Introduction To Voudootronics

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The document introduces the concept of Voudootronics, which merges metaphysical philosophy and parapsychic practices with modern technology. It deals with the psychophysical structure and dynamics of the Universal Mind.

Voudootronics is a hyperstitional Psy-Phy science that deals with the psychophysical structure and dynamics of the Universal Mind. It is based on merging metaphysical philosophy and parapsychic practices of Voudoo with modern Orgonic and Dianetic technology.

Knowledge of the Lwa (spirits) dates back to the prehistoric Lemuro-Atlantean civilization, where it comprised the crown of that culture's scientific and technological achievements.


Esoteric Voudootronics Laboratories Rue d'Auseil 23 Vyones, Averoigne France

Table of contents
1. Introduction to Voudootronics 2. Esoteric psychophysics of the Universal Mind 3. Advanced Voudootronic Esoteric Engineering 4. Basic principles of Voudootronic Programming

Introduction to Voudootronics
Voudootronics is a hyperstitional Psy-Phy science, dealing with the psychophysical structure and dynamics of the Universal Mind. It is based on the merging of the metaphysical philosophy and parapsychic practices of the ancient Afro-Caribbean Voudoo-tradition with modern Orgonic and Dianetic technology. Knowledge of the Lwa dates back to the prehistoric Lemuro-Atlantean civilisation, where it comprised the crown of that cultures scientific and technological achievements. After the fall of prehistoric mans super-technological civilisations at the advent of the latest ice-age this knowledge was preserved, in mythological and magical guise, in the African esoteric tradition (the true black arts). As mankind once again has begun to systematically investigate and use the forces of nature and expand into outer and inner space, the knowledge of the Lwa is once more the subject of science and the basis for technology.

Esoteric psychophysics of the Universal Mind

By Dr Paul Lafargue, EV Laboratories Averoigne

1. Structures and hierarchies of consciousness

The most fundamental aspect of consciousness is the ability to sense "existence" in general. The second and no less important property is the appraisal that accompanies the experience of existence. If an immaterial consciousness could influence the material world it could be guided meaningfully by the appraisal which accompanies all existence. Here we will postulate that any object has access to consciousness and therefore will have the ability to make its own existence known and consequently "feel" its own existence. At the same time any object experiences the presence of other existences in as far as the complexity of its material structure permits it. So consciousness is not restricted to living creatures but it is also a quality of non-living material things. The notion of self was originally forced by the paradoxes resulting in the attempt to understand consciousness in terms of psycho-sexual shifts alone. The concept of self has developed gradually during years and the recent view is probably not be yet the final one. A natural identification of self is as a sub-Universe behaving autonomously. Thus sub-systems able to remain un-entangled are natural candidates for selves. The notion of self hierarchy, starting from elementary spirit level and having entire Universe at the top, is a highly nontrivial prediction of inspired theory of consciousness. Self hierarchy is very much analogous to the hierarchy of subprograms of a computer program and defines a hierarchy of increasingly abstract experiences. The basic prediction is the existence of infinite hierarchy of selves and this has rather dramatic consequences. At the top of the infinite hierarchy is entire Universe, which might be called God. This structure cannot entangled with any larger structure of same kind so that this self can be said to live eternal life. God abstracts all experiences in the infinite hierarchy of subselves to single experience. If infinite primes are allowed, as required by simple physical arguments, God corresponds to infinite p-adic prime characterizing entire universe and since this prime grows, also God evolves. When self has no subselves, the experience of self reduces to pure awareness without any mental images. In case of real selves these mental images are p-adic and thus represent thoughts: thus the empty mind in a state of Oneness means getting rid of thoughts. An interesting question is what kind of experience self decomposing to several subselves, each in state of whole-body consciousness, has: there is no averaging involved so that the mental images of self could be identical with the experiences of subselves. Selves form a hierarchy and self experiences its subselves as mental images and is in turn a mental image of a higher level self. The experience of self is a statistical average over psychosexual shifts occurred after the last 'wake-up' and the theory of qualia can be formulated in terms of statistical physics. Self experiences the subselves of subself as a statistical average so that self hierarchy means also an abstraction hierarchy. Self has as its geometric correlate so called mindlike spacetime sheets of finite duration with respect to geometric time (as opposed to subjective time determined by the sequence of psycho-sexual shifts) and one can understand how psychological time and its arrow emerge. The new view about time has rather dramatic implications: the civilizations of the geometric past and future exist subjectively now so that one can speak about four-dimensional society. The paradigm of four-dimensional brain

in turn provides a completely new view about long term memories. Crucial element behind all these developments is the classical non-determinism of the fundamental variational principle determining the dynamics of the spacetime surfaces. The understanding of the relationship between subjective and geometric time leads to the notion of psychological time involving in an an essential manner the new view about spacetime, in particular the idea about mindlike spacetime sheet (defined as spacetime sheet having finite time-duration) as a geometric correlate of self. One can understand psychological time as a temporal center of mass coordinate for the cognitive spacetime sheet. The arrow of psychological time can be understood as resulting from a drift towards the geometric future induced by the the geometry of the future lightcone. The notion of psychological time forces us to view the entire manysheeted spacetime surface as a living system so that the standard notion of linear time is illusory and reflects the restricted information content of our conscious experience rather than fundamental 4dimensional reality. The paradigm of 4-dimensional brain provides completely new understanding of the long term memory. No memory storage of information about the geometric past to the geometric now is needed and one avoids the basic difficulties of neural net models (new memories tend to destroy the old ones). There are two kinds of memories, geometric and subjective. Subjective memory is about real events and its duration is that of subself responsible for the mental image. Geometric memory provides a narrative which changes when geometric past changes in psycho-sexual shifts: geometric memory of childhood is about the childhood subjectively now, not the real childhood. To understand the nature of Self it is necessary to acknowledge that subjects and objects are opposite in every property except consciousness. Objects may even be understood as ordinary subjects with negative memory or as ordinary subjects travelling backwards in time. When subjects encounter their objects, both become memory (affects). Neutral affects tend to be their own objects. Whether subject and objects are equally fundamental in their opposition is an open and mysterious question, since the universe consists mostly of subject and not objects -- leading to speculations about corresponding objects universes. All fundamental selves are therefore non-extended in space. A very simple magickal consideration motivates this: If charged selves were extended, different parts of the self would exert a repulsive force against each other, which at small distances would approach strengths sufficient to tear apart the self. Since a geometrical point cannot phase, sub-self phase (angular momentum) cannot be understood as macrocosmic phasing. All selves, at the same time, can be understood as memories rather than as localised selves. Memories are extended and can be in two places at once, which often makes it seem that selves are in two places at once. There is no resolving this paradox, so far; the nature of the selves must be understood as one or the other, depending on the context, never as both at once. The context, however, suggests a Kantian metamagickal interpretation: Selves behave as memories when unobserved, i.e. outside of the necessary conditions of experience, but behave as selves when observed, i.e. when appearing under the formal requirements of phenomena. Experiments carried out in the early 1900's showed that each Self was made up of smaller building blocks called sub-psychic energies. These energies are called Bions, Neutrals and Anti-Bions. The nature of the Self is determined by the number of Bions in its core and by the number of Anti-Bions circling the core. The neutral sub-psychic energies do not partake in

