Form 1040 2015-1

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Gy ee fe } 092213179159 © 04D us. tndiviauatinsone taxnoun™ |2015) Tour fratname anita laa You essere TFajontratrn, sponse etrame and wal | Lastname Rome nee a Tome alas (arba an a0), you havea PD box, ne RaPUCTITE ate > acer aw York, my_10022 Foran oury are Foran poverty Forcing caae | “to [E]vou_[£) spouse Fling Status 1 EJ Shae 77] Fs of oa on galing parsons walyng 2 LE] Maren jy fenitony one fae icore) parsopi¢a hl but rot your depndart, one this chie's coeccoay 3 Latte ng spare pauss SS above name re, oe andl nana, De 5 outing vidoe whens om Teemptions 8 sonear can dam you 88 8 endo, dwt ceeh ox jenae” Smt a oe i an st z ane aad Sats ose) fe Wye 8 4 ter aor oss) tach Frm 4797 pear Sehsvovions, 164 IRAdaouiens 158 0 Tobe amount a 164 Persons and mits se 0 Table amount rm 17 fal alsa, sales, prstp, Seperation, Wise Aah ene 1 16 Farmincone (os), aac Sete “ 138 _Unempoyeat eompenaion rn 204 Soci seuity bane 20 5 Toate amount 208 21° Oferincone. st pe and amount _ 825 EATRAEE | ni [ste 509, 22 Combi te amounts inh ight cl x Was eons 91 THE or wala Be | az | 233736, 840-3] 28 Ector gees 2 i, Adjusted 2g SEunhariperena saa mates Op Vv Gross 25 Het saings ce econ, tac arm B80 27 Deductible pro se-npleymet tx Aah Sees z a, ay 2% Sebomlyed SEP, SIMPLE and uid prs 28 wo B Fe 28 Se-emphyed mat insane deouetion 2 2S Fd to rrayontatrenttonaotenine 0 an St Bw 210 Aivory pad» Recents ata x RQ EH 2 RAdeduction 92 —_ ° > _— BPE 45 student oan interest deduction 33 328 SS 24 tuonandtes.anaanram 997 aM a {5 ome production actiiesdtucton. tach or 8803 s ~ aS 7 _Subae to 36 os oe 2, niu ade aes sae > [er anes LA For Disclosure Privacy Act, and Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, se separate instructions, Fem 1040 0) ok oom soy _BOMALD 9. & Wouateza “te par Tax and 98 Anwunt amine 7 (aed goss room) [a es» Credits sea check [LE] You wore born before taruary 2, 1951, [_] and. | Total boxes " [Spouse wastornbioreJanary2, 881, (Jatin J ceded ame |__t yur spouse ison a separator you wera datas ae che ra De 8h] oid dedutons (rom Scheer your andaddedutn (ss et magn) o 1,997,082 Subtract in 40 fom ne 33 a | 38,756,317.» Examptins, iw 385 $1540 rss, lily $400 by he ube oy et, 2 12,009, Toableneeme, Sit:oct ine 2 Ham ne A. ie morta i 4, an 4 a Tex checctany tom: a[_] Foes) asia b[] Form sre el] “4 @ ‘erative msi ee, ie Farm 6251 6 Tia, e70, fete advance promiu tx cto payment. tach Form 6952 46 Aes 44,45, an 46, > fe 77,676 ovina cred, tach Frm 116i ected “ Gre rch ard sopandet cae exgenses tach orm 2481 o 2 Eason typ orn PT a 7 ua ISTH? Retro. sags contbaioncrast. Asc em 0 ri $ ‘hid eos tac Shed 812, 4 equi mn esd eneray ees, tach Ferm 3595 s ‘ures em Form: aL] S800 bY aa0t el] st 7 a5 Tas ‘Ad tia 48 thvough Sa These ae your toa ead 55 18 6 Suan om ae 47 an 858 mor tan 47, en 6 o31. 57 Salempeymt a tse Seefle SE u. 188 Other — $4 Unported sot eet and Meine tax om Form: a 4197. waa ss Taxes £8. Adtiraltax on RAs, oar ai etiemen! ls, tao Frm S828 ead 2 ‘te Hovseol employment aes rm Seeds H ‘0a 38,030, 1 Fitstine hnebuyer rect repayment tach Farm 505i aguas sas 651 Heath rnc asponsbity (ee instctone) —_Fulltar ere CT at 2 tas tom: a] Form 950 b[—] Form 6960 « [) ist; er Wats) a 6,083, Adin 56 tucugh 62 Tie ou ttl ax & [ss Tis.a72 Payments e4 Feast econ taxwithoitrom os W-2 and 198 ra 3.017, 65 2015 estimated tx payments and amour 2948 etn 55 10.756. TEM aa Ena ncome ered (16) a Hort combat payalaten 2 67 Adina cist re teh Scud 842 fa 68. Amin opporunty rst romForm 865, ne & mn 66 Netpemium acre. teh Frm a5 nm 70. Aivaut paid with esto ocrsion tte 70 71. ces socials and tr RATA acta i 72 credit ada tx on fe Aan Fom 4136 72 178, 78. credts tom Forme a __J2taa & [rs (19885 4] 28 74_ Ais 4, 65,66, and 67 tough 7. Tos eye ttl payne blu 29,049, Refund 75 ino 741s morta 6, sbact oe 9 Fos 7. This iste emouik you veal 15 76a Amur of ine 75 yu want ended to yo. I For 888 ato ches here by fies bee ]> e tyne CT) ciao CT) seas Bea nL 1)_sovowst fie 75 ou wast appleda your 2016 extimatestax LT 77T ‘Armount 7a Amount you owe, Sbiat ine 74 om nw, Frat cn how pay, seeneustore >| 107,323 You Owe _79_tstinaed ox mat (2 nstusion) Lis | 2 Third Party "0 you want to allow another petsonto discuss tis return with the IRS (See nsuctionsy? [_] Ves. Complete below. Designee e"pocwacg sevaen Ppiste aaneaa00 iolsalh p, breowrree mr Meter 10 {12 [js jpevorrve i “fe I Preparer sovaso seven Use Only “Frnsrana be WEIEEDITARE THe Tense 13 355550 Prem _(516) 480-1200 BBs __ramenstees De WOODBURY, HY 11797-2003 ‘GEE STATEMENT FOR INTEREST AND PENALTIES NOP INCLUDED SCHEDULE A (Form 1040) Itemized Deductions > Information about Schedule A andits separate instructions ie at wis govlschedulee wo DP Attach to Form 1040, DOWALD J, & MBLANIA 9RUNP Medical ‘utlon: Do ot cide expanses erie or pl By OO aS and 4 Mecical and dental expenses (2 hstucton) 1 wan Dental 2 erterameunt am Form 1040, Ino 38 2) 34,756 138.5] Expenses 3 Multiply ne 2 by 10% (10), uti ether you oF your spouse was bom before Jarwary 2, 651, mui ne 2 by 7% (079) 2 4_Subiact ine tom fine ine 9 is mre than ling 1 ent 4 ise Taxes You 5 state and toca (check ony one box): Paid 2 [2] income ere, or sen starenae 15 s|__s.a,e0, » Co] ceneal eles tres 6 Realeetat taes (08 netuctons) sen soacmenye 39 | s60,e03, 7 Personal property axes 7 8 Otvertaves List type and amount De a 2 @|__¢.200 156 Interest 40 Home mongage interest and points epaied to you er Frm 1008 a YouPaid 11 Home mortgage terest ot onartd fo you an for 1086 i pari ei {Gina you bach hegre soe stuctinsand she a person naa ieniang naan sess Noto 4 Yowtmortgegs 49. Poni ick apoied io you an Form 108, Soo Ravan tor Bed nds 2 ncucton may 12. Mertgage insurance promims (se nebuctions) 12 Ee 14 Investment interest. Attach Form 4952 if required. (See instructions) _ST#7 17, 975,139. frewelers) 45 Add ines 10 trough 14 Tis]__275, 19 Gifs to 16 Gitsby cash or check you made any gt of 8250 or more, soo Fatucions [us| 104,442.) SRE 1s Charity 47 otherthanby cash otek. any i OF $260 or mre se instuctons you mad ‘Yau must atach Form 6283 over $500 Sun atarenawe 10 s7|__21,074,500, BREE E® te canjoverftom pcr year sa] 20,700,012, ScOintns. 49 Add ines 16 trough 18 59) “. {Caeuaty and TheftLosses 99 casuty or the losses) tach Fam 4684. See nstucions) 29 Job Expenses 21” Uiveinbured employee expenses ob travel union dues, job education, et eat Coren Attach Form 2106 or 2106-£2 it required. (See instructions.) D> Becuctons ei iereeaas z a 22, Tex preparation feos el 373,303, 23 Othoroxpenses-ewestment, safe depost box et. List ype and ante Suz SOATENENT 13 psisceiea: 293,146 2 dines 31 tough 2 aes. 727 25. Enter amount from Frm 1040, ne 98 ps] at 78 28 Mice 25 by 296 (02) 2 6 21 Subtract in 25 rom ne 2, ine 26 is more than ne 24 erty 3 zr|___see,727. She 28 Other Kom Fetin insbuctons List type and amount Macelncous see szATBMENT 1 Deductions a 2 za 20,409, 29. leFom 1000, Ine 8, over 81545000 (FE No. Your decuction not ited. Ad the amounts nthe fag cotirn Total fortes 4 hough 28. so ertr ts emount on Form 104, ine 40 zo] 7,987,202, Itemized (1 Yes. Your daduetion may be limited. See the Itemized Deductions Deductions Workshoain th instructions to figure the amount to ete, {0 you sect temizedeductons even tough they ar es than you sanded deduction, checkhore > C1 THA ener one Form 1040 inewuctions, For Paperwork Reduction Ret Nelice,e ‘Schedule A Form 1040) 2015 jae Schedule A - Charitable Contributions Worksheet Page { BOMALD J, & MELANIA oRIMP Less tate oe CAP co £2007 contounons se anes Less ou om lor? co 2008) Less: ee con tows cap co 2009] Less onbutions owe sss ota om? lor? cro £2010} conribuons Atowed 0. sor, Lost co cep cio Less Less] Lass] 2011 tess as Convibutions towed tO. set, Canyovsr RP cio 2012] Les se Ls conebutons awe NOL Absorb carryover lorP oo 2018} conrtuons Lass lowed Lass} NOL Absorb Less no os, one carryover cP ci ‘ame Schedule A = Charitable Contributions Worksheet Page 2 GTA CT 31,756, 05.5 ; Total Toa 100% 0% aoe Aowecad Popol gaat, cond et Limit Lint Limit_Propery 30% Limit Propry 20s Limt__ oR Het ‘awe Cainove 2014] corre Lass wed Lace} NOL Aber Lose 70, 760,87 35,207, 35 lcaryover lorP ea 5as, fae 5,273,458 2015} contrsutione Lass owed Lass] NOL Aboot Less ata car Cannver cap 10 ‘hails cot buions to Sched A, Line 18 22,163,042, z Fes, 642, 49,500, w 5,273,458, ‘Schedule A Charitable Contributions NAME DONALD G& WELANTA TRON 50% Contributions 1. 50% AG! 2. Contibutions quaying for 50% tnt 3. lowable 60% contributions 20% Contributions 4. maining 50% iit (ine 1 -Lins 3) 5. Less capital gan property - speci 30% limits 6. Balance of 50% of AGL 7. 30%0f AG! 8. Contibutions qualifying fr 30% lit 8, Allowable 20% contributions lesser of Line 6,7 oF 8) {30% Special Contributions 10. 20% of AG 11, Contibutions quattyng for 30% spacial mit 12, Romaining 50% limit (ne 1 fess tines 3 and 9) 13, Alonable 0% special contitution ser of Line 10, 11 or 12) 20% Contributions 14, 20% of AGL 15. 90% of AG! 15. Aloned 30% regular contributions 17. Lina 15 tess tne 18 18, Alowed 30% special centnbutions 19, Line 15 ose ine 18 20. Remaining $09 nt fine 1 less the sum of ines 3,9, and 13) 21. Contibutions subject to the 20% imitation 22, Allowable 2% contributions esser of Line 14, 17,19, 50% and 100% Conservation Ri 28. Remining 50% limit (ine 1 less the sum of ines: 24. Conservation real property contribution su 25, Aiowable 50% conservation real property dntribution fesser of Line 29 or 24) 28, 2 Femaining 100% of AGI 28. Allowable 100% conservation wt property contrbutin fesse of Line 26 0°27) 28. Total 2015 contnbutions 80. Total prior year cary 1d on Schedule A G aloned on Schedule A 31. Total charitable copibutions to Schedule A, Line 19 sonEDULE Interest and Ordinary Dividends |e cee fac o Form S0408o 08, 2015 HERAT” on D> Inesmution stout Sede 8 ads stones at ae ia rah. 08 Patt 1 Ust name of payer. Ian interests fom a salorfnancad mortgage and the buyrused the ‘Amount Interest Property asa personal esidence, soe instructions and it thisintares frst. Als, show that bayer’ socal security number and adeross Pe SEE sTAzEMEN? 