Chapter 3 - Solving Problems by Searching
Chapter 3 - Solving Problems by Searching
Chapter 3 - Solving Problems by Searching
• Type of agent that solve problem by searching
– Such agent is not reflex or model based reflex agent
because this agent needs to achieve some target (goal)
– It can be goal based or utility based or learning agent
– Intelligent agent knows that to achieve certain goal,
the state of the environment will change sequentially
and the change should be towards the goal
•Steps to undertake during searching
• Problem formulation:
– Involves:
• Abstracting the real environment configuration into state
information using preferred data structure
• Describe the initial state according to the data structure
• deciding the set of all possible action
• The set of action possible on a given state at specific point in the process.
• The cost of the action at each state
– For vacuum world problem, the problem formulation involve:
• State is described as list of 3 elements where the first element describe
information about block A, the second element describe information
about block B and the last element describe the location of the Agent
• [dirty, dirty, A]
• Suck, moveRight, moveLeft
• Determine which of the above action are valid for a give action
• Cost can be determined in many ways 3
•Steps to undertake during searching
• Goal formulation: refers to the understanding
of the objective of the agent based on the state
description of the final environment
• For example, for the vacuum world problem, the
goal can be formulated as
[clean, Clean, agent at any block]
• Solution is a sequence of world state in which the final
state satisfy the goal or solution is action sequence in
which the last action will result the goal state.
• Each action change one state to the next state of the
• A search algorithm take a problem as input and returns a
solution in the form of action or state sequence.
• To achieve the goal, the action sequences must be
executed accordingly
• The general “formulate-search-execute” algorithm of
search is given bellow:
Problem-solving agents
Agent Program
Example: Road map of Ethiopia
110 250
Bahr dar
Addis Ababa
430 Nazaret 370
Example: Road map of Ethiopia
• Current position of the agent: Awassa.
• Needs to arrive to: Gondar
• Formulate goal:
– be in Gondar
• Formulate problem:
– states: various cities
– actions: drive between cities
• Find solution:
– sequence of cities, e.g., Awassa, Nazarez, Addis Ababa,
Dessie, Gondar
Types of Problems
• Four types of problems exist in the real situations:
1. single-state problem
– The environment is Deterministic and fully observable
– Out of the possible state space, agent knows exactly which
state it will be in; solution is a sequence
2. sensor less problem (conformant problem)
– The environment is non-observable
– It is also called multi-state problem
– Agent may have no idea where it is; solution is a sequence
Types of Problems
3. contingency problem
– The environment is nondeterministic and/or partially
– It is not possible to know the effect of the agent action
– percepts provide new information about current state
4. exploration problem
– The environment is partially observable
– It is also called unknown state space
Example: vacuum world
• Single-state
– Starting state us known say in #5.
– What is the Solution?
Example: vacuum world
• Single-state, start in #5.
Solution? [Right, Suck]
Example: vacuum world
• Sensorless,
– It doesn’t know what the current
state is
– So the current start is either of
the following: {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8}
Example: vacuum world
• Sensorless Solution
• Right goes to {2,4,6,8}
• [Right,Suck,Left,Suck]
Example: vacuum world
• Contingency
– Nondeterministic: Suck may
dirty a clean carpet
– Partially observable:
– Hence we have partial
– Let’s assume the current
percept is: [L, Clean]
– i.e. start in #5 or #7
Example: vacuum world
• Contingency Solution
[Right, if dirt then Suck]
Move right
Example 1:
• Assume the agent is some where outside the blocks and wants
to clean the block. So how to get into the blocks? No clear
information about their location
• What will be the solution?
• Solution is exploration
Example 2:
• The agent is at some point in the world and want to reach a
city called CITY which is unknown to the agent.
• The agent doesn’t have any map
• What will be the solution?
– Solution is exploration
Some more problems that can be solved
by searching
• We have seen two such problems: The road map
problem and the vacuum cleaner world problem
3 cat and 3 mice puzzle
• Three cat and three mice come to a crocodile infested river. There is a
boat on their sides that can be used by one or two “persons”. If cats
outnumber the mice at any time, the cats eat the mice. How can they
use the boat to cross the river so that all mice survive.
