The Communist Party of USA, What It Is, How It Works

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84th Congress!
1st Session



It Is







21, 1955

Printed for the use of the Committee on the Judiciary, 1955








HARLEY M. KILQORE, West Virginia, Chairman TAMES 0. EASTLAND, Mississippi ALEXANDER WILEY, Wisconsin


Subcommittee To Investigate the Administration of the Internal Security Act and Other Internal Security Laws


J. Q. Sour WINE, Chief Counsel EiCHAKD Arens and Alva 0. Carpenter, Associate Counsel Benjamin Mandel, Director of Research







inspired and dominated Political party or conspiracy



Military aspect Discipline Authority at the top

Exclusive membership
Professional revolutionists..

8 8 9 9 10 10
11 12 12 12 13 13

Importance of theory

full-time organization

Supersensitivity on organization matters Desire to control or destroy other organizations Deception as a method Always on the offensive

Planning ahead



Individual responsibility Control by blackmail


of distrust divisive party

Attitude toward the Government and American institutions The end justifies the means Conformance to pattern Revolutionary minority Organization of the Communist Party, USA Communist hierarchy ^ Conspiracy at work Moscow representative Moscow, the seat of power Communist Party membership Official questionnaires

14 14 15 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19

21 22 25 29 29 30

Dues MaiUng


Evidence of party membership Fellow travelers How to judge a fellow traveler Extent of Communist Party membership Communist Party membership by States Changes in the volume of membership of Popular vote, 1948, for President
Presidential election returns by States for How to measure Communist influence

Communist Party candidates. _

Resignations and ex-Communists Recruiting What makes a Communist tick?

Communist clubs The shop clubs, Red spearhead Community clubs

Section committee District or State organizations Communist chain of command

National committee
Disciplinary procedure

32 33 34 34 35 36 37 37 38 42 43 50 50 54 57 58 59 59 60
61 62

Leadership cult
Spirit of prevailing fear




as a





Soviet writers whose articles have appeared in the Communist, later known as Political Affairs, theoretical monthly magazine of the Communist Party,



Articles published in Political Affairs (the leaders of foreign Communist parties

Communist) by writers and

68 73 73 77 82 86 90 94 96 100


Embassy and the Communist Party__i

Alexander Bittelman

Underground activity Methods of evasion and deception Trial and hearing technique
List of

front organizations of front organizations Within the labor movement List of unions with Communist leadership strongly entrenched


most typical sponsors


The average American is unaware of the amount of misinformation about the Communist Party, USA, which appears in the public press, in books and in the utterances of public speakers. In part, this misinformation is consciously planted by members of the party using ways and means calculated to have the greatest effect in poisoning the channels of American public opinion. In part, it is due to our ignorance of the problem the problem of the existence in our midst of a mass conspiratorial organization controlled by a foreign power. The Communist problem is unique in our history. The Senate Internal Security Subcommittee presents this study of

The Communist Party, USA What It Is How It Works as a convenient handbook for Americans in an effort to counteract current misinformation regarding the Communist movement. This study seeks only to touch the high spots without going into a detailed analysis of Communist activity in the labor movement, among Negroes, women, youth, foreign language groups, and in front organizations. It endeavors to differentiate the Communist Party from bona fide We earnestly believe that, given political parties in the United States. a more accurate knowledge of the Communist conspiracy, fewer Americans will fall victim to its wiles.






Founded in September 1919, the Communist Party of the United States of America is an organization unique in American history. It is not a true poHtical party and differs fundamentally from all political It is in fact a Russian-inspired, Moscowparties in this country.
dominated anti-American, quasi-military conspiracy Government, our ideals, and our freedoms.



After testimony running over a period of more than 1 year, from numerous qualified witnesses, the Subversive Activities Control Board found, on April 20, 1953, that the Communist Party of the United States is "substantially directed, dominated, and controlled by the Soviet Union." This finding was based upon the evidence before the Subversive Activities Control Board. It was undergirded by the report of the House Committee on Un-American Activities on The Communist Party of the United States as an agent of a Foreign

Power, published in 1947.


The Communist


The counts supporting this finding follow: USA, traces its origin to two conventions,

held simultaneously in Chicago from September 1 to 7, 1919, of the Communist Party of America and the Communist Labor Party. Both conventions were held in response to an invitation issued by Gregory Zinoviev, then president of the executive committee of the Communist International with headquarters in Moscow, and fu"st published in this country on July 7, 1919, in the Novy Mir, a Russian newspaper published in New York City. Zinoviev was, at that time, a member of the executive body of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee and Chairman of the Petrogi^ad Soviet. In obedience to instructions from Zinoviev, the two parties he had called into convention merged mto the United Communist Party of America in May 1921. 2. Among the "twenty-one points" of admission to the Communist International, adopted in 1920 and accepted by the American party, was No. 14 to the effect that

Communist International should be obliged to render every possible assistance to the Soviet Republics in their struggle The Communist parties should carry against all counterrevolutionary forces. on a precise and definite propaganda to induce the workers to refuse to transport any kind of military equipment intended for fighting against the Soviet Republics, and should also by legal and illegal means carry on a propaganda amongst the * * * troops sent against the workers republics.
of affiliating with the

Each party desirous

Since that time, paramount allegiance to the Soviet Union has been a fundamental tenet of the Communist Party, USA, as shown by the


books recommended for party study such as: Problems of Leninism and Foundations of Leninism, both by Joseph StaHn; History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union; Lenin's Works, and by party oaths of loyalty such as the following of 1935 for new members:
"I pledge myself to rally the masses to defend the Soviet Union, the land of victorious socialism. I pledge myself to remain at all times a vigilant and firm defender of the Leninist line of the party, the only line that insures the triumph A Manual on of Soviet Power in the United States" (The Communist Party

Organization, by J. Peters).

At the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International held in the summer of 1935, attended by Earl Browder, William Z. Foster, Gil Green, John Williamson, Jack Stachel, William Schneiderman, James W. Ford, Robert Minor, Samuel Darcy and Martha all topflight American Communist leaders at the time, an oath was taken by the assembled delegates assuring "Comrade Stalin, leader, teacher, and friend of the proletariat and oppressed of the whole world" that "the Communists will always and everywhere be faithful to the end and to the great and invincible banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin" and that "Under this banner. Communism will triumph throughout the world." The Daily Worker and Political Affairs (formerly the Communist),


official publications of the Communist Party, USA, have, since their inception, consistently defended the Soviet Union without a single exception to date. Article I, section 1, of the Constitution of the Communist Party of America, adopted in 1921, reads as follows:
of the

The name of this organization shall be the Communist Party Communist International.

of America, Section

1927, 1928, 1929); Communist Party, USA (1930, 1932, 1934, 1936, 1938, 1940, 1945, 1948, 1950); Communist Political Association (1944), thus establishing the continuity of the organization under the titles given. At its convention in November 1940, the Communist Party, U. S. A., decided:

In his History of the Communist Party of the United States, William Z. Foster lists its conventions under the following designations: Communist Labor Party (1919); Communist Party of America (1919, 1920, 1921, 1922); United Communist Party of America (1921); American Labor Alliance (1921); Workers Party of America (1921, 1922, 1923, 1924); Workers (Communist) Party of America (1925.

That the Communist Party of the U.S.A., in Convention assembled, does hereby cancel and dissolve its organizational affiliation to the Communist International * * * for the specific purpose of removing itself from the terms of the Eo-called Voorhis Act. * * *

The Subversive

Activities Control

Board found,' however, that

the disaffiliation did not alter in any substantive way the relationship between the Respondent (CPUSA) and the Communist International. * * *

In 1943 when the Soviet Union was our ally in World War II, the Communist International was dissolved on the initiative of the Presidium of its Executive Committee. The Communist Party, U. S. A.,

In September 1947 a conference of publicly approved this decision. nine leading European Communist parties established the Information Bureau of Communist and Workers' Parties (Cominform). The

Eeport, p.



American party hailed the establishment of the Information Bureau as a much-needed center of cooperation, but did not affiliate in view of the Voorhis Act and other legislation (statement of national board, CPUSA, in Political Affairs, ^ December 1947). The Subversive Activities Control Board found that

the Communist Information Bureau represents what the Communists consider the best possible substitute at the present time for the Communist International and that Respondent's support of the Information Bureau * * * and its nondeviation from the line of the Bureau, are done for the purpose and with the aim of advancing the objectives of the world Communist movement.

The main reports at the founding meeting of the Cominform were presented by A. Zhdanov, then a member of the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, secretary of its Central Committee and a colonel-general in the Red army, and by Georgi M. Malenkov, then general secretary of the CPSU and Deputy Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union. 3. The current constitution of the Communist Party, U. S. A., adopted in 1945, amended in 1948 and reaffirmed in 1950, states in its preamble: The Communist Party of the United States is a political party of the American working class, basing itself upon the principles of scientific socialism, MarxismLeninism.

In his address to the Supreme Soviet of the U.


S. S.

R. on August


Mr. Malenkov indicated how

officially identified

with the Communist the Soviet Government itseK, when he declared: The Communist Party and the Soviet Government know where and how to lead the people, because they are guided by the scientific theory of social development Marxism-Leninism * * * The Soviet state and the Communist Party equip the

closely Marxism-Leninism is Party of the Soviet Union and

people on the basis of the teaching of Marx-Engels-Lenin-Stalin with a profound knowledge of the objective laws of the development of society, the laws of the construction of communism, and thereby give them a clear prospect of the constructive activity of the Soviet people.
4. The Communist International with headquarters in Moscow sent representatives to the American Communist Party who wielded unquestioned authority. The Subversive Activities Control Board found that

A preponderance of the CPSU were in the United

received directives and

evidence clearly shows that representatives of the States and that through them respondent [CPUSA] instructions, (Report, p. 61).

These representatives included: G. Valetski (Valetsky), 1922; Joseph Pogany, alias John Schwartz, ahas John Pepper, alias John Swift,
1922-29; Boris Remstein, 1922; S. Gussev, alias P. Green, alias Drapkin, 1925; Y. Shola, alias Mdler, 1926, 1927; Arthur Ewert, ahas Braun, aUas Brown, alias Berger, 1927' Harry Pollitt, 1929; Philip Dengel, 1929; B. Mikhailov, ahas George Wilhams, 1929, 1930; Gerhard Eisler, ahas Hans Berger, ahas Edwards, 1931, 1932 and 194045; Carl E. Johnson, ahas Scott, ahas Jensen, alias Jenson, 1921, 1922; Petersen, 1925, 1926; Marcus, alias M. Jenks, 1928; F. Marini, alias Mario Alpi, alias Fred Brown, 1938-48; WQliam Rust, 1927; Wihi Muenzenberg, 1934; Louis Gibarti, also known as Dobos, 1927, 1928 and 1934; Raymond Guyot, 1938; Yusefovich; Paul Merker,

the Communist Inter1, 1919, to August 21, 1935, From 40 to 50 leaders of national held seven congresses in Moscow.

From March


'Keport, p.


the American Communist Party attended these meetings from time to time. As a rule, one or more of these leaders were chosen to be member of the executive committee of the Communist International. In his appearance before the House Committee on Un-American Activities, on September 29, 1939, William Z. Foster, present chairman of the Communist Party, USA, testified that he had visited the Soviet Union on official business at least 10 times between 1921 and 1937. The Communist International maintained American representatives

Gitlow, Israel Amter, Max Bedacht, Robert Minor, Louis J. Engdahl, Earl Browder, Harrison George, H. M. Wicks, William W. Weinstone, William F. Dunne, Clarence Hathaway, John J. Ballam, J, Peters,

Moscow between congresses.


among them were Benjamin

Andrew Overgaard, John Little. 6. Members of the American Communist Party were assigned to official posts in the Communist apparatus in Moscow, notably:
Leonard Emil Mins, editor for the Marx-Lenin Institute prior to 1936; Schachno Epstein, editor of the Emes until his death in 1945; Williana Burroughs, English language announcer for the AngloAmerican department of the Moscow radio until October 1945; A. G.
Bosse, alias Alfred J. Brooks, informational specialist for the Communist International; Joseph Kowalski, head of a Soviet penitentiary from 1920 to 1923; Anna Louise Strong, editor of the Moscow Daily

News, 7. Leading members

Joseph Zack Kornfeder, Latin America, 1932; Harrison George, Montevideo, 1926; Charles Krumbein, Great Britain and China, 1930; Robert Minor, Spain, 1936-39; Nicholas Dozenberg Soviet Military

of the American party were assigned by the International to posts as CI representatives in other Included in this group were: Earl Browder, China, 1927, countries. Spain, 1936-39; Philip Aronberg, China; Harry M. Wicks, Germany and Latin America, 1926; William F. Dunne, France and Germany;


Rumania, etc., 1927-39. 8. Leading members of the Communist Party, USA, have published articles in official organs of the Communist International and later the Cominform, Among these publications have been the

International Press Correspondence, the Communist International, For a Lasting Peace, For a People's Democracy. Among such contributors have been A. B. Magil, Carl Reeve, William L. Patterson, I. Amter, Max Bedacht, Earl Browder, William Z, Foster. 9. The Marx-Lenin Institute and other Communist schools in

Moscow have

given special revolutionary training, with all expenses paid, to American Communists who were later assigned to important posts by the Communist Party, USA. Among those so trained were:
Carl Reeve, Charles Krumbein, Joseph Zack Kornfeder, Wiliam Odell Nowell, Beatrice Siskind, Clarence Hathaway, Morris Childs, Harry M. Wicks, Marcel Sherer, and Lovett Fort-Whiteman. 10. The Communist Party, USA, has, since its birth, recognized the Communist Party of the Soviet Union as its model and leading In his book. Toward Soviet America, published in 1932, party. William Z. Foster, presently party chairman, has said:

The Communist Party of the United States * * * is the American section of the Communist International * * * The Communist International is a disci* * * Its plined world party leading party, by virtue of its great revolutionary experience, is the Russian Communist Party (pp. 258, 259).


In his History of the Communist Party of the United States, published in 1952, WilHam Z. Foster maintains his thesis: Lenin was also the architect and chief organizer of the great Russian Communist Party * * * It is incomparably the most highly developed political organization in the history of mankind * * * (p. 151).
In the Daily Worker of March 5, 1939, the following cabled editorial from the Moscow Pravda is reprinted: The Communist Party of the Soviet Union always was and always will be
a model, an example for the


Parties of



meeting on December 3-5, 1938, the National Committee of the Communist Party, USA, members were given the following instructions in regard to the History of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: It wil be the task and duty of the membership and organizations of the Com-



munist Party
of the


in the coming months to organize of 100,000 copies of this book.

and carry through the distribution

Testifying before the House Committee on Un-American Activities 8, 1939, Benjamin Gitlow, Communist candidate for Vice President in 1924 and 1928, a former member of the Political Committee of the Communist Party, USA, and of the executive committee of the Communist International, described the relationship between the Russian Communist Party and the Communist International with which the CPUSA was affiliated, as follows:

on September

Whereas the American party * * * had to carry out decisions of the Communist International explicitly, the Russian party was given a privileged position. The Russian party was permitted not only to review all decisions of the Communist International, but, if necessary, to take it up in its political committee and to change these decisions * * * and that decision [of the Russian party] becomes binding upon the parties of the Communist International. Another important fact to bear in mind is that * * * the rules governing the Communist International provide that whenever a party sends representatives
to the

Communist International, or delegates to the congresses of the Communist * * * The International, those delegates cannot be instructed only party that has the right to instruct its delegates to the Communist International and to make these instructions binding on the delegates is the Russian Communist * * * In other Party words, they have built the Communist International organization in such a way that the Russians under no circumstances can lose control of the Communist International.

The Subversive Activities Control of the evidence, that

Board has found, on the


All of the



heads of the Comintern that are identified in the record have been of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. (Report, p. 11.)

Alexander Bittelman, a founder and leading member of the national board of the CPUSA, has stated, in his pamphlet Milestones in the History of the Communist Party: The Communist International and its model party the Communist Party of the Soviet Union headed by Comrade Stalin, gave us the guidance that helped the American Communists to find the way to the masses and to the posi* * * tion of vanguard (p. 8). The leading role of the Communist Party of the

Soviet Union needs neither explanation nor apology. A Party that has opened up the epoch of the. world revolution, and that is successfully building a classless society on one-sixth of the earth, is cheerfully recognized and followed as the leading Party of the world (p. 21).

11. From its very inception, the Communist Party, USA, has received instructions and directives from Moscow, the headquarters of




on such important matters as the

(a) Merger of the Communist Party of America and the Communist Labor Party (1920). (b) Combining legal and illegal work (1922). (c) Campaign in behalf of political prisoners (1923). (d) Establishment of the Daily Worker (1923).

Establishment of the Workers Party of America as the branch of the Communist Party (1923). (/) Merger of Proletarian Party of America with the Workers Party of America (1923). (g) Praising achievements of the party (1923, 1924). (h) Attitude toward the LaFollette movement (1924). (i) Fusing together the foreign language sections of the party (1925). (j) Reorganization of the party on a shop nuclei basis (1925). (k) Trade union activity (1925). to the (I) Sending of an American trade union delegation U. S. S. R. (1925). (m) Removal of Daily Worker and party headquarters from Chicago to New York (1926). (n) Attitude of the American party toward the Nicaraguan


?5ituation (1928).

(r) (s)

Celebration of international holidays (1928). Permission to hold a national convention (1928). International Red Day campaign (1929).

Trade Union Unity Convention Gastonia campaign (1929).


Work among


the miners (1929). All-America Anti-Imperialist League (1929). Liquidation of party factions (1929).

(w) Recall of the executive secretary of the (1929). (x) Changes in the party secretariat (1929). (y) Address containing instructions from the Communist International directly to the members of the (1929). (z) Cablegram of instructions from the Young Communist International to the Young Communist League of the





Criticism of issues of the Daily Worker (1933). of a third party (1935). 12. The official literature of the Communist Party, USA (Daily Worker, Political Affairs, etc.), has paralleled the line of Soviet publications (Pravda, Izvestia, New Times, etc.) from the foundation of the party to date. This parallelism has been maintained throughout all fluctuations in Soviet policy: for and against the League of Nations, for and against cooperation with the democracies against Fascist aggression, for and against peaceful coexistence, etc. American Communist publications have even reprinted articles from these Soviet publications for the guidance of their readers. The Subversive Activities Control Board has held that:


Respondent has established a press in the United States patterned after that Union which operates as a means of setting fortli for Respondent's members the correct line as laid down by tlie Soviet Union; 8. The press in the Soviet Union and the journal of the Communist Information Bureau are major communication means whereby directives and instructions of the Soviet Union are issued to Respondent * * *

in the Soviet


The Attorney General, in his petition to the Subversive Activities Control Board, has stated: Throughout its existence the Communist Party never knowingly has deviated from the views and policies of the government and Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Communist International, the Communist Information Bureau and other leaders of the world Communist movement. Whenever such views and policies have conflicted with the position taken by the Government of the United States, the Communist Party has opposed the position of the United
States (Report, p. 79).

General, in his petition to the Subversive AcControl Board, has further stated: The Communist Party regularly reports and has reported to the government and Communist Party of the Soviet Union and to the Communist International and the Communist Information Bureau * * * (Report, p. 891.

The Attorney


Such reports were printed in official organs of the Communist International and the Cominform such as the International Press Correspondence, For a Lasting Peace, For a People's Democracy, etc. CPUSA leaders William Z. Foster and Alexander Bittelman submitted such reports in 1926, Benjamin Gitlow in 1927, 1928, and 1929, and Earl Browder, in 1932.
14. The Communist Party, USA, has accepted the statutes set down by the Communist International in Moscow. The Communist Party a Manual of Organization by J. Peters, formerly CPUSA representative in that city and former head of the Communist under-

in the United States, states that he has depended, for the material in the manual, upon the "resolutions and decisions on the question of organization adopted by the Second Organizational ConThe Second Congress of ference of the Communist International." the Communist International held in 1920 decided that


All the parties and organizations comprising the Communist International bear the name of the Communist Party of the given country (section of the Communist International)

In line with this decision, the American party designated

"section of the

itself as

Communist International"

until the party's disaffilia-

tion to circumvent the Voorhis Act in 1940. Article 3, section 1, of the constitution of the

Workers (Commuis

Party declared that a membership requirement

Communist International and
* * *


the program and statutes of the
of the

(Communist) Party

15. Point 15 of the Conditions of Admission to the Communist International, adopted in 1920 and accepted by the American Communist Party, was the provision that the program of each party belonging to the Communist International should be confirmed by the next congress of the Communist International or its Executive Committee.

16. At conventions of the CPUSA, fraternal greetings were exchanged between the American party and the Communist Party of the Soviet Union. The Subversive Activities Control Board notes such interchanges at CPUSA conventions in 1921, 1927, 1929, and

1950 (Report, pp. 95-98). 17. In his petition to the Subversive Activities Control Board the Attorney General held as follows as to the disciplinax-y power to which the CPUSA is subordinated:


From the inception of the organization to the date of the filing of this petition, the principal leaders of the Communist Party have been and are subject to and recognize the disciplinary power of the Soviet Government, the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the Communist International and the Communist Information Bureau * * * (Report, p. 99).
This disciplinary power has been sufficiently strong to bring about
the expulsion of two executive secretaries of the CPUSA, namely Jay Lovestone and Earl Browder, members of the party's executive committee such as Ludwig Lore, James P. Cannon, Wilham F. Dunne, Bertram D. Wolfe, Benjamin Gitlow, and Joseph Zack Kornfeder, as well as entire sections of the organization.


Since the

Communist Party, USA,


in fact

branch of the Russian Communist Party,

conspiratorial pattern laid

simply the American follows faithfully the

down by its parent body. The Russian Communist Party, the focal point and radiating center of the international Communist movement, owes its inception to V. I. Lenin, its guiding genius on matters of organization. The were principles upon which the Communist movement was founded therefore based primarily upon his experience with the czarist regime under which the labor and socialist movements were illegal and the
rights to

freedom of speech, press and assembly were nonexistent. Widespread discontent of the laboring classes and the peasantry could find no legal outlet or remedy, with the result that attempted assassinations of government officials and even of the Czar, were not uncommon. Lenin's own brother was executed as a result of one such an attempted assassination. In this atmosphere it is understandable that Lenin envisaged an organization adapted to the specific purpose of violent overthrow of his own government. Necessarily, therefore, In his authoritative work What this movement was conspiratorial. Is To Be Done, pubhshed in February 1902, in reference to party organization, Lenin laid down the principle that

Conspiracy is so essential a condition of an organization of this kind that conditions * * * must be made to conform with it.



Today the Communist movement is no longer an insignificant Russian sect fighting against czarism, but an international movement world conquest and more specifically the destruction of the

American Government as its chief obstacle. Hence the Communist the Party, USA, as an organic part of that movement dedicated to same destructive purpose, has necessarily assumed the same Leninist

The other characteristics of the movement conspiratorial guise. flow logically from this basic conception. By way of contrast, American political parties, despite criticisms they may make of public policy, are fundamentally loyal to our form of government and conform to its laws. They rely upon the duly constituted agencies of our Government and the operation of our
democratic processes for the correction of grievances.


American political parties carry on their activities by peaceful means within the confines of our legal structure in which they have The Communist Party looks upon our Government as its full faith.


enemy which

it is

seeks to overtlirow

organized along quasi-military lines. The program of the Communist International adopted at its sixth congress in 1928, endorsed by the CPUSA, and never since repudiated or superseded, has made
this plain


forceful means.



calling for

a combination of strikes and armed demonstrations and finally, the general strike the bourgoisie co-jointly with armed insurrection against the state power of The latter form of struggle, which is the supreme form, must (1. e. capitalists). * * *. be conducted according to rules of military science
issue of the

Writing on Lenin's Conception of the Party, in the January 1934 Communist, official theoretical organ of the Communist

USA, F. Brown, alias Alpi, a weU-known representative of the Communist International, emphasizes this point. He holds up a modern army as "a good example of organization" which "knows how to impart a single will to millions of people."



under a very

traditional political parties are loose organizations operating Members and leaders will fluid and flexible discipline.

sharply with each other and

remain within the same organ-


Lenin conceived the Communist Party, however, as an organizawhich

be able to fulfill its duty only if it will be organized in the most centralized manner, if it will be governed by an iron discipline, bordering on military dis* * * (Conditions for Affiliation to the Comintern). cipline

"Why do the Communists attach so much importance to discipline?" asks J. Peters in his authoritative pamphlet The Communist Party A Manual on Organization, and he answers this question as follows: Because without discipline there is no unity of will, no unity of action. * * * The class war is bitter. The enemy is powerful. * * * In order to combat and defeat this powerful enemy, the army of the proletariat must have a highly skilled, trained General Staff [the Communist Party], which is united in action and has one will.

Again Peters pointedly

The Communist of his superior officers?" therefore not hesitated to expel even its highest officials for actual or suspected deviation from the official line of Moscow. In Russia and other Communist countries such deviationCommunist leaders have frequently referred to ists have been shot. the party with pride as monolithic.
and even disobey orders


of the



asks, "How can the Army fight against the every soldier in the Army is allowed to question

USA, has


Political parties as we know them are highly responsive to the sentiment of their constituents and of the American people as a whole. They encourage independence and initiative. They are essentially democratic in their approach to the rank and file of party membership. Initiative and pressure come from below. In conformance with its military character and objectives, the Communist Party is organized from the top down. It is essentially undemocratic. The flow of its directives and strategy proceeds from its highly centralized leadership in the Russian Communist Party by



of the Cominform to the similarly centralized leadership within the national board of the Communist Party, USA, and then on down As J. Peters has pointed out to the lower levels of the organization. to his fellow members of the Communist Party, USA, in his Manual on Organization, "all lower Party organizations are subordinated to the higher bodies," The Programme of the Communist International is quoted from Petitioners Exhibit 125 by the Subversive Activities Control Board to show that the Communist Parties are organized on the basis of democratic centralism:


The Communist International and its Sections are built up on the basis of democratic centralism, the fundamental principles of which are: (a) Election of * * all leading committees of the Party *; (b) periodical reports by leading Party committees to their constituents; (c) decisions of superior Party committees to be obligatory for subordinate committees, strict Party discipline and prompt execution of the decisions of the Communist International, of its leading committees and of the leading Party centres. Party questions may be discussed by the members of the Party and by Party organizations until such time as a decision is taken upon them by the competent Party committees. After a decision has been taken by the Congress of the Communist International, by the Congress of the respective Sections, or by leading committees of the Comintern, and of its various Sections; these decisions must be unreservedly carried out even if a Section of the Party membership or of the local Party organizations are in disagreement with it. (p. 56).

In his work entitled "One Step Forward, Two Steps Back," published in 1904 Lenin ridiculed political parties which "proceed from the bottom upwards" and stressed the superiority of a party which "strives to proceed from the top downwards, insisting on the extension of the rights and authority of the centre over the parts." In a debate with Lenin as early as 1904 Leon Trotsky outlined with remarkable foresight the type of organization which Lenin envisaged. In Lenin's scheme the party takes the place of the working class.

The party

organization displaces the party. The Central Committee displaces the party organization, and finally the Dictator displaces

the Central Committee.




our traditional political parties


easily obtainable

and comparatively unrestricted. This is not true of the Communist Party, which is highly exclusive and restricted to those who pass its rigid membership requirements. In What Is To Be Done? Lenin outlined his conception of the exclusiveness of the Communist Party, which has been a standard
guide for Communists throughout the world. He declared that the more narrow we make the membership of this organization, allowing only such persons to be members who are engaged in revolution as a profession and who
have been professionally trained in the art of combatting the more difficult it will be to "catch" the organization. * * *.
political police, the


member of an American political party, as a rule, has many other interests, including his club, his church, his work, his friends, and his
family. Communists, on the other hand, are expected to be professional revolutionists who, as Lenin announced in his paper, the Iskra



(Spark) in December 1900, No. 1, "shall devote to the revolution not only their spare evenings, but the whole of their lives."

Few Americans
for the






no bona

fide political

party would dare to

Peters explains:

make such demands upon its members. Speaking Communist Party, USA, in his Manual on Organization,

professional revolutionist is ready to go whenever and wherever the Partysends him. Today he may be working in a mine, organizing the Party, the trade unions, leading struggles; tomorrow, if the Party so decides, he may be in a steel mill; the day after tomorrow, he may be a leader and organizer of the unemployed * * From these comrades the Party demands everything. They accept *. Party assignments the matter of family associations and other personal problems If the class struggle demands it, he will are considered, but are not decisive. * * Our task is to make every *. leave his family for months, even years


member a

professional revolutionist in this sense.


None of our American political parties is so fanatically bound by dogma as is the Communist Party, which is devoted to the theories of Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism. Briefly this dogma is based upon the
following false conceptions

phases of American life, industry, education, religion, politics, the press, radio and films, even family life, are dominated primarily by an irreconcilable class struggle between the capitalists and the workers. 2. That our system of free capitalist enterprise (which has produced for the American people the highest living standards in the world), has actually outlived its usefulness and must be de-



3. That the sj^stem of communism (with its slave labor camps, low living standards, and one-party dictatorship over every phase of human life) is superior to and must take the place of our sys-

of free enterprise, thus abolishing the class struggle for all time. 4. That American democracy is not a government of, by, and for the American people but a capitalist dictatorship, which must


be destro3'ed.
5. That this change to communism and a classless society can be brought about only by the violent overthrow of the capitalist system and our form of government. 6. That the Communist Party is destined to carry out this

historic mission.
7. That Communists owe their highest and unreserved lo3^alty to the Soviet Union, where the Communist system has been finally established. For tactical reasons these conceptions may be slightly modified by the ruling hierarchy or disguised to avoid legal prosecution, but the basic principles remain the same and are returned to when a temporary emergency has passed. Thus, the Communist Party, USA, advocated

cooperation with the capitalists and with American democracy when Russia faced destruction from Adolph Hitler, only to return to its former hostility to capitalism when the war was over and Hitler was
870894 55



This chain of dogma is the frame of reference by which the Communist interprets the world around him and maps out his behavior. It provides him with a clear perspective of his present and future It indicates the goal toward which he is striving and battles. which justifies every means from treason to mm-der. It offers a powerful political myth inspiring Communists with fanatical zeal.


to office.

Their primary function

political parties are usually active during election camis to elect this or that candidate

activity is at a low ebb. functions at all times of the year, every day It is a full-time organization of the week, and at all hours of the day. which is not restricted to election campaigns. It persistently seeks to permeate every phase of American life for its own subversive

Between campaigns

The Communist Party

purpose. Communist agents may be found wherever and whenever there is an opportunity for Communist propaganda or the promotion of civil strife, whether it be the factory, the union, the church, the school, or the neighborhood.


No political party in this country ever was so supremely conscious of the mechanics of organization as is the Communist Party. This is a demonstration of its quasi-military character. Like an army, it pays marked attention to what makes the wheels go round and to
The Communist International has puborganizational techniques. lished considerable literature dealing specifically with party organizaFrom time to time the party has published special organs, tion. known as the Party Organizer and later as Contact, as well as
pamphlets and articles, dealing with purely organizational problems and intended only for the eyes of party members. Every convention and meeting of the national committee of the Communist Party is devoted in some part to organizational questions. Voluminous material and du'ectives on such matters have been sent to this country from Moscow for the use of the American Party. In 1935 the party published its Manual on Organization by J. Peters, after he had spent years of study in Moscow. Every Communist unit and front organization has its organizational director, a post peculiar to this
type of organization.




little effort to interfere

political parties respect other organizations and, as a rule, with their internal affairs or to control

political parties.