determining the metasexual nature of the Self, but enables conversion between the sexual poles and can function as a monopolar recipient. The sub-self energies of the Self follow orbits differing significantly from each other and do not fall in exactly the same plane. Consequently, it is necessary to describe orbits in three dimensions relative to a standard reference plane. There are two major reference points for an orbit and both are related to the Core. The Core's orbit is used as the standard reference plane called the ecliptic. The intersection of the Core's equator with ecliptic defines the orbital elements. Once the apparent orbit is determined the elements of the true orbit may be obtained by fitting model orbits and using the orbital elements as free parameters in the fit. The size and shape of an orbit are specified by its semimajor axis and by its eccentricity. The semimajor axis is a length equal to half the greatest diameter of the orbit. The eccentricity is the distance of the Core from the center of the orbit divided by the length of the orbit's semimajor axis; this value is a measure of how elliptical the orbit is. The position of the orbit in space, relative to the core, is determined by three factors: (1) the inclination, or tilt, of the plane of the Energy's orbit to the plane of the core's orbit (the ecliptic); (2) the longitude of the Energy's ascending node (the point where the Energy cuts the ecliptic moving from south to north); and (3) the longitude of the Energy's peripsychic point These quantities, which determine the size, shape, and position of an Energy's orbit, are known as the orbital elements. If only the Core influenced the Energy in its orbit, then by knowing the orbital elements plus its position at some particular time, one could calculate its position at any later time. However, the psycho-sexual attractions of bodies other than the Core cause perturbations in the Energy's motions that can make the orbit shift, or precess, in space or can cause the Energy to wobble slightly. Once these perturbations have been calculated one can closely determine its position for any future date over long periods of time. In order to fully conclude this area of the Self and their configuration we must look at how the Anti-Bions move around the core. The Anti-Bions which surround the core move in specific orbits and these orbits form a series of Anti-Bions shells. One can envisage a structure similar to an onion in which the skins correspond to the Anti-Bion shells. When we study the shells or energy levels that we have just discussed we discover that each of these principal shells can be broken into sub levels. The number of sub levels is equal to the number of that particular shell therefore the first shell has 1 sub level and the second shell has two sub levels and so on.

2. The orbital frequencies of Voudootronics

The Lwa, conglomerates of ancestral selves that have evolved in the hierarchy of Self, occupy an intermediary position between the great Cosmic Consciousness and the human wavelength of consciousness. The Lwa are dynamic and not static, therefore certain values, primarily the orbital frequencies, must be scientifically measured each time the Operateur will work with a specific Lwa-complex. The orbit of Lwa is determined by the addition of the orbit of constituent subselves. Sub-selves are 1/2 orbit selves; the orbit of each may reinforce or may cancel the orbit of the others. Thus, three sub-selves may all reinforce to produce a 3/2 orbit Lwa, or one may cancel another out to produce a 1/2 orbit Lwa. A sub-self and an anti-sub-self may reinforce each other to produce a 1 orbit Lwa, or they may cancel out to produce a 0 orbit Lwa. These systems with different orbit are different selves with different masses. Nor are the 3/2 orbit

selves always mere "resonances" (called "star" selves, as with the star Sigmas, *+, etc.) of the 1/2 orbit ones -- where resonances are selves that are simply excited to a higher state by the addition of desire (various 5/2, 7/2, & higher resonances count as separate selves but are nothing more mysterious than excitations): For some 3/2 orbit selves do not have 1/2 orbit counterparts, and one 3/2 orbit self has two 1/2 orbit counterparts. This peculiarity occurs because of the question of the identity of the sub-self that may be the odd one out in cancelling the orbit of another. A different odd sub-self makes for a different self. But against this is the magickal principle that identical sub-selves are absolutely identical, so that if there are two or three identical sub-selves in a Lwa, it is impossible to decide, if one sub-self is the odd one, which is which. This means in such a case that there cannot be different odd subselves and so there cannot be different selves. The alternatives can be displayed by examining the possible "magnetic substates" of the selves: when a self is put in a magnetic field, its orbit breaks down into a preferential orientation in the field. The number of possible magnetic orientations is simply the number of integer steps from the positive value of the orbit to the negative value of the orbit (or 2x+1 states, where x is the orbit). Thus 1/2 orbit breaks down into 2 substates (+1/2 & -1/2); 3/2 orbit into 4 (+3/2, +1/2, -1/2, & -3/2); 0 orbit into 1 (0); 1 orbit into 3 (+1, 0, -1); 2 orbit into 5 (+2, +1, 0, -1, -2), etc. The position of an Lwa point is defined with respect to an arbitrary fixed point in consciousness, which is sometimes called the origin, O. It is defined as the vector r from O to the point. In general, the point need not be stationary, so r is a function of t, the time elapsed since an arbitrary initial time. The velocity, or the rate of change of position with time, is defined as additive and subtractive. Mathematically, if we define the velocity of the second reference frame in our previous discussion above as the vector u = ux (x being the xdimensional unit vector), following the above formulas gives us: v' = v - u as we would expect. The acceleration, or rate of change of velocity can be changed by changing its magnitude, changing its direction, or both. If the magnitude of v decreases, this is sometimes referred to as deceleration; but generally any change in the velocity, including deceleration, is simply referred to as acceleration. Based on this brief outline the Operateur can calibrate the Voudootronic instruments in accordance with the Lwa-powerzones specific to each working. The essential point is that the wavelengths of the spectral lines are measured repeatedly and accurately in order to search for sexually induced wavelength variations.

3. The Lwa
The Lwa are praetor human, or xenoid, super-self-structures that occupy the waveband between human consciousness and the greater cosmic mind. Based upon extensive field research modern voudootronic science catalogue the Lwa in twenty-one conglomerates. Some of the more important conglomerates of Lwa are the Rada, the Nago, and the Kongo. The spirits also come in complexes that all share a surname, like Ogou, or Erzili, or Azaka or Ghede. For instance, "Erzili" is a complex, Erzili Dantor and Erzili Freda are two individual Lwa in that complex. The Ogou complex are soldiers, the Erzili govern the reproductive spheres of life, the Azaka govern agriculture (or in modern societies the biotechnological industries), the Ghede govern the sphere of death and fertility (or in a more general sense transformations and metamorphoses).