• State description
– [#of cats to the left side,
#of mice to the left side,
boat location,
#of cats to the right side,
#of mice to the right side]
• Initial state
– [3,3,Left,0,0]
• Goal
– [0,0,Right,3,3]
3 cat and 3 mice puzzle
• Action
– A legal action is a move which moves upto two
person at a time using the boat from the boat
location to the other side provided that action
doesn’t contradict the constraint (#cats <= #mice)
– We can represent the action as
• Move_Ncats_M_mice_lr if boat is at the left side or
• Move_Ncats_M_mice_rl if boat is at the right side.
• All the set of possible action except the constraints are:
3 cat and 3 mice puzzle
• Question
– Draw the state space of the problem
– Provide one possible solution
3 cannibal and 3 missionaries problem
• Three missionaries and three cannibals come to the bank
of a river they wish to cross.
• There is a boat that will hold only two and any of the
group is able to row.
• If there are ever more missionaries than cannibals on any
side of the river the cannibals will get converted.
• How can they use the boat to cross the river without
• State description
– [#of cannibals to the left side,
#of missionaries to the left side,
boat location,
#of cannibals to the right side,
#of missionaries to the right side]
• Initial state
– [3,3,Left,0,0]
• Goal 23
– [0,0,Right,3,3]
3 cannibal and 3 missionaries problem
• Action
– A legal action is a move which moves up to two person at a
time using the boat from the boat location to the other side
provided that action doesn’t contradict the constraint
(#cannibal < #missionaries)
– We can represent the action as
• Move_Ncannibal_M_missionaries_lr if boat is at the left side or
• Move_Ncannibal_M_missionaries_rl if boat is at the right side.
• All the set of possible action except the constraints are:
3 cannibal and 3 missionaries problem
• Question
– Draw the state space of the problem
– Provide one possible solution
Water Jug problem
• We have one 3 liter jug, one 5 liter jug and unlimited
supply of water. The goal is to get exactly one liter of
water in either of the jug. Either jug can be emptied,
filled or poured into the other.
• State description
– [Amount of water in 5 litter jug,
Amount of water in 3 litter jug]
• Initial state
– [0,0]
• Goal
– [1,ANY] or [ANY, 1]
Water Jug problem
• Action
– Fill the 3 litter jug with water (F3)
– Fill the 5 litter jug with water(F5)
– Empty the 5 litter jug (E5)
– Empty the 3 litter jug (E3)
– Pour the all 3 litter jug water onto the 5 litter jug (P35)
– Pour the all 5 litter jug water onto the 3 litter jug (P53)
– Pour the 3 litter jug water onto the 5 litter jug until the 5 litter
jug filled completely. (P_part35)
– Pour the 5 litter jug water onto the 3 litter jug until the 3 litter
jug filled completely. (P_part53)
Water Jug problem
• Question
– Draw the complete state space diagram
– Find one possible solution as action and state sequence
Initial state [0,0]
Action State
F3 [3,0]
P3 5 [0,3]
F3 [3,3]
P_part3 5 [1,5]
Well-defined problems and solutions (single state)
• A well defined problem is a problem in which
– The start state of the problem
– Its goal state
– The possible actions (operators that can be applied to make
move from state to state)
– The constraints upon the possible action to avoid invalid
moves (this defines legal and illegal moves)
are known in advance
Well-defined problems and solutions (single state)
• A problem which is not well defined is called ill-
– Ill-defined problem presents a dilemma in planning to get
the goal
– The goal may not be precisely formulated
– Examples
• Cooking dinner
• Writing term paper
• All the problem we need to consider in this course
are well defined
Well-defined problems and solutions
A problem is defined by four items:
1. initial state e.g., "at Awassa"
2. actions or successor function S(x) = set of action–state pairs
– e.g., S(Awassa) = {<Awassa Addis Ababa, Addis
Ababa>, <Awassa Nazareth, Nazareth>, … }
– Note: <AB, B> indicates action is A B and next state
is B
3. goal test, can be
– explicit, e.g., x = "at Gonder"
– implicit, e.g., CheckGoal(x)
Well-defined problems and solutions (single state)
4. The constraints
path cost (additive)
– e.g., sum of distances, number of actions executed,
– c(x,a,y) is the step cost, assumed to be ≥ 0 (the
cost of applying action a being at initial state x
which takes into next state y
invalid (actions that doesn’t change states)
solution is a sequence of actions leading from the initial
state to a goal state or sequence of states in which the
last state is the goal state
Selecting a state space
• Real world problem can not be directly represented in the
agent architecture since it is absurdly complex
state space must be abstracted for problem solving
• (Abstract) state = set of real states
• (Abstract) action = complex combination of real actions
– e.g., “Awasa Addis Ababa" represents a complex set of
possible routes, detours, rest stops, etc.
