DPR Moti Daman Light House To Nani Daman Jetty
DPR Moti Daman Light House To Nani Daman Jetty
DPR Moti Daman Light House To Nani Daman Jetty
Detailed Project Report for Bridges (Quality and Cost Based Selection)
Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation of DAMAN & DIU and DADRA & NAGRA HAVELI LIMITED
(v) (vi)
2. Proposal Preparation
Your proposal shall contain the following as per the format given in this document: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) (ix) Proposal submission letter Company Profile, Company Registration Details, Last Three Year Turn over certified by competent authority and PAN No. Approach paper on methodology and work plan for performing the assignment including site appreciation report. Composition of the team and task(s) of each team member. Curricular vitae of proposed professional staff. Time schedule for professional personnel Activity (work) schedules Financial bid EMD be enclosed
An authorized signatory from your firm must sign the each page of proposal. Any proposal containing vague and indefinite expressions will not be considered. In addition to above following are the key instruction to the bidder: 1. The Proposal should be based on the number of professional staff-months estimated by the firm.
2. It is desirable that the majority of the key professional staff proposed be permanent employees of the consultancy firm and shall be working with the firm at least for the last 10 years. In case OIDC requires, consultants must be in a position to provide proof in this respect. 3. Proposed professional staff must have at least the experience indicated in the RFP, preferably under conditions similar to those prevailing in the project site. 4. Alternative professional staff shall not be proposed and only one curriculum vitae (CV) be submitted for each key staff position. 5. Reports to be issued by the consultant in English. It is desirable that the firm's personnel have a working knowledge of English.
3. Submission of Proposal
(i) The consultants should submit their bid in a sealed cover marked Consultancy for Detailed Project Report for Bridges and containing within it the envelopes mentioned below: a) Envelope No 1 (marked Technical Proposal of the top of the envelope containing the requirements mentioned in section 2 except (viii). b) Envelope No 2 (marked Financial Proposal at the top of the envelope containing the requirements under (viii) of section 2 and in the standard format prescribed in this document. Financial proposal must be sent online with other document. C) Consultant should submit all required document online. d) EMD and document fees must send online (by scanning the document). Only those offers are valid whose EMD & document fee received online. (ii) The consultants are advised to ensure that their offer reaches the office of the Executive Engineer, OIDC, Daman on or before 18:00 hours on 12th September 2011. (iii) Offers received by Telex / Telegraphic / Fax / Email will not be considered. (iv) OIDC shall not be responsible for any loss or delay in transit of the offer.
The EMD of the unsuccessful bidders would be returned back within one month of issuance of LOI (Letter Of Intent) to the successful bidder. The EMD of the successful bidder would be returned within one month of submission of Inception Report EMD shall be forfeited by OIDC in the following circumstances: i. If the bid is withdrawn during the bid validity period or any extension thereof ii. If the offer is modified or varied in a manner not acceptable to OIDC after opening of the proposals during the bid validity period or any extension thereof. iii. If the first ranked bidder withdraws his proposal during negotiations.
6. Confirmation of Receipt
OIDC would appreciate you informing by facsimile / email receipt of letter of invitation.
7. Opening of Proposals
The technical proposals shall be opened on 13th September 2011 at 11:00 hours. Consultant may depute their representative to be present at the time of opening of the proposals. Opening of financial proposal will be intimated later on to successful bidder(s).
8. Evaluation of Proposal
The proposals shall be evaluated as per the parameters set below and ranked accordingly. Proposal Marking: Both the technical and financial proposals shall be marked separately. The technical proposal shall be evaluated on the following parameter and the marks shall be given accordingly. (i) (ii) (iii) Relevant Qualification of the Firms for the Assignment [20 marks] Qualification and competence of the key professional staff for the assignment [50 marks] Adequacy of the proposed approach, methodology and work plan for performing the assignment [30 marks]
Based on above criteria, the proposal shall be ranked in descending order of marks (The Technical Proposal with highest score will be ranked one and others accordingly). For financial evaluation bidder scored more than 70 marks will only be considered. Financial Evaluation: Financial bids of only top three ranked proposals would be opened. The ranking of the financial proposal would be done on an ascending order (The lowest quote of financial bid would be given first rank, and the others would be given scores on percentile basis). The score of technical proposals would be given 80% weightage and that of the financial proposals would be given 20% weightage. The weigted total score of both the Technical and Financial proposals shall be used to rank the Consultants. The first ranked consultant may then be called for negotiations.