Traditional political parties do not generally penetrate other The reverse is true in the case of the Communist

Communists look upon all organizations not under their control as instrumentalities of the enemy, of the ruling class. This holds true for the Government, the unions, civic and professional organizations, fraternal organizations, women's groups, youth groups, religious groups, and even political parties. In warfare it is standard practice



to penetrate enemy territory and dislocate its machinery or capture strongholds. The Communist Party, while it safeguards its own ranks against penetration, does not hesitate to infiltrate other organizations. In a letter to a comrade written in September 1902, dealing with organizational problems, Lenin called for an organization which

"must be conspiratorial internally" and "ramified externally" with As such an organization the "feelers" stretched far and widespread. Communist Party alternates its strategy between a soft policy toward those whom it considers currently useful and a policy of militant opposition toward those whom it considers as current obstacles.
Fully aware that if it appeared openly in its true guise as a bridgehead of a hostile, foreign dictatorship, the Communist Party, USA, would attract httle support, its methods are based primarily upon deception. This approach is inherent in the Communist movement and was laid down by Lenin in his work "Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder, first printed in Russia in April 1920, in which he declares:
if need be It is necessary to agree to any and every sacrifice, and even resort to all sorts of devices, manoeuvres, and illegal methods, to evasion * * * subterfuge.


Hence the Communist Party, pro-Soviet always, nevertheless calls the party of Jefferson, Jackson, and Lincoln, It operates behind the scenes of the Progressive Party and the American Labor Party. Its members resort to aliases and deny their affiliation. It builds up numerous front organizations with attractive labels to ensnare the unwary in its various campaigns. Its leaders do not hesitate to deceive their own members as to the party's real nature and purpose.


Well-intentioned but naive individuals are constantly deploring the Communists rudely reject their amicable advances for good will and cooperation. They are wont to blame themselves or our own national policy for lack of response to their friendly overtures. They do not understand that the Communist Party, USA, looks upon itself as being in the nature of a reconnaissance and commando force operating in enemy territory in behalf of the Soviet fatherland. In accordance with this concept, just as in the case of an actual military detachment of a hostile, foreign foe based upon American soil, correct military strategy would call for a constant offensive against us, so the Communist Party staj-s constantly on the offensive against all who This approach is clearly outlined by Lenin refuse to do its bidding. in his Works, volume VI, page 291:
fact that

defensive is the death of every armed uprising; it is lost before it measures with its enemies. Surprise your antagonists while their forces are scattering, * * * in the words of Danton, prepare new successes, however small, but daily; the greatest master of revolutionary policy yet known, de I'audace, de I'audace,
encore de I'audace!


(audacity, audacity,

more audacity).

Unaware of the philosophy behind Communist tactics, unsophisticated and softhearted hberals are sometimes stunned by the barrage



of invective which greets their well-meant advances. They are unmindful of Lenin's effort to arouse among his followers a ''passion for This will political denunciation," a field in which he was a rnaster. a Communist always seems to carry a chip on his shoulder. explain why This note of belligerence is echoed by J. Peters in the Communist Party, USA, Manual on Organization where he indicates that the

partyUnit as a whole and every individual member of the Unit should be known by the workers in the street or town as fearless fighters * * *,

The party

operates on the theory that

"He who


not with

us, is

against us."

Within the Communist Party, USA, every step is planned in detail from the smallest club or unit in the United States to the highest
echelons of the international Communist apparatus in Moscow sometimes months or years in advance. Nothing is left to whim or circumstance. In part this is a reflection of the quasi-mihtary charIn part it is a carryover from the Russians and acter of the party.
their passion for planning.

For example, a number of Communist leaders now in the forefront of the revolutionary movement in the Far East were educated and kept "on ice" for years in Moscow until the right moment. The program of the Communist International adopted by its sixth congi-ess in 1928 stands today as a definitive guide upon which present-day activities of the Communist movement in all parts of the world are In the current struggle of democracy against the Communist based. menace, it would be suicidal to overlook this basic fact. Hence the need for a diligent study of standard Communist literature by all its

Despite the fact that it has brought misery and slavery wherever it has established its power, no American political party is as fervently imbued with its mission as is the Communist Party. This conceit extends down to its rank-and-file members, encouraged and stimulated by Communist leaders throughout the world. The Partysaid Lenin in his "Left-Wing"

Communism: An



the highest form of the class organization of the proletariat; the other forms of proletarian organizations.

should lead

"We Communists," declared Joseph Stalin at Lenin's funeral in are made of special material. 1924, "are people of a special mould. are those who comprise the army of the great proletarian strateThere is nothing higher than belonging to gist, the army of Lenin.




army." Although the Communists have been repudiated by labor throughout the world, Communist Party literature is replete with references to itself as "the leader and organizer of the proletariat," "the vanguard of the working class," even reaching the point where it is characterized as "the most complete bearer of the great achievements of tens of centuries of the rise of the human mind and its mastery of
the earth."





By and large American political parties are loose organizations in which individual accountabihty is at a minimum. The Communist Party member, on the other hand, is never a free agent. He is held
by his party superiors. This is a continuing process which places every party member and leader on the anxious seat at all times. As Lenin pointed out in his work What Is To Be Done? in February 1902, reprinted and accepted as mandatory by all Communist Parties ever since, party members are keenly alive to their responsibility, knowing from experience that in order to get rid of an undesirable member, an organization of true revolutionaries will
strictly responsible for his acts

stop at nothing.

He stressed

the fact that such an organization "punishes with merciless * * *" Penalties imseverity every abuse of duty by a comrade. run all the way from censure or expulsion to murder. posed have

Outside of the Communist movement, especially in naive liberal there is a prevailing illusion that Communist discipHne is primarily based upon high idealism and conviction. However, the chief conspirators in the Kremlin are not so impractical as to rely upon such fortuitous and changing factors. They have too much at Therefore a much more reliable instrument is employed, stake. With the aid of extensive files continuously namely, blackmail. augmented, showing every personal foible and misstep, every deviation from the party hne, the threat of compromise or exposure


an alternative means of insuring obedience.


The Communist Party is permeated with an atmosphere of distrust toward every individual party member. Hence members and leaders
are subject to a process of continuous checkup, totally at variance with procedure in our political parties. This is done through annual or more frequent registrations, internal purges and demands for Members are expected to attend classes regularly and to reports. keep abreast of official party literature in order to guard against any possible defection from the cm-rent party line.


Wherever the Communist Party makes its appearance, it serves as a force for division and friction, following the theory of divide and Thus it seeks to alienate the United States from its potential rule.
Internally it tlirives upon promoting clashes: Between employer and employee, landlord and tenant, white and Negro, nativeborn and foreigner, Catholic, Protestant and Jew; between the American people and their Government, and within every nonallies.






Political parties as

we know them






sharply with each other. The party not in office may criticize the current administration unsparingly. But fundamentally both the Democratic and Republican Parties are loyal to our form of Government as it is presently constituted. Not so with the Communist

Running like a red thread through Communist teachings from the very inception of the movement is the note of total hostility to our form of government. For example, the following points are included among the fundamental tasks of the Second Congress of the Communist International delivered July 4, 1920:
the violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie [capitalist], the confiscation of its property, the destruction of the whole of the bourgeois state apparatus from top to bottom parliamentary, judicial, military, bureaucratic, administrative, municipal, etc.


In a similar vein, William Z. Foster, present chairman of the has written in his book, Toward Soviet America:

Capitalist governments have nothing in common with proletarian governments * * *. In the revolutionary struggle they are smashed and Soviet governments established * * *" (p. 271).

of the central executive committee of the (Communist) Freiheit, stated Communism, the exact purpose of the succinctly in his book, Communists in entering legislative bodies. He said, "We go to the law-making institutions, not to tinker them up for the benefit of the * * *" capitalists, but to be a monkey wrench in their machinery As shown by experience in countries which are under the heel of a
J. Olgin,


a former


of the


and an editor



dictatorship, the


William Z. Foster's

Communists display the same implacable non-Communist parties and institutions. Thus, pledge in regard to what he envisages under the

dictatorship of the proletariat in the United States cannot be lightly In this work, Toward Soviet America, he declared: dismissed.

Under the dictatorship all the capitalist parties Republican, Democratic, will be liquidated, the Communist Party functioning Progressive, Socialist, etc. alone as the Party of the toiling masses. Likewise, will be dissolved all other organizations, that are political props of the bourgeois rule, including chambers of commerce, employers' associations, rotary clubs, American Legion, Y. M. C. A., and such fraternal orders as the Masons, Odd Fellows, Elks, Knights of Columbus, etc, (p. 275).


Our American

political parties

Nevertheless there

may clash over issues or public office. a certain code of ethics, of loyalty which is gen-

The Communists have no such erally recognized and adhered to. scruples. They believe that ethics should be completely subordinated to the class struggle, that is to say to the Communist movement. " 'Moral' is According to the Soviet Short Philosophical Dictionary, only that which facilitates the destruction of the old world," which means out democratic world and particularly the United States. "Moral", according to this conception, "is only that which strengthens the new, Communist regime." Again, Lenin has said to Communist youth, "Our morality is entirely subordinated to the interests of the class struggle."


Specifically this


means that Communists consider themselves justiany and every ethical code in the interest of what they consider a "higher" cause. Having been defeated by a legitimate major'ty vote they will refuse to recognize it and press their original contention. Having been expelled from an organization, they will try to penetrate through other channels. Solemn agreements are, to them, merely scraps of paper.
fied in violating

Political parties as we know them vary in character from State to State and from country to country. The Communist Party conforms strictly to pattern wnth some slight variations for purposes of local camouflage. Those who understand the main outline and underlying principles of the party in one country or locality, who are familiar with the party line from Communist publications, can readily understand and follow the identical pattern of the party as it appears everywhere,

and even predict


impossible to understand the nature and activities of the the fact that it is primarily a revolutionary minority seeking to perpetrate the overthrow of the Nation by insurrectionary means directed at the most sensitive and strategic strongholds of our Government. In other words the Communists do not accept as final or decisive the verdict of the peaceful ballot based upon majorities and public persuasion. They rely rather upon forceful means beyond the purview of our legal election machinery. This has been dealt with in some detail in the House Committee on Un-American Activities report on The Communist Party of the United States as an Advocate of Overthrow of Government by Force and Violence, and the report of the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee giving "documentary proof that the Communist Party, USA, teaches and advocates the overthrow and destruction of the United States Government by force and violence." In his collected works, Russian Edition, volume XIV, part 2, page 270, Lenin formulated this strategic approach in his thesis on insurrection, which has been emphasized by Joseph Stalin, which reads in part as follows: Accumulate a preponderance of forces at the decisive place, at the decisive moment. * * * Try to take the enemy b}' surprise.

Communist Party, USA, without appreciating

In his Foundations of Leninism, Stalin presented the same thought from a somewhat different angle when he called upon the Communists

to locate at any given moment that single link in the chain of events which if seized upon will enable us to control the whole chain and prepare the ground for the achievement of strategic success.

Given a highly interdependent civilization vulnerable to physical dislocation at many points, given the tremendous power of modern science at the disposal of subversive forces and given the numerous frictions prevalent in any democratic society, one can readily conceive the potentialities for the creation of chaos inherent in a group which is
constantly probing for our weak spots and endeavoring upon them with the maximurp destructive effect.
to capitalize





Communist Party is the club or This may be based on a territorial limitation, for instance embracing a community or rural area, or may be limited to employees of a large industrial plant or of a single industry within a city or town. Each club is controlled by an executive committee or bureau consisting of the chief officers. A group of clubs or branches in a given area The next higher body is in turn controlled by a section committee.


basic organization of the



the State committee or a district committee including two or more above which is the national committee of the party. In recent days the party organization has been subdivided into smaller conis

the state organization is the State Convention." And further, "The highest authority of the Party is the National Convention." Since State and National conventions are held every 2 years or less often, it is manifest that the party is not and cannot be run from day to day by conventions. The conventions are merely rubber stamps for decisions of a small core of policymakers including a Moscow representative operating behind the scenes. We shall present below the various stages in the structure of the party as found in J. Peters' The Communist Party a Manual on Organization, published in July 1935, as compared with the present streamlined version from the constitution of the Communist Party of the United States of America, published in September 1945, both of which are consciously misleading:

spiratorial groups. reading of the Communist Party constitution will not disclose the structure of the party as it actually functions. Such documents are drawn up for public consumption and disguise and not for real practice. conspiracy could not well be expected to publish its code of procedure which has grown up and become ingrained in the organization as a matter of usage rather than statute. For example, the Communist Party constitution, in order to give the party a semblance of democracy, declares that "The highest body of

peters' manual, 1935 Unit Bureau Unit Membership Meeting

Section Bureau Section Committee Section Convention
District Bureau District Committee District Convention Political Bureau of Central Committee (Secretariat not mentioned)

CONSTITUTION, 1945 Club Executive Committee Club Membership Meeting Not mentioned Not mentioned Not "mentioned
State or District Board State or District Committee State or District Convention

Central Committee National Convention


National Board (Secretariat not mentioned) National Committee National Convention Political Secretariat of the Communist Not mentioned






Not mentioned

Executive Committee of the Communist Not mentioned






Communist Not mentioned




One must not be misled by the formal outward structure of the party, behind which a publicly unacknowledged but nonetheless actual network operates. For example, a section committee can send its representative to any subordinate club with power to determine decisions of the club or its executive committee. Similarly the secretariat of the national committee can send its representative with overriding powers to any unit of the party. In the same manner the Moscow headquarters of the Communist movement sends representatives like Gerhard Eisler who have undisputed say over the decisions of the national committee and the staff of the national office in its day-to-day activity. These practices are not even mentioned in the
party's constitution.



On October 13, 1952, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee heard the testimony of John Lautner, former member of the National Review Commission of the Communist Party, U. S. A., and head of its New York State Review Commission. This particular feature of the Communist Party finds no parallel in political parties. According to Mr. Lautner, this body's principal function was

to safeguard party discipline, to vigilantly seek out and ferret out any anti-party elements in the ranks of the party, to carry out investigations and to propose for expulsion or any form of discipline party members who don't toe the line.

After the indictments of certain party leaders, the "three system" of conspiratorial organization was adopted, which is described by Lautner, who was assigned to carry out phases of this reorganization, as follows:
appointed the top coordinating committee. The top committee consisted of three people. * * * Onewas head of the three. He was the political person in the group. * * * The other was the organizational person and the third one was the union mass-organization person. Now, these three people were assigned, each one of them, to appoint three other * * * So he appoints his one, two, three P's. persons below him on the next level. * * * * * * O does the same [Note. O stands for organizer, P for politthing. ical organizer and T for trade union organizer.] P does not know O or T on the lower levels. He knows only the three persons O does not know the P's and T's on the lower levels. He that he appointed. only knows his O's. So, here you have a situation where one party leader knows All in his two associates in his triangle, and the three that he appointed below. six party members in the party, all, a party member wouldn't know more than * * * up and down. To my own personal knowledge there was the top coordinating committee; that and the fifth 3, the next level was 9, and the third level, 27; the fourth level, 81,

The party



* level, 243.

* *

Speaking before the subcommittee of the House Comrnittee on Appropriations on December 9, 1953, J. Edgar Hoover, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation described the current organization /' ^_ ^'^i/y^Jj of the Communist Party in the following terms: /^

No longer are Communist Party membership cards issued; maintenance of membership records are forbidden; contacts of rank and file members are limited from 3 to 5 the basic club unit. Most of the local headquarters have been discontinued and party records have been destroyed. No evening meetings are permitted in headquarters without staff members present. Conventions and The use of the telephone and large meetings are held to the absolute minimum.


telegraph is avoided. No contact is had with families or friends; contacts between functionaries are arranged through frequently changed intermediaries; false drivers Hcenses have



been obtained; assumed names have been adopted; modification of physical ap* * *. pearance has been effected, such as dyeing hair and eyebrows They have removed conspicuous means of personal indentification such as moles; they have effected a new manner of walking, have changed their dress standards, have avoided old habits and even have avoided old vices, and have avoided appearance in public places where their recognition would be probable. They communicate through couriers and avoid the use of written communications.


*, They appear outside of hideouts only at night They use different automobiles, and the cars frequently are registered in fictitious names and not names of party members; the license plates are frequently changed. They have used extreme precautions in regard to surveillance, making rapid and frequent changes of conveyances, entering and leaving subways and buses just before the doors close, and doubhng back on their course.

They have instituted loyalty tests for all prospective underground avoid detection * * *, They rotate the underground personnel to * *


of the Communist Party hierarchy within the United the representative of the Communist International or its present equivalent, the Information Bureau of the Communist and Workers' Parties, otherwise known as the Cominform. The statutes of the Communist International adopted at its sixth congress in the summer of 1928 formally authorize the sending of such representatives to affiliated Communist Parties. Although the Communist International was allegedly dissolved in May 1943, witnesses before the Committee on Un-American Activities have disclosed in terms of their experience that these statutes are still fully operative in actual

The keystone


fact although not openly acknowledged. Article III, section 22 of these statutes declares that

E. C. C. I. (Executive Committee of the Communist International) and Presidium have the right to send their representatives to the various Sections Such representatives receive their instructions of the Communist International.



from the E. C. C.

I. or from its Presidium, and are responsible to them for their Representatives of the E. C. C. I. have the right to participate in meetings of the central Party bodies as well as of the local organizations of the Sections to which they are sent * * * They may * * * speak in opposition to the Central Committee of the given Section * * * jf the hne of the Central Committee in question diverges from the instructions of the E. C. C. I. * * * The E. C. C. I. and its Presidium also have the right to send instructors to the various Sections of the Communist International.

Appearing on September 8, 1939, before the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, Benjamin Gitlow, former member of the executive committee of the Communist International, former member of the political committee of the Communist Party, USA, and one
time its candidate for Vice President of the United States, described the powers of these representatives or "reps" as they are familiarly
representative of the Communist International to the United States during United States was the boss of the party. * * * He automatically became a member of all the leading committees of the party in the United States and participated in its deliberations and enjoyed a vote on matters that were
his stay in the

he had to do was to impose his power and mandate as a and then his view would prevail. Generally, American Communists never would take a position in opposition to the representative of the Communist International.
voted upon

* * * all



later on November 22, 1946, Louis F. Budenz, former editor of the Daily Worker and a member of the national committee of the Communist Party, USA, confirmed this picture

Seven years





when he described the activities of Gerhard Eisler, ahas Hans Berger, aHas Edwards. The latter had been introduced to Budenz by Eugene
Dennis, former general secretary of the party, as the "equivalent to a representative of the Communist International." Mr. Budenz declared that

official representative of the Communist International is the chief communication officer who brings the hne of the party over, who knows it, and who, in addition to that, is vested with a certain authority to intervene in party affairs

he judges that necessary.

Mr. Budenz was notified by Dennis that he would "occasionally receive instructions and communications from this Hans Berger," alias Budenz described how Eisler (Berger) verbally for Gerhard Eisler. flayed Daily Worker Editor Clarence Hathaway "for almost half an hour." In the Communis' of May 1944, leading theoretical organ of the Communist Party, USA, Eisler (Berger) publicly castigated William Z. Foster, then chairman of the party. In neither case did these American Communist chieftains dare to reply. In the November 1943 issue of the Communist, "Hans Berger" wrote an article entitled "Remarks on the Discussion Concerning the Dissolution of the Communist International," the purpose of which was to inform American Communists that "internationalism still In The Communist of November 1942, Eisler, posing as an lives." American, explained the significance of "Twenty-five Years of Soviet Power." He was for some time the brains behind Joseph Starobin, foreign editor of the Daily Worker, whom he emploj^ed as his mouthThis wUl give some idea of the tremendous power wielded piece. over the American Communist Party by its Moscow-anointed commissar. Others who have served in this capacity in the past include: G.
Valetsky Joseph Pogany,

alias John Schwartz, alias John Pepper, alias John Swift; Boris Reinstein; S. Gussev, alias P. Green, alias Drabkin; Y. Sirola, alias Miller; Arthur Ewert, alias Braun, alias Brown, alias Berger; Harry Pollitt; Philip Dengel; B. Alikhailov, alias George WUliams; Carl E. Johnson, alias Scott, alias Jensen; Petersen; Marcus, alias M. Jenks; F. Marini, alias Mario Alpi, alias Fred Brown; William Rust; Willi Muenzenberg; Louis Gibarti; Raissa Irene Browder; Raymond Guyot; Boris Isakov, alias Boris Williams. At times two or more such commissars wiU be here simultaneously, each being assigned to some special task or campaign. There is method in AIoscow's designation of foreign commissars for the American party as revealed by Jacob Golos, in charge of underground activities, in an interview with Louis F. Budenz in his biographical work Men Without Faces; "An American might be a Comintern man in such countries as China and the Philippines," declared Golos. "He will never yield to any homesickness for those

lands, nor will he think of his family there in a moment of weakness." He added, however, that "for this country the C. I. (Comintern) man

and the C. noncitizens


agents under



always be non-Americans




In describing the Communist hierarchy from the lowest club to the very pinnacle of power, we have endeavored to deal with the realities




farflung conspiracy as disclosed by individuals formerly therein, rather than to take seriously the current official version of Communist organization which is foisted upon those gullible and ignorant enough to give it credence. Illuminating detail is found in the testimony of Joseph Zack Kornfeder, former member of the central executive committee of the Communist Party, USA, a former member of the Anglo-American secretariat of the Communist International, later its representative in Colombia and Venezuela. He testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities on August 9, 1949, in regard to a dispute in the American party between the pro-Stalinist faction headed by William Z. Foster and the anti-Stalinist faction headed by Jay Lovestone. This dispute occurred long ago, in 1928. Nevertheless, the pattern of behavior which it reveals is important in helping us understand a structure which has not changed fundamentally since then. quote from



Mr, Kornfeder's testimony: The reason why Stalin, as well

as Molotov

and other leaders

of the Russian

Communist Party, spent that much time on this faction fight in the United States, was because Stalin, considering this country of utmost importance in the total
reliable base by securing control, absolute * * *. control, for his faction of the Communist Party of the United States Stalin personally directed all the major phases of the fight against the then * * *. In majority of the American Communist Party, led by Jay Lovestone the windup of that fight, he and Molotov even participated as members of the commission that tried Lovestone and other members of the central committee of the American Communist with Lovestone * * *. The

scheme of strategy, wanted to retain a

was made

at the Presidium

Party siding on May 14, 1929.


In volume XI of the hearings of the Committee on Un-American Activities (pp. 7112 to 7124) are printed two speeches made by Stalin on 6 and 14, 1929, and in which he actively intervened in the affairs of the American Communist Party to the point of presenting an ultimatum to the American delegation. He declared that



the comrades of the American delegation accept our terms good and well;


they don't, so


the worse for them.


Stalin recommended that Comrades Lovestone and Bittelman, leaders of the American party, "must be recalled and placed at the disposal of the Comintern." Subsequent to this meeting, Lovestone was summarily expelled from his post as executive secretary of the Communist Party, USA, and the rival faction was installed in the leadership, despite the fact that his voting strength had represented over 90 percent of the party membership in a previous convention. Bittelman was shifted out of the United States to duties abroad.

Those who seek open statutory justification for Stalin's relationship toward the Communist Party, USA, are chasing a will-o'-the-wisp. In any conspiracy, the real source of power is not inherent in any
statutes. Since the elimination of the recalcitrant faction in 1929, Stalin's power over the Communist Party in America was sufficiently

secure and unchallenged, as to make it unnecessary for him to openly intervene. From that time on, his intervention has been more covert, operating behind a screen of agents completely submissive to his



It may well be asked how Jo?epb Stalin was in a position to keep track of the activities of his Communist satellites in the United States. According to Mr. Kornfeder, Stalin maintamed a personal secretariat, each member of which was assigned to a specific area. At the time Mr. Kornfeder was in Moscow, affairs in America were under the supervision of one B. Mikhailov, the secretary on American affairs, who visited the tjnited States in 1930 under the name of George Williams, to take charge of the purge of Lovestoneites. In 1933 Helena Stasova was Stahn's secretary for German questions. According to Mr. Kornfeder, this streamlined body of secretaries outmoded the cumbersome machinery of the Communist International and thus enabled Stalin to exercise more complete and direct control over his international Red network. The details of this mechanism will not be found in any public Communist pronouncement either here or abroad. The subordination of the CPUSA to Stalin personally is, however, implicit in the telegram signed in behalf of its national committee by William Z. Foster as chairman, and Eugene Dennis as general secretary of the Communist Party, USA, on the occasion of the 70th birthday of Joseph Stalin and published in the Daily Worker as recently as December 21, 1949, from

which we quote Dear Comrade


in part:

On your 70th birthday the National Committee of the * * * sends you heartiest congratulations and warmest Party, USA * * * Like the Communists * * * in all lands, we hail your more than 50 greetings * * *. years of sterling leadership
this telegram, victory in World War II was ascribable not to the joint efforts of the Allies and particularly the United States, but rather to the guidance of the "Great Bolshevik Party, built by you and Comrade Lenin, and, since Lenin's death, continuing under your leadership to guide itself by the principles of Marxism-Leninism which you have safeguarded and enriched." The telegram closes with the wish "Long hfe to you, Comrade Stalin, and to your great and enduring

According to

contributions to world peace, democracy, and Socialism."




are to the

methods employed by our


openly acknowledged membership, membership records and books, we Americans rnight expect to find documentary proof of such membership in the case of Communists. Naively unaware of the conspiratorial nature of the Communist Party, we might demand the production of a party membership card or other documentary evidence before we will believe that an individual is a Communist. Thus we might contribute to our own confusion, accentuated by the consistent denial of party membership on the
part of those charged. The Communist Party, USA, has progressively streamlined its membership records to the point where no membership cards are Dues records are maintained in code, issued at tne present time. with each member assigned a number, in accordance with the following form:

political parties with







I told him of this story about having been a Communist. He produced a book of some kind it looked, as I recall it, like a large ledger and began looking through it. Finally, he came on what was, apparently, a note about had been a Communist in some city in It said, as I remember it, that Texas several years ago.

Thus it would appear that the national headquarters of the Communist Party was in possession of membership lists for Texas. There is every reason to believe that such records are still maintained, in secret, of course, and that copies are forwarded to Communist headquarters in Moscow. Since the Communist Party, USA, is part of a world organization operating under central direction and everywhere in accordance with a uniform pattern, the testimony of Igor Gouzenko, former civilian employee at the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, is significant. We quote from page 38 of the report of the Canadian Royal Commission, published




27, 1946, referring to biographical data dealing with Sam organizer of the Communist (Labour-Progressive)

Party of Canada: A. On every Communist there is a file at the Comintern in Moscow; for Communist in the whole world there is a file at the Comintern at Moscow.
Q. The Comintern was supposed to have been abolished before 1945? A. Supposed to be abolished in 1943. but it is not so. * * *

* *

According to Gouzenko, the registration card kept in the 1945 dossier in the Soviet Embassy on Sam Carr, stated after the mimeographed heading "Biographical Data," the following typed entry, in Russian: "Detailed biographical information is available in the Centre in the Comintern." In his biographical study. This Is Story, Louis F. Budenz, former managing editor of the Daily Worker and former member of the national committee of the Communist Party, described in detail the party's method of keeping individual records:


Records are kept of each member in any kind of key post, just as they would be for those engaged by any other espionage system. When a member takes up a new post, he must file a complete new biography. This is checked for new data and also to observe if it differs from the ones previously filed. In his biography he is required to list his relatives, where they were born and now live, their occuHis entire personal and labor history must pation, and his relations with them. He be given previous marriages if any, his children and his arrests * * * must also give a complete accounting of his financial resources, the average salary he has received throughout his working life, any bonds or other property he ever * * * His Party record must be owned, and what he now owns, if anything.

given in detail

(p. 235).


this information in its hands, the


possible recalcitrant of personal pressure.



party is in a position to to exercise highly potent


Communists have been most vociferous in condemnation of what they term Government prying in connection with loyalty investigations. Below we present a questionnaire which party functionaries were required to fill out in 1946. If any Government agency in this country would dare to infringe on the privacy of its citizens to such a degree, it would be denounced from coast to coast by the leftwing press as violative of civil liberties. But so far as we know no Com-



civil liberities

miinist, nor

advocate, has ever protested against

Communist questionnaire as an invasion of the privacy of an American citizen. Through such methods as this compulsory questionnaire the party is in a position to know every possible use to which each party member can be put by the Communist conspiracy.

New York

State Review Commission


Communist Party, U.


of County Committees and County Functionaries, not members of County Committees Members of Section Committees and Section Functionaries, not members of Section Committees Dear Comrade: Below you will find a questionnaire to be used as a guide in Please be advised that the Commission wants a detailed writing your biography. and frank statement from you, one that will enable it to know you as well as you know yourself. Please use as much paper as necessary (on one side only) and be assvired that tK:s document will be treated in strict confidence and properly safeguarded.

Personal Background Your name and all pseudonyms and nicknames ever used

in the

Party or other-


Date of birth; place of birth (city, county & State); ames and dates of birthplace and occupation and political affiliation of your parents; same for your brothers and sisters; Your own trade or occupation; place of employment, all occupations and places of employment for the past ten years. Your wife's maiden name (or your husband's first name), the date and place of his or her birth, occupation and place of employment; Name your children and give information as to their ages and date and place of present employment. Are you a veteran of any wars, such as World War I, II, Spain and foreign wars. 2. Education Describe your formal education; public school, high school and college; Name the schools and indicate the years of attendance and degrees received; Describe your Party education; what schools attended and courses studied; Give a summary of your self-study, naming the Marxist books you have


Communist Party

activities, stating all functions held in

Give the date and place

By whom

(city, county, section, club) of your joining the Party; recruited; his present wliereabouts and political and social back-

ground; Describe your Party


branches, sections,

counties, etc., giving dates

and locating the organizations by county,


conventions and conferences you have attended as delegate or observer and all subcommittees you have served on. Name all your recruits into the Party, giving their present whereabouts and State whether functions, as well as their social and occupational background. they are at present in the Party and if they dropped out, why? who are or were members of the Party; Name your relatives and close friends give their whereabouts and present organizational functions and activities. Describe your present function or post in the Party, how long held; discuss any other assignments that you may feel better fitted for; what would you want to do in the Party. Have you ever had any personal or political difficulties in the Party? Were you ever involved in disciplinary action where, when and give the disposition of the case.


(state which)


Mass Organizations and


all the mass organizations you are or have ever been a member of (trade unions, other political parties, education, economic and social mass organizations); Give dates, posts and activities in each; Describe the struggles you have participated in (strikes, lockouts, mass and Partv demonstrations, etc.)




Were 5'ou ever arrested; where, when, on what charges, give the disposition of the case or cases. If you are at present, a full time functionary in a mass organization, describe your post and functions.


Rec'd. Nov. 16, 1946.

Book No

4. 5.