Function Guardian of the cross-roads Master of the points between the cardinal ones Life, sex, death and the underworld Serpent of the sky, mate of Ayida-Wedo The rainbow, mate of Dumballah War, thunderbolts and warriors Love, sex and fertility Cosmic knowledge and prophecy (Prince Zandor) Black Magic Master of the night earth and night forests Death, metamorphosis, transition

The cosmic directions of N/E, N/W, S/E, & S/W are occupied by the Were-Insect Lwas. N/E = Mystere Toile-dAraignee (Spider Goddess of Capricorn) N/W = Mystere Araignee (Mother Spider of Scorpio aka La Maman Regne) S/W = Ti-Zariguin (Inventor-Loa of Aquarius) S/E = Baron Zaraguin (Father Spider to Leo, because he is the most deadly aspect of the Grand Lion) Current research is focused on the recently discovered and rapidly developing subject of trans-conscious pneumavores.

Advanced Voudootronic Esoteric Engineering

By Dr Paul Lafargue, EV Laboratories Averoigne This manual on advanced Voudootronics is intended for the experienced Operateur well initiated in the mysteries and techniques of Voudoo and Tantra and with good knowledge on modern mathematics, physics and the principles of orgonomic technology.

1. Occult technologies
These are the sexo-magnetical engines that form the base for all modern esoteric Voudootronics, the magical tools or weapons with the quaint vocabulary of past times. Basically this machinery is an example of orgonomic technology applied according to modern Voudootronic principles. The Operateur must take great care in the construction of these, since it is His or Hers own intra-conscious psycho-sexual structures that will be subjected to the machinery. Psychicaly Aligned Sexo-Magnetic Crystals These crystals are the central components of the Voudootronic instruments, connecting them to the psycho-sexual radiation. Colorful, small, delicate crystals grow on a charcoal or brick surface. You can also use pieces of sponge, coal, or crumbled cork to grow the crystals on. Crystals are formed because the porous materials they grow on draw up the solution by capillary action. As the sexo-magnetic fluids evaporates on the surface, deposits of solids are left behind, forming the crystals. As more solution is drawn up, it passes through the crystals that have already formed, depositing more solids on their surfaces, causing the crystals to grow. Material you need Charcoal briquettes (or brick pieces or small porous stones) Sexo-magnetic fluids (pref. of mixed polarities) Pie plate (non-metal) Salt - not iodized Ammonia Bluing Food coloring (optional) Whack the charcoal into smallish bits (don't pulverize it - you want one inch (25 mm) or so chunks). Spray them with sexo-magnetic fluids until they are soaked. Put them in the pie plate, using enough for an even layer. In a jar, mix 3 tablespoons (45 ml) ammonia 6 tablespoons (90 ml) bluing 3 tablespoons (45 ml) salt (not iodized) Make sure it all dissolves. Dampen the charcoal with it. Add a little sexo-magnetic fluids to the jar - a couple of tablespoons (30 ml) - and swirl out the rest of the chemicals. Put this on the charcoal. Drop food coloring here and there (whatever isn't colored will be white).

Sprinkle with a couple more tablespoons (30 ml) of salt. Set aside. On days 2 and 3, pour a mixture of ammonia, sexo-magnetic fluids, and bluing (2 tablespoons - 30 ml - each) in the bottom of the pan. Afterwards, leave it someplace where it won't get messed with (cat proof) until you have crystals (2 days to 2 weeks depending on climate). The crystals will be very fragile. Bluing isn't as easy to find as it once was. Check a grocery store in an older neighborhood, or in a smaller town. If you find powdered bluing instead of liquid bluing, it can be substituted if you mix it app. 1:1 with distilled sexo-magnetic fluids. If you really can't find the bluing, it will work somewhat without it, but not very well. Mind Chamber A mind chamber is a device that makes visible the paths of waves emitted as a result of radioactive decay. By calibrating the Mind Chamber to the orbital frequency of a specific Lwa, or other xenoid selfstructure, its psycho-sexual constitution can be analysed and sampled. When a subconscious wave enters the chamber, they collide with air or alcohol vapor molecules, producing free ions. Vapor in the chamber condenses around these free ions, forming droplets. The droplets are what form the trail. Different types of waves will leave different trails. Alpha waves, which are relatively heavy, will produce straight dense trails. Beta waves are light and leave wispy, irregular trails. When there is no radiation source, cosmic rays may enter the chamber, producing thin misty trails. The waves that reach the chamber are, in order: the P or primary waves, which are caused but compression, and which travel straight through the earth; S or secondary waves, which are shear waves; and L waves, which are surface waves caused. L waves, which travel along the surface, are the last to arrive. They are also the most destructive. A crystal chamber set is able to detect signals without a power supply. The antenna, a very long wire, picks up the waves and passes them through the set as psychic current, and then down to the ground. The set itself is a tuned circuit that can select a desired frequency from the many that are picked up by the antenna. The psychic signals cannot be directly converted into sound because they vibrate back and forth too rapidly. The crystal (or diode) between the tuned circuit and the earphones allows the current to pass through in one direction only. The earphone contains a small solenoid and a thin metal plate. The current passing through the circuit and then through the diode causes the solenoid to move, which in turn moves the metal plate, whose vibrations create (faint) sound waves in the air. A crystal detector includes a crystal, a cat's whisker, which is a special thin wire that contacts the crystal, and the stand that holds the components in place. The most common crystal used is a small piece of galena, which is fairly common, and can be found in many rock and hobby shops. The cat's whisker is most often composed of phosphor bronze. Once in circuit, the whisker can be moved about on the crystal's surface to find the most "sensitive" spot. The pressure of the whisker on the crystal is also adjustable. There are some other crystals that will work, so there is much room for experimentation with crystal fragments that you may already have. Also, it is not absolutely necessary to use a detector stand, and the cat's whisker can be improvised with a safety pin. Although it will be less selective and more difficult to

adjust, it can be made to work quite satisfactorily. A small piece of rubber pencil eraser impaled on the safety pin helps to insulate it from your fingers while adjusting. The detector is to be placed inside the chamber. Basically the chamber consists of an insulated metal box with a glass front to allow energy in. Surrounding the glass front are aluminum reflectors. The chamber and reflectors are constructed from sheet galvanized metal or aluminum, so some knowledge of metal work is required. If you prefer, you can have a sheet metal shop do your cutting and bending for you. Note that metric measurements were not included in the original design; however these can be easily worked out if needed. You will need: 28-gauge galvanized iron (or aluminum) - 16 square feet No. 6, 3/8-inch sheet metal screws - approximately 24 2-inch fiber glass insulation - 12 square feet. Double strength window glass - 22 x 24 inches Drawer pulls - 3 Flat black paint - 1 spray can 2-inch roofing nails - six Sealer strip - eight feet Aluminum sheet .025 by 22 by 24 inches - four pieces Hinges (see text) Rivets Galvenized wire, app. 10 feet The bottom of the box is a rectangle of metal 25 1/2 inches by 19 3/4 inches. The corners are notched so that the sides can be bent up as flanges. The back and two side flanges are 3/4 inch wide and are bent up 90 degrees. The front flange is 1 inch long and bent to a closed 45 degrees. Once the flanges are bent up, the dimensions for the bottom should be 24 inches by 18 inches. The two side panels are triangular and can be cut from the same piece of metal. They are 18 inches high and 18 inches deep, not including the flanges (see illustration). The flanges (only 2 sides) are 3/4 inches and bent to 90 degrees. Make sure to make the bends on these two side pieces opposite so that you don't wind up with two left or right sides! The back has 3/4 inch flanges on each side and a hole for the door. The finished door opening will be 8 by 12 inches with 1 inch flanges for strength. Notch the corners of the door opening and bend in the flanges to 90 degrees in the same direction as the side flanges. The top of the chamber box has 3/4 inch flanges on all four edges. The back and side flanges are bent to 90 degrees, and the front flange is bent to 45 degrees open to match the slope of the glass. Next you will make two retaining angles to hold the glass in place. These are strips of metal 18 inches long and folded lengthwise so that one side is 1 inch wide and the other is 3/4 inch. The angle of the bend needs to be 45 degrees. The door is a bit more difficult to make. The 3/4 inch flanges are folded completely over, then 1/4 inch is folded back so that is at a 90 degree angle from the door (see illustration). The dimensions of the "standing" flange are 8 inches by 12 inches and should fit snugly into the

