The Impact of Covid-19 On Construction Projects in Kuwait

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The Impact Of Covid-19 On Construction Projects In Kuwait

Article  in  International Journal Of Engineering Research and General Science · July 2020

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1 author:

Thamer A N Alenezi



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International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 8, Issue 4, July-August, 2020
ISSN 2091-2730

The Impact Of Covid-19 On Construction Projects In Kuwait

Thamer A N. Alenezi

Lecturer, Civil Engineering Department, Public Authority For Applied Education and Training, Kuwait

Abstract:- This paper has been prepared to evaluate the impact of Covid-19 on Construction projects in Kuwait. A questionnaire
survey has been carried out from a wide range of professional engineering, construction and architecture practitioners operating in
Kuwait. The findings from this research revealed that delays in projects were due to Covid-19. The main conclusion drawn is that the
delays can be reduced by proper planning.

Keywords:- Covid-19, Construction projects, Kuwait, Delay, Survey questionnaire, Telephone interview.

The construction sector acts as a fundamental pillar for the country, including economic and social development. The construction
sector in Kuwait is expected to log record spending of nearly KD 34 billion ($112.5 billion) to develop the infrastructure plan that can
fulfil Kuwait's 2035 vision. However, the international construction sector is suffering delays and therefore failing to complete the
projects on-time and on-budget.

Delays are the main issue in the construction projects that affect all the parties in the construction sector. Therefore, previous studies
have identified six categories of delay in the construction projects. These six categories of delay are excusable delay, non-excusable
delay, independent delay, concurrent delay, critical delay and non-critical delay.

Excusable delay is caused by events that are beyond control, which are unforeseeable. It can be classified as ‘compensable’ or ‘non-
compensable’ depending on whether it was caused by a third party, the owner, or just an incident.

Non-excusable delay is not caused by the owner. This delay is caused by the contractor, the subcontractor, supplier for equipment, or
supplier for material, therefore no extra time or funds are due for the contractor.

Independent delay is delay caused by a stakeholder involved in the construction project. This delay, depending on whether it was
caused by the owner or a contractor, can be excusable delay or non-excusable delay.

Concurrent delays are delays happening at the same time. It is when one delay occurs followed by another, and therefore extra time
and cost are required for the project. This is usually caused by any of the parties in the contract.

Serial delay is delay caused by previous non-overlapping delays in a construction project that occur on a single network path. For
instance, a labour strike is a reason for the project delay that should be completed before winter, but the work would then be
completed in winter.

Critical delay is delay in completion date for the project. This delay becomes a reality of the project when a contractor has not
completed the project within the contract period. However, it can be reduced by proper planning.

Now that the introduction has been detailed, a brief overview of Covid-19 followed by the research method will be detailed. Then, the
findings of this research will be analysed and a conclusion will be given at the end of this research.

The Covid-19
The coronavirus (COVID-19) was explored in December 2019, in Wuhan, China among a cluster of patients with viral pneumonia
who had visited the Huanan seafood market. According to Nature, the coronavirus (COVID-19) is becoming a pandemic due to more
International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 8, Issue 4, July-August, 2020
ISSN 2091-2730

than 100 000 people in 100 countries having been infected. As a result, the COVID-19 has created a wide range of reactions from
governments. Common measures include bans on public gatherings, travel restrictions, school closings, new forms of social welfare
provision, emergency investments in healthcare facilities, the augmentation of health systems, managing the economic consequences
of these actions, contact-tracing, and other interventions to contain the spread of the virus. Therefore, this paper aims to evaluate the
impact of Covid-19 on construction projects in Kuwait. The objective was to gather the opinion of architects, engineers, surveyors,
construction management and coordinator practitioners of how the Covid-19 could be affected in construction projects. This was
achieved through a questionnaire survey and telephone interview directed to construction professionals based in Kuwait.

Research Methodology
Given that the impact of Covid-19 in construction projects is still being evaluated, the questionnaire survey is useful in collecting
quantitative and qualitative data from a wide range of professionals. The questionnaire was sent to 205 construction sector
practitioners working in Kuwait, including engineers, architects, surveyors, construction management and coordinators. The
questionnaire was launched between 10th of April 2020 to 23rd of June 2020. A total of 55 completed questionnaires were received.
The responses were from: 26 engineers, 16 architects, 10 surveyors, 5 construction management, and 2 coordinators, as shown in
Figure 1. Additionally, a total of 10 practitioners completed telephone interviews.



27% Surveyor
Construction management

Fig 1:- Respondents’ profession or current role.

The majority of the respondents (39%) worked for small organisations. The annual turnover for 54% of the surveyed companies was
less than £1.5m, while the annual turnover for 41% was between £7.5m and £37.5m. Respondents were involved in a variety of
projects in the building, water supply, sanitation and water, and energy sectors. Respondents also had experience in both private and
government sectors. The main findings of the questionnaire survey are presented below.

The results of the questionnaire showed that the respondents (95%) of the organisations in Kuwait were delayed in construction
projects. The most common reasons for delays in projects were because the employees were unable to work at any time due to Covid-
19 pandemic, as shown in Figure 2.

International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 8, Issue 4, July-August, 2020
ISSN 2091-2730

Can not work at any time

Can not work during the night time

Can not work during the day time

0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%

Fig 2:- The main reason of delays in construction projects.

Moreover, the majority of the respondents (71%) indicated that the delay in construction projects are critical delays, as shown in
Figure 3.

Critical delay

Serial delay

Concurrent delay

Independent delay

Non-Excusable delay

Excusable delay

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80%

Fig 3:- The appropriate category of delay in construction projects.

In Figure 2, it can be observed that the most common reasons for delays in projects because the employees cannot work at any time.
Based on the telephone interviews, it was concluded that the employees cannot work at any time due to government reaction to the
pandemic. Hence, this is in line with the previous studies which reported that the government has created a wide range of reactions
due to Covid-19.

Moreover, Figure 3 showed that (71%) of the respondents indicated that the delay in projects are critical delays. Previous studies
reported that the critical delays can happen if the contractor has not completed the project within the contract period. Hence, by proper
planning, the critical delays in projects can be reduced.

International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science Volume 8, Issue 4, July-August, 2020
ISSN 2091-2730

The Covid-19 in Kuwait has impacted on construction projects. The main conclusions of this paper are summarised as follows:

• The delays in projects were due to the employees being unable to work at any time.
• The delays in projects were identified as critical delays.

Clearly, further research is required to develop a better understanding. For example, face-to-face interviews with individuals currently
in the construction sector and the monitoring of live projects that operate during or after Covid-19 may provide fruitful reality results.
From this, it may be possible for organisations to develop proper plans for construction projects, which could then reduce the delays
in completion date for the projects. Further research is also required to explore the experience from other professionals such as project
monitoring and evaluation services consultants.

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