Dawe turazigushimiye
Imigisha waduhunze Dawe turayigushimiye
4. Ubuhemu bwacyu Dawe naw’urabuzi
Tugusaby’imbabazi Daw’utubabarire
5. Dufash’umugambi … wo kugukurikira
Murugendo turimo Daw’uduh’amahoro.
6. Mbega ngo biraba byiza guhurira hamwe Dushimir’Imana
Tur’umuryango yihitiyemo, tur’umuryango yiyoborera.
7. Tugutuye Uganda, n’abayobozi bacyu
Bamurikire Dawe, munzira yumukiro.


1. Hark the temperance bells are ringing, Joyous music fills the air,
Strength and hope their tones are bringing to the homes where dwelt despair.

Hear the bells, joyous bells

Chime the anthem of the free;
Hear the bells, merry bells
Sound the temperance jubilee.

2. Long the tyrant foe has taken, cherished loved ones for his own;
Now his cruel power is shaken soon will fall his tattering throne.

3. Brothers come the hosts are forming; let us join without delay.
Bright the hills with tints of morning, dawning of a better day.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


4. TWAJE MANA YACU (Jean Hakor’Imana)

Twaje Mana yacu, tuje kugusenga;
twen’abacu bose, tuje kugushima.
Nitwe duherutse kugusaba ngo uduhe amahoro,
uturindire ubuzima, warabiduhaye urabyuzuriza,
none natwe twaje, ku kubwira ko twe n’abacu
dushimira, urakarama.

1. Wangobotoye umwanzi; naje kugushimira,

Wankomereje ukwemera; naje kugushimira
Kandi umpora hafi ngo umpumurize, nzakomeza ngushimire,
Ni wowe undagiye, ukamenyera igikwiye.

2. Wadutungiye ubuzima, twaje kugushimira.

Watubereye ifunguro, twaje kugushimira.
Nanje ndaguhabwa ngo unyikirize, nzakomeza ngushimire,
Ni wowe undagiye, ukamenyera igikwiye.

3. Wankomereje ukwemera, naje kugushimira;

Roho wawe ampa imbaraga, naje kugushimira.
Kandi ntuja umpara ngo untererane, nzakomeza ngushimire;
Ni wowe undagiye, ukamenyera igikwiye.

4. Nje wandaze urukundo; naje kugushima.

Nakweguriye byose; naje kugushima.
Nunz`ubumwe nawe simpungabana, nzakomeza ngushimire,
Ni wowe undagiye, ukamenyera igikwiye.

5. Nje wampaye urubyaro; naje kugushimira,

Nakweguriye byose; naje kugushimira
Kandi ibyo wampaye nubyisubiza nzakomeza ngushimire;
Ni wowe undagiye ukamenyera igikwiye.

5. TWESIIME YEIMWE (Sr.Thereza Kantarikira)

Twesiime yaimwee
Abanya Uganda twena
Ahabwegidiini ya Yezu x2

1. Ediini Katolika nyamazima 4. Omusingye gwayo ni Yezu mazima

Ekaruga ahari Kristo buzima Nobuhamizo bwayo ni Yezu buzima

2. Enyegyesa ehamire nyamazima 5. Okwikiriza kwaitu twena nyamazima

Ekabanza na Kristo buzima Kukomooka ahari Yezu buzima

3. Akagishururira abatume be mazima 6. Tutyo naitwe tumutooreze buzima

Bagyegyesa nomuhimbo buzima Ediini ye tugijanjaze omu bantu.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

6. HEREZA OMUGISHA KABALE DIOCESE (Fr. John Vianney Byaruhanga)

Mukama ohereze omugisha Kabale Diocese x 2

1. Abaikiriza b’oruganda rwawe, okabatoorana,

Waabarungira hamwe omu eitware eri,
Oheereze omugisha Abanyadiini n’abakristo baawe,
omu eitware eri.
2. Emyaka ataano eitumazire omu buheereza bwawe, nitukusiima
Otwongyere enshagye, tukuhereze gye,
Tuhwere Mukama tukukunde, obutumwa bwawe tubujanjaaze hoona.
3. Shuma, Mukama, omuri Kabale,Kanungu, Kisoro na Rukungiri,
Enshozi n’empanga, bijuzibwe, obutumwa bwawe, omu eitware eri.