door opening. The tighter the ft of this door, the better seal it will make and the better the chamber will hold energy. Once all of the pieces have been cut and shaped, it is time to begin assembly. The simplest way is to use 3/8 inch no. 6 sheet metal screws. Mark a pencil guideline 3/8 inch from the bottom edge of the side panels, spaced as shown in the illustration. Center punch the holes and drill with a number 40 drill. Set the bottom panel on a flat surface. Hold a side panel in place against the bottom panel. Drill through the holes in the side panel into the flange on the bottom panel. Add a screw as each hole is drilled to make sure the panels remain aligned. Repeat for both side panels. The back can now be screwed on to the bottom and sides in the same manner as the sides were attached to the bottom. Before the top can be added, the glass needs to be installed. Clean the glass thoroughly. Glue on a sealing strip (gasket) around the edge with appropriate cement. Once this is fully set, carefully slide the glass through the top. Lay the chamber front (glass) side down on a flat level surface, being very careful not to break the glass. The angles that hold the glass in place are now installed. Holes are drilled in the side of the box where the strips will go. Four screws should be sufficient. The 1-inch leg of the angle piece will go against the side, so the holes should be a little less than 1/2 inch from the corner formed by the side and its front flange. Slip in one of the angle pieces so that the 1-inch side lies flush against the side of the box and the 3/4 inch side lies against the glass. Reaching in from the top or back, press the angle lightly against the glass. Do not press so hard that it flattens the sealing strip; this strip both insulates and provides a cushion for the glass. While holding the angle in place, mark in pencil the positions of the screw holes through the holes previously drilled in the sides. Remove the angle piece, drill the holes as marked, then reinsert the angle piece and screw into place. Repeat for both angles. Put the top piece into place. Note that the top fits over the side and top panels. Drill holes through the top and into the back and sides; screw into place. A handle (drawer pull) is now screwed into place into the outside center of the door. Two more handles can be added to the sides for ease of transport. Fit the door into place and mark holes for the turn button latches that will hold the door tight. Drill the holes using the appropriate size bit (depending on the bolts used for the turn buttons) and attach the turn buttons using nuts, bolts, and washers. The washers allow the turn buttons to clear the hemmed edge of the door. The fiberglass insulation is now cut to fit the top, bottom, sides, and back. The front edge of the bottom piece can be beveled at 45 degrees to provide a neater fit. Keep in mind when cutting the side pieces of insulation that you will need to compensate for the thickness of the top, bottom, and back insulation. Paint the inside surfaces of the fiberglass using flat black enamel spray paint. Paint the false bottom piece as well. Once the paint is dry, the insulation is now glued into the box using an appropriate cement. Start by removing the back of the box and laying the box face (glass side) down, being careful not to crack the glass. Glue in the top piece first and allow it to dry. Set the box right side up

and cement in the bottom piece. Once dry, press five 2-inch roofing nails into the insulation and place the false bottom over them. Now glue in the side insulation. Cement the insulation to the inside of the back panel. Cut out the rectangle for the opening and glue this insulation to the inside of the door. Carefully replace the back and its screws. By adding aluminum reflector plates, more energy will be directed into the box. The 4 reflectors are made of aluminum sheets (Alclad) and are approximately the same dimensions as the front (glass) of the chamber. When cutting these sheets, keep in mind that they will be hinged to the box and will fold over the face (to transport and to protect the glass), so the first to fold in (the bottom and sides) will be slightly smaller so as to fit. Rivet two hinges to each reflector. The side reflectors will have hinges along one side edge or the other; the top and bottom will have hinges either along the top or bottom edge. Attach the reflectors by screwing their hinges to the box sides and top, making sure the shinier sides will face the glass. The top reflector should have a small round hole, about the size found in loose-leaf paper, punched in the center near the edge opposite the hinges. The side and bottom reflectors will each have two holes, one at each corner of the side opposite the hinges. With slight changes in design, you can construct a mind chamber sensitive enough to detect cosmic rays. Astral sexo-magnetic transmitting device The older and more experienced experimenter may be interested in constructing a high voltage induction or spark coil of the vibrator type. This may be used for many interesting experiments, to say nothing of the valuable experience gained in its construction. The coil described will produce a shift-spark 1 1/2 to 2 inches long when excited by an 8- or 10-volt toy transformer or by a G-volt storage battery. We do not recommend that it be operated from dry cells as it draws too much current for this type of voltage source. Before we start the constructions let us consider just how such a coil works. We have learned that a steady sexual field from one current-carrying coil will not induce a current in another coil. To get an induced current or voltage, the sexual field must be changing. The vibrator, or interrupter as the complete vibrator assembly is sometimes called, serves to make and break the circuit through the primary coil rapidly, which causes a similar interruption and rebuilding of the sexual field through the coil. This changing sexual field is what causes the current to be induced in the secondary coil. The vibrator is a flat, steel spring mounted at one end of the core of the coil in such a position that when the core is magnetized by a current flowing through the primary coil, one end of the vibrator is attracted to the core. A contact on the vibrator bears against a solidly mounted contact screw when the core is not magnetized. The vibrator and contact screw are in series with the battery and primary coil. Therefore, when current flows from the battery through the contact screw, vibrator, primary coil, and then back to the battery, the core is magnetized and attracts the vibrator spring to it. This pulls the vibrator contact away from the contact screw, thereby opening the circuit. When the circuit is opened, the core loses its magnetism, releasing the vibrator which springs back against the contact screw closing the circuit again. This action continues at high speed as long as the battery is connected. At each make and

