N2 Generator Calculation

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Nitrogen Generator Overview

A. System Overview

The Pre-Engineered Nitrogen Generator is designed to facilitate the Dry Pipe Nitrogen Inerting (DPNI)
process for controlling oxygen corrosion in dry and preaction fire sprinkler systems, and provides
supervisory maintenance gas. Designed for “plug and play” performance in a typical dry or preaction
fire sprinkler system, the nitrogen generator utilizes membrane separation technology that produces
98%+ nitrogen on demand without the need for nitrogen storage

The Nitrogen Generator can be used to provide DPNI for single or multiple zones depending on: the
number of systems, the volume of the largest system, and the cumulative volume of all systems being
supplied. The generator includes an internal bypass valve to allow for maintenance or “fast fill” needs
to meet the NFPA 13 30-minute fill requirement for dry pipe and pre-action fire protection systems

The Nitrogen Generator is designed to nitrogen inert all of the zones being served within 14 days.
Thereafter, will continue to automatically provide supervisory nitrogen gas sufficient for
pressure maintenance of the fire sprinkler system(s).
The Nitrogen Generator facilitates the patented “fill and purge” breathing process in the fire sprinkler
system when paired with an oxygen removal vent installed on the sprinkler riser such as the Tyco
Manual Air Vent (TAV-D) or the Tyco SMART Vent (TSV-D)

B. System Approval
- FM Approved
- Compliance with CE Pressure Equipment
- UL508A Listed Industrial Control Panel
- Compressor Tank NSW Safework Certification
- Compressore Motor MEPS Compliance

C. Nitrogen Generator Set Type

The Tyco Nitrogen Generator (NG-1 Series) consist of three (3) types: Wall-Mount Nitrogen Generator
Series, Skid-Mount Nitrogen Generator and Stand-Alone Nitrogen Generator Series.

Wall-Mount Nitrogen Generators: NG-1 100, NG-1 250 and NG-1 500
Skid-Mount Nitrogen Generators: NG-1 1000
Stand-Alone Nitrogen Generators: NG-1 1150, NG-1 1500, NG-1 2000 and NG-1 3000

D. Air Compressor

Tyco quality small piston compressors offer proven technology that offers an economical and
dependable compressed air solution for commercial, automotive and light industrial applications.

Reciprocating air compressors are ideal when reliable performance is defined by maximum operating
pressure, increased air flow and extended duty cycles.
E. Tyco Air Vent System
The Tyco Air Vent provides oxygen venting in wet and dry pipe fire sprinkler systems. As a fire sprinkler
system is filled with a continuous supply of nitrogen gas from the Tyco Nitrogen Generator System, the
Tyco Air Vent allows oxygen rich gas to be vented from the fire sprinkler system. Over a short period of
time the Tyco Protector Manual Vent will almost completely remove oxygen from the fire sprinkler
system (< 2% oxygen).

The Tyco Air Vent must be installed as shown on the engineering design documents. If a location is not
specified install the Tyco Air Vent on the fire sprinkler system riser on the system side of the main
control valve of Dry-Pipe & Preaction System or install at the system high points of wet pipe sprinkler
system. The vent is also installed to provide source gas when used in conjunction with the Tyco Gas

The Tyco Air Vent in conjunction with Tyco Nitrogen Generator System able to achieve a minimum
nitrogen concentration of 98%.

E.1. TAV-D Manual Air Vent – Dry Pipe Nitrogen Inerting (DPNI)
The Tyco Manual Air Vent is equipped with a levered float valve that allows oxygen to discharge but
prevents liquid water from leaking through the restricted venting orifice in the event that water enters
the fire sprinkler system. A backpressure regulator is also included to prevent total system
depressurization from the vent assembly.

The restricted venting orifice allows oxygen to be vented from the fire sprinkler system at a controlled
rate to achieve a minimum nitrogen concentration of 98%. A special fitting is provided to receive 5/32”
tubing when the vent is used in conjunction with the Tyco Protector Permanent Gas Analyzer. After 14
days as the desired nitrogen con-centration will have been achieved, the isolation ball valve shall be
close manually.

