Best Practices in Boiler Water Treatment
Best Practices in Boiler Water Treatment
Best Practices in Boiler Water Treatment
ISO 9001 (2000) ISO 14001 (1996) OHSAS 18001 (1999) Certified
Boiler water Treatment by use of superior grade of tri sodium phosphate Content
! Why boiler water treatment
treatment treatment regime
Water Treatment
Boilers are an essential part of any industry, their efficient, economical operation significantly affect the reliability and profitability of the entire plant Best operation practices provide ! energy savings ! profitability improvement ! reduction in total cost of operations ! optimized treatment ! enhanced safety ! Feed water treatment ! Boiler water treatment ! Steam & Condensate treatment
Boiler water Treatment by use of superior grade of tri sodium phosphate Content
! Why boiler water treatment
treatment treatment regime
pH 12 11 10 9 8 7
Silica in steam / silica in water (%) 0.55 0.77 1.02 1.25 1.48 1.73
Boiler blow down rate is monitored by phosphate mass balance The Blow down rate or Cycles of Concentration is the number of times the feed water is concentrated and calculated by dividing concentration of solids in boiler water by feed water
Permissible concentration of solids in boiler water
Silica (ppm) 35 30 20 10 3 1
Boiler water Treatment by use of superior grade of tri sodium phosphate Content
! Why boiler water treatment
treatment treatment regime
The best practices of boiler water treatment is energy savings & reduction in total cost of treatment to achieve this, some important points are: Selection of quality of boiler water treatment chemicals and Boiler blow down Most of the power plant uses TSP & DSP for boiler water treatment, however the quality of the chemicals are ignored. Poor quality of treatment chemicals leads to more blow down
Make up water silica either soluble or in soluble can be minimized on adopting suitable treatment methods Soluble silica can be minimized up to 10 ppb in Demin plant Insoluble silica can be removed by treatment of water with cationic flocculants (Di methyl Di allyl ammonium chloride) during pretreatment process
! Insoluble matter and turbidity of 5% solution is of greater importance while purchasing TSP / DSP ! Higher turbidity is due to presence of insoluble matter in the chemicals ! Insoluble matters are colloidal silica which increases the boiler water silica content ! Excess blow down is carried out to control silica in the drum
Free caustic (%) >2.5 Water insoluble Matter (%) >0.5 Turbidity of 5% solution (NTU)
2.5 (max)
2.5 (max)
0.01 (max)
0.001 (max)
H R S G # 2 D R U M S IL IC A V A L U E
SILICA (ppm)
2 .0 0 0 1 .5 0 0 1 .0 0 0 0 .5 0 0 0 .0 0 0
04 -O 09 ct-0 -O 1 c 14 t-0 -O 1 19 ct-0 -O 1 25 ct-0 -O 1 c 30 t-0 -O 1 05 ct-0 -N 1 o 11 v-0 -N 1 o 16 v-0 -N 1 o 21 v-0 -N 1 ov 26 -N 0 1 o 03 v-0 -D 1 e 08 c-0 -D 1 e 14 c-0 -D 1 e 21 c-0 -D 1 e 26 c-0 -D 1 e 01 c-0 -J 1 a 06 n-0 -J 2 an 11 -0 -J 2 a 16 n-0 -J 2 a 21 n-0 -J 2 a 27 n-0 -J 2 a 02 n-0 -F 2 e 07 b-0 -F 2 e 12 b-0 -F 2 e 17 b-0 -F 2 e 22 b-0 -F 2 e 02 b-0 -M 2 ar -0 2
Step 1 Temp required to boil Step 2 Additional heat required to vaporize Step 3 Additional heat required to raise pressure & temp (saturation) Step 4 Additional heat required to raise temperature (super heating)
(1) energy required during stem 1&2 considered (2) steam cycle efficiency 33% (3) Heat rate 1900 615000 267 10 0.2 Kcal/kWH (4) per unit cost of electricity Rs. 2.5 (5) Chemical (TSP) cost Rs 40 per kg Total cost per KL of blow down is Rs. 277.2
Boiler generating 425 tonnes steam per hour and operated at 1% blow down rate will discharge 102 KL hot chemically treated DM water per day which amounts to be Rs. 28275/On use of superior grade of TSP for boiler water treatment and makeup water with Soluble silica 10 ppb the blow down rate can be brought down to 0.4% leading 41 Kl per day blow down which amounts to be Rs 11365/- per day The net saving Rs. 17000/- per day (about 60%). Annual saving is Rs. 56 lakhs on use of superior grade of TSP for boiler water treatment
! Use LR grade of TSP/DSP for boiler water treatment to avoid less ingress of impurities ! Avoid excess boiler blow down
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