Enjoy English Ssenariy
Enjoy English Ssenariy
Enjoy English Ssenariy
uz dan olindi
Maktab rahbari:
Ingliz tili fani o’qituvchis
“Enjoy English “
tadbir senariysi
www.hasanboy.uz dan olindi
Ushbu tadbir ingliz tili bo’yicha fan oyligi tadbiri bo’lib, maktabimizda
o’quvchilarimiz bilan birgalikda sahnalashtirildi va namoyish etildi. Tadbirda
boshlang’ich sinflardan to yuqori sinfgacha bo’lgan bilimdon o’quvchilarimiz faol
Tadbirning borishi:
O’qituvchi: Good morning dear teachers and dear guests. You are welcome to our
English party with the pupils of our school. We are happy to see all of you here with
us. Our school pupils will show you their performances devoted to our English party.
They sing you their merry songs, recite beautiful poems and they stage you funny
stories in order to make you happy. No doubt you can relax by watching them.
Assalomu alaykum qadrli ustozlar va aziz mehmonlar. Bizning maktabimiz o’quvchilari
bilan o’tkazilayotgan quvnoq Ingliz tildagi tadbirimizga xush kelibsiz. Hammangizni
shu yerda go’zal kayfiyat bilan ko’rib turganimizdan g’oyat mamnunmiz.
Maktabimizning eng zukko va iqtidorli o’quvchilari tadbirimizga bag’ishlangan quvnoq
qo’shiqlarni kuylab, chiroyli she’rlarni bayon etib sizlarni xursand qilishadi degan
O’quvchilar: Good morning to you
Good morning to you
Good morning dear teachers
Good morning to you
(Sahnaga yuqori sinf o’quvchilari kirib keladi)
1-boshlovchi: Good morning, dear teachers and dear guests!
2-boshlovchi: We are glad to see you!
1-boshlovchi: Today we have a very interesting show. We will recite poems, sing the
songs, guess the riddles, act the plays and remember everything we have learnt.
2-boshlovchi You will listen to beautiful English poetry and English songs, enjoy
pieces of English drama .
1-boshlovchi. So we invite you to the wonderful world of music, poetry and art.
(Sahnada ovoz yangraydi)
Bu keng yorug’ dunyoda ,kunbotar g’arb tomonda , bordir yam-yashil o’tloq,unda
ahil hamma xayvon
( 2- sinf o’quvchilari o’rmon xayvonlari kiyimida davraga chiqib qo’shiq aytadilar)
I am a Lion,R-R-R.
My name is Clyde.
My jaws are big and wide.
I am a cat
I have a hat.
I don’t like a mouse
I live in the house. ( sichqonga qarab miyovlab qo’yadi)
I am a mouse,
You are a cat.
You catch me! (ovoz chiqarib mushuk yonidan qochib itni yoniga turib oladi , it esa
bir vov-vov deb qo’yadi. Shunda mushuk va sichqon she’r aytishadi)
Please tell me
What is green
Grass is green
So nice and clean.
What is red
Ask little Fred
The balloon is red
Says his brother Ted
What is grey
Can you say
Yes I can
The mouse is grey.
What is white
I want to know
Milk is white
And so is snow.
Butterfly ,Butterfly
www.hasanboy.uz dan olindi
Rain on the green grass.
Rain on the tree.
Rain on the house top
But not on me
Rain rain go away
Come again another day.
I like flowers that are bright.
I like flowers that are white.
I like flowers with a smell.
I like flowers very well.
In the summer it is hot.
In the winter it is not.
In the spring there are flowers.
In the autumn there are showers.
One, two, three let me see
Who likes coffee and who likes tea
One, two, three now I see
I like coffee, and you like tea.
I see green, I see brown.
I stand up and I sit down.
I see red, I see blue,
I see you and you,and you!
Blue sea,green tea.
Brown hand,yellow sand.
Rose red,grey head.
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Little Bun: Step, step on the ground, in the forest look around. Oh, Bear!
Bear: Hello! Who are you?
Little Bun: Hello! I’m Little Bun.
Bear: I’m so hungry.
Little Bun: Up, down, turn around, turn around – booms!
Author: Bear falls down. Little Bun runs away.
Scene 5
Little Bun: Step, step on the ground, in the forest look around. Oh, Fox!
Fox: Hello! Who are you?
