Organizing A Shared-Services Coop

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Organizing a Shared-Services Cooperative A shared-services cooperative is a business organization owned and controlled by private businesses or public entities that

become members of the cooperative to more economically purchase services and/or products. Members of shared-services cooperatives respond jointly to common problems. These organizations can use shared services cooperatives to lower their operating costs by jointly obtaining needed services and products. The role of these cooperatives is to provide services in response to the specific needs of member-owners. These organizations become an extension of the individual members operation. These cooperatives can offer a wide array of services including purchasing of products or support services. Services are developed and designed as needed by the board, committees, and often, by the members themselves. Most cooperatives begin by offering a single service. New and more complex services may be added as the cooperative matures. Examples of shared-services cooperatives include: Health, hardware stores, restaurants, independent pharmacies, rural electric cooperatives, local food retailers, and natural food stores have formed a number of shared-services cooperatives. These cooperatives operate as wholesale businesses. They may also provide services such as advertising, strategic planning, and volume purchasing discounts. Structure and Operations The goal of shared-services cooperatives is to purchase or provide products and/or services for its members at a total cost that is less than the combined costs that individual members would incur themselves. The goal is to generate savings captured through lower administrative costs, quantity purchasing discounts, and assured levels of business with vendors and suppliers. By purchasing cooperatively, individual businesses or governmental entities can increase the efficiency of their buying activities. Because these organizations are formed as a cooperative, they have several structural and operational characteristics that make them different from other types of businesses: 1) A shared-services cooperative is owned by the private businesses or public entities that use it. The member-owners of the cooperative are responsible for paying fees and assessments, participation in the governance and operation of the cooperative, and using its services. Membership support via patronage is important. Without it the cooperative cannot succeed. 2) A shared-services cooperative is controlled by the private businesses or public entities that own and use the business. The cooperative is controlled by its member-owners through a board of directors (elected democratically from among the member-owners) and through participation in membership meetings and committee work. The board sets the overall operating policies, approves the annual budget, oversees its operation, and distributes the benefits derived from use of the cooperative. The board also hires professional management to handle the day-today operations of the cooperative. The manager hires needed staff and implements the boards policies. 3) While the cooperative is organized to provide services to its members at the lowest possible cost, it must still be a viable business. The cooperative, like any other business, needs to cover costs and generate an excess to cover expansion and unforeseen emergencies. Thus, the cooperative's operating budgets are developed so expected income exceeds operating costs. Part of the earnings generated can be retained by the cooperative as ownership capital. The

rest is refunded to members based on their use of the cooperative. These are called patronage refunds or patronage dividends. In offering services, cooperatives either provide the services directly or contract to have another vendor provide the services directly to the members. However the cooperative chooses to provide its services, the aim is always to provide the best quality at the lowest possible cost. Capital Structure The capital structure for a cooperative in most States may be stock or non-stock. In a capital stock organization, members are issued stock certificates as evidence of their capital subscriptions. In Tennessee a cooperative may issue capital stock, provided the dividend does not exceed 8 percent. Two types of stock may be issued.   Common stock issued is one share per member to show membership and voting rights. Tennessee law permits one vote per member. Preferred stock may be issued to show further capital investment. Has no voting or profit sharing right, but can receive dividends.

A non-stock organization issues a certificate (usually a revolving-fund certificate) to show capital investment of members. Many non-stock cooperatives raise some or most of their original member capital via a membership fee. Equity capital - the amount of money members invest in the cooperative - can come from initial membership fees, additional cash investments, and from transacting business with the cooperative. The initial equity capital requirements from each member will be determined by the projected cost of facilities, estimated day-today volume of business, and the estimated number of members and their volume of business with the cooperative. Income is usually generated through a cooperatives fee structure. A cooperative can employ a variety of techniques including flat annual fees, usage fees, rebates, and member assessments. The goal of a cooperatives fee structure is to generate income to cover operating costs and to acquire assets, but in a manner that is fair to all members. As the number and complexity of programs and services offered by the cooperative increase, so will the complexity of the fee structure. Another source of income is product markups or margins. Cooperatives that act as a wholesaler usually use these as a source of income. They buy products from manufacturers or distributors and resell them to members. Cooperatives that use markups often have a minimum markup policy. When setting the price for members, the cooperative will add to its cost a minimum fee to cover operating costs, working capital, and a contribution to reserves. Fees are usually set annually by the organizations board of directors. The board determines the cooperatives budget for the coming year. Based on the budget, the board determines what income is needed to cover operating costs and to provide working capital and prudent reserves. Members are then charged a fee based on the level of income necessary to meet projected program and service obligations. Incorporation Most corporations, including cooperatives, are formed under a State law. State incorporation statutes grant specific powers (e.g., to market, purchase, manufacture, etc.) and general ones (all powers necessary to conduct business).

Every state has a general business corporation statute. A cooperative may be incorporated under this law and have its cooperative character established through proper drafting of the articles of incorporation and bylaws. Tennessee law does not have specific statutes for nonagriculture cooperative corporations, so we would use the general business corporation statutes. We would be defined as a corporation and the type would be a cooperative. To become incorporated in Tennessee you file form 4417-Corporation Charter Application. Board of Directors Once incorporated, a charter membership meeting should be held to adopt bylaws and elect an initial board of directors. The steering committee members frequently become the board of directors, because they are familiar with all aspects of the new cooperative. The nature and composition of the board is defined in the cooperatives bylaws. They describe director eligibility, method of selection, term of office, and board organization.

Member Benefits The joint ownership and operation of a shared-services cooperative offer some major benefits to its member-owners. Empowerment/Control By owning the organization that provides services and products, members of shared-services cooperatives can exercise more control over a major component of their business, namely the price and quality of services and products they wish to buy. Stability and Reliability Shared-services cooperatives provide members with a stable, long-term organization to meet various needs. The cooperative needs the commitment of its members, but at the same time offers a constant, supportive access to products and services. Networking A shared-services cooperative offers members an opportunity to meet and discuss problems and topics of mutual concern. This can occur at all levels of the members organizations. In some instances, ad hoc committees of members employees define and recommend solutions for specific issues. For example, a committee of janitors might evaluate cleaning products or speech therapists might develop training programs. Flexibility Shared-services cooperatives are often flexible in the types and magnitudes of services. Services offered are based on the needs and wants of members. As members needs change over time, cooperatives can respond by adjusting their services. The ability to respond to change depends upon the purpose and objective of the organization.

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