Externaland Internal Factors Final
Externaland Internal Factors Final
Externaland Internal Factors Final
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)السيد أزهر عظيم حميد (كلية االداب – جامعة الكوفة2 ) إحسان عبد الكاظم جبر (كلية االداب – جامعة الكوفة.م1
حيث.يهدف هذا البحث الى معرفة المعايير الخارجية والداخلية التي من شأنها التأثير على أداء الطلبة االكاديمي
اوال الفعاليات االضافية للمنهج الدراسي: اوال معايير خارجية شملت اربع معايير:قسمت هذه المعايير الى قسمين رئيسيين هما
ورابعا المشاكل، وثالثا الحالة المادية لدى الطالب، وثانيا المشاكل العائلية والعمل الذي يقوم به الطالب أثناء دراسته،الخارجية
ثانيا معايير داخلية شملت كذلك اربع.االجتماعية والمشاكل االخرى التي من شأنها التأثير على مستوى الطالب االكاديمي
أنظمة المنهج الدراسي، ثانيا القاعة الدراسية فيما يتعلق بجدولها وحجمها ومالئمتها البيئية، اوال ذكاء وكفاءة الطالب:معايير
) أناث40( ) ذكور و40( ) طالب وطالبة بواقع80( تكونت الدراسة من عينة ضمت. التقنيات المساعدة في التعلم،واالمتحانات
وقد.) طالب وطالبة لكل مرحلة دراسية لمراحل قسم اللغة االنجليزية االربعة في كلية االداب – جامعة الكوفة20( موزعة على
وزع أستبيان لهذا الغرض متعدد الخيارات يهدف الى قياس المعايير آنفة الذكر والمقارنة الجابات الذكور واالناث واالعمار
أظهرت النتائج بان الطلبة بالدرجة االساسية يعانون من المنهج.)SPSS( تم تحليل الببانات بإستخدام برنامج.للمراحل المختلفة
وبين كذلك النتائج بأن هنالك ميول كبيرة.الدراسي الكالسيكي وأنظمة االمتحانات المتبعة باالضافة الى المشاكل العائلية
وفي النهاية.للمتعلمين الى استخدام الوسائل المساعدة في عملية التعلم الحديثة وقد فاقت رغبة الذكور على رغبة االناث فيها
. من الطلبة أكثر رغبة في إستخدام التقنيات الحديثة23 و20 بين التحليل بان االعمال ما بين
Keywords: Students’ problems, academic performance, learning facilities, family problems, text
books and exam systems.
1-1 Introduction
Measuring of academic performance of learners is challenging as students' performance
is a result of socio-economic, psychological and environmental factors. Education is growing as
a profitable industry with prime goal to produce high quality education which delivers well-
educated and skillful students, because institutions are valueless without quality students.
College years play an important role in developing one's own character. Character is
defined as: the particular combination of qualities that makes them different from others
(Cambridge English Dictionary). During college times, the five domains of beliefs: Trust, safety,
power, esteem, and intimacy (Cognitive behavioral theory, A. Antonio and Stella M., 2012), are
firmly merging with each other. Every single student experiences a set of positive and negative
feelings during college years. Most of the time, students will seek a source of support which
families have the biggest part concerning this support (Brown and Robinson Kurpius, 1997: 8).
This work is divided into four sections. The first section introduces a general introduction
about the factors that may have an influence on students’ academic performance and the purpose
of the study. Section two presents the literature review where the factors are given. Section three
demonstrates the methodology of the research, research design, participants and data analysis
while section four provides the conclusion.
1-3 Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this study is to determine which factors are having the greatest influence on
students' academic performance, and to provide a better understanding of what is going on in a
student’s mind.
Internal Influences within the class that can impact students’ academic
2-1 Literature Review
Educational services are not tangible and are difficult to measure because they result in the
form of transformation of knowledge, life skills, and behavioral modification of learners
(Tsnidou, Gerogiannis, and Fitsilis, 2010). So, there is no generally agreed upon definition of
quality that is applied to education scope. The definition varies from culture to culture (Michael,
1998). The environment and the personal characteristics of learners play an important role in
their academic success. The school personnel, members of families and communities can also
provide an appreciated help and support to students for the quality of their academic
performance. This social assistance has a crucial factor in the achievement of academic aims
(Goddard, 2003: 62). Besides the social structure, parents’ involvements in their family
members' education increase the rate of their success (Furstenberg and Hughes, 1995: 583).
Above the demographic factors, the influences of SES (socio-economic status) are still
diffused at the individual level (Caparo and Wiggins, 2000). The SES can be deliberated in many
ways; calculated by the parental education, occupation, income, and facilities used by individuals
separately or collectively. Parental education and family SES level have a positive relation with
the students' quality of achievement (Caldac & Bankston 1997; Jeybes, 2002; Parelius and
Parelius 1998; Mitchell and Collom, 2001; Ma & Klinger, 2000). The students with high level of
SES perform better than those with lower SES (Kirkup, 2008).