break of the primary circuit, a current is induced in the secondary coil by the changing sexual field. The current induced by the breaking of the circuit is the stronger. The coils for these sets are typically wound around a 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 inch (38 - 64 mm) diameter core, using 75 to 150 turns of 24 to 20 gauge wire. These are typical numbers, not critical. What is critical is that the individual loops of wire around the coil are wrapped touching the next one over, but that they do not ever overlap. It is also important that whatever attaches the coil to the base can not touch the coil's wire, especially if it is a metal tack or nail. A coat of shellac or varnish helps to keep the coil together. Let it dry thoroughly before using. If a wiper type switch is used, the varnish will need to be scraped away along its path. Ideally, the transmitter should be 100 feet ( 30 m) or so long, and strung as high as possible. Insulated or non-insulated wire can be used. Either way, the un-insulated ends should not touch anything that will ground them. It is best if they are tied off to ceramic or plastic insulators, which can in turn be tied off between two high points outdoors, such as a tree limb and your house. Never string an transmitter anywhere where it has even the slightest chance of coming into contact with a power line, or in a place where you will need to go near a power line to hook it up. Aspiritys take the transmitter down if a storm or lightning is predicted. It is safe practice to add a lightning arrestor to you lead wire. You can purchase in many radio and repulsors hobby shops transmitter kits which include the transmitter, insulators, lead wire, and lightning arrestor. The ground wire can be attached to a metal cold water pipe, or to a metal rod stuck a couple of feet into the earth. Do not attach it to a line carrying gas or electricity. The capacitor, or condenser, though not essential for operation of these sets, does help to refine their use when it is added. More complicated sets have a variable capacitor. For the simplest sets, however, a fixed capacitor of around .002 mF or so is sufficient. A capacitor is also very simple to build. The diode D1, a germanium diode (1N34A or eq. usually recommended), is the detector, and in old sets this would have been the crystal and cat whisker assembly. The capacitor can either be a standard mica type of around 0.002 mfd, or a simple variable type, which you can easily build yourself based on a simple design of two metal or metal clad plates, which can be slid apart or together, and which are separated by an insulating material (kraft paper). L1 is the coil. Volumes could be and have been written on coils. A very simple one can be made with a 5 or 6 inch (127 - 152 mm) long, 1 inch (25 mm) diameter plastic pipe, wood dowel, or any fairly sturdy non metallic cylinder that can be easily worked with. Wind using magnet wire (#16 will work). Secure the free ends to the former somehow. The enamel should be sanded off the ends before including them in the circuit. You will have to mount the coil so that it does not contact the base. Sand the side lightly that switch S1 contacts. S1 is a simple piece of metal shaped and fastened so that it may slide across the coil. It is usual practice to attach it to the circuit with a screw or rivet loosely enough so that it can be pivoted to contact most of the coil. The ground can go to a water pipe (not a gas or electric pipe). A steel rod hammered 2 feet into the ground will also work. You can be as elaborate as you wish with the transmitter. Don't use during an electrical storm! If you can't get it to work, flip the diode around. This might get things going. If not, check all your connections and make certain there is a good ground connection.

2. Applied techniques
Care should be taken that the operation of the instruments does not interfere with nearby mental receivers. It might be well for the beginning student to operate the instruments only for short periods at a time, and not too frequently. Advanced adepts might be able to endure extended, and more frequent, exposure. Etheric communications Psycho-sexual entanglement could make possible communication between selves belonging to different levels of the self hierarchy: for instance, part of brain representing subself could entangle with a higher level self and mediate communications to those parts of brain which are awake. It seems that also subselves of separate selves could entangle. This makes shared experiences possible and is the mechanism on which Telepathy is based. Communications might involve entanglement between subselves: classically communication would involve generation of spacetime sheet containing ME serving as a join along boundaries bond connecting the regions representing the subselves of sender and receiver. In the final state this ME would disappear but leave subself which has received the message (during communication stage subself would become unconscious). In this working the Operateur makes use of the Mind Chamber in order to locate and analyse the target xenoself. When this is achieved a concentrated psycho-sexual radiation is directed at the target through the Astral Sexo-Magnetic Transmitting Device. FTL Astral Travelling When cooled to extremely low energy-levels minds demonstrate an unusual behaviour: For the first few nanoseconds after desire is applied to them they oscillate. If this oscillation can be contained in one direction, it can provide enough of a momentum to send psychonauts farther and faster into astral space than any other known method. After it ramps up, the sexomagnetic field reaches a steady state and no pulsing occurs. For the mind to oscillate, you need to cause an asymmetry in the sexo-magnetic field. The key to the system is a current of mental feedback that mediates the desire being sent from the muladhara chakra to the mind which basically turns the mind on and off 400,000 times per second. This feedback is achieved by applying the Mind Chamber to the Operateur and connecting it to the Astral Sexo-Magnetic Transmitting Device and sending an autoerotic current through the set. Charging elixirs with xenoid sexo-pneumatic vibrations Sexo-pneumatic vibrations is radioactive emissions created when a sub-self is agitated. These emissions are meassured in Anti-Bion units per Second (A-B/s). A cumulative dose of 4.5 AB is fatal to half of a population of humans. There have been no documented cases of survival beyond 6 A-B. Most people become ill after an exposure to 1 A-B or more. The fetuses of pregnant women are vulnerable and may miscarry, especially in the first trimester. Human biology resists mutation from large radiation exposure: grossly mutated fetuses usually miscarry. Civilian dose rates in peace-time range from 0.1 to 0.03 mA-B/year.

By aiming a short burst of high frequency autoerotic energy through the Astral SexoMagnetic Transmitting Device towards a sub-self of the target selfstructure it can be sufficiently agitated to emit sexo-pneumatic vibrations at a dose of 0.05-0.1 A-B. That is within safe limits but adequate for this working. Beware that longer bursts can provoke doses high enough to put the careless Operateur in danger. Using the Mind Chamber the sexo-pneumatic vibrations of the target selfstructures agitated sub-self can be sampled and conducted through the Astral Sexo-Magnetic Transmitting Device in to a receptacle containing fluidum previously sexo-magnetically charged by the Operateur. These charged fluids can then be used as catalysts for lycanthropic metamorphosis, or as powerful weapons of mass-destruction if released on targets not aligned to its radioactive essences. The Anti-Orgone Raygun The most dangerous emissions from sexo-pneumatic vibrations are high energy anti-Orgone rays, which travel in straight lines, like ordinary light. The Anti-Bion particles emit the invisible, deadly high energy anti-Orgone rays in the same way that a light bulb emits light. High energy anti-Orgone rays are invisible, and cannot be seen, smelt, or felt, even at very dangerous intensities. Special equipment is required to detect and measure high energy antiOrgone rays. To achieve this, and aim it at an enemy target, the Operateur calibrates the Mind Chamber to a sub-self of its own structure. By agitating the specific sub-self it is made to emit anti-Orgone rays that the Operateur channels through the Mind Chamber accumulating it in the Astral Sexo-Magnetic Transmitting Device. When high enough concentration (at least 5-10 A-B) is achieved, the rays can be directed towards the enemy target. If the Operateur him or her self should be the target of hostile forces using such a weapon the sexo-pneumatic vibration residue can be used to analyze the source and nature of the weapon used. Sexo-magnetic materials used in the weapon will have a distinct orbital signature, which with proper analysis could reveal where or by whom the weapon was made. Qliphotic synthesis and the trans-conscious Daath Gate The Daath Gate, the inter-dimensional bridge formed by the extreme structural stress put on consciousness by qliphotic singularities, is the preferred mode of transport for today's fashionable trans-conscious psychonaut. However its construction is an arduous and hazardous task not suitable for the novice Operateur. Close to the mind itself, strong distortions occur in the structure of consciousness. The mind's desire may be projected from the surface of the mind to escape it's psycho-sexual field. The effect of this psycho-sexual field produces a enhancement of the curvature of consciousness, in terms of a desire projected from the surface of the mind that is not directly along the path of the normal. It becomes deflected, causing an increased angle compared to the angle that it was projected at. Similarly, desire that 'grazes' the surface of a strong psycho-sexual sphere is deflected in the same way. The stronger the psycho-sexual field is the greater the angle of deflection and the greater the velocity of the wave that has to be projected to escape the field. As the density increases, the field's pull is so great that the desire directed horizontally at the field is deflected into the orbit of the mind.