KYRIE: Latin
7. EKITIINWA KIBE OMU IGURU (Mr. Deus Tibenderana Busingye)
1. Ekitiinwa kibe omu Iguru hari Ruhanga,
N’obusingye bube omu nsi, aha bantu
Abasiimwa Ruhanga

Nitukuhaisa, nitukusiima, Nyakusinga Mukama,

Omu Iguru n’omu nsi nitukusingiza Rugaba
2. Nitukusingiza ahabw’ekitinwa kyawe kingi Nyamuhanga
3. Mukama Ruhanga, Omugabe w’eiguru Ruhanga, Omushoborozi wa byona, Mukama Mwana
omwe, nyamunegyere Yezu Kristu, Mukama Ruhanga Katama ka Ruhanga, Mwene Patri.
4. Iwe oihaho ebibi by’ensi, otusaasire, iwe oihaho ebibi byensi yakiira okweshengyereza kwaitu.
Iwe oshutami aha buryo bwa sho, otusaasire.
5. Manya niiwe wenka Omuhikiriire, niiwe Mukama wenka, Niiwe wenka ori ahaiguru ya byoona,
Yezu Kristo
6. Hamwe na Mutima Orikwera, Omu kitiinwa kya Ruhanga Patri, Amiina.

1ST READING, Leviticus 25: 8-17

“And you shall count seven weeks[a] of years, seven times seven years, so that the time of the

seven weeks of years shall be to you forty-nine years. 9 Then you shall send abroad the loud trumpet
on the tenth day of the seventh month; on the day of atonement you shall send abroad the trumpet
throughout all your land. 10 And you shall hallow the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the
land to all its inhabitants; it shall be a jubilee for you, when each of you shall return to his property
and each of you shall return to his family. 11 A jubilee shall that fiftieth year be to you; in it you shall
neither sow, nor reap what grows of itself, nor gather the grapes from the undressed vines. 12 For it is
a jubilee; it shall be holy to you; you shall eat what it yields out of the field.
“In this year of jubilee each of you shall return to his property. 14 And if you sell to your neighbor or

buy from your neighbor, you shall not wrong one another. 15 According to the number of years after the
jubilee, you shall buy from your neighbor, and according to the number of years for crops he shall sell
to you. 16 If the years are many you shall increase the price, and if the years are few you shall diminish
the price, for it is the number of the crops that he is selling to you. 17 You shall not wrong one another,
but you shall fear your God; for I am the Lord your God.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

8. EMBAJU ZOONA Z’ENSI (Msgr. John Barugahare)

Embaju zoona z’ensi zaareeba okujuna kwa Ruhanga waitu.

1. Mutereere Mukama akaari kokushemererwa, Imwe abomunsi mwena, mwimusye
amaraka mweshongore ekyeshongoro ky’okushemererwa.
2. Mweshongorere Mukama aha nanga n’eiraka eriri kugyendera hamwe nayo.
3. Muteere akari k’okushemererwa omu maisho ga Mukama kandi Omugabe
n’amakondere n’eiraka ry’enzamba.
4. Enyanja ehoorere na byona ebijwiremu n’ensi naba gitwiremu.
5. Emyegyemure eteere omu ngaro n’ebibungo by’eshongore ahabw’okushemererwa.

2ND READING, Ephesians 1: 3-6

Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us in the heavenly

realms with every spiritual blessing in Christ. 4 For he chose us in him before the creation of the
world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love 5 he[a] predestined us for adoption to sonship[b]
through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will— 6 to the praise of his glorious grace,
which he has freely given us in the One he loves.


Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia,
Himbisa Mukama
Iwe magara gangye.
1. Ekigambo kyawe Mukama kirangirirwe,
Kiranganwe buzima ahantu hoona.
2. Omutima gwangye Mukama gube obutaho bwawe,
Kwehimbisizemu nyakundokora.
3. Ekigambo kyawe kinuzire kiine omuranzi,
Kyehimbisisa weena okishemerererwa.
4. Ekigambo kyawe kiine amagara nikikora,
kinanura boona abakwesiga.
5. Tukwevugire twemurikye tukuhimbise, Karamare Singa omunsi n’omuiguru
6. Tukuhimbise Alleluia Alleluia, Himbisa Mukama iwe magara gangye.

