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Region II

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Region II – CAGAYAN VALLEY Region II or Cagayan Valley is the northernmost region in the

Philippines. It’s the second largest region of the Philippines in terms of

Cagayan Valley (Lambak ng Cagayan) land area. Most of the region lies in a large valley in northeastern Luzon,
is a region in the Philippines, also designated between the Cordilleras and the Sierra Madre Mountain ranges.
as Region II.
It is composed of FIVE provinces, namely: WRITERS AND LITERARY WORKS
1. Batanes (Land of The True Insulars)
2. Cagayan (A True Spelunker’s Paradise)
3. Isabela (Rice Granary of the North) 1. FLORENTINO HORNEDO
4. Nueva Viscaya (Watershed Haven of the • Born on October 16, 1938 in Batanes
• He was born to Leon Hornedo and Bienvenida
5. Quirino (Forest Heartland of Cagayan)
It has THREE cities; • Hailing from Savidug. Sabtang. Batanes, Hornedo
1. Cauayan City obtained his BSE from the University of Sto.
2. Tuguegarao – regional center Tomas in 1961.
3. Santiago City – commercial city • He received his Master’s in English and Philosophy
from St. Louis University in 1966 and 1972
respectively and his PH D in Literature from UST
in 1977.
Majority, Ilocanos were the most prominent ethnic group in
Cagayan. Of the total household population, 68.57 percent classified • A recipient of Palanca Awards for Literature in
themselves as Ilocanos. 1989.
The next three prominent ethnic groups were the • His winning essay is entitled “Discourse of
1. Itawit (8.63 percent), Powerin Florante and Laura”
2. Ibanag (8.51 percent)
3. Itawis (7.81 percent).
The Itawits are noted for their pottery and basket-weaving LITERARY WORKS:
traditions. ✓ Taming the Wind
The culture of Cagayan is showcased in museums, historical ✓ Ideas and Ideals
buildings and archeological sites spread across the province. ✓ The Glitter of Gold in Batanes Cultural Heritage
Majority (76.15 percent) of the population of Cagayan Valley ✓ Christian Education: Becoming Person for Others
Region were Roman Catholics.
Evangelicals (4.24 percent);
Aglipayans (3.66 percent), followed. About 15.65
percent belonged to other religious affiliations.
3. Edith L. Tiempo
2. FERNANDO MARAMAG • Born on 1919 in San Nicolas
• An eminent and prolific writer and poet in his times. Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya.
• Born in Ilagan, Isabela and became editor of the • Her parents are Salvador T.
TRIBUNE during the period of the American Lopez, an auditor for the
colonization and commonwealth era. government, and Teresa
• He was born on January 21, 1893 to Rafael Cutaran.
Maramag and Victoria Mamuri, a Spanish • Gifted in the use of the English
Mestiza. His parents were healthy landowners. language. Edith Tiempo is
• An excellent poet and journalist in English. He had proclaimed as one of the
a rich style and deep understanding of human Philippines’ foremost writers
nature – qualities which made his poetry appealing in English alongside other
to all readers. seminal writers like Jose
• His editorial writings exerted great influence on the Garcia Villa.
various phases of the Filipino way of life,
particularly in its government, economics,
education and politics. (YBANAG) IBANAG LITERATURE
✓ My Queen Tagala
✓ The Atheist
✓ The Moonlight in Manila Bay
✓ A Christ Without a Cross
✓ Jose Rizal
✓ The Presentation
✓ He also wrote about the history of the English language in
the Philippines.
✓ Translated Ibanag folksongs into English such as;
a. Cagayanon Labor Song The Ibanag are an ethnolinguistic minority numbering a little more than half a
b. Orphan Song million people who inhabit the province of Cagayan, Isabela, Nueva Vizcaya.
c. Cagayano Peasant Song They are one of the largest ethnolinguistic minorities in the Philippines.
Like any other literature, it is the expression of cabayano’s joys and Meanwhile, Biuag did not mind the admiration Malana received from the people
sorrows, hopes and fears, loves and hatred, and every ingredient that whipped as he is busy thinking about the beautiful woman. He decided to visit her but he
up all the literary genre handed down to us. found out that Malana is with her, this made Biuag furious and challenged the
latter by throwing the spear at him. Malana returned it with the message that his
Ybanag folk literature is didactic, moralistic, predominantly sentimental, powers were not meant for this. Biuag took it differently and said to the lady that
romantic, socialistic, comic and spiritual – all aimed at uniting Cabayanos, brave her suitor is strong but cowardly.
like the kasi or wild cock that challenges them to greatness at sunrise, mission-
oriented like Bannag on whose bank their forebears were rooted; graceful as the One afternoon, Biuag took a lift of the lady when he noticed that a number of
bamboo that bends the winds of challenges, sturdy as the Manga in the typhoons people from Malaueg came, with Malana as their leader.
as controversies.
“Now I know why you challenged me. You covet the woman I love” says