9. Negotiations
(i) Negotiations will be scheduled with the first ranked bidder. Negotiations will commence with a discussion on the proposal, proposed methodology staffing and any other suggestions on improving the ToR. Agreement must then be
reached on the final ToRs, the staffing and reporting. Then financial negotiations will be carried out. (ii) After successful negotiations with the first ranked bidder, OIDC shall issue Letter of Intent to the first ranked bidder for carrying out the assignment. If negotiations do not reach any conclusions and the first ranked bidder withdraws his proposal, OIDC may then call the second ranked bidder for negotiations.
Terms of Reference
1. Background:
Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC) is a truly multipurpose organisation performing diverse activities like housing, industrial estates, promoting tourism, quality liquor, branded computers and providing raw material to the industrial units in the twin Union Territories of Daman & Diu and Dadra & Nagar Haveli. Unlike other states, where there are separate Govt. Corporations to look after these specific activities, these union territories have a single Corporation performing all these activities, thus avoiding multiplicity of government bodies. Recently OIDC has been declared as Infrastructure Development Corporation also and the Administration has entrusted all the big infrastructure projects to OIDC. OIDC is aiming to enhance the connectivity of the Daman by developing new bridges in the area to reduce travel length and time. Keeping above in view, OIDC intend to have the requisite consultancy services to achieve this important goal. The ensuing sections briefly present the Terms of Reference on the proposed services.
2. Objective:
The consultant shall carry out the assignment in two phases to achieve the objective. The first phase will consist of Detailed Project Report including investigation, design of the Bridges and assist and support during Environment, Coastal Regulatory Zone (CRZ) and necessary clearances. In the phase II of the project, the consultant will manage the procurement process of Contractor for Construction of the Bridges in all means.
Terms of Reference
Conduct tests for the physical strength characteristics of materials as per relevant national or international standard; visit materials factory for inspection and quality control if required; Carry out geo-technical investigation and sub-surface exploration at all the proposed location of bridge (generally one boring may be done at each location of abutment and also at pier as per (IRC:78); Prepare detailed working drawings good for construction, prepared in international standard using AutoCAD ( or other popular software) or other related software, containing all details required for execution of the project; Coordinate with OIDC for conducting environmental and economic analysis, cost benefits and sensitivities test for the individual bridge project as required. Prepare Quality Assurance Plan and Construction Management Plan for construction of the Bridges Prepare BOQ, Cost estimates and rate analysis based on Schedule of Rates and market rates wherever DSR is silent. Assist OIDC in preparation of Land Acquistion plans, Utility shifting procedure at approaches of these bridges, if required
Phase II: Under this phase consultant shall assist and support OIDC in obtaining environment, forest & CRZ clearances from Government agencies along with procurement of contractors for construction of the Bridges: The detailed tasks expected from the Consultant under this phase are as follows: (i) Carry out studies for statutory clearances including environmental clearance requirement as per the guidelines of Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and OIDC will assist to consultant in obtaining the statutory clearances i.e. Environment, Forest and CRZ required for construction of the bridges. The consultant would assist OIDC in provision of services for procurement of contractors for construction of the Bridges which would involve preparing minutes of prebid meetings, preparation of DPR/BOQ and tender document based on International contracts, evaluation of bids received and finalisation of contractor till LOI stage.
Consultant shall reconnaissance the total area and accordingly surveys shall be undertaken. Consultants are advised to visit the Each Bridge Site before submission of their proposals, and for same consultant may contact Executive Engineer, OIDC, Daman. OIDC will not reimburse or bear any expenses related to the site visit for submission of proposal.
5. Study Duration:
The time limit to complete the assignment is 06 month(s). Some work for Phase II shall start simultaneously based on overall assessment.
Terms of Reference
Study of Phase I shall be completed within 9 month(s), and Phase II shall be completed within 3 month(s).
