TOPIC 11 Mortgage Markets

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Mortgage Markets by a number of global, national, and regional that the balance on the mortgage will be zero when

and regional that the balance on the mortgage will be zero when the
factors last payment is made.
• Long-term loan secured by the real estate b. Terms – Longer – term mortgages have higher Fully Amortize
• An agreement between you and a lender that gives the interest rates than shorter-term mortgages • Payments will pay off the outstanding indebtedness
lender the right to take your property if you fail to c. Discount points – interest payments made at by the time the loan matures
repay the money you’ve borrowed plus interest the beginning of a loan
• An amortized loan whereby a fixed payment pays 2. Loan Terms- mortgage loan contracts contain many TYPES OF MORTGAGE LOANS
both principal and interest each month. legal and financial terms, most of which protect lender A. INSURED MORTGAGE
from financial loss. o are originated by banks or other mortgage
History of Mortgage
a. Collateral – usually the real estate being lenders but are guaranteed by either the
Mortgages were used in 1880s, but massive defaults in the
financed, pledge as security. The lending Federal Housing Administration (FHA) or the
agricultural recession of 1890 made long-term mortgage
institution will place a lien against the Veterans Administration (VA)
difficult to attain.
property, and this remains in effect until the o The FHA or VA then guarantees the bank
loan is paid off making the loans against any losses—meaning
The National Banking Act of 1863
b. Down payments – a portion of the purchase that the agency guarantees that it will pay off
• Were arrange between individuals, usually with the
price paid by the borrower. The balance of the the mortgage
help of a lawyer who brought the parties together and
purchase price is paid by the loan proceeds. Advantage: a borrower who qualifies for an FHA or
drew up the papers.
The down payment reduces moral hazard for VA loan is that only a very low or zero down payment
the borrower. is required.
• Mortgage bankers had learn to streamline their c. Private Mortgage Insurance – insurance CONVENTIONAL MORTGAGE
operations by selling bond to raise the long-term funds
against default by the borrower. Insurance o originated by the same sources as insured loans
they lent
policy that guarantees to make up any but are not guaranteed.
discrepancy between the value of the property B. FIXED RATE MORTGAGE
• Agricultural recession results in many defaults. Land and the loan amount, should a default occur. o the interest rate and the monthly payment do
price fell, and large number of the mortgage bankers Includes credit history, employment history, not vary over the life of the mortgage
went bankrupt. etc., to determine the borrowers ability to ADJUSTABLE-RATE MORTGAGE
1930s repay the mortgage as specified in the o tied to some market interest rate and therefore
• Mortgage market was again devastated by the Great contract. changes over time
Depression. Million of borrowers were without work d. Borrower qualification – before granting a CAPS – limits in ARM
and were unable to make their loan payments. This mortgage loan, the lender would determine o make ARMs more palatable to borrowers.
tied to foreclosure and land sales cause property values whether the borrower qualified for it.
to collapse Qualifying for a mortgage loan was different
Balloon loans from qualifying for a bank loan because most
• the borrower paid only interest for 3-5 years, at which lenders sold their mortgage loans to one of a
time the entire loan amount become due. few federal agencies in the secondary mortgage
1. Mortgage interest rate • Mortgage loans are amortized loans. this means that a
a. Market rates – long-term market rates are fixed, level payment will pay interest due plus a
determined by the supply of and demand for portion of the principal each month. It is designed so C. GRADUATED-PAYMENT MORTGAGE (GPMs)
long term-funds which are in turn influenced
o useful for home buyers who expect their c. remaining tax deductions available to the middle • Is the purchasing and selling of existing home loans,
incomes to rise class which are typically bundled together and traded as
o has lower payments in the first few years; then mortgage-backed securities.
the payments rise. The early payments may not F. REVERSE ANNUITY MORTGAGE • After WWII, the federal government established the
even be sufficient to cover the interest due, in o is an innovative method for retired people to live secondary mortgage market by creating Fannie Mae to