What What What

3. Occupation. 2. Age kind of company or organization do you work for? kind of work do you want to do? kinds of work have you done in the past?


Do you work



If so,

what nights?..

10. 12.

15. 16. 17. If 18. If

Are there any peculiarities in connection with your work, such as long traveling time or lots of overtime? 11. If unemployed housewife, what free time Marital status have you during the day? 13. Ages 14. What schools Number of children do they attend? Do you belong to a parents' or a parent-teachers' organization?


21. 22. 24. 26. 28.

30. 31. 32. 33.

of organization not a member, has your children's school such an organization? 19. Have you any special a member, are you active?.. function? Have you any personal problems which restrict activity, such as ill health, invalids in the family, etc? What are your skills, hobbies, interests, etc.? 23. Have you a typewriter at home? Can you type? 25. Have you a driver's license? Can you drive a car? 27. Can you operate a mimeograph machine? Have you a car? 29. If so, what schools or Are you going to school at present? school? What are you studying? If going to school at night, what nights? How many nights a week do you need for study? What formal education have you had in the past?


(High school,

college, special courses.)

34. Is your apartment suitable and available for occasional parties? 36. Available for meetings, classes? 35. Available for parties? 38. Service (branch of). 37. Are you a veteran? 40. Decorations, etc 39. of organiza42. 41. you belong to a vet organization? 43. Where and when does it meet? tion




Are you active?

Occasionally ?


Attend meetings regularly?

46. 47. 48. 50.

Have you any

special function in the organization?


in vet housing work? 49. How long overseas? long in the service? 51. If a former When did you join the Party? Y. C. L., when? ..Where? in Y. C. L 52. State activities

Are you interested


of the

53. Present


in the

Party (rank-and-file activity, special functions or


66. 67.


Are you willing and able to work as an open Communist in the neighborhood?
If not,

Are you known as a Communist anywhere outside of the Party? (In your union, on the job, among your friends, etc.) Sometimes? 68. Do you read the Daily Worker regularly? Sometimes? 60. Have 59. Do you read the Worker regularly? 61. If not, where do you buy to either or both? you a subscription the paper? (what newsstand) 62. If you don't subscribe, why not? Sometimes? Do you read Political Affairs regularly? 63. 65. What other Communist periodicals do 64. Have you a sub to P. A.? you read regularly ? Sometimes? Few or many? 66 Do you read current C. P. pamphlets? 67 What other papers and periodicals do you read?



What Marxist

courses have you had?

71. 72. 73. 74. 75.


81. If


you have belonged to any of these or other organizations in the past, state _ when, where, activities and positions. Also why you dropped out
often do the organizations



you belong


meet and usually what nights?

(List individuaUy)
83. Altogether,

about how many nights a week or month do you spend on meet-



activities in each of these organizations?

constitution adopted May 27-31, 1938, and no longer pubhshes a table of membership The 1945 constitution simply says "Initiation fees and dues dues. shall be paid according to rates fixed by the National Convention," while giving no figures. This is done in the interest of secrecy for fear that a publicly announced table may give a clue from which an accurate estimate of party membership may be calculated. The Party Voice, volume 1, No. 5, August 1953, published by the New York State Communist Party, shows that on July 1, 1953, the National Committee of the Communist Party, USA, mstituted the fol-

Beginning with


thereafter, the


lowing monthly dues schedule: Unemployed and youth




Members Members Members Members Members

earning earning earning earning earring


to $40 weekly $41-$60 weekly $61-$80 weekly.. _ $81-$100 weekly over $100 weekly




^0 50 25 50 00 00


The extent and interlocking character of maihng lists maintained by the Communist network is disclosed by the fact that those whose names appear on maihng lists of one front organization, suddenly and

without solicitation receive mail from another. An envelope sent out the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship has used the The New York World stencil of the Voice of Freedom Committee. Telegram of January 17, 1946, described how a housewife from Wyckoff, N. J., solicited hterature from the National Federation for Constitutional Liberties and thereafter began receiving under the same stenciUed address um-equested printed matter from the National Citizens Political Action Committee, the National Council of American-Soviet Friendship, Inc., and the Committee for a Democratic Pohcy Toward China. On August 9, 1949, Mr. Blair Seese, a member of local 601 of the Communist-dominated United Electrical, Radio, and Machine Workers of America, which has been expelled from the CIO because of this domination, testified before the Committee

on Un-American


on the party's access to mailing



as follows:

Mr. Tavenner. What about the Communist Party


do you receive

yourself through the mail?

Mr. Seese. I have and I still do at times. Mr. Tavenner. Do other members of the union also receive it? Mr. Seese. I know other members in the local who have Communist literature mailed to their homes, * * * Mr. Tavenner. Wliat explanation is there for members of the union who are
not members of the Communist Party receiving this literature? Mr. Seese. I have no explanation for it other than the fact that it seems evident that by some means the membership lists of the stewards' council are avail-



able to the Communist Party, because if there are errors in the addresses of any union members, the same errors are made in sending out the Communist


these circumstances



inconceivable that the


Party would not maintain a roster of its own members. The Communist Party is most scrupulous in the way it checks upon and husbands its forces to insure the maximum utilization of every ounce of available cooperation and support and to guard against posFor this purpose rigorous registrations of all party memsible losses. bers are conducted regularly. As J. Peters indicated in The Communist Party A Manual on Organization, "The party leadership must know its forces, must be able to assign each one to the place where he is most suitable and most needed." In this respect he cites with approval Lenin's counsel to the party leadership: Not only to advise * * * but really conduct the orchestra, one must know exactly who is playing first or second fiddle, and where, what instrument he was taught, where and how, wliere and why he plays out of tune (when the music begins to be trying to the ear) and what changes should be made in the orchestra

so as to

remedy the dissonance

* * *


evidentiary test of a Communist Party card will not Nor will the legal fictions incorproof of membership. porated in the official Constitution of the Communist Party, USA, serve as a fruitful guide.

The simple

suffice for

to be


excellent guide to determine Communist Party membership in section 5 of the Communist Control Act of 1954:


5. In determining membership or participation in the Communist Party any other organization defined in this Act, or knowledge of the purpsoe or objective of such party or organization, the jury, under instructions from the court, shall consider evidence, if presented, as to whether the accused person: (1) Has been listed to his knowledge as a member in any book or any of the lists, records, correspondence, or any other document of the organization;


Has made

financial contribution to the organization in dues, assessments,

loans, or in

any other form;

(3) Has made himself subject to the discipline of the organization in any form whatsoever; (4) Has executed orders, plans, or directives of any kind of the organization; (5) Has acted as an agent, courier, messenger, correspondent, organizer, or in any other capacity in behalf of the organization (6) Has conferred with officers or other members of the organization in behalf of any plan or enterprise of the organization; (7) Has been accepted to his knowledge as an officer or member of the organization or as one to be called upon for services by other officers or members of the

organization; (8) Has written, spoken or in any other way communicated by signal, semaphore, sign, or in any other form of communication orders, directives, or plans of the organization; (9) Has prepared documents, pamphlets, leaflets, books, or any other type of publication in behalf of the objectives and purposes of the organization; (10) Has mailed, shipped, circulated, distributed, dehvered, or in any other way sent or delivered to others material or propaganda of any kind in behalf of the organization; (11) Has advised, counseled or in any other way imparted information, suggestions, recommendations to officers or members of the organization or to any one else in behalf of the objectives of the organization; (12) Has indicated by word, action, conduct, writing, or in any other way a willingness to carry out in any manner and to any degree the plans, designs, objectives, or purposes of the organisation; (13) Has in any other way participated in the activities, planning, actions, objectives, or purposes of the organization;




participation in the

subjects of evidence on membership or or any other organization as above defined, shall not limit the inquiry into and consideration of any other subject of evidence on membership and participation as herein stated.

The enumeration of the above Communist Party

intelligent appraisal of the forces at work in behalf of the in the United States, it is necessary to understand the various categories involved, to appreciate the shade of difference between categories and to deal with them accordingly, recognizrisk ing, however, that each category constitutes a definite security operating in the interests of a foreign power. It should also be re-

For an

Communist movement


that these categories are not static, that party



from one to another like pawns on the Red chessboard. The following would constitute a rough classification of these categories: This would include individuals whom the 1. Open party members. party has found it expedient to designate publicly as party members, such as party officials, candidates for public office, official representaThe existence of this tives and writers for the Communist press. group is essential to maintain the fiction that the Communist Party, USA, is an open "pohtical party of the American working class." The party has been compared to an iceberg with one-third above the water and two-thirds submerged. Though these proportions are not accurate, the open party members constitute its visible portion. Since the submerged sector is considered more important, members of the open party can be commandeered at any time in the service The testimony of Louis F. Budenz, Whittaker of the underground. Chambers, and Elizabeth Bentley has shown that men like Jack Stachel, Max Bedacht, and J. Peters functioned simultaneously in both the open and the underground apparatus. Well-known party members will suddenly disappear from public view to be engulfed by the underground, whose orders have distinct priority.

Most party members are known as such to their fellow members in the party club, union, front organWithin the party they operate ization, or place of employment. under one or more aliases, making no avowal of party membership This type of membership can be established by a memberpublicly. ship card of former days or record, evidence of payment of dues, attendance at closed meetings, association with Communists in party enterprises or campaigns, soliciting new members or appearing in any other official capacity representing the party.

Semiconcealed party members.

Members at large. Party members who occupy important posigovernment or organizations where knowledge of their afliliation would be an obstacle to party purposes, are made members at They do not attend Communist Party meetings and are large. contacted solely by an emissary assigned to receive dues, distribute literature and directives. For reasons of secrecy 4. Members of the underground apparatus.

tions in


withdraw an individual entirely from may any contact with the open Communist Party. Whittaker Chambers, Elizabeth Bentley, and John Sherman, for example, were withdrawn from the open party to work in the underground. Other members of the Communist underground apparatus may never have been
at times be necessary to

An individual assigned for this purpose of the legal party. even submit a public resignation under the direction of his party superiors. On the other hand, a member of this apparatus may be a purely technical assistant with no trace of party sympathy




or even knowledge of the true nature of the organization for which

working. operative active in the United States may have no direct He may be linked with some special responsibility to the CPUSA, arm of the Soviet Government and be directly responsible to it, such as the Soviet Military Intelligence, the Soviet Foreign OfHce, or the Supreme Economic Council. In each case his responsibilities to the Soviet agency have complete priority over any consideration of the domestic Communist Party. 5. Nonparty Cominunists. Certain sympathetic persons find it inadvisable or inexpedient to join the Communist Party. For example, a person of great wealth or prominence may be in full sympathy with the party, but he may be unwilling or unable to attend meetings or carry out all Communist duties. But he agrees to abide by the party's wishes and submit to its discipline. He may be a businessman who depends upon the Soviet Government for commercial favors. He may be a politician or a union official who could not be elected to office without the votes controlled by the Communist bloc. In some cases compulsion may be employed to whip the individual into line. 6. Communist Party Supporters. There are other individuals to be distinguished from the above group who are in no sense under Communist discipline, but who voluntarily and knowingly support the Communists in one or more ways such as voting for Communist candidates, signing of Communist election petitions, donating money for the party or its press, supporting campaigns in behalf of the party of individual known Communists, supportinc^ organizations openly sponsored by the Communist Party, defense of Communist legal cases, doing organizational and political favors for the party, or writing for the Communist press. In each case the subject is fully aware that he is supporting the Communist Party or one or more of its members or one or more of its directly espoused activities. The usefulness of such non-Communists is demonstrated by the example of Raymond Boyer, a wealthy and noted Canadian chemist, who described himself as having "worked in organizations in which there were Communists and in which I knew there were Communists, and I have worked very closely with Communists, but I have never held a party card nor paid dues." A memorandum found in the Soviet Embassy cites his services



as follows:
Gives formula



information on explosives and chemical plants. * * * (Gave the

* *


an explosive perfected in England in 1942.


also fur-

nished information regarding the pilot plant at Grand Mere, Quebec, for the production of uranium.

1. Fellow travelers. from the above categories, a feUow traveler may be defined as an individual who from time to time supports one or more organizations or campaigns operating under the indirect and usually unpublicized initiative and control of the Communist Party or its representatives. Here we must point out three

As differentiated

distinct types.

Conscious fellow travelers. A conscious fellow traveler is one with or supports one or more of these groups with full knowledge of its character. For the moit part, such persons are





motivated by a definite sympathy for the Soviet Union or the Communist Party or both. Here again we must differentiate between two groups under this heading: travelers. Among those who support or (i) Consistent fellow affihate with such organizations or campaigns are those who on no occasion take issue with the Communist Party or its auxiliary They have a consistent record of such affihations organizations. or sympathy throughout all changes of the party hne, and despite the fact that such organizations have been publicly exposed as communistic.
Unreliable fellow travelers. Occasionally there is defection the fellow travelers who support the Communist Party among or its auxiliary organizations. This may be due to disillusionment as to the real nature of the Soviet regime or antagonism toward such actions as the Stalin-Hitler Pact or disgust with Communist methods in a particular organization. The sincerity and depth of the individual's conversion may be measured by the If he supports no proindividual's subsequent behavior. Communist organizations or campaigns subsequent to his first break, it may be assumed that this break is sincere and thorough.

however, his name is to be found supporting such organizations or campaigns at a later date, it may be properly concluded that his break was neither genuine nor substantial. It would be only fair to indicate that (6) Unwitting fellow travelers. individuals have supported Communist-inspired organizations in the belief that such organizations were accomplishing some meritorious, social purpose. They may have had not the faintest notion as to the

organization's Communist character, they may even be anti-CommuIn other words, they may be outrigh dupes. Such nam s are nist. not usually found in organizations of an outi ight Communis! character. Nevertheless, the Communis Is welcome their financial and moral


The Communists are perfectly frank in admitting the usefulness F. Brown, an agent of the Communist Inof the fellow traveler. ternational who operated in the United States in the 1930's, who was also known as Alpi and Marini, has testified to that fact in the Daily Worker of August 25, 1937, page 2, where he declares:
It is no exaggeration to state that besides the 55,000 Communist members, there are today tens of thousands of individuals who are active in every field of the progressive movement, carrying out the line of the Party in practice. They work shoulder to shoulder with the Party members, follow the Party line through our press Daily Worker, Sunday Worker, language press, through the mass activities of the Party mass meetings, lectures, and all struggles in which the Communists are in the forefront. * * * We must point out: First, that their actual work is appreciated by the Party; second, that we consider their work Communist work and want them to continue it.


It is possible to set up definite standards for judging a fellow traveler's devotion to the Communist Party and the Soviet Union, which must be taken into consideration in judging his lo3^alty to the United States. This scale is not hard and fast. It cannot be applied mechanically. It must be utilized intelligently with an eye to the history of the period, our current relations with the Soviet Union, the age of the individual at the time of his affiliations, and pos ible changes in his views. It should be recognized that an individual who has passed through certain experiences with Communist organi-



and wlio has been thoroughly and completely disillusioned, can be of considerable value in counteracting Communist machinaTo adopt an attitude of "once a fellow traveler, always a tions. fdlow traveler," is to place an obstacle in the path of the reeducation of such individuals and to make it undesirable for an individual to desert their ranks. The following points should, therefore, be kept in mind in judging a fellow traveler. 1. The number of his associations with Communist-controlled
2. The importance of the post or posts he occupied in these (The Communists commonly limit such posts oo organizations, individuals who are either party members or who possess the party's confidence, though sometimes "big names" are pushed up front as protective coloration.) 3. The extent of his activity. 4. The importance of such organizations in the Communist


His adherence to these organizations despite public exposure

of their



His standing in the Communist press, which operates under strictest Moscow and party censorship, 7. His standing in Communist organizations, 8. His pubhc statements and writings regarding the Soviet Union, the Communist Party, individual Communists and Communist-initiated campaigns and organizations. 9. His personal associations with Communists or sympathizers.

EXTENT OF COMMUNIST PAETY MEMBERSHIP The latest estimate of Communist Party membership by the FedThe most recent breakeral Bureau of Investigation is about 22,663. down by States is based upon a membership of 31,608 in 1951, as drawn up by the FBI.
Communist Parly membership by
States 1951

Arizona Arkansas

Colorado Connecticut Delaware


96 136 20 295 72 580 22 135

51 60

New Jersey New Mexico New York

North Carolina. North Dakota.

Oregon Pennsylvania

Georgia Idaho

Rhode Island


Iowa Kansas Kentucky


Maine Maryland
Massachusetts. _ Michigan Minnesota




New Hampshire.

596 South Carolina 475 South Dakota 25 Tennessee 12 Texas 71 Utah... 60 Vermont 25 Virginia 250 Washington 759 West Virginia 450 Wisconsin 701 Wyoming 1 Puerto Rico 362 Washington, D, 82 Hawaii 25 Alaska 15 52 Total

070 22 15, 458 95 52 1,290 83 125 1, 441 54 15 38 21 196 67 25 53 350 96 420 2 96 60 36 25





To show the growth of the party, it is interesting to add here a review of the total party membership over a period of years as given by Earl Browder, its general secretary until 1945, in his pamphlet Where Do We Go From Here? under the pseudonym Americus. His references are undoubtedly to open party members. Mr. Browder's over figures would show that the party membership had increased 6^ times from the depression year of 1932 to 1945.
Changes in

volume of membership of


At beginnins^
the year of


At beginning
the vear of 1935. 1936 1938 1944 1945


of Con.


1930 1931.. 1932 1933


7,500 8,339 12,936 16,814 24,500


30,000 40,000 75,000 66,000 80,000

Including 13,000 in the

Election returns for 1928, 1932, 1936, and 1940 show how manyvoters actually supported the Communist Party presidential candidates, except in the States where the party was not admitted on In 1932 this figure was approximately seven tirnes the the ballot. party membership figures as given by Browder. In 1940, during the highly unpopular Stalin-Hitler pact, it closely approximated the party membership figure, on a one-vote-per-party-member basis.

The Progressive Party backing Henry A. Wallace was publicly supported by the Communist Party. In this connection the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee received on October 7, 1954, the testimony of Matthew Cvetic, a former FBI informant who had worked his way into the Communist Party of western Pennsylvania,
becoming a member
of its organizational, educational, and finance committees as well as its nationality, political, and trade-union comWe quote him in part: missions. we were directed, in a directive which was read to us in the Communist Now, Party headquarters, based on the Communist International of 1935, where all Communist Parties in the world were ordered to set up in the various countries and this included the American Communist Party a coalition party of Communists and Progressives * * * The primary steps which were taken during the

years after 1945 to consummate this objective and this was as early as the last part of 1945, in a report which was given by William Z. Faster, the then national chairman of the Communist Party in which he stressed that one of the big objectives of the Communist Party is the setting up of a coalition party in the United States * * * And as a result of this report of William Z. Foster, subsequently an organization known as the Progressive Party of the United States was organized on a national basis. I was a member of the organizational committee of the Communist Party, and as a member of this committee I was one of the eight ranking members of the Communist Party for the western Pennsylvania district. The Progressive Party, which later you Vill recall, in the 1948 campaign, had presidential candidates, was set up by the organizational committee and also the political commission of the Communist party. I myself sat in dozens of meetings where we set up the * * * The personnel that moved around within the frameProgressive Party work of the Progressive Party in key positions were assigned out of the Communist * * * In other words,' it was controlled by planted, key Communist Party office * * * agents, who had absolute control of the Progressive Party I attended meetings in Communist Party headquarters where we discussed candidates who would be put up for office in the Progressive Party. And the final determining factor of who the candidates would be was decided right in the * * * headquarters of the Communist Party



Communist Party head-

Henry Wallace and Glen willing to Taylor was made. That was because they * * * work with the Communist Party in this coalition party 2 or 3 occasions meetings in Pittsburgh, PennsylAnd, too, when we had on the fund-raising acvania, at which Henry Wallace and Glen Taylor spoke, tivities and the ticket-sales activities in connection with these meetings were * * * directed right out of the headquarters of the Communist Party

I recall very vividly sitting in several meetings in * * * and I recall why the decision to support

were two men who were

On the same day, John Lautner, a former member of the reviewcommission of the CPUSA, testified regarding the party's efforts to "break out from its isolation" by forming the Progressive Party, and he declared: It enabled the Communist Party to reach into ranks, into sections, of the Ameri-

can population into which they could never have reached before, and it opened up all kinds of new possibilities for the Communist Party throughout the country and enabled the party to carry on a Communist *ideological campaign in the labor * * In addition to that, because it movement, in the trade-union movement was not necessary for the Communist Party to put forth its own national candidates, Wallace and Taylor served that very same purpose for the Communist

In the light of the above, it is interesting to note the distribution of the popular vote for Wallace ui 1948, totaling 1,137,957.


1948, for president


Compiled by the United Press from

Wallace, Progressive


unofficial returns (as of







Wallace, Progressive

Arizona Arkansas

1,522 3,310
751 190, 381


Colorado Connecticut

713 1,050 11, 683 1,636 4,972

New Hampshire. New Jersey New Mexico New York

Oregon.. Pennsylvania

1,400 1,970
683 1,037 eOl, 167 3,915 8,220 37, 596
42, 14, 661 55,161 2,587 154 2,801 1,861 3,764 2,679 1,279 1,863 29, 745 3,311 25, 282 931


North Carolina... North Dakota Ohio




Iowa Kansas Kentucky.




9,649 12, 125 4,603 1,567 3,035 1,884 9,983

157 955 27, 866 225 3,998 6,641

Island South Carolina...


South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah.


Michigan Minnesota








Total vote.





Taken from

the World



,p. fll.


Presidential election returns by States for


Communist party candidates



must keep this in mind in estimating the influence of this tightly organized, coordinated, and aggressive group and its combined effect upon an amorphous, comparatively unorganized mass of people who that they are being worked are, for the most part, blissfully unaware a conscious, conspiratorial group with a clear-cut policy. upon by must remember that in a highly sensitive and articulated society like ours, it is not difficult to cause havoc by a strategic dislocation. Communists make a practice of seeking out such points of vantage. Thus a party member or sympathizer may be an official of a labor



union with thousands of members which can tie up a given community or industry. He may be an unpublicized Government official who prepares memoranda on policy afl'ecting the entire Nation. He may be an atomic scientist with access to highly secret information He may be a writer, a preacher, or a radio vital to our security. commentator with a vast audience. He may be a script writer whose film or radio message, voiced by a popular star, reaches millions. He may be an actor whose popularity is exploited by the party to sponsor its front organizations and public appeals. He may be an artist with a mass following in the art world. He may be the descendant of some well-known family tracing its ancestry to the days of the American Revolution, whose name adds glamour to Communist enterprises. He may be the leader of a tenants league or a community organization. He may be the idol of a racial or foreign language group. In each case the individual's influence radiates to ever-widening circles with an effect similar to that of a stone thrown into a pool.


Government agencies are sometimes confronted with cases in which individuals claim that they have resigned from the Communist Party. Under no circumstances should such a statement be accepted at its face value. Party members have been known to use this device when they are convinced that their previous Communist affiliations are known and provable. In other cases, as for instance in connection with the signing of non-Communist affidavits, the party will instruct members who are trade-union officials to formally resign while remaining under party discipline. It should be remembered that party membership is not looked upon as a possession of the individual, but The strictly a possession of the party, to give, withhold, or retract.
party does not recognize any voluntary resignation.

Those who fall from the good graces of the organization are expelled. The attitude of the world Communist organization toward resignations is reflected in section 30 of the Statutes of the national from which we quote in part:
Resignation from



office by individual members or groups of members of Committees of the various Sections is regarded as disruptive of the Communist movement. Leading posts in the Party do not belong to the occupant of

that post, but to the


International as a whole. * * *

Certain tests may be made to determine the legitimacy and sinNo one of them should be considered as comcerity of a resignation. plete and decisive. They should be judged in terms of the pattern of the individual's pro-Communist or anti-Communist behavior since the resignation. The following questions may properly be asked in

connection with each resignation: Does the individual have a carbon

copy of




What was the real motive of the resignahe or the Communist Party or one or more of its conWhat was the trolled organizations in a position to benefit thereby? attitude of the Communist press toward the action? Do his views, writings, readings, associations, and general attitude indicate that he is still loyal to the party line or that he has, in fact, repudiated it? Can he corroborate this claimed repudiation of the party with written evidence or the statements of known anti-Communists? The individual's record with the FBI since his resignation is, of course, imhis resignation?



test of the individual's sincerity


his willingness to ex-

pose his associates in the ranks of the Communist conspiracy and its methods of operations. Unwillingness to do this may indicate some remnants of loyalty to the party. At the same time, it should be made clear by Government agencies that such information is looked upon as a valuable contribution to the security of the country and not, as the Communists would have it regarded, as an act of petty
talebearing. There are definite cases on record where withdrawals from the party A number of known Comare apparently under party instructions. munist union leaders have signed non-Communist affidavits in order to be in a position to avail themselves of the machinery of the National Labor Relations Board. During World War II, known Comwho were members of the Armed Forces, were allegedly given munists, a leave of absence in order to make them eligible for commissions.

This did not prevent them from faithfully following the Communist Party line and from holding official positions in the Communist Party Such instructed withdrawals are clearly after the close of the war.
suspect. Effective countermeasures against the worldwide Communist conspiracy require an intelligent attitude toward the ex-Communists both here and abroad. In the event of actual armed conflict with the Soviet Union, psychological warfare wiU play an important part in determining victory. We must know how to win over the forces of must develop skill in handling those we have a possible enemy. succeeded in disaffecting. In a sense, our handling of the exCommunists in this country gives us valuable preliminary training which should be highly useful in the event of an actual conflict. A policy of once-a-Communist-always-a-Communist would be disastrous. Given a dictatorship, guarded by its ruthless secret police, with its 15 milhon slave laborers, with its 100 milHon peasants groaning under the yoke of collectivization, with low hving standards and general dissatisfaction, there is every reason to believe that the proper type of psychological warfare could do much to disaffect Communist



A wrong approach to shorten a war, and save many lives. would retard the process of disaffection and strengthen the hand of the Communists. It must be remembered in this connection, that by using unsound methods the Nazis repelled millions of Russians who deserted in the last war, and thus solidified the forces of the Red army. Within our own borders it is estimated that it takes from 10 to 20 With a investigators to keep 1 subject under constant surveillance. party membership of 22,663, and at least 10 times that number of syrnpathizers, it would take a secret police of close to a million to maintain
a constant surveillance of this group. This is utterly contrary to our democratic traditions and would mean the setting up of an enormous



Within the Hmits of its resources, of course, doing a magnificent job. Nevertheless, it must be recognized that in combating a conspu'atorial organization inchiding, directly or indirectly, at times, within its orbit, more than half a mSlion individuals and at the same time exerting its efforts against crime of every conceivable type, the FBI is confronted with a stupendous task. Hence the necessity of relying upon aU available information which can be obtained from ex-Communists. It is sometimes asked, "How do we know the reformed Communists do we know that they are not secret have actually reformed?

American Gestapo or





agents of Joseph Stalin?" Such questions may be based upon sheer ignorance of the problem coupled with a desire to disguise that ignorance by the assumption of an attitude of apparent supercaution without any specific foundation. They may be based upon a stubborn unwillingness to face hard and unpleasant facts. On the other hand, they may be the result of a Communist plant intended to cast doubt upon those who can best expose them. From the Communist viewpoint it is excellent strategy to confuse opponents and discredit most effective witnesses. This shallow skepticism toward exCommunists is so.netimes found in circles which have been consistently apologetic and defensive toward the Communists. The answer to the above questions, of course, is that intelligence

and commonsense are required in dealing with both Communists and ex-Communists. There is no substitute or short cut. The fact of the matter is that in judicial and deportation cases thus far, including the cases of Alger Hiss, Harry Bridges, the 11 Communists leaders, Harold Christoffel, and many others, the testimony of ex-Communists has demonstrated a high level of credibility under rigorous cross-examination and investigation. Those who do not understand the Communist underworld are apt
to misunderstand munist Party. It

that is involved in turning against the Comnot nearly so simple as repudiating a political

party. As indicated above. Communist headquarters maintain an elaborate dossier on each individual party member to be used as a club against any possible defection. Widely circulated smear campaigns directed against anyone who attacks the party or its constituents serve as a powerful deterrent. Those who have earned their livelihood by grace of the Communist machine, in a Communist-front organization or through one of its unions or publications, are immediately penalized by this vast apparatus. The history of the international Communist movement is replete with cases in which dissidents have been assassinated or have mysteriously disappeared. Former Soviet Intelligence Chief Walter G. Krivitsky was found shot in a Washington hotel in the early forties. George W. Alberts, an opponent of Communists in the maritime field, was found dead on board the steamship Point Lobos in 1941, beaten with blunt instruments and hacked with knives. Juliet Stuart Poynlz, a leading New York Communist, suddenly vanished without a trace Laura Law, who was threatening an expose of in the late thirties. the party in the State of Washington, mysteriously disappeared. The pvrging and liquidation of leading Communists is a common occurrence in countries behind the Iron Ciu-tain and in the Soviet Union. It thus takes some courage for an ex-Communist to defy



Under the circumstances, ex-Communists this nefarious machine. might be expected to prefer obscurity and safety. Wliat is the motive which impels an ex-Commimist to testify in court or before a congressional committee in spite of the risks which he knowingly takes? It is simple to ascribe it to a mere desire for pubhcity; and this may be true in the rare case of a Matusow. But it is also possible that a person who has been disillusioned "With Communist claims and who is fully convinced that this movement is dangerously antisocial and an ti- American might be moved by a deshe to safeguard his country from what he now realizes to be a real and pressing danger, having now determined to crusade as devotedly for his country as he once did for a movement which misled and deceived
cases of

Experience has indicated this is the actual motivation in the most former Communists who have given testimony against

Some will ask, "How can you believe an ex-Communist who admittedly has resorted to lies and deceit and who has been willing to ally himself with a movement which demands outright disloyalty to the United States in behalf of the Soviet dictatorship and which condones every crime from treason to murder in support of its efforts?" To answer this question properly, it is necessary to understand the In this processes by which the Communist moral code is built up. connection we wish to quote as this point the report of the Canadian Royal Commission of June 27, 1946, which dealt with Communist espionage cases, in which individuals were conditioned by a series of study courses. In view of the highly coordinated and disciplined
character of the international

the party.