20 3,395,718, Note: Ih you faesved's Form Soeonr, Form 1058010, oraubstiune Satement tram rekerago tm, tho ts namo a the ‘SupToray FOR OnNET 7a Te paverandente, — jOMINEE DISTRIBUTION ae SAR 7, {re tota interest, x za ai eat x shown on that” 2 “Add the amounte on line 1 ory 2,393,096, om 8 Excludable interest on seins EE and 1S. savings bonds issued aftr 1980, ‘tach Fon 8515, 3 4 Subtest line 3 from ne 2, Ee the result ere and on Form 1G40A. or Form 1040, ine Ba pe [a PRCA Note: Wine is over $1,500, you must complet Part = Parti 5 Ustrame ot payer Ordinary See Smacewattt 23, 3,735,057, Dividends Note you s fpesvea 8 Foxm S098 Ver ubsttute statement fom brokerage fm, fstthe tne ame asthe peyer ard enter fiderdna Givdende shown fn that fom. ‘6 “Ade the amounts on line 5. Enter the fetal here and on Form 100A, or Form 1040.tnesa pe | 6 1,725,157 Note: fine 6 i over $1,500, you must complete Pat I ‘You must colle his part yu a) ad over $1.00 of able neato nay ddends hadron Tv] a, Part itt ‘2ccount 0 (c} acsived a disivtion fom, oF were a grantor of, or transfer to foregn tus. Foreign 7a At any time during 2015, ci you havo financial interest vo signature authavily over a fnandal account Buch Accounts, ‘5.2 bank account, sseurties account, or brokerage account located ina foreign county? See instuctons x and "Yes. ara you roqured to fle FinCEN Form 114, Report f Foreign Bank and Financial Accounte (FEAR, Trusts toroport that financial interest cr signature authority’? See FinGEN Form 114 and i instructions fr fing requromonts and exceptions to those requirments x Ifyou ae requited to fe cen Form 114, entar the name of the frsign country where the financial account ‘slocated D> NITED KINGDOM, IRELAND, CHINA, oT 8 During 2015, did you receive a datibuton from, or wee you the grantor of. or transferor to, a foraign rusk? Bale It "Yes," you may have to fle Form 3520, See instructions x LA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notice, see your tax return instruction ‘Schedule B (Form 1040A or 1040) 2075 ‘SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business sesert (Form 1040) {sole Propiaoetip) 015 apn tenn > Infrmation atovt Schade andits separate atten is a yrs goulsenodoc. -¥. errno ef Db atch to Form 1040, 1400, r 104; parherehpe generally mt file Form 1088, Sse 09 Donato 3. sauMe ‘8 Principal business or posse, eluding pad or cervc (ea raracons) in stom sions (© Business ramen cparat business rane, have Han, Jee One eae OT OPERATIONS Cx LLC 46-0980157 E_ Brshess aides (neuro ae ovoon a) iy town ops ates se an 7 coon He KORE TOE F Accounting metiac: — (4) [_] cash (2) [%] Accrued (3) [__] Other pean 8D you'ratrly atin operation hs uses dng 208 Ha se ste fr nto ss Cive TeTie M1 Hy sara or zie his uses arg 2015, chock >o 1 Di yourake ay saymets in 205 that woud equi yout erm) 108? (esc) lve On 4143 id you or you te equa Forms 10092 (ves Jno (Pati [income =f ‘Goss tio ss. Ser cons on Tad chek Bo is co wa opr oyu on arm W? andthe Statutory omployea exon that fa vas checked oO % 1 345,779. 2 Ratunsan alnonies z re 3) Statin 2 toe 2400 Le 4 costa rods sl ham ine 4) 4 5 Grose pat. Suit ine «om tne 3 3 T3057, (her ince, cng ere ana tats afte il ric nd (non) ef Se 730 1_Giseincoms, nos eas 5 and6 >i 4,345,779. [Partll] Expenses, Enter exoenses for business Use of your home only on ine 30. 8 Aeveiig| . 18 after epanse ul 7845 8) Garané uk eepenses 18 Pensonand potting pins 2 (se nsvctns) * 20. Rontor se at nstuctns: S 410 Camnissions and tees 10 44 Vohicles, machinery, and equipment 203 >" 11 Contactor (sninstuctions) [44 Other basins rey se [7e'> 12 Depition 2 21 Repatsand mainararce 2 335,300, 13 Depecton and scion 179 GSVSES | 7 sips ratnces nash 2 94,997, ‘epee ceducton (linden he 28 Toe andes 2 5757 Pat (ste scons) 0 25,927.] 24 Trav mts, ard ettnment ; 14 Empyebennt poyans (oer 7 2 ren ral 11 O8SS ‘man on 818) u Loo 8 Dadi meas nd Us Iu 16 intrest 25° Uultes ZlQBV? [as] 311,671. 1 Mortaage (owt barks, ec.) sa 31 25 Wages ise omploymenteradis) 207% | 26 75.703, b Other 16 27 4 Other expenses (from line. aH 403, a <895,539.> 11_Legat ns ptession sees Gi fame] oy aihsurarine 2 28 Tout expenses tur rancor buses us Fore Ad ines ough 27a TASC Te [as [Xoo ao 28° Toate proto (os), Subtle 28 tom ne 7 2 247658. {0 Expnsts for busines us of your home Os tar eprt ese enenses else tach arm 8220 ues wing te sinptid mtd (easton) Simple meted er ony en th tal geet of your hoe ant (he part our home ued fr usec Usetta Spied ete Worshatin he ton ave Be aur bona wo 31 Netprttor (as), Sabac in 30 on oe 2, prot err on ot Fm 14, tine 12 Ferm TOAMR, te 13) acon Shed Ene 2. {you check theboxon ine se ist urns) Esse ane st, ete on Ferm 14, 2 247,659, fates, you mast goo 2 42 Myounare aos, check eto tt doses your vest a sat (esac) ‘© Ifyou checked 22a, anter the loss on both Ferm 1040, fine 12, (or Form 1040NR, line 13) and on Schedule SE, a0 Sau |Wfyou checked the box on line 1, see the line 31 instructions). Estates and trusts, enter on Feem 1041, line . sam (_) farsa you checked 26 you mutta Form 616, Your loss mayb mt. TH For Paprwen Reduction Ae Noe, se the separate nto See Form T0425 & Sctotue 6 fom 1o40)7015 _DoUALD J aL [Part ll [Cost of Goods Sold (see instructions) 38 Motes) vedo Pap 2 ‘value dosing mentor: 20 os » 7) tower ot costo market © [1 other fattachexptination) 34 Wis thee ary change in determining quanti, Ines ach explanation pee opening and casing mentors? TAves (no 85 Inventory at topaing of yet fret ram last yee’ eesng invent, atch explanation 35 98 Purchases less cost of tems withdraw for arsenal use 0 37 Costot bor. bo net ncude any amounts pido yourset a ‘38 Mates and suppie 28 38 ihe cos se 40 Adding 35 ough 39 “0 411 ventory at end ot yar 4 42 Costa goods so. Subtract ine 4 rom fe 0. Enter thresh and on ne 4 “ Part IV] Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are claiming car or ack expenses on Ine 3 and are not required to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instructions for line 13 to find out if you must file Form 4562. 48 Won did you pics your etic serie for business puposes? moh diy, yey __7 1 444 ofthe tot numberof miles you drove you vei ring 2015, an he numberof mis you used your vaio Business Comming © Ot 45 Was your veil arable for personal use during out hours? Clvee [no 48 Do you (or your spouse) have anothar vehicle availabe for personal use? Dive [no 474 Doyouhave cece to support your dedustion? Yes No bess the evience writer? Yes No [Part other Expenses. List below business expenses not included on Ines 826 or ine 30. LICENSES & PeRurns 300, ‘PeLEPHONE 31,064. BQUIPMENT LEASES 97,248 NONDEDUCTIBLE HXPENSES 117,681.» SECHION 274 LEurmarroN 306,460.» 48 Toul omer expenses Ee here ano ng 272 2 895,539. ‘amor van ‘Sehgal (Form 1040) 2016 SCHEDULE ¢ Profit or Loss From Business [owns sisson (Form 1040) ctiePorineny)| 201 ead D> ltormaon stout Senese Candi seput len iat srairsgvchacoe 201 rl De tae Fer 00,004 01, pep eet Mae as ee Grn. a Pamir 'A Principal busines or pofsso, eluding prod or save jem rabckors) (Business name Io sparate business ram, have lan Business address (nauding cue or oom na) iy, tovn egos otice, sate, and 21 code SE YORK,” HY 10022 F Accounting method: 4) J casn (CT aceruat (a) CT omer (soscity) > a A tyovsarer agra itches str 205 se | Dit you make any payments in 2015 that would require you to ie Form(s) 10987 (see instructions) (2 ves GE] no ves yu eco te aud Fas 97 Cle Chae (PartT] income 1 Grosses Sex never and Gath bo aa wep yu va Fm ard Svar epee hoo atm as chee rol 2500, 2 Rute an tov 2 2 Sabeas te 2am i ri aS 4 Casto oct ald to ee 42) 4 5 Ges Subatomic’ r aa ae 8 tha ncameiag eran st ici lt ai en (as sn) FEE STA n 225.864 7 cosine, tesa bE OTT [Part] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home ‘only on life 30. + pes a 3 a 8 carand cscs 19 pesenana postin pare 8 (cet) . 20 Ranor ase fects 18 onmisire dies m 1 ahi nghie.and expert mm 4 contacter (enntucions) A : ae 20 te iton : ee ne a #2 bipettanand ston 13 22 Sigyeotndued Fath 2 sent econ (at cin 8 ra ae, Pat (ects) 1s 24 fl mia orden 14 Engen rans ob : 2 fan oe) u otic nd 48 nse oman wat i tram (te insocirs) as 16 est af nites 1 Moris nste tse). Lae 6 Was (es orion ei) FA of ms 21 tween rm re me 11 _Lealand tess ses 7 Resonate a 28 Toul panes tte exper Bsns ao Toma AldFog oah Te > Le EERICA 28 Tea rotor ots) Sut ne 28 re? 7 Dae ae soo 90 pore bse oo ane Oo oot test eps eh am 503 ears sis eae singed tod sere), Simple mos sn ety wal spn at a) yeu ane and) he par of ror et sans : sett siptfestienos Wontar anata oni 2» 231 Watpot oe) Sutter 28, «apron ont am s,s 1: Fr 140,18) andon Seed, (yan che te boon tows scons ant, non Frm 1 ae 1 au sop sas yos ma oni 32 2 youve, ek he Doxa eres youriesierin is tty (ston) yeh 2 nr tos ont Fem 4, Fm NN, on Sve e,mavz. saa CC] ashe (yeu chases hetran on tse ns ss nd nye um foe vy Cl barnes *t1you checked 320, y0u must tach Farm 6196. You ss maybe ies THA Fer Paperwork Reduction Act Hoize, se he eepraeinstuctons. Sebel form 1040) 2075 SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sole Proprotorship) 015 Onprinan the Henny > Information about Schedule Candis epurete ines i a yew rs govischeduec U Parca Db tach to Form 1040, iO40H, or 104; parerehipe genealy must ils Farm 1085 Erase. 09 ‘A Principal business or poten iauang prodil or sere eva etc) onrracins ‘© Busines namo na coparteBsiess man, ve bank Business acess (nloang seroma) a Oy. toun or post ofc, stat, and ZIP coda __ SE YORK, wr 10022 7 Aecountog nett: (1) TE] can) T] Aol (a) (Toner eam) CoS 8 ciyov'atway ag op ton of buses ing 215 Ih sen cosa os M1 yous raped is tins in 2015, cha hae 1 Did you make any payments in 2015 that would requirs you to file Form(s) 10997 (see instructions) Co ves EE] no 415 advo ori eet Fans 1892 Cv CI [Part] income 1 Gls rs Seman rr Tanda ta are sews aped yuo FW ae See oon at ashe rol oo. 2 uate an alas 2 Sittstte2 om ne . Ti 4 Casto gods al (ro ee 2) ret 5 Gest Seat be¢omtne ri 7 {Gtr nae, kn bl and stood en scion) ql 5 Giesncane, ot ne sands eo a [Partll] Expenses. Enter eqpences for business use of yourhome aly on ine 30- 7 Abeiog ‘ 18 yee a 9 carandtudkempeaes 18 Fagen anita ls 1 (estas ‘ 20 sft estctons 18 Connie nies u sicis, natin, and een 11 contain ttc) CH ie tse prpty 2 12 Deion ie Ropes a nerncs a #2 greton an scion 73 Supple (ced Pat) senna on ot eden Tate an toate 2 Pat ee etc) a 24 Va old ernment 14 Empyee beet pogans (ii tl aa tan ne u 2 edie ad 18 nar (than ah) ‘ exter sts 2 18 Inet 25 Vitis [as | psidtotts ee). Lae 20 Wate (us elo cas 2 i 27 Ot epien (rm ne) 2 a $ fesened rue we mm Rates > Le m zi Ti Espns rms of you Roms, De tft Os pets dine ach am ea a oa syfre otp o (your tome Usa Spd os Montini fect us ants cnw5D 0 a jn) ake ne 0 ton stat ea oben om as (Fon 1MON, ne 18a on ee, te (you che he boron eusicton)- Ess ané ws, emaron Form 04 tae x a0. aks yu mest ee 232 youve 3st ox ha decors yurimesiertin ths acy oat), ‘yeh, els en bth Frm, ae 2, Fm DN, 13) ch Seda Ee 2. se {I¥ you checked the box on line 1, see the bine 31 instructions}, Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, line 3. sa (1 Senta 2 ouch 24 ch am 198 os a ee, CA fos Pape Reaeon At oe, te te sept auc. Toad orm yas ‘SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business = (Form 1040) {Sele Propritrsip) Deprinertt ream > Information about Schedule Candis separate instacons eat ww ts govischedulee ‘sues br Db ach to Foum 1040, TO4ONR, oF 104; patorehine generally mua ie Frm 1065, ‘A Pincipal business or profession, icludng product svi (ae na usona) {Business ram. no sparale business rams, lve Wa Defoareb meee ea eT Business aotess (ding sul or oma) (ty, town pos a, stat, and ZIP cade ‘Accounting mathoc: (1) CE] cash (2) LT Accrual (8) [1 Other apanty Did you tater prtipat"in he operation of this business ding 2045? I No See insu you started or acauied tis business during 215, check hte Did you mae any payments in 2045 hat would equi you oe errs) 1090 a nseuctons) F “ X 1 4 1-¥es dt you or wil you to ecu Fors 1099? [Pant] income 5 on on ses 1 Goss as rsa Socorro heat bons Reo ws apron nF yD anda Sty ey boxan bat om nas rsclad rol 100,008 2 Returns and alovancss 2 4 suttactine 2m ne A 100,00 4 Cost gut ld (tom ne “4 § Groep, Sac ne 4 rome 5 Tease {rico cha