Chen & Et, All, 2019
Chen & Et, All, 2019
Chen & Et, All, 2019
Magnus Karlsson and Mats Magnusson
The environment in which a company or organization operates today can be characterized
by accelerating change, the globalization of markets, the emergence of new technologies and
competitors, new regulatory requirements and ever more demanding users and citizens. In this
environment, the ability to innovate becomes a key success factor for most organizations. They
seek to continuously create and realize value by introducing new or changed products, services,
processes, models, methods, etc.
The reasons for an organization to innovate are many and can include to increase revenues,
growth and profitability, reduce costs and waste, increase the satisfaction of users, customers and
citizens, motivate employees and attract partners, collaborators and funding, and so on. Engag-
ing in innovation activities is thus a way for an organization to be future focused and effectively
deliver on its overall objectives to secure prosperity and longer-term relevance and survival.
The ability to innovate and to make it a core organizational capability is increasingly becom-
ing the most important differentiator and dominant success factor of organizations. Failing to
capture new opportunities and to respond to innovation challenges may consequently lead to
stagnation, irrelevance and ultimately to the demise of the organization.
Magnus Karlsson and Mats Magnusson
Organizations are generally underestimating what it takes to make their innovation efforts
successful, especially when they are seeking more radical, disruptive or transformative innova-
tions. Innovation attempts tend to be fragmented, ad hoc and episodic. There is thus a need to
find approaches that are more holistic, systematic and sustainable over time, and that changes the
focus from singular events and projects to building longer-term innovation capabilities.
This chapter is addressing these issues by taking a systems approach to innovation manage-
ment. Such an approach recognizes that the different activities and the support necessary for an
organization to innovate are interrelated and interacting and can be managed more effectively
as a system. This holistic view recognizes the systemic nature of innovation capabilities of an
organization. The focus is on both removing barriers and putting enablers in place.
A systems approach can, for example, better guide the organization to assess and evaluate the
innovation performance of the system and make adjustments with a focus on the most critical
innovation capability gaps.
In this chapter, an exposition of systems-focused innovation management research and an
overview of selected system-related innovation management frameworks from the literature pro-
vide the basis for a principled outline of an integrated framework for innovation management.
The systems approach to innovation management
Magnus Karlsson and Mats Magnusson
The systems approach to innovation management
In terms of structure, we need to consider both organizational structures and product structures,
as well as their interrelationships. As pointed out by Henderson and Clark (1990), product
architectures and organizational structures come to reflect each other, and this has implications
for the innovations that organizations tend to generate. As a consequence, there is a need to
actively design organizations so that they become more permeable for innovations, that is, by
setting up ambidextrous structures (Tushman and O’Reilly, 1996). Important here is to enable
not only the differentiation aspect of such solutions but also to manage the required integra-
tion through the use of suitable integration mechanisms. At the core of this issue we find the
combination of exploitation of an organization’s assets and the exploration of new knowledge
and opportunities (March, 1991). At a certain point in time, revenues result from the match
an organization makes between its existing strategic assets and the specific characteristics of its
external environment (Amit and Schoemaker, 1993). However, this operative system needs to be
continuously renewed in order to continuously have a good fit with a changing environment.
Dynamic capabilities are used to revitalize this base of strategic assets, thus acting as a type of
meta-capabilities, which are applied to existing operations and capabilities and thus indirectly
contribute to short-term exploitation.
Another important implication from extant theory is the need to manage the overall port-
folio of innovation projects and initiatives in a holistic and systemic way. The exact organi-
zational design that should be used for this purpose needs to be based on an evaluation of
available synergies between projects and the conflicting need for product and service integrity
(Clark and Fujimoto, 1990). A frequently used approach to reconcile these different objec-
tives is the use of product platforms or modularization. Depending on the specific needs, the
use of one of these approaches, or their combination, may be appropriate (Magnusson and
Pasche, 2014).
Recently, the organizing of innovation efforts has been subject to substantial changes, as
increased connectivity and new business models create a tendency towards more open and col-
laborative ways of innovating.This has given rise to the notion of innovation ecosystems (Adner
and Kapoor, 2010), which arguably in many cases is a more relevant unit of analysis than the
single organization in order to understand how innovations are achieved. In this setting, the
establishing of a fruitful technology platform (Cusumano and Gawer, 2002) often plays a funda-
mental role in achieving competitiveness through network externalities (see e.g. Schilling, 2010)
and resulting complementarities.