GOSPEL, Luke 4: 16-21

And he came to Nazareth, where he had been brought up; and he went to the synagogue, as his

custom was, on the sabbath day. And he stood up to read; 17 and there was given to him the book of
the prophet Isaiah. He opened the book and found the place where it was written,

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor.

He has sent me to proclaim release to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty
those who are oppressed, 19 to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

And he closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant, and sat down; and the eyes of all in the

synagogue were fixed on him. 21 And he began to say to them, “Today this scripture has been fulfilled
in your hearing.”

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

10. CREED-NICENE (Recite)

Ninyikiriza Ruhanga omwe, Paatri omushoborozi wa byona, Nyakukora eiguru n’ensi,
ebireebeka n’ebitarebeeka. Ninyikiriza na Mukama omwe, Yezu Kristo, Omwana Omwe
Nyamunegere owa Ruhanga, Owaazairwe Ishe, okwiha akare koona. Ruhanga wa
Ruhanga, Kyererezi kya Kyererezi, Ruhanga buzima wa Ruhanga buzima, Nyakuzaarwa
atahangirwe, ow’entuura emwe na Ishe: Owaakoreirwemu byona. Ahabwaitu abantu
n’ahabw’okuturokora, akaruga omu iguru. Yaatoora omubiri, ogwatonzirwe Mutima
Orikwera omuri Mariya oshugaine, yaaba omuntu. Yaabambwa ahabwaitu obwa
Ponsiyo Pilaato; yaareebesibwa enaku, yaafa, yaziikwa. Haza yaazooka aha izooba
rya kashatu: nk’oku kyabaire kihandiikirwe. Yaatemba omu iguru, ashutami aha buryo
bwa Ishe. Reero kandi n’ow’okugaruka n’ekitiinisa okushoboorora abahuriire n’abafiire;
N’obutware bwe tiburihera. Niinyikiriza na Mutima Orikwera, Mukama Rugabamagara,
okomooka ahari Paatri na Mwana,oramibwa akahimbisibwa hamwe na Paatri na Mwana.
Niwe yaagambiise abarangi. Niinyikiriza n’Eklezia emwe, Katorika, ehikiriire, eyatandikiire
aha Ntumwa. Niinyatura Batiisimu emwe ey’okusaasira ebibi. Ntegyereize n’okuzooka
kw’abafiire, hamwe n’amagara g’obusingye oburiija. Amiina.


1. The Universal Church
2. Civil leaders
3. The suffering
4. Families
5. Kabale diocese.
6. The faithful departed

Chrs. Nimwije imwe bahangwa mwena, tutwejere, Nyakubaho, ogwo Mukama
Nyamuhanga tumusiime buzima .
1. Esente ez’omushaho yanyu, tutwejere Nyakubaho ogw’o Mukama, Nyamuhanga tumusiime buzima.
2. Abaana ob’oruzaro rwanyu, tutwejere Nyakubaho ogw’o Mukama Nyamuhanga tumusiime buzima.
3. Ebihingwa eby’emikono yanyu tutoijere Nyakubaho, Ogwo Mukama Nyamuhanga tumusiime buzima.
4. Bitungwa eby’omumaka ganyu tutoijere Nyakubaho, Ogwo Mukama Nyamuhanga tumusiime buzima.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


Mukama nyowe ndakusiima nta,
Mukama nyowe ndakuhaki,
Nyizire kusiima byona byompa,
Webale Mukama okampa bingi.
1. Okampanga omunsi, okampa obwomezi, 3. Hamuhanda ondinda, mubizibu bingi
Ondinda obutoosa mububi bwoona, Kabube butandwa niiwe rundinda,
Obunkwatwa endwara, ruzitamba tondi, Bantu bange boona obalinda kurungi,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima. Webale Mukama ninkusiima!

2. Okatuma Kristu, Omwana waawe wenka, 4. Magezi na maani byona niiwe obimpa,
Kristu akatufeera ha musaraba, Byoona mbikozese ntunge ebyokulya,
Kristu akatufoora abaana ba Ruhanga, Binkatunga byoona Taata niiwe obimpa,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima! Webale Mukama ninkusiima!

