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date of building

Kind of building
Total floor heating 4 -
The area where is a controlled temperature A f 897.54 m2 224.386
Ventilated Cubic capacity of building - ground 673.17 m3
Ventilated Cubic capacity of building - first floor 673.17 m3
Ventilated Cubic capacity of building - second floor 673.17 m3
Ventilated Cubic capacity of building - third floor 673.17 m3
Ventilated Cubic capacity Vi (M1) 2692.68 m3
Cubic capacity - External contour Ve 3864.84 m3
Area of external wall Ae 1477.67 m2
coefficient of form (shape) Ae/Ve 0.38 1/m
data of glazing

transmission (permeability) coefficient for solar (sun) energy

for the barrier g 0.5 [-]
tabl. 7 p.33 methodology triple glass with selective coating
shading coefficient of the building Z 0.95 [-] tabl. 9 p.33 met bulidings in the city around buildings with the
Participation of the window glass area C 0.7 [-] formula 1.25 metodology , I from tab for penetration
shading coefficient of the building

cover (shade) coefficient e 0.04 [-] Table 6.1 p.32 - building in city, medium shadow
cover (shade) coefficient f 15 [-] Table 6.1 p.32 - building on city, medium shadow
air density * specific heat r·ra 1200 J/m3K material constat
tightness of the building (hermetic) n50 0.6 h-1 zeroenergy building hermetic one
Summary of heat transfer coefficients

U for wall S Uo 0.960 W/m²K Shueco system

U for wall N Usz 0.125 W/m²K
U for wall E and W Usz 0.171 W/m²K
U for roof Ustd 0.206 W/m²K
U for on the ground floor Up 0.155 W/m²K

a h A N S E W
[m] [m] [m2] - - - -
19 1.5 1.8 2.70 6 3
10 1.0 1.0 1.00 1
27 0.9 1.8 1.67 1
32 1.5 1.2 1.80 2
33 1.5 0.6 0.90 3
roof window 0.915 1.5 1.37 1 3
front doors (1) 1 2.134 2.13 1
balcony 1 (24) 0.915 2.134 1.95 1
main tarasse (20) 4.621 2.7 12.48 1
main tarasse2 (20) 3.77 2.7 10.18 1
balcony 2 (23) 0.9 2.1 1.92 1
back doors (22) 1.0 2.1 2.10 1
Total area for window 1.67445 18.9 8.1 4.6
windows on roof 1.3725 4.1175
door 0 12.4767 12.279 6.00721

Name of room Nr Kond Af H V

- - - [m2] [m] [m3]
Vestibule 1 0 3.60 2.80 10.09
Wardrobe 1 2 0 4.99 2.80 13.98
Utility room1 3 0 10.50 2.80 29.41
Guest room 4 0 8.58 2.80 24.02
Bathroom 1 10 0 4.57 2.80 12.78
Pantry 9 0 1.98 2.80 5.55
study 1 6 0 6.34 2.80 17.75
study 2 7 0 6.79 2.80 19.02
living room 5 0 54.76 revit 219.04 volume ground floor
Kitchen + corridor 8 0 47.98 2.80 134.35 485.99 150.10
Bathroom 2 11 +1 5.39 revit 17.65
Bedroom 1 13 +1 13.54 revit 36.20
Bathroom 3 12 +1 4.96 revit 9.48
Bedroom 2 14 +1 11.55 revit 30.23
Wardrobe 2 15 +1 1.76 revit 6.96
Bedroom 3 16 +1 11.28 revit 29.75
Wardrobe 3 17 +1 1.54 revit 6.09
Bedroom 4 18 +1 13.39 revit 36.32
Wardrobe 4 19 +1 2.85 revit 11.41
Utility room 2 21 +1 13.526 revit 41.68 volume first floor
Corridor 20 +1 10.48 revit 41.30 267.07
Af = 240.36 V= 753.06 area 1st floor
triple glass with selective coating
bulidings in the city around buildings with the same hight

amount A
[szt] [m2]
9 24.30
1 1.00
1 1.67
2 3.60
3 2.7
4 5.49
1 2.134
1 1.95261
1 12.4767
1 10.179
1 1.9206
1 2.1
m2 Sum:
m2 69.53