6. Team Composition:
The team shall comprise following key professionals with desired qualification and experiences, and consultant may assess the additional professional / support professional requirement to meet the project requirement, but below identified requirement is minimum for the services:
Key Professionals:
Team Leader cum Bridge Engineer: This is the senior most position and the expert engaged as the team leader shall be responsible for Investigation, Preparation of feasibility report, viability Report, Detailed Project Report, Preparation of Tender documents, concession agreement and Tender Assistance.. This position requires Senior Engineer who shall be graduate in Civil Engineering with minimum experience of 20 years in Bridge Engineering. Post graduate degree is desirable. Should have handled at least two major highway/Bridge projects as Team Leader or Senior Bridge Engineer in preparation of DPR. Sr. Bridge Design Engineer: Must have 10 years of overall experience and should be Graduate in Civil Engineering and PG in Structural Engineering is desirable. Should have experience as a Bridge Engineer in highway design consultancy projects (NH/SH/ Expressways) involving design of minimum two major bridges (length more than 200 m ) 2 laning/4laning,PSC Structures. Sr. Highway Engineer: Must have 10 years of overall experience and should be Graduate in Civil Engineering and PG is desirable. Should have experience as a Highway Engineer in highway design consultancy projects (NH/SH/Expressways) involving design of minimum two major highway roads (length more than 50 km of each road project of 2/4/6 lane). Sr. Pavement Expert: Must have 15 years of overall experience and should be Graduate in Civil Engineering and PG is desirable. Should have done Pavement design for major highway projects (NH/SH/Expressways) of length of minimum 50 km (2/4/6 laning). Sr. Traffic and Transportation Expert: Must have 15 years of overall experience and should be Graduate in Civil Engineering and PG is desirable. Should have worked as Traffic Engineer in Highway Projects (NH/SH/Expressways) involving 4 laning of length of minimum 50 km for at least 2 projects ii) Design of at least one multi level interchange on NH/SH/city roads. Sr. Material cum Geotechnical Expert: Must have 15 years of experience and should be Graduate in Civil Engineering and PG in Geotechnical Engineering. Should have worked as Material cum Geo-technical Engineer on atleast two highway projects (project must have bridges) (NH/SH/Expressways) of length of minimum 100 km (4lane equivalent). Sr. Contract / Document Expert: Must have 10 years of experience and should be Graduate in Civil Engineering. Should have worked on two major highway / bridge projects of length of minimum 100 km (4lane equivalent). Sr. Hydrologist: Shall have Masters Degree in Water Resources with 5 years of experience in the field of Hydrological / Hydro-meteorological data collection, validation and processing. Shall have worked with advanced computerized hydrological models for reservoir regulation and assessment of water resources
Terms of Reference
Environment / Social Specialist: Shall be an environment planner or engineer with 10 years of experience. Must have working experience of Road / Bridge project.
Key Professionals CV shall be evaluated, and consultant shall include sub professional as per their assessment. In addition to above identified key professionals, consultant must propose a Full time Resident Project Manager for the project.
7. Report / Deliverables:
The Consultant is expected to submit following reports: 1. Inception Report (with in 20 days after initiation of services) 2. Option Study Report (with in 40 days after initiation of services) 3. Interim Report (with in 80 days after initiation of services) 4. Draft Detailed Project Report (with in 100 days after initiation of services) 5. Final Detailed Project Report (with in 120 days after initiation of services) 6. Bidding Document (with in 140 days after initiation of services) 7. On obtaining of Statutory Clearances (with in 160 days after initiation of services) 8. On completion of contractor procurement process (with in 180 days after initiation of services)
9. Payment:
Consultant shall submit the invoice after submission of report; and invoice shall be prepared and submitted achieving following milestones: Sr. No. Report / Output Due Period After Initiation of Services 20 days 40 days 80 days 100 days 120 days 140 days 160 days 180 days Payment in %age
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Inception Report Option Study Report Interim Report Draft Detailed Project Report Final Detailed Project Report Bidding Document On obtaining of Statutory Clearances On completion of contractor procurement process
Terms of Reference
Standard Formats
1. Proposal submission letter. 2. Company Profile, Company Registration Details, Last Five Year Turn Over and PAN 3. Approach paper on methodology and work plan for performing the assignment. 4. Composition of the team and task(s) of each team member. 5. Curricula vitae of proposed professional staff. 6. Time schedule for professional personnel. 7. Activity (work) schedules. 8. Financial Bid
RFPConsultancy Services for Detailed Project Report for Bridges PROPOSAL SUBMISSION LETTER
Standard Formats
Subject: Consultancy services for Detailed Project Report for Bridges. Sir, I / We, the undersigned, offer to provide the consulting services for the above in accordance with your Request for Proposal dated ------------------------. We are hereby submitting our Proposal as per the prescribed formats and a financial proposal sealed under a separate envelope in two copies each. If negotiations are held during the period of validity of the Proposal, i.e., before <date>, we undertake to negotiate on the basis of the proposed staff. Our Proposal is binding upon us and subject to the modifications resulting from contract negotiations. We understand you are not bound to accept any Proposal you receive. We remain, Yours sincerely, Authorized Signature: Full Name:____________________ Designation:__________________ Name of Firm:_________________ Address:______________________ Encl: (1) TECHNICAL PROPOSAL -(2 Copies). (2) FINANCIAL BID-(2 Copies) in separate envelope.