“The gods forbid anyone from taking anything that belongs to the other but I
Cagayan epic: Biuag and Malana
am ready to give you a chance. If the lady allows it, we shall fight for her hand.”
At the day of the controversial duel, the two mountains were covered by the
In Enrile, the southern part of Cagayan, lived a man named Biuag. By the time people. Biuag began by recklessly throwing the coconut tree at Malana, which he
he was born, a very beautiful woman came and admired him. His mother thought caught and threw to Yeluru, which is now filled with coconut grooves.
that it was a goddess and begged the latter a long life for Biuag. The goddess
made no response but placed three stones on the neck of the child, giving him Biuag became more insane and threw the spear at Malana’s heart. Luckily, it
protection, supernatural powers, and prowess, respectively, which he gained in missed the spot and Malana taunted Biuag. Biuag then snatched a crocodile into
certain events. the river and both men clashed, with Biuag seemingly became victorious.
Despite this, he felt troubled and unhappy. He fell in love with a maiden in However, the maiden flew into the air and held a falling Malana. The maiden
Tuao town whose beauty is unparalleled. No one knew who she was or where revealed herself as the goddess’ daughter and called Biuag a coward for relying
she came from. Biuag cannot stop thinking of the beautiful maiden. on a crocodile and undeserving of such gift.
In Malaueg, there is another man named Malana who possesses similar She then blessed the people below and flew to the kingdom of air and clouds
powers to Biuag. By the time he was 18, a typhoon destroyed the town’s crops with Malana where she reigned.
and fell under famine. Their only hope is a place called Sto. Niño but the path is
deadly. Malana volunteered to take the journey and successfully return with lots
of rice to give to the people.

Upon returning, he found a bow and arrow, which he thought came from his
father. The arrows had two stones similar to what is around Biuag’s neck.

Ybanag folk poetry is purely sung, which explains how it was handed The verso is the Ibanag counterpart of the Spanish coplas, a
down to the present by way of oral transmission. four-line rhymed Spanish songs which appeared during the Golden age of
Spain’s Literature. Often composed on the spot by verzista during social
Ibanags have the singular honor of having two epic songs, the occasions like weddings, baptisms, it is intended to entertain and to moralize.
Salomon and the Pasion. The Solomon to the accompaniment of the “cinco-
cinco” (a five-stringed instrument) is sung during the Christmas season It may evoke sadness, joy, laughter, or wisdom. The verzista is
before improvised home altars supported through the night with wine, coffee, the Cagayan’s version of scop, minstrel, bards of England and European
chocokate and native cakes. countries who is lavishly repaid by the host with gift or cash, palay, corn or any
food staff.
It is narrative on the conception birth and life of the Baby Christ filled
with episodes that teach Cagayano child Ibanag virtues of truthfulness, honesty, Among the most popular versos are the “Osse Osse” and the
loyalty, industry and devotion. “Kilingkingan” usually giving the vocal accompaniment of dances by those

The Cinco-cinco

• Other folk songs are love songs most often with promises, pledges,
assurances, lessons to teach and guidance to give.
• Love folksongs were common during weddings and other socials.
• Some Ibanag folk songs were inspired by the reaction of people toward their
environment; expression of feelings and emotions caused by their work,
Performance of labors, government leaders and relationship among fellowmen.
Salomon and the Pasion

Ibanag "unoni" or proverbs are either in prose or poetry. They are preachy
and pedagogic as well as theological.

Awan tu umune ta uton ng ari umuluk ta davvun.
(Nobody goes up who does not come down)


A "palavvun" (riddle) is any misleading, mystifying or puzzling

question to be solved or guessed, either as a mere game or a more serious
challenge. For Ibanags, it is both a folk amusement or a mental excursion. It is
aimed at relaxation, entertainment and at pacifying anger and feuds.
The riddle itself means leadership. When a leader stands to campaign, he
appears small, lowly, humble, a willing servant of the people. When elected
and sits in his position, he begins to be tall. Tall in visions, hopes, aspirations
for his people. Tall in whatever good things he does for the people.

Kanan na baggi na a maguroray - Kandela
(Who can be the lovely lady
That eats her own body - Candle)

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