The flowchart outlines the generic dispensing process for prescription and over-the-counter drugs. It shows that prescription drugs require a prescription while over-the-counter drugs do not. For prescription drugs, the pharmacist evaluates the prescription, fills and files correct prescriptions, and does not fill erroneous, violative, or impossible prescriptions. For over-the-counter drugs, the pharmacist informs buyers of product options and prices before dispensing the chosen product.
The flowchart outlines the generic dispensing process for prescription and over-the-counter drugs. It shows that prescription drugs require a prescription while over-the-counter drugs do not. For prescription drugs, the pharmacist evaluates the prescription, fills and files correct prescriptions, and does not fill erroneous, violative, or impossible prescriptions. For over-the-counter drugs, the pharmacist informs buyers of product options and prices before dispensing the chosen product.
The flowchart outlines the generic dispensing process for prescription and over-the-counter drugs. It shows that prescription drugs require a prescription while over-the-counter drugs do not. For prescription drugs, the pharmacist evaluates the prescription, fills and files correct prescriptions, and does not fill erroneous, violative, or impossible prescriptions. For over-the-counter drugs, the pharmacist informs buyers of product options and prices before dispensing the chosen product.
The flowchart outlines the generic dispensing process for prescription and over-the-counter drugs. It shows that prescription drugs require a prescription while over-the-counter drugs do not. For prescription drugs, the pharmacist evaluates the prescription, fills and files correct prescriptions, and does not fill erroneous, violative, or impossible prescriptions. For over-the-counter drugs, the pharmacist informs buyers of product options and prices before dispensing the chosen product.