The accomplishment of students is negatively correlated with the low SES of their parents
because it prevents the individual from gaining access to sources and resources of learning
(Duke, 2000; Lopez, 1995). It is also observed that the economically disadvantaged parents are
less able to afford the cost of education of their sons and daughters at higher levels and
consequently they do not work at their fullest potential (Rouse & Barrow, 2006). Fntuzzo and
Tighe (2000) concluded that students whose parents are educated score higher on standardized
test than those whose parents are less educated. The reason beyond it that educated parents can
better communicate with their sons and daughters regarding the university work, activities, and
the information that have been taught. So, educated parents can better assist them with their
course of study.
There are two types of factors: first, the external factors that include (Irfan 2012):
B- Family Problems.
D- Social and other Problems.
Extracurricular activities help students to demonstrate their drive, focus, and passion in
addition, they show the ability of students to effectively communicate their ideas and voice their
opinions. These qualities matter to college because college students should and are expected to
be independent in designing and keeping up with their course of study than high schoolers.
Generally, colleges do not really want homogeneous population. They request students to be
interested in multi different things, so that academic and extracurricular life on campus can be
thrived as in supported by Robert Freeman (2017).
est is not an ample supply since work and finances are having a great impact on students’
Z academic experience as stated in UCE’s Center for Research into Quality (CRQ). As from
a country that suffers from the recession, in addition to tuition and life expenses continue
to rise, a lot of students are under heavy pressure to make ends-meet. For some students it
is at the cost of their academic pursuit. National Survey of Students Engagement (NSSE) in 2012
asked how finances were effective on students’ academic activity. The results are as follows:
sixty per cent of full-time seniors who are having more than 80 hours work per month said it
interfered with their academic performance. A group of 32% of fresh students and 36 percent of
seniors also indicated that financial concerns interrupted their academic achievement. Besides,
27% of first-year students and 34% of seniors said that they “often“ or “very often“ chose not to
purchase required academic materials. This proves that work and financial concerns endanger
students’ performance at universities.
agridden diverse problems that families experience such as unfaithfulness, violence, and
Competence is a set of defined behaviors that provide a structured guide enabling the
identification, evaluation and development of individual students (Robert, 1995: 380). A research
by Harb and El- Sharawi (2006) finds that the most important factor with positive influence on
students' performance is students' competence in English language. If the student has a strong
grip on English, it will heighten their communication skills and enhance their academic output.
This will lead to encourage them to take turns in presentations.
Another factor that may have an impact on students’ performance is aptitude. Carrol (1965-
1991: 40) reports that aptitude contains four sub-components, namely, phonetic coding ability,
grammatical sensitivity, inductive language analytic ability, and associative memory. Their
descriptions can be expanded and their perspectives can be processed to SLA by using the four
factors as described below.
It is the capacity for sound discrimination. It varies between students but this variation does not
correlate with learning success.
B- Associative Memory
Associative memory is the ability to make links or connections between stimuli and responses
for instance, native language words and foreign language equivalents. Nowadays associative
memory is not so important, and the capacity to memorize more auditory complex material and
the capacity to impose organization and structure on the material are more useful predictors of
success (Girgoris and Truszczynski, 1998: 70).
C- Grammatical Sensitivity
It is the ability to understand the contribution that words can make in sentences. It
emphasizes recognition of function, rather than explicit representation.
It is the capability to examine corpus of language material and from this, patterns of
correspondence and relationships can be noticed and identified whether involving an implicit or
explicit rule representation.
Students can face difficulty in learning due to the factors related with internal classroom.
Some of these factors are physical aspects. These can have negative or positive impact on
students’ ability to learn.
The physical aspects of a classroom are made up of temperature, size, timetable, and
acoustics of a classroom. If these factors are unsatisfactory, then they could hinder students from
proper learning. For instance, if a classroom is too warm or too cold students will face difficulty
to concentrate. As for size, merging two classes into one, may have a very strong negative
impact, in addition to the background noises of the classroom and its surrounding environment
that may also have a bad influence on students’ mood as supported in (Hughes and Jones, 2001,
P.55). When there is a negative impact on students’ mood, then the learning facilities are no
more favorable to study in.
