3 - Nonblocking Commit Protocols

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Nonblocking commit protocols

Dale Skeen, SIGMOD’81

Jingchao Fang, Zhuoer Tong

-Protocols that allow operational sites to continue transaction processing even
though site failures have occurred are called nonblocking.

-This paper investigates the properties of nonblocking protocols.

-This paper also introduced central site nonblocking protocol and decentralized site
nonblocking protocol.
-Researchers have started to focus on distributed database systems since late 70s.

-Distributed crash recovery is vital.

-Some operations on the data are logically indivisible, and these operations are called
-Atomic operation: either executes to completion or it appears never to have
executed. By definition, transaction on distributed database system is atomic

-In reality, a transaction is rarely a physically atomic operations.

-The gap between logical atomicity and physical atomicity causes significant
problems in distributed database implementation.
-Preserving transaction atomicity is well understood in single site case.

-Site decides to commit or abort when reaching commit point.

-Unconditionally guaranteed, irreversible.

-Problem occurs when more than one site is involved.

Two Phase Commit Protocol
-The simplest commit protocol
that allows unilateral abort.

-An example of a blocking

Two Phase Commit Protocol: Process
-First Phase: coordinator
distribute the transaction to all
sites, and each site individually

-Second Phase: coordinator

collects all the votes and informs
Two Phase Commit Protocol: Summary
-Simplest and cheapest in number of messages, but can be block on site failures.

-An example of a blocking protocol: operational sites sometimes wait on the

recovery of a failed sites. Locks must be held on the database while the transaction is

-A protocol that never requires operational sites to block until a failed site has
recovered is called a nonblocking protocol.
Termination and Recovery Protocols
-Termination Protocol: to terminate transaction execution as quickly as possible at
the operational sites.

-Recovery Protocol: invoked by failed sites to resume transaction processing. (not

discussed in this paper)
Formal Model Describing Commit Protocols
-Transaction execution at each site models as finite state automaton (FSA).

-Network models as input/output tapes to all sites.

-The states of the FSA for site i are called local states of site i.

-State of transition: reading, writing, and moving to the next local state.
FSA for Two Phase Commit Protocol
-Each FSA has four (local) states: initial (qi),
wait (wi), abort (ai), and commit (ci).

-Abort and commit are final states.

FSA for Two Phase Commit Protocol
-Local state for site i are subscripted with i.

-Messages sent or received by a slave are

subscripted with that slave’s site number.
Properties for Commit Protocol
-The FSA’s are nondeterministic.

-The final states of the FSA’s are partitioned into two sets: the abort states, and the
commit states.

-The act of committing or aborting is irreversible.

-The state diagram describing a FSA is acyclic.

Global Transaction States
-Global state defines the complete processing state of a transaction.

-A global state is said to be inconsistent if it contains both a local commit state and a
local abort state.
Global Transaction States
-A global state is said to be a final state if all local states contained in the state
vector are final states.

-A global state is said to be a terminal state if from it there is no immediately

reachable successors.

-A terminal state that is not a final state is a deadlock state.

-The concurrency set of si state is the set of all local states sj, where i≠j, such that
si and sj are contained in the same reachable global state.
Committable States
-A local state is called committable if occupancy of that state by any site implies that
all sites have voted yes on committing the transaction.

-For nonblocking protocol: have more than one committable state (assert in paper
and without proof)
The Central Site Class Commit Protocol
-The central site class: uses one site (coordinator) to direct transaction processing at
all participating sites (slaves).


1) Single coordinator;

2) All other participants execute the slave protocol;

3) Slaves can communicate only with coordinator;

4) Coordinator sends the same message and wait.

The Central Site Class Commit Protocol
-Advantages: Relatively cheap, conceptually simple.

-Disadvantage: Vulnerability to a coordinator failure.

-Synchronous within one state transition: one site never leads another site by more
than one state transition during the execution of the protocol.
The Decentralized Class Commit Protocol
-The (fully) decentralized class: each site participates as an equal in the protocol and
executes the same protocol.

-Every site communicates with every other site.

-Process: each site will send the identical message to every other site, then waits
until it has received messages from all its cohorts.
Decentralized Two Phase Commit Protocol
-Simplest decentralized commit protocol.

-First phase: each site receives the “start

xact”, make the decision and sends to
other cohorts.

-Second phase: each site accumulates all

the abort decisions and move to a final

-Also synchronous within one state

The Fundamental Nonblocking Theorem
-Blocking situation arises.

-The fundamental nonblocking theorem.

-A protocol is nonblocking if and only if it satisfies:

1) there exists no local state such that its concurrency set contains both an
abort and a commit state;

2) there exist no noncommitable state whose concurrency set contains a commit

The Canonical Two Phase Commit Protocol
-The concurrency set of state q contains q, w and a. The
concurrency set of state w contains all of the local states
of the protocol.

-Lemma: A protocol that is synchronous within one state

transition is nonblocking if and only if: 1) it contains
no local state adjacent to both a commit and an abort
state, and 2) it contains no noncommittable state that is
adjacent to a commit state.
Buffer States and Canonical Nonblocking Protocol
-The buffer state can be thought of a “prepare to commit”
state (labelled as p in the graph).

-This protocol can be referred as canonical nonblocking

protocol, which is a three phase protocol.
Nonblocking Central Site Protocol
-The slave protocol is the three
phase protocol.

-The coordination protocol is

also a three phase protocol that
is a extension of the two phase
coordinator protocol.

coordination slave
Nonblocking Decentralized Protocol
-All protocols are the canonical nonblocking protocol.
Termination Protocols
-Site failures may occur and would make the continued execution of the commit
protocol impossible. Solution: termination protocol.

-A termination protocol can accomplish its task only if the current state of at least
one operational site obeys the conditions given in the fundamental nonblocking

-But in the worst case, it will be able to terminate correctly only if all of the
operational sites obey the fundamental nonblocking theorem.
Central Site Termination Protocol and Backup
-Choose a backup coordinator from the set of operational sites.

-The backup coordinator will complete the transaction by directing all the remaining
sites toward a commit or an abort. The protocol must be reentrant.

-Decision Rule For Backup Coordinators: If the concurrency set for the current
state of the backup contains a commit state, then the transaction is committed.
Otherwise, it is aborted.

-Phase 1: Issue a message and wait.

-Phase 2: Issue a commit or abort.

-Two phase commit protocol

-Two most popular commit classes: central site and decentralized

-Fundamental nonblocking theorem

-Three phase commit protocol

-Termination protocol

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