• (Abstract) solution = set of real paths that are solutions in the
real world
• Each abstract action should be "easier" than the original
Vacuum world state space graph
• states?
• actions?
• goal test?
• path cost?
Vacuum world state space graph
• states?
• actions?
• goal test?
• path cost? 36
Example: The 8-puzzle
Example: robotic assembly
Searching For Solution (Tree search algorithms)
• Given state space, and network of states via
• The network structure is usually a graph
• Tree is a network in which there is exactly one
path defined from the root to any node
• Given state S and valid actions being at S
– the set of next state generated by executing each
action is called successor of S
• Searching for solution is a simulated exploration
of state space by generating successors of
already-explored states
Implementation issue: states vs. nodes
• A state is a (representation of) a physical
• A node is a data structure constituting part of a
search tree
– It includes:
• state,
• parent node,
• action,
• depth and
• one or more costs [like path cost g(x), heuristic cost
h(x), evaluation function cost f(x)]
Implementation issue: states vs. nodes
• Example
Searching For Solution (Tree search algorithms)
BahrDar AA
Lalibela AA Gondar
Gondar Debre M.
Implementation: general tree search
Search strategies
• A search strategy is defined by picking the order of node
• Strategies are evaluated along the following dimensions:
– completeness: does it always find a solution if one exists?
– time complexity: number of nodes generated
– space complexity: maximum number of nodes in memory
– optimality: does it always find a least-cost solution?
• Time and space complexity are measured in terms of
– b: maximum branching factor of the search tree
– d: depth of the least-cost solution
– m: maximum depth of the state space (may be ∞)
• Generally, searching strategies can be classified in to two as
uninformed and informed search strategies
Uninformed search (blind search) strategies
• Uninformed search strategies use only the information
available in the problem definition
• They have no information about the number of steps or the
path cost from the current state to the goal
• They can distinguish the goal state from other states
• They are still important because there are problems with no
additional information.
• Six kinds of such search strategies will be discussed and each
depends on the order of expansion of successor nodes.
1. Breadth-first search
2. Uniform-cost search
3. Depth-first search
4. Depth-limited search
5. Iterative deepening search
6. Bidirectional search 46
Breadth-first search
• Expand shallowest unexpanded node
• Finds the shallowest goal state
• Implementation:
– Fringe (open list) is a FIFO queue, i.e., new successors
go at the end
Properties of breadth-first search
• Complete? Yes (if b is finite, which is true in most cases)
• Time? 1+b+b2+b3+… +bd = O(bd+1)
– at depth value = i , there are bi nodes expanded for i ≤d
• Space? O(bd) (keeps every node in memory)
– a maximum of this match node will be while reaching to the goal
– This is a major problem for real problem
• Optimal? Yes (if cost = constant (k) per step)
• Space is the bigger problem (more than time)
Breadth-first search is complete, but depth-first search is not. When applied to
infinite graphs represented implicitly, breadth-first search will eventually find
the goal state, but depth first search may get lost in parts of the graph that
have no goal state and never return. 48
Depth-first search
• Expand deepest unexpanded node
• Implementation:
– fringe = LIFO queue, i.e., put successors at front
Properties of depth-first search
• Complete? No: fails in infinite-depth spaces, spaces with
– Modify to avoid repeated states along path (see graph
complete in finite spaces
Time? O(bm): terrible if m is much larger than d
– but if solutions are dense, may be much faster than
• Space? O(bm), i.e., linear space!
– When the strategy move one step down the tree, it will add m
nodes into the fringe and will have bm nodes at the worst case.