Exam systems could have their share of negative impact on quality performance of students
as they often result in a huge amount of stress (Wang and Yeh, 2005: 111). Many students today
feel much pressure. Megan Weyrauch (2012: 89) indicates that stress is a normal physical
response to events that make you feel threatened. Edward (2006: 51) suggests that standard exam
systems are not adequate to determine intelligence, many highly intelligent people are poor
thinkers, and many people of average intelligence are skilled thinkers. The power of a car is
separated from the way it is driven. The roughening of the surface is never ideal for academic
advancement, because it creates as a distance between two points rather than a straight line, an
arabesque, i.e., it makes us pause over what we are reading. It obstacles the way of arriving at
knowledge if one arrives at all.
R virtually every human endeavor. Technology has revolutionized the ways human think
and act. Hence, every country has tried to embrace in educational organization for proper
positioning. Since education holds the key to national development, learning facilities
must be placed in a greater pedestal (Ntukidem and Jaja, 2011).
Technological facilities are tools, equipments, and gadgets used for systematic application of
knowledge to heighten classroom learning and teaching, they include: Computers, Interactive
Videos, Power Point Projectors, Software Package, Network Hardware, Cellular Phone, Satellite
System, Internet and other communication devices used in transmitting, receiving, and retrieving
information (Oloube, 2015).
The importance of teacher education cannot be over emphasized. This is because lecturers
play a critical role in any education system; no education can rise above the quality of its
professors. Apart from this, university leaders are expected to ensure that the instruments are
properly used and are kept in the right condition for use at all times. This calls for institutional
leaders to supervise the activities of lecturers with regards to the deployment of technology in
classroom instruction. Such leaders must be versatile in the utilization of technology in
classrooms (Cakir, 2012).
3-1 Methodology
The given data and statistical analysis are collected in January, 2018 from eighty
students after providing them with clear knowledge about the nature of factors affecting
students’ performance, henceforth (FASP). For the purpose of this study, tables, charts, and
SPSS were used to analyze the data that have been collected from students.
The nature of questionnaire shows which of the external and internal factors have a
negative impact on students’ performance and which have a positive contribution to theirs.
The answers of the questionnaire are typical answers (a. Strongly Agree, b. Agree, c.
Disagree, and d. Strongly Disagree). Each answer represents a level of agreement with the
statement; (A) stands for the highest level of agreement while (B) represents a specific level of
agreement, and so on for C and D in terms of disagreement. For this sake, ANOVA, Histograms,
and Microsoft Excel program have been used to analyze the collected data.
3-1-2 Participants
The study participants are undergraduate students in the English Department, College of
Arts, University of Kufa (evening study). A number of 80 students ranging from (19) to (30) or
more have been randomly subjected to the survey of research. Twenty students (10 males and 10
females) are freshmen and the same number, and is also followed with the year subject.
A-Extracurricular Activities.
Table 1: Scores acquired from students' questionnaire (F: female, and M: male)
Extracurricular Activities
Axis Title
First Year First Year Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
F M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 2 4 3 6 8 5 4 2
Series2 7 6 7 1 2 5 5 7
Series3 0 0 0 3 0 0 1 1
Series4 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Table number (1) shows the students who are more willing to count on the academic
activities to heighten their scores. It can be seen that both genders (42.5%) have equally scored
for strongly agree with a slight margin of advantage when it comes to females as (52.5%) of
them choose agree for (47.5%) of males. One male student has made up his mind to strongly
disagree with the statement about the positive impact of the activities. All of first year female
students, second year female students and fourth year male students have equally agreed with the
statement (70%). Third year female students scored the highest scores when (80%) of them
strongly agreed with the statement.
B-Family Problems:
Table 2: Scores acquired from students' questionnaire (F: female, and M: male)
Family Problems
Axis Title
First Year First Year Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
F M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 2 7 2 6 6 5 7 2
Series2 6 2 7 1 2 2 2 7
Series3 1 1 1 3 2 1 1 1
Series4 1 2
Table number (2) shows that both genders are having similar level of suffering, (42.5%) of
both genders selected strongly agree, on the other hand more females (42.5%) agreed on the
negative impact than males (35%) concerning the family problems. Both of second year female
students and fourth year male students have scored the same agreement (70%), on the other side
all stages have equal agreement concerning their agreement or strongly agreement with the
C-Work and Financial Situation:
Table 3: Scores acquired from students' questionnaire (F: female, and M: male)
First Year First Year Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
F M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 2 4 3 3 6 2 4
Series2 5 4 4 4 2 2 5 4
Series3 2 2 5 3 5 1 2 1
Series4 1 1 1 1 1
Table number (3) indicates that work and financial have a significant effect on student’s
overall academic achievement, especially on males. (42.5%) of males have proclaimed that this
factor has a huge negative impact on their learning, compared to only 17.5% of females. It also
displays that females (double in numbers) have slightly rejected the statement about the noxious
impact of this aspect. This table illustrates a big difference in the answers of third stage students,
while (60%) of males have strongly agreed with the negative impact of the work and financial
factor, (50%) of females have disagreed with the statement. First year male students, second year
male students, and fourth year students recorded (40%) of agreement.