Standard Formats
Standard Formats
[Detailed description of the approach paper on methodology and work plan for performing the assignment]
1. 2.
Sr. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. .. .. Sr. No.
1. 2. 3. 4. .. ..
Standard Formats
FORMAT OF CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) FOR PROPOSED PROFESSIONAL STAFF Proposed Position: Name of Firm: Name of Staff: Profession: Date of Birth: Years with Firm/Entity: Nationality: Membership in Professional Societies: Detailed Tasks Assigned: Key Qualifications:
[Give an outline of staff members experience and training most pertinent to tasks on assignment. Describe degree of responsibility held by staff member on relevant previous assignments and give dates and locations.]
[Summarize college/university and other specialized education of staff member, giving names of schools, dates attended, and degrees obtained.]
Employment Record:
[Starting with present position, list in reverse order every employment held. List all positions held by staff member since graduation, giving dates, names of employing organizations, titles of positions held, and locations of assignments. For experience in last ten years, also give types of activities performed and client references, where appropriate.]
[For each language indicate proficiency: excellent, good, fair, or poor; in speaking, reading, and writing ]
Certification: I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, these data correctly describe my qualifications, my experience, and me. Date:
[Signature of staff member and authorized representative of the Firm] Day/Month/Year
RFPConsultancy Services for Detailed Project Report for Bridges TIME SCHEDULE FOR PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL
Standard Formats
RFPConsultancy Services for Detailed Project Report for Bridges FINANCIAL BID
From To The Executive Engineer Address Sir,
Standard Formats
Subject: Consultancy services for Improvement and Enhancement of Flood Control Cell and Flood Management.
Yours faithfully,
Standard Formats
Note: 1. All the prices quoted above must be inclusive of all taxes and duties, service tax shall be payable extra on Total Price for the assignment (sum A to D) and as per applicable law of Government of India, time to time 2. No escalation would be allowed due to changes in taxes and duties, except service tax 3. No conditions should be attached to the price proposal 4. In case of any discrepancies in the prices mentioned in the figures and words, the prices mentioned in the words would be considered as final price. 5. Survey And Investigation (D) will be reimbursed on Actual Expenses. 6. Amount of Survey and Investigation will be deducted from the %age payment rate and same will be paid separately on actual quantity. 7. The Rates quoted in the total prices of the services must be the same as quoted in Breakdown of the price of services and field investigation and survey.
Full Name: Designation: Date:
Standard Formats
Standard Formats
ii) 0 to 40 m depth Drilling Nx size boreholes in soft rock including collection of samples, working platform etc. Including all lab, field tests & report preparation as per IRC: 78. a) In dry locations i. 0 to 40 m depth
Drilling Nx size boreholes in hard rock including collection of samples, working platform etc. Including all lab, field tests & report preparation as per IRC: 78. a) In dry locations i) 0 to 40 m depth 160 RMT
b) In water using platform ii) 0 to 40 m depth Total Note: Please include any other surveys need to be undertaken to complete the assignment in above list. 160 RMT
Draft Contract
This CONTRACT (hereinafter together with the Annexure attached hereto called the Contract) is made on the ______________ Day of ____________ 2008, between Executive Engineer, Daman Ganga Project Division 1, Omnibus Industrial Development Corporation (OIDC), a department of Government of Gujarat and having its at Madhuban Colony, District Valsad, Gujarat, on the part and (hereinafter called the Client) and __________ a company / partnership firm incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, 1956 with its corporate office at ___________________________, India (hereinafter called the Consultant). WHEREAS, (A) the Client has requested the Consultant to provide consulting services (hereinafter called the Services) necessary to complete a services to identify irrigation potential in four Talukas. The Consultants has agreed to provide the Services on the terms and conditions set forth in this Contract.
