5 Laws of Motion-PYQ
5 Laws of Motion-PYQ
5 Laws of Motion-PYQ
IITJEE IITJEE IITJEE JEE Advanced JEE Advanced JEE Advanced JEE Advanced JEE Advanced
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper Paper
Topic 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
Aristotle's Fallacy
The law of Inertia
Newton's F irst Law of
Newton's Second Law of
Newton's Third Law of
Conservation of Momentum
Equilibrium of a Particle
Common Forces in
1 l
Circular Motion l
Solving Problems in
I 2 I I
1. A spring of force constant k is cut into two pieces such before toppling, the minimum force required to topple
that one piece is double the length of the other. Then the the block is
long piece will have a force constant of
(A) 3_ k (B) ik
3 2
(C) 3k (D) 6k
(IIT JEE 1999)
2. A cubical block of side L rests on a rough horizontal sur (A) infinitesimal (B) mg/4
face with coefficient of frictionµ. A horizontal force Fis
(C) mg/2 (D) mg(l - µ)
applied on the block as shown. If the coefficient of fric
tion is sufficiently high so that the block does not slide (IIT JEE 2000)
3. Two !?articles of masse m i and ml in projectile motiQn (A) lON (B) 20N
have velocities ve tors 111 < vi,, respectively, a,t time t= 0. (C) 30N (D) 40N
They collid at time fw Their velocities become vi' and (IIT JEE Screening2003)
v� at time 2t0 whfle still moving h1 air. The value of
!(m1 v;+m1 v�)-(m1 v1 +m2 v2 )j is 7. A small block slides witl10ut friction down ai1 inclined
(A) zero (B) (m1 + m2)gto plane starting from th rest. If S,, is the di ·tance travelled
from time t = n to I= n + I then SJSn, 1 is
(C) 2(m 1 + m2)gt0 (D) -(m1 +m2)gto (A) (211 - 1 )/2n (B) (211 + 1)/ 2n - 3
(IIT JEE2001) (C) (211 + 1)!(2n + 3) (D) 211/(211 + I
(UT JEE Screening 2004)
4. A small block i shot into each of the foUr tracks as
shown below. Each of the tracks tises to the same heigbt. 8. Two identical block� A and B are placed on a rough
The speed with which the block enters the track is the inclined plane of inclination 45°. The coefficient of
same In aU cases, At the ltighest point of the track the friction between block A and incline is 0.2 and. that
normal reaction is maximum in of between B and incline is 0.3. The initial separation
between the two 'blocks is fi. m. The two blocks are
(A) (B)
released from rest then find (a) the time aft r which front
� faces of both block come in same line and (b) U1e dis
tance moved by each block for attaining above position.
(C)' (D)
I (IIT JEE2001)
(A) g, g/2 (B) g/2, g 15. Two balls, having linear momenta p1 = pi and p2 = -pi,
(C) g, g undergo a collision in free space. There is no external
(D) g/2, g/2
(IIT JEE 2006) force acting on the balls. Let p( and p; be their final
momenta. The following option(s) is(are) not allowed for
12. Two particles of mass m each are tied at the ends of a light any non-zero value of p, a 1 , a2 , b l ' b2, c1 and c2 :
string of length 2a. The whole system is kept on a friction
less horizontal surface with the string held tight so that p( = aJ + bi 1 + cJ : p( = c1 k
each mass is at a distance a from the centre P (as shown (A) (B)
in the figure). Now, the midpoint of the string is pulled
p; = a) +b2 ] p; = c2 k
vertically upwards with a small but constant force F
As a result, the particles move towards each other on the p(= aJ+b)
surface. The magnitude of acceleration, when the sepa p; = a) +bi i
ration between them becomes 2x, is
(IIT JEE 2008 Paper-1)
16. A bob of mass Mis suspended by a massless string of
length L. The horizontal velocity v at position A is just
m p m sufficient to make it reach the point B. The angle 0 at
le a ,1. a .. which the speed of the bob is half of that at A, satisfies
F a F X
(A) (B)
2m Ja 2 -x 2 2m .Ja 2 -x 2
F X F .Ja 2 -x 2
(C) (D)
2m a 2m X 0
tr tr lowest point of the parabola when the wire is at rest.
(A) 0=!E_ (B) -<0<- The wire is now accelerated parallel to the x-axis with a
4 4 2
constant acceleration a. The distance of the new equilib
tr 3tr 3tr rium position ofthe bead, where the bead can stay at rest
(C) -<0<- (D) -<0< tr with respect to the wire, from the y-axis is
2 4 4
(IIT JEE 2008 Paper-2) a a
(A) (B)
gk 2gk
17. Statement 1: It is easier to pull a heavy object than to
push it on a level ground 2a a
(C) - (D)
Statement 2: The magnitude of frictional force depends gk 4gk
on the nature of the two surfaces in contact.
