Let's Talk About Christmas
Let's Talk About Christmas
Let's Talk About Christmas
What do you usually do on What do you usually eat at What does Christmas mean to
Christmas Eve and Christmas Christmas? you personally?
Day? Who cooks it?
Compare with others.
Do you give (or receive) What do you like about What is your favourite
Christmas presents? What kind Christmas? Christmas song?
of presents do you buy? What What don’t you like about it? Can you sing it in English?
presents do you like to get?
What do you know about Santa Did you believe in Santa Claus Do you put up a Christmas tree?
Claus (AmE) or Father Christmas when you were young? Is it real or artificial?
(BrE)? When did you stop believing? What do you think is best or the
Make a list. Who told you? environment? Why?
What’s the weather like at Would you like to spend the What would change about
Christmas in your country? Christmas holidays in another Christmas if you could?
Do you like it? country? Would you change anything at
Where? Explain why. all?
How many Christmas cards do ‘Christmas has become too What is Boxing Day?
you usually get? commercialised.’ Explain. Do research and report to the
Do you write real Christmas Do you agree or not? class.
cards or e-cards? Why? Discuss in group.
Match words & pictures
candle & holly
gingerbread man 1
mistletoe Quotes
Rudolph 3 Explain and discuss
Santa & sleigh - I never believed in
7 Santa Claus because I
knew no white man would
Xmas balls or baubles 8 9 be coming into my
Xmas card neighbourhood after
Xmas lights 12 dark. ~ Dick Gregory
Xmas present
Xmas pudding - Christmas is not a time
Xmas tree nor a season, but a state
11 of mind. ~ Calvin Coolidge