Chapel: Chimes Chimes Chimes Chimes

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G r o w i n g i n F a i t h S h a r i n g G o d s L o v e
August 2011

Kellys Korner
Lets get ready to play ball!!! Now Batting Is the title of our interactive sermon for August 21st. Heres what you can expect on this Sunday *The service will be in the fellowship hall. *We are going to simulate a baseball game between the Chicago Cubsthe good guys! And The New York Yankeesthe evil empire! *Its called inter-league baseball *The service will have: 2 play-by-play announcers 1 public address announcer The National Anthem The 7th Inning, Take Me Out To The Ballgame Four concession hawkers selling hot dogs, $.25 cracker jacks, $.25 (root) beer, $.25 Bring quarters!! Money goes to the missions budget! Please wear your favorite baseball team hat and/or jersey. Come expecting to enjoy the service and to be moved by the Gospel. Thats the very purpose of interactive services! See you August 21st! Play ball!! Pastor Dean Kelly

Visitation Sunday!!
Sunday, August 14, is Visitation Sunday. There will be no Sunday School or church at Chapel. Please use this day to attend another place of worship. We look forward to seeing you back on August 21!

Worship Attendance
June 26: 110 July 3: 82 July 10: 118 July 17: No Count

Promotion Sunday
Sunday, August 28, will be Promotion Sunday starting at 9:30 am. All are invited, including children, ages 3-grade 12 and Junior Sunday School teachers from both 2010-11 and 2011-12. A time of fellowship and snacks will follow. The worship service will start at 10:30 am.

A Fun Night at the Ballpark! On July 21st nearly 100 Chapel members traveled to Principal Park, in Des Moines, to attend the Iowa Cubs game against the Nashville Sound. The trip was to celebrate Pastor Deans retirement from the United Methodist Church as a full time Pastor. To start out the night, Pastor was given the honor of throwing out the first pitch, and I think he caught the outside corner of the plate for a strike. It was a beautiful July evening, the best night in two week s and a needed break from the ongoing storm cleanup. Many comments like, lets make this an annual event were heard throughout our crowd. The I-Cubs ended up losing the game but not without a 9th inning rally to make it exciting.

Birthdays and Anniversaries We continually try to update the birthday/anniversary list. Please check the list on the west wall in the narthex, & if you have more updates, please add them on the list or send them to Sue Koster, to Dan and Sarah Beane for getting the lake area ready for us, to everyone who helped with activities, and to those who participated. We estimate there were over 100 who attended.

Multi-Age Jr SS Teachers for August Aug 7: Marci Krull Thank You Aug 14: Visitation Sunday Thank you to everyone who STEPPED UP to the plate Aug 21: Diana Collins and volunteered to teach Jr. Sunday School for next Aug 28: Promotion Sunday season. It is great to part of a church body so willing to Jr & Sr High: Linda Svendsen serve. Heidi Langenbau, Jr Sunday School SuperintenSeptember SS Teachers dent Preschool-Kindergarten and Multi-Age Opening: Ann Jackson To our precious Chapel Church familyGrades 1-3: Bill & Tammy Backoff Thank you so much for all the prayers, cards, emails, and offers for help during this time! Our family has had Grades 4-6: Lynn Handorf Grades 7-12: John Richter a month full of adjustments but God has had His mighty hand on every turn in the road. We are so August Birthdays thankful for His healing touch and also for His people and their willingness to pray and believe!! We love you, 1st Floyd & Myrene Appelgate, Stan & Sue Koster, Duane & Tina Mann friends thank you again from the bottom of our 2nd Kevin Svendsen, Aaron Keller hearts!! 3rd Allen & Dee Burt, Gracen Schrodt, Doug & Heather Love, The Siehs: Caleb, Michelle, Cameron, Elly, BenBeane nett, and Levi 4th LaRae (Appelgate) Little, Angie & Wade Lookingbill, Charles Kenya Dear Chapel Church5th Darrel & Tammy Burt Thank you so much for the devotional book and senior video. Its something that I will always keep near to my 6th Kasey Winters, Tanya Collins heart. Thank you for being so supportive of everything I 7th Barbara Burt, Mark & Shelly Appelgate, Randy & Dondo, and for loving me as family. J Youve been a great na Svendsen, Matt Krull blessing to me, and I thank you. See you all during col- 8th Donna Svendsen 9th Kyle Borota lege breaks! 10th Nancy Peshel, Steve & Lee Wiese, Ryan & Lisa Love, Sonya Koster 13th Cathy Vint, Michael Appelgate, David & Janet Womens Bible Study (Fleming) Yungbluth, Jeff & Kristi (Svendsen) Farrington Women, we are going to meet again for Bible Study each Wednesday night starting on September 14, 6-8 15th Blake Krull, Susan (Boone) Beichley th 17th Mike & Cheryl (Appelgate) Callahan, Austin Groth, pm, at the home of Sue Koster, 1074 200 St, rural Gladbrook. We will organize and then continue studying Benjamin & Megan (Appelgate) Gonzalez the book, Revive My Heart, by Catherine Martin. Please 18th Cole Langenbau join us! 20th Michael & Lisa Appelgate, Lee Wiese 21st John Worden, Dale & Heidi Langenbau July 10th Picnic 22nd Susan Beichley, Ann Jackson The annual 4th of July picnic was delayed a week to in- 23rd Jillissa Handorf clude a welcome to the two Belize 13-year-old deaf 24th Matt & Mindy Krull girls and their interpreter at the Beane Lake. Ross Iver- 25th Kathryn Burt, Alan & Deb (Svendsen) Benoit son grilled the meat, Kathryns Adult II class brought 27th Zeal Bessman, tables & chairs, everyone brought a potluck dish, Adult I 28th Darwin & Donna Lynch, Merlyn & Connie Appelgate, class furnished the drink, M&M brought watermelon, Rodney Ormston, Carol Lamer, Decker Mann and the parenting class chaired the games. The chil29th Steve Svendsen 31st Joel McMartin, Matthew Carlon, Jim & LeAnn Flemdren did not need any formal games as they had fun swimming and boating in the lake. Thank you especially ing, Chris & Amy Bland
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Recent Visitors from Cayo Deaf Institute