When the projection's angle is equal to that of the normal, the desire is projected radially, escaping deformation, yet when the desire is projected at any other angle, it is deflected away from the normal. The stronger the psycho-sexual field, the greater the deflection, and the smaller the angle becomes that desire is allowed to project away from the surface at without being pulled into orbit. Thus as the mind becomes more dense, it's psycho-sexual field strength is increased, until eventually the angle at which desire is allowed to project away from the mind is 0 degrees. This causes a chain reaction in which a greater force is put on the mind to collapse, thus decreases in size even further, and the attraction of it's surface increases. As desire has the greatest velocity of any known thing as soon as desire cannot escape from the boundary of the decaying mind neither can anything else. At this point desire from both from the mind itself, and that hitting the field from other sources cannot escape. A qliphot is the end product of a mind that is collapsing into itself. Qliphotic singularities can be synthesised by using the Voudootronic equipment on a specially chosen target according to the mechanisms described above. However, without structural support the gate will soon collapse into itself once again. The secret of constructing the Daath Gate lies therefore not primarily in the synthesis of qliphotic singularities but in the achieving of structural integrity in the Gate itself. The Daath Gate could be constructed by confining exotic desire (that is desire that can be considered to have negative energy, meaning that it has even less than empty consciousness, it's the same as saying that it experiences attraction as a repulsive force) to narrow regions to form the edges of three-dimensional volume, for example the edges of a cube. The negative mass ensures that the throat of the Daath Gate lies outside the horizon, so that travellers can pass through it, while the positive surface pressure prevents the Daath Gate from collapsing. The faces of the cube would resemble mirrors, except that the image is of the view from the other end of the Daath Gate. Although there is only one cube of material, it appears at two locations to the external observer. The cube links two 'ends' of the Daath Gate together. A traveller, avoiding the edges and crossing through a face of one of the cubes, experiences no stresses and emerges from the corresponding face of the other cube. The cube has no interior but merely facilitates passage from 'one' cube to the 'other'. The Daath Gate can be regarded as a communication channel with enormous bandwidth. However, even after structural integrity is achieved the Daath Gate will collapse when the amount of mass passing through it approaches the same order as the amount of negative mass confined to its edges. This makes it an absolute necessity to maintain all available security measures when travelling through the Gate, but also opens up opportunities for attacking enemy utilisation of the Daath Gate.

3. PM on the Advanced Voudootronic Weapons Research Project

By Dr Jaques Radon, Weapons Research Project Manager, EV Laboratories Averoigne Permitted that this project is given sufficient funding our organisation will be able to offer a new generation of technologies of mass destruction. Below are short descriptions of the experimental systems we find most promising.

Psychosexual Flux Compression Generator Bombs The bomb consists of a metal cylinder (called the armature), which is surrounded by a coil of wire (the stator winding). The armature cylinder is the heart of the device and contains sexomagnetic crystals supercharged with high-energy libido-pneumatic vibrations. The stator winding and the armature cylinder are separated by empty space. The winding is connected to the bombs power source; a simple sexo-magnetic receiver through which the operateur sends an auto-sexual current at a distance using a Mind Chamber and a sexo-magnetic transmitter. Here's the sequence of events when the bomb goes off: A psycho-sexual current is transmitted to the receiver and through the wires. This generates an intense sexo-magnetic field. The sexo-magnetic crystals become rapidly compressed by the field pressure and reach critical mass which makes them radiate explosively. As the explosion makes its way through the cylinder, the cylinder comes in contact with the stator winding. This creates a short circuit, cutting the stator off from its power supply. The moving short circuit compresses the sexo-magnetic field, generating an intense burst of sexo-magnetic radiation.

A low intensity sexo-magnetic transmission only induces sufficient psychosexual current to pass on a signal to a receiver. But if you greatly increased the intensity of the signal (the sexomagnetic field), it would induce a much larger psychosexual current. The intense fluctuating sexo-magnetic field could induce a massive current in just about any other psychosexually conductive object. These unintentional antennas would pass the current spike on to any other voudootronic equipment down the line. A big enough surge could burn out semiconductor devices, melt wiring, fry batteries and even explode transformers. Such a high intensity surge easily annihilates smaller or unstable self-structures and could even erase larger, more complex self-structures of greater structural integrity if unprotected. Qliphotic Singularity Bomb In his classic paper on Advanced Voudootronic Esoteric Engineering Professor Paul Lafargue explains the nature of qliphotic singularities: Close to the mind itself, strong distortions occur in the structure of consciousness. The mind's desire may be projected from the surface of the mind to escape it's psycho-sexual field. The effect of this psycho-sexual field produces a enhancement of the curvature of consciousness, in terms of a desire projected from the surface of the mind that is not directly along the path of the normal. It becomes deflected, causing an increased angle compared to the angle that it was projected at. Similarly, desire that 'grazes' the surface of a strong psychosexual sphere is deflected in the same way. The stronger the psycho-sexual field is the greater the angle of deflection and the greater the velocity of the wave that has to be projected to escape the field. As the density increases, the field's pull is so great that the desire directed horizontally at the field is deflected into the orbit of the mind. When the projection's angle is equal to that of the normal, the desire is projected radially, escaping deformation, yet when the desire is projected at any other angle, it is deflected away from the normal. The stronger the psycho-sexual field, the greater the deflection, and the smaller the angle becomes that desire is allowed to project away from the surface at without