Percentage ratio
% m2
total 100 240.36
living room+kitchen 42.74 102.74
bedrooms 24.27 58.33

area ground floor

U for on the ground floor PN-EN ISO 13370:2008
PG d λ R
[m] [W/mK] [m2K/W]
Rsi 0.170
Thin concrete 0.100 1.350 0.074
Styrofoam 0.100 0.033 3.030
Styrofoam 0.100 0.033 3.030
Styrofoam 0.000 0.033 0.000
Reinforced concrete slab 0.250 1.700 0.147
Rse 0.000 m2K/W
total resistance R 6.452 W/m2K
U 0.155 m2
outside area of groun floor A 243.76 m
(round) of
groun floor
outside P 62.44 m
B' 7.808 W/m2K from the table, EN 12831:2008
Uequivalent 0.155
The coefficient of heat loss through the penetration

A.U.btr btr The reduction factor calculation of temperature difference btr page 43
A U btr
0.80 for room with 3 external walls or tabel 6 p.29
m 2
W/m K 2
- 0.70 for insulated roof
wall N 218.86 0.125 1 27.46 AUb external walls together:
wall W 219.52 0.171 1 37.58 177.75
wall S 0.00 0.960 1 0.00
wall E 219.52 0.171 1 37.58
floor on ground 247.27 0.155 0.6 23.00
roof 247.27 0.206 1 50.97
doors 1.92 0.600 1 1.15
sum (total area): 1154.37 Σ 177.7
area walls 657.90

The coefficient of heat loss through the penetration and profits from the sun for a transparent partitions

A U btr A.U.btr
directions coefficient I II III IV V VI VII VIII IX X
gradient of
of the
m2 W/m2K - W/K barrier g Z k C Qs1,s2
window S 178.32 0.960 1 171.1872 - - - kWh/m-c
Σ 171.19 S 90 0.70 0.95 1.0 0.7 3483 3877 6913 8389 9713 9970 9699 8643 6871 4518
total 3483 3877 6913 8389 9713 9970 9699 8643 6871 4518
Overview of solar radiation
btr - tab. 6 Styczeń Luty Marzec Kwiecień Maj Czerwiec Lipiec Sierpień Wrzesień Październik
oC Θe 0.2 -1.8 2.7 8.3 13.0 16.8 18.3 18.4 13.5 7.0
I_S_90 41961 46701 83279 101065 117014 120112 116839 104123 82774 54433

Θe I_S_90
Styczeń 0.2 41961
Luty -1.8 46701
Marzec 2.7 83279
Kwiecień 8.3 101065
Maj 13.0 117014
Czerwiec 16.8 120112
Lipiec 18.3 116839
Sierpień 18.4 104123
Wrzesień 13.5 82774
Październik 7.0 54433
Listopad 2.2 39347
Grudzień -0.1 22903

3266 1901
3266 1901

Listopad Grudzień
2.2 -0.1
39347 22903
iso 123300 PL Poznań 4
1 0.2 -10.5 9.8 -9.7 26123 6882 19241 26123 19241 19328 25177 33213 36561 33255 25231 1
2 -1.8 -14.6 13.1 -11.6 35757 9558 26199 35757 26199 28915 35953 42693 44727 40757 33303
3 2.7 -15.2 17.9 -7.4 71678 28927 42750 71678 47655 55887 69852 83023 88066 81239 67562
4 8.3 -4.0 20.1 -1.3 104355 33906 70449 104355 84505 91975 104070 113272 115121 108202 9752
5 13.0 2.2 24.3 4.1 143561 55509 88052 143561 122200 126290 137225 146217 150049 146676 1377
6 16.8 5.5 33.7 8.7 149279 46375 102904 149279 135893 139838 146947 150739 150239 146888 141
7 18.3 9.2 29.1 10.8 141631 40695 100935 141631 129439 134906 141998 144906 142918 138295 132
8 18.4 6.8 35.2 11.0 116520 33506 83014 116520 101583 106455 114980 121176 122480 117941 110
9 13.5 4.1 23.8 4.9 81621 22760 58860 81621 66615 70892 79370 87245 90529 86858 78729
10 7.0 -5.3 21.2 -2.0 45552 9420 36131 45552 36365 38124 43407 49974 53441 51547 45489
11 2.2 -8.7 9.4 -6.9 26381 6609 19772 26381 19772 20034 24474 31614 35283 33219 26640 2
12 -0.1 -15.6 12.9 -8.6 18375 1630 16745 18375 16745 16745 18126 20312 21235 20355 18187