• Optimal? No 50
Depth-limited search
• We can see that the breadth search is complete which can be
taken as its advantage though its space complexity is the worst
• Similarly the depth first search strategy is best in terms of space
complexity even if it is the worst in terms of its completeness and
time complexity compared to breadth first search
• Hence, we can find an algorithm that incorporate both benefits
and avoid the limitation
Depth-limited search
• Depth-first search with depth limit l, will truncate all nodes
having depth value greater than l from the search space and
apply depth first search on the rest of the structure
• It return solution if solution exist, if there is no solution
• it return cutoff if l < m, failure otherwise
Recursive implementation:
Depth-limited search
• Complete? No (fail if all solution exist at depth > l
• Time? O(bl)
• Space? O(bl)
• Optimal? No
Iterative deepening search
• Depth limit search never return a solution due to the
limitation of the limit if all solution node exist at
depth >l. This limitation can be avoided by applying
iterative deepening search strategy
• Prototype
Iterative deepening search l =0
Iterative deepening search l =3
Properties of iterative deepening search
• Complete? Yes
• Time? (d+1)b0 + d b1 + (d-1)b2 + … + bd = O(bd)
• Space? O(bd)
• Optimal? Yes, if step cost = 1
Uniform-cost search
• Expand least-cost unexpanded node
• Implementation:
– fringe = queue ordered by path cost
• Equivalent to breadth-first if step costs all equal
• Consider the problem that moves from node S to G
A, 1 B, 5 C, 15
1 10 S
5 B 5
A, 1 B, 5 C, 15
C 5
G, 11
A, 1 B, 5 C, 15
G, 11 G, 10
Uniform-cost search
• It finds the cheapest solution if the cost of a path never
decrease as we go along the path
• i.e. g(sucessor(n)) ≥ g(n) for every node n.
• Complete? Yes
• Time? # of nodes with g ≤ cost of optimal solution
– let ε be the minimum step cost in the search tree, C* is the total
cost of the optimal solution and branching factor b.
– Now you can ask, In the worst case, what will be the number of
nodes that exist all of which has step cost = ε, branching factor b
and path cost ≤ C*. The resulting tree will have depth value
floor(C*/ ε)
– Hence the total node will be bceilling(C*/ ε) . Therefore, time
complexity becomes O(bceiling(C*/ ε))
• Space? # of nodes with g ≤ cost of optimal solution,
O(bceiling(C*/ ε))
• Optimal? Yes – nodes expanded in increasing order of g(n)
Bidirectional search
Summary of algorithms
Repeated states
• Failure to detect repeated states can turn a linear problem into
an exponential one!
Graph search
Informed search algorithms
•Informed search is a strategy that uses information about the cost
that may incur to achieve the goal state from the current state.
•The information may not be accurate. But it will help the agent to
make better decision
•This information is called heuristic information
• There several algorithms that belongs to this group. Some of
these are:
– Best-first search
1. Greedy best-first search
2. A* search
– Memory Bound Best First search
1. Iterative deepening A* (IDA*) search
2. Simplified Memory –Bounded A* (SMA*) search
– Iterative improvement algorithm (Local search
1. Hill-climbing search
2. Simulated annealing search
– Genetic algorithms
Best-first search
Idea: use an evaluation function f(n) for each node
Estimate of "desirability“ using heuristic and path cost
Expand most desirable unexpanded node
The information gives a clue about which node to be expanded
This will be done during queuing
The best node according to the evaluation function may not be
Order the nodes in fringe in decreasing order of
desirability (increasing order of cost evaluation function)
Ethiopia Map with step costs Straight Line distance to
in km Gondar
100 Gondar 0
200 Aksum 100
Mekele 150
110 250 Lalibela 110
Bahr dar Desseie 210
Dessie Bahrdar 90
Debre Markos 170
Debre markos Dire Dawa
330 Addis Ababa 321
Jima 300
Addis Ababa
Diredawa 350
430 Nazarez
Nazarez 340
Gambela 410
Gambela 230 320 Nekemt
Awasa 500
Nekemt 420
Greedy best-first search
• Evaluation function f(n) = h(n) (heuristic)
• = estimate of cost from n to goal
• That means the agent prefers to choose the action which is
assumed to be best after every action
• e.g., hSLD(n) = straight-line distance from n to Gondar
• Greedy best-first search expands the node that appears to be
closest to goal (It tries to minimizes the estimated cost to reach
the goal)
Example One
Greedy best-first search example
Show the flow to move from Awasa to Gondar using the given
road map graph
Example Two
Greedy best-first search Heuristic
R G -------------- 100
A G -------------- 60
• Given the following tree
B G -------------- 80
structure, show the content of
C G -------------- 70
the open list and closed list
generated by Greedy best first D G -------------- 65
G1 G2
G1,G2,G3 G ------------ 0
I G3 J
Properties of greedy best-first search
• Complete? Yes if repetition is controlled otherwise it can can
get stuck in loops
• Time? O(bm), but a good heuristic can give dramatic
• Space? O(bm), keeps all nodes in memory
• Optimal? No
A* search
• Idea: avoid expanding paths that are already expensive
• Evaluation function f(n) = g(n) + h(n) where
• g(n) = cost so far to reach n
• h(n) = estimated cost from n to goal
• f(n) = estimated total cost of path through n to goal
• It tries to minimizes the total path cost to reach into the goal at
every node N.