As you probably know, interpreter Linda Penner and two 13year-old deaf girls Vanessa and Reina, from the Cayo Deaf Institute in Belize visited the Chapel area from July 9-21. Chapel Church has been involved in mission trips to CDI and has provided financial support for several years. Here are some of their activities while our visitors were here: slide presentation to Junior Sunday School, a drama, and special music in church; picnic at Beanes Lake; stayed at Stan & Sue Kosters for duration of visit; went with Susan & Sonya Beichley to Waterloo, including a visit to Michelle & Caleb Siehs home in Reinbeck, supper and games; swimming at the Blands pool; a day trip with Diana Collins to the Kate Shelley Bridge in Boone; supper with the Odles and Michael Burt at Kosters (using Odles food/no electricity); Cathy Vint took them to Ames to Reimen Gardens, ISU & Cornerstone Church; helped with storm clean-up at Ron, Jeff & Gary Kosters; went with Karen Handorf to Gifts of Grace for lunch, Matchstick Marvels Museum & G-R Middle School; Beanes for supper; Ross & Beverly Iverson took them to the Marshall County Fair, Grimes Farm and Fisher Community Center; went to Dan & Tricia Steens for supper and pontoon ride; spent day with Stan & Sue Koster at Sara & Andy Schrodts, visited elementary school, Hope Lutheran church, played water games & on trampoline in backyard, visited Science Center; Larry & Janice Collins brought supper to Kosters; slide presentation to Sunday School at Memorial Building (relocated because of July 11 storm); Beanes took them to Minneapolis to zoo and to visit Brett & Heidi Koopman & family; joined YF trip at Ponto Lake for a day & overnight; to Ron & Lois Groths for supper; lunch with Alison Lentz & Jen Huston who have done mission work at CDI; debriefed & reflected at Beanes; community farewell at Stan & Sue Kosters, hosted by mission committee; Lynn & Claire Handorf picked them up at 3:00 am for the airport. Thank you to all who helped with bringing Linda, Vanessa and Reina here and for your hospitality and prayers. They developed lasting relationships with many of you which helps complete Gods circle of love between Belize and you.

Did You Know

John & Pam Flemings email address has changed to Donald & Phyllis Manns new email address is Two altar oil-filled candles and 14 candleabra candles have been donated by the Ward Handorf memorial. Congratulations to the many 4-Hers who had projects at the County Fairs. Administrative meeting that was scheduled for July 17 has been cancelled.