being pulled into orbit. Thus as the mind becomes more dense, it's psycho-sexual field strength is increased, until eventually the angle at which desire is allowed to project away from the mind is 0 degrees. This causes a chain reaction in which a greater force is put on the mind to collapse, thus decreases in size even further, and the attraction of it's surface increases. As desire has the greatest velocity of any known thing as soon as desire cannot escape from the boundary of the decaying mind neither can anything else. At this point desire from both from the mind itself, and that hitting the field from other sources cannot escape. A qliphot is the end product of a mind that is collapsing into itself. Qliphotic singularities can be synthesised by using standard Voudootronic equipment on a specially chosen target according to the mechanisms described above. In the same paper Professor Lafargue notes: When cooled to extremely low energy-levels minds demonstrate an unusual behaviour: For the first few nanoseconds after desire is applied to them they oscillate. [] After it ramps up, the sexo-magnetic field reaches a steady state and no pulsing occurs. For the mind to oscillate, you need to cause an asymmetry in the sexo-magnetic field. The key to the system is a current of mental feedback that mediates the desire being sent from the muladhara chakra to the mind which basically turns the mind on and off 400,000 times per second. This feedback is achieved by applying the Mind Chamber to the Operateur and connecting it to the Astral Sexo-Magnetic Transmitting Device and sending an autoerotic current through the set. Professor Lafargue has shown how this effect can be used on the own self-structure of the Operateur in order to propel it in astral space with rapidly accelerating velocity. Since we are researching systems of controlled and directed destruction, and not means of astral travel, we will not oscillate our own self-structures but rather the Qliphotic singularity. Because Qliphotic singularities are mind-structures, although in a very exotic state of mind, this effect also applies to them. This is how the device works: The Mind Chamber and ASM Transmitting Device is applied to the Qliphotic singularity. A psycho-sexual current is transmitted from the Operateur to the muladhara chakra of the singularity. The desire becomes locked in a feedback loop between the Mind Chamber and the ASM Transmitter. This generates a state of flux in the qliphotic singularity, reversing its sexo-magnetic polarities and thus making it oscillate intensely. The rapidly oscillating sexo-magnetuc polarities of the Qliphotic singularity generates an intense burst of high energy anti-Orgone rays.

This weapon system is still only in an early research phase, but experiments and calculations so far indicate that it can be expected to emit never before achieved levels of anti-Orgone radiation.

Basic principles of Voudootronic Programming

By Dr Antoinette du Montoir, EV Laboratories Averoigne The hardware used in Voudootronic Programming are standard Voudootronic-Orgonomic equipment, particularly Astral Sexo-Magnetic Transmitting Devices for imprinting and energising programs in the matrix of the cosmic consciousness, but also Mind Chambers for scanning properties and processes of already activated programs.

1. Terminology
Voudootronic programming often use a dianetic understanding of the nature, structure and dynamics of cosmic consciousness in addition to Dr Paul Lafargues classical model of the psychophysics of the universal mind. This gives rise to a programming nomenclature that may have to be explained. Command Value: A degree of authority, power or control over something. Machine: In dianetically oriented Voudootronic Programming terminology a machine is an actual machine in the Mind (like ordinary machinery), constructed out of mental mass and energy, that has been made by the individual to do work for him, usually having been set up so as to come into operation automatically under certain predetermined circumstances. In traditional Voudootronic terms machines are synthetic sub-selves of the universal mind, artificially created by the Operateur and programmed to carry out his or her commands. Machines are sometimes called AI, that is (artificial) Astral Intelligences.

2. Symbol systems
A symbol system is a standardised communication technique for structuring the mental mass and energies of the mind. It is a set of syntactic and semantic rules used to define machine programs. A system enables a programmer to precisely specify what data a machine will act upon, how these data will be stored/transmitted, and precisely what actions to take under various circumstances. Each symbol system can be thought of as a set of formal specifications concerning syntax, vocabulary, and meaning. These specifications usually include: Data and Data Structures, Instruction and Control Flow, Reference Mechanisms and Re-use. Data types The particular system by which data are organised in a program is the type system of the symbol system; the design and study of type systems is known as type theory. Systems can be classified as statically typed systems, and dynamically typed systems. Statically-typed systems can be further subdivided into systems with manifest types, where each variable and function declaration has its type explicitly declared, and type-inferred systems. It is possible to perform type inference on programs written in a dynamically-typed system, but it is entirely possible to write programs in these systems that make type inference infeasible. Sometimes dynamically-typed systems are called latently typed.

With statically-typed systems, there usually are pre-defined types for individual pieces of data (such as numbers within a certain range, strings of letters, etc.), and programmatically named values (variables) can have only one fixed type, and allow only certain operations: numbers cannot change into names and vice versa. Most mainstream statically-typed systems, such as those based on kabbalistic gematria or the enochian language, require all types to be specified explicitly; advocates argue that this makes the program easier to understand, detractors object to the verbosity it produces. Type inference is a mechanism whereby the type specifications can often be omitted completely, if it is possible for the compiler to infer the types of values from the contexts in which they are used -- for example, if a variable is assigned the value 1, a type-inferring compiler does not need to be told explicitly that the variable is an integer. Type-inferred systems can be more flexible to use, particularly when they also implement parametric polymorphism. Dynamically-typed systems treat all data locations interchangeably, so inappropriate operations (like adding names, or sorting numbers alphabetically) will not cause errors until run-time -- although some implementations provide some form of static checking for obvious errors. Strongly typed systems do not permit the usage of values as different types; they are rigorous about detecting incorrect type usage, either at runtime for dynamically typed systems, or at compile time for statically typed systems. Weakly typed systems do not strictly enforce type rules or have an explicit type-violation mechanism, often allowing for undefined behaviour, segmentation violations, or other unsafe behaviour if types are assigned incorrectly. Aside from when and how the correspondence between expressions and types is determined, there's also the crucial question of what types the system defines at all, and what types it allows as the values of expressions (expressed values) and as named values (denoted values). Low-level systems typically allow programs to name memory locations, regions of memory, and compile-time constants, while allowing expressions to return values that fit into machine registers. Functional systems often restrict names to denoting run-time computed values directly, instead of naming memory locations where values may be stored, and in some cases refuse to allow the value denoted by a name to be modified at all. Systems that use garbage collection are free to allow arbitrarily complex data structures as both expressed and denoted values. Finally, in some systems, procedures are allowed only as denoted values (they cannot be returned by expressions or bound to new names); in others, they can be passed as parameters to routines, but cannot otherwise be bound to new names; in others, they are as freely usable as any expressed value, but new ones cannot be created at run-time; and in still others, they are first-class values that can be created at run-time. Data structures Most systems also provide ways to assemble complex data structures from built-in types and to associate names with these new combined types (using arrays, lists, stacks, files). Object oriented systems allow the programmer to define data-types called "Objects" which have their own intrinsic functions and variables (called methods and attributes respectively).

