0712 World News

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Dezember 2007

Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes’, and your ‘No’, ‘No’; anything beyond this comes from the evil one. Mt. 5.37
Through CEI we connected with a previous unknown CE-group in Gambia. The young leader of
“Christian Endeavor Youth Unlimited” wrote: …presently I am the Training Coordinator of the
Evangelical Church of The Gambia. Personally I came to know Christ through Christian Endeavor
ministry through one Irish missionary by the name of Sister Marion. Ever since she left, the ministry
is not something to write home about. Anyway since I came back home from my further studies in
Diploma and BA in Theology in Ghana I took it upon myself to reactivate the ministry and also to
restore links with the main CE headquarters. We are doing very fine and looking forward to have a
very successful year in the service of God through the youths because I believe they are the future
leaders of tomorrow. … We have been operating since last August 2006. We have ten well established
youth groups country wide from various church denominations. We also managed to register the
ministry with the Attorney Generals Chamber as a non-profit organization. We have been in existence
for the past nine to ten years but we deem it necessary to register last year with the government to
legalize our operation here in The Gambia, a predominantly Muslim country.
Every year we run a youth camp from the 26th to the 31st of December … We were able to register
more than two hundred and fifty participants. It is the largest Christian youth camp ever to be held
here in The Gambia. Also every last Friday of the month we do hold an all-night prayer for all these
different youth groups and the attendance is about hundred and twenty. Finally we organize prayer
vigils, seminars, sports and other youth activities.
We are Gambians and we took it upon ourselves to mobilize these youths for the glory of God to equip
and develop them into Christian maturity for service.
Pap Philip Jabang – President; Karamo Jarju - Vice President; Modou Kanteh – Secretary; John Gomez – Treasurer

The President of Liberia CE, Rev. Seongbae, visited the WCEU headquarters in Liberty Corner. He
tries to find funds to rebuild his church and restructure CE. In the many years of civil war everything
was destroyed. He wants also to set up a Micro-Credit program to enable especially women starting a
petty business for to earn their livelihood.

Americas and Caribbean

CE in Peru (UNDEC) holds its National assembly from January 10 – 13, 2008 in Huancayo. They will
elect their board for the next two years. Looking back on 100 years of Christian Endeavor activities in
Peru the WCEU secretary A. Rudolph is invited to speak about the history of WCEU and about the
vision of the Christian Endeavor movement for the 21st century. He will also hand over 1 000 US-Dollar
to UNDEC; money that was collected by the Hungarian endeavourers to help the victims of the
earthquake in Southern Peru.

In October A Rudolph and his wife Hanna visited the CE Unions in Myanmar (Burma), South Korea and
Japan. Here their report:
Despite the alarming news about unrest in Yangon we faced no problems entering Myanmar. There was
still a curfew after 10 p.m. and some restrictions for travel and meetings, but it did not really trouble
us. Only two items in our schedule had to be cancelled because of the situation.
The KBCEU (Karen Baptist CE Union) is one of the big National CE Unions, with about 110 000
members in more then 1 200 local societies. More then 220 000 youth attend the meetings of KBCEU.
The Union is confined to the Karen (or Kayin) people, one of the Union of Myanmar tribes who’s State
is South East of Yangon in the hills towards the border of Thailand. 40% of the Karen (who now live

WCEU-NEWS December 2007 page 1

everywhere in the country and beyond the border in Thailand) are Christians. KBCEU built 10 Years
ago in Yangon from own funds a four-storied concrete building for its headquarters. It has space for
offices, meeting rooms and for four families of KBCEU staff. Altogether 10 young Endeavourers work
in the headquarters which has computers and e-mail access. They publish a CE Yearbook and a topic
book. They produced a video on DVD dealing with the problems of migrant workers to make the young
villagers aware of the dangers they might meet. And they published a number of CDs and DVDs with
contemporary Christian music. Emphasis is on evangelism and training of the members. KBCEU offers
even courses in English and Burmese (for those who live in Karen villages). They plan to build a roof on
top of their building to have a dormitory for those attending training courses. The very effective
General Secretary, Rev. Nee Doo Htoo, completes his third three-year-term in 2008. As the
constitution allows only three terms for officers, he will leave KBCEU and a new young man will take
We experienced the Korean endeavourers very much different. We were kept very busy all the time.
'We have no time' and 'work hard' were omnipresent phrases. That progressive spirit was present
everywhere in the country. From the airport we were taken straight to the biggest Korean (World’s)
congregation (over 750 000 members). Big numbers seem to be important for Koreans. They count
about one Million endeavourers in their country. Only one of three national Unions in Korea is
affiliated with the World’s CE Union, but we could meet endeavourers from the other Unions as well.
The big number is due to the fact, that every church member between 20 and 50 years of age is
counted as CE member. During our visit they had their Annual General Meeting where a new President
(I, Sang Bok), General Secretary (Kim, Mu Sang) and a new board were elected. The Koreans change
their (honorary) leaders every year. The only staff they have is Mrs. Kim, Kyung Ha. She runs the
office of the KCEU, which is located in the Administrative Complex of the Hap dong Presbyterian
Church in Seoul (General Assembly). Unfortunately we could not attend a regular meeting of a local
CE-society. Activities of the Korean CE we heard about are financing programs such as free eye-
surgery, building a church on a mission field (Philippines), support of the numerous Korean
missionaries, etc. We did not see much youth involved in the Annual General Meeting. But it was an
atmosphere of hearty fellowship. It took a lot of time until everybody had greeted everybody.
In Japan the schedule was not so busy. CE in Japan is a group of elderly people which is very much
engaged in social projects. They send regularly a contribution to support the work of the World’s
Union. The congregations of the church the Japanese CE belongs to are small (like many things in
Japan), youth are few and most of their pastors are men in their seventies.