eal an sate tne rn ct rnd (2 instcons) 6 Cyanine, Aides Sand oi 05,200 [EBL Expenses Enter expangos lar Business use of yaurhsms“snbee tne + atv 2 18 fir i 4 Garand rc pers 19 Parson afr sla pre ‘8 (seston) 2 20 pentose sists} 10 Comision ae 1 2 igh machewy, and eqpment 208 11 Conttibrteeiseostons) [4 » ony/busiassprapy 20 12 Danton rn 21 yes ars mainance 2 18 ypietion an aon 173 22 sfopcs(vot lesa il z npn ein (at neue a 23 freind tones a Parise steters) a 24 / We ess an arsine 14 Else tenet pagans (oer A rai a ee) “ onc a 15 rane tein hay s scaler nstustons a 18 ist 25s [as | 4 organs (ote bas, tes 26. Wags (iss splot eis) ra or 18 27 «ater epanns (om ie) a 17_tnslanigniisina overs | ap bese frie use a 25 Tot expenses tle oxunser bias vr ofan Afb a > La z 29° Toate prof (bss Sian 28 om ko 7 a 100,00 30 agents busts ou on, 0 oo aot tess arses due. tac em 20 see sng espe mtd (tac Simptied met ers on: nh tl sta tal to he and te pat fyour home wel fr bss: Usha Sinlie sos Wrktet nna w gue apoon ooo ono 2 31a ole) Sabine ob 28. ot ere on bh Frm 10, i 2 form 140, ne 18) dan eda Eine 2 yet etek te oxon nse isan es and tar on Farm 1 fine 3. “ 120,000 fa os you mst ge ine 32 youn alos, hck te xchat escort inthis ay 8 sac). * tyouchuced 2, ere oss ont Foe 104, ne, (Farm 10K, ine 12) ao ede Eee 2 aa Osan {yotcteked the xn este ins 3 nststos). cee ants er en Farm 14, fe a] kena yuh 2, os mt atc Frm 6108, Your ie yb ina ‘Tm For Papen Roden At ote, ee the eprt aston Seete 6 Fam 1) BOE SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business tForn 10) ibis Porey Sermermaey,, | Dekinnan se ut can pean it wn gos 015 sy mast ile Form 1065, erate 09 ey 'R__PrinagalRusinass or profession, ining produto saris [ee nsbuchons) eae cinoma SPEAKING ENGAGEUERT 12990 {Business mam. separate siess rae, bave Van, Deeb gine era eo _Boeiessadteas(ratdlg le or oom no) ‘Oy, town or post ate, state, and coe F Azcounting method: (1) J casn (2) CT Accrual (3) (J) other (specity b> © De you" sartlola the peration this business rg 2015? I; ee nstuctos orton loses H you stared or acqind ths busines cung 215, chute 106 you nae ay paymerts 205th woulrequ you to he Forms) 1857 se wstvctons) Cre Zw J_v-Yas you ov iyo required Fos 1000? lve Fe [Parti] income: 1 hoes eis or ik, Ses inaction oe a heh oss ce was eps Yu on Frm WE nd th Statory loys Bac on tat form nas checked -OolL. 139,000, 2 Rats and albnarcas 2 2° Siar ng 2 rom te 3 RITA 4 costo goad a om ie 8) re] Shoes promt. Sibtat ne tom ino 3 5 150,00 8 Otarica, inci feral and state atclne ore x cet or elude cbs) 6 7__Gies acme, Ald ins Sans >i 15,008, [Part Il] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home _onlyon line 30. veg 2 of 2 2 car and wick expenses 12 Poon rotting plans 9 (eins) 2 20 Rento/ease instructions 10 Gonmesins anaes rm 2 vey, machina, and amet ms 11 Contact iter (ssinswvtons) [at fr was rope 208 12 Deplon 2 2 Aepas nd marinance Fa 18 apreciated section #78 Suppl (tinea Pa) 2 ears deduction rt nese in Tas nae 2 ar (8 trcion) 2 Teva, eas and eterna 14 Enpyee nat rogans ater Tiavel a thanontn 8) “4 1 atte ela 15 uace eter taba) 8 anitawat (68 tutions) mn 18 Inert 25 ues 2 2 Mortage pai ota, tz.) 1 28 Wages ss enpsyment ces) 3 > Oner ‘th 214. Obar panes om oe 48) za Leg a rots ers 2 Reservar tense 206 24 Tot expnaes bre expense bles w= Fone fades 8 TwoUgN 2a > Los e 29 Teale rt r (oss. Subat ine 28 tom ine na Taiwan 30° pees or buss use of your ane, atop se expenses evr th Farm B29 Unless sige sinpttad mead (8 nrc). Sinpied metostiers aly: et te al seinen of (2) ou home and (hepa t your hom used fr bss. Use the Spit Metiod Werks! nie nonstop iw anoo To ws One 2 81 Net protter oss, Sita ne 30 tom oo apr, enter nbn Fox 14, ne 4 (Fra 14ONR, ne 18) 040 Shel SE ine 2. (you checks tht one 1s inion). Eats and wet on Form 14, 3. a 150,000. alse, you mast go tne 2 432 you ave a oss, check the box that srs your meters ty seston). ‘you cna 32, ete ss on oth Farm 14, he 2, 0 Fm Y40HR, ne 12) anon Shel SE, ne 2 =O (you chek heboxon tn 1s te 31 inst). sts ad Wu eit on Frm 14, ie 3 ae (7) Eattiem you ceca! 29, you must tach Form 6198, Vour oss maybe ined, eo ‘Sehedale (Form 1640) 2015, SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) rst) ecectiean suction iat wir ts govfchadule Eee 5 ‘Ratnoenm oes an D> tach to Foxm 1040, 10H, or TOA partnerships generally met ie Form 1083 EERT,.09 '8-_ Praga busines or profession inudng prodet or sees see icons) SPEAKING ENGRGEMENS (© _Businss nae In spare buiess mame, kave Dank fpf tomar Basins aoeress finding ute or om) Be City, town post on, tate, and ZIP cade FAecounioa ethos: (1) (E].casn —@) L_Jacval_ (a) [J Ofer epeciy ® ____-~-..22..222252-conae & © Did you materially participate" n the operation of his business during 2015? If "Mo," see instructions fart on losses {2} ves CJ] no HH ttyou started or acquire this business during 2015, check ere CI 1 id you make any payments in 2015 that would require you ta fle Form(s) 1099? {see instructions) Cl ves Ge] Wo 4_1"¥e5, aid you or will you file required Forms 10997 (oh yes [1 No [Part] income. ‘Gress eps a ls. Se rstwctons for ie tad eck he bri is income was epre To you ea Form W.2 athe Siautory empaje"boxon tha frm nas checked Ls 50,000, 2 Returnsand ananoas 2 3) Subiactine 2 fom ine 1 a 30,000, 4 Costot goos exam ine #2) 4 8 Gross profit. Subic ine 4 rom ne 3 5 30,000, § Gtherincome,inltng federal and sae gaol or felix red or en se retin) é 1_G1os income, Al ines 5 and 6 an 30,000, [Partit] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of yourhome only on ing’s0.. 3 Aavesng t 18 Offs eens mn 9 carand wud expenses 19. Peasion and prajtaring plans ‘8 (se instrustons} Ls | 20 Renter ase (xf stucton); 10 Commissions and ss rm 2 eric, marry, and equomen oe 11 Contact bor (sensations) rn her buses property 208, 42 Depletion a 21. Reps gh manera 21 48 egret and section 179 22 Sul (tinted in Part) Fa cans duction (nt nuded a 25 Taylan esas 20 Parti (su nstctons) 13 24h, and entrainment “4 Employee nei roams oter a Frew 2h 46162. than ani 1) uu Dede meals ana 48 Insranoe (te tha eat 15 setrsint (snnrtons 2 16 nase Utes 1 Nortgge (oad to tanks ot) 16 28 Wages (ess enplaent eds) 26 > Oba ‘6b 21-4 Other expenses om ne 48) ma $2 Lega protein servis w 1 asewed aria wee 27h 28 Total expenses before egenses ox bsiness vse of ome Aadiyh 8 rough 27a > Ls 28 Tanti poitor (oss), Subtract ne 28 tom ine 7 28 80 _Expanses for busines ue of your home, Do ntroprt these anes elseereAtach Fo 8828 units using te spt metad st tacts). Simplified methd ers ony: ee he ttl square oct of (a you hor and (te pat of our hame used for business: Use the Simplified Method Worksheet inte insiuctgn o gure tw amount to ntr one &D 0 81 Netproftr (ss). Suna ine 30 frm ine 20. 1a ra ats on bth Farm 140, ine 12 (or Frm 1040NR, Fine 19) end on Schedule SE, ne 2 (you checked the box onlin 1, se isucons). Estates and ts ener on Form 141, ie 3. a 3,238. aes you mest ot lin 32 82 youve ss, chock te bo that dsc your investment is acta (se truco) ‘you checked $2, eter the oss ont Form YOK, tn 12, (Fem AOR, ine 18) ado el za C) anzeet {ypu cect box on the sets 1 stusos) sate and ast, neon Fim 14, aa (eine * you ceclad 32, you must atch Form Bi86, Your loss maybe bite HA ForPapernrk Reduction Act Note, see the separate nstectns. ‘Sehele © (Form 140) 2096 SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business ee (Form 1040) {Sole Proprietorship) 0 15 reir ry information about Schedule adits seperate aivlons iat yaw ez govischedute. CU | ita eo De aah to Frm 1040, 180H8, of 18%; artnareipe generally must fe Fra 1065, Sch 08 ear DONALD. TRUME 'R__Priagal busines or proesson,icudng podiat or Service (ans awn) (© _Busivss name Ifo spate sles mane, lave blank ‘TIRE HOLDING couPaMY LLC Busine ates (chang ste oF am) Be Gly, toun r post oes, stat, and Z1P coda __ et ‘VOR, Wi Ton2 F ametioc: (1) LE] cash (2) [Assad (8) [1 Other (oma {8 Did you‘materaly partcpt inthe opsration of tis business during 2018? I "Nose insu or non eae you stared or acauies this usingss ding 215, cesk ere ' 4 ect ‘id you mak any payments in 2015 that would equ yout Farm) 1098? (ee suction) 10a! id you o wil you le equa Fors 10007 [Part] income 1 Gross recep or sls Soe irate fr Tne t and chek the bx income was reported to you gn Form Wi andthe Statutory employee" box on tha form was checked -Olt 38,632 2 Retuns and allonances 2 3 Subtactlina 2 rom ne 1 4 CONSTR 44 Cost goad std tom ie 42) 4 '5 Gross profit Suan rm iw 3 a Gr, Ober income, insung foderal and stats gute ool ax cred ort ee trucos) “ Gross income, Ad ines 5 and 6 an wae, [Part it] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of yourhome only An line 30. 8 Advertsing 1 1H Ofice a w 9 Carand wuckepaeses 19 Pension ag prottstring plans w (sea instructions) « 20 Rent cr fase (se instuctons 10 Commissions ana fs 0 1 vetig, machinery, and equipment 200 11 Contact bor (ae instuctiens) rT oth business propery 20h $2 Ospltion 2 21 shai and maintenance 2 18 Depreciation and secon 179 22 Apples (rotinchdesn Parti) A expense deuetion ra ined in Tasos ane ences q 16,470 Party (ee nstustons} a 15,636, ‘Travel, mel, and eterinment: 14 Empoyse beat programs (ota Travel 24a ‘anon ine 1) 14 Dede als an 15 Insurance athe han heath) i netanment (se instructors) 24 16 est 25 utlnes 25 ae, Mortgage (pai to banks, et) ea 26 Wages as mpiyman cred) 28 > omer ny 21 a Dinar xgenses (om ine 48) 2 27,002 17 _Logal and poesia avi 7 3Z055.| Reserved for ftwe vse zm 28 Teta expenses bore expenses or busines use of hme. Alin 8 tvaugh 27a > La 60868, 28 Tentative pri r (oss. Subtract ne 28 fram ne 7 20 27,763 {Epes fr bushes use of your nme. Do wtrepet hyde expenses Hewat, Atch Farm 8829 unless using te singled method (sensor) ‘implied moto iors oly: air the total square iyhage of (your home, and (b) te pat of your home se for business Use the Sind Method Worksheet in he insu yan o Fig he amount aera on he 0 34 Netproitor (oss), Subtact ne 3 ram ee potter enboth Form 104, tne 1940: Form YO4ONR, line 18) and on Sehedle SE, ine 2. (0tyouchacas te box a7 tin 1,58 nstrufons). Etats ana st, nar on Form 1044, fine 3. a 27,763 tabs, you must pp thine 32. 