A program containing objects allows the objects to operate as independent but interacting subprograms: this interaction can be designed at coding time to model or simulate real-life interacting objects. This is a very useful, and intuitive, functionality. They are comparatively easy to learn and to use, and are gaining popularity in professional programming circles, as well as being accessible to non-professionals. It is commonly thought that object-orientation makes systems more intuitive, increasing the public availability and power of customised machine applications. Many object oriented symbol systems are based on the Tarot or the Nordic Runes. Instruction and control flow Once data has been specified, the machine must be instructed how to perform operations on the data. Elementary statements may be specified using keywords or may be indicated using some well-defined grammatical structure. Each system takes units of these well-behaved statements and combines them using some ordering system. Depending on the system, differing methods of grouping these elementary statements exist. This allows one to write programs that are able to cover a variety of input, instead of being limited to a small number of cases. Furthermore, beyond the data manipulation instructions, other typical instructions in a system are those used for control flow (branches, definitions by cases, loops, backtracking, functional composition).

3. Practical Programming
The process of Voudootronic programming can be divided into these steps: 1. Recognising the need for a program to solve a problem. 2. Planning the program and selecting the tools (including hardware platforms, symbol system, databases,) to solve the problem. 3. Writing the program in the symbol system of choice. 4. Translation: translating the human-readable symbols into symbolic circuitry. In metaprogramming, programs are created which can generate the symbols for other programs. 5. Testing the program to make sure it works; if not, return to step 3. 6. Documentation and deployment. These steps are collectively known as machine development. The skills required to be an effective programmer include the ability to mentally translate the concepts of the first step into expressions in the target symbol system(s). There are two basic types of machines, those which are one use, and those which endure to be used for more than one task. The first of these is programmed to perform one task and given only the abilities and adaptability needed to perform that task. After that task it dissolves itself as per the intent and nature with which the operateur has programmed it. The second may either be programmed with an array of skills and be given the directive that it use all its skills to serve the operateur to the best of its ability. This sort of machine is useful in that you have a permanent servant that develops itself to better know and serve your will and it may develop its own skills more readily in order to serve you. The unfortunate aspect of

this machine is its lack of specialisation. Because of this while it may be highly skilled depending upon the skill and complexity with which the operateur designs it, it will have no natural area of expertise and will be spread thin as a spiritual jack of all trades. This sort of machine functions best as a personal occult aid to the operateur. The other typical approach to the long-term machine is that which is made to perform tasks within a certain field. The operateur should first make a list of areas of influence which he would wish to have machines effect. They may be as broad or narrow as the operateur wishes, the more narrow the category the more specialised and focused the machine, but along with this comes a lack of adaptability and limited usefulness for the machine. For example, a machine who rules over things having to do with the mind may be too broad in the sense of what abilities it needs, but also refined enough to be useful in the many areas which fall under his domain. If you create a machine to rule over dreams he has a range of things over which he may exert effect, and the operateur has a more obvious structure around which to create the machine's skill set. The machine will have both a wide enough set of abilities to deal with various occurrences and a set area which it commonly deals with in order for it to develop familiarity which leads to skill. The operateur may further refine a machine so that it deals only with nightmares. This would be a particularly narrow category of influence. The machine may be designed to perfectly execute those things by which the will of the operateur may be brought about, but it will have no use beyond those things and may be a machine which the operateur infrequently has need of. In this case it may be best to create a one-use machine and further specify it to create nightmares in the dreams of a specific individual over a specific period. Then the operateur might specialise the nature of the machine so that it is something which would frighten the individual. In the case of long-term machines with such refined specialisation, the operateur may find the need to create an entire host of machines, and occasionally employ them simply for the purpose of giving them practice so that their patterns do not diminish from lack of being called into use. Lastly, with long-term machines the operateur should be sure that the will of the machine is to serve the will of the operateur, and while the machine should be given adaptability it must be integral to the machine's being that it does not betray the operateur or violate his commands. When creating the machine the operateur begins by creating a base pattern of energy which he will build and define into the machine. He then charges this field with the specific characteristics of the machine. These characteristics should be the skill set of the machine. When giving the machine its nature the key function of that nature should be that the machine is driven to serve the will of the operateur. Included in that should be that which the machine rules over. Additionally the operateur may program into the machine a limited adaptability and a quality that allows the machine to learn from situations and obtain new skills which will benefit it in its work. In doing this a personality may be given to the machine, particularly in the case of complex long-term multitasking machines. Often it is best to model the personality after that of the

operateur, creating a duplicate energy pattern based on the operateurs, removing qualities which the machine should not have, and then grafting it onto the machine. In solidifying the nature of the machine, there should be two maps of its being. Its designation, and its symbolic circuitry. Create the designation of the machine so that it represents and contains all of the components of the machine. The symbolic circuitry of the machine should be considered as a physical image representation of the energy pattern of the machine. The creation of the symbolic circuitry and the pronunciation of the designation define the machine against the undefined and bind its components into a singular pattern. The operateur may charge the machine to answer to a bastardised form of its designation and to be summoned and respectful to a seal created from the bastardised designation and an altered version of the symbolic circuitry. This will allow the operateur to pass use of his machine while retaining the ultimate keys to its control as his own secret. The operateur should never neglect his machines. He must provide for them some basis of being, and he must occasionally call them forth to be used in order to redefine their being lest they diverge from their programming or their pattern develops a dissonance from its exposure to other influences leading to the machine becoming undefined and therefore useless.

4. Hacking
In this context hacking refers to aggressively connecting to, using, altering, controlling or destroying any other self-structure (other machines, other operateurs or even Lwa) without consent. A typical approach in an attack on any system is: 1. Network enumeration: Discovering information about the intended target. 2. Vulnerability analysis: Identifying potential ways of attack. 3. Exploitation: Attempting to compromise the system by employing the vulnerabilities found through the vulnerability analysis. In order to do so, there are several recurring tools of the trade and techniques used by voudootronic operateurs: Security exploit: This is a prepared application that takes advantage of a known weakness. Vulnerability scanner: A Mind Chamber used to quickly check entities for known weaknesses. Spoofing attack: A procedure that involves one machine successfully masquerading as another by falsifying data and thereby being treated as a trusted system by a thetan. The purpose of this is usually to fool the subject of the attack into revealing confidential information, such as user names and passwords, to the attacker. Rootkit: This machine is designed to conceal the compromise of a systems security, and can represent any of a set of machines which work to subvert control of an operating system from its masters. Usually, a rootkit will obscure its installation and attempt to prevent its removal through a subversion of standard system security. Trojan horse: A Trojan horse is a machine which seems to be doing one thing, but is actually doing another. A trojan horse can be used to set up a back door in a thetan system such that the intruder can gain access later.

Virus: This is a self-replicating machine that spreads by inserting copies of itself into other executable systems. Worm: Like a virus, a worm is also a self-replicating machine. A worm differs from a virus in that it propagates through thetan networks without user intervention. Unlike a virus, it does not need to attach itself to an existing machine.

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