Applied Grammar
Applied Grammar
Applied Grammar
Teaching writing through modeling and patterning the structure of the English language.
Honing in on Homophones
Lesson 1
See / Sea
Say: “The word “homo” means “same,” and the word “phones” means “sounds.” Therefore, the word
“homophones” means words that sound the same but are spelled differently.”
Say: Let’s play “Question and Answer” for the word Homophones.
(Question and Answer is a game that is played to gain repetition for memory sake. The teacher tells the
question AND the answer. Then the teacher asks a student the question and the student repeats the
answer IN THE EXACT WORDS. Then that student asks another student the question and the second
student must answer in the exact words. In this way the question and the answer are passed around. If
there is only one student with one teacher, then they take turns answering until the student can answer
without hesitation.)
Say: Check with your neighbor to make sure they have written it correctly. If you made a mistake, please
fix it.
Student Response: They check with their neighbor. (one student, check with teacher)
Say: Here is an example of a pair of homophones: sea and see. (Write these two words on the board.)
Do they sound the same?
Student Response: No
Teacher: Tell the students to write these two words on their think-pads.
Say: How are these two words spelled differently? (choose a student, or have them tell a partner.)
Say: Look at how they both begin with an s. Underline the S in both words. Student Response: Students
underline the s in see and the s in sea on their papers.
Student Response: e
Say: Underline the e that comes right after the s in each word.
Say: Yes. Circle the e that comes last and circle the a that comes last.
Say: Here is a sentence using the word see: (Write it on the board)
I see a watermelon.
Say: Write this sentence on your think-pads. Color code it and place a vertical line between the subject
and the predicate.
Teacher: Ask students to come to the board to show how they coded their sentence. Tell students if it is
correct. Allow students to correct theirs if it is wrong.
Say: What kind of word is the word “s-e-e?” Write your answer on your think- pads
Say: Please repeat after me: “Se-e is a verb; it is something you can do.”
Say: Here is a sentence for s-e-a: (Write the following sentence on the board.)
Say: Let’s color-code this sentence. (Together, by calling on students color code the sentence like
Say: Color code your sentence like this one and draw a purple cloud around across the Baltic Sea
because that is a prepositional phrase.
Student Response: Color code their sentence and draw a purple cloud around the prepositional phrase.
Say: Correct. (give each student two index cards) Write s-e-e on one card and s-e-a on the other card.
Teacher: Read each sentence and wait for the students’ response. Then give the correct answer and tell
why before moving on to the next sentence.
6. The man used binoculars to see if the ships were coming in.