82 _ltyounave alos, cack the box hat escbes your ivestmentin hs att (88 nsructons) ‘Ifyou checked 828, ener the ass on both Form 1040, fine 12, (or Form 1O40NR, line 13) ané on Sched sea (J) see Ayu checked the box an line 1, see the tine 31 Instuctions). Estates and truss, entar on Forme 1041, tne 3. aa [] Seats you checked 32, you must tach Form 6188, Vour loss may be ini, {LHR Fer Paperwork Retuction Act Hots, saa the sepurat insetions, ‘Sehadule © (Form 1040) 2015 SetmbieCFrm 1040015 _ponnD J. FRM [Part I Gost of Goods Soid (see instructions) 38 Mito) sed Pape 2 ‘value closing inventory ©) cost » Ly Lower ot costor market © [1 one gatacn planation, {34 Was thre any change in determining quate, costs, or vats beeen opening and closing ventory? es, tach explanation Chie Cie {5 Inventory at begining of ya. trent em st year's losing ivenay atch exanaton 8 36 Puctases les xstof items withdrawn for persona se 47 Gosto abr. not nude any amounts pad yous FD 48 Natl and supe 38 39° Oher costs » 40 Ad ines 35 tough 38 o 4 tnntry tnd ot ys at Cost of goods sl, Subtract ine 41 fom tn 40 Enter te restr ard on oe 4 2 are not requited to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instr lons for line 13 to find out if you must file Bari] information on Your Vehiclo. Gorplete is part ony VO0 spon ‘ar or truck expenses on tne 9 and Form 4562. ‘Wha ld ou placa your vise svi for Busnes purposes? (mony cay year) BY Z “44 Ofthe total numberof miss you drove your vehicle during 2015, ett he ruber off used your ei fr 4 Businss Commuting © Oter 45 Vins your vil aaa fr personal use Suing a-duy hous? 46 a yu (or yeu spouse) have anther vehicle aval for gesona use? Cn Ln Ar. Dhrethen etnies dir i 11 "Yesis the dence ten? ie (BREN ocr cetoes, Letbdaroianes eee vot included on lines 826 or line 30. COMMON CHARGES 2637. vs enLaNe FEE 25, 7 48 Toa oer expenses Fier eve and on ne 272 8 27,002 ‘Schedule ¢ (Form 1040) 2035 ‘SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sole Prepristorship) Drermtet a > loformation about Schedule Candis separate insruons i t yaw govlscnecuec, 6U | brcnanesue ances) D> atch to Fovm 1040, fO40NR, or Toe patarshipe generally must le Farm 1065, Exe 69 Soarmerinnee 1A _ Pincpal business or proescion, luting podao or sis (oe naaaiona) pw corners cour 713900 (Business ram If no separa business ame, ave Bank Ce oo TRUMP COL? ACQUISITIONS LLC faea701 Business ales (eutng suits or oom ga) Pe C70 WRTSEREATARS (iy, toon or post offic, sats and P coe __WoGUBURY, WY 1757 FPocounting mates: (1) [ET cash (2) [Accrual 8) [L_] ote (Spey) Di you materia partic in the operation ofthis business during 2076? IH, se isctons forint on esses 4 1 you stator ced is business dun 215, cece id you make ay pyri 205 at woul eit you Frm) 1089 nso) 44s you iy te egies Fr 10007 [Part] Income: ves ExT rl) (ves 2) wo [ves (wo 1 Gross recipts or aks Sen navel er iw and heck oxi isincama was repored you on Form W ‘andthe Statutory employed" Box on that form was checked rl 2 atu and afovances 2 2 Subact ine 2 tom ine 1 ri 4 Casto goods sold (rom ine 42) 4 8) Gross prot. Subiact ne 4 tom tne 3 5 har income, ncn federal and stat asco fel xcredt or rend (ee isructons) SE4/ STATEMEND 25 6 EDTA Gross income, Ads ines § and Pa 33,246 [Partil] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of yourhome_only’on line 0, B Advertsing a 8 tee fe 0 9) Caran tuck expenses 19 Penson prot-haring plans 0 (see astutions) 6 20 Rent ofase (ee instructions: 10 Commissons and 8s 1 1 Vatjdes, machinery, and equipment 200 41 Contact aor (sxinsbustons) at 1 ye business propery 200 12 Depletion 2 21 fopaisand maintrance 7 48 Doprcition and secton 17 Suppl (nt incu in PstI) 2 expense deduction oat used ase and lisreas 28 300) Par) (se instructions) 13 “Travel, meal, and entertain 14 Enploye beret programs (ther 1 Trav 24a 50 ‘han on ine 19) Desuctbie meals and 18 Insurance (ter tan hel) 15 turner (se insuctons) 20 18 Inaast 25 ies 25 4 Morigag (pit tans, e.) 168 25 Wages ss amplayment creas) 26 > oer 1 27-4 Other expenses (rom he 48) Ta 37__Logal and profession sorogs 7 S5.| ob neserve or flue vse zy 28 Total expenses foro exons for business uso ef home. Af Ines B hough 27a > [es 005. 28 Tana prot or (ss). Subtad ne 28 fom Hine 7 20 38a 80 Expenses fr business use of your home Do natrport ize expenses elseere Aas or B29 uns sing the snp mete ee nstuctons. ‘implies method ter on: anor no ota square cape) your home and) tha pat ot your hams used for business Use te Simplified Method Wrksest in th insyons owe tw runt a ae on Tne 30 so 1 Netprofitor (loss) Sutact ine 80 fom ne 12 prot ent on bat Form 1040, tine 47 Foe 10408R, ne 13) andon Sehodate SE, ln 2, (you chacked ne box on no 1, se insuyAoon) Estas and ust ener on Form $04, i 1 32,041, f1faless, you mast go tine 32 {82 youth oss, check the box that-fsries your vest his activity (se istctons) «iyo check 92a one the oss on oth Frm 1040, tine 12, (Form 104QNR, ine 13) ar on Senedle SE, tine 2 2 ne ifyou checked ihe boxon ine 1, se the ne’ istruton) Estalet an tues, ane on Farm 104, tine 3. uy (btm 1 tyou chek Sz you mus ae Form 6188, Your ee maybe mts ‘THA For Paperwork Reduction Act Note, ee theeapartenerastios, ‘Schedule (Form 1040) 2075, SCHEDULE ¢ Profit or Loss From Business a (Form 1040) Scr Pope cache > ormaton nou snes cand puto iat ys govt 2015 ‘iznanere bref Dita to Foum 1040, fO40NR, of 104; garterships genera must ie Fotm 165, EESTI 09 Farr "A _Pincpl busines 7 poison, including product rsa (o a pea einem ert avrartos p/ss790 (© Gusinoss rams Wn spat busioss name, ve Han Deore fnos a sins aes (ading sue orcom nn) C/O WETSERTARS Gly, town or gost oie stat, and 21 cose __WoOUBURY.- WY 14797 F Accounting mevect (x) [] cash 2) L_] Accual (3) 1 Ober (epee) > a © Cid you "materially participate" in the operation of this business during 2015? If'No’ see instructions for fmt on ses | (ves [x] wo Htyou started or acqaad tis business dung 215, check hte 1 id you make any payments in 2015 that would require you to file Forrn{s) 10997 (see lastuctions) (Ce) ves [2 wo 4 Wes? yo or yo fe eid Fs 1807 Delve ie [Parti] income 1 Goss caps or sls See nsrutons for ine 1 and Shake bon coma was eporadto you on Fam W2 andthe ‘Statutory employee box on tat or was chaskad rola 560,12 2 Retuns ard alowancis 2 3 Sublattine2 ra in 1 3 Sea aa, 44 Gostof goed sold rom ne 42) 4 5 Gross profit. Subtract ine 4 rom i 5 aa aa {ia ncoms, inciting federal and site paso a el ax creat ot and (enacts) 6 7_Gioss income, Aas anes 5 and 6 cn Tae a [Parti] Expenses. Enter expenses for business uso of your home only onfine 50. ® Aoerisng| o 10 onic expense ie 7397 9) Garand ruck expenses 19 Parson ana pon-starig sane rT (sen instructions) 8 (sen rstetons 0 Cammissins and ies ia hiner, and equipment 208 11 Cnuact aor (sea instustions) i snes property 200 36,626) 12 Depletion 2 fs and entrance 2 en 335 18. Deprocation and secon 179 es (nt icluded in Pat) 22 pense deduction (ratincuded in esa ances 28 300, Pat (se instuctons) 13 106,682, Ara, mals, ad ottanment 14 Employes bene programs (otter 2a 5.080, than on ine 18) “ 368. Deduct meals and 18 Insurance other tan eth) 15 2a 383 tetra (s8 instructions) 550. 16 Inorest os ils 26 4 Mortgage (ai to barks.) ita 28 Wages ss unployment ced) 26 ee > oer 160 27-4 Other expenses (am tne 48) za (150, 666.> #7_Legaland professional seraces a 15,09 Reserved for future use 2 28 Teal expenses betore expanses or busines oe ef ama, Adding trough 27a > Ls eT 2° Tenatve prot or (ss). Subtract ne 28 fom Fe 7 20 304,031 ‘0 Expenses fr busines se of your home Do ntrepat hase eens een. tach Ferm 8629 less using the snp meted (st instucton) ‘Simplified method ers only: ei to total square footage (a your name and (the pat of your ome used fr busines: Use ths Simptied Metned Workshoa in tha insu noe the amount eer on tne 90 0 81 Nat proitor (oss) Sua ine 30 rom ine 23 Haro enter on both Frm 1049, tine 12 (or Fn 1040HR, tine 13) anconSehedule SE, tine 2 {Wryu checked the box on ing 1, eeinstuctonsy/ Estates and ust, ater on Fam 1044, ine 8 A 204,831 2 Iaioss, you must go one 32 32 youre a oss, cack na tox hat easrbad/ your investment in his atv (ses instructions). i youcheciad 223 enter the ss on bot Form 104, fine 12 (or Frm 1040NR, ine 18) anon Schedule SE, ine 2 aa esse (fyu cacho the box ening 1, ee the te 3 instruction. Estates and ust, nr on Fotm 104, ine 3 gay (Fine * you chchad 2h you must atach Form 6198. You loss may be nit {THA For Paperwork Reducton fet Nate, see We eeparat intaetions, Schedule (Form 1090) 2075, Schedule G (For 1040} 2015 DONALD J, TRUMP [Part it ] Cost of Goods Sold (ses instructions) Page 2 3 Metiols)usedto ‘value closing inventory, aL] cost LT cower ot cost or market {34 Was there any change in determining gunn, cast, or valuation between pening and losing ineniony? Ys" tach aplanation {85 Inventory at bopionng of yer ferent am ast ya's osng nvertry, aac explaraton a6 35 Purchases lass cost of ts wihcan ar petsoal use é 37 Gostof bor. Do not nude aryanouns piso vourset a 38 Mais and supoies 8 39 Ofer costs 20 49 Aeatnes 35 trough 38 0 41 ventory at endof yer 4 Cost of goods sed, Subrat tn 4 ro ne 40, tra result hae and on ino 4 2 are not required to fle Form 4562 for this business. See the insjfuctions for line 13 to find out if you must file [Pad] information on Your Vehicle. Complete ts pat only TYO0a aiming car or tuck expenses on Ihe 9 and Form 4882, “ 6 “6 o (fhe otal numberof mies you cow your vehicle during 2015, er ha nur of ys you used your veh Tor ‘When did you place your vehicle in service fr business purposes? (rionth, day, ye ior £1 Business Commuting © Ober Was your vei aval for gersanal ing oft nurs? ‘a you or your spouse) have aot valle valle paso use? ‘Bo you have vier to support your eaducuan? Ys; ise einen writ? (Partv_[ Other Expenses, Lat blow busine exsengbs not neidodTon nes BPE or Ine Lvs [Jno Clves = ]no A: A 4“ ‘Total other oxponss, Estar hare and on tne 278 mn 150,866.» ‘Sehofule G (Frm 1040) 2015 SCHEDULE c Profit or Loss From Business fowste siscue (Form 1040) {Sole Proprietorship) | 2015 15 meneininers > Inrmaton tut Schedule Cand seprtnctstens sat wavs gvrscacse SST De tach sor 0, ON, oH part Exx.00 ‘A Princgal business or proleso, including produ or servic (se atts] ea aintow rayon ] ‘© Business ame fo spartesieas ra, lve Unk Denar of py ara E_vsines ads (ruding oto or eam) Be (iy, town or pest oie, sats and ZP code FAcourtina method: (1) CE] Cash a) CJ Accunl (a) [1 Otter apecy) ® (© Did you aera print” he opetationo this business xing 2045? "No ate Insets orl on oss 1H Myow startet or aquired tis bsinass during 2015, cack nae 1 Did you make any payments in 2015 that would require you to fis Forr(s) 1099? (see instructions) (ves GE] to J_I°¥es, did you oF wif you fe required Forms 10997 [7 ves [oJ] no (Parr income ‘1 Glos ees or sls See naretons for inet and chek th ox hs are was eperad you on Forms W-2 andthe ‘Stator employee box on that em was chucked yo 450,000, 2 Retuns and allowances 2 Subiaco tne 1 a 150, 100, 44 Gostot goad sls am ina 42) 4 5) Gros profit. Subtact Ine 4 ram no 3 5 5,100, ter nce, incsing federal and state asi o el taxcr 2 or elu (se nstrctns) 6 1__Gooss income Acne Sand 6 ele 50,100 Part ll] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of yourhame only on ligfe 30. Advising 3 18 otc pense ie 9 carang ruck expences 19 Pension and proysterng plans ig (60 instructons) 9 20° Rentor kas go insructons) 10° Commissions and fxs rT 4 Vehiles, mgfhiney and ecuipment 20a 11 Contact aor (sesinstuctins) it 1 iter ousylss propery 208 12 elation 2 21 Repars fd maintrance 2 18 Depreciation and sacion 170 22 Supphds (not includ in Part ipense dation rotincutes in 23° Tauph and anaes 2 Par (see instuctons) 13 24 Tyhel, mals, ad enetanment 14 Employee brett programs (ater 8 fal 28a 38,526 than on ine 19} 14 Deductible meals and 18 Insurance (ter tan het) rn taraimeet (ee inseutons) ty 16° naast nies [as | 4 Morigaye (ot bars, ee) 1a 25 Wagus (ss omployment credits) 26 » omer 16 21 a Other expenses (amine 48) za $7__Legal and profession services 7 by Roserves fr ttre use 2m 28 Total expenses before exoenses for busines uso of home. Ald ney ough 272 > [2s 3a 29 Tentative profit ar (oss). Subtract ine 28 fom ine 7 20 30,378. 