Final-Demo Plan

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Republic of the Philippines


College of Teacher Education
Cagayan National High School

Detailed Lesson Plan

Final Demonstration
Cagayan National High School
May 02, 2022

Prepared by:

Rica Cielo M. Acoba


Checked by:

Ma. Jane M. Tungcul

Cooperating teacher
Cagayan National High Grade
School 9
GRADE School Level
9 Learning
DAILY Teacher Rica Cielo M. Acoba English
LESSON Teaching
LOG May 02, 2022
Dates and Quarter 3
10:00 am -11:00 am
I. Objectives
A. Content The learner demonstrates understanding of how Anglo-American literature
Standard and other text types serve as means of preserving unchanging values in a
changing world; also how to use the features of a full-length play, tense
consistency, modals, active and passive constructions plus direct and
indirect speech to enable him/her competently performs in a full-length
B. Performance The learner competently performs in a full- length play through applying
Standard effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources based on the
following criteria: Focus, Voice, Delivery and Dramatic Conventions.
C. Learning EN9LC-Iva-13
competency React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound analysis
and call for prompt actions.

D. Learning The learners should be able to:

objectives 1. identify critical issues in the society;
2. determine possible solutions to critical issues; and
3. react to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound
analysis and call for prompt actions.

II. SUBJECT React to lay value judgment on critical issues that demand sound
MATTER analysis and call for prompt actions.
A. Topic
B. Learning English 9- Quarter 4 Learning Activity Sheets
resources YouTube video retrieved from BBC News (UN scientists it’s ‘now or
never’ to limit global warming.)
C. Resources Laptop
needed Slides (PPT)
III. Elements of
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
the plan
A. Priming Good morning, class. Before we start our lesson for
today, let us acknowledge the presence of the Lord.
-Prayer (Students pray)
-Checking of
attendance On your screen are the classroom rules that you are
-Classroom expected to follow throughout our discussion.
Classroom Rules:
1. Listen attentively and stay focus on the
2. Unmute your microphone or use the chat box if
you wish to recite or ask questions.
3. Be active and participative.
B. Motivation Once again, good morning, class! I hope you are all
or activating enthusiastic to learn our lesson today. Let’s start off
schema our morning through a simple activity.


What are the issues that our society

is facing today?

Each of you is expected to share your answers on

the chat box. You have 1 minute to accomplish this
task. Your time starts now.
Climate change
Oil-price hike
Teenage Pregnancy
Mental Health
Online Class
Limited face to face


Among these issues, which one (Student’s answer

affects you the most? Why? may vary)

Class, this activity is your initial step to become

aware of the issues around you. In connection to
this, our lesson for today focuses on the learning
competency: react to lay value judgment on critical
issues that demand sound analysis and call for
prompt actions.
C. Establishing Before we tackle our lesson, let me present to you
a purpose for our objectives.
the lesson
At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:

1. identify critical issues in the society;

2. determine possible solutions to critical
issues; and
3. react to lay value judgment on critical issues
that demand sound analysis and call for
prompt actions.
D. Presenting This time, let’s us have another activity before we
examples/ delve on our topic for today.
instances of the
new lesson State whether you agree or disagree on the
following statements and reason out to justify your

Retaining online class as the Agree/Disagree

mode of learning today.

Why do you agree/disagree on retaining online (Student’s answer

class as the mode of learning today? State your may vary)
reason/s to support your claim.

Mandatory booster shot.