Średnia roczna temperatura termometru suchego: 8.2

Minimalna średnia miesięczna temperatura termometru suchego: -1.8
Maksymalna średnia miesięczna temperatura termometru suchego: 18.4
Roczna amplituda średniej miesięcznej temperatury termometru suchego: 10.1
_30 I_SE_30 I_S__30 I_SW_30 I_W__30 I_NW_30 I_N__45 I_NE_45 I_E__45 I_SE_45 I_S__45 I_SW_45 I_W__45 I_NW_45 I_
36561 33255 25231 19327 19241 19241 24187 35438 40173 35497 24150 19241 19241 19241 23235 3655
3 44727 40757 33303 27779 26199 27272 35380 44577 47455 41839 32188 26661 26199 26597 34402 452
3 88066 81239 67562 54403 42750 50846 67912 84819 91863 82319 65115 49381 42750 48042 65451 841
72 115121 108202 97525 87276 73365 85983 102041 113691 116073 107067 93905 80769 70830 81789 98972
217 150049 146676 137742 126535 107611 116118 132359 142970 147000 143647 132648 116349 94038 108617 1
0739 150239 146888 141546 136149 125551 132343 143587 148055 145844 142817 136913 127373 113669 125805
4906 142918 138295 132791 127972 120180 129011 139799 143083 139242 134665 128522 120016 109869 123746
1176 122480 117941 110624 103184 91930 100442 112480 120208 121483 116022 106900 96582 85132 95793 10
90529 86858 78729 70335 59564 66314 77220 87388 91864 86833 76342 65665 58892 63545 74639 858
53441 51547 45489 39249 36131 36789 42300 50832 55734 53056 44822 37581 36131 36386 41232 506
35283 33219 26640 20555 19772 19794 23475 33099 38287 35368 26261 19956 19772 19778 22831 3367
2 21235 20355 18187 16745 16745 16745 17855 20946 22252 21007 17940 16745 16745 16745 17507 212
W_45 I_W__45 I_NW_45 I_N__60 I_NE_60 I_E__60 I_SE_60 I_S__60 I_SW_60 I_W__60 I_NW_60 I_N__90 I_NE_90 I_E__90 I
9241 19241 23235 36559 42358 36631 23362 19241 19241 19241 21238 35265 41961 35348 21297 19241
26199 26597 34402 45209 48733 41856 31098 26365 26199 26291 31767 42636 46701 38852 29029 26202
42750 48042 65451 84114 92313 81191 62449 46883 42750 45132 58272 74973 83279 72005 55748 44530
69 70830 81789 98972 111663 113916 104046 90302 77223 70449 76410 89941 100343 101065 92981 82760
116349 94038 108617 126615 137236 139987 137669 126634 108838 89166 99104 112763 118903 117014 118943
127373 113669 125805 139042 143065 138967 137136 131872 121064 105766 115739 126620 127463 120112 1221
120016 109869 123746 136322 139016 133330 129860 124233 114803 103360 114830 125457 125280 116839 1174
96582 85132 95793 109175 117228 117891 112375 103123 92388 83226 89710 100133 105883 104123 101087
58892 63545 74639 85810 90951 85149 73696 63088 58860 60783 68623 77966 82774 77289 68053 60653
6131 36386 41232 50688 56692 53419 43964 36859 36131 36162 39164 47711 54433 50677 41388 36342
9772 19778 22831 33675 40029 36453 25548 19788 19772 19772 21476 32009 39347 35218 23745 19772
16745 16745 17507 21294 22893 21368 17625 16745 16745 16745 16845 21056 22903 21142 16906 16745
N__90 I_NE_90 I_E__90 I_SE_90 I_S__90 I_SW_90 I_W__90 I_NW_90
35348 21297 19241
1 38852 29029 26202
9 72005 55748 44530
3 101065 92981 82760 73618
118903 117014 118943 112972 99359
20 127463 120112 122194 121404 113630
457 125280 116839 117409 115626 108797
105883 104123 101087 95324 87706
4 77289 68053 60653
3 50677 41388 36342
35218 23745 19772
3 21142 16906 16745
Linear thermal The length of
kind of thermal bridge kind amount n btr ψ.L.n.btr
transmittance bridge the bridge
[-] [-] [W/m.K] [m] [number] [-] [W/K]
Roof W/E/N 3.1-I5 0.120 47.13 1 1 5.66
Roof S 5.3 - I4 0.190 15.35 1 1 2.92
Jamb - curtain wall 5.1 - A3 0.080 14.7 2 1 2.35
Lintel - Door 5.3 - A3 0.080 1 1 1 0.08
Jamb - Door 5.1 - A3 0.080 2.11 2 1 0.34
Wall/Column 2.3 - I1 0.220 14 6 1 18.48
Corner/Column WT2008 -0.078 14 2 1 -2.18
Socle W/E/N 3.5 - Z5 0.160 47.13 1 1 7.54
Socle S 3.5 - Z5 0.030 15.35 1 1 0.46
Rim - 3floors W/E/N 2.1 - I2 0.150 47.13 3 1 21.21
Σ 56.85
socle - plinth