48 Expenses for business use of your toma. Do natrapart ese egérses lst ac For E520 nls using the simpli mathe se instruction) ‘Sinplifed mathod Hers nly: sna th otal square octay you home and () the prt of your home used for business Use the Singified iathod Worksheet inthe nts owe th amount a ae on tne 30 a0 31 Net proitor (oss). Sutrat ne 30 rm ie 2 1a 1a enon bath Form 108 tine £4 Form TO4uNR, tne 13) and on Sehedule SE, Hine 2 (ityouchackod tn box oni 1, se ington). Estates and ust ener on Form 1044, ine 3 0 390,374. Ifa toss, you mast go one 32 82 ityoutav ass, cache bo that describes our investment inthis act stein). ‘* lf you checked 32a, enter the loss on tath Farm 1049, tine 12, (or Form YO40NR, fine 18} and on Sched am OO Sie {you checked the box on line 1, se the line 31 instuctions). Estates an truss, enter on Form 1041, ine 3, a Sram * ityouchakod Seb, you must atch Form 618, Your loss may 69 bite, THA For Paperwork Reduction Act Nati, see instructions. Soha 1 (Form 1040) 2075 SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) [gt Propet Druin ate enn Instructions i wary. govischedulec, 2015 \o0 Ea nan as Db tach to Form 1040, F040, or 104; pataerships generally mt ile Form 1055, 2 ho, 09 Taper Sea eoriy abe BH (A Pricpal busine profession, ineludng produc sre (ee rsratons) Fw oon neianston TOE SKAPTUG RINK 713900 (_Busiass vam Io separate buses rae, lave Bank, pincers bane era ean WOLLMAN RINE OPERATIONS LLC as-sisi030 © Usiess ables nsdn ue ora na) Cy, own or pst fr, stat and code et YORK wi TOO ‘ccouming metas: — (xy L_] cash @) LE] Accwal (3) [_] other epost oid younawiy aan operation is Dass rng 2017 Fa eb shri M1 you stated ar acquted is uss ig 20, check ae 1 Did you make ary payments in 201 hat wuld equi yo Fans) 1089 nstctons) [El ves] 0 4_ Wes you ov iyo eaves Fons 0657 [E] ver [0 (Part TT income 1 Glos es or sas, See sb acon ore Tad eho he BOC Wisc was pated ou on Farm W2 and thesia employe" oxo hat xm vas hiked >Ol 9,260,373, 2 Rane nd atovaree 2 2° Subang 2 om fre z Tae a. 4 Cot goat sod om #2 ‘ 74.50, 5) Gis prot, Subtet ne 1m ne 3 5 PRIORI 8 Oferince,nsuig esa and stages oul cre eu lett) fi 7 _Gies come, sings Sara am Tie a, [Parti] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use cf yourhome only on ine 30. e Avesing| a 3.750.) 8 oficeerpmse 2 Tae 9 Garand tuck expenses 48 Person andprt-staing ans 12 (see siucter ‘ 17,063.] 20 Rantar ie senso) 10 commissions andes rm 2 vis, machin, an quent 20 30,003, 14 conraaor (constuction) [4 ther busnespropty aan | 3,274,400 12 apbton 2 21 Repl and martenance 2 287,533. 18 eprecabonand eon 179 22 Supls (pte Pa th 2 125.558, pans deduction (tice in 24 Tavera tases 2 21,05 Part st nstctins) 2 248,730.] 24 Travel ml and entrant 14 Empoye beet programs ater 2 Tava a 20. than on ine 19) 16 46,432.] — Dedatle ls and 15 Insane (eran eat) ‘ 2201283] anraiment (se instucons) 2 sas 18 inst 25 ies 2 04 020. 4 Mortage (ito bats ee) 16 28 ies (ss empoyman ces) 26 [4,109,142 © ter 18 21 Ober expense fom ne) za | 1,300,866, 17 Logan protec sos fa TE FE] y Aeneres torte se rb 24 Teal expanses blr ogee or bss vr ore, Ald Ines BON 2TS > Lee eas sas 29 Terai rot ross) Sune ine 28 om oe? 29 | st, 287, 728, 90ers for business uso au hom. Do ot ceort hese exes ewe Aah Farm 8829 ess singe single med (ee buco) ‘Sinpied etod hrs ony ene hol sare footage 2) your on an (0) prt you Rare sad or anes. : {Us ho Sinp ed Metog Ware inhe sbucone ta gre aro en on ne 20 24 at pet ar (loss. Subanon 29 of erent Fer 14, ne 3 (or Fm IO4HR, i 3] ard on Shade SE, ne 2 {you eed hetoxon ese insuctrs). Es rte on erm 104, fn 3 ew PL] 2m rane 6 Has, you must gp ne 2. 32 tyou havea bs, chek te box tat sre your neste abs ety cs inst. you cece 2, ener teloss on bth Farm 140, tin 2, (0 Form YO40NR, tne 18) aon Sohedle SE, 2 sea CE) snare {th you checked the box on ine 1, 68th ine nstuctons). stats and uss ener an Ferm 1041, ne 3. you check 20, you must tach Form 6198, Vou ss maybe ine, TIA For Paperwoxk Resucon Act Hatics, ea he separate inetustions Schadulec foun 1040) 2015 _DowaLD g._ THOME [Part til] Cost of Goods Sold (see instructions) 30 Matos) unedto Page 2 value dosing inventory © ost » EE] Lover costar maret © 7 oinerjatachextratin) {4 Wiss here any change in dterining quan, costs, vauatons btwssn opening and lasing inventory? Irv atch explanation Lives E]no {35 Inventory at bopaning of year erent ro ast au’ closng invntry, ata explanation 6 255,992. 16 Purchases ess cast of ims witha for prsonal use 6 103,630, 37 Costot lar, Doma neuse ary amounts pal to yous a 8 Materials and supplies 2 39 Other costs a 40 Ads tines 35 hugh 29 0 359,672, 41 iver tend ot yor a 285,472, 42 _Costot geeds sod. Subtract ne 4 rom ln 40 nr the est ere and on ine 4 w 74,150, PartIV Information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only i'you are claiming car or trick expenses on Ine 9 and are not required to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instructions for Ine 13 to find out it you must fle Form 4562, “4 Wihan did you place your vation service fr business purposes? (wath day,yeay 77 ofthe total umber mies you drove your vehicle durin 2015, enter the rue of mils you used your vei Tr: Business| Commuting © tee 45 Ws your vile aval fr personas ring a-uy hous? 48 Dayou (or your spouse) ave anather vehicle aval for personal ase? 414 Copter yo tn? Ite the evidence writen? (BRS inet execnaes: Cat alors ‘expenses not included on lines & 26 or ine 30. Cves [C10 Clee []no A Yes No Yes No Ste stare 26 2,301, 266 Total other expenses, Ee nve and on na 272 2 1,301,046. ane ane ‘Schedule (Frm 1040) 2015, SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sele Proprietorship) Srp ens > loormaton about Schedule Candis separate asutlons I at wns oovlschedulec ona D> fitch to Foxm 1040, 1O40NR, or 1045; partnerships genealy mst le Farm {088 'A__Princgl business or atesson eluding prodel ose (ee nsmacons) {© Business name Ino soparatebushess ram, kava Wank Busine adress (incuding au or room no) Be _ iy, ton o post fie, sat, and IP code __ We Orit wy 10 ecoumting meta: (H) CJ (2) EE] Accual (a) 1 over apanty) ‘id you "matraly participate” nthe operation of this business during 2078? it No,'see instructions fr mit on losses you stared or acqiea ts tusiness during 2015, hack > Despaye berks EM) 722513 20-0342943 Co ves EJ ne > F 6 4 1 rl [Part | income Did you ae any payments 2015 ha woul ee yo 1 or) 1980s sac) (vee ww 1-Yes- 6 yuo yout eid Forms 1090 [= vee [1 wo 1 Gross reespts or sil. Gos instructions frie 1 and check the box tis incora was rapored io you on Form W-2 qs7ss7O ad the"Statuory employe box on that farm was checkoa mL 1 | 604,403, 2 tums and alowancas, (413% (2 G81 368 3 Subtract line 2 rom tine 1 ULSROOL a 3,113, 034, 4 Costaf goods sold trom line 42}, 12935 38? [a N17, 082, Gross prof. Subeat ne rom Ine A 1575-943 6 her income, inching fsa ste azo aul acre or eund (as nctars) 6 7a game, Ald es 9nd el Tae, [Part] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only on line 30. (ede. 3 peering 2 1.074.) 16 oe expense mn 7H 9 car and expences 18° Panson and rotsharing pans rm {or inten) 2 6,548.] 20 Rowtor hse ste etuctons: 10 commissions andes 0 2 Vices, macy an cient | 20 | 41 Contactiobr ssinstuctnsy a4 2 ater bss propery 28 12 Deion 2 21 Reparsand mainesnce [| 18 Dapotton and secon 179 P| 22 Suopies(otincudedin Patty 2 tens coon etndtein [8028S 3) Tomales iH Tan ani seo weber 2 308,101.| 24 Teal ms and etre 14 Empkoyesberet pagina 2 Tra En aa97 tha ont 18) u 26,926.] — Dedvtbie mals and 15 —swanee (ote: han teat) i 2,448.) ennnert(ensctns) 4 216, 16 intrest 25 ites 2 76,520, Margi (pido tai, e) 18 20 Wages ess enpomet 26 |__-1, 393,767 b ot 166 [pW 27 ihe expenses (rom iw 132. SOL 21a 297, 695, 17_Lagal and ees ssies 7 POS rsa] based rte ve 2 25 Twat expenses ioe ones tor tunes set Pond Ad ins though Ta ZU QoS Lit co 29 Tera pot or bss Sunrat ne 28m bo? 29 | 368,057. 30 fspeces or Duss use fou Hoe, nae hese expences els, Alach Farm 29 us wing te snp mead (te nstuctns) Simplified mated ier ony sn theo saa tage oo you hae: and (0) the at of your ome aed fo uss Us th Sinptid Method Wovksesin he stuns to que the aout estar on Ine 3D 20 31 Net proton (ae), Subvasiw 20 om ne 2 roi erir on both arm 180, ine 12 (r Frm 104008, tine 19) anon Schule SE, ine 2 (you hee he box in, isbn). Estes and stoner an Foxm 18, ie vant Lar] ober 10 27-2 Other expenses (om ie 48) 2a 3416.5 $7_Logal and professional sarcns 7 2534] 9 noceved ortture use 27 28 Total expenses bore expanses tor business/sh eT ome, Act nes B ough 27a > Le 7,400, 278 28° Tate prot or (oss. Subtact ee 28 hn in 7 2 reita, 221.» {0 Expenses or busines use of your hone fo nolraprt these expenses eleenhes, Aa orn 8628 uns using the spies metho se fastuctins), Simplified method iets ot: ene fe otal square octaye (3) you home and (2) the part of your home used Use te Simplified Method Works tna aston agus the amount ta ee on tra SO 2 31 Netproitr ‘112 prot, enter on both Fy 1040, ine 12 (or Form 1040NR, ine 13) andon Schedule SE, ine 2 (ityu chacked he box om fo 1s insrucons) Estates and uss, eer on Form 104 kine 3 Pau 31 1u4 201» ‘Halos, you met got 2032 2 youth a oss, check the bor ita esrbes your Investatin his att (ss instruction), ‘© Ifyou checked 32a, entr the loss on Both Form 1940, fine 12, (or Form 1040NR, line 13) ar! on Schedule SE, line 2 am GO ere (tym checked he box on ne 1, stein 1 insta] Estates and tus ener on Form 104, tn 3, iyo cheshad Sab, you mus atch Form 6186, You ss mayb ite ‘THA For Papermork Reduction Act Nace se he separate instuctons, Schedule (Form 1040) 2078 Sehodulac (Form 10402015 _DonaLD J HUMP Page 2 [Part il | Cost of Goods Sold (sed instructions) ‘33 Methos) used ta sauscosoinanine, a [] oon © 1 towerstcstormaat ——« [Z] oe oer alain * Metucewaan ne inane Cv. Zn 4 tmetey sioner “ are not required to fle Form 4562 for this business. See the instrucons for line 13 to find out if you must file Form 4562. {3 When i pe ur cso roo papa? (aa) wh Ea Ba] information on Vour Vehicle. Gomplate te part only HVOUaS ent ‘ar oF truck expenses on Tine Sand 44 Ofte total numberof les you drove you vehicle ding 2015, nar tne number ct misfv used your veil fr if es Commaig ter 45 eyo ee avatars ing tay os? Cvs Ene 48 Doerr spe vate hid aie psu? Cove Ene 47 oot ees spy cn ve6 No Yes, Is the evidence written? [1 ves No [ Pan [Other Expenses. List below business expensés not included on lines 6-26 or line 30. seorton 214 unernario Intrmaton about Schedule Canali separate nerutons i at yous gow/scheculec ‘acral Seem De aiach Form 1040, 1O40NR, a 164; partnerships general ust le Ferm 105 2015 EX. 08 ‘A Principal business or profession, auding produto sence seasons) eaus (© Busines name Wo soporte business na, ve Dank, Bisse aes cing ste oro no) Gite or pos tice, send P coop YORE TOD ‘recounting matbad: (1) CE Yasn fe» CJaccwat (2) [J oar open) ri {& Did you ara partepat”n ne operation of tis busines Bring 20187 I "No se instuctinns ono oss 4 1 J 4you sare or acquis he uses ving 25 check re o 1 you naka ay payers in 201 tat woud you toe Fens 1087 seston) re On 11°Vo5 di you or wil you fe enue Fs 10997 [elves Fi no [Pari] income 1 ress cis ras. Se ns acne or wT ad eck Dox saci was pated au on Farm W2 nd instar angle" box tam vas eed Ol 232,916 2 Retuns and atbwanose 2 3 subvatina 2 rome 1 a Tie, 4 Gostot goods ea from Ine 42) 4 un, 762, 5 Goss ptt Subact ne 4 trom the 3 $ ECE 8 ter income, icing dra and state asl orn creo tun co et ctons) 6 1_Guoseincoms, Adis S305 >i sie [Part | Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only of line 30 8 naveisng v #350.) 