5. Nyowe kankusiime kunfoora mukristu,

Kandi kankuhaise ebiro byona,
Okanfoora mwana, tinkyayetwa mwiru,
Webale Mukama ninkusiima

13. MUKAMA OYAKIRE EGI MITOIJO (Fr. Augustine Kahiigi)

Mukama oyakire egi mitoijo y’abaana baawe

Omugaati na viini,
Mukama oyakire ebi bihongwa bya baana baawe
Twabireeta n’omutima gwa rukundo
1. Omugaati hamwe na viini, twabireeta kubitoija, 4. Egimitoijo y’eriizooba twagireeta kugitoija,
Bitureetere amagara g’obutwaire, obyakiire, Ogisiime nk’ekitambo kya Abeeli, obyakiire,
Nyamuhanga. Nyamuhanga.
2. Ebihongwa byaitu byona twabireeta kubitoija, 5. Twayetamba n’egyomitoijo twagireeta kugitoija,
Bitutungise amagara g’obutwire, obyakiire, Otusaasire ebishobyo byaitu byona, obyakiire,
Nyamuhanga. Nyamuhanga.
3. Ebihongwa byaitu byona twabireeta kubitoija, 6. Ogw,omuhongi w’ebitambo yaabireeta
Bitukundise ebirungi by’obutwire, obyakiire, kubitoija,
Nyamuhanga. Atutungise ebirungi by’obutwire, obyakiire,


1. Bwana upokee, matoleo yetu twakutolea x2
Aa aa aa pokea Bwana x2

Bwana pokea zawadi twakutolea x2

Ndiyo matunda ya kazi na nguvu zetu x2
Aa aa aa pokea Bwana x2

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

15. TUGUTUY’UBUZIMA (A. Theodose Mwitegere)

Mana waturemye ukaduh’ubuzima turabugutuye ng’ubusubirane

Akira, akira Dawe ntacyo dusize
Tubugutuyeh’ituro ryo kugushima nokugusingiza
Tenor: (Wowe ugenga ibyacu byose ntacyo dusize)
Bass: (Mana idukunda waduhaye ubuzima)
1. Uyu mugati tuzanye uri bub’umubiri wumwana wawe
Niwowe tuwukesha akira.
(Akira dawe ni wowe waduhaye umugati)
2. Iyi Divayi tuzanye iri bub’amaraso yumwana wawe
Niwowe tuyikesha akira.
(Akira dawe ni wowe waduhaye divayi)
3. Ubuzima bwacu,niwowe wabuduhaye
Niwowe tubukesha akira.
(Ubuzima bwacu niwowe waduhay’ubuzima niwe tubukesha akira)
4. Imitima yacu niwowe wayiduhaye niwowe tuyikesha akira
(Imitima yacu niwowe waduhay’imitima niwowe tuyikesha akira)
5. Imbaraga zacu niwowe waziduhaye niwowe tuzikesha akira.
(Imbaraga zacuniwowe waduhay’imbaraga niwowe tuzikesha akira.)
6. Ugushaka kwacu niwowe wakuduhaye niwowe tugukesha akira.
(Ugushaka kwacu niwowe waduhay’ugushaka niwowe tugukesha akira)

Mtakatifu Bwana,
Mtakatifu Bwana mungu wa Majeshi x2
Mbigu na dunia,
Mbigu na dunia zimeja, utukufu wako x2

Hosanna hosanna,
Hosanna hosanna hosanna juu, Mbiguni x2
Mbarikiwa yeye,
Mbarikiwa yeye ajaye kwa jina lako x2

Hosanna hosanna,
Hosanna hosanna hosanna juu, Mbiguni x2

Pater noster, qui es in caelis; sanctificetur nomen tuum; adveniat regnum tuum; fiat voluntas tua, sicut
in caelo, et in terra. Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie; et dimitte nobis debita nostra, sicut et
nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris; et ne nos inducas in tentationem; sed libera nos a malo.