Communist movem


this practice

must be viewed

as typical:

As the courses of study in the "cells" undermine gradually the loyalty of the young man or woman who joins them, it is necessary to say something as to the content of the courses pursued in them, as that is reflected by the evidence. The curriculum includes the study of political and philosophic works, some of them far from superficial, selected to develop in the students an essentially critical This phase of the preparation also attitude toward Western democratic society. includes a series of discussions on current affairs, designed to further a critical attitude toward the ideals of democratic society. But this curriculum would appear in reality to be designed not to promote social reform where it might be required, but to weaken the loyalty of the group member toward his or her own society as such.
Linked with these studies at all stages, moreover, goes an organized indoctrination calculated to create in the mind of the study-group member an essentially uncritical acceptance at its face value of the propaganda of a foreign state. Accordingly, the study-groups are encouraged to subscribe to Communist books and periodicals * * * as well as selected books on Russia. In some cases the effect of these study courses seems to be a gradual development of a sense of divided loyalties, or in extreme cases of a transferred loyalty. Thus it seems to happen that through these study-groups some adherents, who begin by feeling that Canadian society is not democratic or not equalitarian enough for their taste, are gradually led to transfer a part or most of their loyalties to another country, apparently without reference to whether that other country is in actual fact more or less democratic or equalitarian than Canada. Indeed, a sense of internationalism seems in many cases to play a definite role in one stage of the courses. In these cases the Canadian sympathiser is first encouraged to develop a sense of loyalty, not directly to a foreign state, but to what he conceives to be an international ideal. This subjective internationalism is then usually linked almost inextricably through the indoctrination courses and the intensive exposure to the propaganda of a particular foreign state, with the current conception of the national interests of that foreign state and with the * current doctrines and policies of Communist Parties throughout the world. * *



in the secret

further objective, pursued through the study-group is gradually to inculcate membership of the Communist Party a habit of complete obedience to the dictates of senior members and officials of the Party hierarchy. This is apparently accomplished through a constant emphasis, in the indoctrination courses, on the importance of organization as such, and by the gradual creation, in the mind of the new adherent or sympathiser, of an overriding moral sense of This "loyalty to the Party" in due course takes the place "loyalty to the Party". in the member's mind of the earlier loyalty to certain principles professed by the

Party propaganda.

indoctrination courses in the study groups are apparently calculated not only to inculcate a high degree of "loyalty to the Party" and "obedience to the Party," but to instill in the mind of the adherent the view that loyalty and obedience to the leadership of this organization takes precedence over his loyalty to Canada, entitles him to disregard his oaths of allegiance and secrecy, and thus * * * (pp. 72-75). destroys his integrity as a citizen.


In other words, the Communist is indoctrinated with a standard of loyalty to the Soviet Union similar to that which moves the American soldier to justify killing an enemy, spying and lying to accomplish the enemy's defeat. Nevertheless, this individual soldier may be a perfectly honest, moral and upright citizen in his dealings with his fellow men. Hence it is conceivable that once he has fully and sincerely repudiated his Communist moral code the individual could and would simultaneously repudiate the type of behavior which it justified. Failure to understand how to handle the ex-Communist and how to make full use of his inside knowledge of the Communist conspiracy may result in costly errors for the United States.


No political party in the country is as aggressive in recruiting new members as is the Communist Party, nor as systematic. J. Peters in his Manual on Organization lays down the principle that "Continuous
daily recruiting is the basic task of every Unit and each individual member of the Party."

compulsory with each party member, who is expected quota assigned to his club or section in regular Party Recruiting Campaigns. These campaigns are usually concenRecruiting

to fulfill his share of the

trated upon vs^orkers in the basic industries, upon Negroes, whom the party considers as useful, explosive tinder in promoting social friction and upon influential people in various walks of life. Each party member is expected to keep a list of prospects whom he is expected to cultivate systematically, under specific party direction. In

her pamphlet The Communist Party and You, Betty Gannett, Assistant Organization Secretary of the CPUSA, makes the following
a Communist must constantly help to educate his fellow workers, through the sale and distribution of Communist literature, securing subscriptions for the Communist press, individual discussions, and through influencing the most militant workers to join the Communist Party * * * * * * make new friends, especially in your shop, your union, your organizaYou will find that our Communist tion, or the neighborhood in which you live. press our hundreds of popular pamphlets, will help you bring them nearer to our Use this material constantly it is your best aid. Party.

also true that the party has a tremendous turnover as converts become disillusioned and drop out. Hence the importance of atIt







to be

following account of the recruiting of an American found in Life for January 5, 1948:


He joined the party in 1935, when he was 20 years old. It wasn't simple, like It was the reward for three years of joining the Democratic party or the Elks. * * * It work, study and obedience to discipline began when he was still a high-school student in Chicago as social pleasure and what he thought then to be intellectual adventure * * * There were parties, picnics, beach suppers, all with songs and laughter, discussions and admiring girls * * * Of course there was another side to all this. There were tasks, little ones at first, more important ones later. He distributed literature at mass meetings, walked in a hunger march, and it was rather fun, even a little exciting. He did not notice that he was being watched by the older men, watched for ability and obedience * * * Soon he was One or two evenings he attending "the Workers' School three evenings a week. worked on party activities wrapping newspapers at the print shop, attending mass meetings, picketing the mass meetings of other organizations * * * After three months of the Workers' School he could spot a "supporter," a "diversionist" or a "dissenter" in a conversation on the weather * * * He had his membership

in tlie



The question is Communist Party


often asked, "What makes an individual join the in the first place?" single answer will suffice. In each case there may be a different motive or a mixture of motives. In some cases they are the result of normal psj'chological factors. Sometimes there are distinctly abnormal features involved. It is


necessary to understand these motives and factors if we are successfully to deal with the problem. A trite explanation offered by the ill-informed is that communism is a product of inequalities under our social system. Hence, these people argue, if we will alleviate these conditions, we will never have Since it is manifestly impossible to to worry about communism. devise a social system in which everybody will be satisfied, this would mean that we should meekly fold our arms and accept communism in our midst as a necessary evil for which we ourselves are chiefly to blame. In the second place, this approach overlooks the fact that milHons of dollars spent on cleverly devised Communist propaganda



have some

effect in



contented, especially of ardent zealots.

when supplemented by the


no matter how relatively activities of thousands

in our country. percent of the total

contrary to the actual facts State, for example, has approximately 50 Communist Party membership and leads the country. Yet it is second in terms of per capita income as well as per California is second with approximately capita school expenditures. 16 percent of the total party membership and yet it is fourth in terms of per capita income and seventh in terms of per capita school expenditures. Similarly, Illinois is third in membership standing with approximately 5 percent and yet it is sixth in per capita income and third in terms of money spent for schools. Conversely, Mississippi is lowest in the scale of Communist Party membership but is also lowest in per capita income. The misery theoiy of communism does not jibe with these figures nor with the fact that such wealthy persons as Frederick Vanderbilt Field, and prominent members of the Hollywood film colony, have been found to be members of the Communist Party. Indeed the misery theory of communism is exactly what the Communists would have us believe, in order to mislead us.

The misery theory

communism runs

New York

370804 55



corollary to this theory is that workers are attracted to the in the hope of improving their lot economically. Russia's claim to be a workers' repubhc, the Communist Despite movement, by its disruptive tactics and support of Soviet slave labor camps, has aroused the deepest hostility of labor. Labor has, thereto the so-called workers' Parafore, expressed Uttle desire to migrate Both the American Federation of Labor and the Congress of dise. Industrial Organizations are today bitteHy fighting the Communists. In his report to the plenary session of the national committee of the

Communist Party

held on March 23-25, 1950, Henry Winston, organizational secretary, deplored the party's "central weakness in the fight to win the workers" and declared that in its effort to win support for Henry A. Wallace's Progressive Party the union "rank-and-file generally" did not respond. He emphasized the fact that "the coalition tactic our


Party worked out beginning with the 1948 convention was not fully unfolded in the shops." Thus the Communist Party has little ground
for the label of "proletarian." It would seem, on the contrary, that a large percentage of the party consists of mission-minded intellectuals who have constituted themselves the exponents of the interest of labor, which wants no part of

them. William Bledsoe, former editor of the Screen Guild Magazine in Hollywood, has brilliantly described the reactions of wealthy movie stars and writers in his article entitled "Revolution Came to Hollywood," which appeared in the February 1940 issue of the American


These cases are by no means typical of the industry at the present time. I saw Social Consciousness quicken and come to a boil in actors, writers, and I followed directors whose names rival Rinso and Camels as household words. the insurrection mass meeting by mass meeting, cocktail party by cocktail party, in the Communist Party until many a Big Name was more or less secretly enrolled * * * or tagging along solemnly in one of the "front" leagues and committees And that, I3ut on the whole Hollywood is a city of unhappy successful people. it seemed to me, was the basis for communism with two butlers and a swimming
* * *.

Actors, writers, directors and Hollywoodians on the fringes of the movie business joined Party "fractions" which met in Beverly Hills, Bel Air and Brentwood underground cells to hear the Party line * * *,

One famous comedian wrote an article for the Screen Guild MagaLaborers?" in which he attempted to prove that zine entitled "Are the actor or writer, like the truckdriver, is a proletarian slave writhing in the chains of capitalism. Another famous script writer propounded the question "Is the Middle Class in the Middle?" to which he answered, "If the middle class wants to get rid of its white collar of servitude, it had better get its picket lines in order." Screenwriter Mary C. McCall in the Screen Guild Magazine for February 1937 said that for those enlisted in the good cause, "fife begins" at 5:30. She declared:


listen to speeches and sign pledges, and feel that warming glow which comes from being packed in close with a lot of people who agree with you a mild hypnotism, and exhilarating pleasurable hysteria.

Then we can

Living as they do in an unreal world of images, some of them envy the farmer and the laborer for his contact with reality. The Communist myth offers a dream world which has all the earmaiks of

reality. last they





For them the Soviet "paradise" is that reality, have a personal and contributory stake.

which at

The special May Day issue of the Daily Worker for April 30, 1950, demonstrated the type of middle class professionals attracted by the Communist Party. This issue carried paid greetings from:
of Queens' dentists of Manhattan physicians of Bronx dentists of college teachers Manhattan dentists A progressive Doctor of Chiropractic White Collar Section,

group group group group


Cultural Division, N. Y. State Progressive Playwrights

Communist Party

group of librarians

According to John Williamson, then organizational secretary of the of the United States of America, WTiting in Political Affairs for February 1946, "71% of the Party in New York City consists of white collar workers, professionals and housewives." In a number of cases it will be found that the party is a refuge for A nurse at a neurocertain psychologically maladjusted individuals. logical clinic in New York affirmed some years ago that she recommended joining the Communist Party for some of her maladjusted patients who needed some outlet for their nervous energy and she added that the prescription had brought good results in some instances. In Masses and Mainstream, a Communist mon;.hly magazine, for November 1949, Francis H. Bartlett, a psychiatrist, explains "how capitalism causes neuroses" and he advises involving "the neurotic individual in a cooperative effort with us to understand and root out the individualistic goals to which he clings." In the same issue of Masses and Mainstream, Joseph Wortis, another psychiatrist who has since invoked the fifth amendment in refusing to answer inquiry regarding his Communist Party membership, describes how "progressive" psychoanalysts deliver public lectures "on the ps3'chological consequences of capitahsm" which "leaves many in the audience frightened and palpitating, with no alternative but to place themselves and their families at the disposal of the already overtaxed facilities of the lecturer." A recent example is the case of Mrs. Jean Murray, a former Communist, charged with trying to blackmail prosecution witnesses in the She was sent for psychiatric examination by trial of Harry Bridges. Federal Judge Louis B. Goodman in San Francisco after she attacked the court attendants, screaming, "Workers arise. Prepare yourself

Communist Party

for the revolution."

Maladjusted individuals feel themselves isolated. Communist theory places the blame for such maladjustments upon society rather than the individual which is a comforting thought for the individual concerned. Mr. Bartlett holds out the following promise to those who


join in the "struggle against capitalism."

In this process, the barriers between individuals are broken down; people develop closer bonds with each other; they identify themselves with broader and broader segments of humanit}'; they lose the sense of isolation and develop feelings of * * * jji short, their lives, in spite of capitalism and against it, begin sohdaritj\ to acquire significauce and direction.



Worker of May 3, Joseph North, a feature writer for the Daily * * * a Communist," 1950, describes another case of a "gifted writer who told North "she was being psychoanalyzed." "I have been having trouble in a group where I belong," she said. She brought her troubles to her psychoanalyst and his advice was to leave the group, she said, because it "deflates my ego." She reported no such negative reaction from her membership in the Communist Party. The neurotic person is baffled by the complexities of modern society.

The Marxist-Leninist formula offers a readymade answer The Communist is firmly convinced that in place questions.

to all of the

"old bourgeois society, with its classes and class antagonisms," he possesses the key to Utopia "in which the free development of each is the condition for the free development of all" (Marx). Psychiatrists admit that the problems of the adolescent border They are similar in many respects. closely upon those of the neurotic. The adolescent tends to rebel against the domination of his parents and He is seeking a medium through which to declare adults generally. In a sense he is maladjusted. The Comhis personal independence. munist movement, for its own insidious purpose, offers him a circle in which he believes he will be taken seriously. It will publish his It will offer him an audience for his articles in a youth magazine. artistic talents. It will make him an executive secretary of some front organization and give him authority he has never had before. He,
therefore, accepts its discipline voluntarily, even enthusiastically. More than that. By dint of his acceptance of the Marxist-Leninist dogma, he suddenly feels himself superior to his parents and the adult world around him. He now has all the answers. It gives him a certain confidence and sense of assurance. One young Communist Father Is a Liar" even went so far as to write an article entitled In 1940 a group of young Comin the New Masses some years ago.


munists booed President Roosevelt on the White House lawn, the first time in our history that such a disrespectful act was committed against an American President. Unfortunately our school system has not fully equipped our young men and women to see through

Communist sophistry and trickery. The Communist movement offers

attractive bait to those who crave companionship and excitement. It offers relief from boredom. One issue of the Daily Worker, for example, in its "What's On?" column invited its readers to

Films, discussion, dance

Folk dancing

Maritime shindig Jefferson theater workshop

Welcome home party for Mike Gold Vote Your Own Film Club Saturday Night Film Club Negro-White Unity Cultural Festival
Artists ball

May Day workshop

Soviet film


Pre-May Day social Balalaika Symphonic Orchestra concert One hour of social theater
Chinese cultural cabaret


drama theater



Once an individual enters the Communist Party, he separates himself psychologically from hfe outside the party, from his former He lives in a social contacts, his family, and his business associates. world which is hermetically sealed off from the outside by a more and more impenetrable iron curtain of continuous indoctrination to which he has become addicted to the exclusion of all other outside sources


of information


and thought. He rehes upon party Hterature, schools, and spokesmen for his views and information. He attends proCommunist plays. If he attends a concert or a social function, it is one given as a benefit for the Daily Worker or some other Communist
In It is a satisfying experience for certain types of people. cause. this closed circle the Communist hears the same Communist cliches It is reiterated over and over again with never a doubting word. He meets the same or similar people like listening to familiar music.

wherever he goes, all moving in the same Communist rut. Here he can be sure of approbation and sympathy, since he. is always among He is never isolated. his ideological kinfolk. Added to all this is the excitement of picket lines, strikes, mass meetings, parades, demonstrations, tiffs with the police, and arrests. An active Communist will sometimes attend several meetings a day. In other words, there is not a dull moment. There is no doubt that the Communist network holds an attraction for adventurous spirits who thrive on the conspiratorial atmosphere
within the party, the secret meetings, the resort to aliases, the paraphernalia of illegality and opposition to constituted authority. Those who have a tendency to rebel against tradition and conventhe Bohemians and the nonconformists of all stripes, are tion naturally attracted to the Communist movement. By its repudiation of so-called capitalist ethics and moral standards, the party provides a welcome philosophical sanction for the lunatic fringe. According to Communist theory, the family, as we know it, is an institution designed to protect and extend property rights, which are anathema to the Reds. By branding our Government as capitalistic, Communist philosophy justifies any breach or defiance of governmental

authority. There are timid souls, persons with a distinct inferiority complex who are inspired to boldness when they become part of an aggressive group. The wolf who is a coward singly becomes a scourge as part of a pack. Psychologists refer to these people aptly as ambitious Communist writer, who is himself a temperamental cowards. coward, will find considerable delight and satisfaction in writing in the columns of the (Communist) Daily. Worker resounding and defiant tirades against the monopolists and those in high places in the


The party is, in a sense, a vehicle for anyone with an ax to grind, anyone who has become embittered either by some unfortunate personal or emotional experience, a victim of some serious physical
ailment or handicap, a second-rate artist, a lawyer without clients, a doctor without patients, a writer without an outlet, or a preacher without a parish, whose personal ego is soothed by the thought that He finds, in the party, an it is all the fault of the capitalist system. instrument to vent his spleen against the imagined source of injury, as well as a receptive audience. It is often asked why a Communist who is most vehement before an agency of the American Government in defense of civil rights, will meekly submit, without debate or protest, to the slightest whim' of a Soviet dictator or the Communist Party, USA, even though it may mean a complete repudiation of his most sacred principles. Thus the Commimist who had, for years, denounced nazism and all its works, reconciled himself overnight to the Stalin-Hitler Pact, and



him nazism became merely a "matter

of taste." Similarly those against capitalism and Wall Street became willing to shake the hand of J. P. Morgan, as soon as Earl Browder, then general secretary of the Communist Party, gave such party heresy his blessing, during the period when Russia was desperately seeking a united front

who fumed

against Nazi Germany. In certain liberal circles, there is an illusion that the Communist movement is the very epitome of democracy. It is, therefore, worthwhile to present at this point a description of inner party democracy in the highest echelons of the party, by William Z. Foster, its chairman, in Political Affairs for September 1945. Although the regime of former General Secretary Earl Browder is referred to, there is no reason to believe that the atmosphere has been changed under his successors

[Browder] had grown almost into a dictator. His authority reached such a His point that his word had become virtually unchallengeable in our Party. policies and writings finally were accepted almost uncritically by the leaders and the general membership. Browder created around himself an atmosphere of inAll this was accentuated by the deluge fallibility and unchallengeable authority. of petty-bourgeois adulation, praisemongering and heroworship that was con* * * Comrade stantly poured upon him by our leadership and our members Browder had largely liquidated the political functions of the Party's leading bodies. He habitually bypassed the National Board in policy making * * * The National Committee, also, had gradually lost all real political power. It assembled; it listened to Browder 's proposals; it affirmed them; it dispersed to the districts to impress the policy on the membership. Of genuine political discussion there was none in the National Committee. Similarly, our recent National Conventions were hardly better than the National Committee meetings with their formal endorsement of Browder's reports, no political discussions. * * *


Why does a freeborn American accept such humiliating and despotic

In the first place, the Communist has been taught that the end justifies any means, that the interests of the so-called First Socialist Repubhc, to which he has voluntarily dedicated himself, are paramount and justify any and every sacrifice. He wiUingly submits to a discipline of his own choice regardless of where it may lead, surrendering all right to independent judgment. Why does a man hke Frederick Vanderbilt Field, scion of a millionaire family, join the Communist Party? His case is not an isolated one. It not infrequently happens that such an individual, who is the heir of unearned millions, suffers from a severe guilt complex. He feels his life of idleness is unproductive. Keenly sensitive to the plight of the underdog, he throws in his lot with the Communist Party to salve his conscience, believing that the party is the champion of the underprivileged. He takes the party's word for it, making no attempt to investigate for himself such Communist institutions as slave labor camps, the secret police and the real plight of the common people behind the Iron Curtain, In fact, he is so grateful to the party for the spiritual relief it offers that he will furiously resent the efforts of anyone who tries to set him straight with the truth about the Soviet Union and communism generally.

not essentially correct to look upon Communists as ordinary Strangely enough, they may commit the most heinous crimes, all the way from treason to murder, in the firm belief that they are thereby furthering the interests of humanity. They may be pursuing the highest motives based upon the warped and erroneous conscience which Communist doctrine has inculcated. Thus they will justify the utmost ruthlessness, the Communist purge trials, the use



of forced confessions


and the forced collectivization of millions of peasants, resulting in widespread famine and starvation. The favorite cold-blooded apology is "You must break the eggs if you would have an omelette," the omelette in this case being socialism. The Communist, in other words, considers himself a soldier in the international Communist army defending the interests of international communism and the Soviet Union which, in his eyes, morally justifies the taking of life, spying, and all the activities of war. Hence all anti-Communist programs must have in mind a twofold objective. (1) The first objective must be the reeducation of Communists through methods of persuasion and experience in order to reincorporate them into the ranks of sane and constructive citizens. It must be recognized that this is difficult since we are confronted in many cases with hardbitten bigots. Nevertheless, it should be attempted, since it is far more desirable to have a sophisticated, well-informed, and loyal citizen who can contribute his knowledge and experience to the fight against communism than one who is dedicated to defiance of the Anierican Government. (2) The second objective must be to invoke the full penalty of the law against recalcitrants both as a deterrent and as a means of the reeducation of those not responsive to objective number one. Communist faith often invokes the fervor of a new religion. The party member feels he is a member of an elite group, who are privileged to live in a cu'cle which is the germ of the new world of tomorrow. a The nonparty infidels, he thinks, are living in outer darkness world which is decadent and doomed. For the apostles and prophets of religion he substitutes Marx, Lenin, and Stalin.' However, the Communist places himself on a higher pedestal than would a mere religious convert. Communist theory has a certain superficial logic which makes an appeal to the intellectual. Thus in many cases individuals are recruited for the party thi-ough Communist Party schools and theoretical works. Frequently emotional and idealistic factors tend to blur the mental processes and to obliterate sound standards of judgment w^hich the same individual wijl unhesitatingly apply in some other intellectual field in which he may be an expert. The Communist zealot is never as critical toward Communist theory or practice as he would normally be in his studies or in industry. Lest it be assumed that individuals join the Communist Party solely because of certain psychological aberrations, for idealistic reasons or because of the party's mtellectual appeal, it should be realized that the organization is in a position to offer attractive material benefits. There are businessmen who are completely dependent for contracts upon the good graces of the Soviet Government. Communist lawyers, accountants, and insurance men draw generous incomes from their services to Communist unions, front organizations, or individual Communists or sympathizers. Certain columnists, writers, musicians, actors, and artists find it extremely profitable to cater to leftwing



and artistic cncles. The Communist patronage machine, wide ramifications, is extremely solicitous of its faithful Communist-front organizations and unions offer a source followers. of jobs which are restricted to those who pay unquestioning homase

to the party line.

There are members of the Communist Party who suffer from intense inner qualms about the correctness of the party line and about its practices behind the Iron Curtain such as the maintenance of slave labor camps, Soviet imperialism, anti-Semitism, the regimentation of



and the suppression of civil rights. But in many cases they do not have the spiritual and moral courage required to make a break, which may sound fantastic to those who have no realization

to which a member is subject. Having become completely dependent upon his Communist surroundings and associates for his mental, spiritual and social sustenance, having isolated himself from non-Communist influences, friends and reading, he looks upon the very thought of a break as a personal tragedy. He dreads being cast out of the holy of holies, the temple of Soviet worship. He fears the vilification and slander which will be directed against him as a "renegade" by the Communist smear apparatus. Remembering the mysterious case of Gen. Walter Krivitsky, former Soviet intelligence oflicer found dead in a Washington hotel, and Juliet Stuart Poyntz, who disappeared from the streets of New York City without a trace, he stands in mortal terror of physical assault or If he is employed through a Communist union possible liquidation. or front organization, it may mean the loss of his job. Cases have been known where the party has threatened with exposure those who had become disaffected. It is much easier for the weak character to swallow his pride and his principles and just go along. of the pressures


The nature of Communist organization fluctuates in strict accordance with the current political climate in which the party finds itself. During the period when Russia was our ally, when the Red army was being glorified and the Communist Party was frantically supporting our war efi'ort in order to save the "Soviet Fatherland" from Hitler's legions, Communist clubs met openly, sometimes numbering hundreds of participants in cities lil^e New York. Today when Russia has made the United States the chief target of its "cold war" and subversive activities, when the Communist Party is under fire and its leaders subjected to jail sentences, these clubs have been subdivided into groups of from 3 to 5, meeting secretly usually in homes. They are of two types, the shop club and the community club.

The shop


club is peculiar to the Communist Party and speciafly No other subversive and conspiratorial purposes.

political party in this country has adopted this form of organization. It is a direct importation from the experience of the Russian Com-

munist Party.
Lenin, the party's chief authority on matters of organization, long ago pointed out for Communists throughout the world that "Every factory is our stronghold." Prior to 1926, the American party was built on the basis of national language federations. Speaking before the sessions of the Enlarged Executive Committee of the Communist
International held in Moscow in April 1925, Gregory Zinoviev, chairman of that body, specifically instructed the Workers (Communist) Party, as it was then called, "to fuse the national sections into a real united party." A directive letter was sent to the American party by the Communist International in which the party was given



1925, to reorganize


two most important






and Chicago. It was pointed out that "The factory the best organizational method of uniting comrades belonging to different nationahties" and that "the work of properly organizing the party will be best accomplished by the organization of factory For the guidance of American Communists, AIoscow disnuclei." patched a special instructor named Marcus, who wrote a pamphlet "The Communist Nucleus, What It Is How It Works" under the pseudonym of M. Jenks. From time to time, the party's internal and confidential organ carried additional detailed instruction from speTo supplement this, J. ciahsts of the Russian Communist Party. Peters (deported to Communist Hungary in 1949) was sent to Moscow in the early thirties where he received extensive training as a result of which he wrote the authoritative "The Communist Party A Manual on Organization." Today the shop nucleus is more euphoniously called the shop club. The Communist International has given clear directives to the American Communist Party to concentrate upon large industrial It has even indicated what specific industries should be made plants. the target. For example, the Party Organizer of February 1933 declared:

New York

The Communist International in January 1931 raised for our Party the need of concentrating on the most decisive industries (mine, steel, textile, auto, marine)
* * * in the five largest districts (p. 5).

The same

issue of the Party Organizer even pinpointed the cities selected, including Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Detroit, and Chicago, so that the party might "firmly root itself in the decisive industries."

Since that time, these objectives have been broadened considerably to include more key industrial cities. In Political Affairs for May 1950, Henry Winston presents his report to the plenary meeting of the national committee of the Communist Party, USA, in which he points up the necessity for a maximum registration of party members in the following basic industries: Auto, electrical, steel, coal, rubber, and railroad. What is the purpose of this concentration upon key industries? Again we must turn to the Communist International for a clear and

Its resolution on imperialist war adopted at its forthright reply. sixth congress in the summer of 1928 is still the basic line today. Presented as the "main task in the struggle against imperialist war before it breaks out" is the following: Factory and trade union activity must be concentrated primarily in the industries which serve the mobilization for and conduct of war, like the metal industry, the chemical industry, and transport * * *. Sideby side with other revolutionary mass actions (demonstrations, strikes in munitions works, transport strikes, etc.) * *. the general strike * * * is an extremely important weapon *

thirteenth plenum of the executive committee of the Communist International in December 1933 summed it up most succinctly when it called upon affiUated Communist parties to "concentrate their forces in each country, at the vital parts of the war machine of irnIn Communist jargon, all countries which are antiperialism." Communist are labeled as "imperialist." Despite the fact that workers as a group find communism repulsive, it must be remembered that the Communist Party makes it an active practice to colonize key industrial plants with aggressive, often collegetrained Communists who have been thoroughly indoctrinated and rep-




pared in party training schools. The presence of one such troublemaker in a large establishment can be the source of considerable

Operating secretly within a given plant to avoid detection, the party mem.ber receives every possible outside aid through what is known as
"concentration," defined by J. Peters as the ultilization of "all available forces and organizations to penetrate the selected factory." Distribution of the Daily Worker, of leaflets, open air meetings at the factory gate, are all handled by party membere on the outside, housewives, students, etc. Leading party members are assigned to advise those who are inside. Front organizations supplement their efforts. J. Petei"s, signing himself J. P., stressed the importance of this task in the Party Organizer for February 1933, as follows:
and Section Committees must consider their first political responsiwhich are concentrated on the important plants. This means that all the problems, in the cx)ncentration work, must be taken up in the respecttive committee, a clear line of policy developed * * * comrades should be * * * assigned to help the units to carry on the work,
bility to those units



incumbent upon the Communists operating inside the plant


exploit "even the most elementary grievances in the shop" and develop "partial struggles around these demands." These struggles, strikes, etc. are not to be limited to the particular plant but must be broadened to involve other plants and to involve the workers in conflict with the

and the government generally.

cell also functions as a source of information for Soviet military intelligence. In the same issue of the Party Organizer, F. B. or Fred Brown, alias for Alpi, an agent of the Communist Inter-

The Communist


is most specific on this point: An immediate task for the shop nuclei, for

individual Party

members working

in shops, metal plants, chemical factories, shipyards, on the waterfront, is to keep their eyes open and see what is being shipped, what steps are being taken by the bosses for the transformation of the industry into a war industry. * * * Real efforts must be made to stop the shipment of ammunition.




more than passing

man who was promoted

national secretary of the

significance in this connection that the to the small ruling secretariat position of

Communist Party, USA, is none other than Gus Hall, alias for Arva Mike Halberg, Arvo Gust Halberg, Arvo Kustaa Halberg, Gasper Hall, John HoUberg, and John Howell. He
has been convicted under the Smith Act.

According to sworn



before the city solicitor of Warren, Ohio, in 1937, he was the leader of a bombing squad which obtained dynamite and nitroglycerin and which was assigned by Hall to blow up and destroy property of the Republic Steel Corp., the homes of nonstriking workers, railroad property including tracks and bridges, huge tanks of highly volatile benzol, a municipal dam controlling water supply and the municipal electric light plant (hearings before the Special Committee on Un-

The selection of Gus Hall Activities, November 4, 1938). as one of the top leaders of the party is extremely significant. Meetings of the shop club are called secretly never by written communication and usually by word of mouth. Even phone calls are avoided. Meetings may be held in homes or in the local office of a Communist-controlled union or sympathetic organization. If a meeting room is rented, it is not hired in the name of the party. The work is divided up among the chairman, the financial secretary in



charge of dues, the organizational director in charge of recruiting and meeting arrangements, the press director in charge of Daily Worker sales and distribution as well as other Communist literatm-e, educational director in charge of study classes and propaganda meetings. As a rule, these meetings are held in the evening, once every week or two. No minutes are kept, and financial records are kept in code. Directives are presented orally from the next higher body by a personal representative. For conspiratorial purposes, it may be necessary to divide up the members in a very large plant, into separate

For some time, the CPUSA published a confidential organ called the Party Organizer, later known as Contact, which was devoted to giving guidance to party members on matters of organization. Although this magazine is no longer pubhshed, its advice is currently
relevant with the exception that it is now issued orally instead of in The March-April 1932 issue of the Party Organizer, in writing. describing correspondent C. B.'s experiences in the Bethlehem Steel mill at Sparrows Point, Md., declares: Grievances of the workers are sparks that can be developed into roaring flames of strike if thej^ are carefully handled. The question is what to do with * * * this little spark Revolutionary workers have the task of developing the
grievance to the highest level.

by departments.