Magnus Karlsson and Mats Magnusson
Although there are numerous writings underlining the spontaneous and emergent nature of
innovating, we would first of all like to challenge the reliance on such an ad-hoc approach. Even
if a hands-off approach may historically have worked in a few companies and organizations,
the changed situation in most workplaces makes this approach questionable today, as there is
less time available to spend on innovation activities outside defined job roles and a more pro-
nounced need for collaboration with others due to increased openness and multitechnology
products, services and processes. Rather than leaving innovation success to chance, it is neces-
sary to address innovation efforts in strategic terms, making innovation objectives explicit and
shared and including mechanisms that can direct creativity to valuable areas and capture relevant
bottom-up initiatives.
The field of strategic management has undergone a radical transformation in the last few
decades. The strong focus on industries and competition seen in the positioning school (Porter,
1980) has gradually been complemented with a focus on distinctive (or core) capabilities (Bar-
ney, 1991; Grant, 1991; Prahalad and Hamel, 1990), leading to the need for combined and more
systemic approaches, in line with the suggestions by Amit and Schoemaker (1993). As pointed
out in the discussion on dynamic capabilities theory, managers “integrate, build and reconfigure
internal and external competencies to address rapidly changing environments” (Teece, Pisano,
and Shuen, 1997) to build sustainable or temporary competitive advantages. Following this
view, innovation management can be viewed as a form of organizational capability, and as high-
lighted by Lawson and Samson (2001), organizations should thus focus on building innovation
Another important development is the increased emphasis on dynamics (Brown and Eisen-
hardt, 1998; Teece, Pisano, and Shuen, 1997; Teece, 2007), leading to a closer and more bidi-
rectional relationship between strategy and innovation activities. Consequently, there is a need
to establish closer links between strategic management and innovation efforts, either in terms
of innovation components in the strategies of the companies or organizations, or in terms of
explicit innovation strategies.
Innovation management has drawn upon process models and standards from adjacent manage-
ment fields, such as product development management and quality management.
The development of an innovation always comprises a certain level of uncertainty, and this
implies that there is a need for processes and ways of working that enable fast experimentation
and adaptation.This does not exclude that planning is useful, but simply that a complete reliance
on plans may lead organizations to miss out on innovations. Moreover, it is important to stay
open to emergent insights, ideas and initiatives and align them with strategies as a complement
to what is part of the induced strategy. This shift from planning to increased experimentation
is clearly reflected in the change of dominant process models used in innovation and product
development management. The well-established stage-gate model of Cooper (1990) has thus
been complemented by other, more iterative and flexible approaches, such as agile development
models, and lately also the use of so-called devops. Among these adaptive models for performing
innovation activities we also note design thinking and lean startup. The process of design think-
ing usually involves the following steps: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test. Unlike the
stage-gate system that moves from idea to launch, design thinking starts by discovering customer
needs (see e.g. Geissdoerfer, Bocken, and Hultink, 2016; Luebkeman and Brown, 2015). The
The systems approach to innovation management
lean startup (Erickson, 2015; Hart, 2012; Ries, 2011) approach to innovation management is
another methodology that is gaining ground, especially in software-intensive industries. The
lean startup methodology has emerged from the concepts of lean manufacturing and product
development (Liker, 2004), agile software development (Cohen, Lindvall, and Costa, 2003) and
customer development (Blank, 2013).The lean startup methodology uses a build–measure–learn
process and in that way also has some similarities with design thinking. Apart from proposing
a more iterative and agile way of controlling innovation activities than traditional develop-
ment models, the mentioned approaches also share a clear focus on user and customer value
and the need for experimentation to find this value. Hence, we can observe a shift from more
resource-driven and push-oriented innovation models to more demand-driven and pull-based
ones.These characteristics are also shared by lean approaches to product development and inno-
vation activities (see e.g. Reinertsen, 1999), in which the cost of delays and the consequent need
for innovation flow are underlined.
Summarizing the broad systems-based management literature with a high relevance for
innovation management, we can conclude that there is a clear need for a systemic and system-
atic approach to guide innovation activities. Although we find numerous useful components in
the extant management theory, we need to turn to more applied works in order to develop an
applicable framework that can be fruitfully used in practice.