Katama ka Ruhanga oyihaho ebibi by’ensi, otusasire, otusasire x2
Katama ka Ruhanga iyihaho ebibi by’ensi, otuhe obusingye, otuhe obusingye.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

17. OBUGYENYI BWA MUKAMA (Darius Masindano)
Obugyenyi bwa Mmukama mwije tubutahe, omujuni Rugaba naariisa boona,
Abeecumire gye mwimukye twahiirwa, omuriisa Yezu yaatweta, nimwije atugaburire x 2
1. Nitukweta, Mukama; Oije otujune, 4. Egabo y’owaawe, Yesu;
Nitutaaga, Rugaba; Oij’otutambire, Ehwera abagirya;
Enjara reeba yaatwita; Oije otujune, Ebaheereza amagara;
Eiriiho, Yezu ryatwita; Oij’otutambire. Ebahindura abarikwera.
2. Obugyenyi bw’owaawe, Yezu, 5. Abeinemu oburofa:
Nibutaana na n’obundi; Babanze beizibwe:
Nooyetamba, Mukama; Ahakiihuro ekirikwera:
Nooturiisa tumarwa; Nayenda abeemi gye:
3. Abaija owaawe, Yezu; 6. Abeinemu obugara:
Obariisa beiguta; Abatenda kwija ahori:
Obanyweisa baba gye; Otabeebwa Mukama:
Obahindura abaragwa; Obajune Rugaba:

7. Mujuni mbwenu twanywana:

Otujune omubi sitaane:
Oturinde emitego:
Tutashobya Mukama

18. YEZU NGUFITIY’INYOTA (Ukurikiy’imfura Walter)

1. Yezu Kristu niwowe mugati, Umar’inzara ninyota ; Ngwin’uhembure Roho yanjye ,
kuk’ifit’inyota ninzara.

Uk’impara yahagira, ishak’amaz’afutse “ niko nanjye ngushakashaka,

Kuko ngufitiy’inyota” x2
2. Yezu Kristu buryohe bwanje, ngufitiy’urukumbuzi; Niryari nzakubona, nguz’iwanjye twibanire.
3. Yezu Krist’ur’Umwami, Umar’inzara n’inyota; Abafit’inyota ninzara, niwowe baza bagana.
4. Yezu Kristu mukunzi wanjye , mpa gutungwa nawe ; Mbe muri wow’ube murinjye, maz’umpe

19. LOVING SHEPHERD (Jane E Leeson )

1. Loving shepherd of thy sheep, 3. Loving shepherd, ever near,
keep me Lord, in safety keep; teach me still thy voice to hear;
nothing can thy pow’r withstand, suffer not my steps to stray,
none can pluck me from thy hand. from the straight and narrow way.

2. Loving shepherd, thou didst give, 4. Where thou leadest may I go,
thine own life that I might live; walking in thy steps below;
may I love thee day by day, then before thy Father’s throne,
gladly thy sweet will obey. Jesus, claim me for thine own.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

20. MWIJE TUSIIME MUKAMA ( Deus Tibenderana Busingye)

Mwije tusiime Mukama owaturiisa, Mwije tusiime Mukama owatunyweisa.

1. Imwe bantu mwe katusiime gye, Ogu Mukama owaija akatweha, Twena abaana be.
2. Mukama waitu tumusingize, Ahabwokuba yaija yatweha, Twamutunga gye.
3. Omubiri gwe twagurisibwa, Eshagama ye twanginyweisibwa, Tumuhimbise.
4. Imwe abasheija kyonimwevugye, Nimuzaanira Yezu owatweha Mukama weitu.
5. Imwe abakazi muteere empundu, Tukwatanise tuhaise Kristo, Magara geitu.
6. Ai Ruhanga twakuha ebyeitu, Aha muheru otutware bwera, Tutuure neiwe.