Our Circle of concern: Cindy Ormson, recovering from breast

cancer surgery followed by chemotherapy Harriett Fleming, recently hospitalized Martha Bessman, Westbrook Acres resident; Westbrook Acres, Room 16A, 605 Garfield, Gladbrook, IA 50635 Floyd Appelgate, recently hospitalized Pam Fleming, recuperating from second carpal tunnel surgery on July 1 Dick Svendsen, recent angiogram Jeff Koster, recent MRI, CT tests Ryan Hook, Mike & Cathy Vints son-inlaw Curt Ohrt, lung cancer; Susans Beichleys uncle Karen Ohrt, recent hernia surgery; Susan Beichleys aunt Margaret Thomsen, recently hospitalized with blockage Lori, Ann Jacksons sister, corneal transplants in both eyes Leslie Groth, ailing parents Dee Burt, Aug 2-10 Ghana mission trip; donate to Chapel with memo Dee Shirley Miller, Cimber Strayers aunt from Des Moines, recent cancer diagnosis and surgery on Aug. 3rd. Family and friends of John Harbin, Green Mountain who recently passed away; Jim Flemings classmate Family of Milt Westendorf, Bill Ormstons brother-in-law, who passed away July 2 Those who are still cleaning up from the damage of the recent storms

August 2011

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UMW June Trip

Chapel UMW women and guests met June 2, 2011, at 9:00 am at Chapel and joined other Chapel ladies at 9:30 am in Marshalltown for their annual trip. They went to Newton where they toured the Maytag Dairy Visitor Center at 10:30 am. After watching a historical video, they learned that 11 Maytag family members still own the 1100-acre farm. Many gals purchased cheese which is made at the farm. Then the group enjoyed a lovely lunch at Shays Tea Room in Newton. Their last tour stop was at the Iowa Speedway where a tour guide gave much information. They enjoyed seeing some racecars up close and sitting in the box seats. The day concluded with shopping in downtown Newton. Thank you to Karen Handorf and Donna Lynch for planning the trip. Those who attended were Myrene Appelgate, Cindy Ormston, Nancy Peshel, Shirley Svendsen, Donna Lynch, Luba Lyon, Carolyn Kloster, Karen Handorf, Kathryn Burt, Connie Appelgate, Marcia Wiese, Karen Collins, Vivian LeVier, Carol Lamer and guest, and Sue Koster. Secretary Pro-Tem, Sue Koster

who went on the June trip reported on their outing. Correspondence included thank yous from the Storks Nest and House of Compassion for donations and from Lee and Patti Cornwell for serving the meal following the Kate Pinney funeral. Harriett shared thanks for the get well cards and visits during her illness, and Jo Svendsen for Dicks get well wishes. Phyllis Mann gave the treasurers report for Shirley Svendsen. The treasurers report was filed as presented. There were no reports from committees or chairpersons. Old business: It was reported that the May Breakfast program at Green Mountain UCC was about aprons. Donna Lynch thanked Karen Handorf for her help with the June trip. New business: The School of Christian Mission will be July 17-20 in Marshalltown. Our next meeting will be September 1 at 7:00 p.m. Election of officers will take place. The nominating committee has been working to fill the ballot. Prayer requests were received. Kathryn read scripture from Romans 5:3-5, and closed the meeting with prayer. A delicious dessert was served by Myrene Appelgate and Kathryn Burt from tables decorated in red, white, and blue with a patriotic theme. Secretary, Susan Beichley

UMW July Meeting

Chapel UMW met Thursday, July 7, at 1:30 p.m. at the church. Phyllis Mann began the afternoon with the group singing, My Country Tis of Thee. She introduced Pastor Dean Kelly, who gave the program. After Ole and Lena gave us a chuckle, Pastor Dean shared how God has directed his path in the ministry. His admission to and study at Asbury Theological Seminary are a testimony to Gods faithfulness in our lives as we trust Him. Pastor Dean encouraged each of us to be aware of Gods hand in our lives and to continue to be an evangelical people. President Kathryn Burt called the meeting to order at 2:00 p.m. Ten members answered roll call by telling one of the first ways they earned money. Our rural heritage was evident, as several mentioned detasseling corn and agricultural work. The secretarys minutes from the May meeting were read and approved. Those

UMW Next Meeting In September

There will be no regular meeting of the UMW in August. The next UMW meeting will be September 1, 2011, at the church, at 7:00 p.m. Jo Svendsen and Cindy Krull will have the program, which will feature our Shepherdess, Joyce Bruene. Roll call will be, Tell something that happened in your neighborhood. Donna Lynch will give the Spiritual Growth Report. Election of Officers will be held. Hostesses for the evening are Susan Beichley and Claire Handorf.

Join Us at the Next Volunteers Meeting A Volunteers meeting will be held Thursday, September 8, at the home of Cindy Ormston, 1924 Taylor Ave, Marshalltown (near Animal Rescue League on east side of road) at 7:00 pm. Janice Collins will lead devotions, and Phyllis Mann and Kathryn Burt provide the lunch. Officers include president, Karen Handorf; vice-president, Lori Odle; secretary, Tricia Steen; secretary; and treasurer, Shirley Svendsen. All women are invited to attend to help plan winter events and to socialize a little, too!