F. N2 Gas Analyzer
F.1 Manual Gas Analyzer (THGA)

The Tyco Model THGA Handheld Gas Analyzer provides the concentration of nitrogen gas when
connected to a Tyco Nitrogen Generator System with a gas sample port. The Handheld Gas Analyzer is
used to verify nitrogen concentration inside a fire sprinkler system or at the outlet of a Tyco Nitrogen
Generator. The handheld Gas Analyzer is a simple, cost effective method of gas concentration
monitoring. The Handheld Gas Analyzer is small, convenient, and portable with one touch calibration
and is compatible with all Tyco Nitrogen Generators.

G. Basic Isometric and Design Approached

Following isometric and components in this section are example of typical schematic and connection.
Parts/components and configuration can be adjusted according to site condition and design according
to project requirement or local code of practice.
A. Single N2 Generator Supply for Single Control Valve/Zone
B. Single N2 Generator Supply for Multiple Control Valves/Zones

H. Nitrogen System Design Considerations

Drawing layout, Isometric layout and calculation reports are the responsibility of the
contractor/distributor. Tyco personnel are available to review and suggest improvements as required

H.1 Design Basis

1. Calculate length of pipe per riser (Pre-action control valve)
2. Calculate the volume system where the Capacity pipe diameter in Gal/Ft or L / m multiple by
length of pipe diameter per riser. (Noted : for capacity pipe diameter in Gal/Ft or L/m follow
table below - Reff. By Tyco Manual Book)

3. Calculate the volume of Nitrogen Generator Set Requirement with formula below :
Vs x P
Volume N2 =
Where :
1. Vc is Volume of N2 (ft3)
2. P is System Operating Pressure Required (Psi)
as manufacurd standard (20 Psi - 40 Psi)
3. Vs is Volume of System (Gal)

Detail Calculation Attached in other file for JKT-02 MICROSOFT DATA CENTER PROJECT
Basic Design

Vs x P
Volume N2 =

Where :
1. Vc is Volume of N2 (ft3)
2. P is System Operating Pressure Required (Psi)
as manufacurd standard (20 Psi - 40 Psi)
3. Vs is Volume of System (Gal)


Pipe Size (DN) Length of Capacity Vs (Volume System)

No. Description Pipe (m)
(mm) (m) L/m L Gallon
1 Admin Building 25 5.2 0.559 2.91 0.77
A MMR2/ER 2 (Riser 1 PASCV-A1.01) 32 19.5 0.969 18.90 4.99
40 1.316 0.00 0.00
50 41.6 2.161 89.90 23.75
65 3.08 0.00 0.00
80 4.756 0.00 0.00
100 8.196 0.00 0.00
150 18.64 0.00 0.00
Total Volume (Vs) 111.70 29.51
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for A. MMR2/ER 2 (Riser 1 PASCV-A1.01) 9 = 66 Gallon

1 Admin Building 25 5.2 0.559 2.91 0.77

B ELECTRICAL ROOM (Riser 2 PASCV-A1.02) 32 10.4 0.969 10.08 2.66
40 1.316 0.00 0.00
50 41.6 2.161 89.90 23.75
65 3.08 0.00 0.00
80 4.756 0.00 0.00
100 8.196 0.00 0.00
150 18.64 0.00 0.00
Total Volume (Vs) 102.88 27.18
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for B. ELECTRICAL ROOM (Riser 2 PASCV-A1.02) 8 = 61 Gallon
1 Admin Building 25 3.9 0.559 2.18 0.58
C FCR (Riser 3 PASCV-A1.03) 32 9.1 0.969 8.82 2.33
40 1.316 0.00 0.00
50 10.4 2.161 22.47 5.94
65 3.08 0.00 0.00
80 4.756 0.00 0.00
100 8.196 0.00 0.00
150 18.64 0.00 0.00
Total Volume (Vs) 33.47 8.84
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for C. FCR (Riser 3 PASCV-A1.03) 3 = 20 Gallon
Pipe Size (DN) Length of Capacity Vs (Volume System)
Pipe (m)
No. Description
(mm) (m) L/m L Gallon
1 Admin Building 25 7.8 0.559 4.36 1.15
D SER ROOM (Riser 4 - PASCV-A1.04) 32 35.1 0.969 34.01 8.99
40 1.316 0.00 0.00
50 41.6 2.161 89.90 23.75
65 3.08 0.00 0.00
80 4.756 0.00 0.00
100 8.196 0.00 0.00
150 18.64 0.00 0.00
Total Volume (Vs) 128.27 33.89
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for D. SER ROOM (Riser 4 PASCV-A1.04) 10 = 76 Gallon

