NRSP-MFBL-Q3-Financials-Sept 2022 - V1
NRSP-MFBL-Q3-Financials-Sept 2022 - V1
NRSP-MFBL-Q3-Financials-Sept 2022 - V1
AS AT SEPTEMBER 30, 2022 Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
Note ------------------ Rupees ------------------
Cash and balances with SBP and NBP 1 1,647,210,510 2,611,549,980
Balances with other Banks/ NBFIs /MFBs 2 1,818,879,313 6,806,536,615
Lending to financial institutions - -
Investments - net of provisions 4 2,685,275,331 6,782,215,699
Advances - net of provision 5 30,200,943,448 27,178,816,014
Operating fixed assets 6 1,317,478,667 1,340,988,129
Other assets 7 2,850,973,435 5,435,818,551
Deferred tax asset - net 2,426,928,909 1,224,789,867
Total Assets 42,947,689,614 51,380,714,854
Deposits and other accounts 8 29,086,078,535 34,126,738,257
Borrowings 9 5,739,800,822 6,935,832,100
Subordinated debt 10 1,442,360,000 1,442,360,000
Other liabilities 11 4,930,396,270 4,596,811,462
Deferred tax liability - net - -
Total liabilities 41,198,635,626 47,101,741,819
Sep-22 Sep-21
Note --------------- Rupees ---------------
Mark-up/ return/ interest earned 1,986,760,571 5,404,523,881
Mark-up/ return/ interest expensed (2,894,199,320) (2,896,327,737)
Net mark-up/ interest income (907,438,749) 2,508,196,144
(3,639,219,061) (930,143,534)
Extra ordinary/ unusual items - -
Transfer to:
Statutory reserve - -
Depositors' protection fund - -
- -
Sep-22 Sep-21
Note --------------- Rupees ---------------
Profit/ (loss) after taxation (2,525,270,296) (952,031,465)
Sep-22 Sep-21
Note --------------- Rupees ---------------
Net cash flow from/ (used in) investing activities 4,310,782,179 1,647,993,688
Net cash flow from/ (used in) financing activities (179,732,404) (157,147,888)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the year 9,418,086,595 7,801,263,241
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the year 31 3,466,089,823 8,073,319,508
1,647,210,510 2,611,549,980
1.1 This represents balance maintained with SBP to comply with requirements of Prudential Regulations for Microfinance
Banks to maintain minimum cash reserve equivalent to not less than 5% (2021: 5%) of the Bank's demand deposits
and time deposits with tenor of less than one year.
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
Note --------------- Rupees ---------------
In Pakistan
Local currency current accounts 2.1 45,946,870 31,471,011
Local currency deposit accounts 2.2 1,772,932,443 3,575,065,604
Local currency term deposits 2.3 - 3,200,000,000
1,818,879,313 6,806,536,615
2.1 These represent deposits with commercial banks and Islamic banks payable on demand maintained in current
2.2 These represent deposits with commercial banks and Islamic banks payable on demand carrying mark-up/profit
ranging from 7.25% to 16.00% (2021: 6.70% to 14.00%) per annum.