Academic works
In the context of academic works, the first edition of the popular textbook Managing Innovation
(Tidd, Bessant, and Pavitt, 1997) provides a good starting point.The authors emphasize the inher-
ently interdisciplinary and multifunctional nature of the management of innovation and propose
a coherent framework based on the systematic analysis of the latest management research at the
time. In short, Tidd et al. identified four generic phases of the innovation process: (1) scanning
of the environment (internal and external), (2) deciding (on the basis of a strategic view) what
signals to respond to, (3) obtaining the resources to enable the response and (4) implementing
projects to respond effectively. To complete the framework, four clusters of behaviors or rou-
tines were suggested to support the process model: (5) taking a strategic approach to innovation
Magnus Karlsson and Mats Magnusson
efforts, (6) effective implementation mechanisms and structures, (7) supporting organizational
context and (8) effective external linkages (Tidd, Bessant, and Pavitt, 1997).
The original framework has evolved but essentially stayed the same in subsequent editions
(Tidd and Bessant, 2013), and similar frameworks have been put forward by, for example von
Stamm (2003) and Goffin and Mitchell (2005).
The innovation management system proposed by Tuominen, Piippo, Ichimura, and Mat-
sumoto (1999) had some similar elements but put a greater emphasis on customer needs and
requirements and how technological opportunities can be matched to meet those needs. The
system was influenced by the “fusion model” based on the works of Knut Holt (Holt, Geschka,
and Peterlongo, 1984) and described in, for example, Muramatsu, Ichimura, and Ishii (1990).
A comprehensive research program with a focus on breakthrough innovation in established
companies was conducted at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Approximately 30 large com-
panies were studied during a 10-year period starting in 1995. The proposed management sys-
tem for breakthrough innovation was made up of three distinct elements or sets of activities:
(1) discovery with focus on conceptualization, (2) incubation with focus on experimentation
and finally (3) acceleration with focus on commercialization. Each element has interfaces with
one another and to the rest of the organization, and these relationships need to be managed by
an overall orchestrating function. In a matrix-like structure, each element has its own expres-
sion of the innovation management system in terms of (a) structure and location, (b) mandate,
(c) leadership and governance, (d) roles and responsibilities, (e) processes and (f) metrics
(O’Connor, Leifer, Paulson, and Peters, 2008).The framework has been further elaborated based
on additional research during the last 10 years (O’Connor, Corbett, and Peters, 2018).
The framework developed by the Center for Innovation Management Studies (CIMS) at
North Carolina State University has a similar matrix-like structure but takes a broader scope and
includes innovation management not only at the organizational level but also at the industry and
macro-environment level. A comprehensive meta-analysis of innovation management research
revealed key dimensions and competencies that successful innovating companies possess. The
five elements or dimensions were strategy, organization and culture, processes, techniques and
tools, and metrics. For each level and dimension, five management competencies were identi-
fied, forming a three-dimensional model: the management of ideas, markets, portfolios, plat-
forms and projects (Mugge and Markham, 2013).
Another three-dimensional approach was developed by scholars at the Institute of Man-
agement Science & Strategy of Zhejiang University. The total innovation management (TIM)
framework was introduced in 2002 and was inspired by the resource-based view of organi-
zations, complexity theory, and the works of Shapiro (2001), Bean and Radford (2001) and
Tucker (2002), among others. The first dimension of the framework outlines different types of
innovations as sources for competitive advantage: (1) technology innovation is the foundation,
supplemented with (2) marketing, (3) organizational and (4) institutional innovation, and all are
supported by the elements of (5) strategy and (6) culture.The second dimension emphasized the
broad involvement of all (7) people in innovation activities in the organization.The final dimen-
sion extends the framework in time and space, indicating that innovation activities are actually
executed all the time and everywhere ( Xu,Yu, Zheng, and Zhou, 2002; Xu, Chen et al., 2007).
The framework has been applied in several empirical studies of companies in China (Chen, Jin,
He, and Yao, 2006; Xu, Zhu, Zheng, and Wang, 2007), the United States (Menke, Xu, and Gu,
2007) and Japan (Mao and Wang, 2012).