• Example one
Indicate the flow of search to move from Awasa to Gondar using
Example Two Heuristic
R G -------------- 100
• Given the following tree
A G -------------- 60
structure, show the content of the
open list and closed list generated B G -------------- 80
by A* best first search algorithm C G -------------- 70
D G -------------- 65
E G -------------- 40
70 F G -------------- 45
A B C H G ---------------10
25 10
45 I G ---------------- 20
D E F G1 H G2 J G ---------------- 8
15 20 5 G1,G2,G3 G ------------ 0
I G3 J
Admissible heuristics
• A heuristic h(n) is admissible if for every node n,
h(n) ≤ h*(n), where h*(n) is the true cost to reach the goal state
from n.
• An admissible heuristic never overestimates the cost to reach
the goal, i.e., it is optimistic
• Example: hSLD(n) (never overestimates the actual road
• Theorem: If h(n) is admissible, A* using TREE-SEARCH is
Find Admissible heuristics for the 8-puzzle?
• h1(S) = ?
• h2(S) = ?
Admissible heuristics
E.g., for the 8-puzzle:
• h1(n) = number of misplaced tiles
• h2(n) = total Manhattan distance
(i.e., no. of squares from desired location of each tile)
• h1(S) = ? 8
• h2(S) = ? 3+1+2+2+2+3+3+2 = 18
–If h2(n) ≥ h1(n) for all n (both admissible)
–then h2 dominates h1
–h2 is better for search 74
Properties of A*
• Complete? Yes (unless there are infinitely many nodes with
f ≤ f(G) )
• Optimal? Yes (provided that the heuristic is admissible)
• Time?
– In the best case (if the heuristic is the same as the actual
cost), it is equivalent to the depth of the solution node
(i.e. it is linear). O(d)
– In the worst case, it is equivalent to the number of nodes
which has f-value ≤ f-value of the solution node
O(bceiling(C*/ ε)) where C* is the f value of the solution
– This shows, A* search is computationally efficient
compaired to Greedy best first search strategy
Properties of A*
• Space? Keeps all nodes in memory (exponential)
– i.e. O(bm)
– This is again a limitation in the same way as we saw
while discussing Greedy, Breadth and Depth first
– Hence, it is advisable to have modified version of such
algorithm in which the modification minimizes the
space complexity
– There are two such modifications
1. Iterative deepening A* (IDA*) search
2. Simplified Memory Bound A* (SMA*) search
Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) search
• Iterative deepening is a useful technique for reducing
memory requirements.
• The same trick as iterative deepening depth first search is
applied to A* for the same purpose.
• This time the limiting factor will be f-value rather than
depth value.
• At first step, the root f-value will be used as a threshold
and all the nodes following the root will be visited until:
– The solution found
– The node f-value exceeds the root
Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) search
• If solution doesn’t exist in this limit, the f-value threshold
will be modified as the minimum value of a visited node
whose f-value exceeds the previous threshold
• This process repeat until solution found or failure (due to
absence of extra node with f-value that exceed the last
• the algorithm is stated in the next slide
Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) search
Function IDA*(problem) returns a solution sequence or failure
local variable: f-limit, the current f-COST limit
root, the root node
loop do
solution, f-limit F_CONTOUR_SEARCH(root, f-limit)
if solution is NOT NULL return solution
if f-limit = INFINITY return failure
Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) search
Function F_CONTOUR_SEARCH(node, f-limit) returns
solution sequence and a new f-COST limit
local variables:
next-f the f_COST limit for the next contour, initially
if f_COST[node] > f-limit return null, f-COST[node]
if GOAL_TEST[problem](STATE[node]) return SOLUTION(node), f-limit
for each node s in SUCCESSOR(node) do
solution, new-f F_CONTOUR_SEARCH(node, f-limit)
if solution is NOT NULL return solution, f-lmit
next-f MIN(next-f, new-f)
return null, next-f
Iterative Deepening A* (IDA*) search
• IDA* is complete and optimal with the same caveat as A*
• Space and time complexity bf *
• Where b is the branching factor, f* is the cost of the optimal
solution and δ is the smallest step cost
Simplified Memory Bounded A* (SMA*) search
• SMA* algorithm can make use of all the available
memory to carry out the search.