SW inside wall - ceiling wg PN 0
SW-SZ (wall inside and outs wg PN 0
ceiling -ecternal wall SZ wg PN 0
Jamb - oscieze

Lintel - nadproże
Ventilation losses Calculation of amount of air which has to go in and out
kind of ventilation mechanical blow in
Ventilated Cubic capacity 2692.68 m3 blow away according to rooms
tightness of the building (hermetic) n50 0.6 1/h
coefficient e 0.04 Rodzaj instalacji - wentylacji wymuszonej
coefficient f 15.0 Instalation type - Supply and exhaust ventilation
r*c 1200.0
Supply air by mechanical ventilation (bigger amount) 1050 m /h
30 m3/h per person, 897,54/30=30 people, 34 has been taken for further calculations 34*30=1050
Vve1,mn 0.292 m3/s formula 1.19
Vve2,mn 0.0180 m /s

Vinf 0.018 m /s
formula 1.21

bve1 0.102 1,19,1 formula 3.2.5 page 30-31

bve2 1.00

The coefficient of heat loss to ventilation 57.25 W/K formula1.16 Hve = ra ca _x000B_k (bve,k ·Vve,k,mn) W/K

The coefficient of heat loss to ventilation per 1m2 0.064 W/m2K

Internal heat profit

Heat area 897.54 m2

Heat profit 2.56 W/m2

Internal heat profit 2299.0 W

using profile
Internal heat profit in the function of office bu

Laser jet
Coffe maker

Internal heat gains in the function use:

Share of space of office's
50.3 %
Share of space of rest area
49.7 %
of the office building
Internal heat gains as a function of use 2.49 W/m2 (insulation 10cm, 200l (cubic capacity of buffor ta
Gains heat from hot water 0.08 W/m2 tabela met. 11.2
tray 200 dm3 together
heat loss 0.34 W/dm3 inside insulation, insulation 10 cm

together 2.56 W/m2

ofit in the function of office building
POWER [W] Time - using[h] Wh Jednostkowo
34 80 8 21760
34 100 8 27200
4 800 5 16000
4 500 5 10000
Suma 74960 2230.95238095238

, 200l (cubic capacity of buffor tank)


thickness heat parametr density area
wall, roof etc layer

[m] [J/kg.K] [kg/m3] [m2]

PG - tiles tiles 0.020 920 2000 897.54

concrete 0.080 840 2500 897.54

SZ - all external walls plaster inside 0.010 840 1800 529.92
ytong energo 0.090 840 335 529.92
ST - ceiling plaster 0.010 840 1800 673.16
Reinforced concrete 0.090 840 2500 673.16
SW-16 - Internal walls. 16cm plaster 0.010 840 1800 427.56
silka 0.070 840 475 427.56
SW-17 - Internal walls. 17cm Clinkier brick 0.020 880 1900 157.36
silka 0.065 880 1900 157.36
SR- roof plaster 0.010 840 1800 224.39
Reinforced concrete 0.090 840 2500 224.39
heat capacity for one
layer Materials (10cm of layer)
[J/K] Specific heat density conductivit
material y
33,029,619 [J/kg.K] [kg/m3] [W/mK]

150,787,392 Ground floor

8,012,390 Tiles 2000.00 920.00 0.40
13,420,754 Floor heating(concrete) 840.00 2400.00 1.70
10,178,149 Wall N,W,E
127,226,862 Plaster 840.00 1800.00 0.82
6,464,707 Ytong Energo 840.00 335.00 0.10
11,941,751 Internal wall 1
5,262,118 Clinkier brick 880.00 1900.00 1.05
17,101,885 Silicat Brick 880.00 1900.00 0.90
42,408,954 Internal wall 2
429,227,298 Plaster 840.00 1800.00 0.82
1,788,447 ? Silicat Brick 880.00 1900.00 0.90
Plaster 840.00 1800.00 0.82
Reinforced concrete 840.00 2500.00 1.70
Usable and final energy for heating and ventilation

