Week 5 Lab Assignment PDF
Week 5 Lab Assignment PDF
Week 5 Lab Assignment PDF
Step 1: Survey or measure 10 people to find their heights. Determine the mean and standard
deviation for this group by using the Week 3 Excel spreadsheet. Post a screen shot of the portion
of the spreadsheet that helped you determine these values. How does your height compare to the
mean (average) height of the group that you surveyed? Is your height taller, shorter, or the same
as the mean of your group?
Measure of Central Tendency and Variation:
In my survey I am utilizing random sampling and a numerical variable as I’m studying the height
of 10 out of 50 nurses. It is a convenience sample as I chose to sample the nurses where I work,
and the data is quantitative continuous since it is numerical and can have fractions. The location
was Tyler, TX. All nurses were in work-from-home positions. They come into the physical
corporate office approximately 3 times a year for meetings.
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The mean height in my spreadsheet is 64.80”. I am 60” therefore, I am 4.80” shorter the mean
height of my group.
Step 2: Give some background information on the group of people you used in your study. You
a. How did you choose the participants for your study (sampling method)?
I chose a random sampling of 10 nurses from the 50 registered nurses that I worked with.
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Carol Lynne Cates
Week 5 Assignment: Lab
Summer 2019
Statistical Reasoning
Varalakshmi Balaji, Instructor
b. What part of the country did your study take place in?
All of the nurses were females and lived in the East Texas area.
For this study, I chose only females, therefore there were 10 females.
e. What are other interesting factors about your group?
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All the nurses in my study work from home. They were all white females that had been a nurse
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for at least 8 years. Eight of the 10 are ADN prepared nurses. Two of the 10 have their BSN.
Three of the ADN nurses are currently in school at Chamberlain University working on their
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BSN. One of the BSN prepared nurses is currently attending a local university where she is
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working on her MSN. None of the participants were on more than 2 prescription medications.
a. (Use the Empirical Rule tab from the spreadsheet). Determine the 68%, 95%, and 99.7%
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values of the Empirical Rule in terms of the ten heights in your height study.
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These values tell me that 68% confidence interval tells that there is 68% chance that true
population mean of height will fall between 62.1 to 67.5.
95% confidence interval tells that there is 95% chance that true population mean of height will
This study source was downloaded by 100000800942245 from CourseHero.com on 08-04-2021 20:52:13 GMT -05:00
Carol Lynne Cates
Week 5 Assignment: Lab
Summer 2019
Statistical Reasoning
Varalakshmi Balaji, Instructor
Post a screen shot of your work from the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet.
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c. (Use the normal probability tab from the spreadsheet). Based on your study results, what
percent of the study participants are shorter than you? What percent are taller than you?
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My height is 60”. 4% of the relevant population is shorter than me and 96% of the population is
taller than me.
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d. Post a screen shot of your work from the Week 5 Excel spreadsheet.
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This study source was downloaded by 100000800942245 from CourseHero.com on 08-04-2021 20:52:13 GMT -05:00
Carol Lynne Cates
Week 5 Assignment: Lab
Summer 2019
Statistical Reasoning
Varalakshmi Balaji, Instructor
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This study source was downloaded by 100000800942245 from CourseHero.com on 08-04-2021 20:52:13 GMT -05:00
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