How To Name Hydrocarbons
How To Name Hydrocarbons
How To Name Hydrocarbons
This molecule has only single bonds, so it is an alkane and its name ends in -ane.
The longest chain has three carbons, so the prefix is prop-.
CH3 C CH3 The molecule has two (di-) single carbon (methyl-) branches, so it is a dimethylpropane.
Both branches come off the second carbon atom in the chain, so it starts 2,2-dimethyl-.
CH3 The full name is 2,2-dimethylpropane.
ast0271 | Hydrocarbon chemistry 3: How to name hydrocarbons (fact sheet) developed for the Department of Education WA
© The University of Western Australia 2011 for conditions of use see
version 1.2 revised February 2015 page 1 Licensed for NEALS
Although this looks at first glance to be a heptane, the
H H H C2 H5 H H H methyl group at the left of the chain can be viewed as part
of the backbone.
H C C C C C C C H • The longest chain has eight carbon atoms, so it is an
CH3 H H CH3 H H H • The molecule has two branches, one with a single carbon
(methyl-) and one with two carbons (ethyl-).
• Both branches are attached to the fourth carbon atom.
• Full name is 4-ethyl-4-methyloctane.
ast0271 | Hydrocarbon chemistry 3: How to name hydrocarbons (fact sheet) developed for the Department of Education WA
© The University of Western Australia 2011 for conditions of use see
version 1.2 revised February 2015 page 2