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Christmas Program
The Age-Level committee would appreciate your opinions regarding the date and time for our Christmas program. They are hoping to have an all-congregational vote during the worship service on August 28. If you cannot attend, please give your input to an Age-Level committee member. Some options include:

1. Christmas program on Sun, Dec 18, at 10:00 or 10:30 am, with opening of gifts to follow. Candlelight 2. 3. 4. 5.
service before gift opening or on Christmas Eve. Program at 6:00 pm on Sun, Dec 18, with gift opening to follow. Candlelight service before gift opening or on Christmas Eve. Program at 6:00 or 6:30 pm on Fri, Dec 23, with gift opening to follow. Candlelight service before gift opening or on Christmas Eve. Program at 6:00 or 6:30 pm on Sat, Dec 24, with candlelight service and gift opening to follow. Program on Sun, Dec 25, at 10:00 or 10:30 am on Sun, Dec 18 with opening of gifts to follow.

Please give other ideas to Marla Hlas. Also, the committee is hoping some of you will volunteer to chair or cochair the program. There is an abundance of material in Christian bookstores plus it is a very rewarding opportunity! Thank you. Thank you for your input. Age-Level committee: Marla Hlas, Carol Lamer, Connie Appelgate, Karen Handorf, Kelly Newcomb, Ann Jackson.

August 2011
Thu/Aug 4 Sun/Aug 7 Tue/Aug 9 Thu/Aug 11Sun/Aug 21 Sun/Aug 14 Sun/Aug 21 Sun/Aug 28 No UMW 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service ~ Communion 9:30 am Pastor Dean Peace Church meeting Iowa State Fair Visitation Sunday, no SS, church or childrens church 9:30 am Sunday School 10:30 am Worship Service ~ Mission Minute 9:30 am Promotion Sunday 10:30 am Worship Service (We will vote on Christmas program date & time) 4-7 pm Peace Church Homemade Ice Cream Social: maidrites, hot dogs, walking tacos, pies, cake, drink

Looking Ahead Thu/Sept 1: 7:00 pm UMW meeting ~ Election of Officers ~ Program: Jo Svendsen & Cindy Krull; Shepherdess Becky Heeren, Spiritual Growth Report: Donna Lynch, Roll Call: Tell something that happened in your neighborhood, Hostesses: Susan Beichley, Claire Handorf Sun/Sept 4: communion; self-nomination forms due Mon/Sept 5: Labor Day Thu/Sept 8: 7:00 pm Volunteers meeting at Cindy Ormstons home, devotions Janice Collins, lunch Phyllis Mann and Kathryn Burt Wed/Sept 14: 6-8 pm Womens Bible Study at Sue Kosters home

August 2011

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A Health Update July 14, 2011 Dear Friends, This is about as close to a family newsletter that I have ever written. After all the people whom weve prayed for over the years, many of whom we really didnt even know, we find ourselves in need of support emotionally, spiritually, and for the uncertainty of an unknown future. This whole experience of Lenoras sickness has brought our own family and us much closer together, which you might suspect should be the case. Despite their varied jobs and schedules, all of our family have come, including our son Timothy and his wife Eni who came all the way from South Korea. Tim recently received his MA degree from Dallas Baptist University and teaches English there. Tim and Eni have been with us two weeks. Before that, Carol, Cheryl and Sarah came almost in shifts, each staying two weeks or more. Deborah, our oldest, recently came and now Sarah is coming back again. Talk about family support! Even though birthdays come and go with all of us, your cards have been a great source of encouragement. We were overwhelmed with the response from our former churches in Greene and Chapel and with my own church here in Waterloo. Of special meaning were some of the notes and signatures penned on them. These we will keep for posterity. We never expected to conclude our birthdays with incurable lymphoma and chemo treatments. Lenora has had four treatments and when the sixth one comes, there will be no more. It seems like health and heaven are the silent partners in trial. Yet, we know that our experience is not unique...thousands, if not millions, of folks are all part of the proving ground of faith. It is as the poet said, tis one life, will soon be past, only whats done for Christ will last! As a pastor and chaplain, I have seen many situations that were far worse than ours, and many times, I have come away feeling ministered unto much more than my ministering to them. This is the story of faith; this is the story of life. If this letter seems a little on the morbid side, it is only because I am trying to be realistic, away from challenging sermons and soft-playing organs. God does not always temper the wind to the shorn lamb, as many of you already know. God bless and thank you for your prayerful support and nice cards! Sincerely, Gene and Lenora Burry