• SMA* has the following property
– It will utilize whatever memory is made available to it
– It avoids repeated states as far as its memory is
sufficient to store the shallowest solution path
– It is optimal if enough memory is available to store the
shallowest optimal solution path.
– Otherwise, it returns the best solution that can be
reached with available memory
– When enough memory is available for the entire search
tree, the search is optimally efficient
• The next slide shows algorithm
Simplified Memory Bounded A* (SMA*) search
Functon SMA*(problem) return solution/failure
Local variable: Queue, a queue of node ordered by f-value initially empty
Loop do
if Queue is empty return failure
n deepest least f-cost node in queue
if GOAL-TEST(n) return success
if s is not a goal and is at maximum depth then (not goal and is a leaf)
f(s) MAX(f(n), f(s))
if all n’s successors have been generated then
update n’s f-cost and those of its ancestors if necessary
if SCESSORS(n) are all in memory then remove n from Queue
if memory is full then
delete the shallowest, highest f-cost node in Queue
remove it from its parent’s successor list
insert its parent on Queue if necessary
insert s on Queue
end 83
Iterative Improvement Algorithm (Local search
• In many optimization problems, the path to the goal is
irrelevant; the goal state itself is the solution
• State space = set of "complete" configurations
• Find configuration satisfying constraints, e.g., n-queens
• In such cases, we can use local search algorithms
• keep a single "current" state, try to improve it
Example: n-queens
•Put n queens on an n × n board with no two queens on the same
row, column, or diagonal
Iterative Improvement Algorithm (Local search
Hill-climbing search
• Tries to make changes that improve the current state cost
• The algorithm is given bellow
• It continually move in the direction of increasing value
• The node data structure maintain only records of state and
evaluation cost
Hill-climbing (Gradient Descent) search
• Tries to make changes that improve the current state cost
1. Depending on initial state, can get
stuck in local maxima
2. Plateaux (after some progress the
algorithm will make a random
3. Ridges (a place where two sloppy
sides meet). In this case the search 87
may oscillate from side to side
Hill-climbing search: 8-queens problem
• h = number of pairs of queens
that are attacking each other,
either directly or indirectly
• h = 17 for the above state
Simulated Annealing
• Idea: escape local maxima by allowing some "bad"
moves but gradually decrease their frequency
Properties of simulated annealing search
• One can prove: If T decreases slowly enough, then
simulated annealing search will find a global optimum
with probability approaching 1
• Widely used in VLSI layout, airline scheduling, etc
Local beam search
• Keep track of k states rather than just one
• Start with k randomly generated states
• At each iteration, all the successors of all k states are generated
• If any one is a goal state, stop; else select the k best successors
from the complete list and repeat.
Genetic algorithms
• Genetic Algorithms were invented to mimic some of
the processes observed in natural evolution.
• Many people, biologists included, are astonished that
life at the level of complexity that we observe could
have evolved in the relatively short time suggested by
the fossil record.
• The idea with GA is to use this power of evolution to
solve optimization problems.
• The father of the original Genetic Algorithm was
John Holland who invented it in the early 1970's.
• Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are adaptive heuristic
search algorithm based on the evolutionary ideas of
natural selection and genetics.
Genetic algorithms
• The basic techniques of the GAs follow the principles first laid
down by Charles Darwin of "survival of the fittest."
• In nature, competition among individuals results in the fittest
individuals dominating over the weaker ones.
• GA is better than conventional AI in that it is more robust.
• Unlike older AI systems, they do not break easily even if the
inputs changed slightly, or in the presence of reasonable noise.