(A) Statement-I is True, Statement-2 is True; State (IIT JEE 2009 Paper-2)
ment-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1. 21. A block ofmass mis on an inclined plane ofangle 0. The
(B) Statement- I is True, Statement-2 is True; State coefficient of friction between the block and the plane is
ment-2 is not a correct explanation for Statement-). µ and tan 0 > µ. The block is held stationary by apply
(C) Statement-I is True, Statement-2 is False. ing a force P parallel to the plane. Tbe direction of force
(D) Statement-I is False, Statement-2 is true. pointing up the plane is taken to be positive. As P is var
(IIT JEE 2008 Paper-2) ied from Pi = mg(sin 0- µ cos 0) to P1 = (sin 0 + 1icos 0)
the frictional force f versus P graph will look like
18. A block of base IO cm x 10 cm and height 15 cm is kept
on an inclined plane. The coefficient of friction between
them is /3. The inclination 0 of this inclined plane
from the horizontal plane is gradually increased from 0° .
(A) at 0= 30° , the block will start sliding down the
(A) f
(B) the block will remain at rest on the plane up to
certain 0 and then it will topple. p
(C) at 0 = 60° , the block will start sliding down the
plane and continue to do so at higher angles.
(D) at 0= 60° , the block wi11 start sliding down the (B) f
plane and on further increasing 0 , it will topple at
certain 0.
(IIT JEE 2009 Paper-1)
19. If the resultant of all the external forces acting on a
system of particles is zero, then from an inertial frame,
one can surely say that:
(C) ,
(A) Linear momentum of the system does not change
in time.
(B) Kinetic energy of the system does not change in
(C) Angular momentum ofthe system does not change
in time.
(D) f
(D) Potential energy of the system does not change in
(IIT JEE 2009 Paper-1) p
20. A piece of wire is bent in the shape ofa parabola y = kx
(y-axjs vertical) with a beacl of m(lss m on it. The bead
can slide on the wire without friction. It stays at the (IIT JEE 2010 Paper-1)
22. A block is moving on an inclined plane making an 25. The magnitude of the normal reaction that acts on the
angle 45° with the horizontal and the coefficient offric block at the point Q is
tion is µ. The force required to just push it up the inclined (A) 7.5 N (B) 8.6 N
plane is 3 times the force required to just prevent it from (C) 11.5 N (D) 22.5 N
sliding down. If we define N = l Oµ, then N is __.
(JEE Advanced 2013 Paper-2)
(IIT JEE 2011 Paper-1)
26. In the figure, a ladder of mass m is shown leaning against
23. A small block of mass 0.1 kg lies on a fixed inclined a wall. It is in static equilibrium making an angle 0 with
plane PQ which makes an angle 0 with the horizontal. the horizontal floor. The coefficient of friction between
A horizontal force of 1 N acts on the block through its the wall and the ladder is µ 1 and that between the floor
centre of mass as shown in the figure. The block remains and the ladder is µ2• The normal reaction of the wall on
stationary if (take g = 10 m/s2) the ladder is N1 and that of the floor is N2 • If the ladder is
about to slip, then
0 p
(A) 0= 45
(B) 0 > 45° and a frictional force acts on the block
towards P. mg
(A) µ 1 = 0, µ2 -::;:. 0 and N2 tan0 =
(C) 0 > 45° and a frictional force acts on the block 2
towards Q. mg
(B) µ 1 -::;:. 0, µ2 = 0 and N1 tan0 =
(D) 0 < 45° and a frictional force acts on the block 2
towards Q.
(IIT JEE 2012 Paper-1)
R those in List II and select the correct answer using the
,.... : I
code given below the lists .
: List I List II
P. Lift is accelerating vertically up. 1. d= 1.2m
Q. Lift is accelerating vertically
down with an acceleration less 2. d> 1.2m
than the gravitational acceleration.
24. The speed of the block when it reaches the point Q is R. Lift is moving vertically up with
3. d< 1.2m
(A) 5 m s-1 (B) 10 m s- 1 constant speed.