Set temperature (calculation) of the zone's heating mode: Θint,H,set 23.00 o

hest capacity 429,227,298 J/K
The time constant ratio for building 257.50 h
numeric parametr aH 18.17 met. str 25, 26, 27

Coefficient of heat loss by infiltration Htr: 405.78 W/K 20 W/m2

Coefficient of heatpenetration loss through walls 177.75 W/K
Coefficient of heat penetration loss through windows 171.19 W/K
Coefficient of heatpenetration loss through thermal bridges 56.85 W/K
Coefficient of heat loss by ventilation Hve: 57.25 W/K
Coefficient of sun profit reduction during summer 0.2 Tinted blinds
external tempperature Θe 0.2 -1.8 2.7 8.3 13 16.8 18.3 18.4 13.5 7 2.2 -0.1
Czas trwania miesiąca: tM 744 672 744 720 744 720 744 744 720 744 720 744
heat loss by penetration Qtr 6883 6763 6129 4295 3019 1811 1419 1389 2776 4830 6077 6974
heat loss by ventilation Qve 971 954 865 606 426 256 200 196 392 682 857 984
all heat losses: Qht 7855 7717 6993 4901 3445 2067 1619 1585 3167 5512 6934 7958
profit from sun: Qsol 697 775 1383 1678 1943 1994 1940 1729 1374 904 653 380
profit from inside heat Qint 1710 1545 1710 1655 1710 1655 1710 1710 1655 1710 1655 1710
profit from heating: Qgn 2407 2320 3093 3333 3653 3649 3650 3439 3029 2614 2308 2091
The ratio of profits to losses γH 0.306 0.301 0.442 0.680 1.060 1.766 2.254 2.170 0.957 0.474 0.333 0.263
begining of omonth γH,pocz 0.285 0.304 0.371 0.561 0.870 1.413 2.010 2.212 1.563 0.715 0.404 0.298
end of month γH,koniec 0.304 0.371 0.561 0.870 1.413 2.010 2.212 1.563 0.715 0.404 0.298 0.285
Wartość graniczna γH,lim 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055
minimal value γH,1 0.285 0.304 0.371 0.561 0.870 1.413 2.010 1.563 0.715 0.404 0.298 0.285
max. Value γH,2 0.304 0.371 0.561 0.870 1.413 2.010 2.212 2.212 1.563 0.715 0.404 0.298
part of a month during the heating fH 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.49 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.58 1.00 1.00 1.00 The length of the heating season
Długość sezonu grzewczego: tsg 744 672 744 720 362 0 0 0 418 744 720 744 5868
coeficient of heat profit ηH,gn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.92 0.57 0.44 0.46 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00
Monthly demand for heating and ventilation QH,nd,m 5447 5397 3900 1569 100 0 0 0 240 2898 4626 5867

useful heat demand for heating and ventilation for one year QH,nd: 30,044 kWh/rok 33.47 < 15 kWh/m2 year
Average seasonal total efficiency of the heating system 4.24 4.24
finish heat demand for heating and ventilation for one yearQK,H: 7,080 kWh/rok 7.89
heat system

heat pump
Heat source for heating: ηH,g= 4.900

kind of hest system: floor heating ηH,e= 0.960

tab 2
heat distribution ηH,d= 0.970 tab 4.1
bufor tray parameters 70/55 inside building with
kind of tray (bufora)
insulation ηH,s= 0.930

efficeincy of hest system ηH,tot: 4.243

Heat pump
hot water
person: 34
use of hot water for person: 5 dm3/person.dobę
temp - hot water: 55 o
correction factor 1 - tab 14
time (10% for trips ) 365.00 days break / holiday

The useful heat demand for hot water for one year 3,250 kWh/rok 3.62 kWh/m2.rok
Average seasonal total efficiency of the heating system 3.371 - 3.37
The finish heat demand for hot water for one year 964 kWh/rok 1.07 kWh/m2.rok
hot water system

Source of heat for hot water: ηw,g= 4.900 Pompa ciepła

Seasonal energy efficiency (assumed 1.0) ηw,e= 1.000 tab
heat distribution: ηw,d= 0.800 tab 13.1 poz 6
kind of tray ηw,s= 0.860