2.3 Local currency term deposits amount is Nil in September 2022 (2021: Rs 3,200 million) (2021: 11.15% to 14.50% )
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
Note --------------- Rupees ---------------
3.1 These are secured against underlying Market Treasury Bills. The differential between the contracted rate and resale
price is amortised over the period of related contracts and recorded under mark-up / return / interest earned. (2021:
3.2 Securities held as collateral against lending to financial institutions
Further given
Held by Bank as collateral Total
As At September 30, 2022
Market treasury bills (MTBs) - - -
As at December 31, 2021
Market treasury bills (MTBs) - - -
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
Note --------------- Rupees ---------------
Held to maturity
Federal Government Securities
Market treasury bills (MTBs) 1,773,312,064 1,999,565,729
Ijarah Sukuks 311,963,268 304,338,170
2,085,275,331 2,303,903,899
Term Deposit Receipts (TDRs) 600,000,000 1,800,000,000
2,685,275,331 4,103,903,899
Available for sale
Federal Government Securities
Market treasury bills (MTBs) (217,493) 2,680,949,900
Deficit on revaluation of available for sale investments 217,493 (2,638,100)
- 2,678,311,800
Held for trading
Mutual funds 0 0
2,685,275,331 6,782,215,699
Note Sep-22 Dec-21
Loan type Number Rupees Number Rupees
Micro credit 259,641 24,615,405,520 296,643 23,647,176,395
Islamic financing 18,035 8,384,816,742 19,588 7,200,336,415
277,676 33,000,222,262 316,231 30,847,512,809
Less: Provision held
Specific 81,440 (2,566,760,990) 30,969 (1,332,725,416)
Mandatory (232,517,824) (244,306,672)
Additional - (2,091,664,707)
(2,799,278,814) (3,668,696,795)
Advances - net of provisions 30,200,943,448 27,178,816,014
Advances include Rs 6,550.53 million (2021: 2,121.55 million) which as detailed below, have been placed under non performing status.
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
Owned assets
Furniture and fixtures 495,944,179 5,881,981 (326,850) 501,499,310 219,956,321 35,534,042 (167,084) 255,323,279 246,176,031 10
Office equipment 287,765,979 1,571,905 (389,523) 288,948,361 237,529,316 24,396,442 (367,192) 261,558,566 27,389,795 20
Computer equipment 422,946,799 116,673,544 (769,263) 538,851,080 385,168,551 29,704,221 (523,512) 414,349,260 124,501,819 33.33
Owned assets
Furniture and fixtures 483,633,260 14,567,087 (2,256,168) 495,944,179 173,107,304 50,496,143 (3,647,126) 219,956,321 275,987,858 10
Office equipment 287,065,023 4,006,868 (3,305,912) 287,765,979 198,362,590 42,867,844 (3,701,118) 237,529,316 50,236,663 20
Computer equipment 406,010,426 31,608,967 (14,672,594) 422,946,799 355,600,808 33,238,148 (3,670,405) 385,168,551 37,778,248 33.33
Vehicles 95,958,470 333,486 (458,602) 95,833,354 51,532,457 14,353,111 (455,252) 65,430,316 30,403,038 20
Vehicles 117,253,046 213,410 (815,089) 116,651,367 92,129,802 13,913,179 (801,828) 105,241,153 11,410,214 20
Opening balance 411,423,212 391,085,679
Additions during the year 11,563,301 20,337,533
Closing balance 422,986,513 411,423,212
Opening balance (357,035,089) (302,979,981)
Charge for the year (31,572,094) (54,055,108)
Closing balance (388,607,183) (357,035,089)
Net book value 34,379,330 54,388,123
6.3.2 Amortization is charged on straight line basis at the rate of 33.33% per annum, starting from the month the asset is
available for use and no amortization is charged in month of disposal.