18 ofceen mn Cand wack epoees * petting plans 0 (se instractons) s a fase (se instuton {0 Conmésions antes 0 2 veri, acinar, and aquement 0 11 Contact iter (seeinsciens) [Cay oi buses papery 208 12 Depaion 2 21 lis and ateane a 18 beprmton and schon 170 ropes (onc Pr) a cane duton (no itcuded in ane anes 2 EMI} ar (ests 12 Travel, mean arena 14 Employee beat pogans (ater Travel 2 ttanontn 8) 1“ Dede an 15 surance (tar an nen) 68 enfant (se insets) 2 16 nent 25 Uns 5 Novtgog (pi tots, ‘a 28 agus ss ployment wats) Fas | » ter rm 274 te expences ram nw 48) Zs Tin, 17a and tess sees 7 SOT] b_ Reseved or we ase Zb 24 Total expenses beens ase vse Vong/Add ines voip 2a Tar 20 Tetave proto es) Subtract nw 28 amine 7 5 S67. 480° Expnsis for busines us of your hom. Do nt1eax/hese eens esis Aah Fain 8829 uns sng te snd method (se instutin Sinlifed mathe rs ony re thecal spe footage a you none an) te part your home asd fr un Use te Simp she Worksheet n hoyle Tee ana oat one 3D x0 31 Netter as). S4attn 30 om a2, ates on bo Farm 1040, ph 12 (er Frm fO40R, tne 48) don Schedule SE, ine 2 (you eck th Bxon in ee ght Eses and Wut on Ferm 104i 3 ree Lat <65,567 fa ossyo0 must go tia 32. 432 iyoutave alos, cw te bx ti esnbes our use inthis act (cn ntti). ‘yeu ead 325 arn es onkth Form 100, ine 12 (Frm 140K, te 18 aro Sebel SE, ne 2 om GE Sinn (you che the bx one 1, st the ne 3 insbucons- Estates a sts scr on Far 104i 3. wo OC fsea you chcked 2 you mu atash Form 618, Your les ye tad FA For PepewuhRecton Ast Noe, ee he sepa sists, ‘Schedule (Form 1802075 Schouler 104 701g _DOUALD 3, TRUMP Pap 2 [Part It [Cost of Goods Sold (see instructions) A amcor ta (il ow » Co tomsotconsrmina ——e [7] ote taeneotraton) 7 reece secretin Ce Zoe Mowe pte » » twee he i mgeealyee “ are not required to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instructiongAor line 13 to find out if you must file [Pail IV] information on Your Vehicle. Complete this part only if you are syn ‘or truck expenses on Tne 9 and Form 4562. “Ba When is yu poe your vil serve for business purposes? (ont dy, yea) Z “ch Ofthe otal rumba fries you drove your eile curing 2015, ene the numberof ies youu your veil fo: 1 Busitess Commuting other 45 Was your vehicle availabe for personal use during of-duty hours? Cvs Ono “46 Do you {or your spouse) have another vahicle avaable for personal uso? Civee [1no ‘¢7a Doyou hae eves to support your datuction? Yes No bi Yestis the evidence weten? Yes No ([Partv [Other Expenses. List below business expenses nof included on lines 8.26 or line 30. is FILING FEB 2s SERVICE CHARGES 4,107, 48 Tot other expenses, Estar he and om ie 272 4,132, Ter Form 1040) 2015 SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business {Form 1040) {Sole Proprietorship) 15 Depwinrtat tate D Inormation abort Schule C and’ separate nstrastons i at wus goulschodice eu! / Heenan oe > tach to Form 1040, TO4OKR, or 104; parnerehipe generally must file Form 1088, Eteth. 09_/ ‘A _ Pinca business oproession, including pode or sro (se rartans) pcre comnon anges maxacenenr smaviees * oo o (Business name. If na separate business name, ave Dak, iam ongle areas 10 PARK DEVELoPMEWA LLC Business adess (nung sll or oor 9) Be (ly, tonn gost office, sit, and 20 cose We YORK WY i007 FPecountngmethoe: (x) [XT cash (a) LJ Accrual (8) [_) other (speci) Be ____ { _Didyou materia participate" inthe apraton ofthis business dung 2015? I Hose instacions oii on Ws " 1 you stare or azquad this business during 2015, check hare Did you make any payments 2015 that woul equi you oe Frns) 1090? sa nests) 4__i-yes you or wil you te requ Foums 10987 (Part T] income: (ves Tne >L (2) ves BO wo [ives (no 1 Goss rosptsor sls Seo nsctns fre 1 and chook tho box fis came was reared Wo yow on Fors andthe ‘Sauor employer box on tat orm was checked >Ohls 2 Returns and allowances 2 38 Subtat Ete 2 amine 1 3 44 Gostot goods strom ie 42) 4 5 Gros profit. Subvactin 4 rom ine 3 5 {© Otc ncome, incuing fede and state csolna er ul tox ret or veld (ae iseutons) 8 7 _Grogsinzome, Adina: Sand pla [Parti] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only’on ine 30. 8 Advrsing| 5 18 tice egphie 8 9 Caran iuck epenses 19 Pensionéadprott-starng plans 0 {soe instructions) 8 20 Ranigfass (se istcton): 8 Gommissins and ns 10 a Veils, machinery, and eaupment {20a | 11 Gontaetlabor (ssinstustons) im fer business srapery 206 12 Depleton 12 21 feats and nineance 1 18 Depreciation and secton 173 Supplies (nt acu ia ar) 2 expense dadction raided in Tes and lersas 2 Parl) (se instuetans) 12 avo, mls, an antrtanment, “4 Enpajoa aati programe (ater Tava 28a than on ine 18} 4 Deduct asad 18 Insurance (thar tan health) 15 nartainnent (se instwetions) 20 16 Inerest: 25 Uses 4 Mortgage (pat barks, 0.) sa 25 Wages (oss employment crocs) 26 » omer 60 598:| 27 a Other expences rm is 48) a $7__Logaland profession sorveae 7 4b Roserved for ftue use 2b 28 Total expenses bor expenses or business soot home fdas 8 rough 27a > La 6,635, 28 Tanvaveproftor (ss). Subtat ne 2 fom ine 20 859.5 80 Expnnss for business uss of your home. Oo notrepryhese wena esr, tar For 8629 Uns using the simples oathod (eestor ‘Simpliied mathod ier oly: etre total qu ockage of: (2 yourhom: and (tho part of your homo used fr business soto Simplified Mathad Wrkshet in the ipductions ogre aunt oer online sw 81 Netprofitar as). Subiac ine 30 ram yd 23, ‘©1f pro enter onbot Farm 1040, tind 12 cr Form YO4OMR, Hine 1) 2ndon Schedule SE, ne 2 (tty cheke the box on ine 1, au insrustons), Estates and ust, et on Ferm 1044, ine. a 6,698.5 ‘eiraless,you must go tine 22, {82 youhwe alos, chec te box tl desaies your ivestmant in this att (se istctons), « ifyu checked 32, eter the ss on both Farm 104, tine 12, (cx Frm TOAONR, tae 13) ad on Soha (tyou chacke the box on ine 1, sau ther 3 insteuctions). Estates and uss ear an Frm 1044, ine 3 wad 32, you must ata Frm 6168, Your oss ay be Hite. ok Reduction Bet Nai, soe the ee aaa GE Se Oem ‘Schedule © (Form T04n) 2015 SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sole Proprietors Darin the > lnformaton about Schedule cand it separate nstustons i at yn rs gowlschedulc aaalRovnn D> Atach to Foum $040, O40NA, or 104; patershipsgenealy must ie Farm 1065, ‘A _ Principal business or profession, ieloding prod or serv (65 stating) pene canton lion REAL ESTATE MANAGEMENT pune {© Basins ame fn spare Dsiass rams, lave Wan a rl [SROMP_ 767 MANAGEMENT LLC aylrsr0 Busine adress (rcdng sul orreomn0) Cty, town or post of, state, and 2 cade 7 Accounting metho: (1) LX] cash) Ll cera) LT ona opeat) a bid you twin priate’ in te open of he Bsns using 2017 I'Nos se asbucons flint on bases ve Te you stared or acqared ns buses ding 2015, ced are > {bis you make any pyran 201 hat would ee you fl Ferms) 1089 (ns cton) Fre Ew _1-¥es you or wilou He equi Fors 1029? —Clves [a [Part] income 1 Goss ests oss, Sex instns or re Yard chek he bow Fs care was oped ou Form and he Statutory rmpoye box on ta form wae eh >Ohls 2 Ratu and albwancas 2 2 Sabai 2 ro ine 1 7 4 Coste goods ol (rom te 42) 4 Gros profit, Subtract as 4 from ine 3 {her income, ncn federal a sate alin ul ax eet reunion) A 7 _Siossicome, Ad ines 52nd 8 pt [Parl] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of yourhome only online 30. @ Aang a 18 Ofcr epee % 9 carand muck onpercas 19 Pensinfan rita plans ‘1 (ce iatuctens) 20° Fanydr ase isucns: 10 Commissions anders o 2 pfs, machin, and opment 208 Ht Cantactibor(seeintctens) 34 1 rer bones pope 7m 12 Depletion 2 21 repsivs and minonace 21 18. Depreiston nd seston 179 24/- Seppes otinduded i Pet 2 ‘pence duction rt iid ia fs Taossrd ones Tas Pat (0 netuctos) 12 a Travel, ats, an entertainment “4 Employee bana proans (otter 2 Trae! 2a tran on ton 19 “ Deut maisand 15 reece ote tan may 16 rere ste istucton) " 16 ns 25 Uiltes 2 4 Here (pit tase) st 26 Wages (ss employment ede} 2 b ote ab A2,833.] 27 4 Other expanses (ram tine 48), An 17__Lepa en tessona services 7 b_Resaned ot A 28 Teal expenses ooo epeses or buses ve of hoy Addins Bough 27a > Las 39,805 29° Tevet or os), Subeat ne 28 am ne 7 2 a3. 20 Exetees for busines ue of your hor, Op nat1eAt thse eens eewhee Ach Form 329 rest using tho sinptigmetod (te instuct Sinpiied metod ers ely: eh ota sae aoa oa) our hone: arc (the gar your home used fr using Us the Sinpifc Meth Worksheet in tg/nstuion fig te amour tei on ne 50 0 1 Net prot es. Suactine 2 oie 28 ‘*I1aprott, ener an bot Form 1040, fine 12 (o Form 1040, tne 12) and on Schedule SE, in 2 (you cece tox on ne se istuctors), sates rd Huss, tran orm 141 ine 3 at <1 813. ‘Halos, you mst pin 22 32 ypu avea oss cack th box at srs your inset inthis avy (est ucts). you checked 323, et ens on bah Fam 140, ine 2, (or atm HON, ine 1) and cn Schade SE, ie 2 sea OD ahs (you esc to tx one 1,58 tee 31 instns). Fates ané ss, et on Farm 104, ie 3, wm 2 fea © tiyou checied 32, you mus ati Form 6198, Vou ns may te lie. LAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Notes, soe the separate instructions ‘Schedule G (Ferm 1040) 2078 ‘SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business -ese eso (Form 1040) ico Ponies 015 / "A. Principal business or profession, including product or service (see structions) B Eee ersten MANAGEMENT SERVICES 1600 © Business name Kno sparat business name, eave Bank [ese Ongena oro [TRUMP OROANIZATION Luc 13-yhr6s69 E Business atress(incuding suite or room no) D> iy, town of postotie state, and ZIP coos _ NEW YORK, wy IDI F Accounting methos: (1) [X ]oash (2) [_T Accruat (3) LI Osher (spelt > an & Dig you ‘materially participate inthe operation o his business during 20157 Mo, se instructions fer bmi on osces WH Myou start or acquired this busiwss during 2018, check here 1 Bid you make any payments in 2015 that would aque you to fle Foxm(s) 1090? (se instructions) ives Go no 1_1°¥95" cid you or wil you the required Farms 1095? Ch ves Fo [Part T| Income 1 Gross race)pts or sles. Soe instuotions for line ¥ and check the box this ncame was repre to you on Form W-2 and the"Statutory employee" box cn that form was checked Oh 2 Retums and allowances a 3 Subiracttina 2 from tne 1 4 44 Cost ot goods sold tom ne 42) 4 5 Gross profit, Subtract line 4 fom oa 3 5 5 Other incarne, including federal and state onsline or fuel ex creditor ret (sae instructions) 6 7__Gioss income, Add ines 5 nd 6 pla [Part it] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of yourhome only of ine 30. 8 Advertsing 3 18 ics exany 18 8 Car and tuck expenses 18 Pension ang/proft-sharng plans 19 (28 instrutions) 2 20 Rent ors (ee instructions: 10 Commissions ans foos 0 Vehicles machinery, and equipment 20a 11 Conract bor (se insructons) im » onwybusiness property 20 12 Depletion 2 21 Regis and maintenance 2 18 Depreciation and section 170, 22 slp (not included in Pat) 2 ‘expense duction (nat included in 24 /raves and tcenses 23 3 Part) (s2 instructions} 13 24/) Travel, meas, and entrainment: ‘14 Employee banat programs (other ‘a Travel 2a than an tne 9) 14 1 Deductibe meals are 15 Insurance {ater than helt) 1 antrainment (se instructions) 2a 16 Interest 25 Unies 25 4 Morigage (paid to banks.) 