Efficiency of hot water preparation system

Sprawność systemu przygotowania cwu

Data for cooling

number of floors 4
area of cooling Af 897.54 m2
Volume VIIch 2692.68 m3
Area of external walls A 657.90 m2
Projected number of persons 34 persons
flux of air per person Vi 30 m3h/person
temperature for cooling Θint,C,set 25 C degrees
współczynnik efektywności energetycznej wytworzenia chłodu (ESSER) [%]
ESEER - the method for determining the efficiency chille
cooling system

kind of cool system: ηc,e=
cool distribution ηc,d=
kind of tray (bufora) there is no bufor tray ηc,s=

efficeincy of hest system ηc,tot: 3.436

System chłodzenia dla budynku:

Chłodzenie będzie zapewnione przez system typu multi-split. Składa się on z jednostek wewnętrz
pomieszczeniach oraz jednostek zewnętrznych znajdujących się po zewnętrznej stronie budynku.
Do jednej jednostki zewnętrznej podłączonych będzie kilka jednostek wewnętrznych.
Jest to układ multisplit VRV wg rysunku poniżej.

W tym przypadku nie trzeba na potrzeby charakterystyki energetycznej uwzględniać zużycia prąd
ponieważ jest to już zawarte we współczynniku ESEER układu.
Przykładowe urządzenia jakie mogą być zastosowane:
może być więcej niż 3 jednostki wewnętrzne(do 5) do 1 zewnętrznej.
3 jednostki wewnętrzne o mocy 2000W jak w przykładzie są na powiedzmy 50m2.
jednostka zewnętrzna - dane
jednostka wewnętrzna - dane
termining the efficiency chillers (wytornica wody lodowej)

 EER (Energy Efficiency Ratio)

 ESEER (European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)
0.970 assmue 1,0
0.960 table 2 poz .3 tabela 2 - 3 klimatyzator rozdzielony typu split
How Do Ductless Split Systems Work?
It's easy to understand how a traditional forced-air furnace and central air c
and cooled air through ducts that then deliver it to various parts of the hom
ducts at all. Instead, one or more outdoor units are mounted outside the ho
installed inside it. Suction lines, refrigerant lines and power cables run betw
very most, small holes must be drilled into walls to make these connections
on ceilings or on floors. Mini split systems and multi split systems may be co

da się on z jednostek wewnętrznych w chłodzonych the higher the EER factors, the higher the energy efficien
po zewnętrznej stronie budynku.
tek wewnętrznych.


cznej uwzględniać zużycia prądu elektrycznego,

owiedzmy 50m2.
nergy Efficiency Ratio)
(European Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio)

elony typu split

Ductless Split Systems Work?

o understand how a traditional forced-air furnace and central air conditioner works. Such equipment forces heated
d air through ducts that then deliver it to various parts of the home via registers. Ductless split systems don't use
ll. Instead, one or more outdoor units are mounted outside the home, and one or more indoor blower units are
nside it. Suction lines, refrigerant lines and power cables run between the indoor and outdoor components. At the
t, small holes must be drilled into walls to make these connections. Indoor units may be mounted high up on walls,
s or on floors. Mini split systems and multi split systems may be controlled by remote temp controls for added

igher the EER factors, the higher the energy efficiency of your equipment.

Air conditioners "split" air conditioners, window and wall should have a new scale of
classes A to G and an additional symbol "+" taken into account every two years until
they reach the highest class A +++.

Given also for the next four years following timetable for the implementation of new
energy efficiency classes labels regarding the more stringent requirements for air
conditioners made in this period to sell:
Air conditioners "split" air conditioners, window and wall should have a new scale of
classes A to G and an additional symbol "+" taken into account every two years until
they reach the highest class A +++.