(C) 10.fj ms- 1 (D) 20 m s-1 4. No water leaks
S. Lift is falling freely.
(JEE Advanced 2013 Paper-2) out of the jar
(A) P-2, Qs3, R-2, S-4 (B) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-4
(C) P-1, Q-1, R-1, S-4 (D) P-2, Q-3, R-1, S-1
(JEE Advanced 2014 Paper-2)
28. A wire, which passes through the hole in a small bead, (J
is bent in the form of quarter of a circle. The wire is
fixed vertically on ground as shown in the below figure. List I List II
The bead is released from near the top of the wire and it
slides along the wire without friction. As the bead moves P. 0=5° l. mi$sin0
from A to B, the force it applies on the wire is Q. 0=10° 2. (m 1 + m 2) gsin0
R. 0= 15 ° 3. µm2 gcos0
s. 0=20° 4. µ(m 1 + m 2)gcos0
90 ° B (A) P-1, Q-1, R-1, S-3 (B) P-2, Q-2, R-2, S-3
(C) P-2, Q-2, R-2, S-4 (D) P-2, Q-2, R-3, S-3
(A) always radially outwards. (JEE Advanced 2014 Paper-2)
(B) always radially inwards. 30. A uniform wooden stick of mass 1.6 kg and length l
(C) radially outwards initially and radially inwards rests in an inclined manner on a smooth, vertical wall
later. of height h (< l) such that a small portion of the stick
(D) radially inwards initially and radially outwards ex.tends beyond the wall. The reaction force of the wall
later. on the stick is perpendicular to the stick. The stick makes
an angle of30° with the wall and the bottom of the stick
(JEE Advanced 2014 Paper-2) is on a rough floor. The reaction of the wall on the stick
29. A bl.ock of mass m 1 = 1 kg another mass m2 = 2 kg, are is equal in magnitude to the reaction of the floor on the
placed together (see figure) on an inclined plane with stick. The rntio hi/ and the frictional force.(al the bottom
angle of inclination 0. Various values of 0 are given in of the stick are (g = 10 m s-2)
List I. The coefficient of friction between the block m 1 16
and the plane is always zero. The coefficient of static and (A) !!_ = _[3 .f = -./3 N
/ 16' 3
dynamic friction between the block m2 and the plane are
equal to µ = 0.3. In List II expressions for the friction 16
(B) !!_:= ]__ f = -./3 N
on the block m2 are given. Match the correct expression l '' 16' 3
of the friction in List II with the angles given in List I
3 8
and choose the correct option. The acceleration due to (C) !!_ = ' _[3 f = -./3 N
gravity is denoted by g. / 16 ' 3
3-./3 f = 16 -./3 N
[Useful information: tan (5.5°)"' 0.1; tan (11.5°) = 0.2; (D) !!_ =
tan (16.5°) = 0.3] I 16 ' 3
(JEE Advanced 2016 Paper-I)
Thus, when R is minimum, N is maximum. And from
F figures option (A) has smallest value of R.
5. Topic: Solving Problems in Mechanics
This torque is equal to the torque produce by force F. From figure, we know that
L Normal force is given by N= W cos a (1)
'f= FL= mg- Friction force is given by f= W sin a (2)
=>Fmin = By dividing Eq. (2) by Eq. (1), we get
Answer(C) We know that tan a=µ
3. Topic: Newton's Second Law of Motion 1
Given µ=-
Acoording to Newton's law of motion 3
- =-IL\VI 1
F Therefore, tan a = - => cot a= 3
t:.t 3
Force acting on the system is (m 1 + m 2)g
6. Topk: Common Forces in Mechanics
IL\VI = l(m1W +m2v;)-(m1v1 +m2 v2)I
The free-body diagram of the given situation is as shown
t:.t = 2t0 - 0 in the following figure:
Fcos 8 10 10 r;: 3 10 r;:
= -0.3x r;: =5v2--x r;: =3.5v2 m/s
v2 v 2 10 v2
When both blocks come in the same line, we get
= Xa +Jz
1 1
given position is
s. = .!.(gsin0)[(n+1) -n ]
2 2
and the acceleration ofblock B down on the inclined
N1= f
plane is N=N2 + (3 )
I i
Also, :I:fP = 0. Therefore, for rotational equilibrium, 11. Topic: Solving Problems in Mechanics
For block A: We have
Mg(½coso)+ f(Lsin0) = N(Lcos0) (4) T2 = T1 +2mg
Therefore, T2 = 3mg.
From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get
N =-+Mg For block B: We have
T1 =
From Eqs. (4), we get
Mg . ( mg
2 cos0+ fsm0= Mg+
2) cos0
!= -2-
10. Topic: Common Forces in Mechanics
W hen the string is cut, T1 = 0. Therefore, for block B,
From the figure shown here, we have
. 8 =} a8 = g
4 . 3
cos 0 = -; sin 0 = - and for block A,
5 5
That is, 0 = 3 7°. From the free-body diagram of the
3mg-2mg=2ma A =} a A _g
block shown here, we get Answer (B)
12. Topic: Newton's Second Law of Motion
N' = masin 3 7 °
macos 0-µ(N+ N') = mb Since F is very small, we have the acceleration as O in
the vertical direction..