• Also, in searching a large state-space, multi-modal state-space,
or n-dimensional surface, a genetic algorithm may offer
significant benefits over more typical search of optimization
techniques like linear programming, heuristic, depth-first,
breath-first, and praxis.
Genetic algorithms
• GAs simulate the survival of the fittest among individuals
over consecutive generation for solving a problem.
• Each generation consists of a population of character strings
that are analogous to the chromosome that we see in our
• Each individual represents a point in a search space and a
possible solution.
• The individuals in the population are then made to go
through a process of evolution.
• GAs are based on an analogy with the genetic structure and
behavior of chromosomes within a population of individuals
using the following foundations:
Genetic algorithms
Basic GA foundations
– Individuals in a population compete for resources
and mates.
– Those individuals most successful in each
'competition' will produce more offspring than
those individuals that perform poorly.
– Genes from `good' individuals propagate
throughout the population so that two good
parents will sometimes produce offspring that are
better than either parent.
– Thus each successive generation will become
more suited to their environment.
Genetic algorithms Search Space
• A population of individuals are maintained within search space
for a GA, each representing a possible solution to a given
• Each individual is coded as a finite length vector of components,
or variables, in terms of some alphabet, usually binary alphabet
• To continue the genetic analogy these individuals are likened to
chromosomes and the variables are analogous to genes.
• Thus a chromosome (solution) is composed of several genes
• A fitness score is assigned to each solution representing the
abilities of an individual to `compete'.
• The individual with the optimal (or generally near optimal) fitness
score is sought.
Genetic algorithms Search Space
• The GA aims to use selective `breeding' of the solutions to
produce `offspring' better than the parents by combining
information from the chromosomes.
Genetic algorithms Search Space
•The GA maintains a population of n chromosomes (solutions) with
associated fitness values.
•Parents are selected to mate, on the basis of their fitness, producing
offspring via a reproductive plan.
•Highly fit solutions are given more opportunities to reproduce, so
that offspring inherit characteristics from each parent.
•Since the population is kept at a static size, individuals in the
population die and are replaced by the new solutions, eventually
creating a new generation once all mating opportunities in the old
population have been exhausted.
•In this way it is hoped that over successive generations better
solutions will thrive while the least fit solutions die out.
•Eventually, once the population has converged and is not producing
offspring noticeably different from those in previous generations, the
algorithm itself is said to have converged to a set of solutions to the
problem at hand. 97
Genetic algorithms Implementation Details
• After an initial population is randomly generated, the algorithm
evolves the through three operators:
1.selection which equates to survival of the fittest;
2.crossover which represents mating between individuals;
3.mutation which introduces random modifications.
1. Selection Operator
• key idea: give preference to better individuals, allowing
them to pass on their genes to the next generation.
• The goodness of each individual depends on its fitness.
• Fitness may be determined by an objective function or by
a subjective judgment.
2. Crossover Operator
• Prime distinguished factor of GA from other optimization
• Two individuals are chosen from the population using the
selection operator
Genetic algorithms Implementation Details
2. Crossover Operator (cont ….)
• A crossover site along the bit strings is randomly chosen
• The values of the two strings are exchanged up to this
• If S1=000000 and s2=111111 and the crossover point is
2 then S1'=110000 and s2'=001111
• The two new offspring created from this mating are put
into the next generation of the population
• By recombining portions of good individuals, this
process is likely to create even better individuals
Genetic algorithms Implementation Details
3. Mutation Operator
• With some low probability, a portion of the new
individuals will have some of their bits flipped.
• Its purpose is to maintain diversity within the population
and inhibit premature convergence.
• Mutation alone induces a random walk through the
search space
• Mutation and selection (without crossover) create a
parallel, noise-tolerant, hill-climbing algorithms
• Example:
Genetic algorithms Implementation Details
3. Mutation Operator
•Fitness function: number of non-attacking pairs of queens
(min = 0, max = 8 × 7/2 = 28)
•24/(24+23+20+11) = 31%; 23/(24+23+20+11) = 29% etc
Game playing (Adversarial Search)
• Outlines
– How to make optimal decisions in two player game
– MinMax algorithm
– α-β pruning algorithm
• In Game theory there are always at least two agents that participate.