Given also for the next four years following timetable for the implementation of new
energy efficiency classes labels regarding the more stringent requirements for air
conditioners made in this period to sell:
from 1 January 2013, .: A, B, C, D, E, F, G;
from 1 January 2015, .: A +, A, B, C, D, E, F;
from 1 January 2017, .: A ++, A +, A, B, C, D, E;
from 1 January 2019, .: A +++, A ++, A +, A, B, C, D


Samsung RJ060F3HXEA klimatyzator typu split (RJ060F3HXEA) 

Samsung RJ060F3HXEA, 1600W, 1400W, 220-240V,
50Hz, 7.3A, 59 kg, 880 x 310 x 798 mm, 48 Db
ew scale of
years until

tion of new
s for air
ew scale of
years until

tion of new
s for air
Usable and final energy for heating and ventilation

Set temperature (calculation) of the zone's heating mode: Θint,H,set 23.00 o

hest capacity 429,227,298 J/K
The time constant ratio for building 257.50 h
numeric parametr aC 18.17 met. str 25, 26, 27

Coefficient of heat loss by infiltration Htr: 405.78 W/K

Coefficient of heatpenetration loss through walls 177.75 W/K
Coefficient of heat penetration loss through windows 171.19 W/K
Coefficient of heatpenetration loss through thermal bridges 56.85 W/K
Coefficient of heat loss by ventilation Hve: 57.25 W/K


external tempperature Θe 0.2 -1.8 2.7 8.3 13 16.8 18.3 18.4 13.5 7 2.2 -0.1
Czas trwania miesiąca: tM 744 672 744 720 744 720 744 744 720 744 720 744
cool loss by penetration Qtr 6883 6763 6129 4295 3019 1811 1419 1389 2776 4830 6077 6974
cool loss by ventilation Qve 971 954 865 606 426 256 200 196 392 682 857 984
all cool losses: QC,ht 7855 7717 6993 4901 3445 2067 1619 1585 3167 5512 6934 7958
profit from sun: Qsol 697 775 1383 1678 1943 1994 1940 1729 1374 904 653 380 we take value from heating becau
profit from inside heat Qint 1710 1545 1710 1655 1710 1655 1710 1710 1655 1710 1655 1710
profit from heating: Qgn 2407 2320 3093 3333 3653 3649 3650 3439 3029 2614 2308 2091
The ratio of profits to losses γC 0.306 0.301 0.442 0.680 1.060 1.766 2.254 2.170 0.957 0.474 0.333 0.263
1/ γC 3.263 3.326 2.261 1.470 0.943 0.566 0.444 0.461 1.045 2.109 3.004 3.806
begining of omonth 1/γC,pocz 3.535 3.295 2.793 1.866 1.207 0.755 0.505 0.452 0.753 1.577 2.556 3.405
end of month 1/ γC,koniec 3.295 2.793 1.866 1.207 0.755 0.505 0.452 0.753 1.577 2.556 3.405 3.535
Wartość graniczna 1/ γC,lim 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055 1.055
minimal value 1/ γC,1 3.295 2.793 1.866 1.207 0.755 0.505 0.452 0.452 0.753 1.577 2.556 3.405
max. Value 1/γC,2 3.535 3.295 2.793 1.866 1.207 0.755 0.505 0.753 1.577 2.556 3.405 3.535
part of a month during the cooling fC 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.71 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 The length of the heating season
Długość sezonu chłodniczego: fcm 0 0 0 0 530 720 744 744 366 0 0 0 3105
coeficient of heat profit ηC,ls 0.31 0.30 0.44 0.68 0.97 1.00 1.00 1.00 0.92 0.47 0.33 0.26
Monthly demand for heating and ventilation QC,nd,m 0 0 0 1 308 1582 2031 1854 102 0 0 0 ok

useful heat demand for heating and ventilation for one year QC,nd: 5,879 kWh/rok 6.5504626
Average seasonal total efficiency of the heating system 3.44 3.44
finish heat demand for heating and ventilation for one yearQK,C: 1,711 kWh/rok 1.90635
Auxiliary power to drive auxiliary equipment for heating and ventilation

Auxiliary energy demand for heating and ventilation :

The demand of electrical power to

time for one year q*t
auxiliaries drive auxiliary devices
[W/m2] [h/rok] [Wh/m2.rok]

Vitocal 300-G A.13 0.60 400 240.00 napęd pomocniczy pompy ciepła, poz.16 tab 19

pompa obiegowa do ogrzewania 0.25 5868 1467.00 poz.2, tab 19

ventilation R-vent advance 1.09 5616 6131.93

7839 Wh/m2.rok

7036 KWh/rok

Auxiliary energy demand for heat the water:

The demand of electrical power to

time q*t
drive auxiliary devices
[W/m ]2
[h/rok] [W/h.m2.rok]

pump making hot water Heat pump for whole building will heat water 0 z tabe 19 poz 7 (medium value of the range)

the auxiliary derive 0.08 5840 438 z tabe 19 poz 6 (medium value of the range)