A study is made of the nature of the alleged "grievance," the departments and workers affected. A leaflet is distributed dealing with the "grievance." The correspondent continues: The pay line on Monday will be especially "hot" first because of the grievance
second because of the receipt of the leaflet; third, if our comrades parconversation and raise the agitation to a higher level, there are great possibilities for singling out good prospects for a grievance group, even to the extent of bringing workers right from the pay line to their own home or bringing them to a designated place that was mentioned for this occasion where several capable comrades would be on hand to speak to workers recruited in

ticipate in the



This account was followed by another signed by J. B. who described the party's activity against a new boss in the Fisher Body plant: Immediately after this situation was reported a very small leaflet on this matter was issued. This leaflet was distributed in this particular department in various places such as machines, lockers, and all other spots where the worker could easily see them. At lunch time one party comrade started to discuss the The comleaflet and he urged that a grievance committee should be organized. mittee went to the superintendent demanding that the boss be removed. * * * When the whistle blew, none of the workers returned to work. * * *
is not limited to the exploitation of consciously integrated into current Communist international policy. During World War II these shop clubs were allegedly dissolved as a token gesture from our Soviet allies. Today Communist parties throughout the world are emphasizing, as their chief issue at the present time, the drive to immobilize the demLiterature distributed ocratic countries through a peace offensive. is slanted to give the impression that the United States is controlled by warmongers while the Soviet Union is referred to as "peace loving." The party is quite flexible in its organizational forms. In some cases, industry clubs are formed including members from a given industry represented in a certain area, concentrating upon local


activity of the shop club


minor grievances but


and union





The bulk of the party membership is to be found in the community These clubs serve a number of essential functions: (1) as clubs. a local political dynamo contact and sparking point to stimulate activity in local front organizations, unions, mass organizations, and neighborhoods generally; (2) as a support and aid to nearby shop clubs; (3) as a channel for intelligence information for officials at the
party center.

These clubs usually operate under some protective


encourage large attendance. On the other hand, it is compelled to resort to conspiratorial secrecy by the fact that its activities in the present period increasingly demand defiance of the law, outright disloyalty to the United States and sacrificial loyalty to the Soviet Union, thus arousing the ire of the public and subjecting it more and more to stern punitive legal measures. The party has definitely chosen the second alternative especially since 1945, dividing the community clubs into small groups of about five. Public meetings are held under the auspices of some convenient front organization not unr'er the party. Manual on Organization, J. Peters In his Communist Party has indicated the type of issues to be exploited by street or town units, including unemployment relief, the high cost of living, sanitary

on the horns of a dilemma. On the one hand, if it would attract public attention and support, it must hold public meetings and

In determining the size of the community club, the party


conditions, sales tax, civil rights, police brutality, injunctions.


in its territory

Another important task of the Street and Town Unit is to help the Shop Units and near to it * * * for example, systematic sale of the Daily

Worker in front of the factory; or S3'stematic holding of shop-gate meetings; disThe Street Unit can also tribution of leaflets or shop papers from the outside. help the Shop Unit do open work around the factory, in the streetcar and bus stations. * * * The Street Unit supports actively and takes part in the strike struggles of the factory workers, and also mobilizes the neighborhood for support, furnishing reserves for the picket lines, conducting demonstrations, collecting
strike relief, etc.

Again by way of illustration, we cite an article in Contact for September 1947 by Oleta Yates, chairman of the San Francisco County
of the

Communist Party:

Clubs must think



terms of moving people


in protest delegations, picket lines,

twenty, one hundred or demonstrations or other forms

of struggle.

for its

The Daily Worker of April 26, 1950, cited, as an emulatory example Communist readers the fact that "20 men and women were

found guilty of 'disorderly conduct' last week on a charge that grew out of a demonstration at the 44 Stanton St. Welfare Department center three weeks ago."



New York


of Communist community clubs in the city of in the Daily Worker in the middle 1940's follows:


Bedford Club Begun Club (Mt. Eden) Bronx Blvd. Club Bryant Club (Tremont) Burnside Youth Club Cacchione Club Cacchione (Mosholu) Club Carver Youth Club Castle Hill Club (Parkchester) Club Anderson Club Barker Club Levin Club Lincoln (Hunts Pt.)




Bensonhurst Club (Bath Beach) Beverly Club (So. Flatbush)

Boro Hall Youth Club Brodsky Club (Midwood) Brownsville Club Brownsville Youth A Club Buck Lazar Club Cacchione Club (Bedford) Cacchione Club (Crown Hts.) Cacchione Club (Midwood) Carver Club Club C (12 A. D.) Club C (24 A. D.) Club 1 Club 1 (Burnside) Club 3 (Bakers) Club 3 Club 5 Club 4 6 Club 338 Club Club 8 Coney Island Club Dahill Club Club 10 Ditmas Club (So. Flatbush) Dennis Club (Mt. Eden) Elder Club (Parkchester) Douglass Club (E. N. Y.) East Flatbush Club Elder Tenants Club (Parkchester) Eastern District Club Elizabeth Stanton Club Fisher Club (Parkchester) Farragut Club (Flatbush) Foster Club (Mt. Eden) Flynn Club (Bath Beach) Fort Greene Club Flynn Club (So. Bronx) Fort Hamilton Club Fordham Housewives Club Foster Club (Bath Beach) GunliiU Club Freedom Club (Bath Beach) Haywood Club (Parkchester) Fulton Club (6 A. D.) Hewitt Club (So. Bronx) Cannes Club (11 A. D.) Italian C Club (Parkchester) Gleason Club Jackson Club (So. Bronx) Joe Brodsky Club Greenpoint Club (Williamsburgh) Joe Smith Club Gung-Ho Club Joe York Club (W. Bronx Youth) Halsey Club Julius Fuchik (Pk. All. Youth) Club Harry Barnett Youth Club Lucy Parsons Club Highway Club (Bath Beach) Hinsdale Club Melrose Club (Morrisania) J. Smith Club Melrose Youth Club New Youth Club Joe Stember Youth Club John Brown Club N. Pelham 1 Club (Allerton) N. Pelham 2 Club (Allerton) John Brown Youth Club N. Williamsbridge Club Kings Highway 1 Club Kings Highway 2 Club Olgin Club (Mt. Eden) Olgin Club (Tremont) Kingston Club (Bedford) 180th Club (Tremont) Krumbein Club (Bath Beach) Krumbein Club (Bedford) Prospect Youth Club Krumbein Club (Crown Hts.) Ruthenburg B Club Krumbein Club (11 A. D.) Shakespeare Club Krumbein Club (Kings Hwy.) Simpson Club Sojourner Truth Club (E. Bronx Youth) La Pasionara Club L'Enero Club Solidarity Youth Club Tom Paine Club Lewis Club Upper Stadium Club Longshore Club Van Cortlandt (Mosholu) Club Lower 16th Club Luigi Gallo Club Vanguard Youth Club Madison Club Vets Club West Farms 2 Youth Club Maugel Club Mendy Club Mendy Club (Kings Hwy.) BEOOKLYN Mendy Youth Club Albermarle Club (So, Flatbush) Middle 16th Club Mike Ludlow Club Avenue O Club Avenue U Club Neptune Club Banner Club (Brighton) New Lots Youth Club New Utrecht Club (Bath Beach) Bay 29th St. Club




Club Club Club Club Club Club



Oceana Club Paine Club Parkville Club Parkway Club (Bedford) Perlman Club (11 A. D.) Plaza Club (Boro Hall) Project Club (6 A. D.) Restaurant Workers Club Riverside Club (Boro Hall) 79th St. Club (Bath Beach) Stillwell Club (Coney Island) Stone Ave. Club Tompkins Club 20th Ave. Club (Bath Beach) Ulmer Club (Bath Beach) Weiness Club Williamsburgh Youth Club Willie Milton Youth Club Winthrop Club

8 (Lower Manhattan West) 10 21 Chelsea

42 (Food) 66 (Garment) 89

Hill Club Crawford Club Cutters Club Czech Club Drieser Club (5 A. D.) Dry Goods Club Dyckman Club East Harlem Youth Club Emil Aine Club 15th St. Club (Lower Chelsea) 52d St. Club (Lincoln Sq.) First E. D. Club Freedom Club Club (Lower Manhattan Garibaldi


Audubon North Club Audubon South Club
B. Entin Club


Garment Youth Club


Greek Adult Club Tubman Club Hillside Club (Inwood) Club (5 A. D.) Brodsky Hispano Club Brodsky Club (8 A. D.) J. Connolly Club (Wash. Hts.) Cacchione Club (Lower Manhattan Jesus Menendez Club East) Joe Hill Club (Forbes) Chain Corrugated Club La Pasionara Club (Lincoln Sq.) Claudia Jones Club La Pasionara Club (10 A. D.) Club Bennett Larkin Club (5 A. D.) Club Betances Lowell Club Club Brodsky (Dist.) Mooney Club (5 A. D.) Club Carlson Mothers Club Club Forward 143d St. Club (13 A. D.) Club Galileo Puerto Rican Club Club Glumac Railroad Club Club Gramsci Railroad Club (Lincoln Sq.) Club Isham Ray Friedlander Youth Club Club Larkin Sacco-Vanzetti 1 Club Club Maltezos Sacco-Vanzetti 3 Club Club A (Grand Central Section) Sacco-Vanzetti 4 Club Club B Sacco-Vanzetti 6 Club C Club Sacco-Vanzetti 7 Club D-1 Club Sacco-Vanzetti 8 Club Club D-2 Shirt (Amalgamated) Club Club D-3 16th St. Club Club D-4 Slipper (Shoe) Club Club 1 (Lower Manhattan West) Stripers (Fur) Club Club 2 (Lower Manhattan West) Stuyvesant 1 Club Club 2 (7 A. D. West) Stuyvesant 2 Club Club 3 (Lower Manhattan West) Stuyvesant 3 Club Club 3 (Lower West Side) Stuyvesant 4 Club Club 3A Stuyvesant 5 Club Club 4 (Lincoln Sq.) Stuyvesant 6 Club Club 4 (Lower Manhattan West) Stuyvesant 7 Club Club 4 (Printers) Stuyvesant 8 Club Club 5 (Lower Manhattan West) Thompson Club (10 A. D.) Club 5 (7 A. D.) Togliatti Club (8 A. D.) Club 5A Village North Club Club 6 Village South Club Club n (Lower Manhattan West) Village Youth Club Club 6N Washington Hts. Youth Club Club 6S West Midtown 1 Club Club 7 (Fur) West Midtown 2 Club Club 7 (Lower Manhattan West) Youth Club Club 7A




Youth Club

Arverne Club Auto Club Bavside Club Club M-2 Club M-3 Club M-4

Corona Youth Club County School Club Far Rockaway M Club Freedom Club Hamills Club (Rockaway) Hillcrest Club Hollis Club Joe Hill Club

John Williamson Club Juniper Valley Club Long Island City Club L'Unita Club Maspeth Club Mets Club Middle Village Club Railroad Club Rego Vets Club Sid Foelek Club Sugar Club Queensbridge Club Willie Milton Club (Hollis) Woodside Club


The section committee, headed by the section organizer or chairman, supervises and dii'ects the work of the shop and community clubs in a given area. This is done through meetings of the club chairmen and through section representatives sent to the meetings of the various Its officials parallel those in the clubs: chairman, organizaclubs. educational director, press director, financial tional secretary, secretary, etc., who work on a volunteer basis. Specimen sections in New York City include the following with addresses as of 1946:
Food Workers Tompkins Square 11 A. D. Lower Manhattan Lower West Side, 430 Sixth Ave., Phone 7th A. D. West Lower West Side, OR 5-9696
Jefferson, 201

W. 72d

Unity Center, 2744 Broadway, PH 9-9483 Chelsea, 269 W. 25th St., CH 4-1688 East Midtown Lower East Side, 324 Second Ave. Hank Forbes, 201 Second Ave., OR Harlem East Harlem, 171 E. 116 St., ED 4-2918 5-9036 Lower Harlem, 1549 Madison Ave., Yorkville, 350 E. 81st St. SA 2-7559 Lower Heights, 493 W. 145th St; Washington Heights


TR 4-9362

430 Sixth Ave., 5-9896 7th A. D. East Waterfront, 269 W. 25th St., CH 4-1947 Italian, 273 Bleecker St., CH 2-9436 East Side (Olgin), 154 Clinton St. West Side, 73 W. 99th St.


Bath Beach, 2166 86th St., ES 2-7277 Boro Park, 4903 12th Ave.
24th A. D., 806 Sutter Ave. Bensonhurst, 7309 20th Ave. Kings Highway, 1212 Kings Highway,

Heights, 289 Utica Ave., PR 3-9597 Fort Greene, 190 Tompkins Ave., EV 4-7183 Bedford-Stuyvesant, 1239 Atlantic Ave., ST 3-9589 6th A. D., 190 Tompkins Ave., EV 47183 Brighton Beach, 3200 Coney Island Ave., DE 6-9814 Eastern Parkway, 1188 President St., RP 3-9736 5-9094 Industrial, 260 Fulton St.,


DE 9-9518

Brownsville, 375 Saratoga Ave. East New York, 806 Sutter Ave. 12th A. D., 305 Church Ave. Waterfront, 5306 4th Ave., GE 9-9734



5-9094 Hall, 260 Fulton St., Island, 3228 Mermaid Ave.


Flatbush, 848 Flatbush Ave. Williamsburg, 190 Tompkins Ave.,




Kings Metal




Rego, Astoria, 3047 Steinway Ave. Sunnyside, 4614 Queens Blvd.

Prospect, 1301 Boston Road Fordham, 9 W.Burnside Ave., FO 4-8780 Allerton, 2700 Olinville Ave., OL 5-8837 9-7956 Hunts Point, 891 FreemanSt., Mosholu, 3092 Hull Ave., OL 5-9315 Parkchester, 1590 Westchester Ave.,

North Shore, 9912 N. Boulevard

Morrisania, 1 E. 167 St., JE 8-1445 Kingsbridge, 20 E. Kingsbridge Rd. Mt. Eden, 125 E. 170th St., JE 6-8815 Tremont, 807 E. Tremont Ave.,




TI 2-4805

According to J. Peters' Manual, "The Section is made up of a number of Shop, Street or Town Units in a given territory," under the lead The size of the territory of the sections, of the section committee. the members of the section committee and the section organizer or chau-man, are all subject to the decision of the next higher committee, Here again decisive i. e., the district committee or State committee. authority emanates from the top. The section committee usually
consists of

from 9 to

1 1




district covers a portion of the



part of




and sometimes 3 States, depending upon the industries, on the size of Thus it will be noted that district 2 covers the membership, etc.). all of the State of New York, while district 1 includes Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, New Hampshu"e, and Rhode Island. Pennsylvania, on the other hand, is divided up between district 3 including eastern Pennsylvania and Delaware, and district 5 including western Pennsylvania, the coal and steel centers. In an effort to befog the pubhc mmd, the Communist Party constitution declares that


highest body

of the state organization


the State Convention, which shall

convene at

once every two years.

of fact. Communist conventions are perfunctory affairs In a fulltime conspu-acy it is manifest decisive power. that day-to-day decisions could not be left to a biennial convention. Actual power resides at all times in a small secretariat of 3 or 5 within the district or State committee, which may be overruled at any time by a representative of the national committee or the Communist International (now the Cominform). In its turn the district or State committee and its officials are subject to approval by the national committee. It usually consists of from 15 to 19 members. The foUowmg chart gives the chain of Communist command from the Politburo of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union to the smallest Communist unit in the United States. It attempts to summarize the opinions of numerous former members of the Communist Party of the United States and the Soviet Union as to the structure of the international Communist movement.

As a matter





Women Organization y Control Si RevieH Youth Labor A^arian Communist Colonial Agit.fc Pro?. Party of uSgR IPolitburejvu,

Information Bureau of ^ommunist and Workers Parties (Cominfom'-Bucharest

soviet Foreign Office

International Front Organizations International Union of Students den World Federation of Trade Jni' Jnions Women's International Democratic Fed.--World Federation of Dcirocratic Youth Association of Democratic Lar,'ers Association of Democratic Journalists *^rld Hracp C, ^rld crVP ''anrress-T; mn\ m World F<.7*eratVon of Scientific Vforkers

Soviet Hilitarj Intellience

Gen. Secy, GPS'

in U.S.A.

Secretary for American Affairs

American F ront Ornanizati ons


-Congrp';s of Arrerican Woren

Henresentative in U.S.A.

National Officers. CPUS Chairman General secy.^

Org. secy. labor secy. Leg. dir.

Co-imunirt .S.A.

Labor Youth Lf-af^ue National Lawyers Guild Peace Information Center National Labor Ppace Coaf. iTonf. on Peaceful Alternative; Civil Rirhts Congress
An. Con. for Prct. of For. Bom Council on African Affairs Com. for a Dei. Far Eastern Pol,

Commission chairmen

C.PilTS.A."! JNational Board,

National Connittee, C.P.I'. 3. A,

Be view


Agrar Le?






I>istrict (state)

Officers, CPUSA Chairman, Labor secy. Educcir-Org. 5ecy .jQiLtt:-^t-h-rpS?gan izer








Oreg Wash

State Front


N.j| [ronn|


[v^Vaj KoutljlMont




Section Officers Chairman, Ex. secy, Org. secy,

Educ. dir., Indust. Press dir,, etc.

Section Committees

Front Organizations

Club Officers Chairman, Organizer, Org. secy, Educ. dir., Indust. secy. Press dir., etc.

Shop or Community Club


Front Organizations


The national committee which is elected by the national convention in accordance with ai slate previously submitted by the party leaders subject to the approval of current Moscow representative, usually All its members are not made consists of from 30 to 35 members.

370894 55-



According to the party constitution, this committee "orpublic. ganizes and supervises its various departments and committees; guides and directs all the political and organizational work of the Party; elects or removes editors of its press who work under its leadership
directs all undertakings of importance The national to the entire Party; administers the national treasury." committee meets about eveiy 4 months, its members being distributed The as organizers in the various districts throughout the countr^'. national committee elects a national board of about 11 which is resident in New York City, and meets about once a week. The national board in turn selects a secretariat of 3 to 5 including the chairman, the executive secretary and other members of the national headquarters staff, who run the party from day to day. In each case it should be remembered that recommendations for each post come from the top down, the highest echelons being subject to recommendation and approval from Moscow itself. There are no rival candidates or contests for office. The actual functioning of the national committee and its smaller, ruling national board or politburo (a term copied straight from the Communist Party of the Soviet Union) is not in accordance with any prescribed constitutional procedure. It is totally at variance with routine practices in other political parties or in fact in traditional American organizations in general. It is even extremely doubtful

and guidance; organizes and

whether the rank and

notion of what

file Communist Party member has the vaguest going on in the upper circles of his organization. We shall try to give a true picture of the "broadest inner democracy" of which the party boasts.


Because of
of discipline.


Communist Party, USA, pays

quasi-military and conspiratorial character, the considerable attention to the matter

The national convention elects a national review commission, formerly known as the control commission, which is strictly limited to "tested" members of the party who have been active for at least 5 years. What the party constitution does not say, however, is that members of this commission are closely interlocked with the underground apparatus of the party and with Soviet military intelligence. Because of this in some instances it commands greater authority than the national committee itself. Among those who have been members of this commission in the past are Charles Dirba, alias Moore; K. Radzi; Jacob INlindel; Charles Krumbein, former Comintern emissary jailed for passport fraud, and Jacob Golos, revealed in testimony by EUzabeth Bentley and Whittaker Chambers as the head of an underground ring of the Communist Party. Current practice has been not to reveal the names of the members of the review commission. This commission has charge of all disciphnary procedure tlu-oughout the party, and is entrusted with the custody of the party's secret records. What matters are the subject of disciplinary action according to the party constitution? One count is "conduct or action detrimental to the working class." Considering itself as the "political party of the American worldng class," it remains for the party officials to



The opinions of interpret this highly elastic category of offenses. labor officials are not asked. Another offense is conduct responsible or action detrimental "to the interests of the Party," another vague Punishable also is any violation of the decisions of classification. party committees. Under these broad categories of party offenses the civil rights of party members are extremely tenuous. In his book, From Bryan to Stalin, William Z. Foster, party chairman, describes the expulsion of members of the central executive or national committee for a variety of reasons utterly foreign to the American political scene. Salutsky, Lore, and Askeli were expelled J. P. Cannon and others were expelled in 1923-24 as "centrists." in 1928 as "Trotskyites." Jay Lovestone was expelled in 1929 for "right opportunist tendencies of a semi-Social Democratic character" and because he violated a decision of the Comintern. Earl Browder's expulsion of February 5, 1946, was based on charges of "factional activity," attacks on the leadership of the French Communist Part}^,
and "revisionism of Marxism," and "obstructive passivity." The penalties which may be invoked for these offenses are (1) Private censure; (2) public censure; (3) removal from committees; (4) removal from all responsible work; (5) expulsion from the party. We might add a category of self-censure. In 1929 after the expulsion of Jay Lovestone as general secretary of the party, and in 1945 after similar action against Earl Browder as general secretary, party leaders hastened to admit their errors in support of these leaders and to publicly
repudiate them.

In order to insure unquestioning obedience to its mandates, the international Communist movement inculcates complete subservience Thus Joseph Stalin was referred to in such superlative to its "leader." terms as "the leader of progressive humanity," "the great defender of peace," "great successor in the cause of the immortal Lenin," the "unifier of peoples," "the great military leader of modern times,"
"greatest strategist of our era," "symbol of heroism and glory," and so on. On a smaller scale the same atmosphere of slavish adulation permeates the national committee of the Communist Party, USA. Testimony to this effect comes from William Z. Foster, himself, the party's chairman. In his article in Political Affahs for September 1945 Foster states frankly:

With his great personal prestige and word had become practically the law

his excessive degree of authority, Browder's in our Party * * * had grown almost into a dictator. His authority reached such a point that his word had become His policies and writings finally were virtually unchallengeable in our Party.


accepted almost uncritically by the leaders and the general membership. Browder created around himself an atmosphere of infallibility and unchallengeable authorAll this was accentuated by the deluge of petty-bourgeois adulation, praiseity. mongering and hero-worship that was constantly poured upon him by our leader* * * ship and our members Constantly grasping for more power, Comrade Browder had largely liquidated the political functions of the Party's leading bodies. He habitually by-passed the National Board in policy making * * * The National Committee, also had gradually lost all real political power. It assembled; it listened to Browder's proposals; it affirmed them; and it dispersed to the districts to impress the policy upon the membership. Of genuine political discussion there was none whatever in the National Committee. Similarly, our recent National Conventions were hardly better than the National Committee



formal endorsement of Browder's reports, no political examination of the leadership * * * In this stifling bureaucratic atmosphere * * * political thinking itself was hamstrung. Comrade Browder, basing himself upon the high prestige which he enjoyed among the Party membership, made policy pretty much as he saw fit.





and no


create the impression that Earl Browder this state of affairs. Nowhere does he admit that the atmosphere he describes is typical. The fact remains that although Browder was general secretary from 1930 to 1945 with the knowledge and approval of his Moscow superiors, Foster, who had been loud in praise of Browder's "insight and vision," hailing him as the "heroic leader of the people," did not dare to change his tune pubhcly until 1945 after the French Communist leader, Jacques Duclos, had damned Browder in the name of the international Communist hierarchy. Following the ejection of Browder, Foster was quick to pay his homage to his successor, Eugene Dennis, quoting him with deepest respect. Dennis, according to Foster in the Daily Worker of 15, 1950, "symbolizes the just cause of peace, democracy, and socialism" and is singled out as "the foremost leader of our party."

Of course, Foster strives to was individually at fault for




The truth is that the same Communist leaders who are the personification of defiance before congressional committees and the courts of the land, who pour a steady stream of vilification upon representatives of the American Government, are paralyzed with fear before the emissaries of the Soviet dictatorship. In the September 1945 issue of Political Affairs, Foster openly admitted that the chairman of the party would have faced expulsion had he made public his letter to the national committee of January 1944 in which he dared to take issue with Browder, then the current Moscow favorite. In the Communist of April 1944 Foster's views were openly castigated before the entire party by Gerhard Eisler, an
Foster submitted meekly and without protest, simply because Eisler possessed the blessing of Moscow. It is indeed hard to reconcile the rebellious fire-eater of the Daily Worker and of congressional committees' hearings with the submissive Mr. Foster before his Moscow superiors. Speaking in Foster's presence before the American commission of the Executive Committee of the Communist International on 6, 1929, Joseph Stalin was unsparing in his castigation of his American Gauleiter. quote his speech in part:



Good and Party * of the Soviet Union) and proclaims itself as "Stalinites." * * well. The Foster Group wants to demonstrate its closeness to the Comin* * * * * * Let the Muscovites know how we Americans tern. Good and well. can play on the Exchange. * * * But Comrades, the Comintern is not an Exchange. The Comintern is the holy of holies of the working class. The Comintern * * * must, therefore, not be taken for an exchange.
It is characteristic that in writing to his friends Comrade Foster refers to that conversation as something mysterious, as something about which one must not * * * What could there be so mysterious in my conversations with speak aloud. Comrade Foster? * * * What did Foster speak to me about? He complained of the factionalism and * * * I admitted that unprincipled character of Comrade Lovcstone's group. Comrade Lovestone's group is guilty of these digressions. * * * From this,

The Foster Group wants

to display its loyalty to the

CPSU (Communist


Comrade Foster comes
[Foster] Minority group. WISHES, seems to him to be


to the strange conclusions that I sympathize with the * * * Is it not clear that that which Comrade Foster


How did Mr. Foster, a free-born American, react to this humiliating dressing down from a foreign potentate? There is no trace of any reply to this tirade by Mr. Foster. His attitude toward Joseph Stalin was, however, clearly expressed in answer to a Government question in connection with the trial of the 1 1 Communist leaders and was published in a special supplement to the Worker of September 25, He was asked whether he was present and joined in the fol1949. lowing greeting to Joseph Stalin at the Seventh World Congress of the Communist International in Moscow in July 1935:
StaUn, Leader, Teacher, and friend of the proletariat and oppressed * * * we address ourselves to you, Comrade Stalin, our * * * to you, beloved leader of the whole international proletariat and leader, * * * are * * * The of the oppressed with warmest greeting. peoples of the world turning more and more towards the IT. S. S. R., fixing on you. Comrade Stalin, the leader of the toilers in all countries, a gaze full of hope and love. * * * You have taught and are teaching us Communists the Bolshevik art of uniting unshakeable fidelity to principles tvith closest contact with the masses. * * * The 7th World Congress of the Communist International * * * assures you, Comrade Stalin, that the Communists will always and everywhere be faithful to the end to the great and invincible banner of Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Stalin.

To Comrade

of the

whole world


this particular demonstration but I joined in the spirit of * I thought such a man deserved the ovation that he got.

was not present at and endorsed it. * *

In fact this bootlicking servility runs in a never-varying thread through all of Foster's utterances after Stalin took over power. It is worth noting by way of contrast, that Foster has repeatedly denounced the chosen heads of his own comitry as imperialists and warmongers. Here is a choice sample, from the Daily Worker of January 12, 1948, page 3: One of the outstanding traits of President Truman as a political leader is his demagogy. He is a reactionary who covers up his sinister poHcies with fair
words; he cold-bloodedly indulges in glittering promises to the masses, which he has not the slightest intention of fulfilling. * * * Preparations for war and the aggressive pushing of big business imperialism, this was the heart of President Truman's all hidden under words of angelic peace And a sinister heart it was. * * * report.

In his standard work, the History of the Communist Party of the United States, William Z. Foster has this to say:
* * *


themselves, capitalism knows how to raise up another set Eisenhower, Kefauver, to keep bourgeois illusions alive among the toiling masses (p. 468). etc.

one set of capitalist demagogues


Taft, etc.


In his testimony before the Committee on Un-American Activities on November 26, 1946, Louis F. Budenz furnished another example of the paralyzing fear which pervades the upper strata of the CPUSA. The incident involved Gerhard Eisler, alias Edwards, and Clarence Hathaway, then editor of the Daily Worker, a member of the party's top political committee or national board. Budenz, who in late 1945 was managing editor of the paper, described what took place at an editorial board meeting he attended: * * I came into that meeting of the editorial board of the Daily Worker when lo and behold to my surprise in walked Mr. Edwards; he did not even introduce himself to the editorial board, but in he walked and proceeded to flay Hathaway for almost an hour, declaring him to be unfit to be editor of the



Daily Worker, that he was more interested in his picture on the front page than "he is in running the paper" as it should be run, politically. And I was amazed at this because of Hathaway's position, as represented by the daily press at that time, as one of the big three running the party. But Edwards came in, and Edwards was the representative of the Communist International, and he flayed Hathaway, and Hathaway did not do anything but sit there with a silly That was an education to me. grin and had to take this trouncing.

Mr. Budenz continued

late foreign editor of the

He was about to His death was hastened by fear and worry. I worked in the same office with him at the time and know that most of his trouble was not fear of America, nor fear of an American prison, but fear of people back of him in the Communist He feared he would have to divulge some of the conspiratorial apparatus. shadowy figures with whom he worked for the Kremlin.

testimony with the case of Harry Cannes, Daily Worker: be convicted of false passports when he died of a brain tumor.

No party official, no matter how high his status, was apparently exempt from this fear complex. Mr. Budenz declared in his testimony, "I have seen Earl Browder look like he was struck with a most intense fright on more than one occasion, and Jack Stachel looks as though somebody was chasing him all the time." It would seem, therefore, that whereas the lower layers of the party might be motivated primarily by ideological devotion, its higher echelons are driven by an overpowering fear of a far-reaching conspiratorial network from which they cannot extricate themselves even if they desu'e to do so a cold-blooded machine which is merciless toward even the slightest infringement of its drastic ukases.


Despite the fact that the party constitution specifies the national convention as "the highest authority of the Party", actual practice discloses that the seat of real authority lies neither with the convention nor with the national committee which it supposedly elects, but with Moscow. The House Committee on Un-American Activities entered
into considerable detail on this point in its report on The Communist Party of the United States as an Agent of a Foreign Power, elaborate this published in 1947 as House Report No. 209. point by an examination of party behavior since November 16, 1940,


CPUSA disaffiliated from the Communist International "for the specific purpose of removing itself from the terms of the socalled Voorhis Act" (H. R. 10094) and subsequent to the alleged dissolution of the Communist International on May 30, 1943. Political Affairs, formerly known as The Communist, is the official theoretical organ of the CPUSA. Its editorial board includes such topflight members of the national committee as V. J. Jerome, Abner W. Berry, Alexander Bittelman, Jack Stachel and Max Weiss. It is published under the supervision of the national committee for the purpose of supplying the members of the party with political directives
when the
coming month. It is, therefore, of the highest significance that the issues of this authoritative magazine contain in almost every issue articles on the outstanding current issues by prominent writers for the Communist press of the U. S. S. R. Thus the CPUSA graphically demonstrates to its members the truth of the statement which appears in the Daily Worker of March 5, 1939, that
for the

The Communist Party

of the Soviet

Union always was and always



be a

model, an example for the Communist parties of





Lenin at the Second World Congress of the Communist International, 936-949, October. The Renaissance of Nationalities and the Consolidation of Nations Chekalin, M. the U. R., 356-375, April. Fuernberg, F. A Brilliant Manual of Bolshevik Tactics, 749-762, August. Kosiachenko, G. The Basic Principle of Socialism, 1038-1044, November. the Soviet Union, 1031Lande, C. G. Dynamic Changes in the Population 1037, November. On the World Imperialist War, 516-517, June; The United States Lenin, V. L of Europe Slogan, 17-20, January. Mendelsohn, L. On Lenin's Classic Work, "Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism," 173-179, February. The Power of Stahnlst Prediction, 141-148, February, Mitin, M. Joseph How Does Social-Democracy Understand the National Question? 716-728, August. Yaroslavsky, Emilian On Bourgeois and Bourgeois-Democratic Revolutions,
Ackerman, A.
S. S.



49-57, January.