NOW THEREFORE the parties hereto hereby agree as follows: 1. The Consultant shall perform the Services under this Contract in accordance with the Terms of Reference as attached in Annexure I and as agreed in the Inception Report. The consultant shall take into consideration the views and suggestions made by OIDC and the other Government and private stakeholders of the project. 2. Other Documents RFP document including any amendments made to it at the bidding stage, Consultants bid offer documents, Terms of Reference, Inception Report shall form part of the Contract. 3. Schedule The consultant shall adhere to the time schedule for submission of reports as mentioned in below 4. Commencement Date and Time schedule for completion of the Services The date of this agreement shall be construed as the date of commencement of services of the Consultant unless agreed otherwise. The total time frame for carrying out the assignment would be 8 (eight) months from the date of this Contract. 5. Personnel The Services shall be carried out by the personnel specified in Annexure II for the respective periods of time indicated therein. No changes shall be made to the Key Personnel working in the assignment unless otherwise approved by the Client. The Consultant shall make reasonable efforts to make sure that Key Personnel working on the project remain present during key discussions with and presentations before the Client and State Government. 6. Responsibility and Undertakings of the Consultant The Consultant undertakes that: a. It shall carry out the Services with due diligence and efficiency, and shall exercise such skills and care in the performance of the Services as is consistent with good industry practices and recognized professional standards. b. It shall maintain confidentiality of the information collected and conclusions drawn with respect to the project and shall not pass on any information, data and reports without prior consent of the Client.
Draft Contract
c. It shall complete the Services in accordance with the time schedule. d. It shall ensure that any activity out sourced or sublet adhere to the professional standards and quality e. It shall comply with any law, rules and regulation in force in India in connection with carrying out the Services. f. It shall indemnify the Client and every member, officer and employees of the Client against all actions, proceedings, claims, demands, costs and expenses arising out of any negligent act or omission or failure by the Consultant in performing its obligations under this Contract, up to the extent of the contract value.
7. Assignments / Sub-Contracting The rights and liabilities of the Consultant shall not be assigned or transferred by the Consultants without prior written consent of the Client. However, such assignment and sub-letting shall not relieve the Consultant from its obligation, duties and responsibilities under this Contract. 8. Termination of the Contract a. The Client reserves the right to terminate the Contract at any time if it is not satisfied with the services of the Consultant or there is any breach of any of the conditions of this Contract by the Consultant, provided a period of 15 days has lapsed from the date of serving notice on the Consultant requiring it to remedy such breach and the breach has continued up to the date of termination. In that event the work done till then shall be taken over by the Client. In such an event the Consultant shall not be entitled to any payments upon termination of the Contract. In such a case, upon termination, the Client reserves the right to impose liquidated damages up to maximum of 10% of the contract value. b. The Client at its own discretion may terminate the Contract by giving 1 month notice, subject to payment of the fees for actual work done by the Consultant for the Services for the project up to the date of issuing such notice of termination. Such payments shall be determined based upon the actual work carried out, actual person-months spent and person month rate as specified in this Contract. c. The Consultant may terminate the Contract due to non-compliance of the provisions of this Contract agreement. The procedure for giving notice and payments would be same as mentioned (b) above. d. The parties reserves the right to terminate this Contract because of force majeure events beyond the control of the parties, in the event of any insolvency petition filed by either party, property or assets are under any bankruptcy or insolvency. 9. Delay in the event the Consultant encounters any delay in providing the required Services under this Contract, it shall promptly inform the Client by writing of such delay. However, the Client reserves the right to verify such delay and refuse any extension of time for completion of the Services. 10. Prices The total cost to carry out the assignment is Rs. _________________ (Rupees _______ only) and plus service tax on total cost as per applicable law. Detail and Break-up of total cost is given in Annexure III.
Draft Contract
11. Payment Terms The payment at every month will be made as per (9), Consultant shall submit the invoice at end of every month; monthly invoice shall be prepared as per formula: Sr. No. Report / Output Due Period After Initiation of Services 15 days 45 days 90 days 150 days 180 days 300 days 365 days Payment in %age
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Inception Report Option Study Report Interim Report Draft Detailed Project Report Final Detailed Project Report On obtaining of Statutory Clearances On completion of contractor procurement process
12. Disputes In the event of any dispute between the Consultant and the Client, the parties shall endeavour to resolve such disputes mutually, However, if such disputes are not resolved then they shall be referred to arbitration as per the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 and the venue of such arbitration shall be Gandhinagar. 13. Custody of drawings, reports, data, maps Original drawings, maps, data, charts, photocopies of classified documents and all other documents received from the Client shall remain in the custody of the Consultant during the period of assignment only and purpose. These shall be carefully preserved by the Consultants till the completion of the assignment and shall be handed over to the Client on completion of the assignment or on termination of the Contract.