438 Wh/m2.rok
Name Sunpower E20
Area 1.63
Peak PV power 333
Estimated system losses 14
Slope 37
Azimuth 0
No. of panels 30
Energy for m2 306

Energy from facade

Energy from roof
panels 14,963.40

SUM 21,026.28
Roof Facade
Sunpower E20 Schüco ProSol TF+ -
1.63 178.32 m2
333 52.5 Wp/m2
14 14 %
37 90 °
0 0 °
30 1 -
306 34 kWh/year*m2
Electricity demand from lighting

PN 3.000
tD 2250.0
tN 250.0
FC 0.9
FO 0.9
FD 0.9

EL 5.528
Roczne jednostkowe
zapotrzebowanie na energie EK,L 4,961.85
The annual unitary final energy demand
time equal to that one year referential, adopted
as 8760 [h];

Metody obliczania zu_x0002_ycia energii elektrycznej na

potrzeby oswietlenia
PN-EN 15193:2010 Charakterystyka energetyczna
budynków - Wymagania energetyczne dotyczace
Page 64
LuxSpace Philips LED technology
Tab 8
Tab 7
using profile
Electricity demand for office equipment
Type of eq How many power [W] time [h]
Notebook 34 48 8
Laser jet 4 380 5
Coffee express 4 900 5

total one day

Sum [kWh] -day

Sum [kWh] - year


for year units
kWh/rok kWh/m2.rok
heat and ventilation
The usable energy demand for heating and ventilation for one year QH,nd: 30,044 33.47
The final energy demand for heating and ventilation for one year QK,H: 7,080 7.89
The electric energy demand for assistive devices for one year Eel.pom,H: 7,036 7.84
heat water
The usable energy demand for hot water for one year QW,nd: 3,250 3.62
The final energy demand for hot water for one year QK,W: 964 1.07
The electric energy demand for assistive devices for one year cwu Eel.pom,W: 393 0.44

cooling for year units

The usable energy demand for cooling for one year QC,nd: 5,879 6.55
The final energy demand for cooling for one year QK.C: 1,711 1.91
The electric energy demand for assistive devices for one year cwu Eel.pom,C: 0 0.00

The electric demand for lightnig for one year EK,L 4,962 5.53

Office equipment
The electric demand for Office equipment for one year Eel.eq 9,046 10.08

Ratio of non-renewable primary energy

energy source for heating and ventilation wH: electricity 0.70 z tab 1

energy source for cooling wC: electricity 0.70 z tab. 1

energy source for hot water wW: electricity 0.70 z tab 1

energy sosurces for assistance devices wel: electricity 0.70 z tab 1

energy source for lightnig wL electricity 0.70 z tab. 1

energy source for office equipment weq electricity 0.70 z tab. 1

sun colector without sun collector

year unit
kWh/rok kWh/m2.rok

The primary energy demand for heating and ventilation for one year QP,H: 4,956 5.52
The primary energy demand for hot water for one year QP,W: 675 0.75

The primary energy demand for cooling for one year QP,C: 1,198 1.33

The electricity demand for heating, ventilation, cooling and hot water for one year Eel,H,V,W: 5,200 5.79

The electricity demand for lighting Eel,K,L 3,473 3.87

The electric demand for Office equipment Eel.eq 6,332 7.05

The primary energy demand for one year QP: 15,502 kWh/rok energia pierwotna jest to końcowa *0,7 -
oświetlenie + urządzenia pomocnicze w t
The final energy for the whole building 31,191 kWh/rok
się zużycia prądu wyposażenia dodatkow
The primary energy gains from PV for one year : 21,026 kWh/rok dostarczone jako prąd do budynku - ener
budynku.czyli tutaj z wyposażeniem budy
Energy balance 10,165 kWh/rok
Primary energy is the final energy * 0,7 -
lighting + auxiliaries in these installations
consumption of additional equipment th
Ratio of energy gains 23.4 kWh/rok.m2 electricity to the building - final energy fo
with equipment building, but without the
Ratio of primary energy EP : 17.27 kWh/rok.m2

Ratio of final energy EK: 8.96 kWh/rok.m2

Primary energy demand byWT2008 130.5 kWh/rok.m2

The final energy for the whole building (h
Primary energy demand by WT2008 +15% existing building 150.0 kWh/rok.m2 water, lightning, electricity, equipment):

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