1 Admin Building 25 3.9 0.559 2.18 0.58

E MMR-1/ER - 1 (Riser 5 - PASCV-A1.05) 32 11.7 0.969 11.34 3.00
40 1.316 0.00 0.00
50 84.5 2.161 182.60 48.24
65 3.08 0.00 0.00
80 4.756 0.00 0.00
100 8.196 0.00 0.00
150 18.64 0.00 0.00
Total Volume (Vs) 196.12 51.82
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for E. MMR-1/ER-1 (Riser 5 PASCV-A1.05) 16 = 116 Gallon


Proposed Nitrogen Generator Set FOR ADMIN BUILDING (NG-1 100) 1 Set 675 Gallon


Pipe Size (DN) Length of Capacity Vs (Volume System)

No. Description Pipe (m)
(mm) (m) L/m L Gallon
2 COLO - 1 NORTH 25 145.6 0.559 81.39 21.50
A SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 1 & 3 (North) 32 460.2 0.969 445.93 117.82
COLO 1- -1Cell
- PASCV-C1.01)
3 , + LV+UPS+BATTERY ROOM+AHU 40 57.2 1.316 75.28 19.89
MECHANICAL 50 188.5 2.161 407.35 107.62
65 5.46 3.08 16.82 4.44
80 15.6 4.756 74.19 19.60
100 32.5 8.196 266.37 70.38
150 1.3 18.64 24.23 6.40
Total Volume (Vs) 1391.56 367.65
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for A. SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 1 & 3 (North) - (RISER - 1 - PASCV-C1.01) 110 = 825 Gallon
Pipe Size (DN) Length of Capacity Vs (Volume System)
No. Description Pipe (m)
(mm) (m) L/m L Gallon
2 COLO - 1 SOUTH 25 106.6 0.559 59.59 15.74
B SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 2 & 4 (South) 32 460.2 0.969 445.93 117.82
(RISER - 2 - PASCV-C1.02) 40 57.2 1.316 75.28 19.89
COLO 1 - Cell 2 , + LV+UPS+BATTERY ROOM+AHU MECHANICA 50 175.89 2.161 380.10 100.42
65 5.46 3.08 16.82 4.44
80 13.39 4.756 63.68 16.83
100 27.69 8.196 226.95 59.96
150 27.3 18.64 508.87 134.44
Total Volume (Vs) 1777.22 469.54
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for B. SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 2 & 4 (South) - (RISER - 2 - PASCV-C1.02) 141 = 1054 Gallon
Length of
Pipe Size (DN) Pipe (m) Capacity Vs (Volume System)
No. Description
(mm) (m) L/m L Gallon
2 COLO - 1 NORTH 25 106.6 0.559 59.59 15.74
C SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 1 & 3 (North) 32 460.2 0.969 445.93 117.82
(RISER - 3 - PASCV-C1.03) 40 57.2 1.316 75.28 19.89
COLO 1 - Cell 1 , + LV+UPS+BATTERY ROOM+AHU MECHANICA 50 175.89 2.161 380.10 100.42
65 5.46 3.08 16.82 4.44
80 13.39 4.756 63.68 16.83
100 27.69 8.196 226.95 59.96
150 27.3 18.64 508.87 134.44
Total Volume (Vs) 1777.22 469.54
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for C. SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 1 & 3 (North) - (RISER - 3 - PASCV-C1.03) 141 = 1054 Gallon
Pipe Size (DN) Length of Capacity Vs (Volume System)
No. Description Pipe (m)
(mm) (m) L/m L Gallon
2 COLO - 1 SOUTH 25 145.6 0.559 81.39 21.50
D SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 2 & 4 (South) 32 460.2 0.969 445.93 117.82
(RISER - 4 - PASCV-C1.04) 40 57.2 1.316 75.28 19.89
COLO 1 - Cell 4 , + LV+UPS+BATTERY ROOM+AHU MECHANICA 50 188.5 2.161 407.35 107.62
65 5.46 3.08 16.82 4.44
80 15.6 4.756 74.19 19.60
100 32.5 8.196 266.37 70.38
150 1.95 18.64 36.35 9.60
Total Volume (Vs) 1403.68 370.85
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for C. SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 2 & 4 (South) - (RISER - 4 - PASCV-C1.04) 111 = 832 Gallon