Ice Cream Social Update

This email was sent out after the July 11 damaging windstorm regarding the July 14 Ice Cream Social: Our committee met tonight and with deep regret - but necessary - we made the decision to cancel this year's Ice Cream Social. So many people in the community have no power yet and are still working until they are exhausted. So.....instead, we decided to have a dinner (free will offering) for the community after clean up and power is restored to everyone. The date will be announced later when we know power is on and people have recovered. We hope everyone will be understanding of this situation and will look forward to our community dinner. We're all thankful that no one was killed or injured during this horrible, destructive storm. It will be good to gather together and give thanks. Thank you for all your support this year. We'll hope for better weather next year. Ice Cream Social Committee: Dan and Trish Steen, LeAnn and Jim Fleming, Lee Cornwell, Barb Burt, Cheri Richter, Carol and Leon Lamer

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Self-Nomination Form for Chapel Opportunities

Chapel Church is like other churches in that the basic functions and activities of a church require participation. Without the involvement of our worshipers beyond attendance on Sunday morning, very little work for the Lord could be accomplished. God invites us to join Him in His work. We all have different talents and abilities to support the goals and missions of Chapel Church. The nomination committee would like to know in what ways YOU would like to participate in life at Chapel. Some of you may have a strong desire to give in a particular way but have never been asked to serve. Please let us know by having every member of your family complete this survey. Use Column 1 for one person and Column 2 for another person. More forms are available on the narthex table or from Cimber Strayer. Check as many activities as you would like. If you have questions about the duties of the committees please contact a member of the Nomination Committee.

Please return this form to any committee member or put in offering plate by September 4th! Thank you. 2011 Nomination Committee: Pastor Dean, Lori Odle, Doug Svendsen, Darlene Koster, Cindy Krull, Jo Svendsen, Lois Groth, Beverly Iverson.
1 Nurturing Ministries (Worship) Committee Usher Greeter Communion Steward Nursery coordinator, worker Organist Pianist Praise Team Memorial Service at Cemetery Committee Member Other (specify___________) Missions committee: Mission trip planner Mission trip attendee Committee member Other (specify___________) Sunday School: Jr. SS teacher (specify age group: _______) YF teacher YF leader Other (specify ___________) Retreat organizer Childrens church leader or helper Vacation Bible School director Vacation Bible School teacher, helper Christmas program director, helper Fourth of July picnic planner Family Night Planner Committee Member 2 1 2 Age-Level & Family Ministries Committee 1 2

Board of Trustees

Church Cleaning (non-routine)

Building/property maintenance

Sound system

Committee member

Other (specify___________)

Ice Cream Social Committee

Memorial Committee

Nominations Committee:

Newsletter Committee

Pastor Parish Relations Committee

Witness Ministries committee Lenten study planner Committee member Other (specify___________)

Administrative Council Member Lay Leader Conference delegate At-Large member

Other interests (write in below)

A monthly publication of Chapel United Methodist Church Pastor ~ Dean J. Kelly Phone: 319-230-0627 or 319-290-8190 Email: Church: 641-474-2278 Secretary ~ Cimber Strayer Phone: 641-351-9488 Email: Group email: Chapel Blog:

Chapel Church 1597 Abbott Avenue Gladbrook IA 50635


Marcia Wiese & Marvalyn Kelly

Music & Flowers

Children's Sermon


Adult Sunday School

M&M: Lynn Handorf Adult I: Kathryn Burt

AUG 7 14 21 28 SEP 4 11 18 25

Leon Lamer & Chris Bland Communion

Mike & Cathy Vint

Pastor Dean

1st - 3rd Graders

Parenting Class: Sue K. & Dee B. Jr SS Opening: Diana Collins

Visitation Sunday
Vaugn & Carolyn Pastor Dean Kloster Darwin & Donna Lynch Ron Koster & Donald Mann Communion Susan Beichley & Kathryn Burt Bob & Marcia Wiese Bill & Cindy Ormston Jeff & Cimber Strayer Karen Handorf Marla Hlas 4th - 6th graders Pastor Dean 1st - 3rd Graders Jr SS: 7th: Marci Krull Jr SS: 21th: Diana Collins Jr SS: 28th: TBD Jr/Sr High: Linda Svendsen M&M: Ron Groth Adult I: Kathryn Burt Parenting Class: Sue K. & Dee B. Jr SS Opening: Ann Jackson Pre-K/K: Ann Jackson 1st-3rd: Bill & Tammy Backoff 4th-6th: Lynn Handorf Jr/Sr High: John Richter

1st - 3rd Graders

Children's Church (Treats: 4th - 6th graders Decker Mann & Kasey Winters) Cathy Vint 4th - 6th graders

Pastor Dean

4th - 6th graders

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