Gorodetsky, E. The Patriotic War of 1918 Against the German Invaders of the Ukraine, 1091-1107, December. Kedrov, B. Review of "Dialectics of Nature," by Frederick Engels, 834-838, September. Kursanov, George Space and Time Forms of the Existence of Matter, 377384, April; 458-467, May; 568-576, June; 652-656, July. Imperialism and the Split the Socialist Movement, 151-164, Lenin, V. February; The Pamphlet by Junius, 883-887, October. Joseph Victory Will Be Ours, 673-677, August.





Alexandrov, Gregory Delay Initiating the Second Front May Disaster, 599-601, August. V. M. Speech on the Occasion the Signing the Soviet-British Molotov, Mutual Assistance Treaty, 575-576, July. the Day on May Day, 1942, 402-407, June; On the AntiJoseph Order





Hitler Coalition of the United Nations, 494-496, July; Letter to Henry Cassidy on Second Front, 957, November; The U. S. S. R. and the Anglo-Soviet, American Fighting Alliance, 963-972, December; Order of the Day to the Red Army and the Soviet People on the Occasion of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the October Revolution 972-992, December. Letter to Associated Press Representative Henry C. Cassidy, November 14, 1942, 974-975, December, Tolchenov, M. Five Years of the Sino-Japanese War, 640-643, August.


Alexandrov, G.

The Great Patriotic War and the Social Sciences, 47-50, January. Bragin, Mikhail The Great Battle Stalingrad, 222-228, March. Malinin, N. On the Discussion of War Aims and Post- War Problems, 720-724, August. Manuilsky, Dmitri The Glorious Victories of the Red Army, 975-979, November. Marx and Engels on Reactionary Prussianism, 83-87, January. Mitin, M. Italy at the Crossroads, 58-61, jfanuary. Osipov, M. Popovich, Albert What About Yugoslavia? 274-284, March. Peace the Period Before Potemkin, Vladimir The Soviet Union's Struggle



917-921, October. Shvernik, N. World Labor and the Second Front, 874-880, October.

World War




party of the united states of AMERICA

1943 Continued

of Lenin, 4-9, January; Order of the Day on the Occasion of the Twenty-fifth Anniversary of the Red Army, 292-296, April; May Day Order of the Day, 572-576, June; letter to Harold King on the Dissolution of the Communist International, 671, July; Speed the Day of Victory, 1071-1081, December. Tolchenov, M. The Time Factor in Coalition Warfare, 1002-1004, November. Yudin, L. On the 73rd Anniversary of Lenin's Birth, 562-563, June.

Joseph Reminiscences

the Eve of the Invasion of Europe; Greater Vigilance Galaktionov, Against Vacillators and Enemies of Teheran, 291-295, April; Some Features of Modern Warfare, 773-777, September. Hungary's Occupation by Hitler, 461-464, May. Gavrilov, E. Gayev, V. The Plan for Post- War Employment, 737-744, August. Gromyko, Andrei Speech at Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 957-959, October. Malinin, N. An International Security Organization, 988-1000, November. Molotov, Vyacheslav M. Report to Supreme Soviet of the USSR, 223-231,

M. On

March. Smirnova, Zinaida



and the Soviet People's Patriotic War, 163-166,

Eugene Poland and the Coming Stage of the War, 167-169, February. Tolchenov, Col. M. Germany's Military Situation, 586-593, July. Certain Lessons of Versailles, 1015-1017, November; The Strategy Trainin, A. of "Mercy," 1073-1077, December. Varga, Eugene Plans for Currency Stabilization, 282-283, March. Zhukov, A. Japanese-German Relations During the Second World War, 284-

287, March.


N. Patriotism, 947-958, October. Galaktionov, Major-General M. The Danger of Aggression in the Light of the History of War, 151-157, February. Frederick Engels, 1018-1025, November. Lenin, V. I. Linetsky, V. International Cartels and Their Agents, 704-709, August. Melnikov, D. The Vatican and Problems of Postwar Settlement, 1037-1045,

November. Molotov, V. M. Speech at United Nations Conference, 566-570, June; Address to Moscow Soviet, USSR, 1136-1149, December. Nikolayev, M. France and the San Francisco Conference, 448-452, May. Omelchenko, K. Trade Unions and the State, 739-747, August. Lenin and Democracy, 368-371, April. Smirnov, Sokolov, A. Democracy, 518-526, June. Joseph Victory Speech, 563, June; Statement on Polish-Soviet Treaty, 572-573, June; Letter on the Polish Issue, 574, June. Tumanov, P. The Constitution of the USSR Guarantee of Democracy, 56-59,



Kalinin, M. Lenin, V. I.

The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism, 219I.

On the Mastery of Marxist-Leninist Theory, 597-601, July.

Leontiev, A. The Origin and Character of the Second World War, 940-953, October. Mirski, Michal Poland Today, 893-903, October. Mitrovich, Stephane Fundamental Remarks on the Question of Trieste, 502-525, June. The New Postwar Tasks of the USSR, 331-338, April. Molotov, V.

223, March.






The Social-Democratic Parties and Labor Unity, October, 936-949. Ivanov, Lyapin, A. P. On the Gradual Transition from Socialism to Communism, July, 632-649. Reply to Professor Razin, May, 415-417. Joseph the Capitalist World, an Economic Varga, Eugene The Approach March, 264-268. Zhdanov, A. A. On the International Situation, December 1947, 1090-1111.



Crisis in




G. On The Economic Teaching of Keynes, July, 638-661. of the Second the Economy of Capitalism as a Result Changes

of Eugene Varga's Changes in Capitalist Economy Resulting from the Second World War), February 181-191. Differences in the European Labor Movement, January, 14-18. Lenin, V. I. Molotov, V. M. Statement to the Council of Foreign Ministers (Dec. 12, 1947),

World War (A Critique

January, 44-50. Olkowicz, I. The United Working-Class Front Basis of the Polish Peoples Democracy, March, 251-258. Background of the Struggle Against Reaction in Vlatavsky, Geminder, B. Czechoslovakia, April, 298-303. Zhdanov, A. A. On the History of Philosophy, April, 344-366.


CPSU Co-Workers of Georgi Dimitrov Communist Party Pay Tribute to His Memory, August, 4-6. Kuzminov, L The Crisis Character of the Economic Development of the U. S. in the Postwar Period, May, 54-70. Kuznetsov, Vassili The Struggle to Fulfill the Tasks of the WFTU, March,
of the Soviet



Laptev, I. The Triumph of Mitchurin Biological Science, February, 47-61. Leontyev, A. Cosmopolitanism and Internationalism, July, 58-66. Slansky, Rudolph The Titoites Servants of Imperialism, October, 59-64. Varga, Eugene Against Reformist Tendencies in Works on Imperialism, Dec,


in September, 37-60; The National Question and Leninism, Nov., 60-69; On the Perspectives of the Revolution in China, Dec, 25-36. Defense of Peace and the Struggle Against the Warmongers, JanSuslov, M. uary, 30-50. 1951

Molotov, V.


32-45. Address to Electors, June,Linguistics, Joseph Concerning Marxism


Alexandrov, G. A New Outstanding Contribution to the Treasury of MarxismLeninism, June, 70-83; July, 65-73. Friss, 1st van Wages in the Society of Socialist Construction, May, 78-88; June,
84-96. Malik, Jacob An Historic Call for Peace, July, 22-27. Stalin on the War Danger and the Possibility of Averting It, Seleznev, I. A. December, 16-32. Interview with Pravda Correspondent, April, 10-14; Concerning Stalin, Joseph the Atomic Weapon, October, 4-5.


On the Transition from the Ancient World to the Middle Ages, Alpatov, M. July, 45-59. Malenkov, G. M. Report of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of
the Soviet Union to XIX Party Congress, October, 6-17. Pervukhin, M. G. The 35th Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution,

Sobolev, A. People's May 11-29.


November, 1-17. Democracy

as a


of Political Organization of Society,

Joseph Speech at the Soviet Union, October, 3-5.


Congress of the Communist Party of the




Kammari, M.
51-65. Lenin, V.

(with F. Konstantinoff)


and Superstructure, February

Malenkov, Georgi

M. The StaHn Heritage, April, 11-14. Joseph) Reader's Guide to Economic Problems of Socialism S. R. by Joseph Stalin, June, 66-96.

Preface to "Letters to Serge", November, 61-65.



Malenkov, G. Stalin, Joseph

Criticism and Self-Criticism,

M. The

1954 State Budget of the U.

S. S. R.,




Ossip Piatnitsky, former head of the organization department of the International, declared at the thirteenth plenum of the executive committee of the CI in December 1933 that, "The Communist International is united by the Executive Committee of the Comintern into a single, world, centralized party." In order to emphasize the status of the Communist Party, USA, as a constituent part of a disciplined world party. Political Affairs (formerly The Communist) has published from time to time since 1940, articles by the foremost leaders of foreign Communist parties.





Crisis of Imperialism and the Future of Canada, 1093-1112, December. The Spanish People Fight On, 656-669, July. Cantos, Gregorio Communist Parties of France, Great Britain and GermanyJoint Manifesto. '

Buck, Tim


180-185, February. of Great Britain The people Can Save Themselves Onlv bv Their Own Action, 1125-1131, December. Dutt, R. Palme The British Communist Party Leads the Struggle Against the Imperiahst War, 927-935, October. Ernst Thaelmann as Leader of the Communist Party of Florin, Wilhelm Germany, 149-160, February. American Policy in the Far East and the Roosevelt Regime, 554-564 Lo, B. T. ' June. Roca, Bias The Cuban People and the New Constitution, 916-926, October' Forgmg the People's Victory in Cuba, 133-140, February. Ulbncht, W. Anti-Capitalist Sentiment in Germany, 41-48, January. Vedral, Jan Soviet Socialist Repubhcs in the Baltic, 1007-1019, November.

Communist Party


National Front in Canada, 1011-1028, November Communist Party of Chile Program of Action for the Victory of the Chilean People's Front, 452-457, Mav. ^ ^^^^* Britain The War and the Colonial ^^.'^JJ" aI^* ^^u^ Peoples, 1029-


Tim The




Jose With All Possible Claritv, 802-804, September Doran, Augusto Colombia Faces the Imperialist Offensive, 619-622, Julv, Communists and China's Three People's Principles, "^~ 238-256, March Marty Andre-The New Rape of Indo-China, 64-82, January. tomeral, B. Ihe Most Important Lessons of the Paris Commune, 436-442, May.




Berger, Hans From Leipzig to Riom, 270-276, April; Earl Browder and Ernst Thaelmann, 307-309, May; On the Third Anniversary of the Soviet-German Non-Aggression Pact, 610-619, August; Mr. Hoover and "The Problems of Lasting Peace," 751-766, September; Our Nation discovers the Soviet Union, 886-893, November. Buck, Tim National Unity for Total War, 903-910, November. Communist Party of Argentina, Central Committee For the Fulfillment of the Rio Pledges, 363-373, May. Communist Partv of China, Central Committee For Victory and Reconstruction of World Peace, 748-760, September. Dimitroff, Georgi Tom Mooney: One of America's Finest Sons, 198, April.

Dutt, R.

Palme Strategy for Victory, 721-731, September. M. In the Name of the Italian People, 81-91, January.

The People's Front of Yesterday The National Freedom Front Todav and Tomorrow, 841-848, October. Hans, B.-^The Second Front and the German People, 374-379, May. Merker, Paul^The Free Germans to the German People, 1051-1056, December.
Fischer, Ernst

"Pravda" A

Historic State in the Struggles of the Freedom-Loving Peoples, 491-493, July; Three Years of War, 816-818, October. Urizar, I. Jose Dias: His Exemplary Life and Work, 349-359, May; Spain and the Second Front, 553-568, July. 1943
Berger, Hans The Nazi "Peace" Offensive, 266-273, March; The Provocation of the Polish Reactionaries, 513-526, June; The National Committee for a Free Germany and Its Significance, 806-815, September; Remarks on the Discussion Concerning the dissolution of the Communist International, 1018-1029,


Buck, Tim Canada Needs a Party of Communists, 725-741, August. Burns, Emile Labour Party and Communist Party, the Case for Affiliation,

361-369, April. Campos, Pedro Albizu




Communist Party, USA,

Greetings, 660-61,

Great Britain On the Beveridge Proposals, 168-174, Februarv; Tasks of the British Unions for Victory, 753-756, August; For Unity and Victory 957-960, October. Communist Party of India, Central Committee Solve India's National Crisis Through National Unity, 377-383, April. Communist Party of Ireland Ireland's Way Forward, 285-288, March. Statement on Behalf of the Presidium on the Executive Dimitroff, Georgi Committee of the Communist International on the Approval by the Comintern Sections of the Proposal to Dissolve the Communist International, 672, July. Dutt, R. Palme British Labor and the War, 62-72, January. The Crisis in Fascist Upper Circles in Italy, 505-512, June. Ercole, M. Izvestia On the Eve of the Moscow Conference, 972-974, November. Locascio, Antonio After the Downfall of Mussolini, 816-823, September. Marty, Andre France's Hour Has Struck, 114-125, February. An Appeal to the People of Italy, 181-184^ Milano, Libertad (Radio Station) February. Mota, C. Notes on Brazil, 852-863, September. Pravda Hitler's Polish Partners, 396-398, May; The Anglo-Soviet Treaty of Alliance, 662-664, July; On the Anniversary of the Soviet- American Agreement, 665-667, July. Roca, Bias The Communists of Cuba and the Cabinet, 761-768, August. Rust, William The British Labour Party Conference, 757-760, August. Sverma, Jan Problems of the National-Liberation Struggle in Czechoslovakia, 370-376, April. 1944

Communist Party


War Aims," Dumbarton Oaks Conference, 911-918, October. Buck, Tim Canada's Choice: Unity or Chaos, 369-381 April. Chen Pai-Ta Critique of Chiang Kai-shek's Book: "China's Destiny," 21-62, January. Duclos, Jacques Communist Participation in the French National Committee of Liberation, 363-365, April; The Source of Communist Courage, 919-929, October.



Concerning a Charge of Betrayal, 431-439, of Nations?: a review of Walter Lippmann's "U. S.

May; A Company



1944 Continued

Teheran Decisions Promise Mankind a Durable Peace, 9-12, January; The Most Important Stage in the Development of Friendship between the USSR and Czechoslovakia, 170-173, February; The Armistice Agreement with Romania, 937-940, October. Marty, Andre Communist Participation in the Provisional Government of French Republic, 632-645, July. Pravda Armistice Agreement with Finland, 1052-1055, November. Roca, Dias The Cuban Elections, 723-736, August. Rochet, Waldeck A New French Democracy, 366-368, April. Soviet Information Bureau Three Years of the Soviet Patriotic War, 681-685, August. The Political Situation in Italy, 1087-1102, DecemTogliatti, Palmiro (Ercoli)

Izvestia The


Declaration on Soviet-Polish Relations, Socialist Republics 190-191, February; Soviet Statement on Poland, 191-192, February. Zamudio, T. G. Toward a National Uprising Against Franco and the Falange, 1111-1123, December.

Union of Soviet

China, 539-550, June. of the National Committee, 959-960, October. Greece (ResoCommunist Party of Greece Historic Lessons of the Struggles lution of the National Committee), 902-912, October. Duclos, Jacques On the Dissolution of the Communist Party of the United States, 656-672, July. Dutt, R. Palme Indian Letters of a Communist Soldier (Review of "British Soldier India," by Clive Branson), 1054-1056, November. Fajon, Etienne The Communists and Nationalization, 1128-1135, December. A National Coalition for Spain, 1045-1047, November. Ibarruri, Dolores Mao Tse-tung China Needs Democracy and Unity, 28-30, January; The Mission of the Chinese Communists, 1048-1052, November. New China News Agency A Refutation of Chiang Kai-shek's March 1st Speech, 551-557, June. Lesson for the Future, 835Harry The British General Election and

Chou En-lai The Tide Must Be Turned Communist Party of China Statement





842, September. Prestes, Luis Carlos Letter to Wm. Z. Foster, 913-917, October. Rudnitsky, K. Poland After Liberation, 731-738, August. Sharkey, L. L. Australian Communists Reject Browder's Revisionism, 1026-

1036, November. Thorez, Maurice Organizational

Problems of the French Communist Party, 710-716, August. Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Declaration of the Soviet Government Voiding its Five Year Non- Aggression Pact with Japan, 473, May; Text of SovietPolish Treaty, 570-572, June; Declaration by the Soviet Government of a State of War with Japan, 864, September. War and the Working Class, editorial on the New Situation in Poland and the Old Delusions, 423-429, May. 1946



Hans The German Labor Movement Since V-E Day, 640-651, July. The On the Ideological-Political Work of the Party Organizations under Present-Day Conditions, 110-120, February; The Activating Force of
Marxist- Leninist Theory, 541-548, June.

Buck, Tim

The Postwar Role of Canadian Imperialism, 89-96, January. Communist Party of Palestine The Anti-Imperialist Struggle in Palestine:

Resolution of the Ninth Congress, 266-281, March. Communist Party of Spain, Central Committee Manifesto of the Communist Party of Spain, 1016-1024, November. Dimitrov, Georgi The Communists and the Fatherland Front, 696-703, August. Izvestia The Iranian Situation, 327-330, April. The Co-Responsibility of the German Working Class, 149-155j Pieck, Wilhelm February. Popular Socialist Party of Cuba Postwar conditions and the Struggle of the Cuban People, 174-190, February. Arab- Jewish Unity for the Solution of Palestine's Problems, 561Vilner, Meir 666, June.


Kardel], 531-554.



Notes on Some Questions of International Development, June,

Merker, Paul The Development of the New German Trade Union, November, April, 359-367. Mine, Hilary Poland's Economy and Socialism, October, 902-909. Thorez, Maurice For the Republic, For National Independence!, December, 1120-1140. 1948

For An End to the Nationalist Deviation in the Polish WorkParty, November, 991-1005. Communist Information Bureau See Information Bureau of Communist and
Bierut, Boleslaw

Parties. Communist Party of India, Second Congress Report on Self-Criticism, May, 470-477.



of Policy,

May, 460-470;

Ghioldi, Rodolfo The Cultural Struggle in Argentina, April, 379-382. Information Bureau of Communist and Workers Parties Resolution Concerning the Situation in the C. P. of Yugoslavia, August, 690-698. Rakosi, Matias Problems of Ideological and Theoretical Work in the Communist Party of Hungary, July, 615-618. Soviet Information Bureau Falsifiers of History: a Historical Note, June, 538-550. Tito, Josip Broz 'The People's Front and the New Yugoslavia, January, 76-96.


Communist Party
August, 3-4.

of Bulgaria, Central Committee -Statement on the Demise of Georgi Dimitrov Addressed to the Party Membership and the Bulgarian People,

Deak, Zoltan Treason in Clerical Garb: The Mindszenty Case, May, 39-53; The Tito-Raj k Conspiracy Against the Camp of Peace (review of Laszio Rajk and His Accomplices Before the People's Court). Dec, 87-94. For A Lasting Peace, For A People's Democracy! Right Socialists: Enemies of Peace and Democracy, April, 67-71. Liu Shao-Chi Internationalism and Nationalism, August, 57-76. Poland, Council of Ministers of the People's Democratic Republic of Decree Guaranteeing Freedom of Conscience and Religion, Oct., 95-96. Roca, Bias The Truman Plan for Development of Backward Areas, November,


in the Footsteps of the Oligarchy, February, 49-62. The Task of the Polish United Workers Party in the Struggle Bierut, Boleslaw for Vigilance, February, 76-96. Gheorghiu-Dej, Gh. Communist Party of Yugoslavia in the Power of Murderers and Spies, January, 51-65. Kim Ir-sung To the People of Korea, August, 19-22; The Struggle of the Korean People for a United, Independent, Democratic State, August, 23-39. Liu Shao-chi On the Party, October, 75-88. Mao Tse-tung Oppose Liberalism in the Party, September, 61-63. Mine, Hilary Some Problems of the People's Democracy in the Light of the Leninist Stalinist Teachings on the Dictatorship of the Proletariat, July, 87-96; August, 86-96. Togliatti, Falmiro Italy's Youth in the Fight for Jobs, Land, Peace, September, 64-78. 1951

Alvarez, Geronimo Arnedo

The Peron Government Follows

Andreu, Cesar The Rising Tide of Struggle in Puerto Rico, February, 220-228. Chu Teh On the Defeat of Chiang Kai-shek, Wall Street Puppet, August, 38-47. Communist Party of India Draft Program of the Communist Party of India, September, 55-64. For A Lasting Peace On the Glorious 30th Anniversary of the Communist Party of China, August, 33-37. The Struggle of the Spanish People Against Franco, November, Ibarruri, Dolores






Mao Tse-tung Concerning Practice, April, 28-42. Neruda, Pablo Festival of Youth, October, 50-51. Rochet, Waldeck Defense of French Agriculture and the Working Farmers,

May, 69-77.

Ghosh, Ajoy The General Elections in India, March, 34-44. Halt Bacteriological Genocide! April, Joliot-Curie, Frederic Kuo Mo-jo Protest by the Democratic Parties of China Against Bacteriological Weapons, April, 27-28. The March Coup d'Etat Cuba, April 42-51. Marinello, Juan (with Bias Roca) Papadopolous, N. Wall Street's War Designs in Greece, February, 43-50. The Sole Correct Path for Mankind, January, 12-29. Togliatti, Palmiro Wu Ch'iang On Problems of Self-Criticism, August, 53-64.


What Must Be Done in Boof Bolivia, Central Committee August, 29-36. of the Soviet Union, Central Committee The Death of Communist Party Joseph Stalin, April, 1-3. For a Lasting Peace (periodical) Leninism Militant Banner of Working People of the World, January, 5-9. Gottwald, Element The Prague Treason Trials, February, 46-50. Mao Tse-tung A Great Friendship, April, 15-18. Recent Events and the Socialist Unity Party of Germany, Central Committee Party's Immediate Tasks, August, 52-59. Thorez, Maurice A New^ Policy for France, December, 14-17.
Communist Party

Central Committee, C. P. of
of Brazil, July, 54.

Brazil Draft


of the

Communist Party
April, 53.

The Third Congress the Communist Party of India, The Situation Cuba, October, Argentina, March, Merischi, Vicente Present Tasks Italian Policy, February, Palmiro For a New Course Togliatti,
Ghosh, Ajoy

Gomez, Alfredo








It should be noted that the above summary includes articles representing the viewpoint of the Korean Communists at a time when the United States was at war with the Korean Communist Republic. A study of the position of the CPUS A from 1940, when it allegedly disaffiliated from the Communist International, to 1955, shows that the party was nevertheless in full agreement with Soviet policy on the

foUomng important
Support Support Support


of the Soviet-Nazi Pact. of the Soviet attack on Poland. of the Soviet attack on Finland.

Opposition to Lend- Lease and aid to Great Britain prior to Hitler's attack on the Soviet Union. Opposition to President Roosevelt during the Stalin-Hitler Pact. For the opening of a Second Front after Hitler's attack. Support of the Anglo-Soviet-American alliance after Hitler's attack. Endorsement of the alleged dissolution of the Communist International in 1943. Endorsement of the Information Bureau of the Communist and Woj-kers Parties (Cominform) from its formation in 1947 to date. Support of the Soviet Union and the following satellite countries: Poland, Hungary, Albania, Bulgaria, Rumania, Czechoslovakia. Support of Yugoslavia until its split with the Cominform and Russia in 1948. Opposition to Yugoslavia after its split with the Cominform and Russia in 1948. Support of Chiang Kai-shek from 1940 to 1943. Opposition to Chiang Kai-shek from 1943 to 1946. Support of a Chinese Coalition government in 1946. Opposition to Chiang Kai-shek from 1946 to date.



Opposition to American policy in Greece, Germany, Austria, Japan, Korea, etc. Opposition to the Marshall Plan. Support of Henry Wallace. Opposition to the Truman Doctrine. Opposition to the North Atlantic Defense Pact. Support of recognition of Communist China and admission to the U. N. Opposition to German rearmament. Support for banning the atomic bomb. Support of such international front organizations as: World Federation of Trade Unions, World Federation of Democratic Women, World Federation of Democratic Youth, World Peace Congress, International Association of Democratic Lawyers, International Association of Democratic Journalists, All-Slav Congress, World Federation of Scientific Workers, World Peace Congress.


The relations between the Communist Party and the Soviet Embassy are nowhere specified in the official constitution of the party. They are highly consphatorial and limited to a few selected individuals. With the facilities available to this subcommittee, we can only sketch
the pattern of this relationship from isolated instances which corroborate each other. In his book, Men Without Faces, Louis F. Budenz, former managing editor of the Daily Worker, has described the mechanism as he saw it
in operation as follows:

Unobserved, the chosen comrades entrusted with the reception of Moscow's directives got them by hand from a courier, some apparently obscure person who in turn had received them either from the Comintern representative or directly from the Soviet consulate or embassy. During the latter part of my work in the party this was Felix Kuzman, a former member of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade, who conveyed the brief directives from Gerhart Eisler to the Ninth Floor. Another courier of this type who ran between the Soviet consulate and Bittelman was the former White Russian officer Sergei Kournakoff. * * * Someone in the offices tliere, [at the consulate] in turn, received the orders in the diplomatic mail pouch or in code by cable.
this pipeline to the Soviet trusted insiders as Earl Browder, Eugene Dennis, Jack Stachel, Alexander Trachtenberg, Alexander Bittelman, Robert William Weiner, also known as Welwel Warczower, and the representative of the Communist International, Gerhart Eisler. The majority of these or possibly all of them, were accom-

According to Budenz, those in touch with

Embassy included only such

plished Russian linguists. Sergei Kournakoff, mentioned above, died in Moscow on July 5, 1949. He was the \vi-iter of numerous articles and books on Soviet military matters. His frequent contributions to the Daily Worker were carried under the pseudonym "Veteran Commander."

Born in Russia 60 years ago, Alexander Bittelman, alias Ralph Barnes, alias Ascher Bittlemacher, alias Nathan William Kweit, alias Isadore Spillberg, alias Alexander Raphael, ahas Z. P. Ralph, alias Raphael and Ralph, has been a member of the executive committee and its ruling political committee of the Communist Party, USA, He has been a delegate to Communist since the party's inception. International congresses in Moscow on a number of occasions. From time to time, he has been editor of the party's monthly theoretical organ, the Communist, now known as Political Affairs, to which he has been a prolific contributor. He owes his authority in the CPUSA



not to any contact or following with the American people but primarthe fact that he has always been an assiduous student of the Soviet press and a slavish follower of the Moscow line. As such he is an indispensable link between the Kremlin and the American party, a keen w^atchdog to insure against the slightest deviation from Soviet policy. Benjamin Gitlow, a former member of the political committee of the CPUSA, and the party's candidate for vice president, has said of Bittelman
ily to

Bittelman was * * * completely divorced from aU contact with the labor movement and with American life. But he read Russian, followed the Russian Communist press minutely and tried to copy in detail everything the Bolsheviks advocated, in order to apply it to the United States. His sensitive nose was always pointed in Moscow's direction (I Confess (Dutton) p. 191).

As the managing editor of the Daily Worker, Louis F. Budenz was in a position which demanded daily and hourly decisions on party He described the manner in which the party's official mouthpolicy. piece was overseered by Bittelman, to whom he referred as "the chief of the small corps of politburo members who were in touch with the
Comintern representatives and the Soviet consulates."

The special role played by Bittelman, according to Budenz, was as "the agent entrusted by Moscow with instructing the party leaders in the precise terms to be employed in the use of Aesopian language," namely language which, for purposes of legal evasion, could be interpreted in one way for public consumption and in quite another way within the party ranks. "Many times," declared Budenz, "I
heard him lecturing the Politburo on exactly what words and phrases the party declarations should contain in order to be Leninist and at the same time legal." The actual procedure followed in editing the Communist Daily Worker finds few parallels in the history of American journalism. It should be particularly shocking to those who hold that the Communist Party represents a segment of American political opinion rather than a supine echo of Moscow. Mr. Budenz described his editorial experiences with Bittelman in 1936:
Bittelman was then operating from the Hotel Albert, where the entire editorial board conferred with him almost every day. So carefully were his whereabouts and movements guarded, and so carefully did he seek to conceal our conferences, that each meeting with him had to be arranged over an outside telephone * * * Every day at noon, Harry Cannes, then foreign editor of the Daily Worker, a veteran member of the board, would rise from his desk and leave the building. In a few minutes he would return, to state generally that he had reached "Comrade Bar;ies" and that he woidd see us at such and such a time. At the hour set, each member of the Daily Worker editorial board would stroll over to the Hotel Albert. Singly each would enter the lobby and then go up to Bittelman's room for a hurried hour on the paper's editorial policy. BittelmanBarnes was the law and the line; particularly did he take pains to stress the exact manner in which a fundamental position should be presented (Men Without Faces by Louis F. Budenz (Harper), pp. 79, 80).
It would seem that Alexander Bittelman who has franldy declared that he would not fight against the Soviet Union "in any war" because "any war against the Soviet Union would be an unjust war," has been singled out by the powers that be as the chief carrier and guardian of the sacred fire of Russian Bolshevism within the American party. He has also served as the party's official historian for the past two decades delineating in full the decisive role of the Soviet-dominated Communist International in every phase of the activity of the

American party from


very inception.



of the

the occasion of the 15th anniversary of the Communist Party United States in 1934, Bittelman wrote his pamphlet Fifteen Years of the Communist Party, where he outhnes the origin of the


American party as follows:

* * * Nineteen hundred and nineteen was the year when our Party was formed Nineteen hundred and nineteen was the year when the Communist International was formed, preceding the formation of our Party by about live months. Our * * * But it was only through the costly experiences of Party became part of it the first world war, and especially the victory of the proletarian revolution in Russia under the leadership of the Bolsheviks, that the proletarian vanguard of the United States came to realize that the Bolshevik way is the only way for the

liberation of the American proletariat it came to pass that our Party



the exploited and oppressed.




Throughout his works, Bittelman stresses the role of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union as a model and guide for the CPUSA. In his Communist Party in Action, for example, he points out to members
of his party:
of course, impossible to say which particular experience in the class was decisive for your joining the Communist Party. Rather it must have been the sum of many experiences on various points of the class struggle front, among which the fight against imperialist war and for the defense of the Soviet Union had undoubtedly played a very great part in bringing you into the ranks of the Party. This is the case with many workers who join the Communist


Party because it "is the only Party that is following in the footsteps of Lenin and the Bolsheviks, that is, organizing the American proletariat to follow the example of the working class of Russia led by the Communist (Bolshevik) Party (p. 4).


in the

same pamphlet he frankly admits:

These Socialist successes of the Soviet Union, achieved under the leadership of the Communist (Bolshevik) Party, have undoubtedly had a great influence in Now you must try to gain bringing you into the ranks of the American party. a clearer and more thorough understanding of the international role of Bolshevism and of the Bolshevik Party (p. 14).