which case the principal balance increases. As on the equity they have in their homes. buy mortgages from thrifts.
time passes, the borrower expects income to o Lender disburses a monthly payment to the
increase so that the higher payment will not be a borrower on an increasing-balance loan; loan
burden comes due when the real estate is sold.
o Initial low payment increases each year; loan
amortizes in 30 years Advantage: It allows retired people to use the equity in their
homes without necessity of selling it
advantage: that borrowers will qualify for a larger loan than if
they requested a conventional mortgage. This may help buyers MORTGAGE-LENDING INSTITUTIONS
purchase adequate housing now and avoid the need to move to • Thrift industry was established with the mandate from
more expensive homes as their family size increases Congress to provide mortgage loans to families.
Disadvantage: the payments escalate whether or not the Congress gave these institutions the ability to attract
borrower’s income does depository by allowing S&L to pay slightly higher
interest rates on deposits. PLAYERS IN SECONDARY MORTGAGE MARKET
o Initial payment increases each year; loan LOAN SERVICING a. Borrowers
amortizes in less than 30 years b. Investors
• The originator immediately sells the majority of
o to help the borrower pay off the loan in a shorter mortgages to another investor. This frees up cash to
c. Banks/lenders
period of time d. Aggregators
make another loan and earn more fees. The monthly
e. Rating agencies
The GEM is similar to the graduated-payment mortgage; the payments must be collected, and records must be kept.
difference is that the goal of the GPM is to help the borrower SECURITIZATION OF MORTGAGE
qualify by reducing the first few years’ payments. The loan
• Developed because of problems dealing with single
still pays off in 30 years. The goal of the GEM is to let the • are established for most mortgage loans to permit the
borrower pay off early. mortgages such as the risk of default or prepayment, as
lender to make tax and insurance payments for the
well as servicing. Through diversification, mortgage
E. SECONDARY MORTGAGES pools eliminated some of this problem.
o Loans that are secured by the same real estate THREE DISTINCT ELEMENTS TO MOST MORTGAGE
that is used to secure the first mortgage PROBLEMS INTERMEDIARIES FACED WHEN TRYING
o Loan is secured by a second lien against the real TO SELL MORTGAGE
estate; often used for lines of credit or home 1. The originator packages the loan for an investor.
a. Mortgage are usually small to be wholesale instrument
improvement loans 2. The investor holds the loan. b. Mortgages are not standardized
PURPOSES OF SECONDARY MORTGAGE c. Mortgage loans are relatively costly to service
3. The servicing agent handles the paperwork d. Mortgages have unknown default risks
a. to give borrowers a way to use the equity they SECONDARY MORTGAGE
have in their homes as security for another loan WHAT IS A MORTGAGE-BACKED SECURITY?
b. to take advantage of one of the few
• is a bond-like investment made up of a collection of • Are a type of structured investment finance product that
home loans purchased from the banks that issued them. contain various assets and loan products.
• Investment banks package bank loans, mortgages, and
other assets into collateralized debt obligations similar to
ENTERPRISES funds for institutional investors to buy.
a. federal Home Loan Banks THE REAL ESTATE BUBBLE
b. Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae)
c. Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (Freddie • Often known as a property bubble or housing bubble in
Mac) residential markets, is an economic bubble that arises on
a regular basis in local or global real-estate markets,
usually following a land boom.
• Reduces the problems caused by regional lending
institution's sensitivity to local economic fluctuations.
• Borrowers have access to a national capital market.
• Investors have low-risk and long-term investments in
mortgages without having to service the loan.
• A security that has the borrower's mortgage payments
pass through the trustee before being disbursed to the
• This design did eliminate some risk, but investors still
faced prepayment risk.
• Government National Mortgage Association (GNMA)
• Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (FHLMC)
• Private Pass-Throughs (PIPs)
• A type of home loan extended to individuals with poor,
incomplete, or nonexistent credit histories.
• Subprime loans are those made to borrowers who do not
qualify for loans at the going market rate of interest
because of a poor credit rating or because the loan is
larger than justified by their income.

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