Table 4: Scores acquired from students' questionnaire (F: female, and M: male)
Social and Others
Axis Title
First Year First Year Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
F M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 4 4 4 3 1
Series2 3 3 4 4 7 4 4 5
Series3 1 3 1 5 4 2 5
Series4 2 1 1 1 4
The above table (4) proves that social and other problems factor have affected mostly
females from all the four stages, (27.5%) of them have been highly influenced, and slightly
suffered (45%) in comparison with males whom the indicator reflects a rapid decrease with only
(12.5%) of them have been heavily affected, and gradual decrease (40%) when it comes to the
slight impact made by this redounding. Third year female students seem to be affected by the
social factor (70%), compared to their peers. The other three stages have nearly the same
answers with only fourth year male students have slight increase in agreement and disagreement
with social and other problems factor (50%).
2-Internal Factors:
A-Students’ Competence and Aptitude:
Table 5: Scores acquired from students' questionnaire (F: female, and M: male)
First Year First Year Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
F M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 5 2 6 3 7 3 5 7
Series2 5 8 3 5 3 5 5 2
Series3 1 2 2 1
In table number (5), it can be seen that there is a high tendency from students towards
agreeing that competence and aptitude are the magnificent backers of one’s academic progress
with more females (57.5%) strongly counting on competence as the sole factor for their
procession, bear comparison with only (37.5%) of males. There is an inclination for males not to
regard competence as the only factor they might need for their advancement when (12.5%) of
them have made up their mind to disagree.
Class: Size, Schedule, Environment
Axis Title
First Year First Year Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
F M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 4 3 4 1 4 2 3 2
Series2 2 6 3 5 6 5 6 5
Series3 3 3 3 1 2
Series4 1 1 1 2 1 1
The above table (6) demonstrates that females (37.5%) have greater concern and pay
more attention to their surrounding than men (20%) do. This is related to their psychology as
they value environmental concern as more important than men do and see environmentalism as
important to escalate their skills, because it gives them more relief, as supported by Gary
Polakovic (2012). First year female students, second year female students, and third year female
students have strongly agreed (40%) with the statement about the impact of class: size, schedule,
and environment factor. Third year male students and fourth year male students displayed same
percentage of agreement (50%) in comparison with (60%) of female students of the same stages.
C-Text Books & Exam Systems:
First Year First Year Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
F M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 5 8 6 2 7 3 2 2
Series2 2 1 3 6 3 5 7 5
Series3 1 1 2 2 1 2
Series4 3 1
The table (7) displays that there is a balance in the answers of both genders when it
comes to agree on the statement with a regard to its two variables. 50% of females set their mind
to strongly agree while 37.5% of them chose agree compared to 37.5% and 42.5% of males
respectively. It is worth mentioning that answers of freshman students are in a rapid changing,
80% of males strongly agreed in contrast with only 50% of females. Also 30% of females chose
to strongly disagree with this factor while nothing to mention concerning males about this
choice. This can confirm that females are more committed to rules by their nature as supported
by (Peter, Kallberg, Cynthia, 1993, P.369).
Table 8: Scores acquired from students' questionnaire (F: female, and M: male)
First First Second Second Third Third Fourth Fourth
Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M Year F Year M
Series1 6 6 4 8 6 8 4 3
Series2 3 3 4 1 2 1 1 5
Series3 1 1 1 5 1
Series4 1 2 1 1 1
Statistics of learning facilities and technology confirm that males are more willing and more
confident in the systematic application of knowledge in classrooms than females. In general,
62% of males strongly agree that learning and technological facilities would definitely have a
prime positive impact on their academic experience. This called for further investigation as seen
in table (9) to determine which age would be more beneficial of this application. Based on the
results from table (9), it is seen that the age between (20-23) have a tendency to use benefits
from the technological environment. There are 40% male students aged between (20-23) set to
choose strongly agree to only 17.5% of females. This percentage shows beyond doubt that males
more than preferable to be provided with this learning aspect. Another point is that students who
are aged 30 have more tendencies to see that technological aspect brings nothing to their quality
performance than the other ages. There are 12.5% of females of the age mentioned earlier choose
disagreement item.
-The below charts show the answers of female and male students’ answers respectively.
4.1 Conclusions
According to the results and their discussions, the study concluded the following:
1- A study can be undertaken to measure the factors that contribute in both writing and
speaking for students.
2- More research can be carried out to include different colleges from different Universities
to monitor the changing in factors affecting academic performance of students.
3- Further research is needed to explore the problem on a large sample from more scattered
geographical regions including other individual differences factors, parental education
factors, University factors and most importantly the academic level of teachers' factors.
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