Ref: 1 Niki cyatuma ntagushimira Nyagasani
Kwari wowe nkesha byose nabuzwa niki
(ntacyo) Guterura ndirimba mvuga nti shimwa nyagushimwa.
1. Shimwa Nyagushimwa, kubw’urukund’unku’ukamenyera byose,
Ukabimpa k’ubuntu bwawe ntakiguzi nanje ndaje ngishimir’iyo neza.
2. Nzaja nkuvug’ibigwi, nikenshi Mwam’unkura m’ibihe bikomeye;
Ukanyerek’inzira nziza yukuri nanjye ndaje ngushimir’iyo neza.
3. Ni Wowe niringiye, iyo ngucumuyeho ungarura mu bawe;
Ukampfat’ukuboko ngo ntayoba nkagwa najye ndaja ngushimir’Iyoneza.
4. Nzakubwir’abandi, bamenye kwaro wow’utegek’amahanga ;
Ndets’ukayobora abo kwisi no mwijuru nanjye ndaje ngushimir’Iyo neza.
5. Niring’iteka, kwari wowe Mugenga w’ubuzima bwanjye.
Kwigihe cyose ngifite byose nanjye ndaje ngushimir’Iyo neza.
6. Ndagusaba Mwami, ngu’umporiruhand’unyerek’kigikwiriye
maze mpore ndangamiye wowe wenyine nanjye ndaje ngushimir’Iyo neza.
Ref 2: Ntacyo uteze kuzakena narimwe ngufite Dawe,
Niwow’unyobor’Iteka munzira nziza,
7. Mpfit’inyota Dawe nsonzeye kuzakubona, muruhanga rwawe
Duseka,tubyina turirimba indirimbo zaba tsinze.
8. Igihe cyose niyemeje guhora,ndangamiye Wowe namamaza impuhwe nubudahemuka
bihor’Iteka mubiganza byawe.
9. Kuba ngihumek’uwabazima, ntabwo aruko hari Icyo natanze cyangwa se ndi intungane
ahubwo ndahamya kw’aruk’umpfiteh’umugambi Nyagasani.

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father

22.TURIRIMBE DUSHIMIRA (A. Bizimungu Gabin)

Turirimbe dushimira, Imana ihor’itwibuka,
Turirimbe dushime, Umugisha w’Imana.
1. Ubu buntu butavugwa, twagiriwe n’Uhoraho; 3. Ubu buzima dufite, twahawe ntakiguzi;
Tugahimbaza yubile, n’umugisha w’imana. Kugez’igihe turimo; n’umugisha w’Imana
2. Impuhwe ziduhoraho, zimwe zitagir’umumpaka; 4. Umuryango Kiliziya, twiherewe n’Umukiza,
Tukagendan’iteka; umugisha w’Imana. ukaduhaz’ingabire; n’umugisha w’Imana.
5. Uru rugendo turimo, tugan’umukiro nyawo,
Murumuri ruhoraho numugisha w’Imana.

23. TUSIIME RUHANGA OTURINZIRE ( Deus Tibenderana Busingye)
Tusiime Ruhanga oturinzire
Tukamara egi myaka yoona, naturinda gye.
1. Atuhaire amaani n’obusinguzi 3. Omungyendo zaitu niiwe muhanda,
Twamara egi myaka n’obusingye Omu mirimo yaitu, niiwe musingye.
2. Atuhaire orweto n’oruzaaro, 4. Omuhangi waitu katumwehe,
Yaatuha amatungo, katusiime. Omu irungu ry’ensi weeza atushembusye.
5. Nyamuhanga waitu katumwehisye,
Naitwe atutware, tugize bwera.

10. Mrs. Paulina Katureebe
11. Mr. Nicodemus Tumukwasi-
12. Fr. Abel Beinomugisha
13. Fr.Elias Kasigeire
14. Fr.JohnVianney Byaruhanga
15. Fr.Tarcisio Muhereza
16. Sr Priscilla Birungi
17. Sr. Schola Kyobutungi
18. Mr. Micheal Ndemere
19. Mrs. Betty Muzanira
20. Fr. John Bazimenyera
21. Fr. FelixOdeda
1. Fr. Bruno Byomuhangi C/Man 22. Sr. Bea Amanya
2. Msgr. SilverioTwinomugisha 23. Sr. Immaculate Kyarisiima
3. Fr. David Byaruhanga 24. Mr. Joseph Rwangyeyo
4. Fr. Balthazar Ndyomugabe 25. Bro. John Bosco Kato
5. Fr. Lucian Twinamatsiko 26. Fr. Leopold Mubangizi
6. Mr. RemegioByamukama 27. Mrs. JacintaTinzarwa
7. Mr. Amos Ruhumuliza 28. Fr. Henry Barekye
8. Mrs. Beatrice Twayaga 29. Sr. Edwin Kamazima
9. Sr. GorettieK.Tugumenawe 30. Fr. Ambrose Mugisha