The TIM framework has been further extended by Chen, Yin, and Mei (2018) to include
a strategic vision with a focus on purpose and meaningfulness, forming a holistic innovation
The systems approach to innovation management
Magnus Karlsson and Mats Magnusson
The Boston Consulting Group suggested a similar approach, focusing on innovation strategy,
research and product development processes and a comprehensive set of organizational enablers
(Taylor and Wagner, 2014). Other examples are software companies Microsoft and SAP, which
have published their versions of frameworks (Microsoft, 2013; Cigaina, 2013).
A comprehensive effort to develop an innovation management standard was undertaken by
the Total Innovation Management (TIM) Foundation (different from the TIM framework dis-
cussed earlier and independent of the work by ISO). The set of documents was described as an
advisory standard with a maturity model and a management system approach and was published
through the Product Development and Management Association (PDMA) in 2013 (PDMA and
TIM, 2013).
Badrinas and Vila (2015) used the PDMA and TIM framework, with adaptations based on
Vila and Munoz-Najar (2002), in an empirical study of six successful European companies.
Seven “steps” were identified, together forming an integrated innovation management system:
(1) management commitment, (2) stakeholders’ influence, (3) statements: mission, vision and
values, (4) strategy and objectives, (5) management review and communications, (6) people and
competences, and (7) front-end innovation drive.
A system-related framework was developed in 2013 by the Japan Innovation Network (JIN)
following a research committee report by the Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry (METI)
in Japan. The Innovation Compass framework was launched in 2014 and was based on a “two-
layered management” model – the systematic approach to managing creativity and productivity
in parallel in an organization. In the framework, three process elements: (1) idea generation,
(2) business model building and (3) commercialization, are implemented through (4) training
programs, (5) acceleration programs and (6) networks. The system is governed by top manage-
ment through (7) a vision, goals and performance indicators, and implemented using (8) a
supporting mechanism, including e.g. knowledge management (Nishiguchi and Konno, 2018).
As a final example, in the context of the European Foundation for Quality Management
(EFQM), an innovation capability assessment framework was developed. The framework
included several elements discussed earlier but put a specific focus on data analytics and man-
agement style (Hakes, 2014).
Common themes
As seen from the earlier discussion, a number of system-related frameworks for innovation
management have been proposed in the literature during the last 20 years. See Table 5.1 for an
overview of the 19 selected frameworks that have been discussed in this chapter.
A review of the frameworks reveals a number of common elements that should be consid-
ered by a company or organization for successfully achieving innovation. These elements can
be categorized into eight themes: context, direction, leadership, culture, processes, structures,
support and resources, and evaluation. Table 5.2 provides examples of elements for each theme
based on the literature review.
Table 5.1 Overview of selected system-related frameworks for innovation management introduced between
1997 and 2018
Framework References
Table 5.2 Examples of system elements for each theme of the framework for innovation management
time. However, a few key observations that are relevant for future research and practice can be
made. These observations taken together can be summarized by a principled outline of an inte-
grated framework for innovation management (see Figure 5.1).
The purpose of such a framework is to ensure the sustained buildup of renewal capabilities
and continuous creation and realization of value for the organization and its stakeholders. It is
argued that the proposed outline is fulfilling the general criteria of a well-functioning system:
(1) comprehensiveness: all the necessary elements are included to achieve the purpose of the
system, (2) coherence: all the elements are contributing to the same purpose, and (3) consistency:
elements are aligned and are not conflicting.
Innovation strategy
Opportunities Realization
and challenges Innovation processes of value
Structures, resources,
supporting processes
Transformation System
& renewal of evaluation &
operations improvement
The systems approach to innovation management
designed to support existing offerings, processes and value realization models for existing mar-
kets, customers and users.
The system for managing innovations is operating under conditions of higher uncertainty,
and decision-making must therefore to a large degree be based on assumptions. Uncertainties
can relate to any dimension of the innovation or the innovation process, for example, strate-
gic fit, feasibility to realize, cost and resources, value for the user, etc. The system is primarily
designed to introduce new offerings, processes and value realization models, targeting existing as
well as new markets, customers and users.
Magnus Karlsson and Mats Magnusson
The systems approach to innovation management
With the emerging system frameworks at the European and international level, common and
more credible reference frameworks are established. They can be used for independent audits of
an organization, benchmarking and comparisons between organizations, as well as for providing
innovation management support and consulting services.
Commonly shared system frameworks and a common language for innovation management
can help facilitate awareness and drive the adoption and integration of innovation activities in
all management practices of any organization.
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