In his later work entitled "Milestones in the History of the Comin 1937 on the occasion of the American party's 18th anniversary, Bittelman bluntly states:

munist Party," published

The Communist

International, and its model party the Communist Party Soviet Union headed by Comrade Stalin, gave us the guidance that helped the American communists to find the way to the masses and to the posiof the

tion of

(p. 8).

who charge that the pohcies of the American party are dictated by Moscow, Bittelman not only admits the inIn answer to those

tervention of Stalin's puppet organization, the Communist International, in the affairs of the CPUSA, but actually glories therein.
'interfere'," boasts Bittelman in the same "there can be no doubt of that. And it is fortunate that pamphlet, He points out moreover that "the Comintern spoke to the it did."

"The Comintern did

American Party with authority and wisdom" (p. 88). He insists that the CPUSA "can derive deep satisfaction from the fact that it unfailingly received brotherly advice and guidance from the Communist International." And he defiantly adds that "The leading role of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in the Comintern
needs neither explanation nor apology" (ibid, p. 71). He goes on to voice the feeling of pride with which the American party views the fact that it is part of "a world party together with the glorious Party of the Soviet Union" and that this world party
370894 55



guided by such proved leaders as Manuilsky, Kuusinen Piatnitsky" all prominent leaders of the Russian Communist

"is daily * * *

Party (ibid, p. 92). Climaxing his panegyric, Bittelman declares:

In the fifteen years of its existence the Comintern has grown into a true world It has reached the high state where all "Communist Parties are carrjang party. out one single line of the Comintern" a stage where all "Communist Parties are united by the Executive Committee of the Communist International into a single centrahzed World Party * * *" (Piatnitsky, Speech at the Thirteenth Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International) (ibid, p. 92)

Pointing out that the existence of this "world party" of which the American party is an organic part, makes possible the formulation of a "world revolutionary strategy," he adds that "it is in Comrade Stalin, since Lenin's death, that this strategy has found the greatest formulator, interpreter, and organizer." In demonstrating the complete subservience of the American party to Moscow, Mr. Bittelman is not content to present his case in broad, general terms. He is most specific in itemizing the nature of Kremlin
intervention in detail. When the American Communist movement was first founded in 1919, it consisted of two rival groups: The Communist Party of America and the Communist Labor Party of America. Bittelman describes the Comintern's role at this founding stage:
bringing together of all American revolutionary workers into one Communist * * * was the first of the more significant acts of advice of the Comintern * * * A unified and single Communist Party was materialized in the United States in shorter time, less painfully and wastefully, than could have been the case without the advice and assistance of the Comintern (ibid, p. 74, 75)



This, according to Bittelman, the CPUSA.




milestone in the history of

1919 to 1922 for example, the Conununist Party, USA, was Bittelman outlines the nature of Moscow's advice and guidance in evading the law, as follows Once more the American Communists consulted with the Communist International. This was in 1921-1922. And the correct advice came, as it was bound to * * * Illegal work, that is, revolutionary work that could not be done


openly because of governmental persecution, was not abandoned but continued; the illegal work supplementing the legal, and vice versa * * * What was it that proved especially helpful for the American Communists in the Comintern advice on legal and illegal work? It was the world and Russian experience of bolshevism (ibid, p. 76).

A major concern of the CPUSA is the task of boring from within the labor movement. Here again the Comintern actively intervened according to Bittelman:
in the Comintern leadership for the American Party we find of trade union work * * * It was Comintern advice and guidance tliat helped tlie American Communists to turn full face to the building of a Left Wing in the reformist unions beginning with 1920; it was the advice of the Comintern that helped * * * formulate strike policies and tactics; it was Comintern advice on how to revolutionize the labor movement * * *(ibid, p. 77, 97).

The next milestone

on the question

According to Bittelman, the directives of the Communist International extended to the point of advising a policy (which is still in force) calling for the establishment of an independent Negro republic in what he called the Black Belt in the South, a step which would involve armed insurrection against the United States in which count-


Negro lives would be sacrificed to the machinations Here are Bittelman's own words on the subject:




Once more came the "outside" influence

It said that * * * in the

of the

Comintern; and what did

of this


Black Belt the

full realization


national liberation) requires the fight for the national self-determination of the Negroes including the right of separation from the United States and the organzation of an independent state (ibid, p. 85).

It has been pointed out that in the early 1930's the Communists advocated measures for so-called unemployment relief which were jacked up to the point where their acceptance would have meant national banla-uptcy. In support of these demands embodied in the Lundeen bill, the Communists promoted hunger marches calculated In a number of to incite the unemployed against the Government. cases, State legislative chambers were occupied and vandalized and

numerous instances of violence developed. Where did the inspiration Bittelman gives the answer: for this program come from?
the Comintern undertook to prepare the proletarian vanguard, the Communist Party, and through it the whole working class for effective struggle against



The Communist Party, guided by the Comintern, eventually succeeded in this demand * * * a major issue in the class struggle of the United
Keferring to the ouster of Jay Lovestone, former general secretary CPUSA and his followers, Bittelman calls attention to

States (ibid, p. 87).

of the

the advice of the Comintern in * * * cleansing itself of the Lovestone opportunists and the conciliators with the advice of Joseph Stalin (ibid, p. 88, 89).

Thus, according to Moscow's leading apologist and spokesman within the American party, the Communist International with headquarters in Moscow, actively intervened in the affairs of the Communist Party of the United States on the following major issues: (1) the from an founding of the CPUSA; (2) the emergence of the illegal to a legal status and the combination of legal and illegal activity; (3) policies in the American labor movement; (4) proposal for an independent Negro republic in the South; (5) activity among the unemployed (6) the choice of leaders for the American party.


Since the present is a period in which the exigencies of Soviet policy require that its American Communist henchmen maintain an attitude of active hostility toward the American Government, since it has been only a short time since American lives were actually being lost in combat against Communist military forces, and since the Government, in self protection, has been compelled to adopt suitable restrictive measures, the Communist Party, USA, has more and more resorted The party does not wait until the police to underground methods. crack down on its members and organizations before it initiates

precautionary measures. Writing in the Communist International as early as September 1, 1931, B. Vassiliev, a Russian specialist on party organization, called upon all Communist parties to safeguard themselves against "police He declared that terror."


The question of an illegal organization must now receive the closest attention Communist Parties without exception in capitalist countries * * *




called for the "formation of


an illegal apparatus alongside the functioning legal Party apparatus." The application of this basic instruction means that while the Communist Party, USA is Mr. still legal, it has already built up a parallel illegal apparatus. VassUiev further indicates that this illegal apparatus is "to take over the functions of the legal apparatus as this is liquidated as the result

of police repression." are fortunate in having available the Vassiliev directive which furnishes the basic pattern for Communist conspnative procedure which would otherwise not be avaOable in such convenient form under


present circumstances. Basing himself upon the conspiratorial experience of the Russian Communist Party, he goes into some detail.

The first steps for forming an mends are as follows:


party apparatus which he recom-

Such archives 1. Securing a building for storing the party archives. are usually entrusted to veteran party members and are invariably located outside of known party headquarters. They may be at the home or office of some wealthy party member or sympathizer located in surroundings calculated to avoid suspicion. 2. Establishment of one or more illegal printing plants for the printing These would, of course, of party organs in the event of their closure. be supplemented by auxiliary apparatus such as mimeographs, multigraphs, etc. In addition, the instructions call for the establishment of one or more legal party organs, usually appearing under some other assumed auspices. New editors must be appointed in advance In the event of the suppression to replace those facing possible arrest. of the party paper, a complete apparatus is to be prepared for its appearance under a new name. Funds are even to be prepared for the payment of fines and other incidental expenses. 3. Establishment of an apparatus for distributing illegal party literature.

Selection of a definite group of leading party activists to pass into The history of the party shows innumerable cases of leaders who have suddenly disappeared from public mention in the party press for a time simultaneous with their assignment to illegal


This has been the case with J. Peters, Jacob Golos, Whittaker Chambers, Earl Browder, Charles Krumbem, Emanuel Joseph-


George Mink, Philip Aronberg, Morris Childs, and many others. Preparation of addresses and houses for illegal correspondence, for secret sessions of the leading party committees and for housing the illegal party leaders and for conferences at specified hours between them and In this connecparty members who are still operating on a legal basis. a contion, the homes and offices of wealthy contacts often serve as

venient cover. 6. Training of a minimum number of party members in the techniques of underground work {running an illegal printing plant, code work, the technique of personal and written contacts, the defense and proFor this purpose trained tection of the illegal party apparatus, etc.). Russian instructors or Americans who have had training in Soviet
conspiratorial schools, are usually utilized. To supplement these measures, Mr. Vassiliev gives specific instructions for individual party members and organizers, which have particular force in the present hectic period:



1. No documents of an incriminating character are to be kept at the legal premises of the party, and all party members are to be warned regarding the keeping of secret or incriminating documents. 2. Certain selected party leaders engaged in special work of an the legal party headquarillegal character are warned against visiting ters. Meetings of party leaders are not to be held at these locations. 3. In a period of semi or complete illegahty, the Communist-front organizations and unions assume major importance as legal covers for party members. Moreover, party members are instructed to penetrate even nonparty and antiparty organizations in order to (In recent years, for example, there has carry on their activity. been accumulating evidence of Communist efforts to penetrate both the Democratic and RepubHcan Parties, church organizations, conservative unions, etc.)

4. Above all, Communist activity in specific factories is to be Members engaged in carried on on a strictly conspiratorial basis. this work are cautioned: member(a) To act in such a way as not to reveal their party (Recently the party was faced with a dilemma in this ship. connection, having urged its members to actively circulate the









in strictest se(6) Meetings of factory groups must be held crecy, with the possible exception of the admission of reliable sympathizers at times. individual (c) Real names are not to be used at meetings by

Vassiliev urges that "breaches of police restrictions should first of all be organized in the factories informally and directly, by attract* * *" In other words, ing the working masses into the struggle. the individual Communist will not stick his neck out to provoke defiance of the policy, but will work behind the scenes to induce the workers in his factory to do so and take the consequences. Communists consider every such "breach" as an evidence of further


of our democratic government. in his authoritative Communist Party-;Manual on Organization, published in 1935, gives further du-ectives for safe-


guarding the

conspiracy: any member anything about Party members wliich does not concern that member.





It will be remembered that many Americans viewed with skepticism the testimony of Whittaker Chambers that he was kno\^Ti to Alger and Priscilla Hiss simply as "Carl." It sounds utterly fantastic that they would not ask for details. The fact is, however, that any party member who is inquisitive, who asks questions, beconies an

The party demands unquestioning obedience in the fullest sense of the term.
immediate object of suspicion.
2. Do not discuss any Party question outside of the meeting of the Party * * * Stop discussing inner Party questions on the street corners organization or cafeterias. * * * 3. Avoid, as much as possible, keeping membership lists with names and addresses, and if you have such lists, do not keep them in your home, or in the headquarters of the Party Unit or Section, or in your pocket. 4. Documents which are not for publication should be read only by those Party members to whom they are addressed, and should be destroyed immediately



carefully safeguarded. after reading it to the

Documents which need study must be Every member who has such a document must return it Party committee, which destroys it immediately.
after reading.

These instructions on illegal activities are supplemented by a publication entitled "The Agent Provocateur in the Labour Movement" written by Johannes Buchner and published by the official Communist publishing house, the Workers Library Publishers, for the avowed purpose of "combating provocation and spying." This pamphlet states that the "struggle against provocation and pohce espionage forms a permanent and fundamental function of every Party member and of the entire Party organization." While the CPUSA plays upon every hberal sympathy in protecting its members from ouster or prosecution by the Government, it has no such scruples in dealing with suspicious persons in its own ranks. Describing those Communists guilty of "petty bourgeois prejudices and petty bourgeois muddleheadedness" who fear throwing "suspicion on a friend and a comrade" or who hesitate to "hurt his feelings," Mr. Buchner lays down this ruthless principle:
Until the Communist Parties expel this petty bourgeois sentimentality and muddleheadedness energetically from their midst, they will never be able to wage an effective struggle against the agents provocateurs (p. 13).

Persons under suspicion, he says, should not be trusted merely "on the alleged grounds that they possess valuable and indispensable
facihties" (p. 13).

Mr. Buchner advises Communists to read Our Secret War, by Thomas Marvin Johnson, which contains descriptions of various methods employed by spies for communication purposes.
In some instances, he ascribes to the police procedures (for penetrating into the technical apparatus to acquire information) which the party undoubtedly uses for its own purposes, such as the enlistment of

"shorthand typists, technical secretaries, janitors, charwomen, and



Detailed instructions are given as to methods employed police officials in eliciting information and how to guard against
for eluding the pohce:


Mr. Buchner advises the following methods

work * * *. Secondly, the Firstly, the correct co-ordination of legal and illegal drawing" up and exact observance of the rules of conspiracy work, that is to say, practical measures to ensure that confidential decisions and documents, illegal Thirdly, exact rules for the persons, addresses, etc., are kept a close secret. conduct of comrades under arrest with regard to their statements in court and before the police (p. 44)

against excessive concentration of illegal work of the party "in the hands ojf a single comrade," referring particularly to "the direction of an illegal printshop, communication with organizations He emphasizes that alDroad and with underground organizations." functions so that the "illegal Party work calls for a strict division of arrest of one person may not cause the dislocation of several spheres

He warns

of illegal

Party work" (p. 46), Buchner advises that "all symptoms

of personal feelings, senti-

mental considerations, or superficial friendliness" be rejected in the Such persons must be selection of comrades for illegal party work. checked as to "moral and political personality of the comthoroughly
rade concerned, his strength of character, militant experience, personal courage, his connections and social intercourse, way of life, family


relations, etc."


Precautionary measures are urged "in any case of when there are no adequate by which the suspicion can be corroborated" (pp. 46, 47). proofs Buchner's pamphlet indicates that the Communists have made a
suspicions, serious or otherwise, even


study of eluding police vigilance. He cites the following measures which incidentally provide valuable leads for our
of all


counterespionage agencies : Thorough analysis of every case of arrest, examination and comparison circumstances and incidents accompanying the case.

Increased vigilance in cases of distortion or misrepresentation of the Party

3. Exact analysis of the various proposals and formal motions brought forward by the suspected person over a given period of time. 4. Extreme caution towards people who display excessive curiosity, who offer

themselves for the execution of confidential tasks. * * * 5. Special attention and vigilance to be paid to (cases of alcoholism, embezzlement, extravagance, sexual excesses, etc.) 6. Strict and continual financial control over all sums of money expended by the organization and over every penny of Party funds. * * * in the most 7. Special courses of instruction elementary methods of illegal work and conspiracy must be conducted in the Party schools. 8. Police agents should he unmasked, by making their names known and publishing their photographs and descriptions of their persons in the press. 9. Direct action on the part of all the workers of the whole enterprise or of a
given department so as to discover and forcibly eject all spies. 10. Every Communist Party should constantly hold in view the possibility of * * * preparatory having to change quickly to illegal work and should take measures. 11. By altering the dwelling places of various comrades, the addresses and the
places of meeting after arrests (pp. 48, 49).

Included in this invaluable study for the guidance of party members are the following rules established by a famous espionage scliool of the German general staff: Do not show too obvious curiosity when collecting news and doing reconnaissance.

Train your facial expression so as to appear always uninterested and indifferent. Never discuss confidential matters in a coffee-house, on the tram, or in the train. Conceal your knowledge of foreign languages; this makes it easier for you to overhear conversations. Don't leave papers, envelopes, newspapers, hotel or business bills lying about anywhere. Don't throw them in the waste paper basket either, even if they are
torn in small pieces (pp. 49, 50). Always arrange meetings with people from whom you intend to learn someIf possible they thing at a great distance from your and their place of living. should have to make a railway journey of several hours to arrive at the meeting When tired, especially after a night journey, the client is less capable of place. offering resistance and is m.ore ready to let things out. Rather learn five or six facts, even if they be insignificant ones than a hundred opinions (pp. 49, 50).

Mr. Buchner's pamphlet lays down certain "rules of behavior" for Communist Party members in "executing confidential conspiratorial
work:" He must always be on
of carelessness;

he must



He must evolve cies to lose hold over himself, against talkativeness and curiosity. a number of strict rules of life for his daily existence and his intercourse with men and affairs (p. 50).


talk at random, never he guilty govern himself and hold himself in must fight systematically against all distractions and tendenhis guard,

must never

know how






specific in bis directives for the


behavior of Communist


him who ought

know what you have

to say, not he





* * * revolutionary must not talk at random or use superfluous words. 3. Only ask what it is your concern to know. * * * 4. Be on your guard in telephoning and in letter-writing. 5. Don't take unnecessary things with you. See who is following you and who is watching you. 6. Look around you. Don't attract attention by acting the conspirator; act and 7. Don't pose. behave simply. Consider every step and every 8. Avoid all frivolity and care-free behavior.




to the documents

Adapt your way of life to the environment you carry (pp. 50, 51).


which you belong according


Many Americans are inclined to minimize the resourcefulness and the cunning of the Communist fifth column. Many, having little substantial knowledge of the nature of this conspiracy, inclined to accept the CPUSA as just another American political party, are misled by its claims. It would be well, therefore, to present an analysis of typical Communist methods of evasion and deception. Communists customarily resort to double talk and what has aptly been described as Aesopian language, in other words, language intended to give one impression to the outsider and quite another While they constantly assure the Soviet Union to party insiders. and their associates in the United States of their loyalty to the Soviet cause, they seek to give the impression to Americans that they are simultaneously loyal to this country. The 1945 constitution of the CPUSA declares that the "Communist Party carries forward
[a phrase added to offset any impression of complete endorsement] the democratic traditions of Jefferson, Paine and Lincoln." The very same document declares that

The Communist Party


upon the

* * of the United States is the political party * basing * * * Marxism-Leninism. principles of

calls for the establishment of a dictatorship by force and violence in direct contradiction to the principles for which Jefferson, Paine and Lincoln stood. The preamble to the 1945 party constitution says "The Communist Party upholds the achievements of American democracy". The weasel word here is, of course, "achievements." As William Z. Foster puts it in his 23 Questions About the Communist Party, "We stand second to none in our loyalty to the American people." Since the party by its own claim represents the American people The party here does not pledge this is a pledge of loyalty to itself. itself to support the institutions of American democracy as they are * * * the today. Nor is this implied in the pledge "to defend of our country." The reference to "our^ country"^ is democracy particularly presumptuous in the light of the many previous allusions by Communist spokesmen to the "Soviet fatherland" and the party's demonstrated and undeviating loyalty to Soviet policy. In fact, in his 23 Questions, WilUam Z. Foster openly claims that "Socialist




democracy, which is what prevails *in the U. S. S. R., is on a higher * * the United States." plane than the democracy of Article II of the party constitution carries the pledge to "extend the democracy of our country." This term is a common one in Communist literature. It is simply an admission that the "limited democracy" remaining in our Government according to William Z. Foster, is to be "extended" and exploited to the full to further the advent of

Again to mislead the unwary the preamble purloins certain phrases from our own Declaration of Independence, demanding the right to "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness," calmly ignoring the known
fact that the lot of millions in Communist countries is to be denied these elementary rights. Article II presents the party's purpose "to promote the best interests and welfare of the working class and the people of the United States." Naturally the party, self-described as the "political party of the American working class," assumes for itself the right to define what are these "best interests and welfare." The preamble declares that the party will defend the "United States Constitution and its Bill of Rights against its reactionary enemies." Since the Communists do not consider themselves as reactionaries but as progressives, this provision could not apply to their unceasing efforts to undermine and destroy the United States Constitution. can William Z. Foster, or the party he heads, be trusted to defend the United States Constitution when he frankly states in his 23 Questions that "the Stalin Constitution of the U. S. S. R. is far and away the most democratic in the world?" Nowhere in the world has communism, or "socialism," as the Communists sometimes call it, been established by the freely expressed will This has been true from the time of the Russian of the majority. Revolution in 1917 to the satellite countries of the present day. In every case these actions have been applauded by the CPUSA. Neverstands for the "establishment of theless in article II the socialism by the free choice of the majority of the American people." As a matter of fact, the Cormnunists hold this majority in complete disrespect as indicated by their open contempt for the democratic institutions which express the will of this majority. is thoroughly In order to give the impression that the democratic in character, article VII declares that "the highest authorThe fact is that these ity of the Party is the National Convention." conventions can be held only with Moscow's permission in accordance with the constitution of the Communist International, a procedure still in force. Those who have attended these conventions have acknowledged that delegates are handpicked from above and usually approve a single slate of members of the national committee without These gatherings merely rubberstamp decisions previously contest. made in the upper reaches of the Communist hierarchy. The Communist Party is torn between its desire to assure the American people that it is not affiliated with Moscow's international Communist apparatus and its determination, on the other hand, to demonstrate its afiiliation and unswerving loyalty to that organiza-




tion. Having openly acknowledged its affiliation with the Communist International for over 20 years, the CPUSA on November 16, 1940, "disaffiliated" itself "for the specific purpose of removing itself



of tlie so-called Voorhis Act," requiring the registraOn tion of foreign agents. 22, 1943, the Communist International was formally dissolved as an expedient to placate Russia's allies in World War II, the action receiving the subsequent endorsement of the disaffiliated CPUSA. The sincerity of this move may be measured in the light of the testimony of Louis F. Budenz, former and former manmember of the national committee of the aging editor of its official organ, the Daily Worker. Describing a meeting of the party executives with Gerhard Eisler, alias Hans Berger, representative of the Communist International, Budenz declared under oath on November 22, 1946:

from the terms





to get here to the dissolution of the


International * * *

This issue

Communist International. * write this piece which he did write, in national still lives * * * even with the dissolution of the national.

the Communist)

we were * * And


was the one that discussed the it was agreed that Mr. Berger should order to show our comrades that inter-





by Hans Berger

referred to, entitled

CPUSA theoretical 1943. In September 1947 the information bureau of the Communist parties was established. In a statement appearing in the Daily Worker on November 3, 1947, the national board of the CPUSA formally announced that the Communist Party ^'should not affiliate" because of the "present political situation in the United States" which was described as "anti-Communist hysteria and war incitement." It did not say that it has not affiliated. The statement acknowledged, however, that "the establishment of an Information Bureau by nine Communist Parties of Europe is of great significance." It is in this light that the statement in the preamble declaring that "the Communist Party holds as a basic principle that there is an identity of interest which serves as a common bond uniting the workers of all lands" should be judged. To mislead those who interpret this document literally, the preamble adds the assurance that the party "recognizes further that the true * * * national interests of our country require the solidarity of all and the continued and ever-closer cooperation freedom-loving peoples of the United Nations," in order to give the impression that the U. N. and not the Cominform represents that international "common bond." The fact is that there have been convincing proofs of the CPUSA's actual affiliation with the Cominform as demonstrated by 1. Complete adherence to and endorsement of Cominform
organ) for

Discussion Concerning the Dissolution of the national," appeared in the Communist (official

"Remarks on the Communist Inter-



Cominform directives in official organs of the as the monthly Political Affairs. statements of policy and reports on 3. Printing of activity in the official Cominform organ For a Lasting Peace, For

Printing of

CPIJSA, such


a People's Democracy. 4. Fraternal greetings and support sent by the CPUSA to conventions of foreign Communist parties openly affliated with the
Fraternal greetings and support sent to the CPUSA by foreign Communist parties affiliated with the Cominform, and by the Cominform itself.




6. Support by the CPUSA of world movements endorsed by the Cominform such as the World Federation of Trade Unions, the World Peace Congress, the Women's International Democratic Federation, the World Federation of Democratic Youth, the International Union of Students, and the World Federation of

7. Sale of Cominform literature by CPUSA bookshops. Public exposure of the CPUSA as a conspiracy with an underground, illegal apparatus, engaging in espionage and other treasonable activities, has induced the party to incorporate into its constitution various formulations calculated to give the impression that the party Article IV, section 10, declares is entirely legal and aboveboard. that every member is obligated to fight with all his strength against* any* and every * to impose effort, whether it comes from abroad or from within our country the United States the arbitrary will of any group or party or clique or conupon

Democratic Lawyers.

spiracy, thereby violating the unqualified right of the majority of the people to direct the destinies of our country.

Since the is honeycombed Math semantic boobytraps. Communists claim to represent the enlightened will of the majority of the people, they would never plead guilty to being arbitrary, to

This statement

violating the will of the majority, or to representing a clique or conIn article IX, punishment is prescribed for "conduct or spu-acy. action detrimental to the working class and the nation," the interpretation of these terms being left to the determination of the disciplinary review commission of the CPUSA. It is as if an organization of gangsters had formally adopted a constitution describing itself as a league of honest, law-abiding Americans; or an extortion racket operating under the name of Merchants Protective Society. In 1948 the House Committee on Un-American Activities pubhshed is an advocate of the overthrow of a report to show that the the Government by force and violence. In 1952 the Senate Internal


Security Subcommittee published documentary proof along this line. In 1949, 11 top leaders of the CPUSA were convicted under the Smith Act on the charge of teaching and advocating the overthrow of our Government by force and violence. In part, the Government's case was based upon quotations from seven Communist classics which a defendant, Carl Winter, declared are obsolete. Nevertheless these very works were recommended by Political Affairs in 1947 and are openly sold in Communist bookshops. In a fm*ther effort to escape the incriminating force of its basic documents, article XIV of the 1945 constitution declared:
is not responsible for any political document, policy, book, any other expression of political opinion except such as are issued by authority of "this and subsequent national conventions and its regularly consti-

The Communist Party

article, or

tuted leadership.
effect, this would constitute a formal repudiation of all the works Marx, Lenin, and Stalin which are standard references for party speakers, writers, and teachers today. Its purpose is undoubtedly to invalidate this mass of evidence. When charged with advocating the overthrow of Government by force and violence, the party usually resorts to the formula used by * * * WilHam Z. Foster in his 23 Questions: "The danger of violence comes from the reactionary elements," who would oppose the always




revolutionary designs of the Communists. According to this logic, a pedestrian who is provoked to violence in opposing the forcible efforts of a highwayman to rob him of his possessions is primarily responsible for such violence. Experience has shown that the Communists have initiated violence in every country in which they have been active to the point of actual control as in Russia, China, and the various satellite states.

A prize example of evasion is that furnished by William Z. Foster, chairman of the CPUSA, in answering questions as to what he would do in the event of war between the United States and the Soviet Union. These answers are, of course, typical of what may be expected of party members generally in dealing with this question, which is an
Communist movement, their spokesmen were more forthright. Thus, William Z. Foster in his work Toward Soviet America published in 1932, predicted positively:
imperialist war against the U. S. S. R. is now most acute. * * * * * * It is a clearly intend to thrust war upon the Soviet Union. situation that should arouse every worker * * * to rally in defense of the Soviet

acid test of their lo^^alty. In the early days of the

The danger of The capitalists


On September 29, 1939, during the period of the Stalin-Hitler Pact, Foster appeared before the Special Committee on Un-American Activities. He was asked by the chairman

In the event of war between the United States and Soviet Russia, would your allegiance be to the United States or Soviet Russia?

Foster's replies run the entu-e

in part:


of evasion.




* * * I am for the defense of the United say it is a hypothetical question. States. * * * if the United States entered this war on an imperialist basis, I * * * it. would not


Mr, Foster again appeared on May 27, 1948, before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Again he was asked what he would do in the event of an American conflict with the Soviet Union. Here are his
typical replies:
* * * any war that may be developed between the United States and the Soviet Union can only be an imperialist war at the instigation of Wall Street, and we Communists are against all imperialist wars. * * * Russia would never attack America. * * * Because a socialist government is not an aggressive * * * government. [Referring to the Soviet attack on Poland:] That was just Russian land that tlie Polish Government had. * * * [Referring to the Soviet attack on Finland:] Finland was the tool of reactionaries of every stripe. * * * I have stated that we are not going to fight against the Soviet Union * * * [Referring to ol:)edience to military orders:] That would depend on the circumstances. * * *"


Basing itself upon Lenin's theory that the Government consists of "special bodies of armed men, who have at their disposal prisons" and "repressive institutions of all kinds," for the oppression of the vast majority of the population, the Communist Party, USA, which

upon our Government as the "enemy," has devised various methods for evading exposure and prosecution which have been employed from time to time before congressional committees and the courts. These methods include the following:




Denial that the


advocates overthrow of governcase of


ment by force and violence (Schneiderman case, Communist leaders, case of the "second string" 13).
2. 3.

Denial that the party is an agent of a foreign power. Denial of party membership (Alger Hiss, William W. Remington). 4. Denial of legal authority to compel answers to questions regarding party affiliation (Hollywood Ten). 5. Refusal to answer questions regarding party affiliation, claiming privilege under the first amendment to the Constitution guaranteeing freedom of speech. 6. Refusal to answer questions regarding party affiliation, claiming privilege under the fifth amendment on grounds of
possible self-incrimination. 7. Refusal to furnish official records on grounds that such a request is beyond the legal scope of the committee or agency (Joint Anti-Fascist' Refugee Committee). 8. Charge that the agency or committee is illegally constituted. Nor has the above exhausted the Communist bag of tricks. Johannes Buchner, in his authoritative pamphlet The Agent Provocateur in the Labour Movement, previously referred to, presents detailed instructions for Communist conduct before the police and in court:

single fact


organs or individual members of the organization. No explanations in this Absolute denial even when personally confronted with the persons and Whoever despite the evidence given by police spies and agents provocateurs. infringes, even but a little, these fundamental rules must instantly and mercilessly be ejected from the Party (p. 51).

no statement incriminating any comrade, no names, no addresses, not a which could possibly be used directly or indirectly against the Party,

This directive furnishes a key to understanding the consistent hostility of Communist witnesses before investigating bodies and the courts. Buchner warns against getting involved in talks and discussions "even about seemingly distant topics, such as views of life, etc." Should the authorities not know for certain that the individual is
a party

member and have no

proofs to that effect, then says Buchner:

since a categorical refusal to

convict you of being a Communist, you may permit yourself a few short statements calculated to obtain credence, but only with regard to your own person.

make any statement would

discloses the essentially conspiratorial nature of the party by advising that "We must always conceal our plans and our ways of work from the class enemy," meaning, of course, the Government, He adds later, "therefore alwa3^s be on your guard, be a (p. 51.) conspirator, carefully control yourself and others" (p. 54). Communists are cautioned to note whether they are being followed when leaving a police station or their own homes (p. 24). As a rule, those charged with certain crimes before a court of law concentrate upon proving their innocence. Not so with the Communists. They have other aims of a propaganda nature described





A Communist must utilize a political trial to help on the revolutionary struggle. Our tactics in the public proceedings of the law court are not tactics of defense but of attack. Without clinging to legal formalities, the Communist must use the trial as a means of bringing his indictment against the dominant capitalist regime and
of courageously voicing the views of his Party.



study of the trial of the "first string" Communist leaders and the tactics employed by the defense will disclose that these were primarily the tactics employed, which resulted in the citation of defense lawyers It was the motivating factor in the selection of Eugene for contempt. Dennis, general secretary of the Party, to defend himself despite his
lack of legal training.
It is sometimes assumed that lawyers defending Communist cases are just like any other lawyers who take cases as a matter of business and who are not to be held responsible for the views of their clients. But Mr. Buchner makes it clear that lawyers in Communist cases belong in a different category. "The aid of such barristers," he declares, "as deprecate the importance and the function of the Party in

must be decisively rejected" (p. 52). International Labor Defense, described by Attorney General Biddle as the "legal arm of the Communist Party," and now functioning as the Civil Rights Congress, published a pamphlet some years ago entitled "Under Arrest! How To Defend Yourself in Court! What To Do When Arrested and Questioned!" which gives additional pointers which are recommended for study in special classes organized for the purpose. Introducing this pamphlet, Helen Stasova, international secretary of the International Labor Defense (International Red Aid), with headquarters in Moscow, declared, "We must give directions to the workers on how to defend themselves." Symbolic of their distrust of the dignity and sanctity of our Believing courts, the Communists do not rely upon legal defense. that the courts are primarily instruments of the ruling class, the Communists rely primarily upon mass action to terrorize the courts to act Thus the pamphlet boasts that in behalf of their defendants.
their pleading,


The principal work of the International Labor Defense consists in arousing the widest mass protests, as the chief effective method with which to wrest the working class militants from the bosses' clutches (p. 6). In accordance with this practice, mass picket hnes were conducted around the Federal Court Building during the trial of the 11 Communist leaders in 1949. According to this approach, the policeman "is a servant of the boss * * * He is your enemy." Hence the instruction for dealing class. with him or his superiors: * * * you shall not give the names of your fellow workers, the names of organizations that you belong to. * * * And if you are a foreign-born worker, no information of any sort, of the date you landed, the name of the boat, etc. Give your name. That is all. You should not even furnish an address (p. 9).

charged with assaulting a policeman, the defendant is advised not deny the act but to assert "your right to defend yourself" (p. 16). "Have no faith in fake promises of the cops or district attorney," Defendants are urged is a warning issued by this pamphlet (p. 11). to demand a jury trial so as to "have much more opportunity to

raise class issues" (p. 13). The key to the defiant attitude of a Communist in the courts lies in the precept laid down to "make capitalism the defendant, and yourself the prosecutor" (p. 16), In his own eyes and those of his Thus associates, his defiance makes him a hero of the class war.