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father


“Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from
achieving his Goal. Nothing on can help the man with the wrong
mental attitude.” – Thomas Jefferson

want, then the success is only a matter of time. power of having an open mind and how it can
While it is true that what you believe you can rapidly propel you to success, the power of the
achieve is what you get, not many people truly now; how you can release the past an enjoy
know how to put effort and implement their the greatest gift of the present moment. You
power of belief in their daily lives. If you could will also need the power of patience to also
do that, you enjoy success and happiness on a keep you motivated so that you continuously
regular basis. enjoy success and happiness on the road to
The reason why you are not able to believe or
why you are not getting results even when you THINGS TO WATCH OUT FOR ON
do believe is because you are not following the YOUR WAY TO PROSPERITY.
right formula and the right process. Believing
isn’t something you simplyconjure up in your 1. Bad Company
head or something you simply say, believing Negative people who live in lamentation,
is a process that you feel and experience and gloom, discontentment and self-pity. Always
if you don’t work with this process when you associate with positive people that encourage
try to improve the quality of your life, you will positive thinking and mind-set.
not get the results you are looking for. Tap
into your amazing power and develop a new 2. Maintain your integrity

pattern of believing so that you get on the Be Trustworthy, Dependable and Reliable in
am going to use a classic example
road to enjoying success and happiness, this the community you live in. Avoid get rich quick
referring to the above quotation of my
will increase your confidence, create wealth games like sports betting and gambling.
favourite Personality and Mentor, the Late
Nelson Mandela Madiba. A man who set out and prosperity.
3. Value time
to change the political climate of South Africa
The technique is really simple; create the Time is money, when you waste time, you
when he was in his prime as a young man.
life you want by creating a belief system waste money. Avoid time wasters like
His goal was to end the discrimination of his
that corresponds with what you want to gossiping and the like.
countrymen during the apartheid and as an
achieve what you truly believe shapes you r
adult, he did all possible, including spending
life. The power of believing connects to your 4. Keep fit and exercise regularly
27years in prison, to achieve his objective and
subconscious mind, which is always working A healthy body is shaped by a healthy
goals. The time in prison did not deter or break
for you and you are always being guided or mind. Keep yourself healthy and maintain
him, he kept an open mind, always learning
directed in life according to what you ask, regular medical check-ups and get adequate
more, speaking to his representatives, always
what you ask is based in what you believe, treatment.
listening to his comrades in their fight against
what you believe will attract the people with
similar goals to work together and achieve 5. Spending more money than you earn.
Mandela achieved his goal, the process what you want and always mind the people Learn to live within your means, be content and
required that he spend 26yrs in jail and his you associate with, always surround yourself keep away from items that are unnecessary
incarceration ended when he realized the only with positive people. and over your personal budget.
way he could get out and end the apartheid
If you don’t like where you are going, then 6 Alcoholism
was to strike a deal with the leaders of South
change your direction by changing the Alcoholism and prosperity do not work hand
Africa. After he did that, he was freed and later
instructions you give your subconscious mind, in hand. Operating under the influence of
became the 1st Black President of South Africa.
the instructions are your thoughts and beliefs. alcohol is not advisable.
He had the power of focus, he served only one
If you feed your subconscious with negative
term of office much as he had overwhelming
thoughts and beliefs then that’s what you will Written by Alice Birungi Baruga.
support to continue for a second term at the
create. These include and aren’t limited to; Head teacher of Bomb Army Secondary School.
country’s top job. Mandela left a permanent
lack, gloomy, despair,worry,etc. If you don’t Catechist of Kigezi Kampala Catholics Residents
legacy and example for all future leaders to
like where you are, decide where you want to Association.
go and create a belief system that corresponds
Many of us have heard that if you truly with what you want, and your subconscious
believe something will happens, then it will, mind will help you create what you want.
all you have to do is believe and success is
Your subconscious mind will be redirected so
imminent. This statement is true and has been
that it creates the life you want, it will really
scientifically proven, which also means that if
signal better things to come, the power of
your beliefs are in alignment with what you
your thoughts, the power of your planning, the

Kabale Diocese Golden Jubilee Celebrations

Merciful like the Father
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