16a 26 Wes (ss employment cecits) 26 bother 186, 27a. Other expenses (ram ie 48) za $7 Leland professional savicas a7 110.] _b Reserved fr future use 27 26 Total expenses before expanses for business use of home AUPlines & through 278 > La 1s, 28 Tentative profit ar (oss. Subtract tne 28 from tne 7 [ae] aia 80 Expenses for business use of your home, Oo ntrapart yee expenses elsewhere. Aach Form 8629 ress using the simplified method (s08 Instructions), Simpliied method fies only: enter th total square/outage f(a) your hom: ‘and (b) the pat of your home used for business Use he Simplified Method Worksheet he instfetions to figure the amount o ener online 8 20 81. Net profit or (loss). Subiract ine 30 rom tine 28, ‘© prot, enter on both Form 1040, tine ¥2 (or Form 1040NR, tins 18) andon Schedule SE, tne 2 {Itou chackes the box on ine 1, see instructions) Estates and tus, eter on Faym 1041, line 3, PAL a 17 alas, you mast go to line 2, 82 you have a lass, check the box that describes your investment in this acy [se intructons). ‘Ifyou checked 2, enter the loss an oth Form 1040, line 12, (oF Four TOAONR, line 13) and on Schedule SE, ine 2. aa OE) Sve (tu checked the boon tne 1, se the in 31 instructions), Estus and ust ene on Form 104, ine 3 vy Parivar you checked 3, you must tach Form 6168, Your los maybe Umit {LAA For Paperwork Reduction At Notice, ace the eparteinstucton. ‘Schedule (Form 1040) 2015 SCHEDULE Profit or Loss From Business Posie seca (Form 1040) Tse Popitor9) 20 Sets ery > lnfrmain sort Shadeland spunea at sn goleoncloe 6ul icomeoeaies De Ach arm 100, hh, 14, pres gneraly mst Fr 8, Eee3009 "A _ Pinca business er profesor, Including predict reve ee atuctons) 7 WORTEAGE BROKER sa1sa0 Business name. Ir separate business name, ve Blank ROME REALEY SERVICES LLC _Bisiess es (nud sao room i) az iy owner poste, sat, and IP cose _ SW YORK,” Hi TOBE ‘coouning matoa: (1) FE ].asn (2 [_] Accrual (8) [Other apeciy Dig you aera partite n the pean his uses dig 2157 Hho sess vn on ones Iyou started or acuize this busines dutng 205, check are ‘i you maa ay payments in 2015 that would rei you toe rns) 0007 (ste nutans) Jest you or wilyou fe equ forms 1099? (Pant ] Income ‘1 Gross eups or sls. Ses istution for lio 1 and eheck he Dox his Wise was repeat you on Fang-2 ‘andthe "Statutory employee" box on that form was checked CLs 2 Ratu and allowances ial 3 Suit in 2 tom Ine 1 : 44 Costof gods std om tne 2) 4 5 Gross pot. Supiact ina A rom ine 3 5 { _Oterincams, including federal and state gas or un! tax cedar etude instuctons) 6 7_Giocs income, Ad et Sand 6 eG [Parti] expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home _ghly on line 30. © Aaveiising o 18 toyzapense 8 8 Garand tuck expanses 19 Penfon and pot sharing plans 18 {22 nsvctons) 9 20 yt or lease (2s instatons: 10 Commissions ana ies wo a flticles, machinery, and equipment 200 MM Conat or (ss irructons) 1 (ter business propery 208 82 Depletion 2 opt and mareanance 21 18 Depreciation and acon 178 ‘Supplies (nt neue Pr) [ee | eaperse duction oo cud ‘Tawa and tenses 2a Se Patil) (528 instutions) 13 ‘Travel, and entation 14 Empaye oat poyrams ater 2 Tal 2a than on na 19} 4 Detucbe meals na 15 Inauance other tan heh) 15 cutanmant {se instuctons) 2a 18 Ineres: 25 Usites [as] Norgae pdt bans, ete.) 168 28 Wages (ss employment ered) 26 b othe 1b 21 a ther expenses (rare 48) za 3 $7__Lepal ana profesional servens 7 Reserved for uu 2 28 Total expenses beloreexgenses or busines Uso olf, Ald Tnes Baugh 274 > [a 5, 29° Tertave rit or (loss). Subac ine28 frome 29 ae 89° Bypass fr busi use of your hame, Do nage ese expenses elute tach Form 8809, 30 81 Netproiter (oss), Subtract Hine 39 om ine 2. aro, er crboth Form 104, tne 12 Form 1DAONR, tine 1) and on Sehedle SE, ne 2. {ttyou chk te box on tne 1, 98 Insructns). stats and ust, tron Form 1044, ine Pat 31 <598.> Wass, you must go tno 32 82 ityauave loss, check te box that describes your investment in hs att (se nstrctns). « ity checked 82, ener th ss on both Form 1040, tne 12, cr Fm 1OR, ine 13) and on Schedule SE, tne 2 aaa BE ie {ttyouchcke te box online 1, be thatine 3 insur). stats and ust err on Form YO4Y, ine 3 sa beta iyo cca 7b, you must tach Form 6188. Your Iss may be ie, DR Fer Paperwork Reduction Act Heise, so the ceparata intuctions. ‘Sehodale form To40) 2076 fendi ciem 190 715 _pomen 5, 0 ae [Part it] Cost of Goods Sold (ase structions) oe 3 Maas sen saurcaseg maton a [7] oes © tower tcosor maa © [1 ontertach stato wey main atest ate oc tn fete ne 25 eaten ye ant or ers lig iy atx aon a 28 Pucass ks cost tums wiv fr goose s 1 costt i, De atic on arts a yous » 34 Maal suptas » 2 ctw ats a 40 eines 25 eugh 39 7 45 ten at endo “ Cost desl, Ststne tre stat anon 4 2 Par] information on Your Vehicle. Complete ive pat only OU ae cat are not required to file Form 4562 for this business. See the instructio Form 4582, ‘ar or tuck expenses on ine 9 and {or line 13 to find out if you must file “43 Whan did you pce your vile In servic tor business purposes? (month, day, year) 77 44 Of he tot number at mies you drave your ehick during 2015, ont tha nurse of ils you ad you vei Business 1b Commuting Other 45, Wa your vile avleble for personal use during ody hous? Clves [no {45 Doyou (or your spouse) hav anotur vic avatar personal sy? Dive [no a nelener Gives [Jno Iasi the viene write? Fives [7] no. [Party] Sthor Expenses. Listbaiow buses ‘expenses nt included on lines 6-26 or line 80. wre ruins Fes 25. 48 _Total other expanses, Enter hare and ont 27a 4 25. oe H8| ‘Shade © (Form 1040) 2015, ‘SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business [eee Form 1040) (Sul Proprio peer Db aac o Frm 1040, 10400, of 104; partnerships generally must ie Frm 1088 Eft 09 ier pepetr Fraraeaaramee st 7 Z ‘A Principal business or profesion including product or serve (se structions) a Ee cece erreurs © Business nam. Ino separate business name, lave bark a coal ‘TRUMP CHICAGO DEVELOPMENT LLC 3000500. E Business adress (nclding sue or room no) Pe aes as iy. tonn oF postffic, sat, and ZIP code __CHTCAGO, TE F Accounting method: — (1) LE Jcash (2) [J Accrual (8) [1] other (enacts) b> eee Did you ‘materially participate” inthe operation of ths business during 2015? It'No, soe instructions for mit on losses ves BET No Hit you started or aoied this busines during 2015, check here > Did you make any payments in 2015 that would equlte you oi Fora) 1099? (see structions) (ves GI no J_-Yes, a you or wi you fe reques Forms 1099? Cl yes FI wo [Pant T] income 1 Gross cepts or sales. See nstiwtions fr line ¥ and chek te Lox is income was reporied to you on Form W-2 and the"Statutoryerployee" box on that farm was chucked Ol 2 Retums and alowances 3 Subtract ine 2 trom tina t 3 4 Costof goods sold (rom fine 42) 4 5 Gross profit. Subtract ine 4 irom line 3 5 8 tr income, including fatal and state gasoling oF fel txt a refund (s8 instructions) 6 1_Gross income, Add ings 5 and 6 pla (Parti Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your hame only on ing’20. 8 Advertsing a 18 Otice sxpence 8 9 Carand ruck expenses 19 Pansion and profyAtaring plans 19 {see instructions) 8 20 Rent or ase (yf instructions): 10 Commissions and sos 10 4 Vehicles, mapAnery, and equipment 20a 1 Contact abo (28 instructons) iW 1 other busi property 20 12 Depletion 12 21 Ropars gAd mainteranca 21 18 Depreciation and section 179 22 Supply (not ncuded in Part) 22 expense deduction (nat included in 23 Taxgd and loenses 2 605, Part I see instructions) 13 24 Tyhel, meas and entertainment 14 Employes beni programs (other a fava En than on tine 49) 4 ‘Deductibe als ant 18 Insurance (ther han health) 18 entrainment (se intrutons) 20 16 Inert. nities [2s | Mortgage (paid to bans, ete) 168 26 Wage (ss employment credits) 6 > oiner 189 27 a. Other expenses (om fine 48) a ‘17_Loqaland professional sanvoas a7 11-|__b_ Reserved for foto use 26 28 Totl expenses tefoveaxoenses for business use of home, Adding B through 27a > |e 22 Tentative poft or (loss). Subtract ne 28 fom ne 7 [2s | ‘30 Expenses for business use of your home. Do not report ese exfenseselsatuner. tach Farm 8829 ness using the sinpiiad mathod (se instructions). ‘Simpitied met and (b) tho ptt of your home used or business: Use the Simottied Method Worksh 30 81, Net prot or (oss). Subtract Hine 3 rom tne 23, If pro, erter on both Form 104, tine ¥244F Form 1040NR, line 18) and on Sehodule SE, tne 2 {Ifyou check the box on ne 1, se instructions). Estates and trusts, ant on Farm 1044, tne, PAL at 119.2 tr aoss, you must g to line 32. 482 _tyou havea los, check te box tht describes your investment in this activity (se nstrectans). ‘I{you checked 32, enter the loss on bath Frm 1040, fine 12, (or Form 1O40NR, line 12) ard on Schedule SE, tne 2. aa ‘aaa {Ifyou checked the box om ine 5, seth in instructions). Estas and trusts, ener on Form 1041, fine 3 sae] ata * iyo checked 320, you must attach Form 6198, Vout loss may be mits. CHA For Paperwork Reduction Act Natio, coo the soparate instruction. ‘Schedule (Form 1940) 2015 SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sole Proprietorship) Depart Faney > Information about Schedule C andi separate inerutons i at yj. gow/schedule. DD Atach to Frm 1049, fO40NR, or 104; parershipe generally must ie Foun YO, "A inca business or preteson, rng pode ofan (ee STOCOR) HEAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT Business a. ao staat bane ane, ave Dank {RUMP UAS VEGAS DEVELOENENE Li Bushes aus (rcluig wie or oor no) iy, tm or post fis, st ad Zens EAT WHGRS, “WH ABLOT F Accounting metios: (1) [X] cash gL] Aasual_(3) [_] other epecly 6 Did you nately paren eperaton of Wisbuses rng 0157s Hyoustatedrseques ms buses dung 2015, chek ae 1 bidyou mate any pamensin 205 tt auld ei yout Form(s) 185 (ee nts) J_ ¥en id youor ilo leaded Fos 1867 B 1 (Parti ] income: (Part Il] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home ‘only on life 30. 11_Legal and professional services 7 fe. b_ Reserved tor future 2b {if you checked the box on line 4, se instictons). Estates and trusts, enter on Form 1041, tine 2 PAL at <780.> Wats, you must go tine 22 432 _Ityouhae alos, eck the x at deseias your oastment in this att 66 instuctons) * Ifyou checked 320, ema tha ss on botn Form 1080, ine 12, or Frm 1040NR, ie 13) and on Schedule SE, (ttyouchackaatnabex on tine 1, 28h ne 8 nstuctions). Etats and wuss tar on Fotm 104, ne 3. 