TOTAL VOLUME SYSTEM 503 = 3765 Gallon

Proposed Nitrogen Generator Set FOR COLO 1 - BUILDING (NG-1 500) 2 Set 2000 Gallon


Pipe Size (DN) Length of Capacity Vs (Volume System)

No. Description Pipe (m)
(mm) (m) L/m L Gallon
3 MECH - COLO 1 25 0.559 0.00 0.00
A Battery & Electrical Room 1 (Riser 1 PASCV-CL1.01) 32 35.23 0.969 34.14 9.02
40 1.316 0.00 0.00
50 2.161 0.00 0.00
65 18.2 3.08 56.06 14.81
80 4.756 0.00 0.00
100 4.81 8.196 39.42 10.42
150 18.64 0.00 0.00
Total Volume (Vs) 129.62 34.24
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for A. MECH - COLO 1 Battery & Electrical Room 1 (Riser 1) 10 = 77 Gallon

3 MECH - COLO 1 25 0.559 0.00 0.00

B Battery & Electrical Room 2 (Riser 2 PASCV-CL1.02) 32 37.7 0.969 36.53 9.65
40 1.316 0.00 0.00
50 2.161 0.00 0.00
65 18.2 3.08 56.06 14.81
80 4.756 0.00 0.00
100 4.81 8.196 39.42 10.42
150 18.64 0.00 0.00
Total Volume (Vs) 132.01 34.88
Pressure in (Psi) 30
Fill Time in (Minute) 30
VC in (ft3) for A. MECH - COLO 1 Battery & Electrical Room 2 (Riser 2) 10 = 78 Gallon


Proposed Nitrogen Generator Set FOR MECH COLO 1 - BUILDING (NG-1 100) 1 Set 675 Gallon
Calculated N2 Cap. N2 Nitrogen Generator Set. Orifice Air
Sprinkler Control Proposed Air Vent
Vent System
No. Description Valve No. Model N2 Model Per REMARK
Lt Gallon Qty Unit Capacity (Gallon) per Each
Generator Each System
1 Admin Building
A MMR2/ER 2 (Riser 1 PASCV-A1.01) PASCV-A1.01 251 66
B ELECTRICAL ROOM (Riser 2 PASCV-A1.02) PASCV-A1.02 231 61 TAV-D2 02 N2 Generator
C FCR (Riser 3 PASCV-A1.03) PASCV-A1.03 75 20 N2 Oxygen Set Model
1 Set 675 NG -1 100 Vent Orifice #8 Acceptable
D SER ROOM (Riser 4 - PASCV-A1.04) PASCV-A1.04 288 76 Vent Manual
(Qty. 5 No)
PASCV-A1.05 (Qty. 5 No)
E MMR-1/ER - 1 (Riser 5 - PASCV-A1.05) 440 116
2 Colo - 1 Building
SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 1 & 3 (North)
(RISER - 1 - PASCV-C1.01) 3123 825
TAV-D2 02 N2 Generator
COLO 1 - Cell 3 , + LV+UPS+BATTERY ROOM+AHU N2 Oxygen
Removal Set Model
MECHANICAL 1 Set 2000 NG-1 500 Vent Orifice Acceptable
Vent Manual
#16 (Qty. 2 No)
B COLO - 1 SOUTH (Qty. 2 No)
SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 2 & 4 (South)
PASCV-C1.02 3989 1054
SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 1 & 3 (North)
(RISER - 3 - PASCV-C1.03) PASCV-C1.03 3989 1054
MECHANICAL N2 Oxygen N2 Generator
Removal Set Model
1 Set 2000 NG-1 500 Vent Orifice
D COLO - 1 SOUTH Vent Manual
#16 (Qty. 2 No) Acceptable
(Qty. 2 No)
SERVICE LOBBY COLO 1 - Cell 2 & 4 (South)
PASCV-C1.04 3150 832
COLO 1--4Cell
- PASCV-C1.04)
3 Mech - Colo 1 Building
PASCV-CL1.01 291 77 TAV-D2 02
Battery & Electrical Room 1 (Riser 1 PASCV-CL1.01) N2 Oxygen N2 Generator
Vent Orifice #8 Set Model
B MECH - COLO 1 1 Set 675 NG-1 100 Vent Manual Acceptable
PASCV-CL1.02 296 78 (Qty. 2 No)
(Qty. 2 No)
Battery & Electrical Room 2 (Riser 2 PASCV-CL1.02)

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