"the capitalist courtroom" must be used "as a forum from which


the workers on
of the courts




expose before their fellow toilers the true nature a tool in the bosses' economic and political op-


(p. 29).

Written in the days when the Communists had not fully adopted their present Trojan Horse tactics, the pamphlet is franker than Wilham Z. Foster on the question of force and violence, declaring:
* * * the masses of workers will be fully justified, historically and socially, in using means, including force and violence, in defense against capitalist force and violence and in a revolutionary situation, to dislodge capitalism and replace it with a classless social order. * * * (p. 17).

Despite their activities as a Soviet fifth column, Communists are advised to quote the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, Abraham Lincoln, and Woodrow Wilson in support of their right to revolution (pp. 18, 19). Keminiscent of the procedure followed to the letter by the defense in the trial of the 11 Communist leaders in 1949, causing weeks of delay, we find the following:
Before the jury panel is sworn in by the clerk, get up, and state that you challenge the entire panel of prospective jurors on the ground that it is composed of people whose social and economic interests will prejudice them against you, the de-


(p. 20).

Characterizing the various sedition laws, criminal anarchy statutes and criminal syndicalism acts which have been adopted by various States, the pamphlet refers to them as "class laws, brazen and undisguised, forged

by the

capitalist state to suppress the struggle of the

masses" (p. 25). Defendants are warned against too great reliance upon attorneys since they are "limited by the technical rules of the courts" (p. 15). "No pussyfooting" is to be tolerated from attorneys. "An attorney," it is pointed out, "should be employed only for instruction and technical defenses," the defendant reserving for himself the right to present "the class issues." William L. Patterson, former national secretary of the International Labor Defense and presently executive secretary of the Civil Rights Congress, has written an illuminating article entitled "The International Labor Defense and Courtroom Technicians," for the Labor Defender of May 1933, official ILD organ. The tactics laid down then form a pattern for those followed in all recent Communist trials. The instructions laid down by this well-known Communist are most
explicit :


class struggle
* *

begun on the

streets or in the



carried into the court-


Many of the friends and even members of the ILD have seriously questioned its methods. * * * International Labor Defense lawyers are engaged to serve it chiefly on the basis of their ability as "courtroom technicians." A lawyer has to concern himself only with the juridical aspects of the case. He is not asked to engage in the political defense of the accused, but his legal defense of the accused, because of the nature of the cases the ILD is engaged in, becomes at once political * * *. The ILD believes that only mass pressure can bring about the release of a class war prisoner; that pressure must be supplemented by legal defense.^ The Every legal technicality legal defense must be of the most expert character. must be used. The more far reaching the knowledge of the lawyer retained by can the worker be shown that the the ILD, the more easUy and effectively guaranties of justice extended him by the ruling class are meaningless.




Communists speaking openly in the name of the Communist Party and franldy as disciplined agents of the Soviet Union could make very little progress in winning converts in the United States. Wherever and whenever they have secured power in any country, it has been the result of a calculated policy of deception. One of the most important instruments of Communist deception is the front
Without the aid of its numerous front organizations, organization. the Communist Party would be an isolated, insignificant sect. With the aid of its network of fronts, the Communist Party can and does exercise influence far out of proportion to its actual membership. It is in a position to establish contacts not otherwise available, A Communist front organization may be broadly described as an organization formed at the initiative of the Communist Party of the United States or another country or the Communist International (Cominform) and operating under Communist instruction for the accomplishment of one or more current aims.^ The actual aim of the Communist front is not openly stated but is concealed behind a highsounding and attractive reform objective. In exceptional cases like the American Youth Congress the Communists have taken over an organization originally organized by non-Communists and have transformed it into a Communist front. A front can be local, national, or international in its scope. The building of front organizations has been laid down as a primary directive by Otto Kuusinen, secretary of the Communist International, for all Communist parties in the following words uttered at the Sixth Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Communist International held in Moscow:
The first part of our task is to build up, not only Communist organizations, but other organizations as well, above all mass organizations, sympathizing with our * * * We must create a whole solar aims, and able to aid us for special purposes. system of organizations and smaller committees working actually under the influence of our Party (Communist (magazine), May I93I, pp. 409-423).

The real purposes of the Communists in building a front organization are never those which are publicly stated to attract adherents. The actual objectives which we cite herewith, may be varied and may overlap in the case of any given organization. 1. As part of Soviet psychological warfare against the United States, Communist fronts seek to paralyze America's will to resist Communist aggression by idealizing Russia's aims and methods, discrediting the
United States, spreading defeatism and demoralization. At the present historical juncture in world affairs, all Communist fronts serve this primary purpose. Specializing in this field, however, there have been such organizations as the American Peace Crusade, the Committee for Peaceful Alternatives to the Atlantic Pact, the Congress of American Women, the American Youth for Democracy, and the Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern Policy. 2. Certain organizations specialize in pro-Soviet propaganda such as the magazine New World Review (formerly Soviet Russia Today),

In sec. 3

The Subversive Activities Control Act of 1950 describes the Communist-front organization as follows (4) (p 4): "The term 'Communist-front organization' means any organization in the United States

(other than a Communist-action organization as defined in paragraph (3) of this section) which (A) is substantially directed, dominated, or controlled by a Communist-action organization, and (B) is primarily operated for the purpose of giving aid and support to a Communist-action organization, a Communist foreign go"ernnieut, or the world Communist movement referred to in sec. 2 of this title."



the National Council of American Soviet Friendship and the American Russian Institute. 3. Where the Communist message cannot be carried most effectively by the Communist Party among particular groups in the population, special fronts are formed for the purpose, such as American Youth for Democracy, Labor Youth League, Congress of American Women, the National Negro Labor Council, International Workers Order (foreign-born groups), American Committee for Protection of Foreign Bom, and the various foreign-language papers of the Communist


Sometimes fronts are used to appeal to special occupational still with the same broad general purposes in mind including, by way of example, the National Lawyers Guild, the National Council of the Arts, Sciences, and Professions, the Photo League, and


Farm Research. 5. To defend the


cases of Communist lawbreakers, fronts have been devised making special appeals in behalf of civil liberties and reaching out far beyond the confines of the Communist Party itself. Among these organizations are the Civil Rights Congress; Emergency Civil Liberties Committee; National Committee to Repeal the McCarran Act; Trade Union Committee for the Repeal of the Smith Act; National Committee to Secure Justice in the Rosenberg Case; Bridges, Robertson, Schmidt Defense Committee; Joint Anti-Fascist Refugee Committee; the National Lawyers Guild; Spanish Refugee Api>eal; and the American Committee for Protection of Foreign Born. When the Communist Party itself is under fire these fronts offer a bulwark
of protection.


dissimulation extends into the field of pohtical par-

forming political front organizations such as the ProgTessive Party and the American Labor Party. The Communists are thus enabled to present their candidates for elective office under other than a straight Communist label. 7. With an eye to religious groups, the Communists have formed religious fronts such as the Methodist Federation for Social Action, the Protestant (magazine), and the American Jewish Labor Council. 8. All Communist fronts are expected to serve as instruments of Communist espionage seeking out information and passing it through proper channels and serving as an occupationasi cover for espionage agents while their premises serve as convenient mail drops. 9. Communist operatives on the payrolls of the various Communist fronts are given a liveliliood and valuable organizing experience at the expense of sources outside of the Communist Party. Thus the International Workers Order with assets of over $1 million employed party stenographers, clerks, organizers, speakers, writers, teachers, janitors, and others in connection with its 2,000 lodges. 10. Certain Communist fronts are organized for the purpose of promulgating Communist ideas and misinformation into the bloodstream of public opinion. Examples of such organizations are the Allied Labor News Service, Federated Press, and the Labor Research Association. 11. Schools under patriotic and benevolent titles indoctrinate Communists and outsiders in the theory and practice of communism, train organizers and operatives, recruit new party members and sympathizers. These are no ordinary schools seeking mere culture or academic degrees. Such schools, whether open or secret, are operated




by Communist
direction of

Moscow under

Parties throughout the world under the supreme a common pattern. Schools of this type
School of Social Science, Detroit Ohio School of Social Sciences^ Cleveland Philadelphia School of Social Science and Art Schoo. of Jewish Studies New York

have been: Abraham Lincoln


School, Chicago Jefferson School of Social Science,



Labor School, San Francisco Samuel Adams School, Boston Seattle Labor School, Seattle

In Canada such Communist indoctrination was conducted chiefly by study groups whose operation is described by Canadian Royal Commission in its report of June 27, 1946: A further objective, pursued through the study group, is gradually to inculcate
in the secret


to the dictates of senior

of the Communist Party a habit of complete obedience members and officials of the Party hierarchy. This is

apparently accomplished through a constant emphasis, in the indoctrination courses, on the importance of organization as such, and by the gradual creation, in the mind of the new adherent or sympathizer, of an over-riding moral sense of * * * "loyalty to the Party." The indoctrination courses in the study gi'oups are apparently calculated not only to inculcate a high degree of "loyalty to the Party" and "obedience to the Party," but to instill in the mind of the adherent the view that loyalty and obedience to the leadership of organization takes precedence over his loyalty to Canada, entitles him to disregard his oaths of allegiance and secrecy, and thus destroys his integrity as a citizen (pp. 74, 75).

fronts change in accordance with the current party the party line was stridently anti-United States in the early 1930's, the Communists launched the American League Against War and Fascism. In the face of the growing menace of Adolf Hitler in the late 1930's, they projected the American League for Peace and Democracy advocating collective security with the democracies against fascism. During the Stalin-Hitler Pact (193941), however, they created the American Peace Mobilization which picketed the White House against lend-lease and the defense program. After Hitler attacked the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941, and Russia became an ally, this organization was transformed into the American Immediately People's Mobilization which supported the war effort. after World War II, the hne changed again and fronts immediately blossomed out against the American defense program and against our foreign policy, such as the National Committee To Win the Peace, the

Communist Thus when

American Peace Crusade, and similar organizations. 13. Front organizations enable the Communist Party to mobihze what appears to be a body of public opinion outside of the party in support of their campaigns, projects, legislation, or demands. In many cases the statement of such an organization is printed by the The names of leading sponsors command press without investigation. attention. These organizations claim to speak in the name of great masses of Americans whom they do not actually represent. Since one front organization will support another, they manage to pyramid their membership claims to fantastic proportions. 14. Front organizations serve as a valuable recruiting ground for new party members and supporters. 15. Certain fronts are formed to provoke racial friction such as the United Negro and Allied Veterans of America, Council on African Affairs, National Negro Labor Council, and others. Benjamin Gitiow, former Communist Party candidate for Vice
President of the United States, former


of its politbureau,



and a former member of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, has explained how a front organization is formed,
organised by the Communist Party in the following sympathizers who are close to the party and whom the party knows can be depended upon to carry out party orders, are gotten together and formed into a nucleus which issues a call for the organization of a And generally particular front organization which the party wants to estaolish. after that is done a program is drawn up oy the party, which this provisional committee adopts. Then, on the basis of this provisional program, all kinds of individuals are canvassed to become sponsors of the organization, which is A provisional secretary is appointed to be launched in the very near future. before the organization is launched and in every instance in our day the secre* * * And tary who was appointed was a member of the Communist Party. as president of the organization we would put up some prominent public figure who was willing to ^.ccept the presidency of the organization, generally making sure that, if that public figure was one who would not go along with the Communists, he was of such a type that he would be too busy to pay attention to the * * * affairs of the organization. On the committee that would be drawn together, a sufiicient number of Communists and Communist Party sympathizers, who would carry out party orders, was included, and out of this number a small executive committee was organized * * * which carried on the affairs of the organization, so-called, and this small And executive committee, with the secretary, really ran the organization. this small committee and the secretary are the instruments of the Communist Party, with the result that when manifestos or decisions on campaigns are made, those campaigns are ordered by the Communist Party (hearing of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, vol. 7, pp. 4716, 4717, 4718).

front organization


fashions: First, a



Various American fronts are each affiliated with a parent international front from which they receive directives, literature and other aid and to which they give unreserved and active support. Representatives of American fronts are to be found at international conThese organizations interlock and ferences of these organizations. cooperate closely. The following international Communist fronts are among those functioning at the present time:
World Federation

Democratic Youth

International Union of Students World Federation of Democratic


World Peace Congress World Federation of Scientific Workers

International Organization of Democratic Journalists International Association of Democratic Lawyers

These operate

in close harmony with the Communist-dominated World Federation of Trade Unions. Since Communist fronts have a way of changing names from time to time and from place to place, no specified list can serve as a perma-

nent safeguard to insure their detection. Safety from their machinations can be guaranteed only through ceaseless vigilance and detailed knowledge. We, therefore, present for the guidance of the American people certain criteria which will be useful in spotting a Communist
1. Since Communist fronts must start with a working nucleus of party members or reliable sympathizers, and since the party depends for its continued control of these organizations upon this nucleus, the presence of certain names frequently found as sponsors and ofhcials We present herewith a list of the most active is often a good clue. and typical sponsors of Communist fronts in the past.





McAvoy, Clifford T. McManus, John T.

Adams, Josephine Truslow Barsky, Edward K. Bass, Mrs. Charlotta Benson, Elmer Bryson, Hugh Burgum, Edwin Berry Carnovsky, Morris Darr, John W. Davis, Jerome DuBois, W. E. B. Dunn, Robert W.
Emerson, Thomas Evergood, Philip

Mc Williams,

McMichael, Jack R. Carey Miller, Clyde R.

Morrison, Philip Mulzac, Hugh N. Parker, Dorothy Patterson, William L. Pauling, Linus

Pennypacker, Anna M. W. Pope, Arthur Upham Rautenstrauch, Walter


Howard Gellert. Hugo


Henry Pratt


Reynolds, Bertha G. Robeson Paul


Gold, Ben Cropper, William Hammett, Dashiell


Schuraan, Frederick L. Shapley, Harlow


Hathway, Marion
Havighurst, R. J. Hellman, Lillian Hendley, Charles J.


Guy Emery Herman

Spofford, William B.


Hughes, Langston Hunton, Alpheus W. Hutchins, Crace

Imbrie, James

Jerome, V. J. Kenny, Robert W. Kent, Rockwell Kingsbury, John A. Kirchwey, Freda

Kreymborg, Alfred Lamont, Corliss

Lampell, Millard

Stefansson, Vilhajalmur Stern, Bernhard J. Stewart, Donald Ogden Stewart, Maxwell S. Stone, L F. Stover, Fred W. Straus, Leon Struik, Dirk J. Sugar, Maurice Thompson, John B.

Trachtenberg, Alexander
Travis, Maurice

Lawson, John Howard Lovett, Robert Morss Lynd, Robert S.

Maltz, Albert

Van Kleeck, Mary

Ward, Harry F. Warne, Colston E. Weltfish, Gene Wilkerson. Doxey A
receive publicity and promotion in such the Daily Worker, Daily People's World,

Uphaus, Willard

Mann, Thomas
Mather, Kirtley F.
2. Does the organization Communist pubHcations as

Masses and Mainstream? 3. Does the organization hold meetings in halls or does it have its offices in premises ordinarily used by Communist organizations? 4. Is literature of the Communist Party and other front organizations to be found at headquarters and at meetings? 5. Are speakers and entertainers employed who are frequently

with other Communist fronts or with the Communist


used in common with the Communist Party or its front organizations (printers see printer's union label, mimeograph services, addressing, stationers, picnic grounds, accountants, realestate agents, doctors, lawyers, artists, promotion agents, publicAccountants esrelations counselors, radio commentators, etc.). pecially can be instrumental in enabling the Communist Party to keep careful track of the organization's finances and activities.

Party or 6. Are





Great care should be taken in determining the character of those actually run the organization ignoring such figureheads as the honorary chairman. What is the loyalty record of the executive secretary, of resident and functioning membere of the executive com-


mittee, members of the staff, the organization secretary, educational director, editor, etc.? 8. Does the organization, and especially its official organ, follow the Communist Party line on issues and campaigns publicized in the Daily

Worker? Does Does it adhere



to its

invariably support and defend the Soviet Union? avowed purpose or inject issues of the above

fronts and with the campaigns. May Day parades, peace campaigns, petitions, tag days, and other projects promoted in the Daily Worker? 10. Does the organization cooperate with Communist-controlled unions? 11. Does the organization furnish direct or indirect revenue to the Communist Party, its publications, its fronts or establishments through orders for printing, stationery, advertisements, donations,

Does the organization cooperate with other

in election

Communist Party

and services of various kinds?

12. Is the organization repudiated as Communist-controlled by such outstanding organizations as the American Federation of Labor, the American Legion, or its own former constituents? What is its history? How long has it existed? 13. Does it furnish regular financial statements issued by wellknown and reliable public accountants?

Is the organization actually controlled



membership or by

an outside Communist clique or group?

15. Does it interchange mailing lists with the Communist Party, its front organizations, or its publications? It would be well for alert Americans to be aware of the tricks employed by Communist fronts when faced with the threat of exposure or prosecution. list some of these which have previously been


1. After lengthy and arduous investigation, the front will suddenly change its name so that the job will have to be done all over again. Front organizations change their names from time to time and are Sometimes variously labeled in different cities and neighborhoods. fronts wiU merge to avoid exposure or prosecution. At times they have been known to assume a name similar to some well-known and An example is the Methodist Federation respectable organization. for Social Action which has no official connection with the Methodist Church. Another is the now defunct A. F. of L. trade-union committee for unemployment insurance which was forced to desist from using this name as the result of an order secured by the American Federation of Labor before the Federal Trade Commission. By way of illustrating the various guises assumed, the following Communist fronts were active in the recent peace offensive after World War II: American Peace Appeal, American Peace Crusade, American People's Congress and Exposition for Peace, American Students Repudiate Aggression in Korea, American Youth Peace Crusade, East Harlem Women for Peace, Young People's General Assembly for Peace,





Maryland Committee




Peace, Minute Women for Peace, Irving Peace Theater, National Assembly Against UMT, Mid-Century Conference for Peace, National Delegates Assembly for Peace, National Committee To Win the Peace, New York Peace Institute, Peace Information Center, Veterans for Peace, World Peace Congress, etc. New names are constantly cropping up. 2. The names of prominent citizens who have been duped into the organization who are usually inactive and unaware of what is going on, will be cited as proof of the organization's respectability. 3. Individuals who expose the character of Communist fronts will be

threatened with libel suits, smears, physical assault, blackmail, and ouster from official positions. Legal advice is always valuable as a
4. The organization will claim a membership which cannot be accurately verified.




identified as such, will

immediately and

vigorously deny the charge. 6. A favorite device is to arrange for the defense^of the particular front by a non-Communist publication. For example, when the Southern Conference for Human Welfare was exposed as a front by the House Committee on Un-American Activities, it was defended in the Harvard Law Review by Walter Gellhorn, of Columbia Law School. 7. Ofttimes, after a Communist front has been successfully launched by a provisional committee, a new committee will be substituted to conceal the origin of the organization. 8. A favorite Communist gambit is the claim that since an individual belonged to a given front organization jprior to its citation as such by the Attorney General, the individual should not be held responsible. This asks us to ignore the fact that a front organization is by definition subversive and, except in the very few cases where organizations originally formed by non-Communist forces were taken over by the Communists thereafter, all front organizations were subversive from their inception. The important date is not when the organization was cited, for its subversive character does not date from the day of- its listing by the Attorney General. 9. Recently there has developed a tendency to decry references to defunct organizations. This is unrealistic because the fact of membership in an organization which was subversive loses none of its evidenNo informatiary value when the organization goes out of existence. tion about a live and active conspirator should be considered as dead or irrelevant. (It should be pointed out in this connection that in the early 1940's Alger Hiss was Hsted in congressional files as a member of the national committee of the defunct International Juridical Association. There were no other front associations for this man at the time. This Communist link was ignored by the State Department and Alger Hiss was left to conduct his nefarious activities until 1948 when Whittaker Chambers appeared on the witness stand.)


activity in the In other words, while political parties place their reliance upon voting strength, the



political field


the only party which coordinates its activity the trade unions.







seeks support in the field of industry through the trade Every base established by the Communists in our unions is A" strike in fact a Soviet bridgehead within our own economy. a small Communist minority in a vital industry can have organized by a more far-reaching effect than a vote of the majority of the populaIn his book, Toward Soviet America, William Z. Foster has tion. frankly set down some of the principles which guide the CPUSA in
this process of penetration of American labor. 1. "Its principle is to make every shop a fortress for communism" This aim must be kept in mind in sharp contrast with that (p. 254).

the average American trade unionist whose primary desire is better wages and working conditions. 2. "It concentrates its work upon the heavy industries and those of In its magazine, the Communist, for a war character" (ibid.). February 1934, the CPUSA, quoting a decision of the Executive Committee of the Communist International, outlines what such conof

centration entails:

Communists must


(increasing the work among railwaymen, seamen and harbor workers, preventing the shipping of arms and troops, hindering the execution of orders for belligerent * * * * * countries *)

* * * concentrate their forces in each country, at the * * * Communist Parties must parts of the war machine of imperialism all means in their power ensure the practical organization of mass action

During the period of the Stalin-Hitler Pact, the Communists carried out these mandates by fomenting strikes through unions under their control in North American Aviation of California; th Allis-Chalmers of Wisconsin, engaged in important manufacturing equipment for the Navy; and in various arms and ammunition plants in Connecticut. During the Korean war, the International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers, also Communist controlled, conducted a strike which tied up the major part of the copper industry. 3. Joseph Zack Kornfeder (known in the Communist Party as Joseph Zack), former national trade-union secretary of the CPUSA, has testified before the House Committee on Un-American Activities on September 30, 1939, as follows:
Mr. Whitley. Does the Communist Party use its connections with the trade unions of the various industries for the purpose of carrying on espionage activities?

* * *

Mr. Zack. The Soviet Government whatever purpose they find convenient

will utilize its American organization for * * * there are secret that



to pick out individuals out of the ranks of the

Communist Party

to use

for that purpose.

Mr. Whitlet. Do you know of any specific instances in which they have used their trade-union connection to obtain industrial secrets? Mr. Zack. Yes. While I was in charge of the Trade Union Unity League I was once asked to an a chemist * * * I was asked to do that

by Max Bedacht, who was then




charge of this phase of their secret activity.

Rear Adm. Adolphus Staton, retired, before the Testimony Senate Internal Security Subcommittee on March 2, 1954, dealt with Public Law No. 351 involving radio operators in the Communistcontrolled American Communications Association during World War II. In the course of this testimony, the minutes of a meeting held in the oflSce of Secretary of Navy Frank Knox on May 19, 1942, were incorporated into the record from which we quote relevant
portions: Admiral
(S. C.) Hooper then stressed the danger of Communist Party cells in the transportation and communication industries and in the armed services, and how the Conununist Party was striving with all its power to establish such ceils

* *


* * * ship's officers.

*. The contributory effect of foreign cells in a country's system of communication was amply demonstrated in the fall of Norway and of France, stated Admiral Hooper, giving details of each. * * * He emphasized the particular danger of a cell among radio operators and brought out the example of the Spanish Fleet at the very start of the 1937 revolution, when some 700 officers were murdered by the Communist Party cells in the fleet because of the fact that the radio operators delivered the announcement of the Communist revolution to their comrades rather than to the responsible

Admiral Hooper further stated that * * * the American Communications Communist Party controlled and the nucleus of the Communist * * * Party cell in United States communications.
Association was

Marcel Scherer, a founder, International vice president, and national orj];anization director of the Federation of Architects, Engineers, Chemists, and Technicians, later business manager of local 1227 of the United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers and international representative and educational director of District 4 of the who admitted under oath his part in organizing a local union at the atomic radiation laboratory of the University of California in 1942 or 1943, has been identified in sworn testimony as a former student at the Lenin School in Moscow. Here training was given in the "science of civil warfare, revolutionary uprising," "saboSworn testimony before the House Comtage," and similar matters. mittee on Un*-American Activities shows that he was in contact with Clarence Francis Hiskey and Steve Nelson, both involved in atomic


4. American workers owe a great deal to the fact management have become convinced, through long

that labor and

experience, of and friendly

their interlocking interests and the need for cooperative relations. In his work. Toward Soviet America, Foster

the following passage that the disrupt this relationship, cost what

Communists it may, that

makes clear are determined to their demands can

never be






class enemies, with mutually hostile inaction is based upon the slogan of "Class Against the working class against the capitalist class (p. 252).

and the workers are


Stability in industry and in our society as a whole has been built up over the years through a system of collective bargaining, which is an anathema to the Communists according to the First International Congress of Revolutionary and Industrial Unions in Moscow in 1921:
* * * must be met with a belief in the sanctity of collective bargaining and decided resistance on the part of the revolutionary trade union movement. The revolutionary trade unions * * * must realize their (contracts) relative value and clearly define methods which will abolish these contracts when




proves to be profitable to the working


5. American labor looks upon our Government with devotion and It is the object of the Communists, however, to pit the forces respect. of labor against the American Government as indicated by Foster's statement from the same work that "the aim always is for the workers to lead and for tiie attack to be directed against the capitalist class and its government" (p. 253). The Labor Fact Book for 1931 published by the International Publishers, a Communist publishing house, gives some idea of how this is done:

The Communist Party and the Trade Union Unity League call for persistent and repeated mass violations of injunctions as the only way to compel the courts A campaign of to lin)it the use of the injunction weapon against the workers. * * * mass violation was begun in New York City in October, 1930 (p. 154).


ing account


Clashes with the police are encouraged, as exemplified by the followfrom the Daily Worker of May 31, 1937, pages 1 and 3: * * Chicago Chicago police kill 4 pickets, 100 wounded at Republic Steel. Communist Party urges citywide protest denouncing the blood bath at Republic

Morris Chi'ds, Steel plant as one of the worst police outrages in recent history. * * * in citywide secretary of the Communist Party, called all workers to join


Labor has learned to voice its demands through its chosen Employers and Government officials endeavor to establish
in the following

But stability in industry through negotiations with these officials. William Z. Foster, in the name of the CPUSA, has sworn undying
enmity toward these labor leaders
exphcit terms;

"They are enemies within the gates of the working class and must be treated as such. They head the labor movement only in order to behead it. They are a menace and an obstacle to all struggle by the workers. * * * They must be politically obliterated" (ibid, p. 256).

Although labor organizations in the United States have fraternal with foreign labor groups, they do not operate under foreign disCommunists do not possess such freedom. This has been cipline. demonstrated by William Z. Foster in his description of the Trade Union Unity League (TUUL), at one time the labor auxiliary of the





the American section of the

* *

* *


Its relations towards the * cooperation in the struggle

Red International of Labor Unions. Communist Party are those of mutual support
(ibid., p. 258).

points out that "the Red International of Labor Unions was organized in July 1921 at a Moscow congress * * *" and that this international body aims "To coordinate and regulate the * * *" As a (p. 212). struggle of the working class in all countries result there have been cases of international coordination of strikes and organization of Communist-led unions in the copper, maritime, sugar, and other industries. In 1945 the World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU) was organized with the Communists in control, replacing the Red International In his book. The History of the Communist Party of Labor Unions. of the United States, WiUiam Z. Foster points out that


1931 Labor Fact


The powerful unifying tendency


of the



also felt In the United


and that the Communists supported this movement. It was repudiated as Communist-dominated by both the AFL and CIO. Foster
indefatigable workers for trade union link up the labor movement of the United States with that of other countries. In late years this has meant active backing of such organizations as the Latin American Confederation of Labor and the World Federation of Trade Unions (p. 561).

The Communists also have always been * * * They have ever sought to

Communist unions have, however, made no formal

tion with the


or open


American labor has based its demands purely on the basis of its economic and social needs with due consideration to national emerFlowing from their international ties and gencies during wartime. discipline. Communist-dominated unions and labor groups have adapted their policies strictly to the exigencies and need of Soviet


diplomacy and interests. During the period of the StaHn-Hitler Pact from 1939 to 1941, strikes were encouraged by Communist-dominated unions in vital war industries. As soon as Russia became an ally after Hitler's attack, a no-strike policy was adopted by Communistdominated unions. Labor Fact Book 7 praised the no-strike policy of our national trade unions during this period (p. 112). After the end of World War II, the Soviet Union readopted its policy of hostility toward the United States, and Communist unions in the United States reinvoked a vigorous prostrike policy. 8. Members of Communist-dominated unions have testified that the finances of these organizations are frequently siphoned off for Communist causes, front organizations, campaigns, and publications. Communist officials are placed on the union payroll. Union services are placed in the hands of Communist lawyers, accountants, printers, mimeographers, and meeting-hall managers.

Unions expelled by the Congress of Industrial Organizations in 195C because they were held to be directed toward the achievement of the program and purposes of the Communist Party: United Office and Professional Workers of America; Food, Tobacco, Agricultural and Allied Workers of America; International Union of Marine Cooks and Stewards; American Communications Association; United Furniture Workers of America; International Fur and Leather Workers Union; International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union; International Union of Mine, Mill and Smelter Workers; United Public Workers of America; United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America.

In issuing this handbook for Americans showing the operations of the Communist Party, USA, the Senate Internal Security Subcommittee hopes to help "alert the American people to the real nature of the enemy in our midst and the insidious character of the methods emThe principles set down are intended as a guide rather than ployed.

a set of hard and fast rules to be mechanically applied. We must realize that we are dealing with a movement which is constantly fluid, constantly varied and elusive. There can be no artificial substitute for constant intelligence and alertness.


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