Australia and Pacific Islands

The Quadrennial Regional Convention for the Australian and Pacific Islands Region will be held in
Nuku'Alofa, Tonga (21st to 24th March 2008).
Visiting speakers: Rev. Fred Nile, Australian CE Vice President and Rev. Andreas Rudolph, WCEU
Secretary/Director of Operations
Please request further information and Registration details from Joyce Spicer, 76a Carlisle Street,
Shoalwater, Western Australia 6076 (joycespicer@iinet.net.au , Phone 61 8 9527 4140).

Europe (see also: www.ceeurope.eu)

From Sept. 6.-11. about a dozen “older youth” from the German CE including WCEU trustee Dr. Thomas
Kröck and Honorary trustee Günter Neumann visited Lutheran Churches and their youth groups in the
Baltic States Latvia and Lithuania. Since 15 years an enthusiastic group of old and young German
endeavourers builds relationships with young Christians in that area. They visit at least yearly, hold
seminars, participate in youth camps, support social activities, helped rebuild churches, built a
parsonage and an orphanage and invite Baltic youth to CE conventions and seminars in Germany. Since
1990 about ten volunteers spent one year each in Latvia and Lithuania to support church activities for
children and youth. The activities of the ‘Baltic Committee’ resulted in close relations between a
number of Latvian and Lithuanian youth groups and the CE movement in Europe.

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CE people
Bishop Clarence A. Kopp, Jr passed away some weeks ago. He was Bishop of the United Brethren in
Christ Church (USA), President of CEI from 1987 to 1981 and WCEU-Trustee from 1990 to 1998.

The WCEU international exchange program for volunteers slowly takes shape. About 10 institutions
and CE Unions offer opportunities for young people to gain cross-cultural experience while serving in
their projects. Dr. Thomas Kröck, Germany, informs about this opportunities ( thomas.kroeck@ec-
jugend.de ). A volunteer in this program is expected to pay for his travel and health insurance and will
get free customary accommodation, food and maybe a pocket money from the hosting institution.

Financial matters
As again February 2nd approaches, which many CE groups observe as CE-day, I would like to remind
you on the each one – give one project of the WCEU. The day is a great opportunity for a „each one –
give one- party“ or any other program which focuses on the worldwide CE movement. An offering for
the Worlds Union would be appropriate.

Pray for …
* CE Leaders on all levels, for strength, endurance, and wisdom to make the right decisions
* a planned conference for African CE leaders most probably in autumn 2008
* the meetings of the Executive Committee in April and the Board of Trustees in September
* the needs of the WCEU and for volunteers who are ready to work there for the Lord
* a new awareness among young and old Endeavourers, that CE is called to build His kingdom

Next Board Meetings, Conventions . . .

March 21.-24. Regional conference for Australia and Pacific in Nuku'alofa,Tonga
April 18.-20. WCEU Executive Committee meeting (Philadelphia area, Pennsylvania. USA)
July 24.-27. Connect Europe, the Christian Endeavour Youth Conference 2008 for Europe, aiming
at potential and active young leaders from the CE movement and beyond
Sept. 17.-20. WCEU Board of Trustees meeting in Northern Ireland
October National Convention of CE in India in Bangalore (days not yet fixed)
July, 29.- Aug. 3.: Convencion Nacional UNDEC, Arequipa, Peru
26th World’s CE Convention in the U.S.A.


Looking back at 2007 WCEU would like to thank all individuals and groups who have supported the
ministry of Christian Endeavor around the world during this past year. We appreciate very much that
many of you pray faithfully for Christian Endeavor. Prayer support is vital to the success of our
ministry. Please continue praying for the ministry of Christian Endeavor on every level.
We also are very grateful for each of you who have financially supported the World’s Union
throughout the year. Your gifts continue to make it possible for us to assist the ministry of national
Christian Endeavor unions and to help organize new CE groups around the world.


World’s Christian Endeavor Union,

3575 Valley Road, P.O.Box 326, Liberty Corner, N.J. 07938-0326, U.S.A.
Tel.: ++1-908-604-9440 Fax ++1-908-604-6190

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