Character+Creation +kinfolk
Character+Creation +kinfolk
Character+Creation +kinfolk
Thes e ins tructions , to be followed in no particular order, des cribe how you can create a new Kinfolk character. Werewolf character creation is a different beas t.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Come up with a concept. Choos e a name. Choos e Nature and Demeanor. Record three s tarting Willpower. Choos e Phys ical, Social and Mental Traits : six in one category, four in another and three in the las t. Choos e zero to five Negative Traits . Choos e five Abilities . Choos e five Backgrounds . Choos e Merits -- up to s even points ' worth. Choos e Flaws -- up to s even points ' worth. Spend fifteen Freebie Traits . Spend any Experience Points you have received (by ST backs tory award, or from a previous character). Check your math: your Freebie Traits , Flaws , Negative Traits and Experience Points mus t pay for all Merits and additional purchas es . 13. Give a paper copy of the character s heet to the bookkeeper, or e-mail the character to the XP lis t at TCGarouXP@yahoogroups .com. 14. The three-game rule: You can adjus t your character creation between games for your firs t three games of play (and prior to the fourth).
Choose a Name
Come up with a name for the character. This will probably be a typical human name, or nickname. Kinfolk do not have deed names like Garou do.
Phys ical, Social, and Mental are three categories of Traits that des cribe your character. Choos e one of thes e categories to be Primary -- your bes t area. You will choos e six Traits in that category. Choos e another to be Secondary. That category gets four Traits . The las t category is Tertiary, your wors t area. That category gets three Traits . The categories of Traits are thes e: Physical Traits: Quick, Strong, and Tough. Social Traits: Charismatic, Impressive and Manipulative. Mental Traits: Intelligent, Perceptive and Wily. (So if you choos e to make your Social Traits primary, for example, you'd take s ix Traits from the three lis ted above: Charismatic x3, Impressive x2 and Manipulative x1, or s ome other mix.) You may choos e alternate s ynonyms for thes e Traits , but thes e rules us e the above names as the s tandard.
Choose Abilities
Ability traits des cribe your character's s kills . Choos e five from the lis t below, or from the complete lis t. You may have multiple levels in an Ability. Academics Drive Law Occult Stealth Animal Ken Empathy Leaders hip Performance Streetwis e Athletics Eitquette Linguis tics Politics Subterfuge Awarenes s Expres s ion Lore: Garou Repair Survival Brawl Finance Lore: Spirit Rituals Computer Firearms Medicine Science Crafts Intimidation Meditation Security Dodge Inves tigation Melee Scrounge
You may focus the Abilities Academics , Crafts , Lore, Performance, and Science into s pecific areas of expertis e (as is reflected in the lis ting of "Lore: Garou" and "Lore: Spirit" above). Each level of Linguis tics is another language you s peak.
Choose Backgrounds
Backgrounds des cribe advantages your character has as they come into play. Choos e five. You may have multiple levels in a Background. You can't have Backgrounds like Ances tors that are s pecific to a fully Garou nature. Allies: Us eful human friends , aides and underlings . Contacts: Sources of reliable information. Forbidden to Get of Fenris and Wendigo. Influence: Sway over the ins titutions of human s ociety in any number of areas . Choos e from the s pecific Influences available. Starting influence at levels higher than two is restricted by the Storytellers . Kinfolk: Human or wolf relatives who are not werewolves . Mentor: An older or more experienced ins tructor or patron. Pure Breed: Your lineage and pedigree. Pure Breed at levels higher than three is currently restricted by the
Storytellers -- talk to them if you want an exception. Resources: Material wealth and acces s to readily available cas h.
Choose Merits
Choos e up to seven points' worth of Merits. You will have to account for the cos t of thes e Merits with Freebie Points , Negative Traits and Flaws at the "Spend Freebie Points " s tep, below. You may not choos e any Merit s pecifically tied to having a Werewolf nature, like Metamorph.
Choose Flaws
Choos e up to seven points' worth of Flaws. Technically, you can choos e more than s even points ' worth, but that's all you'll get credit for later. You may not choos e any Flaw s pecifically tied to having a Werewolf nature, like Banned Transformation.