• There may be different groups that participate in game where each
of them go for win or maximize the objective
• In this topic, we focus on only two player game:
– Player1 wants to maximize his objective function at the end of
the game
– Player2 (opponent): wants to minimize player1 objective
Game playing (Adversarial Search)
• Opponent always introduce uncertainty because one never knows
what action the opponent may choose
• This unpredictable nature of game playing makes it different
from search problem.
• In most cases, game playing has very large branching factor
which will have a direct impact on the implementation time and
space complexity
• Example: Tic-Tac-Toe
Game tree (2-player, deterministic, turns)
• Components
– Initial state (environment + whose turn to move)
– Operators (defines legal move to the agent)
– Terminal test
– Utility function (payoff function)
Minimax Algorithm
• Perfect play for deterministic games
• Idea: choose move to position with highest Minimax value
= best achievable payoff against best play
• E.g., 2-ply game:
• The algorithm consists of five steps
1. Generate the whole tree
2. Apply the utility function to each terminal state to get its value
3. Determine the utility of upper state using the lower states
4. Continue upward until the root
5. Max should choose the best play 105
Minimax algorithm
Minimax. Example
Properties of minimax
α-β pruning
• The MiniMax algorithm works well in almost any game
• But its time complexity is very very discouraging to problems
of relatively larger depth and branching factor.
• For example, in chase game the branching factor is around 35
and if the game need around 5 move each (total 10 moves)
then the time complexity becomes 3510.
• If we assume our computer process 100000 per second, it will
take several years.
• Therefore, we should think a better algorithm that optimizes
the search
• α-β Pruning is one specific pruning technique used in game
• By pruning we mean removing paths which will not take the
agent to a better solution.
α-β pruning
• Alpha (α ) minimal score that player MAX is guaranteed to
• Beta (β ) maximum score that player MAX can hope to obtain
against a sensible opponent.
α-β pruning algorithm description
• Case one: pruning via calling MIN function
• Consider M is a node for MAX and it has guaranteed α using all
the paths to the left of P1 and assume the utility of Ni for i < K
is greater than α. However utility of Nk < α. This shows if MAX
choose to apply action P1, then MIN will choose P2 that
minimizes MAX utility which MAX don’t want at all. Therefore
the moment this situation happen, no need to investigate all the
sub trees with roots Ni where k < i <= m
MAX Node
MIN Nodes
MAX Nodes N1 Nk Nm
α-β pruning algorithm description
• Case two: pruning via calling MAX function
• Consider M is a node for MIN and it knows that MAX could
obtain using all the paths to the left of P1 and assume the
utility of Ni for i< K is less than . However utility of Nk > .
This shows if MIN choose to apply action P1, then MAX will
choose P2 that maximizes MAX utility which MIN don’t want at
all. Therefore the moment this situation happen, no need to
investigate all the sub trees with roots Ni where k < i <= m
MIN Node
MAX Nodes
MIN Nodes N1 Nk Nm
Show the utility of each of nodes and prune unnecessary nodes
using α-β pruning algorithm for the following state space tree
3 4
7 6 9 30 12 -10 0
The α-β algorithm
The α-β algorithm
= ∞
= -∞
3 4
= ∞ 7 6 9 25 30 12 -10 0
= 3
= 3
= ∞
3 4
7 6 9 25 30 12 -10 0 116
= ∞
= 3
= 3
= ∞ = ∞
= 3
= ∞
3 4 = 7 4
= ∞
= 3
= 3 7 6 9 25 30 12 -10 0
= ∞ = 7
= 3
3 4
7 6 9 25 30 12 -10 0 117
= ∞
= 3
= 3
= ∞ = 7
= 3
3 4
= ∞
7 6 9 25 30 12 -10 0
= 7
= 3 = 7
= ∞ = 7 = 3
= 3 V=9
3 4
7 6 9 25 30 12 -10 0
= ∞
= ∞
= 7
= 3 = 7
= ∞ = 7 V=4
= 3
3 4
7 6 9 25 30 12 -10 0
Properties of α-β
• Pruning does not affect final result
• Good move ordering improves effectiveness of pruning
• With "perfect ordering," time complexity = O(b m/2)
doubles depth of search
• Why is it called α-β?
– α is the value of the best (i.e., highest-value) choice
found so far at any choice point along the path for max
– If v is worse than α, max will avoid it
prune that branch
– Define β similarly for min