where b is the acceleration of the block with respect to
the disc. F
m m ''
.. ---:
ma sin 8 X
Now, F = 2Tsin0 (1 )
ma cos 8 Also, T cos 0 = max (2)
Therefore, dividing Eq. (1) by Eq. (2), we get
where tan0=---
mg+{��� n]=mb
20-10=b Therefore,
That is, b = 10 m/s2• Answer (B)
13. Topic: Solving Problems in Mechanics Therefore, (v')2 = vi +2g/ cos0 -2gl
We have
liJJfajcos0 = F · p (iS = v i +2g/(cos0-l)
- d "
p Ak[-isin(kt)-jcos(kt)] " 3vi
F = -= - =2g/(l-cos0)
dt 4
Therefore, ISg/
F · p = Ak[-tsin(kt)- ]cos(kt)] · Ak[tcos(kt)- }sin(kt)]
15 -7
=0 cos0= 1-- = - = -0.87
8 8
IF! and IJJI are .•ot zero=> cos0= 0 or 0 = 90° . Since we have cos(3:) = 1i, = -0.71,
Therefore, p/ + p/ = 0 mg
21. Topic: Solving Problems in Mechanics
Initially, as the block tends to move down, the friction
acts upwards.
For the block to topple, we have Mgsin 0> µmgcos 0
1 It is given that tan 0 > µ. Therefore,
/ ( ;) ?:. N (5) (about centre of mass)
P 1 +J; =mgsin 0
P2 +Ji= mg sin 0
µN(1;)?:.N (5)
That is,
J; = mg sin 0- P 1 = µmg cos 0
µ?:. = 0.67 Ji = -µmgcos 0
Answer (A)
or tan 0?:.0.67
22. Topic: Common Forces in Mechanics
That is, the block neither slides nor topples till 0 :s; As depicted in the two figures here, let us consider that
tan-1 (0.67) (i.e. it remains at rest) and on exceeding this, F1 is the force applied to pull the body upwards:
it topples first before sliding.
F; = mg(sin0+ µcos0)
and F2 is the force applied to keep the body in position:
19. Topic: Conservation of Momentum
According to Newton's second law, we have
F2 = mg(sin0- µcos0)
- dp
"Ef.,t = dt
If L, fext = 0, we find that the linear momentum
p as constant.
20. Topic: Equilibrium of a Particle
While the parabola is moving right side, the bead expe However, we have
riences a force with a magnitude ma to the left. That is, F; = 3F2
at equilibrium,
Ncos 0=mg mg(sin0+ µcos0) = 3mg(sin0- µcos0)
Nsin 0=ma 4µcos0=2sin0
a 1
Now, tan0= µ =- (Since 0 = 45°)
g 2
23. Topic: Common Forces in Mechanics 26. Topic: Newton's Second Law of Motion
As the rod is about to slip, wall and fl or exert limiting
friction on the ladder.
v2 = 100
v = 10 m/s
Answer (B)
H=�2gh x{!
mg cos 60°
mv 2 h == - gt 2
N = mgcos60 ° +- 2
J__ I xI OO
N = l x1 0 X +
2 40 t==f!
N = 7.5 N
H == Jii,
Answer (A)
It is independent on ..the value of acceleration· �ue to N + Ncos60° = mg (1)
gravity, g: That is,
(g .aa) or (g- a) Nsin60° =! (2)
: For free fall: g' ='(g-g) = 0.
v = O; therefore, the liquid does not flow.
Answer (C)
�t +x
28. Topic: Circular Motion A
Initially, the bead exerts a radially inwards force which �
contributes to the centripetal forc.e. A stage comes h
when N = 0, bead loses contact with the wire as then re N
establishes it at the lower end of the hole. Here, N starts
to act radially outwards. B C
Answer (D)
From Eq. (1), we get
29. Topic: Solving Problems in Mechanics
16 32
A N= =
l+ 1/2 3
From Eq. (2), we get the frictional force at the bottom of
the stick as follows:
Components of weight along AB: => (3)
m 1 g sin 0+ m 2 gsin 0= (m 1 + m 2 )gsin 0 (1) From triangle ABC, we get
Force of friction along BA:
µ1 m 1 g cos 0 + �m 2 gcos 0 (µ1 = 0) = µ2 mJ$COS 0 (2) � = sin60 °
(m 1 + m2)g sin 0= µ2 mgcos0
0.3x2 => (4)
tan0 = µm2 => -- => 0.2
(m1 1112) 1+ 2 Now, the balancing torque about the bottom of the stick is
Angle of sliding comes to be (11° - 30° ).
At 5 ° and 10°, block does not slide and the static friction Nx-(f )mgsin30° = 0
is balancing (m 1 + m 2)gsin 0.
For 0 = 15 ° (> 11.5 ° ), the block slides and the friction is
µmJ$COS 0.
Answer (D)
(332)['�] i(16)(±)