Final-Demo Plan
Final-Demo Plan
Final-Demo Plan
Prepared by:
Checked by:
II. SUBJECT React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound
MATTER analysis and call for prompt actions.
A. Topic
B. Learning English 9- Quarter 4 Learning Activity Sheets
resources YouTube video retrieved from BBC News (UN scientists it’s ‘now or
never’ to limit global warming.)
C. Resources Laptop
needed Slides (PPT)
III. Elements of
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
the plan
A. Priming Good morning, class. Before we start our lesson for
today, let us acknowledge the presence of the Lord.
-Prayer (Students pray)
-Checking of
attendance On your screen are the classroom rules that you are
-Classroom expected to follow throughout our discussion.
Classroom Rules:
1. Listen attentively and stay focus on the
2. Unmute your microphone or use the chat box if
you wish to recite or ask questions.
3. Be active and participative.
B. Motivation Once again, good morning, class! I hope you are all
or activating enthusiastic to learn our lesson today. Let’s start off
schema our morning through a simple activity.
Mandatory booster shot.
Processing Questions:
(Student’s answer
may vary)
I. Evaluating Direction: Look at the editorial cartoon carefully. What is the critical issue
learning being presented? Through an essay, react to lay value judgment and give
possible solutions or action to address this critical issue.
J. Additional Assignment:
activities for
application or A youth organization is calling for proposals that aim to minimize or
remediation completely eradicate the negative effects of various critical issues the
country is experiencing at present. Examples of this issues are poverty,
pollution, overpopulation, and global warming. These will be reviewed by
the members of the organization. In hopes to make a change in your own
way, you decided to grab the opportunity and submit a proposal on critical
issue which concerns you the most. You may choose from the examples
given or you may select a different one.
Structure and The proposal is The proposal is The proposal The proposal is
Flow clear, concise, somewhat clear makes sense vague and
and has a and concise, and but requires shows. It is
(5) logical structure has a sensible some work no impossible to
and flow. The structure and sense to execute.
work shows flow. The work organize
deep shows structure and
consideration of consideration of flow. It will be
the execution of the execution of ready for
the project after the project after execution after
the proposal's the proposal's some queries.
approval. approval.