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
7 OTHER ASSETS Note ---------------Rupees-----------------
Income / mark-up accrued on
Loans and Advances 2,127,748,483 4,783,706,943
Bank deposits 75,162,746 33,178,862
Lending to financial institutions - -
Advances to employees
Personal advances - net of provision 99,061,741 129,977,627
Operational 26,321,093 1,339,505
Advances to suppliers 37,682,013 51,548,438
Prepayments 66,584,597 49,209,182
Income tax refundable (payments less provisions) - -
FED/Sales tax refundable 53,222,599 43,743,927
Insurance claims receivables 116,872,579 103,425,988
Crop and livestock insurance claims 87,882,904 124,789,123
Receivable from Employees' Provident Fund 353,994 -
Receivable from parent company 68,655 68,655
Others 160,012,033 114,830,301
2,850,973,435 5,435,818,551
Less : Provisions held against classified other assets - -
Other assets - net of provisions 2,850,973,435 5,435,818,551
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
No of accounts Rupees No of accounts Rupees
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 Dec-21
Note ---------------Rupees-----------------
Borrowings from Banks / Financial Institutions
In Pakistan 5,739,800,822 6,935,832,100
Outside Pakistan - -
5,739,800,822 6,935,832,100
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 # Dec-21
Note ---------------Rupees-----------------
KfW - Germany 10.1 672,360,000 672,360,000
TFCs Subordinated Debt 10.2 770,000,000 770,000,000
1,442,360,000 1,442,360,000
10.1 The Bank entered into a loan agreement with KfW - Germany, shareholder of the Bank, on December 29, 2014 for an amount of
EURO 6 million. The loan is intended to be availed as TIER-II subordinated debt for inclusion in the Bank’s Supplementary
Capital. The amount was translated into local currency at the exchange rate of Rs.112.06 and sub-ordinated debt of Rs
672,360,000 was recorded in the financial statements. Loan carries interest at rate of KIBOR + 3.5% per annum. Principal amount
and interest is repayable in a bullet payment at the end of loan term by converting the principal and accrued markup into EUROs
at the exchange rate prevalent as at June 30, 2023. All foreign currency risks in connection with the transaction rest with the KfW.
10.2 This represents Rated, Unsecured, subordinated and privately placed Tier II Term Finance Certificates of worth Rs.100,000/-
each fully subscribed on July 09, 2021 to improve the Capital Adequacy Ratio at the rate of 3 Month KIBOR plus 3% per annum.
The issue is for a period of 7 years from the date of subscription and will mature on July 09, 2028. The issue has assigned
preliminary rating of single “A-” (Single “A minus”). The principal amount of issue TFC will be redeemed in four (4) equal quarterly
installments during the last year of the issue
Un-Audited Audited
Sep-22 # Dec-21
Note ---------------Rupees-----------------
Mark-up / return / interest payable on
Deposits and other accounts 846,281,583 860,878,751
Borrowings 751,692,043 523,089,286
Payable for employees' benefit plans
Employees' gratuity fund 28,527,241 18,112,194
Accumulated compensated absences 206,884,783 188,806,772
Provident Fund - 496,178
Payable to employees' - final settlement 3,797,245 581,951
Obligation under finance lease
Right-of-use asset 843,747,660 853,207,440
Company's vehicles (0) 2,041,269
Vehicles sub-leased to employees' - -
843,747,660 855,248,709
Payable to suppliers 26,971,387 21,345,322
Withholding tax payable 15,130,755 36,618,325
Income tax payable 177,230,934 227,393,608
Workers' Welfare Fund 37,017,442 32,781,268
Accrued expenses 87,675,916 84,708,594
Security deposits against Islamic financing 582,357,353 594,122,062
Payable to the parent company 141,238,201 134,112,799
Insurance payable 23,383,370 19,693,934
Unearned / deferred income on Islamic financing 692,985,792 528,030,712
Unearned / Deferred income on LPF ATM and SMS services 295,902,488 225,033,171
Bills payable 129,300,672 169,001,720
Others 40,271,405 76,756,107
4,930,396,270 4,596,811,462
2,312,422 4,787,054
13.1 This represents grant received from State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) under the Financial Innovation Challenge Fund (FICF) for
activities related to establishment of Islamic Banking.
13.2 This represents grant received under an agreement with KfW-Germany (a former shareholder of the Bank) through Economic
Affairs Division of Government of Pakistan for the purpose of institutional strengthening , to develop and strengthen its overall
strategy and planning process, internal procedures, banking functions, product offerings and staff capacities of the Bank.
13.3 This represents grant received from Karandaz Pakistan for financial inclusion of women at village level by introducing female
agents. The main purpose is to provide a new window of earning opportunity for women, while also fostering financial inclusion
and ecosystem development in accordance with relevant povisions of agreement.