Why do you agree/disagree on the mandatory (Student’s answer

booster shot? State your reason/s to support your may vary)

Restoring death penalty in the

Philippines. Agree/Disagree

Why do you agree/disagree on restoring death

penalty in the Philippines? State your reason/s to (Student’s answer
support your claim. may vary)
E. Discussing Critical issues- these are topics that pertain with
new concepts resource problems and their need for solutions that
and practicing relate to the safety or relate resource protection and
new skills management issues that the public needs to be
aware of. They also refer to issues and occurrences
that are discussed or argued by the people.
Examples: Climate change, bullying, discrimination
against women, human trafficking and others.
Value Judgment- it is a judgment of the rightness
or wrongness of something or someone, based on a
comparison or other relativity. Most commonly the
term value judgment refers to an individual’s
Things to consider before making a value
1. Think and analyze the situation before
giving your perceptual understanding.
2. Give your value judgments without bias.
3. Before giving statements, always put
yourself on the situation they are in and
speak your side as if you are one of the
persons involved in the issue.
4. Reflect.
F. Developing WHAT’S NEWs?
React to lay value judgment:
Watch “UN scientists say it’s ‘now or never’ to
limit global warming” by BBC News published on
April 5, 2022 and react to lay value judgment.
Then, answer the follow-up questions to process the
message of the video.

Processing Questions:

1. What is the main issue presented in the

2. What key points and supporting information
were presented?
3. State your value judgment on the critical
issue presented. Explain it.
4. As part of the society, what can you do to
contribute to the solution of the issue?

G. Finding As a youth, you are continuously facing a lot of

Practical issues around you as you grow up. You have
Application of experienced and observed different problems that
Concept call for prompt actions and need immediate
solutions. If you have the opportunity to address a
particular issue in your community, what would it be
and why?

(Student’s answer
may vary)

H. Making You listen to different sorts of information every

generalization day. You may hear it at home, in your
and neighborhood, on the radio, on the television, on the
internet, etc. Some of these even present critical
about the lesson
issues that demand sound analysis and call for
prompt actions.
What is the importance of making value judgment
on critical issues in our society?
Making value
judgments on critical
issues leads us to
awareness and
action. It helps us to
understand issues
and provide possible
solutions to address
the concerns in our

I. Evaluating Direction: Look at the editorial cartoon carefully. What is the critical issue
learning being presented? Through an essay, react to lay value judgment and give
possible solutions or action to address this critical issue.

J. Additional Assignment:
activities for
application or A youth organization is calling for proposals that aim to minimize or
remediation completely eradicate the negative effects of various critical issues the
country is experiencing at present. Examples of this issues are poverty,
pollution, overpopulation, and global warming. These will be reviewed by
the members of the organization. In hopes to make a change in your own
way, you decided to grab the opportunity and submit a proposal on critical
issue which concerns you the most. You may choose from the examples
given or you may select a different one.


Study the next topic of your module on third quarter.

Reference: Self Learning Module

Criteria Excellent Very Good Good Needs

(4) (3) (2) (1)

Subject The project The project The project The project

Matter proposed is proposed is proposed is proposed is not
original, original, original and a original,
(13) creative, and creative, and little creative creative, nor
ambitious. The somewhat and ambitious. ambitious. The
student is highly ambitious. The The student is student is not
motivated and student is slightly motivated and
the project has a motivated and motivated and the project has a
really good the project has a the project has very low
potential for good potential some potential potential for
success. for success. for success. success.

Content The content The content The content The content

shows excellent shows good shows some shows little or
(7) effort, care, and effort, care, and effort, care, and no effort, care,
creativity. The creativity. The creativity. The nor creativity.
proposal is proposal is proposal is The proposal is
complete and complete and complete. incomplete. It
well-presented. somehow well- However, it shows very poor
It shows presented. It shows poor research,
excellent shows good research, planning, and
research, careful research, some planning, and execution.
planning, and planning, and execution.
excellent good execution.

Structure and The proposal is The proposal is The proposal The proposal is
Flow clear, concise, somewhat clear makes sense vague and
and has a and concise, and but requires shows. It is
(5) logical structure has a sensible some work no impossible to
and flow. The structure and sense to execute.
work shows flow. The work organize
deep shows structure and
consideration of consideration of flow. It will be
the execution of the execution of ready for
the project after the project after execution after
the proposal's the proposal's some queries.
approval. approval.

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