1 you checked 32, you must tach Form 6198, You ss ay be lined. LAA For Paperwork Reduction Act Htc, seo the separate instvuctos. Sohadal G (Frm 1080) 2015, 02. SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sole Propriotorstip) Srp fe > loformation about Schedule can its sepatatensrulons i at yyw is gov/schedslec Gu! ‘aes Sa (0) D> ach to Foon 1040, 1040NR, or 104; partnerships gonealy must ie Farm 1088, SRE. 09 Tireciwar Esairearivnate een 7 A Principal business or professor, ica product or sre (aa arutona) REAL ESTATE DEVELOPMENT {© Busines rae. ro separate busvess amo, ao Dark rs E Busines ass (ncuing suite or room na) Be iy, town or gost oie, stat and ZIP code YER Toa F Accounting metho: (1) CX] cash (2) LJ acsrual (a) [omar (pect {© Did you matralpartpa inte operation ofthis Dunas during 20157 HN, ses instructions fr limit en asses you stato or acquired his business during 2085, check ere ' nl Di you make ary payments in 2015 that would eqie you toe Forms) 1089? (tensions) Ves: id you or wil you le equked Fors 10092 [Parti] income 1 Gross esp or ses See nsructons for Une 1 and eek tho box encom was oporied to oven Farm WE and the ‘Statutory employee” box on that form was checked a 2 aka and akvanoss 2 2 Sibi 2m ne A 4 costt gnc ne ‘ 5 Gina Sb ear A 8 Ofer eae nino ean sit lo edo ind ring) A }_siocteons, ates and rales [Patil] Expenses. Enter omenses for business uso of your home only opine 30. 7 Anreg . 18 Ofcroomsr a 8 cand wickets 18 Pensonandlan ings 7 (ennai) ‘ 20 Raton (stuctens 18 Conmsonsandiss o : zinc derma Lat | 11 comacteetucn) Ca © be ysis prey me 12 eplion a 21 Regheaniaiiare [a] 13 —gmoatin econ 8 22 Slits ticle nati 2 ern ection (ot cada 23 flots ntenses a ioe Par I) st instructions) 2 “rave, mes, and antraemen ‘4 Employee beet programs otar fs iat 24a than on ie 19) > Deductbe mals ant 18 Inguranoe (tartan nea) 15 etartient (se instutions) 2a 16 Ines: 25° Uilies 25 Mortgage oat ark, st.) ‘a 2 Wages (ss employment erect) 26 other im 21-4 Other expenses (om ie 48) za 17__Lagal anc gression servoes 7 SS] Reserved or tye wee Ea 28 Total expenses bors expenss for busines Uso ef home, janes rough 27a > Le 335) 28 Tanative prof or (oss), Sutra te 28 tam ine 7 rn ass ‘80 Expanees forousinee uss of your ame, Da matrparfese expenses lear. Ata Fou 6829 unless using the simplified meth (sans uctions Simplified method ers on: ener totals and) ta part of your ham use or usin octage (3) you ham! Use the SimpliedMatnad worksheet in th irucions egw the amount fe eter on Une 30 so 81 Netprottar oss) Sutact ine 30 ram jie 29 11a rot, tron both Frm 1040, ine 12 (or Fm 10408R, re 13) and on Sehedale SE, tne 2 (ifyou checked th box on fw 1, Se instruc) Estates and ust emer on Form Y04, ine Fab a1 2385.5 felfaloss,you mest goto fine 82. 32 you hae a os, check te bora series your Investment rie att (ses instructions) ‘Ifyou checked 32, enter the loss on both Form 1040, fine 12, (or Form {O4ONR, line 13) ard on Schedule SE, tine 2. aa BQ) ee ttyoucneked tha box an ine 1, se the ln 1 instuctions| Estates and wuss, ener Foxm 104, ne 3 oa (] Saas you chesad Sy you must atc Farm 6188, You ss maybe ite, LEHA For Papermoi Reduction Act Notice, se the separate nsrastions ‘Schedule (Fo 1040) 2015 ‘SCHEDULE C Profit or Loss From Business a ct | = pb bieninecinsdadtio nal AT a west a 2015 IeimalRaverus Serio 29) Attach to Form 1040, 1040NR, of 1041; partnerships generally must filo Form 1066. Sequence ti OD Donato 3, aRUME ‘A _ Principal busras er profassor, avding product reeves (eve auction) (Busiass nar. fo sapaat bsioas mame, Fave lank, Business adiess nludng sue or am no) Be Giy, town orpostofice stata, 2nd IP code __ERTAR CLIFF WANOR, NY 1051 pa mnie 10-2306 F Accounting mato: (x) BEToasn (2) [J Aczuat (a) [1 oter spect @ Dia you mately partpat inthe cpeation otis business during 20157 Na se instructions for ii on sss H you started or acute thie business dering 2015, check here 1 Did you make ay payments in 205 that would aq you tot Fors 10992, 4_"¥25" id you or wl you le aquired Forms 10887 Part | Income. 8 nstuetons) (1 ves FE] ne Elves Fo 1 Gros eps or sls. Sea inatutons for ia T and chk he box he isame was epee fo you on Form W2 and ta" Statutory amployeboxon tat orm wa checked OL 2 Returns and allowances 2 3 Subtatline 2 rom tne + 8 4 Costof goods sold rom ine £2) 4 5 Gross pai, Subsracti 4rom in 3 s {ter income, ncudng facara and state paso o ul ax ee or refund (se insbucons) 6 7_Goats income, Ad ines 5 ana 6 pio [Parti] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only on [fe 30. 8 Aaverising| 18 Offee pense jae] 8 Carand tuck expanses 19 Pansion ane pgh-sating plans 19 (seeinsuctions) a 20 Rent or leasysceinsrctns: 10 Commissions ana ss 0 4 Votes, ychiney, ar quant 20 11 Contact aor (sn nsuctions) 1 1 ter bynes property 0b 2 Daplian 2 2 ans maine n 18. Depreciation and secon 179 22 suphlies(ntincuded in Pl) 22 ‘pense deduction (nat laekdadin 28 phe ad lenses 8 Pati) (4 instucons) a 24 case, rls, and etre 14 Employ oat programs (ater Travel Pn tran on fine 19) 4 Deduct meas and 18 Treuane other han healn) 5 tnertainment (se instrvtons) ay 18 Ieerast 25 ites [as | Mortage (aid to banks et) 168 26 Wages (ss employment ced) 26 » omer 18 21 a Dthroxpenses (om tine 48) ma 17_Logaland protessonal ervees 7 55.| Reserved or fu 7 28 Total expenses boiore expenses for business use of home. id nes B through 27a > [ae 35, 28. Tentative profi or (oss) Subtract ine 28 tom ee 7 20 Sa {0 hperses fr bushes use of your home Do natepaiuse expanses else. ttach Far 8829 ress using the singled method (sist ‘Simplified method fiers oly: ete te total sy footage of (a) your home: and) te pat ot your home se fr busin Use th Simtfad Metiod Worksheet inthe infuctons to figure he amaur ena on ne 30 0 3 Netproiter (oss), Surat Hie 3D ram a2, 1a pro, ener on both Form 1040, ine 12 (c: Frm 1040NR, ine 13] andon Sehedl SE, (thyouehackas tne box o7 ine 1,898 Instn). stats and ats, elton Form 1041, ine. a 5.5 1 1afss, you must got te 32 {82 ttyounave loss, ceck ne box ttt deseres your investment in ths activity (8 instructions) ‘1 you checked 28, enter theloss on both Form 1040, Hine 12, (or Foxm {O40HR, line 18) and en 8 (ttyou choke te box on ine 1, 68 tha ire 3 insur), Estates angst rar on orm 1044, ne. 1 you cece 32, you must atch Form 6188, vou os maybe ltd. THA Fer Paperwork Reduction Act otis, soe the eypaata nebustin sae] sis wm (ae ‘Sehedule (Form 1040) 2018 SCHEDULE c Profit or Loss From Business (Form 1040) {Sele Propetrei) Dein tt eny D> ntormatin abut Seadue Candis spate fees lat wns govschacules Sera ea on Danae Ferm 104, 140HR, 141 parte gnarl mae Form 188, ‘A _ Principal businessor profession nuding produto ence eee muctons) {© Busines name lo separate business nae, fave Dan, CHICAGO UNIT ACQUISTION 1c Business adress (nowaing ate or rom na) Gy, town or post, sate and ZP code F Accounting method: — (1) [J Cash 2) LE] Accrual (3) L_] other (specity) D> senna G Did you “materially participate” in the operation of this business during 2015? If “No see instructions for kmit on losses. Co) ves FET no yu sated or acuted tis business dng 2015 check are >o 1 bid you ma ary payments in 2015 mat wou egy oh Fors) 1007 se ntctons) Cl ves me Jest you oxlyou te aque ferns 10002 _Le ves [Ite (Pat | income “1 Grose respi o aes. Soe ietutins fori 1 and check the box this income was epriedTo you on Form WR andthe "Statutory employes" box on that form was checked >Ols 2 Retumns and allowances 2 3 Subtract ne 2 from tne 1 A 4 Gost ot goads sold (rom ine 42) 4 5) Goss prof. Subtact ino tom ine 3 5 {8 Other nears, including federal and state gasoline ofl ox rei or refund (se instructions) 5 7_Gioss income, Adines 5 and 6 > [Parti] expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home _onlyon line 30. © Aoverising| 8 18 Often e 8 carana truck expenses 19 Pension profit-sharing plans 18 (602 instuctions) 3 20° Rentofease (se instructions: 40-Commissions and fees 10 Veg, machinery, and equipment a0 41 Contact aor (se instructions) 1 1 oy business property 20 12 Dapleton 2 21 plas and mantnanoe 21 48 Depreciation an sation 178 22 _/Suppies(rotincluded in Pt) 22 pense deduction rained 24/ Taxes and censes 23 co art (528 instructions) 13 rave, meals, ad entrtent 14 Employ veait programs (ater a Tra 2a thane ine 19) 4 Deductible reas and 15 Insurance other tan heath) 15 eartanent (se instructions) {2s | 18 Indra 25 uutes 25 | Mortgage (paid to banks, et) 163 26 Wages (ss employment cred) [as | bother ry 21 a Other expenses (om ie 48) aa $7__Loga and professional services 2 2/10] Reserved tor uu ve 2m 28 Teta expenses ior expenses for busines use of home. Adglnes Bough 27a > [a 9, 23 Teniatve rot ross) Subtract ine 28 tom te 7 FA a7. 30 Byperses for busines use of your home. bo noteport thes expenses eleva, tach Form 8829 nls using the sinpied metod (ca insets) ‘Simpiied method ters only ents the oi square fofageo: (a) you home: ‘and (b) the pat of our home vsed for business: sete Simpltig eto Workset inthe etal To figure he arourt a nar one 30 a EA 81 Netprofitar (os). Suttact ne 30 ftom tne 28, Ifa pro, eter en both Frm 1040, Hine 12(o Frm 1049NR, tine 13} andon Schedule SE, tn 2, {i1you chock the tox one 4, intuatins). Estates and wusts enter on Form 104, fine 3. Pat a i719 ‘alos, you must go tin 32, 482 lfyouhave alos, check te box tat dsries your imesimentin ths acy (eens rvctons) ‘Ifyou checked 3a, enter thelnsson both Ferm 1040, ine 12, (or Form TO4ONR, Hit 13) and on Schedule SE, Hine 2, sea (tfyou checked te bx on tin 1, 528 te ne 31 nstuctons). Etats ar sts, rar on Farm 144, ie 9. oy (feta 1 you checked 30, you must atch Form 6198, Yeur loss may be lines THA Fer Paperwork Reduetin At Hote, seh Tnstietons, ‘Sehodule GF 1040) 2018 SCHEDULE ¢ Profit or Loss From Business rou sssoos trorm 1040) ironical 2015 ested dtr D> tnrmsion tot Senedle cant putea a suru goss cu pe Au oer 140, 40 14, uri gear os os Sxn..09 =a feaeeriaw en 7 7 Pipl business pes hdudhg pod or even WONT) aaa chon a0 vahao © Bias ame Wepre bcs mo, a Hak Tame onto Business adress [nding sie orroam na) Be ‘iy, town or poste, state and ZIP code ‘Accounting mato: —— (4) LC] casn (2 L—Jasswal_(ay Tomer pec > ia you matey participate in the operation of hs business during 20152 Ho ce instuens fri on sses Iryou stared or sequled this businasseuing 2018, check hte (id you make any ayant in 2015 hat would aie yout fle Farm) 1008? (se stubs) Ws! id you or wil you fe equted Fexms 10980 [Part] income 1 Gossett or ses. Sessa Te ae eet he BOCs nes Was epoTaaTa ou on Farm W2 and Stator employe" boc on tat as hk ols 2. Rens and atoness 2 4 Subect ina 2tom tre 3 Fi 4 Cost goods sol (rom ne 42) 4 5 Gros pot. Subt ie o io a . 6 Oberince, nung feral and sae iol ofl ce alu leben) ‘ 7_Gras come, Asis Sane 5 eit Part Il] Expenses. Enter expenses for business use of your home only 0 ® Aoetsing ¢ 18 Ofer pers a 8 Caran tuck oxpnses 18 ersonarygattsnarng plans 9 (cessive) 2 20 etorigl s0 nstacios 10 Commisions aa es “0 2 verctesactinry ard aqupment {zea | 11 cConractaor(sestuctonsy Lan 1 Ob ies propery 208 12 Dpaion 2 21 Aegdrs and maienanee H 18 Deprdationan ston 170 22 foes (votive Pat) 2 ‘par daducton (ot inched in 2 frsas dieses 2 ar (se isto) 12 24/ Va eas, an rent 14 Emayes bene rogram (te far En than ont 19) “ Dette mil an 15 Insurance (mer an nat) 16 entre (se rstuctans 200 18 Inara 25 Unites [as | 4 Mora i totals, ee) 16a 26 Ways (Es enpoymen crete) 25 otter 188 TPE] 21a ota emmses ram ne 8) Fn 11a a rts series i Reserved or fu ase 2m 25 Ton expenses ber expense busses usec Tone, Als Bough Ta > Lo ia 20° Teta prot cr os) Subtar in 28 rom ne 7 2 = tet.> 40 apenses for busines us of your hme Donat epr tyke snes elsewhere tach Frm 323 unless sing ta sinpted method (te insbuctons. implied method rs ely: eh tal squat () you Rome a (te pro your home uss fr bins . 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