Little Bun: Hello! I’m Little Bun.
Fox: I’m so hungry.
Little Bun: (*song)
Bye, bye. See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye. See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye. See you tomorrow.
Bye, bye. Bye, bye.
Author: Fox falls asleep. Little Bun runs away.
Fox: See you tomorrow?!
Boshlovchilar: Now our dear guests we will invite 1st grade pupils to scene .
Listen and enjoy them!
(1-sinf O’QUVCHILARI xayvonlar maskasini kiyib olib turadilar va 2 nafar 5 sinf
o’quvchilari she’r yodlaydilar)
(1-sinf o’quvchilaridan har bir o’quvchi har xil meva bo’ladi , o’quvchilar
mevalarning rasmini ushlab yoki boshiga kiyib olgan holda mevalar haqidagi
sherlarini yodlaydilar)
1-o’quvchi:Keling boqqa o’rtoqjon
Bordir apple- olmajon.
2-o’quvchi:Pear-nokda asal bor,
Yemasdan qilmang inkor.
3-o’quvchi:Eng zo’ri peach shaftoli,
Undan tomchilar boli.
4-o’quvchi:Apricot-o’rik emish,
Yeganlar yana dermish.
5-o’quvchi:Plum-olxo’ri biling,
Yeb ko’ring keling-keling.
6-o’quvchi:Mevalarning totlisi,
Sweet cherry gilosi.
7-o’quvchi :Cherry –olcha yegan on,
Og’zingiz bo’lar nordon.
8-o’quvchi :Quince-behi deyilar,
Murabbosi zo’r bo’lar.
9-oquvchi:Persimmon-hurmo zo’rdir,
Yodli darmoni ko’pdir.
10-o’quvchi :Fig –bu anjir bilasiz,
Yo’tal uchun ichasiz.
11-o’quvchi :Strawberry-qulupnay,
Mazasidan aylanay.
12-o’quvchi :Raspberry – malinajon,
Shamollashda jonajon.
13-o’quvchi: Grapes-uzum mazza,
Unda bor glyukoza.
14-o’quvchi: Bozor to’la banana,
Yegan der yana-yana.
15-o’quvchi: Biling orange-apelsin,
Ichi to’la vitamin.
www.hasanboy.uz dan olindi
1-boshlovchi: Have you enjoyed the song? Now, you can watch the scenery about
little kittens. It is staged by primary pupils.Watch it and enjoy!
( boshlang’ich sinf o’quvchilarining sahna ko’rinishi)
Scene 2
Fox : Here is my home . Sit down , dear Crane . Dinner will de ready in a minute . Help
yourself , dear . The porridge is very good . I have cooked it myself . Sorry , my dear
Crane , but I have nothing else to give you /
Crane : Thank you all the same , I’ve had enough . Come and have dinner with me .
Good-bye .
Scene 3
Crane : Come in .
Fox : Good afternoon , Crane .
Crane : Oh , Foxy , glad to see you . You are just in time for dinner . Help yourself the
soup, my friend . Sorry , but I have nothing else to give you .
Fox : But I am very hungry .
Crane : I was hungry after your dinner, too . Good-bye, dear friend .
Fox : We are no longer friends
2-boshlovchi: Well. Dear guests, pupils from 7th and 9th form were prepared some
interesting scenery to show you . Watch and listen to them.
( Yuqori sinf o’quvchilari maqol, she’r va qo’shiq ijro etadilar)
O’zbek xalq maqollari:
Meet me in the morning,
Meet me at noon.
Meet me in September,
Or the middle of June.
Meet me at midnight.
Meet me in the hall.
Meet me in the summer.
Meet me in the fall.
"Imagine" lyrics
Imagine there's no heaven
It's easy if you try
No hell below us
Above us only sky
Imagine all the people
www.hasanboy.uz dan olindi
Imagine no possessions
I wonder if you can
No need for greed or hunger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the people
Sharing all the world... You...
1 va 2 –boshlovchi: Dear teachers and guests, I hope you liked our party. It is over.
And now let’s sing the song “May there always be sunshine” all together.
Bright blue the sky
Sun up on high-
That was the little boy’s picture.
He drew for you,
Wrote for you,too,
Just to make clear what a drew.
May there always be sunshine,
May there always be blue skies,
May there always be Mummie,
May there always be me!